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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Feb 1893, p. 2

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__. , a“ M been the some. so that it was quite obvious not that I want to clear myself. I know how the mistake had occiured,'and whom that Iwent back to drink, like the heaSt the packet was meant for. Then we heard that I was. Butshe would have forgiven me ; of this steward, married to the third sister, she would have stuck as close to me as a and learned that he had at one time been so rope to a. block if that woman had never intimate with Miss Sarah that she had ac- \~ much the same as ever at home. And then came this last week and all the misery and mm. “It was in this way. We had gone on the May Day for a round voyage of seven .‘~ ‘ _’_ o _. ~ --\_<-~â€"â€"~ HOW TO TREAT A WATCH. You want to kno BY A. CONAN DOYLE. is Well, if We can The Pu Holmes, cheerfully soc“ fell (Li. Truman from w how to care for a fine ’15, we can’t,” said watch, eh ‘3” said the old watchmaker, as he . wind lingo _ . . '. . r05: \v ‘ _ darkened our door. For Sarah Cushing days, hiita. hogshead got loose and started £32k fifuglfieggzgigs afl‘dLeVZngd Shem “3:. l . sgxggOmhislll .rer aps she coud not or would not tually gone uP ‘70 LWel'POOI 1'0 be near the loved meâ€"that’s the root of the businessâ€" one of our plates, so that we had toput watch.” ' ' e see yo ' ~ have told you much.” Browners, but a guarrel had afterwards she loved me, until all her love turned to back into port for twelve hours. I left the The man handed over his t' . ad The flfifét‘lefi “ I did not wish her to tell me an thin dwided them This quarrel had put a stop poisonous hate when she knew that I ship and came home, thinking what a sur- the old man 9,, - d ‘t filmeplwe a ‘ FR” ' “n I only wanted to look at her. How’ever g1. to all communications for some months, so thought more of my wife’s foot-mark in the ~ ' amine 1 care L“ think that I have got a.“ that I want. that if Browner had occaswn to address a - - . . I ~ As the Wind 2'0: prise it would be for my Wife, and hoping a “7 ll n - 3'“ .. - _ mud than I did of her whole body and soul. that maybe she would be glad to see me so e ’ s1r, he sald’ finally, be“? m Drive us to some (1 packet to Miss Sarah, he would undoubt- . , * , ed Lu gomg. I Wind them the first thing in the ‘ i . . . . ,1 “ DearGrid. "’77 something throbbing in my head now, like morning, starting with the one in the lower adocker’s hammer, but that morning I burned. mind co i ' ~ - Said the com-r, H l “ There were three sisters altogether. soon. The thought was in my head as I almost aztdztfclalfetgagfigagghgfésfiggsxazg u Baguio dag wz, we may have some lunch, and afterwards ed‘y have done so at her old address. The old one was Just a good woman the turned into my own street and at that mo- the human system As it is neces for at eye . ’ wes all drop down upon friend Lestrade .And now the matter had be an to second was a devil, and the third was an menta cab passed me, and there she was, man who wishes £0 kee in 0 .~ Sgrylth .0 Mafha’r’mmv . at the police Stan”... straighten itselfoout wonderfully. We had angel. Sarah wa; thirty-three and Mary sitting by the side of Fairbairn, the two take his meals re ularl p “giro-u ea a‘ . SO-ouj'f‘éic."°}5’ ‘ e had a pleasant little meal together learned of the exnstence of this stewai'd‘ an was twenty-nine when I married. We were chatting and laughing, with never a thought to food a Watch a? regul’dr Inteiiafiecessyg i“ T° hs‘ "C “ ‘" {luringlwhich Holmes would talk about noth- impulswe man of strong pasSionsâ€"you re- just as happy as the day was long when we for me as I stood watching them. feed a watch by winding it up Tliireiore D Not far from we mg ut Violins, narratin g With great exulta~ member that he threw up what must have set up house together, and in all Liverpool . “I tell you, and I give you my word on havea certain hour for windin. , our watcl; ‘ ; qulc'i‘i’m'clc “ 151011 0W he had purchased his own swam. been a “3‘3? “2‘3““ berth, "1 order t° . be there was no better woman than my Mary it, that from that moment I was not my and never deviate from it. 3 3 . thn‘ifl‘: Wm varius, Which was worth at least five liun- nearer to his Whoâ€"subject. too, to occasmn- And then we asked Sarah