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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Feb 1893, p. 3

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to care for a fine Etchmaker. as He sped ghem a'itii l me see your 3 timepiece and refully: Dally, ‘-’ I’m? in Oh is, in ifs way, i mechanism as necessary for a good health to p it is necessary Intervals. You PP. Therefore. mg your watch probably 100 frunning. On n and all are t thing lathe ein the lower t their meals own watch 11 liaritics. See watch is run - the blade of the letter ‘F.’ e opposite di- .xovc the arm -h, for if the v to me to be 'ass the busi- llows. I ex- and told my '1. He ad- , some small )f his Watch. mom getting say that a eep no be:- ection, but 0i money. acustomer « job of it, .ave to be 'tively and ve a mag- ave knowh emagnetiz. ‘ttle men 'nsprings! t or epi- lling you 'as flood- Of which breaking or more nd that room the 'pring. had an Spring. we have idemics, atmos- mains to 4": denies-33'; is . §~--‘i YOUNG FOLKS. The Prayer in the Snow. he snow fell thick, and the Bno TA 111°?“ from the trees whcwfeu fast“- find 1mkers !â€" ka Frost whirled by, and with ic made him anxious to dispatch the hear be- fore they should arrive. eing the animal fall and flounder in the hammer of his rifle raised, ready to send in re the winter anOther shot the moment opportunity of- fered. He was almost upon the bear, when 51,00ka his locks the wintry blaggingers . the brute reared upright and confronted . , on th _ him, With open mouth and flaming eyes. T59 ire e hearth m the 003%“ home It was evident that the animal was muttered. and out the cindc .- ' o ‘ ' A... w... m... m... ms sins... “are”, If My "°“““°“’ “d "“3 hurried, foolhaidy in Hugh to approach so near the Said the cotter, “ ‘ Tis afearful night to roam - enraged brute. The lad, however, felt no - ’ f6 ‘ .. ' ' e atin “Batet'lleedog whines. and pleads with pitying “a: With co many shots m his r pe g Mullen some stranger‘s lost in the s .. “ I have you now you old rascal !” ex- so‘ofliftfif coll” and cotter 80. now. claimed Hugh, thrusiting the muzzle of his To 115 0 Wm" bears a. human Cry. rifle almost against the head of the bear. Norm from the door in a. drift of snow He P‘med the “’38“ Two children were lost and bitterl - ' ’ d . . . . . y (.1‘) mg, 1‘40 re ort followed, and Hu li stao'gere “hi1?“ Winter wmd “'cntmournfullysigh back in dismay. His gun hadgnever ranissed While the icy snow skurried to and fro. fire before; to do so now was most unpleas- ant. Again he pulled. No report. Hastily removing the cartridge, or at least supposfng . ' he did 80, Hugh pumped in another, and he snompleasc do 3“ l again pulled the trigger. A dull metalic sbef‘o e t - Q . .. .. click alone answered. 31,117,: 005.322.31.932 Efiflyé‘gfimfl‘en' At this moment the bear seemed to take And Soon the children were out of the dark, in the situation, and moved toward Hugh. And >00“ were safe at their home again, One more ined'ectual attempt to fire con- “Butnnm ‘ n: . -. .. , ‘ vinced the boy that not a. cartridge remam~ see? ma, ‘a’d Lulu the Whe‘ don L 3 on ed in the gun. In his excitement on see- It Wu} Gad sent the dog and the man out that ing the bear he had neglected to refill the Gunfight" . magazine. He stood unarmed before a “gig-,2”, wee prayer, from 11‘s home in wounded and enraged bear. And sent bdck: to comfort you. both of we." For fully a‘minmje Hugh-Ardenstood trem- â€"[Myria B. Castle. bling and faint With terrible fright before his tour-footed enemy. At length lie man- aged to turn and flee. A BEAR STORY. He staggered as he moved, and before __ going ten rods, his foot became entangled I in a mass of vines, and he felt himself fall_ ing. With howls that were almost human in their agony and rage, the wounded bear . rushed in pursuit of his foe. Bruin was alt age, and the best wrestler among his school- most at his heels when Hugh fell. As he mat-ZS, [His parents moved to the north went down into a hollow several feet in woo 5 ° Ontario when Hugh was 313d 1“ depth. Before he could move the bear knli‘ckerbockers. plunged headlong over a fallen tree, and tom the time he was on enough to carry crashed down upon the helpless boy. agun he was in the W°°d5 all his spare Twenty minutes later two men, armed time, and perhaps 131°“ than that, since with rifles, appeared on the scene, attract his mother often chided