along the river to shut dowu. Freeport, on becoming acquainted with the conditions were limited. He was able, however, to make a beginning, and to collect no inconsiderable amount of valuable information which can be turned to practi- cal account. A thorough scientiï¬c study removed the duties on all classes of Canadian agricultural products entering at St. Pierre and Miquelon Islands. agreeable waters, for they do not resort to localities having a low temperature. In the Lofoden ï¬sheries (Norway) the ï¬shermen are trained to use deep sea. thermometers which are found to be of great service in three miles north of Lawrence Station, for Widdiï¬eld’s hotel in the village named. _. , The pond is owued by George E. Young, 4 whose home isclose by. Glover had his MURDER [N BEGIN COUNTY. the Alegheany river, suffers from an inunda- “FF THE [ABBA H OH CH ASTI under which ï¬sh were found most plentiful, ‘ pawn ' . _- tion. Boats and much lumber have been he could at least tell the ï¬shermen who The Quarrel .1, Two Men Over-alto: â€"1 but; gnla- CANADIAN. deS‘meed â€" took him around to their ï¬shing grounds, ‘d'r‘fl‘e’ Remus ‘1 a Terrible Tra: on e » ; .- GENERAL. ' ’ ' h b er likel to et ï¬sh and 0 ’- - . ~ cc! The tender of the R.\I.A. B Mr. Nielsens St d f Se W ere ‘ e? W *3 Y 3 a . ler maï¬a a loan of $100, 000 to Kingston hzgkbggi: tahe Cholera still prevails in the suburbs of St anduC yd 0H b:l Temperatures where they would not, by dropping his 111- A despatch frpm St. Thomas sa‘ysEâ€"The needatow the cepleil- c- etersburg ' o a 1 a' ' struments down to the bottom and thps annalihof crimecin tqe county of gag? eon- .. 5 ition. . H , , 1 . ,- . ' . . ,, ascertainin the condition of the waters. n tain e 79°07: 0 no more eli 91‘5“ " ' ‘ re, 1 leï¬â€˜ how a line ch lg‘ldge at Niagara. IF‘ans remains {Us reported-that 5.50 personsin MarseXIIBS. A Igyag: “'rhich May “of“! Considerable these prodigious he rarely failed. He al- cold-blooded murder than that which took, Z and “Wang: undlillliuia’tand “51‘0†sm‘ throng the Ponce, have d‘ed w‘t’hln the last f0“ days or ‘ ew oufndlauslâ€"henerni New? ways found the cod most plentiful near a place Wednesday afternoon in the township {,3 Drit'eyedil’e'i‘.l1 great at c rom 8‘ disease resembling cholera. o the Island. hilly and uneven bottom with an abundant 0f SonthWOId, abOUli ï¬fteen miles from this| 1. 'e 1!) 'rl Largo petitions were presented at Ottawa It is reported that a riot lasting two days Acorrespondent writes fromStZJohn’sNew- vegetation, where a rotatory current exist- city. A dog chased a turkey. The owner ,: Gre 1% from loronto and Hamilton, praying for as taken place at Bogota, Panama, and that foundland as followsâ€"For the ï¬rst time Mr. ed, and where the temperature of the water Of the canine and the owner of the fowl quar- 3‘ banana“; pm the grouping of constituencies and the 100 men Were killed and 500 wounded. Nielsen, our able and indefatigable superin- at the bottom ranged from 36 ° to 39 ° and relied over. the occurrence, and one of the 3: l8 object or . establishment of cumulative voting Dr. Cornelius Hem, who is wanted in tend-ant of fisheries, was able to visit Labia. the speciï¬c gravity was from 1.0260 to 1.. parties deliberately went into his home, got ; wine Mr. Major Spriggs,verger of St. Geor e’s aris in connection with the Panama scan- dorm the fall or last year, after the close 0270, In waters of a temperature below his revolver and came out and shot the g In he stop. cathedral, Kingston, On t., died suddognl dal, has grown Worse of fever, and is now of the hatching season at Dildo. It was 35 °, a few cod may Occasionally be caught, other man dead. Fred Glover, of Lawrence '* . may from ap0plexy upon his return home dog very much depressed. but a flying YISIC,‘SO Pb“ his opportunities but these are only ï¬sh passing through Station, was With others engagedin cutting i ’worthrhe the chaï¬ng meeting 0: the Brotherhood of The French Government h--s voluntarily Sigpvestigating til: fish and ï¬sheries along these cold regions, in order to get into more we at a pond on “ the old Ham brickyard, \ you v . . . St. An row On Saturday “ immense coas ‘“~ ms thatIeXPwn ‘ ‘ pJSt, I In" no .Vlf'. I of Major Cleveé :lient I who“ {ecute the mp0" dog with him, and it chased one of Young’s - eatlue the war drum so Vigorously on be- of ï¬sh~life, together with the physics of the ascertaining the habitat of the ï¬sh. It is turkeys. Young came out and asked who ‘ I I am eat-'3 ., Rev J38. Allan, M A of the Ccntenar fa†0f the Army bill have been silenced sea, along the Labrador coast, would be a ascertained there that the most successful owned the dog. One word led to another ' .1 M11301, umbw chuI'Cll: Hamilton ls CODSlderu y 88$ their belllcose utterances shouid offend Lwe will 110â€â€œ w, sir, Impre- ‘sion, and We?