up for a week, own master, and it is all like a. dim dream “ In this case there are probabl 100 . '9 Whiae 6;. t-y mo re guineas, at a. Jew broker’s m Totten- a1 fits of harddrinkmg. We had reason to and the wee grew into a month, and one when I look back on it. I had been drunk watches_ Not one of them is runnin y On : . . ,.. . am (Joan Road, for fifty five shillings believe that his Wife had been murdered, thing led to another until she was just one ing hard of late, and the two things tO- this rack there are eighteen and all are ’1 " --Dear ('0“ an" T ,3 led him to Paganini and we sat for a. and that a. manâ€"presumably a seafaring of ourselves. gether fairly turned my brain. There’s our over a, bottle of claret whil h t ld n manâ€"had been murdered at the same time. “ I was blue-ribbon at that time, and we aue t ‘ e e 0 me Jealousy, of course, at once suggests itself 0 o e after anecdote of that extraordin- C Were putting a little money by, and all was as the motive for the crime. And why as bright as anew dollar. And don't forg: left hand 0 _ T ‘ . And Wflk’lioiirg. in 1d h f fth d d b t t 1d h h h hMy God {dVg’ho- ieemed to have all Niagara whining and regularly, orner hey get their K8313 Butbemw‘ne co and the hot 1 S 0'1 ‘5 855 PP00 S 0 e ee e 5611 0 ever wou ave t oug tt at it cou ave uzzing inm ears. i. , . . 2 0w glow begiirivgafousgdtzfiglelszg snail- Misd Sarah Cashing? Probably because come to this? Whoever would have 7 “Well, I tick to my heels, and Iran You (”an regulate your own watch If po ice station. strade was waiting {0: during her resxdence in Liverpool she had dreamed 11;? us at the deer. , The "Ot‘cr's «in- ou will onl stud its 1‘ -' Ks. be‘ e »’ - after the cab. I had a heavy oak stick in y y ) y pecu mm“ some hand in bringing about the events “I used to be home for the week-ends Agad soon the 1-? this little arm? Well, if your watch is run An 500:: were ~ca my hand. and I tell you that I saw red ning slow turn that arm with the blade of ' ' ’ - - . . . . “BULmlIllIIlIL .3 “A tele ” . thll led to the tragedy. You Will observe very often and sometimes, if the ship was from the first; but as I ran I at cunnin . 'f ' . ’ he. gram for y on, M“ Holmes, said that this line of boats calls at Belfast, Dub- held back for cargo, I would have a whole too, and hung back a little 1% see theiil your penkm e a trifle toward the letter F- “ Ha v It ,8 the aDSWer !” He tore it lin, and Waterford ; 80 that, presuming week at a time, and in this way I saw adeal’ open, glanced his _ If it is running fast turn in the o . ‘t di- t“ - B h d _ t d h d d d Without being seen. They pulled up soon a pposi e eye over it, and crumpled that rowner a commit e t e co , an . _ rection toward ‘S.’ D0 of my sister-in-law Sarah. She was a fine , , n’t move the arm . "y: 13..“ .. .. _ . at the railway station. . There was a good more than a fraction of an inch, for if that _ Gosh? Inc?” is That’s all ri ht ,, said had embarked .815 once upon his steamer, tall woman, black and quick and fierce,‘ crowd round the booking-office, so I got don’t suflice, you watch needs a watch- ‘1. , And sent back. to he. g c the May Day, Belfast would be the first With a proud way of carrying her head, quite close to them Without being seen. maker’s care. - " it Have you found out anything ,,, place at which he could post his terrible and a. glint from her eye like the spark from They took tickets for New Brighton. So “ Don’t open the inner case of your watch u I have found om everything 1”. packet. . _ a flint. But when little Mary was there I did I, but Igot in three carriages behind more than is absolutely necessary. Every ‘3 (4 What i” Lestrade stared at him in . A second solution was at this stage oh- had never a. thought for ner,and thatIswear them. When we reached it they walked time you open it, dust sweeps in upon the A amazement. .. You are joking.” Viously possible, and although I thought it as I hope for God’s mercy. . along the Parade, and I was never more Works, and it takes very little dust to put it I was never more serious in my life A exceedingly unlikely,_ I was determined to “It had seemed to me sometimes that than a hundred yards from them. At last a, watch out of opter. 