him for leavmg ed by the shots fired by Hugh. “ chores” undone to go after a deer or fox. . However, Hugh was, generally speaking, ’ The huge form of the bear neatly covered a good boy, and aided not a little, with his ’ the hollow in which Hugh lay. The animal I Hugh Arden was 16 years old when he met:l pith the adventure that nearly cost hio‘ his i e. Hugh wasa tall, muscular boy for his rifle, in keeping the home larder filled. His flitftdileltvidst’dldadnd an examination showed rather being a. hard workino man, was but ,, , ' ., . . . ° . Both on em dead, said one of the lane at home, as he worked at a saw-mill settlers as be aided in rollin the carcas* of six miles away, going to his work on Mon- ‘ ’ "‘ g 3 day morning and not returning until Satur- thfitfzagoffgg’; figs}; n re lied the other day night. i p I . . . The depth and smallness of the hollow, higfiilfigugtlvligiaswllg’clihillsie $333332: “WW”, "8‘15““ th? my “‘0‘“ being than delighted He promised to be more crushed, and inla short Milne he opeped {11s . D ' . . ieyes, apparenty none t e worse or iis gagihilgtigzztevel to repay his father for so fainting, although quite sore from nuiner. - ous bruises. 1.23.3333: 11-231ogicetar’dtliolidixifiycdgi parents It was Hugh’s bear, the settlers declared, and they assisted him to remove the skin, Hugh frequented the woods more than bushes, Hugh advanced boldly, with the A WALDEMAB MIRACLE. AC RP. Man Relates llis Won- derful Escape. Helpless With Rheumatism and Sciaticaâ€" Rcllertfomes After [Doctors had Failed -â€"'l‘ho Story Corrobornted by Reliable Witnesses. Grand Valley Star. There are few people in this vicinity who do not know Mr. Thos. Moss, of Waldemar. He has been for years the trustworthy section foreman of the C. P. R. in the division in which he resides and the exemplary life he always led has given him a respectable status in the community. He is a gentle- man who is thoroughly reliable, and when “ Tom ” Moss tells you anything you can depend upon it every time. This by way of prelude to an interesting story the Star has to tell. For some time past a great deal of novel and entertaining literature has appear- ed in the columns of the press throughout the country, giving the particulars of cures bordering on the miraculous, in various parts of the country. Those who have read these narratives must have put them down either as clever and daring romances, or come to the conclusion that truth is indeed stranger than fiction. The Star must con- fess that it did not pay much attention to the reported miraculous cures until about a. month ago, when it was told that a cure quite as notable as many of those pub- lished had been wrought within a few miles of Grand Valley. The fact is that great cures, or accidents, or tragedies, when they occur hundreds of miles awayâ€"no matter how exciting or how thrillingâ€"or not usually arouse more than a. passing in- terest where the actors or the central figures are entirely unknowu. But let something occur in one’s own neighborhood analogous to that reported from a distance, and with what different feelings is the news received. We had read of miracles wrought at Trens ton, London, Hamilton and at other places, through the use of Dr. Williams’ famous Pink Pills for Pale People. But we were not acquainted with the parties restored to health; we were in the enjoyment of good health ourselves, and the memory of the great things done in other" sections passed from our mind. \Vhen we were told, however, that we had only to drive down to the pretty village of Waldemar to get the full particu- lars of a miracle as striking as many that had been reported in the news papers, we were at once interested. \Ve were further told that Mr. Thos. Moss was the man who owed his restoration to health to the use of Dr. Williams’ famed Pink Pills. Remember- ing that Mr. Moss had been laid up with rheumatism at intervals for years, and that there was a time last springand summer when his familiar face was entirely missing from the railroad, the Star determined to see him and get a confirmation of the story. M Stucky, of Mr. Reith’s establishment, told the Star they were amazed at the great and growing demand for Dr. William’s'Pink Pills. If the remedy is as popular in other parts as it is in and around Grand Valley great indeed must be the good accomplished by this famous cure. Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are not a patent medicine in the sense in which that term is usually understood, but a scientific prepara- tion. They contain in a. condensed form al the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitaticn of the heart, pale and sallow camplexions and the tired feeling resulting from nerv- ous prostration ; all diseases depending upon vitialed bumors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic crysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork,or excesses of whatever nature. These Pills are manufactured by Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold in boxes bearing the firm’s trade mark on the wrapper, at 50 cts. a box or six boxes for $2.50. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams’ I Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who of- fers substitutes is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. Dr. W'illiams’ Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Com- pany from either address. The price at which these pills are sold makes a. course of ' treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical reatment. Vision:- Whencc those wonder-woven visions. Borne on Mystery}: weirdest wings, Fillinw nightly minds of mortals With a word of phantom things? Do they come from realms of spirits While thc body lies at rest. And the spirit free to wander. Speaks to spirit unopprcss‘d! As at eve the summer lightning Leaps from out the slumbering cloud; So in dreams the spirit flashes From its clay-encumber'd shroud. And the visions of our slumber Shed a. radiance richer far. Than the moonbeams ever kindled. Or the light of heaven’s star, As at dawn Aurora. arising Flings her banners to the sky; So in dreams the spirit ranging Reaches hill-tops heaven-high ; Scales serene, celestial mountains : Roams where mortals never trod: Drinks the cup of love's sweet nectar. And in thought communes with God. BRIEF AND INTERESTEG- â€"_ Krupp’s factory has 2,222 furnaces. Great Britain has eighty miles of tunnels. The flesh of the oyster is about 90 per cent. water. About 2,000 daily and weekly journals are printed in Paris. The fashion of serving the fish before meats began in 1562. There are twenty thousand trained nurses in England, Ireland, and Scotland. Salmon was formerly believed to promote drunkenness. Old manuscripts and autographs are not bringing the prices they used to. The agitation against theatre hats is spreading ; but so are the hats, unfortunate- ly. Pet dogs are now furnished with shoes for the purpose of protecting the polished floors. Cuban barbers lather their patrons with their hands from a bowl made ti fit under the chin. The profits from the sale of the works of Charles Dickens still amounts to about £8,- 000 a year. The coolie, fed on rice is more active and can endure more than the negro fed on fat meat. Statistics show that the chances of fatal accident in railway travel is one in every ten million. Her Majesty is said to be sufficiently versed in Hindustani to keepa diary in that interesting language. The Cossacks and Circassiaus of the Rus- sian Guard are mainly M ohammedans, and consequently strict teetotalers. The largest telephone centre in the world is that in the exchange in Berlin, Germany. where 7,000 wires are connected with the main office. The newest fad in autograph books is one of cooking recipes. Each formula written in the book has the signature of the con- tributing friend under it. An inmate of an American convent has recently died, after being there 98 years, without once going outside the convent walls. Her recorded age was 115 years. A swimming tank is said to be a cure for lameness in horses. In swimming the horse exercises the same muscles as in trot- ting, but with no injury to his feet or legs. So extensive are the feeding grounds and so rapid the movements of the wild ostrich that as many as fifty or sixty miles are often travelled by it between daybreak and dark. It is said that a Spanish firm of publishers once produced a work in which one letter only got misplaced through accident, and this is believed to have been the nearest i thoroughly. ever now, and was quite successful in bring- ing down game. On one occasion he had the good fortune to shoot two large bucks, thus supplying the family with meat for a. long time. One afternoon in autumn Hugh was re- turning from a hunt along the river several miles from