“ on ï¬nd 1:13th Du as my we!“ work requiring yeirs for its accomplish- ments, but its importance could hardly be over-rated. During his brief visit Mr. Nielsen was the guest of Dr. Grenfell, on board the mission ship ï¬sheries are carried on in localities where between him and Glover, and they threat- favorable temperatures are found. ened what they would do to each other. Young in the heat of the quarrel, deliber- ately walked to his house, about ten rods the Metropolitan church, Toronto. The brigantine Edith is ashore at Fax- G point ten miles east of Halifax. There are seven men on board, and it is f It is stated that the relations between ermany and Russia, partly as a result of CODFlSFIâ€"TIIEIR POWER or RESISTING COLD. the recent visit of the CzareWitch, have be- The nature of the codï¬sh varies in dif- _ Albert having re- . . . distant, got his revolver, went back to . vessel may go to ieces be“ I cared the come very friendly. ceived from the gentleman a cdurteous in- ferent countries, In regard to the“ power where Glover was and ï¬red four shots at yden’s wifemnqz berescued P .ore t 1e crew can It is probabl‘! that Germany would sup- Vitation to accompany him. He was of Of re315ng COId- At the Lofoden Islands, Lyour cottage ' him. The fourth shot pierced Glover’s port an American protectorate over Hawaii course dependent on the movements of the heart and'he dropped dead. Young walked cod would not be found on condition that in as low a tem- elieve you; and Charles Patterson, the Woodstock youth . . ' . German receive some Albert for such opportunities of investi ra- peratureas on the COï¬St 0f Labrador. The back to his house gave the revolver to his 4. , tigation in anal Will)! 2:385:33;ng at} N iagaHz-a, Falls charged compensation in Samoa. y tulms 2:3 he met with ; but Dr. Grenfe‘il (lid efl'eCtS 0f 19th gulf stream are felt it Ifiolfde: wife, and husband and wife started off to a ‘i‘ " W1 , ' rom yacinthe Latro- It is re or‘red tl t G W d . al in iis power to aid him in the work in raising t e temperature, and t e s ge [1, 1 donot choose moullle .the Hamilton boy, who stole some p ‘ 1a en. von ar 01 brother’s residence, three miles distant, where Detective Miller found him about an hour after the tragedy. He was brought here and lodged in gaol. The murdered man 7.“. is about 21 years of age, and a son of James .. ‘. Glover of Lawrence Station. He and his father are employed by the London Barrel company in getting out staves there. Thev moved to the village about four years ag ) from Port Stanley. The deceased is de- scribed as a. quiet inoffensive young man. The murderer Geo. E. Young, is a man off, about 25 years of age, and a son of Joseph Young farmer, in Southwold. He conduct- ed a brick and tile yard at the scene of iii». murder. He was married a year and a l- =if ago. his wife being a daughter of Mr. Cor- michael, a neighboring Southwold farmer. He was arrested;abeiit-f,eur1 ., ..... , ,. discharged on suspended sentences on the charge of obtaining goods on order to which he had forged his father-in-law’s name. Dr. Gustiu,coroner, will hold an inquest at Law- rence Station to-morrow. â€"â€"-.â€"â€"-_ The Cholera. It is certain that the Asiatic cholera has continued to exist, and has even been epi- demic in parts of Germany and Russia ever since it broke out there in August last. Though its ravages have been greatly and happily reduced everywhere since the win- ter set in, the reports about it from Ham- accustomed to it so that if suddenly remov- 5709 from the E ed to Labrador colder waters they would be very uncomfortable and probably would not live. At Dildo hatchery, Newfoundland, Mr. Nielsen found that the cod kept in wells to which the sea water had free ac- cess, were perfectly healthy as long as the temperature did not fall below 34°; but that as soon as a lower temperature was reached the ï¬sh became