New Version. Wee brotherâ€"Tell me a stowy ’bout see old woman who lived in a shoe. Little sis- terâ€"Oh, I’m thd of that. I’ll tell you ’boutan old woman who lived in a flat, an' had so many children sheâ€"she had to sleep on the door-mat."-â€"Good News. E Shingles, Shingles, Shingles, CHOP, CHOP, FLOUR 8r. FEED . I E COAL OIL duty reduced one fourth and p ec. a @ll binder twine duty one half. THE Norwood Register tells us in its last- issue that a. Havelock man has cut his ï¬nger. Thanks. M KELL -“. THE New York Press asks deï¬antly: S, FUWLEB 00. “\Yould England new object if we should take Canada and Cuba?†Bosh! Wm 0E8}, “m halanee of “if“, Bi-zx HARRISON everlastingly hustled through his scheme for the annexation of saith or Short mantles at exaflfly Hawaii, when he found that Britain didn’t care a continental. a HALF PRICE. - “â€"â€" at some of the entertainments. Here is a wrinkle for Millbrook, which cannot afford We are opening out a llï¬allll- to be behind the empire city. Having purchased the mill pro rty of r. Matthew Staples in the ills. of Bethany, I am prepared to chop all in of grain on the shortest notice and at t sn ll sum of 5c. per bag. I am also prepared to (1 custom work in the shingle line and will 1 ays have on hand a stock of the different des which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. The highest cash price paid for live or dressed hogs. I have choice Improved Yorkshire Pigs for sale. Registered Pedigrees furnished} \VANTEDâ€"Any quantity of Cedar Timber. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, - - BETHANY 8-31: THOMAS. GILLOTT, Gabiqetmaker P5395? Undertaker, Rec 5 on hand a lar e stock of COFFINS, CAgKETS and a 1 kinds of Undertakers’ Goods. .Bedroom, Parlor and all other kinds ‘ P E T of Furniture, hand-made, at lowest prices I am I) d ‘i 33:" Do not fail to call and see him, My. oun to clear 0 h ? Robes and you are sure ofa. bargain. JUDICIAL SALE Whips. 0P VALUABLE “'1: can’t see why the Examiner man m line or those Gï¬iflhf’ated Stall' should be so anxious to have a Senator ap- lay Cloths for ladies’ snitings. CALL AND SEE THEM. pointed from Peterboro’. He don‘t stand the shadow of a shade of a chance himself. THE East Northumbcrland Reform asso- ciation has nominated a candidate for the Ontario legislature. But their YVebb will not be a success, for their machinery is bad- ly warped. ’ THERE appears to be blood on the Demo- cratic moon, because Mr. Cleveland has chosen the premier of his cabinet, the secre- tary of state, from the Republican party. The dems. are mad clean through, and we don’t wonder at it. THE Reform party would have us believe that they are the undying foes of combines, dontcherknow. But they created the big- gest kind of a combine when the N ova Scotia grit government sold out the Canadian coal mines to the Yankee Coal Trust. WK THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1893. E E2 2 at: We have whips of all kinds and we are almost 4 giving them away- From to: up. school- Competition yearly Farm PrOpert 1. . A, Blanchard. Chartered .Alc In the Township of Mnnvers THE BL U FFER BL UFFED. Uncle Sam once in a while gels nipped at his own game. For some time he has been taking