home, with his Winchester flung over his arm carelessly. His face wore a grave expression. since he had met ill-luck that day, having expended several rounds of ammunition without bringing down any game. As he emerged into a little settlement on the river bank he was attacted by a. crowd of people gathered in front of a house, talk- ing'rapidly, and seemingly deeply excited. . ’. \Viuter he IE only invisible “than mud or when I had the misfortune to be afflicted he lad hurried forward, anxious to learn snow blocks. (leg the road, but when a rab- bit can walk or a squirrel escape interment the meaning of the exmtement. “My women folks seen a bear down in the berry bushes,” explained a tall settler in answer to a question from Hugh. “ It was the biggest critter I ever seed,” put in one of the women. “ ’Twas black as ink, an’ bigger ’n our cow. I tell ye, wasn’t me ’n Melissy scart, though! We streaked it fur home. Ifell down twice, an’ spilt all my berries.” The woman paused for want of breath, and Hugh turned to the men, who had armed themselves, and seemed ready to start in pursuit of the bear. “ If you have no objections I will accom. pany you,” said Hugh, modestly. “ If you ain’t afear’d, you can go, of Course,” said one of the settlers. Hugh laughed at the idea of fear, armed as he was with a. sixteen-shooter, and at once prepared to accompany the men in the hunt for bruin. It was only a mile to the berry patch, and the three men with Hugh soon reached it. After a short search, seeing nothing of the bear, the four cametogether for a short con- sultation. After some discussion it was de- . cided to separate and beat up the bushes , The berry patch was about half a mile in extent, composed of a. dense mass of fallen timber, as well as a thick growth of black- berry bushes. The berry season was near-' 1y over, and bruin was doubtless foraging for the last crop when seen by the settlers’ wives. Hugh found himself skirting the south side of windfall, when he was brought to a sudden standstill by a low, angry growl. At once he dropped his Winchester to a level and peered sharply ahead. Only a ’ minute thus, when the bushes were agitat- ed and a black snout was poked over a. fal- len tree not ten yards distant, Quickly Hugh raised his gun and fired. With a bowl of pain the bear dropped from sight. The bushes were agitated as the brute rushed away. Hugh was deeply excited now, fully believing he had wound- ed the bear. He felt elated at the thought that he might be able to kill the huge ani~ mal before any of the men came up. Pushing boldly forward the boy was soon in hot and eager pursuit. Soon he heard a furious bowling and thrashing in the bushes not far distant. Bruin seemed to have be- come fastened in a treetop, much to the de- light of Hugh, who believed that he could now dispatch the animal without danger to himself. Eagerly the boy pressed forward and soon found himself upon the bear, which was thrashing about madly, in a tangle of limbs and bushes. Standing within twenty feet of the brute, Hugh leveled his rifle. Aiming at the huge slioulier, the boy pulled the trigger. With the report camea cry of pain and Hugh saw a red stain coursing down the shaggy coat which he bore in triumph to his home late l l’ink Pills. On seeing Mr. Moss and go it * ‘l- b. forgot that day’s adventure, which came so was even more surprising than the one near terminating his earthly existence. THE STORE LOAFBB- _â€" An American Inslltutlon Which is Not Worih Keeping. The store loafer is distinctively an institu- tion of this continent. out in every county. make no change in his habits. l opinions astride a. barrel or in spinal prox- l imity to the surface of a dry goods box. In 1 the foot of the loafer, after finding its sock, ' approaches the grocer’s store. Here he . wliittles and rotates tobacco, evaporates what little steam is left in his anatomy and 1 adds the knowledge of his neighbors’ busi- ness to what he has forgotten of its duty and his debts. He absorbs caloric from a stove burning another man’s coal, the tobac- co he reduces to ash and nicotine is largely gratuitous, while for the corner he occupies he pays no rent except in spots on the floor and observations made on sugar, beans and l politics. 