1,, nine mes out of V? H" ,7 A .3. Shocking crime has been committed and I elucidate it before. gomg further. An un- she liked to be alone with me, or to coax me I saw them hire a boat and start for a row, pen, when a watch is brought- to me to be I ' l. ,.,= t; 3gp.” are"; . think that I have now laid bare eve’r de- successful lover might have killed. Mr. and out for a walk with her, but I had never for it was avery hot day, and they thought cleaned, 1 can tell with my glass the busi- . me “.1... Ult- 3“ tail of it.” y Mrs. Browner, and the male ear might have thought anything of that. But one evening no doubt, that it would be cooler on the ness the owner of the watch follows. I ex- my”; , . . ., “ And the criminal 2” belonged t0 ,the_ husband. There "31:6 my ”$35 were opened. I had come up from water. amined a watch the other day and told my “3‘1 w“ a“ ‘ Holmes scribbled a. few words upon the many grave okgjectipiéls to Phis thepgyé, abtltl :1: till ship, apdgvfpund all, Wifp ,opt, in}; Spaoh n It was just gs if they had been given customer that he worked in wool. He ad. . ack of one of his visiting cards and threw was conceive .e. iere ore sen e a iome. mm s ary . as e . i, it over to Lestrade. age, and the best males His par woods of Ontario knickcrbockcrs. From the {Sim- V rom getting 3 {gun ne‘was in say that a , time, and pans o ’ . l l ' , gram to my friend Algar, of the Liverpool she has go into in) hands T mm W“ a hm Of a haze ne topay some accounts.’ I was d on could not see more than a few force, and asked him to find out if Mrs. impatient, an 3’ and paced up and down the d . I h' d bo tf lf Browner were at home, and if Browner room. ‘Can’t you be happy forfive minutes hundred yar s me a a or myse ’ e . l i had departed in the May Day. Then we without Mary, Jim?’ says she. ‘Its a bad :?$I§Iilfigi:ftrif:fl%flt ,e?u‘,ir:e;ogge went on to Wellington to visit Miss Sarah. complimentto me that you can’t be contented nearly as fast as I and they must have been ‘ . . “ I was curious in the first place, to see with my society for so short a time. ‘That’s a long mile from ’the shore before I caught is mozifier ortcn howfar the family ear had been reproduced all right, my lass,’ said I, putting out my them up. The haze was like a. curtain all “cz‘im'Cs unoone‘ in her. Then, of course she might give as hand towards her in a. kindly way, but she round us and there were three in the mid- that is nonsense. ‘ , :owevnr, illlgi very important information, but I was not had it in both hers in an instant, and they dle of it.’ My God ! Shall I ever =‘ forgetl “ If you work near electrical instruments ' 8 .2006 U053 and sanguine that she would. She must have ‘burned as if they were in a fever. I looked their faces when they saw who was in the . or ride electrical oars, you should have your heard of the busineSs the day before, since into her eyes, and I read it all there. I rifle, in keeping t boat that was closing in upon them ‘3 She . watch demagnetized. A few years ago such father hezng a ha all Croyden was ringing with it, and she frowned and drew my hand away. Then she alone could have understood whom the mitted the fact. I had found some small particles of wool in the works of his watch. “ Have a Chamois case for your watch, or cliamois lining in your watch-pocket. It preserves the case and keeps it f ‘ scratched. I have heard men “ That is it,” he said .; “ you cannot efc feet-an arrest until to-morro ' earliest. I should prefer that you would not mention my name at all in connection With the case, as I choose ' only With those crimes which present some difficulty in their solution. Come on, Watson.” 'We strode off together to the M” a delighted face at the card which Holmes had thrown him. “ The case,” said Sherlock Holmes, as we . . . . screamed out. He swore like a. madman, {an operation 003: a great deal 0f mODeY- 11.1119»?! home’ as StOOd by my Side In Silence for a. bit, and and jabbed at me with an oar, for he must Unprincipled jewelers would tellacustomer , 5” “we; ””33 - chatted over ci are that . lt . packet was meant for. If she had been then put up her hand and patted me on the have seen death in my eyes. I got past it, that in order to make a. thorough job of it, ‘lal' morning and at Baker Streetg “is 0 mg 1h in our {02:18 willing to help justice she would probably shoulder. ‘ Steady old Jim 1’ said she; and and got one in with my stick that crushed every piece in the watch would have to be oav‘night, . investi;ations which :1: 2' ere,has "3 1 ’5 have communicated with the police already. With a mocking laugh, she ran out of the his head like an egg. I would have spared treated independently, first positively and _ h lien Hugziow under the names of the? ‘dSt 3‘ e_c r§nic1e , However, it was clearly our duty to see her, room. her, perhaps, for all my madness, but she then negatively, if, order to receive a mag him a rifle. With , a. ,u y "1 car 8‘ so we went. We found that the news ofthe “ Well, from that time Sarah hated me h h u d l i i t t netic or electric equilibrium. 