advan- tage of every opportunity to embarrass Can- adians, in the hope that we would in time income disgusted at the restrictions with J our: CHARLTON, M. P. for North Nor- folk, denies that he is an annexationist. Yet the North Norfolk Reform convention recently declared in favor of annexation and recorded its hearty approval of Mr. Charlton In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Divisionâ€"Brown V- Lunn. livcrytlii‘g in the store will be PURSUANT to the judgment herein with so“ u prices to suit the times. TOWN T A . . . as member for the ridin and then it elected . the approbation of C. A. Weller. Esquire. ' â€"Mi$5 MCI?“ has 1“ "1 well he has been endeavorine: to tie the . . .dg' (1 Local Master of the Hi rh Court of Justice at ~ ~ 6 theels of our trade, and that we should ï¬n- annexationists as pres1 cut an secretary ‘0 Pctcrtorough. there will be offered for sale at. “ Caomus. my resort to annotation in order 1‘0 rid our- manage his political affairs and conduct his Coulters hotel. Pontypool station of the QRR. in the Township of Manvcrs. on â€"Miss Turner, of Canal next election. Friday, March 17, ’93 â€DP‘TPPPP‘“ â€"M r. George Fitzgerald selves of further trouble. It was in pursu- ance of this petty and foolish policy that he ordered a week or so ago that all cattle sent 5E1) ARATIO“ Mo '1 ENE“ T’ at three o’clock in the afternoon, by Richard ‘ last week. - 2 - â€"â€" Wallis, auctioneer. the following valuable prop- ' , from Canada '0 the worlds fa“ should . . crty in the Township of Manvcrs, in the Cour: Ly â€"-Mrs. R' lhexton, Of L . . . The County of Durham Wants to cut Loose be subject to quarantine for ninety days, m Nor-(hum rlan d of Durham, namely: Lot number ï¬fteen in the ï¬rst concession of the said township (except 14 few days in town last week. acres on the northeast corner thereof, having a . . . â€"-â€" ' ~ ‘ S -- "Ԡfrontage of ten chains on the concessmn line Mls†Addle ,uXJme, Of] and fourteen chains on the side line), containing is visiting her sister, M r 5- (l L86 acres more or less. About 86 acres are matted and fit for cultivation. 0n the premises . Q th d ‘1. h at b â€".\lr. I-‘ollas and sister car are , rec wciing ouses an wo urns. The property is situated about two and one to attend the funeral 0f ‘1" half miles from Pontypool station and about _ . . turdav. four miles from Manvers station on the Canaui- ' an PaCiï¬c Railway" But the Canadian breeders indignantly resented the insolcnt order and decided to send no cattle to the exhibition, And a movement was set on foot to abandon all exhibits from Canada of what- ever kind. Then Uncle Sam came down from his high horse and agreed not to en- A meeting of the reeves and deputy reeves of Durham was held at Orono Tuesday afternoon to discuss the advisability a sep- aration from the count y of N orthumberland, The following were in attendance : Bowmanvilleâ€"Reeve \V. P. Prower, who â€"_-\ir. and Mrs. Thcxton is also warden of the united counties : De- crc will bea reserved bid. N.