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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Feb 1893, p. 5

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l l- «t can; 1' fifit‘fiq‘qh} 3". 1 n~¢-,ci€.-.s':' ' ' i. . .x. '0 v.3. Kg.” d‘¢¢".fl'."u - see the goods re to buy. : PETEBBDRU < ent stock of 1, g bargain. 1 ¢ BUSINESS m9 ‘ are almost Amorough B ‘ d Sh . . . 3 up. school. Com pedii333§$hy fogrggidd dh‘i‘llnéq - yer Medals. The 70 e illust t d ' mailed tree. Geo. S. Efn. B. AfaL? L. (Tim grid. A. Blanchard. Chartered Accountant of 0 m the Principals. ntario TOWN TALK --Miss McIvor has been visiting friends at Cadmus. â€"Miss Turner, of Cannington, is visit- ing Dr. Turner. -â€"Mr. George Fitzgerald was in Ottawa _ last week. â€"Mrs. R. Thexton, of Lindsay, spent a few days in town last week. â€".\Iiss Addie Surelifl'e, of Mount Pleasant, is visiting her sister, Mrs. G “'alter Green. â€"Mr. Follas and sister came from Boston, to attend the funeral of their mother last Saturday. â€";\lr. and Mrs. Thexton entertained a small company on Thursday evening of of last week, from six until ten. â€".\liss Emma Pendry returned home on Wednesday last from a visit with her sister, \I Mrs. (Rev.) Buchanan, of Norwood. ~Rev. C. O. Johnston, of Kingston, will lecture in the Methodist church this evening, at eight o’clock. Subject, “Human Nature.” â€"-A few days ago the congregation of Garden Hill Presbyterian church present- ed their pastor, Rev. J. , Bloodsworth, with a. fur coat. ' Now for chea salt inabout a w ek.’ __ . W. Tan'rox. 6 'J â€"Rev John Potts, D. D., General Sec-re. tary of Education of the Methodist church church on Sunday evening. the Premier razor steel or is a world beater. Iver. Try one. 48-tf p . ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Webst â€"I am selling coal at a cash for the balance coal is good. Shingle . nd lime cheaper than ever before. W. ' W’ the season. My â€"â€"-T‘h=fee that will be charged for hotel ’3“? license in Millbrook during 1803 will be iox )~ .. council. ‘ Toronto, Ontario. T-Qt org C‘ â€".\Ir. (4. \Valter (lreen, Deputy Supreme Chief Ranger, of the Independent Order of Foresters, attended the funeral of the l: we John Hidilell. ( fraternity) and assisted Court Centreville, in cursin 3 out the burial service of the Court. I . . . . . ton ~A Circular has been issued to [no 1119." l ’ school masters and school inspectors at the ~, \~\» instance of the Hon. Mr. Harcourt, actin;r minister of education, asking for specimens , of writing (copybook, etc.) drawing maps' and books, book-keepin M 51‘. g, photographs of ment will make collections to send to the ltOWh merit. mar-y. , place MILLBROOK. A. T. Elliott. H. M. Wood. â€"-Salt combine bro en up through the L.F.Clarry. W. '1‘. Wood. ask 2 E. B. Edwards. sk. . . .10 and R. E. Stanton. First car load, to arrive Geo. Bur-ham. Special prices to those azgnfiafigrggs J. A. Vance. sk ..... 7 J udgc Weller. ........ 1" fraternal benevolent society, incorporated will preach in the Millbrook Methodist in 1879 and registered under the insurance corporations act, 1892, of Ontario. The ob- â€"R. I Doak has secured the co rol of jects of the societyare to furnish itsmembers which with sick and funeral benefits and an insur- ’ . . i . " n a 101 l a . 1h arranted. ance of o e or t o tl 1 sand (.0 1 rs e , _ one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per â€"Mr. and Mrs. Ewing, residents Of month, according to the age of the member, D akotaihave been spending the greate r part and the amount of insurance carried. The 0f the wmter here With Mrs. Ewmgs par- membership is composed of men only, and duced price for ages of . present number of members is over 16,000, and the society has a cash surplus on hand for the payment of the insurance of over have about half a million dollars in their . treasuries for the mvments of the sick and X “315.00 per week straight salary, to re- 1 ' , _ “ ., funeral benefits. The high secretarv of the eponSihle person male or female to re- _ 'm , , * . . 7,, 0P(l:‘l'lS Mr. 1.103. “lute of Brantford, present us in your locality.â€"A(.uress B. -. . , . _ ,_ . ‘ . , __ ,. . . and 1. is expected that a courteftlns pow. (anauian Musxc Folio 00., H V zctorla St. , . , _ and purely Canadian socxety wxll shortly be Mr. Samuel Blakely, who has been sick! who was a member of tnelfor the ; l 1 ‘;ed by SChOolhouses, natural history (collections of i The Bethany amateur dramatic club ren insects and leaves), from which the depart- ! dered the play “ Under the G Chicago exhibition. The specimens must be several parts were evceedingl sent to the t ' t fthe de ar‘- and everyone m the coun y inspec ors 0 p ' lighted with the excellence of the entertain- ment of education before the end of Feb- ~Special sermons will be preached in the Presbyterian church, Millbrook, on March 5th, when Rev. John Hay, B. D., of Cobourg, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday evening, March 20th, an en- tertainment will beheld in the town hall, for which Sara. Lord Bailey, the celebrated elocutionist, has been engaged. â€"Mr John S. Richardson has purchased the mill property in Bethany formerly owned by Mr. Matthew S‘ advt. â€"On Friday morning last Mr. Benjamin Raper went to Port Hope on