1 have known and of the Sign of Four we have been - . I - d l - l3 rew 61‘ arms 1'0 11 1 m, cry ng 011 0 . compelled to reason backward from effects arrival of the packetâ€"for her illness dated 9 With her whole heart and son], an 3 ie is a to causes. I have written to Lestrade ask- ing him to supply us with the details which are now wanting, and which he will only get after he has secured his man. That he than delighted. faithful than eve fine a present. 1 It wa: not long watchmakers to charge $25 for demagnetiz- . . . a sin and she lavstretched beside him. I ing a watch. as to bring on brain fever. It was clearer let her go on hiding With us â€"a besotted g ’ ‘ . . 1'1; ild b st then that h d tasted “ The real cost is almost nothing. There than ever that she understood its full signi- foolâ€"but I never said a word to Mary, for 1322i clef. Sarahehad been therz, by the is a machine for the purpose. You place the ficance, but equally clear that we should ; I knew it would grieve her . ' 11' h' ‘ Al .’ I t k from that timeâ€"had such an effect upon her I woman who can hate, too. I was a fool to hlm' and ca ing 1m cc 5 rue Things went had cause to rrjoi ha 't . f . t h . h f b t it t' l he an Lord, she should have joined them. I pull- Watch on thjelpositive side and thken [on the 'Hugh frequent: mv be safely trusted to do» for although c.3132.“ “me ““3 °” W a... W 2’3 lam? of. ti.§§§’w..‘; $1.553} Stags. ed. °“’ my km “‘14“ “‘8’“ 1 “3 5 $533.13.. is ‘faetfk’ff 71°33? brzadm “ 91.217: all: he was “”011“er devoid Of reason, he is as “ However we were really independent Mary herself. She had always been so Iald enoughh Itlgaive Inga kfind Ofl?‘?gi “ I have heard men gay that it was impos- 1g: ood fogl’lllllf‘ t tenacxous as a bulldog when he once under- of her help. ,Our answers were waiting for I trustingand so innocent but now she became joy whon itdougé iow 5N1 wont 'hee sible to take a sick watch to a jeweler With- .. g stands wnat he has to do, and indeed it is ‘ th - 1' e tatio whe e I had direct-c ueer an'l sus icious , wantina to know when me a. suc Signs 3° tiese o W at . just this tenacit ‘ which has brou ht him to us a” ' e p0 1c. 8 n, . r - l q i p ’ ° , y 3 ed Aloar to send them. Nothing could be the top at Scotland Yard.” a , thus supplying llie her meddling had brought about. Then I30“: being told that the trouble lay in a l I, long time. ’ where I had been and what I had been do~ tied the bodies into the boat, stove a. plank, broken mainspring. But how ““19 men - more conclusive. Mrs. Browner’s house had inc and whom m “ Your case is not complete, then?” I ask- " D, ()nc itlttrnOGll in y letters were from, and and stood by until they had sunk. I knew who wear watches knowabout mainspringx! turning from a hull ed been cIosed for more than _three days, and l what 1 had in my pockets, and a thousand very well that the owner Would think that Broken mainSprings come 3:5 it sort _0f epz- miles irozn home. ‘1 I, It is fairly com late in essentials IVe the neighbors were of opinion that she had ; such follies. _Day by day she grew queerer I they had lost their hearings in the haze, and demic. Don’t laugh, I'm‘sunply telling you owr his arm c‘al‘ri‘it‘ know who the authgr of the revolting busi- gone South to see her relatives. It had been 9 and more irritable, and we had causeless had drifted ofi‘out to sea. I cleaned myself i a fact. A year ago this Spring I was flood- , grave express‘EOi}. a mess is althou bone of the victims satill es~ ascertained at the shipping offices that 3 rows about nothing. _I was fairly puzzled up, got back to land, and joined my ship 1 ed With watches, the “Imospmgs of when that day. oovmé'ci ca es £3 Of 5 u s n , f d Browuer had left aboard of the May