drowsy and would not feed, and at 28° they perished quickly by cold. On Labrador, codï¬sh are often seen in a drowsy, stunned condi- tion by cold, and when in that state they will not take bait of any kind. The cod picked up dead in these cold waters, are found when opened to have lumps of ice in their stomachs. This is caused by the fluid contained in their stomachs freezing after they are dead, and not, as the ï¬sher- men believe, from their eating ice. CURE OF CODFISH 0N LABRADOR. Mr. Nielsen’s report contains some very important remarks on the methods of cur- ing codï¬sh on Labrador. He condemns the system in the strongest terms. He found that, with the exception of a few places, the ï¬sh are cured in a most slovcnly careless manner, which is injurious to the trade and if not reformed, must prove ruinous. Its value in foreign markets is thus seriously depreciated. “ The handling, Splitting, German Ambassador at St. Petersburg, has; Whmh Viki“ m band. . Mr. Nielsen has received positive assurances from the Czar ] embodied tue resultsof his explorations in a. that the Russian squadron will not viSit lreport to the hShehleS commission which France this summer. A special cable des- Wm be shortly published, and Will be read, . . . with much interest Meanti I bl d . patch says this is the conccsswn of the Czar - - - ' me am ena e halls dozen workmen at the ruins of the to the friendly feelings manifested in Berlin to Indicate briefly some 0f the more imp or- Rolland ï¬re in Montreal. Two married towards Russia during the visit of the Czare- taut points Of his report. inch, named Theriault and Lacourt, were Witc . The general opinion in St. Peters- TEMPERATURE OF THE SEAâ€"SINGULAR PHE- instantly killed, and one named Giroux was burg is that Russia is about to sever her NOMEXA- fatally Injured. alliance with France,>and ally herself with The. ï¬rst thing which attracted his Mr. Angers, Minister of Agriculture, ad- Germany and Ausnria. attention was the very low ranges of the mitathat the United States' order schedul- “‘â€" temperature Of the waters along the ing Canadian came is a serious blow to the The Protestant Episcopal tum-cu. Labrador coast. which do not exceed 461: farmers. He hopes, however, that Eng- A census bulletin giving statistics relatincr degrees on the surface, even in the warmest land will soon raise her embargo against to the Protestant Episcopal Church in the days Of summer. The Arctic current seems this country. United States shows that the numerical to throw “3 001d waters With full force Senator Boulton has given notice of a strength of that denomination is chiefly cen- ziigainst the .Sh°â€es’ as well as to a great resolution to the effect that the charter of tered in the Atlantic States, from Virginia (listance' out to. "sea, I m deeper" regions the Canadian Paciï¬c railway authorizing f0 Massachusetts. Over half Of all its com- a ong the bottom. Another Singular fact†the construction of its connection through municants are foundin New York, Pennsyl- pfeseuted itselfâ€"namely, that In several the State of Maine should be cancelled, as 28313» New Jersey, and Connecticut, WhiCh p aces along the coast there were found it would be a cause of irritation to the States contain only abouti’O per cent. 0f United States, and would tend to divert the population of the entire country. 003‘ Canadian traï¬c.‘ necticut has not much over one-ï¬fth as The heavy and increasing demand upon iiany pahabitants as Ohio,_but it contains the products of the cotton mills in Montreal :33? 3 ’per cppt}, mpre Episqqpaliyans than and its neighbourhood has compelled the N m ~ ,8 .ftate. i ary.and‘ companies to consider additions to their more cpmmunicantso the Protestant Epis- buildings and machinery- There is a pres- copal third) _than dwell m mmms’ and VII" ent demand, also, for stock in the several ginia. leans Missouri more than two to one. , . . . Rhode Island with about one-fourth as companies, as investors believe that prices . , - ’ . . . . man inhabitantsas a ‘a Will advance With time. y 1‘ ns s,has nearly three I must infol'ln f hours you ““11 pd larceny, and [are obtain P03' up.) l OCEAN. he “Sara-13' and a Dole I Advices from thrilling expo?