“ ‘h‘w‘hm"‘"‘“" “ "‘" "M "‘ _' ' small com 'nv n Th r l force his order as against cattle intended for puty Reeve R. \Vorth. f last . , 54:: :~ . (1.1.x. uhibition. Darlingtonâ€"Reevei’l‘homas Smale, Deputy I ' o P “w ’ now in mm H Reeve J. T. Pollock. TERMS- | l Hopeâ€"Reeve McCallum ; L. McN all and T. Grimisan, deputy reeves. Clarkeâ€"T. Underwood, reeve; J. Jack son and \V. H. Reid, deputy reeves. The representatives of Millbrook, Cavan and Manvers were prevented from attend- ing on account of the condition of the roads. Ex-reeve of Clarke, T. Long, Councillor J. Davey and other prominent men were present. Mr. K. Knox. Clarke township clerk, was appointed as secretary and Thos. SIGHING FOR ANNEXATION. A short time ago an internal revenue oï¬i- cet named J. J. Cosgrove was dismissed by ï¬e Ottawa government because he was one of the few foolish people in Toronto who joined with Albert Ernest Macdonald in his fake annexation crusade. The government quite properly took the stand that Mr. Cos_ Ten percent. down at time of sale and the balance Within thirty days thereafter without â€" ;‘ f -â€".\liss Emma l’endxy retul \Vednesday last from a visit v interest. The other terms are those of the High 7 \I ltfrs. (R63 l 8119113113â€: 0f le saRoots ‘ Court of Justice. ‘ APTEDBPBllOflDlHETD â€"Rev. L. O. Johnston, of 1 Further information can be obtained from , y ' 7‘ L 71' 1‘â€: V . LIL John Burnham. barrister, Pctcrborough. and . 1.? lb Meslsrs. Hatton : Wood, barristers. Pctcrbor- ‘3‘ _- . - ~ , ' E '1 011;: 1. , . . ‘ “9 Medical FFEEETEES Bililltf lecture inihc Methodist chum-l; Dated 13th February, 1893. ,4 51'? Ullii/E'f ll km) Wâ€. at eight o clock. Subject, Hi (Sgd) C. A. WELLER. â€" 27.4.4.-- , -.- ~ , _ “v ms M4557 VEHABL‘ â€EMEDV FDR ll . Garden Hill Presbyterian: cln o9 L?) PURlFYlNG THE BLOOD . ' l _ - â€"A few days ago the co not Master at Peterborough. The Sun. i 4/ 3' CU“!!- C l' ed their pastor, Rev. J. . _ Smale, reeve of Darlington. as chairman. 60‘ US WEHPSS' anlQPSllï¬nBySpEusga.Sum SlDMBEll with a fur coat. 81'0“? 009†not very well be a. falthflfl 59!" Nearly all the representatives present HEADAEHE AND Dlzzmth‘.‘ mt of the Queen while he was engaged in spoke and with but two exceptions express- *- , Dun'ng 1893 THE SUN will be of surpass- ing excellence and will print more pure l literature than ever before in its history. â€"â€"Salt combine bro on up united efforts of my f and R. Now for cheap salt/ First car} inabout a week. Special pri. taking a quant‘ \V. 1‘1â€:er ed themselves in favor of a separation. As there was not a full representation of the reeves and deputriestthe meeting was finally licking her off the continent, and it was thought that it would be unfair to hamper . cl LA 1? 3‘ dav next, when a. vote will be taken on the or question. -.- task before him of WXing Canada to the United States. Therefore they placed him in a position to devote his entire time and energy to thé movement upon which World. seemed to have set his mind. Grand Junction. Price 50. a copy. - - By mail, 52 a your Judging from the New York Press, the On Thursday last DQVid Demill, a young Daily, by mail, - - - - - $6 a year incident‘referred to above is one of great ï¬remen on the Grand Junction Division of Daily and Sunday, by mail, , , $8 a For†importance, inasmuch as it proves to that the Midland, was instantly killed by Address, THE SUN, New York. paper beyond a doubt the existence of a being knocked beneath the wheels of a way ' . PUMPS . PUMPS z o â€"Rev John Potts, I). 