Day, i by it all. Sarah avoided me now, but she I without a. soul having a suspicion of what had snapped. Apeculiarity of the breaking , of ariiiimltlllon “-1: P '1‘ _ 0 ”r c you ate orme your and I calculate that she is due in the ihames and Mary Were just inseparable. I can see had passed That night I made up the was that each of the twenty-five or more _ mung “TIM” “Iona t tl . I' B h to-morrow night. When he arrives he will ' now how she was plotting and scheming packet for Sarah Cushing and next day I turns to the spring was severed, and that ' As 5o emerged m stewarl’irebtfxzeinivaer :13 1):; irsmlhlgrbia: be met by the obtuse but resolute Lestiade, ; and poisoning my wife’s mind against me, sent it from Belfast. ’ the breaks wet-o in a straight line “091 the i ' ,3“. river bank how ho v , t 913,0 ’ and I have no doubt that we shall have all - but I was such a. blind beetle that I could , 56 There you have the whole truth of it. ' centre to the circumference of the spring. , of people garnered i w ,, 8,; ,0}; suspec ' h . . ,, our details filled in. , not understand it at the time. Then I broke ‘ You can hang me or do what you like with “ Every watchmaker in the town had an . lug rapidly, am, so, “And I etslmcgnhozln :eiugfixcthl‘n save Sherlock Holmes was not disappointed I my bluetribbon and began to drink again, 1 me but you cannot punish me asI have been egperjence similiar to my own last Spring. . The I“; "ur'f’cji 2-, Ver va. if; indications ” y g in his expectations. Two days later .he re- 1 but I think I should not have done I” If I punished already. I cannot shut my eyes We have often compared “0:95: but we have ‘ the meaning 0: the "yOngthe contrar {,0 m mind nothin ceived a bulky envelope, which contained a Mary had been the same as ever. She had I but I see those two faces staring at meâ€" been unable to account for the epidemics, “ Mv women folk co ld b I .Y: L . Y s thg short note from the detective, and a type- some reason to be disgusted With me now, staring at me as they stared when my boat except upon .the iiypotheSis that atmos- , . the berry bushesfl i1 . o more 0 car} et me run over c written document which covered several and the gap between us began to be Wider brokeothrough the haye I killed them pheric conditions are the cause. , in answe" ,o a quesl prmcxpal ”123' “i approachled {be case, pages of foolscap. and wider} And then this Alec Fairbairn l uick but they are killing me slow . and if “ What these conditions are remains to ‘ ‘ ' 13$: (11.231231 $2113: 3 aEanfsahlijb New: “ Lestrade has got him all right,” said chipped in, and things became a thousand q ’ ’ had fbrmed no theorlies. We wereg simply Holmes, glancing up at me. “ Perhaps it times blacker. .. t - fie his." I have another night of itI shall be either be determined. It has been asserted that \ l was i h - . ' - . put in onc‘of' the w mad or dead before morning. Xou won’t ' W11?“ th? Northern lights are the bright?“ as ink. an‘ bigger 'i “ It was to see Sarah that he came to my put me alone into a cell, sir? For pity’s l mainsprings are most apt to snap. lou our observations What did we see first ., “ MY DEAR. Mic. Hor.:\ir.s,â€"â€"In accordance house first, but soon it was to see us, for he l wasn’t me ’n .‘deiiss . . . . . sake don’t, and may you be treated in your . probably_remember that last February the sneaked 1‘: fur hom With the scheme wgieh. we” had hfopmel, 1n fwas earns?1 With wlilnning wayfi, and he Crinade day of agony as you treat me now.” I auxlora bgrealis “gas phengmenally pril‘litant, a“. split all my he” seemed quite innocent of any secret, and a. 3:31;” to test ouf t comes -â€" wt e“ Jwe is .iien s w erever 1owent. e wgs a. ash- it What ,8 the meaning of it, Watson?’ :nrkyet uringt :perxobno (matter M 1 I The woman pause er hue, Watson, is it not. â€" went ing, swaggering 0 ap, smart an curled, said Holmes solemnly, as he laid dowu the ro, en mainsprin,3 was roug 0 me. and Hugh turned 14 down to the glberl-t DockI yegerdzylat 6. p. WIIIO hfad I:cenh hallfadhe worlilf, and could paper 3‘ What object is served by this San/‘0 :cpount tfpr the pheoognen: anth awed themselves. a, ., m... .... ... b... m... b... stints” 2? 32s; a nutter 22:: °. was. “if“... .1322: as .... cc ccccc ... cc .22.; .iéféit...i”f.‘i.2.