3 It is needless to say that as his eyes are I innocent of a. bandage and his ears are not , blockaded, that what he imbibes through I both mediums makes him expert as a social critic and a scandal artist. It is from such gentlemen at case that 90 per cent. of town gossip finds its insuiious way. He enjoys the news as he does his pipe, and generally manages to leave even a newsboy or a sew- ing meeting in the rear when he unloads his memory and uncorks himself on the public ear. It is not to be supposed that a. man addicted to this kind of pastime has much ambition to wet his ’owu skin with honest perspiration. As a rule he cares more for slicing watermelon than for cutting wood, and has a gift of grumbling when his wife fails to reconstruct the Stovepipe or misses connection with the coal house. In a personal and social sense the store loafer is nothing less delicate than a public nuisance. Everybody but himself is cogniz- ant of this three story fact, and we know of I conversion or admonitory shoe leather. Few men in business but would rather tolerate a white-faced hornet than a chronic loafer. It is certainly one of the missing planks in modern reform that store loafing should es- cape criticism and slow death and be allow- ed to associate itself with dry goods and groceries to the hindrance of business and injury to the public stomach, to say noth- ing of the scandal and gossip that has an artesian well in the wrinkled vest of the tounger. There are but few evils in a coun- sry town, except a want of sidewalks and lewerage, that by weight or measure can discount the nuisance of store loafing. â€".â€"â€"__ Be thy creed or thy prayers what they may, unless thou hast truth within thee thou wilt not find the path to true happi- ness. The source of final happiness is in the heart, and only the fool seeks it else- where. J udge none lost ; but wait and see With hopeful pity, not disdain ; The depth of the abyss may be And love and glory that may raise This soul to God in after days ! The earth grows more beautiful as men grow better and wiser. Mark, how the sense of bruin. Another shot will finish him, of beauty reacts upon the nature of all thought the boy, who trembled with excite- savage and civilized alike, disposing to men *. deeds of gentleness and peace. Man treads Hugh realized that the report of his giunv more softly as the scene grows more would bring, be men to his side, which beautiful. The measure of the height of pain I I that night. You may be sure the boy never ting facts from him, we found that his story I His shingle hangs said Mr. Moss in reply to our query, “ Times or seasons You find him in Summer ventilating his person. and Bathing that can make him so excepting/ the list of ailments f0: which Dr. Williams Childhood Visionsâ€"Golden Visions 1 Bright with Joy‘s angelic wings ; Clad with Love’s cc'estial garments: Breathing life’s divinest things! Boyhood Visionsâ€"Blissful Visions! Refit of every earthly care: Roaming where the golden Morning Sheds his brightest su nbeams there! which had been going the local rounds. Mr. Moss had not only been troubled with rheumatism, but sciatica of a most painful type, and had also been afllicted with bronchitis which he had come to regard as Chmn‘c‘ Girl'uood Visionsâ€"~Glecful Visions! 'Wrought from Fancy's fairy looms, ‘thrc the flower of life unfolding, Soon to richest color blooms! have used Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills with] Youthful Visionâ€"Soaring Visions! Tim PATIENT'S s'ronr. afloat as to the cure by the use of “\Vliat you have heard is quite true.‘ I wonderful results. For years I had been a R9113]?0113134picfimléngtsgflle sufferer from rheumatism and bronchitis and giggling 901.0 otc-pi-ligi ffainstlriclggl of had come to look upon both as chronic. .- - Maiden Vision’s «Joyful Visions! Last spi mg I met wrtli further trouble, Webs of wonder wove above: Coming from the highest heaven To the human heart of love! J. E. POLLOCK, B.A. Toronto, Jan. 25th, 1893. The Flying Years- As a dream when night is done, As a shadow does the sun ; As a ship whose white sails skim Over the horizon dim. As a life complete of days Vunisheth from mortal ways. As a hope that pales to fear- Is the dying of the year. with a severe attack of sciatica. I became so bad that I was laid up, and for some weeks was unable even to move. Many of the men on the line can tell you of the con- dition I was in. There was an accident on , the road and I had to be carried to a. hand car that I 'might be brought to the scene of the occurrence, in