1).. Gel tary of Education of the Methot will preach in the Millbrook church on Sunday evening. ‘nmmunnnn 1P1. N KILLED ON THE RAIL. mnnmnm The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the, l n ~ 'c ;‘..‘-i l. n lll..l:. llllllllillllllil 1 -â€"R. J, Doak has secured the the Premier razor steel emf-cu is a world beater. Ever} 0 Try one. :lll ‘h‘ l l â€"â€".\ir. and Mrs. Ewing, r1 Dakota, have been spending the i of the winter here with Mrs. H ' ems, Mr. and Mrs. A. “'ehst great popular demand here for annexation freight train. The accident is a. borrowing and the desperation of the government in one, owing to its suddeunes :and the fact its efforts to smother the rapid growth of the that the life of one of the most respected _ ail-powerful annexation sentiment. In a re- and popular young ï¬reman on the road was EVERYBODY NEEDS A PUMP. Ea“. issue the Pr“, gays g.- ]snuffed out in a twinkling. In connection “The Canadian cabinet Continues to de- With this Conductor Stanton of Bellcville, n the existence 0f any annexation sentiment said : “ I heard nothing at all of the horrify- G . inythe Dominion. And yet it was only last iua accident to Mr. Demill until I reached G. w. R E E N . Keene this morning shortly before 8 O'clock. week that a deputy collector of inland ‘ revenue at Toronto was dismissed for parti- Part- of the remains of the deceased were Manufactures 3‘11- kinds of Pumps and! scattered over the rails and part of his blue ' cipatiou in the agitation, and the organs of i the administration continue to call loudlv llilllflllllliillhllllllllllllli-‘ll l v â€"i am selling coal at a cash for the balance nmmrllsnn coal is good. Shingle and lime c ever before. W. ' ll ll' l ______ l 1 “ill l l I â€"Th= fee that will be chargcj license in )lillln‘ook during l. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll and will accept no chances where so much is at stake. Ontario could not be depended . upon; Quebec is honeycombed with the an- nexation sentiment, and with these leaning toward a higher and broader life with this country, the other provinces would count but little. †instance of the Hon. Mr. Hart-on: . minister of educition, asking for . 0f writing (copg‘bOok, etc.) draw and books, book-keeping, photo SChoolhouses, natural history (colic insects and loaves‘, from which tin ,4 ment will make collections to sem Chicago exhibition. The specimens sent to the (minty inspectors of the at the station. Deceased leaves a wife and pay YOU» one small child. He resided in Belleville and was about '25 or 26 years of age. G. ‘V' G.REEN9 I . ,5 APleasing Sense. Millbpook, - - . Ontario; Of hen?" nd strength renewed and of ,- ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to effectually . leanse the system when costive 56 Henry St.. Toronto, Gold Watch : . B. Soufham, 86 Ma le St, Lo d erson ' J. S. McAdam. 442 BankISt., Ottawa. Ont., $10 inp Gold - (321:, 80%0 lNiv‘Ym tfailfé lB‘ld Kansas City, M03810 m Gold ; EmilyPRiley, 85Alcxander St. E., lvmni ' gang; Jean Tayl ll ,Man. Ban net . or, 104 Mackay St. Ottawa. 