‘i’.3 m 9“ “ ° . ccrccc cc meant for one Of these. I set the idea aside Packe‘ Compzn ’ On in, uir I found that derflil ydi’te we. 8 Wyith, him for a sailo must tend to some end, '01. else our universe “ Now let me add a. few words as a sort . h 303:”??? III) 2 as one WhiCh could be disproved or confirm- there was agtevlrfard on board, of the name man sopthht I th3lnk there must have be r ls ruled by chance, Wh-mh ls unthinkable. of final The best as well as the chest at papyyou, half ’ “”1 ed at our leisure. Then we went to the gar- of James Browner and that he had acted time when he knew more of the 00 then But Wh-M end? There is the great standing watch movements in the world are nliiile . h 5011 am t a den, as you remember, and we saw the very durin the vo a c,i'n such an evtraordinar 3h forecastle For a month he “Fae ip a3 perennial problem to Whmh human reason singular contents of the little yellow box. g V g ‘ y e ‘ ' n an . ' hear what he s- 5.” there to observe and to draw inferences from would interest you to ay ' E 1 d l A ' I ' 11 u ”use". said we oil . . . ' f' from an answer as ever.” in Hg an am "191303? VS 3 we llu hlnucvhed at ' ,, Th st . fth l't h' h . manner that the captain had been compell- out of my house, and never once did it cross 18 as f“ [THEENIL] enough to talk about Muss watches, but a, he ions with a si d be Slug ”k“ 0 b e gang-y w IE 1: ed to relieve him of his duties. On descend- my mind that harm might come of his soft, , in point of accurate time-keeping there use y SE.“ '1’.” ers 8‘ oar 3 IP’ an 9 ing to his berth, I found him seated upon a once a whifl’ of the sea was perceptible in tricky ways. And then at last something - 5 - never has been made an expensive Swiss made me suspect, and from that day my Aot1v1ty Of Three NO‘th American V0103” watch that was a whit superior to a good peace was gone forever. 088- English or American one. . “ It was only a little thing, too. I had Padernal Peak, situated in the wilds of “ Wlnd your “well regularly, regulate “t come into the parlor unexpected, and as I Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, is report- study 1‘33 m°°d5 1.11 1’0“! hot and cold walked in at the door I saw light of wel- ed as now in a. violent state of eruption, and weather, keep the inner, case closed, 865 "5 come on my wife’s face. But as she saw who is belching forth sulphurous fumes and lava demagnetizcd, and don 3 call the “lamb“ it was it faded again. and she turned away at intervals of about three hours. each last- maker a. robber when he tells you that th ‘ with a look of disappointment. That was ing about thirty minutes. mainspring 0f your WfltCh needs renewal. enough for me. There was no one but Alec This has been going on since the last week Fairbairn whose step she could have mis- in December. The entire top of the mountain, HOW To Keep Young- . . . chest, with his head sunk upon his hands, if: uklibstmgttitilsoghe ‘Xhiadh Is 0:33;: 3,13: rcckinfg himself to and fro. He i: a big, sailors, that the parcel had been posted at powerhul chap ,hcleanrks havelnd, {In very port and that the male ear was pierced for swart y â€"s omet mg 1 e A n g‘?’ who ’ . . helped us in the bogus laundry affair. He . . jumped up when he heard my business and 223° .nst‘i‘i‘i’ilihffeli’éfiéi’ei’; 1.1th1.323; I W my “thistle t° my “P8 W m” “5“?“ ere to be found amon our seafarin class- of river police, who were round the corner, :8. g g but he seemed to have no heart in him, and - . he held out his hands quietly enough for ..;‘;:.‘2::.streetcar.tarsus: «cc-cg; ,czc rm cg: .. .* , . ce 3, an is xas we , or we oug El tithiglengbe Ml); 82:33:83 :féeguvlflgfi there might be something incriminating . o e ’ her initial was ‘S.,’ it might belong to one but, bar a blg sharp knife, “Ch as most of the others as well. n that case we sailors have, we got nothing for our trouble. should have to commence our investigation However, we find that we shall want no from a. fresh basis altogether. I therefore more evxdence, for, on being brought before went into the house with the intention of the inspector at the station, he asked leave clearing up this point. I was about to as- to make a statement, which was, of course, sure Miss Cashing that a mistake had been taken down, Just as he made It” by our made, when you may remember that I came once prepared to acc‘ hunt for bruin. , It was only a. mile‘ the three