business, and while there be had an interview with In- spector Powers and Magistrate Holland, During a formal conversation it cropped out that these gentlemen had a wel defined im- pression that he had been selling liquor without the necessary license to do so. Mr. Raper was astonished beyond measure at the idea of such a charge, but he paid them fifty odd dollars rather than doubt the correctness of their opinion. â€"â€"Mr. \Vm. Vance’s store was burglarized on \Vednesday night. The thieves pried off a window in the back shed, and, breaking a light of glass in the door leading to the store, drew the bolt and gained an entrance. They then went to the till where they found seventy-five cents, and from there they pro- ceeded to a show case containing cigars, here they stole a number of Madre e Hijo cigars and a pipe worth $1.50. Passing a box of tobacco, they paused long enough to to help themselves to a. considerable quantity, after which they proceeded to the safe, but that was securely locked, and having satisfi- ed themselves that there was nothing to be got there, they made their escape. The thief who broke the glass must have cut his hand severely for there were drops of blood all over the store and even on thesafe handle. club went to Peterboro last Saturday after- Granites of that town, Our boys had to leave on the 8.50 train, hence one rink was only able to play 13 ends and the other 15. Judge \Veller defeated Skip Vance by 10 shots in a 15 end game, while Skip Wood of Millbrook, was 2 shots ahead of Skip Edwards at the close of the 13th end. On the whole the Granites come out victorious by 8 shots. The following are the scores: RINK N0. 1. PETER [10R 0. R. B. Rogers. W'. D. Parker. A. Stevenson. RINK N0. 2. V. McGill. E. H. D. Hall. D. \V. Dumble. l â€"The Canadian Order of Foresters is a ayments fortliese benefits range from about hen admitted they must be between the eighteen and fortyâ€"five. The 15,000, $50,000 of which is in the Domin- In addition to this, courts anized be: e. 50-41)) “m The Marsh. past two weeks is recovering. Mr. Ned Hunter is also very ill. Mr. “'esley Wood has for the past three weeks been visiting: in the vicinity of Tren~ but returned home Tuesday, accompani- friends. ' 1 it. Bethany. hall here on Tuesday evening. The .s y well taken, next Tuesday evening. .aples, and is running a flourishing business in the shingle and chop lines. Mr. Richardson is a. pusher, and will no doubt receive the bulk of business in his line in that locality. He has a number of thoroughbred Yorkshire pigs for sale See â€"Two rinks from the Millbrook curling noon to play a couple of quartettes from the the fee was then put and carried on the fol- lowing divismnzu passed on the same. division. business of the council would be better done if it passed through the hands of standing committees. Other councils found their business better digested and in a much more satisfactory condition for final action after it had been considered by committees. His proposition was that there should be a com- mittee on finance, whose duty it would be to enquire into and pass upon all accounts and other financial they were acted upon by the council ; then there might be a committee on streets and sidewalks, whose duty it would be to carry out any works ordered by the council and to attend such jobs as might be neces- sary from time to time. Four such commit- tees would divide the work up fairly well, , of Canada. bonds, and the balance is in- and would give each member a chairman -20. The fees for shop license will be 3170’ vested in the best monetary institution of and some particular bra-nob of the work the latter having been reduced $50 by the the Dominion, to attend to during the year. atic plan would than be devised for main- taining the streets and sidewalks and other afi'airs instead of the present haphazard way. His plan was to place two members on each committee. with the reeve as a member of all committes. This would make each commit- nilar tee consist of three persons, and each coun~ ‘ cillor would be a. member of two commit- tees, being the chairman of one of them. He I moved that Coun. Campbell, the wow I himself he a committee to strike st l committees for the year. The motion was seconded by Coun. Clarke and adopted. .‘Jembrny's Kidney and Liver Cure has neen dispensed druggist for years, .. 1 customers nave freely testified rs. Henx‘)’ Maj.“ and Mrs. John Porter of} ucral “6335, Mid wouderfu‘ . . - v v .. 7 ' - I \ . ' - - Trenton are visxtmg at Mr. \l'. H. \\ ood’s; am: L“ er complaints. ASL T0 W l" C 0 I z'lb'CI L. The City Fathers Hold a Speela and Pass a License By-law. ’day evening, when all the were present. ' amount to be received by from the liquor licenses th during the coming year. of the new by-law was to of M illbrook’s proportion license from $100 to the year 189], when Mr. license, he paid a full y bers of the council of th They did not do this, year the council did not to him. This year, Mr. the amount he claimed to be due was thought that by rcducin his license for next year it we lent to paying the amount over to him. him. of theb ~l its intro uction shoul previous meeting. unnecessary. council went with the reeve in the chair. hand way of payin on its merits and the entry be