- ue “ Saranak" December 12, On December rrific gale and s so suddenly as swept. over- ‘heel drowned. .. the only thing t of the main l e mizzen mast. s impossible }0 -e vessel driit, hen they came ithout food or r coal to make en were almost ope lay in ace mg of various extent, between the lower and upper strata of the sea. For instance,â€" in one case the temperature at the bottom, in 90 fathoms, was found to be at the low point of 29% degrees, but it rose gradually to 34 ° 7, and in 60 fathoms depth a layer of ice-cold water was struck having a temperature of 30° 5, and this extended to 30 fatlioms from the surface where the water again attained the temperature of 34 e, and gradually became warmer as .- ~ ing ship in 0 food of any ought six geese e of these Were t the whole of need to eleven to live on the captain had the he flesh in little eces, at stated on Christmas e oï¬'a leg bone. no water until BRITISH. The Government of New Zealand has telegraphed the Marquis of Ripon, strongly protesting against the annexation by the United States of the Sandwhich Islands. The London Chronicle says that Canada’s desire for annexation is less now than it was when Sir John Abbott so petulantly signed the famed manifesto in Montreal in 1949. The London Financial Times says the loyalty of Canada to the Empire will be times as many Episcopalians, and little Delaware contains half as many as live in Indiana. This denomination is emphatically and peculiarly urban. It is weak in States where a comparatively small share of the population lives in large towns, and it flour- ishesinostin great cities. For example, over half of the Episcopalians in Illinois are found in Chicago, although that city, not] counting foreigners of nationalities which contribute very little to the membership of the Episcopal Church, does not contain one-ï¬fth of the population of the State in l which it is situated. deep 1 the surface was appr case at a depth of 110 fatlioms the temperature was 31 ° 7, but at 100 fath it was raised to 36° it again dropped to coldness it kept all the reached 15 fathoms bel when it gradually became w Thus there are alter cold water; 10 fathoms from the water is warm ivc. in, while below oached. In another armer again. nate layers of warm and the bottom enough for codï¬sh to it is a 10 fathom ayer and above is a 65 fathom deep oms , and at 80 fathoms 31 ° , which degree of way up until it ow the surface, washing and drying of the ï¬sh, in most places, is bad.†When he remonstrated with the ï¬shermen and pointed out the in- jury they were thus doing to themselves and the trade, their reply was that they got as good a price for the ill-cured as for the properly cured ï¬sh; that the suppliers made no distinction; and that as long as they got as much for the worst cured as for the best, they had no object in spending time and labor in curing the ï¬sh in a superior way. They knew how to handle and cure ï¬sh as it should be treated, and burg, Halle, Berlin, St. Petersburg, and other places are still disquieting. German science has striven for half a year to exter- minate it, but without success. Its sudden appearance within a week at Halle, Altona, and Leipsic has been a surprise to the medi- cal authorities, and its fatality there during the depth of an unusually cold winter has raised alarm allover Germany. We must trust that this alarm Will lead to the adop- tion of those preventive measures that are now needed even more than they have been at any past time. In the judgment of em- _ . . . In like manner over . . . . , would be glad to do 3° if only 9' distinction inent experts, there is excellent hope that me rain fell and greatly stimulated by the introduction or 50 per cent. of the Episcopalians in Ken- Inf,“ containing ice-cold water 1." Whleh between 300d and had were remunerated the precautions against the entry of cholera ich was measâ€" the Cummings bin 3" Washington. tucky are found in Louisville, which has co wou perish after 8‘ time, and ineglassful per 11 they caught Macmillan’s Magazine says there is no jealous desire upon the part of England to less than 10 per cent. of the population of that State. this upper layer is even cold er than the for the additional labor required. It is evi- dent that as long as this state of matters into Canada will be as effective and success- ful this year as they were last year. An New Orleans contains more one close to the bottom. members of the Protestant Episcopal QUESTIONS RAISED- Cliurch than all the