0nt.,Ban uetLam -' ‘ ' Hamilton, Ont, Banquet Lamp‘: W. E. Gilr‘b Moufi’t‘ nggstfmonr’ 135 am 3 . J. L. Forest 319 VISItatlon St., ontreal, Que, gen net Lam : W. E. Ramsay 270 athurst St., Toronto, Ont, Banquet Lam ; Florence 'hite, EPS‘Scott St. uebec 3% Ban net Lamp ; Mrs. L. E. Thompson. 69 ‘t. Louis St, Levis, g! chimp: l ,5â€! onto Banquet l C Hmhh‘ ue., Banqu rs. G. Cunningham. ewew House. Bowmanville. O t.. Lam - 45 Carmarthen St., St. John, N. B., Banquet Lamnp Banquet p ' Answer to-day, and enclose 30 cents and you may'win one of the leadi (D) LADIES’ HOME MONTHLY, 192 King St. West, Toronto, Canada. l ng prizes. Address. ; TBl'SO-SZ‘EUREE Pros-fa! :;'__,; mfgï¬iiul‘éflgl‘haflgedt“ " ' Two negro boys have been lynched in Mississippi for having robbeda store. This . . - pants at the as... The had Cat“ â€â€13â€. PP“ 3?"? “1,3339 “PIP“; g no.3.“iris‘ranPhrasezemaniasnzhas: tensorsheraneâ€: es M- ‘ .. *3“ P1 PLOW???“ “ for the punishment ofannexationists. Thus gathered up no less than a scoop full of ‘ 911151 e (la 8994511} 0 e no“ “9“; 3 rewar which will pay you many times overforyollrn-ouble. § . the latter having neon reduced r the 0 itation has been conduct-ed fully fra ments of flesh and bone. From what I known _ - ' 3â€" _ he Proprietors of the LADIES’ Home MONTHLY offer either a ï¬rst-class Upri ht : "‘ .. council. “8 g ’ â€".. 8' , as much in an academic as in *1 Wï¬tical can learn. everv rart of Mr Demill’s bodv ‘ . 3 thégï¬faiioilél“ef°fe$£5§ iii?Pr%i%§%§%§i°ii‘izie’ï¬t‘tl'ï¬sï¬iï¬n’l’“£33. E ' " '1- «r» ' ‘ I ‘ _ .. . . .. o v 2 . - â€"-'â€"-'~ -.\'." H-,1"'.'h.'si" 2.: .f.:; sense. It has gathered its strength from_the was bruised, tom and crushed beneath the EUREKA PUMP, ' a who can ï¬nd thegrandmother. Acom‘pletc Business Educaï¬ionataCommpeercial g . .0 v. 1 . m . 1.11, 1 , n fact that it has its origin in the aspirations wheels in an awfully sickening manner. De- 3 g spigï¬gentgxtthfégn£bperson 3’th Egn ï¬n téie gain xtherl. A 981C} “éatoh for each 5 ‘ Sponszole person .. male m- Icmu __ . . .. . . . . .. . 2 ocan n e anmo er. necan od " = aw ..;-- and amb1tionenas well as in the necessltles mill, when the way freight which nan be- which wherever used with its la‘u st. ! 3- Gold): foreach ofthe next ï¬ve who “33,,“ the grandmothcg. “30011 (501"! 3 p.eserz- as 5c... l()i,.ll...\.-~- 0f the people 01 the country as dlStlllnghe‘l tween Lindsay and Belleville was running at . ’ ‘ ‘ , ’ 3 . l 3 ac ntestant must cut out the Portrait Puzzle and make across Wltha lead pencil 5 Canadian \mic pun,» (‘o.. 7'." \' from the ofï¬cial class. The Canadian gov- a slow :1“; nf speed into Keene, preparatory improvement CilllS forth \vondeiuu.’ i g or up: on the gran_mot erseye and mouth ' g V T ‘ : . “ ' ernment realizes the situation fully. .That to string; 5, had been ï¬lling an oil can from praise. It is the only pump on (h:- 5 g socen§§ï¬{,°§i‘f$§;§‘lgn,gtï¬fe:‘lï¬gï¬h‘g‘ï¬bï¬ï¬‚gï¬fo‘g‘gtï¬lfï¬Â§$ST§gghï¬e§g£§5tgg§dï¬g iâ€": 3' oronto. 0114mm iswhy it is so unwilling that. public discus- a larger one, and it is supposed that when he market that can he chanced so as 3,, 5‘ g most popularjournal. The date of post-mark on letters is given precedencesofliat persons i â€"\Ir (.‘ \\‘.