able to understand the thin edge of the way. If a reduction were ma the other liquor-dealers woul right to a $50 shave, council do now rise. could not lega Leach, and the law. as follows:â€" YEASâ€"Bateson, Elliot. N Al'sâ€"Campbell, Clarke. The reeve gave his casting v the motion and declared it lost. On motion of Coun. Batcson, seconded by Coun. Elliot, the fee for hotel licenses was fixed at $100â€"the same as last year,â€"all voting in favor of it. Coun. Bateson then moved, seconded by Coun. Elliot, that the fee for shop licenses be the same as last year, viz.: $100. Coun. Campbell moved in amendment, seconded by Coun. Clarke. that the fee be reduced to $50. The vote on the motion stood:â€" YEASâ€"Bateson, Elliot. N M'sâ€"Clarke, Campbell. The reeve gave the casting vote against the motion and declared it lost. Coun. Campbell’s amendment to reduce Yeasâ€"Campbell. Clarke, and the reeve. NAYs~Bateson, Elliot. The bv-law was read a third time and Coun. Elliot said he thought mnch of the business before ship Some system- and and mg ...,-_â€"..._._ m by a prominent chemist and and hundreds of his to the bene- . cure of Kidney your druggist for For sale by A. LEACH : .‘dil‘brook. .l N I ll ~You can have your rubbers and over, shoes neatly repaired at Archer’s. Al as-llght m the rubber cement for sale. 5 - -â€"Sir John Thompson is to be invited to in crowded hall was de- open the Peterboro’ exhibition next fall. . â€"Lindsay carried a by-law on Monday to It Will be repeated in the same grant $25,000 to the Po Bobcaygcon railroad. ntypool, Lindsay and J 1 Meeting members A by-law was introduced by Coun. Camp- 11, seconded by Coun. Clarke, to fix the this municipality at may be granted The special object reduce the amount of Mr. Leach’s shop $50.11; seems that in Leach took out his car’s fee for seven months on an understanding with the mem- . at year that the un- earned proportion would be repaid to him. however, and last return the money Leach asked for g the amount of uld be equiva~ Coun. Bat-eson objected to the introduction aw on the ground that notice of d have been given at a The reeve ruled that prex ious notice was The by-law was read a first time, and the into committee of the whole Coun. Elliot then arose and said he had been thinking over the matter of this by-law and the more he thought of it the less he liked it. It seemed to him to be an under- g this money to Mr. Leach and it was therefore an unmanly wa ' If the members of the council who promised this refund desired to carry out their prom- ises, they should come into the council with a clear-cut resolution to pay $50 to Mr. Leach. Then the matter could be dealt with would appear under the proper head and the people wculd transaction. On principle he was opposed to the reduction of liquor licenses, and he objected to the wedge being put in in this de in this case d have an equal which would mean a total loss of 3250 during the next year. He moved, seconded by Coun. Bateson, that the The reeve explained that Coun. Elliot’s motion meant an abandonment of the by-law. He (the reeve) contended that the council 11y pay the money to Mr. only way in which he could be recouped was by the passage of this by- Coun. Bateson concurred in the remarks of Coun. Elliot, and said he thought that was the proper way to deal with the matter. On a vote being taken the members stood otc against cost during the holiday season. It BARGAINS. v- GEO. A. BATEMAN, T. B. Collins’ old stand. N ALMOST. ' I have 500,000 in stock. All grades. Prices are low to suit the timesâ€"running from one dollar upwards. The dollar shingles are excellent valueâ€"quite good enough for any or- dinary outbuilding; LIME, LIME AND CEMENT. I will sell lime the coming season much cheaper than it has ever been offered before in this section. All those intending to build should call and be convinced of this fact. 1 have a good stock of building material on hand and will cut out Dimension Stuff on short notice at very low prices. Sash, Doors, Mould- ings, Door and Window Frames made to order on short notice. The correct thing at this season of the year is GOOD WOOD Coun. Ellioi .mved, Seconded by Coun. AND COAL. l have agood supply Of Bateson, that the reeve be authorised to re- present this village at the meeting of the reeves and deputy-reeves to be held at Orono on the 20th inst., to consider the question of the separation of the counties. Carried. both these commodities. W. TH EXTON. P. S.â€"I want a quantity of Green Wood. hard 0nd soft, two and four feet long. Also a quan tity of Oats and Hay, for which I will pay cash. Ofiice and ya rd at Railway Station. disease. Scott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, Golds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Dlseases. Prevents wasting in children. Aizzzext as palatable as . 3; :l'tiacg;en1:i:ie. Prepared by Scott .2} â€" . Drumivi“: 50 cc"‘ ' ‘ C” ”' go-..” ...‘:5 21:... one... Sold by all ‘â€" HANGING LAMPS for NEW :YEAR’ GIFTS, “ for your PARLOR, .c “ for your DINING ROOM, 2 ;‘ for your HALLS, for your KITCHEN, Don’t forget to come and see and buy a Hang Lamp, as I am selling them to one and. all at W. S. PICKUP. SHINGLES fora. SONG “Wis-av.” » . "5311946? ‘

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