men with l After a. short searchl bear. the four cametl sultation. After sod J cided to separate and * thoroughly. The berry patch w extent, composed of l iim'uer, as well as a 1 Derry bushes. The lyover, and bruin for the last crop wig wives. Hugh found himsl side of windfall, whe sudden standstill by At once he dropped level and peered slid "minute thus, when t ed and a black snout taken for mine. If I could have seen him which Was almost square and about a mile then Ishould ha ' ' irculatin in the news a- ve killed him, for I have in extent, is stated to be blown off, and the Pegfi €19,335“ is unknown to us. ply always been like a. madman when my tem- [lava pouring down the sides has already contains much truth. per gets loose. Mary saw the devil’s light - filled up the valley for a half a mile on each u Past grief, old angers, revengeg, even in my eyes, and she ran forward with her side. past pleasures, constantly dwelt uponâ€"all hands on my sleeve. ‘ Don’t, Jim, don’t, l’ A considerable portion of a ruined city of dead decaying, or decayed thoughtâ€"make says she. ‘ VVhere’s Sarah?’ I asked. ‘ In the ancient cliff dwellers will be covered a sepulcher of the soul, a cemetery of the the kitchen,’ says she. ‘ Sarah,’ says I, as with the slag should the eruptions continue. body and a weather-beaten monument o" I went in, ‘ this man Fairbairn is never to Padernal Peak is one of the most prominent the féce. , darken my door again.’ ‘ Why not !’ says landmarks of the Territory. The Mexicans n This is age. 8b?“ haul man. We 1139 three 0°,P’95 type. she. ‘ Because I order it.’ ‘ Oh l’ says she, say that it burst forth in violent eruption in suddenly to a stop. The fact was that I written, one of which I inclose. I‘he affair had just seen something which filled me , ‘f f . d t od h f th' 1800 d d'd t f l “ The women who never grow old are the pr 0‘ 93: as I always thought It WW“: ‘9 be house, then ,I am not good enough for it; afterward. It has lain dorment until the y with surprise and at the same time narrow- an extremely Simple one, but I am obliged len tree not ton ya _ . new ch 1e throu li memorizin r thoroughly Hugh raised his gun . . . . . eithem t 3 on can do what you like,’ says present time. _ analyzillg, and Igierfcctly assiéx’nilating Osub- \\ 1th a howl of ' ed the field of our inquiry immensely. ‘0 I“ f," assuming me 111 my investigation. I, ‘ but if Fairbairn shows his face here The rumbling nmse and lurid light can be jects apart from themselves. ‘ \‘1 from 5,541,. The bu ex As a medical man, you are aware, With kind regards, yours very truly, again, I’ll send you one of his ears for a plainly heard and seen at Sierra Amarilla, u Study is developmentâ€"is eternal ' the brute. rushed aw Watson that there is no part of the body G. LESTRADE." keepsake.’ She was frightened by my face, seventy miles distant. and an army of peo- youth. - which varies so much as the human ear. “Hum ! The investigation really Was a. I think, for she never answered a word, pie from there are now at Ariquin to wit- Each ear is, as a rule, quite distinctive, and very simple one,” remarked Holmes ; “ but I don’t think it struck him in that light when he first called us in. However, let us see what Jim Browner has to say for himâ€" self. This is his statement, as made before excited now, fully be ed the bear. He felt that he might be able nial before any of the and the same evening she left my house. “ Well, I don’t know now whether it was pure deviltry on the part of this woman, or whether she thought that she could turn me differs from all other ones. In last year’s Anthropological Journal you will find two short monographs from my pen upon the subject. I had, therefore, examined the . . . “ The student woman who makes wise ness the unpressn'e eight. . use of her acquisitions has no time to cor. A1} earthquake shock felt , at Orizaba, rugate her brow with dread thought of the Mexmo, recently, greatly frightened the beauty-destroyer leaping fast behind her. people living in the vicmity of the Orizaba ‘ Pushing boldly for . . . . .‘ Not considered or invited, oid age in hotaiicieager purs agalnSt my Wife by encmimgmg her to mls. volcano. . . keeps his distance. Brain culture, based .. furious howling and 1 cars in the box with the eves Of an ”Bert: InSpector MOHtgomery at the Snadwell PO- behave. Anyway, She tOOkc 3' hous‘? 