rest of Louisiana. St. It is a puzzling question when we ask Louis is the great stronghold of the denomi whence come these alternate layers of tem- nation in Missouri, Detroit in Michigan, perate and ice-cold water? and Cleveland and Cincinnati in Ohio. thinks the cold layer is accounted for by the More than half of the Episcopalians in Penn- action of the ice and the Arctic current, the sylvaiiia are found among the 20 per cent. potent elements which here control the cli- of its people who live in Philadelphia. It matic condition of the waters. The origin is the same everywhere, and in spite of the of the warm layers is much more difï¬cult to iact, often commented upon, that the Chris- explainâ€"Are there warm springs of water tian churches flourish most, in proportion coming up from the bottom? 0r, contrary to the population, in villages and rural dis- to received beliefs, does the Gulf stream tricts, the Protestant Episcopal denomina- throw out a. northern branch? Or does 8. tion thrives best in large cities. The high warm current come down from the north ‘2 rate of growth in these centers of popula- Or, lastly, do waters at the bottom, where tion, between 1880 and 1890, is doubtless codï¬sh resort, get heated by fresh waters why hardly any other of rivers which have been warmed by the continues there is no hope of improvement. IVhat is wanted is that purchasers and shippers of ï¬sh should make a distinction in price between the well and ill-cured ï¬sh. A speedy improvement would follow if this as an encouragement Would thus be held out to intelligence and industry. The system pursued on Labrador is thoroughly bad and likely to become worse, as good ï¬sh can be made on Labrador as anywhere, if pains are taken. At Battle Harbor he saw ï¬sh as well cured as the best N cwfound- land shore fish. A SAD TALE OF THE SEA. The brigantine Kestrel arrived recently at Harbor Grace, having on board two sailors who were taken from the wreck of en two glasses retain Canada within the Empire if she does not wish to remain. There is no similarity in the cases of Canada and Ireland. Mr. Labouchere’s speech on the address in the House of Commons on Friday night on the Government’s foreign policy did not please his Radical friends, while Mr. Glad- stone administered a. snub which tickled the Unionists. A despatch has been received at the For- eign Ofï¬ce in London from Lord Cromer, the British Minister to Egypt, stating that the condition of affairs in that country may compel the landing of all the British troops ordered from England. The English Conservatives won a signal I victory on Saturday by capturing Hudders- authority says that there is no disease more easily managed than cholera, so long as the water supply is kept uncontaminated. Unfortunately, in Toronto, pure water is just the condition that is lacking. For months now our water has been contaminat- ed with all the ï¬lth that ï¬nds an outlet into the Bay and for some time to come there appears no chance of any relief. Already an increase in disease is an- nounced which the medical health ofï¬cer at- tributes to the impure state of the water. It is rapidly becoming a question whether the locanr the Dominion government should not step in and compel the city council to take immediate and effective measures to remedy the present state of things. The big coming famisii- ned that an old. ~ ever, they 008‘ ved fervently. ~e captain, “we the Almighty 'f flesh (or en- ed) ï¬ll us like ‘ving in hopes, er every day." any chance of passed another ' certain night. ey had neither on December . . the Danish brigantine Louise on the 15th newspapers are .astoundiiigly supine 1†the ,‘ enrik Ibsen,â€ ï¬ 1 h‘ h tL'be l' 188’ 1886 d [ religious body in the United States made sun and are poured into the sea? Elabor- instant. Their names are Hans Halte, a. premises, 5119 If matters continue much That vessel .ed, :7 llI‘hweCn I fail“ " (ll ’ an suchaproportionategrowthin that decade, ate investigations extending over years Dane, and Hans Zaage, a German. They longer 85 they are thePeOPle may reasonably 'ork to Liver- in 189.... e onseri atue canc idate won as the Protestant Episcopal Church. would be required to solve such questions. The facts, however, remain, and are estab- lished by careful observations. CODFISII FOUND FAR NORTH. 