order that a proper re- port might be made to the railway author- ities. .I believe I would still have been helpless in my house, or perhaps with the silent majority, if a. friend had not told me of the great merits of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink l Pills and urged me to try them. All other i remedies had failed, physicians were entire- ly unable to cure me, and I had given them up in despair. You cm imagine the de- spondentconditionl was in when Mr. Rainey, ' of Grand Valley, mentioned Pink Pills to 1 me. I had little hope that they would bene- ‘ fit me, but drowning men clutch at straws, and that was my frame of mind when 1 purchased the first supply of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills. I had not used the Pink Pills long when I began to find relief and this naturally made me hopeful, and I persever- ed iu their use until the cure was complete' __ The change wrought in me by Dr. Williams’ A White World. ink Pills is as delightful as it is marvellous, . _ . and for the first time in years I find myself I ggvfigl’fleff‘gltggu‘l‘aoglg 1” Wh‘t" free from pain. I was weak, helpless and As I h,‘,.e:,e,,, it here awn, hopelessâ€"doctors and other remedies had Beside the wintry sca'; done me no good, but Pink Pills had restor- Alchbcarth. P? {(113 85$“ 111?“, heaven, ed me to health and strength. The sciatica 4‘ cen rm ea c O 1 c. disappeared, the rheumatism went With it, The sunrise blended wave and cloud but stranger still, I am cured of the bron- In one broad fl00d 0f 301d. chitis I had come to regard as incurable. But touched with rose the world‘s white robes , . . In over curve and fold ; I say stranger still, because I notice that 111 While “,2; blue air did over all Its breath in wonder hold. As the first gold shaft of light. Shivers through the wreck of night; As the thrill and stir that bring Promise of the budding Spring; As new thoughts oflil’c that rise Mirrored in a sick man‘s eyes. As strangcjoys to hearts forlorn. So another year is born. Glad or sad. :1, dwindling span Is the little life of man. Love and hope and work and tears Fly before the flying years : Yet shall tremulous hearts grow bold All the story is not toldâ€" For around us as a. sea Spreads God’s great Eternity. claims his remed beneficial, bronchitis is , ~ . . ' not mentioned, slid this forces me to the Eafirggcgfigéltgglficlg’tggs‘llxgfie conclusion that Pink Pills have even more How the Great Master bends with love marvellous properties than they have been Above, the W031: H3 planned! credited with. My case seems almost in- Ehzyfflgisfiasfil; d distgifd. credible but there are so many here who are witnesses of my cure that even the most sceptical must be convinced, and I firm ly believe Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills will cure any trouble with which man is afflicted. This may seem to be enthusiasm, but I have the right to be enthusiastic after what â€"[Frank D. Sherman. they have done for me, and I strongly urge , l b .1 h those afflicted With sickness of any kind to The Roman soldiers W 1° “1 t 311° won- try Dr, Williams’ Pinks Pillâ€"the greatest derful roads and carried a weight of 4 I .u c y Larcom. -.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Among the weeds let bloom one rose, Lo, all the field with beauty glows ! So to the plainest face a. smile Will lend it Beauty’s mask the while. of modern medicines.” Mr. Moss’ narrative was certainly of absorbing interest, particularly as the re- porter knew he was not a. man who would exaggerate facts. The story of the case was corroborated by many neighbors, among them Mr. Wm. Lomas who had assisted in carrying Mr. Moss to the hand-car when taken to the scene of accident above mentioned and also Mr. Buchanan, the popular C. P. R. agent. The reporter returned to Grand Valley fully satisfied as to the great curative properties of Dr. Williams’ wonderful dis- covery The Star interviewed the druggists of Grand Valley, and had the same answer from all, Pink Pills are the best selling and most popular remedy in their store, and the sales are constantly increasing. Mr. Er- armour and luggage that would crush the average farm hand, lived on coarse brown bread and sour wine. They were temper- ate in diet and regular and constant in ex- ercise. In France there is an unwritten but im- mutable law that a painting shall not be exhibited