3“” .lhe mm? 0f Orizaba‘ lies Pchout seventy on noble motive, means sympatliY, heart ' not far distant. Em and had carefully noted 'their anatomical lice Station, and it has the advantage of two streets 0d, and let lodgings to sailors. miles by rail southwest of Vera Cruz and peculiarities. Imagine my surprise, then, being verbatim: Fairbairii used to stay there, and Mary “Have I anything to say? Yes, I have a would go round to have tea with her sister deal to say. I have to make a. clean breast and him. How often she went I don’t know, of itall. You can hang me, or you can put I followed her one day, and as I broke leave me alone. I don’t care a plug which "1 at the d0”, Fairoairn €03 away 0V8? the you do. I tell you I’ve not shut, an eye in back garden Wall, like the cowardly skunk sleep since I did it, and I don’t believe I that lie-was. I swore ‘70 Thy “file that I ever will again until I get past all waking. would kill her If I wand hem} his comp-any Sometimes it’s his face, but most generally again. and I led her b‘mk Wit“ me sobbing when, on looking at Miss Cushing, I per- ceived that her ear corresponded exactly with the female ear which I had just in- spected. The matter was entirely beyond coincidence. There was the same shorten- ing of the pinna,the same broad curve of the upper lobe, the same convolution of the inner cartilage. In all essentials it was the .‘ . gentleness, charity, graciousness, enlarge- . , about; twonty-hie "111133 south Of Mount ment of sense, feeling, power. Such a be- 112“ fl}: Hugh..who_h Orizaoa, t ie snow 0 a; peak of which 15 inc; cannot become a iossil.” ,. now aispatch the sun said by some to be 11,380 feet aoove sea himSELl. Eagerly ihe_boy pro . . . . toward the season of youth should we rc- found hlmi‘c” upon The reeldents of Colima, the capital of . I - - ’ _ ' the Mexican State of that name on the wert the most -Ongingly, if we come foith thrashing about madl a ' out of the latter as innocent a on o t.’ dl shes. P oific coast, also feel a nervous apprehen- s t f le an u come fastened in a it . . . . former. Standing! “Wig“, Sion regarding the volcano of Colima,which, S . h fi k . Hugh leveled his rifle. it’s hers I’m never without one or the and trembling, and as white as a piece of reaching a height-of about 12,000feet, looms komc stir t e fire afldpo c It out; 0th?” fl shoulier. the boy Pum Bafil%§acb'urse I a‘ once saw the enormous other before me. He looks frowning and paper. There was no trace 0f love between Skyward about ‘1“? W miles northeast of the ma e "P such 8‘ re t" ‘93! they set the chxm. g importance of the observation It was evi- black-like but she has a kind 0’ surprise us any 1003‘”- 1 could see that she hated dent that the victim was a blood relation, and probablya very close one. I began to talk to her about her family, and you re- l" I the report camea cry capital. Every night a. lurid light illumin- n‘ey alight,‘ and burn the house down. _ " ‘ ‘ ates the sky above the mountain, and it is 10° much zeal may be 3'5 harmful as too a rod stain coursing - of bruin. Another 5 feared that this portends ascrious eruption. little. u on her face. Ay, the white lamb she me and feared me, and when the thought mlight well be surprised when she read death Of It drove me to drink, then She despised on a face that had seldom looked anything me as W811. . " thought the boy, who . It is our duty toibe always happy. True, ment- ‘ - i - - - - we may be sorrowful' but if we are un- ‘ H‘c 1* realized that t nce ave me some ex- but love upon her before. ‘ Well. barah found that she could not The be“ way ”0 9“ divme 113M 15 to put - - ’ , . . . :5 ~ . aidiliellythifcflifygleadztailsg “ But it was Sarah’s fault, and may the make a living in Liverpool, so she went out your own candle. lipppy, 1; 151913031156 we have been drinking “OWE bring he m .. Egan first Place' her sister’s name was curse of a broken man put a blight on her back, as I understand, to live with her Riches nevercome even by chance to him 2 some on cliff“, and not 0f 0‘” foun- Sarah. and her address had, until recently, and set the blood cutting in her veins ! It’s, sister in Crcydon, and things jogged on WhoSe destiny 15 to be poor. ain 9f joy _G° Hiiuselfâ€"[thpm " . ...n .- ~M-â€".¢4,

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