'Another interesting fact is that codï¬sh are ‘found to the extreme north of Labrador, by thirty votes. Lord Salisbury, in a speech delivered on Saturday on the occasion of opening the _ _ Liverpool electric railway, said that a tariff A very considerable _ body 0f English on cdrn was absolutely outside of the churchpeople are preparing to‘set out “P9“ dreams of any politician. a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. There are, in gavea harrowing account of the disaster which overtook their vessel. The Louise was bound from San Domingo to Havre With a cargo of mahogany. On New Year’s in a fearful gale, she was thrown on her beam ends; the foremast was broken ue same storm. 3 register and 1844 for the pers, between be expected to awake from their apathy, and demand not only protection for themselves and those dependent upon them, but also for the remainder of the country, which should not be submitted to the danger of incurring cholera. and other diseases because A Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. .. . , . . these times, more Pilgrims to Jerusalem on a coast which is surrounded with heavy Dad ‘3: vessetl réghted but; was waterloggeg, aofï¬lï¬ftshioï¬rï¬dllIf-gpgzevderfnaxtlilezhgompebent 5 BOEASP“ cxugp STATES, from Russia than from any other country ice almost all the year round, and where it a: 1.1:: 01:, o ï¬hcrew o seyen were wasr- ' . v . ‘ h â€˜ï¬ l l R , of Christendom. The devoutness, the pas- might have been thought that no ï¬sh could gogvellledatlo take t: tï¬eï¬glnï¬g 02%;91’3‘? â€"â€"â€"~â€"~ 1“,", rune ‘ . ' The United elm“. ““3“ e‘ he use!“ sionate devotion of these pilgrims of the exist unless some unknown submarinepower tainpevlvhose name was Erigcgksogn and will) Safety of aMissing Crew. ninth. o ‘ extradition treaty Wlt'h amendments. ancient Greek iite when visiting the is at work to raise the temperature of the ’ ’ Western Pennsylvania is in danger of flood. The steamer La Gascogne, on Saturday, from New York, took out $2,500,000 gold. “ North and South Dakota and lVestern Minnesota. are experiencing the worst blizzard of the winter. A mad dog ran smack in Chicago on Set the Canadian ito Montreal tiated an im- ~ of the North ._. nd also of the ermiual Rail- a Church of the Holy Sepulchre and other sacred places of Christianity is not sur- passed by that of the pilgrims of any [other rite, and the manifestations of it are marvellous to behold. So large has been the number of Russian pilgrims to Jerusalem in recent times that the Czar’s Government has been compelled to exercise some super- had been ill for some time, dropped dead from the rigging, and a. negro sailor soon after met the same fate. The two surviv- ors were ï¬fteen days in the rigging and endured terrible hardships from cold, hun- ger and thirst. For ï¬ve days they were without water, and during the last three days on the wreck their food was dried ï¬sh, The Glasgow ship Gretna was lost a short time ago, and although the crew got clear away from their vessel in their own boats, one of these, containing the captain and nine of the crew, became separated and for some time were missing. It now seems that they by the Japan mail steamer Sa- a very exhausted state, having waters. Our ï¬shermen are plying their avocations farther and farther north every year and the higher the latitude reached the more abundantly they ï¬nd the ï¬sh. More than in any other region, the resort and movements of cod, herring and caplin are determined by the meteorological condition kata-Maru in of the waters. th Star Con- . vision of the il rima es and it will not which was soaked with brine. On the 15th been 5V9 days“!!! an open boat. The Gretna, the Canadian urday night and bit ï¬ve persons before the er . t il ri p35) leavg ah , Russi n sea rt USE 01“ DEEP SEA THERMOMETERS- instant the Kestrel came in sight and rescu- 8-11 11'011 Ship 011711 30.113, %0t ashore 011 Rifle- . and Winni- police killed it. E 31; liragr it: Jerusalem yunless athe psre Hence it follows that a knowledge of the ed the men, who were in the last stage of “13:11 shoal, 03 the China 0St. 8-3 She_ was .dis now built , Three feet, of snow having fallen in lilovided width return tickets “an yof the climatic conditions of the waters is of the exhaustion. The utmost kindness was gomg from Cardiff to Houg Kong With a ninety miles," 5 Seattle and neiahborhood, the people new E3, 01' h ‘ d f g, ‘ A y . last importance tothe ï¬shermen who resort shown them on board, and they were hand [cargo 9f coal. The Sakata-Maruwas making :aluable prop- fear a. flood wheon the thaw comes. éigzlsogéegncï¬ntggnï¬. Pal eslfin e SETEES to these waters. Mr. N eilsen is of opinion ed at Harbor Grace. for 3:180†171193 8T l1)?