~.l'ct- M1. ‘11 1),“... .. sion be had and whv it is “smug its wrath was envaged in putting the vessel back m +1 . l 1-. O . . _ 1 g; llVlliga adistance haveJustasgoodan gonunityofsecuringavaluable rize. E . ‘ - . , - - z » . on such civil servinfs as n‘av be indiscreet the tool bow he steppe? from out the mi), ull‘OW Either :1 uglit 01‘ hem y stream 5 E plezgrti‘h; Peerson Wtho can Fï¬ndt 1tllle {grepto 0;!th that is received last is o ered a Sim- 3:- Chief Rang-or. o: zin- luzlcpcn'lczt‘ ' ‘ “ .‘~, :-_ - ’ . ‘ " , . '. . ' ..2 .. . E p wri er. or e nex t e ’ ' ‘ ' 5E †~ ~ ~ enough to "Olce their 003““1035- If there and walking along the narrow ridge on the of mate-i. ‘iou should see it Lem. I r; YVatcli. To the third, fourth, ï¬fth and sixth ffï¬in‘t‘lilellagf rggfxï¬edawiï¬iocblrgctsablsggg E Foresters, amen ha: the Inner-:1: . is no annexation sentiment in Canada the side of the tender with his back to the way pui'chasmg. )5 g Willlxptclegg $3313 Eon-2133:9351“, 103111-3352? di . g John Kiddo]. [w-m “.0. a 1.19:.) matter could he ï¬nally settled by the hOId' in which the train was gomg, that he either “‘0 manufacture Six (liï¬t‘l‘ent gtvfeg 5 g be awarded Withavaluable rize. Names of thpersons 3.9? n C0170“ answers, each “ll a: frat . .-, , ,3 ‘1 W k. - ..,,. ( ~ ‘ f h ‘ebiscite a‘ the Trades and l' d and lost his hold or else was struck 1 ‘ ~ ‘ - lishedin ournext issue Exlfra premiums '11 boseflreceavtiggll ealrliing rizes mu be pub " Pam“? ' .21. â€SAN UN†in osuc a i - b . 81 e . “r.†arr-.r ~~ ‘ . .--.~. s‘ . . .- . . “'1 .eocre woarewiin t0 ' ' 3: ' . v. .. La. 1‘ Congress}; and other bodies have sug- £013)?va bv the iron railing of the bridge, of \. 071.9811 1_ltl:l'.l:lll:s andl haALnEllEf: (4);sz . Z ggggï¬ligï¬ Jgitsrggiiï¬gggï¬ 11113: 13d tigspppgiéarjoumal. The object in ofleriiigg alga ‘ln 31:3 I 11} carrying z-zt'. {no mm: 33?}. gested. Such a vo‘e. if favour-lablc to tilig and bounding pgainstthe imp walll waslsent, Sign of .lllfltilan anc .- n.e11....n . g gumï¬gï¬ee‘} ï¬ll gains, the rewards. "1 1 “0e our publication. Perfect imparï¬alty 15 E Court. ‘n‘enance of Canada as a. co onv wou b: the force 0 reaction umer t 1e w leelS pumps. _:_..- e o 10 mg- names are Winners of the le . . 32 ~ ; 4 .1 ‘ mm L - a - .. - 1’3 t the y. ‘ . 1‘ ' -~=.od ver him. Thel ~~~~~ 1.. . .. -. 1 c .. -. 2 our last PRIZE PUZZLE: admg prizes m = A ““1“ 1 3"“ â€PW" ~ ' conï¬rm Its status for a century. 11 and the “110 L tram PMS†0 x it ‘0“ d1 *7 1‘1 Dem 0* w pump ‘7"- ' . F T E Shiple 27 Elm St Toronto Piano Miss Bancroft 167Ll ' tt St. T : SCllOol mast w l ‘ ml '2 v - . - - 'c . ~ . , ... = . - - , v . . ' :_ . o s 11.x†sc: .2:? :rzw doubt 0f the â€5111‘ stays the .hand 0f. .5†ï¬reman “'35 11015 missed 1’3 dnermn La“? and see us lwtgu'e purchasma, t '\‘,';;j . 5. Bicycle; Miss Barns, Ridgetown Oiit, Bedroom Set: Glady MclPEmoo ' cronto. :. . or n x P‘) John Thompson. He i5 110 novice mPOhPICS’ until the train was brought» to a standstill D :3: § lllllllllllllllllllllll _ . . . - i o s , , or sae in â€50 o e r a _‘ ‘ p ‘ . ,.- ment 0f education before the end :iï¬iï¬ffoiL‘iiifEfijnï¬ii‘ss‘fief '6 hangings... 1, ‘ 'P P“ " ‘1 annonnnnmInmmnnmmmmmmummnnununnummamnnnmnnnnnmnmunamnumnnnn llllllllllllllllllrc . my!