without the artist’s consent, no matter What the wishes of the owuer may be. And now a literary and artistic cou- gress in session at Milan, Italy, has decided that the right of reproduction does not pass to the buyer of the picture. The Princess Victoria. Melita. of Edin- burgh is only just sixteen years old, yet her betrothal is to be shortly announced. Though so young, she has a more womanly look than her sister the (now) Princess of Roumania, and her bright blue eyes get more winning every day. She is a capital skinc of Dr. hopkings’ drug store, and Mr. ‘. singer, and, like her father, loves music. approach to perfection that has ever been attained in a. book. The salaries earned by average leading ladies and gentlemen in American companies run from £20 to £603. week, while the ju- veniles get from £15 to £20, which may also be taken as the salary of good comedians and second ladies. A person who has totally lost the sense of hearing in one ear, although he may im- agine that the defect is of little consequence, cannot locate the direction of a sound to save his life, even when the centre of dis- turbance is quite near him. The longest single span of wire in the world is used for a telegraph wire and is stretched over the River Kistuah, between Bezorah and Scctanagrum, India. It is over 6,000 feet long, and is stretched from the top of one mountain to another. Although it may not generally be known, the woods of northern Canada are still in- fested by a. queer species of bison known as the “ wood buffalo.” He is much larger than the buffalo of the plains, which for- merly abounded in such numbers. The Kalmucks of Astrakhan, a roving people numbering about 150,000 souls, have at last been freed from serfdom. \Vhen the other Russian serfs were freed in 1861 it was considered dangerous to extend this privilege to these people, lest their wildness would lead to its abuse. In the British Patent Office, where of all places in the world one would expect to find things ordinarily well “ up to date,” the steel pen is unknown, and the antedilpvian goose-quill absolute and supreme. \ erily the ways of Government ofl‘iCials are not as other men’s. Another use has been found for electrici- ty. In Ceylon experiments have shown that it is more economical to dry tea leaves by its agency than by the old method, and extensive plants have been erected for that purpose. The term “ tabby cat” is derived from Atab, a famous street in Bagdad, inhabited by the manufacturers of silken stuff called atibi or tafiety. This stuff is woven with waved markings of watered silk resembling a “ tabby” cat’s coat. , In the Roman Campagna, at the sepulchre of Metella, wife of 811113., there is an echo which repeats five times, each being in a different key. It will also repeat a hexame- ter line, or another sentence which can be spoken in two and a half seconds. The Shah of Persia, who has ten millions sterling stored in his palace, has been bor- rowing a sum from the State to defray the cost of his summer outing to the distant provinces of his empire. His suite comprises 10,000 people, including 300 wives. Adelina Patti was the first prima donna who demanded in Paris a nightly salary of ten thousand francs. \thn it was conceded to her her rivals preferred the same claims ; so that to keep her supremacy in the operatic market she persisently raised her prices to fifteen thousand francs, which sum she re- ceived for each of the three concerts she gave in one week at the Eden Theatre. A coloured woman, named Lizzie Young, in Georgia, U.S. A., takes contracts for ex- cavations, and sometimes has thirty carts employed under her direction. When not busy checking off loads she crochets or sews. For six months or so every year she runs an extensive woodyard. She keeps two or three men in the forest chopping, two or three more sawing and splitting in the yard, and four or five delivering and peddling the wood, She keeps from fortv r,_.' to Sixty head of hogs on her farm, and has a swill route in the city which supplies them with nearly all the food necessary. Every year she sells many hundred dollars’ worth of pork. She is also an extensive chicken farmer, and drives a good trade in poultry and eggs. ..- #‘imbwfiarv‘rv ; , ....... .... g. l‘ r ’ - j “ 5 asp-fr. a»: 1’}. :1; 1‘. re. A... .’ 1 s' .l ~ o: '2': «~an . R}. ‘ animating-n

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