“ EV“ Sighted very low - . . . that far e numbers of industrious and skil- -~â€"~“â€"w-<=-â€"â€"h. "1 e wa er. 1e s earner 5 course W3“ igped a year ‘ .Despatches of yiesfzerdag'iitjt: that theIn- li's curiosity'bhunters, gr archkzleologistsi p: ful ï¬shgrmen often lose their whole sum- A Wonderful Memory. altered, and the boat picked up. ‘There .. d bu’ 'he ‘ dial] troubles at t 0 .ine '- be .gency were iterary JO .eI'S, or go emouc es, 01' g 0 mer’s voyage .8in waste their time by re. . . . were ten men In the boat, and they Provedbo use s, u .. . d :7 . ‘ greatly exaggerated in the reports sent out. trotters. The Russxans whom_ one meets maining in localities where they would not Magliabecchi, a. Florentine, born 1633, be Captain Webster. of the Gretna, his sec- any“) 0353; i A bill has been introduced .in the Milk there are devoteesl; ï¬iousdpiigrims to the think of att emptiu g to ï¬sh if they were was blessed With a wonderful memory. and oï¬jcer , and eight sailors. a (1,; manage- nesota House of Representatives prohibit;- Fla-GeS that are '1 0W9 amuse Jesus The poor From early years he was an insatiable reader fellows had been ï¬ve days in their small craft prowded With deep sea thermometers and and became familiar, Cnrist lived and suffered there ; and their understood how to use them. These instru- iug the manufacture or use of hoopskirts ' it is written, with ,\ connection , and Were then in an exhausted state. The . ~ . - - - faith and awe while at these laces seem to - -. nearl every book extant in Euro at that y 3" Emerson if wnhm the borders of the State. be not less absorbing or intgnse than the ments would at once indicate when the con- eriofl More than this be all; t had been tossed about by the waves, and .4 .. .’ - _ ~ , _ ' ' P - , ' . e u repea we"e several times in 'reat dan er. The ..- ...L°:3mN m... ..... C... ... ..... He ... ‘ g g purpose was , 0’ ca tain of the" Sakata-Maru sh wed the ,. rims who are alwa s to be seen there. sometimes called “a livin , p L 0 ii, in the Red floor of 103 Reade street on Saturday and g y g ap that rich uilt now, but nsion to the 1‘ that before tic trains will nd Atlantic, ‘ian Paciï¬c, h and Win- tii shore of aortcr route e Camdian was instanoly killed. Business troubles are said to have been the cause of the act. Ira N. Terrill, ex-Speaker of the Okla- hOma. Legislature, who murdered George Embree because the latter testiï¬ed ' him in a land suit, has been sentenced to penitentiary for life. While searching in a blizzard on Friday for his missing daughter, Henry Graham, 05 Harrison, Mich, perished almost within reach of his own door. The girl has not been found. In the Judith cattle country of Montana in the spring, and the entrance of other contagious diseases which have already ap- l peared on our far southern borders, against] would advise citizens not to abate their at- tention to good sanitary conditions. At the present time disease germs are dormant be- cause of the cold weather, but in the frozen streets, gutters, Catch-basins and waste- pipes millions of the tiny oned, and await only milder temperature to be set free. All should be taken to â€"«.M Looking to the possible return of cholera we germs are impris- possible precaution purify houses by use of would thus 'b favorable localities. ment, however, ï¬shermen. of waters,†important i ï¬sh would resort to them; and ï¬shermen e warned to move to more The use of this instru- is unknown among our “ The meteorological condition says Mr. Neilsen, “ has a most nflueuce on the habits and move- ments of the ï¬sh and bait, and is a factor that should never be neglected cation of the ï¬sheries on the La I feel therefore certain that deep sea thermometers wou greatest advantage in ï¬ ï¬sh, if once the ï¬she in the prose- brador coast. the use of the Id be of the riding and locating rmen had learned speaking index of all the literature of the age.†Learned persons came to him to direct them to any book needed for consultation ; volume, page and often the very line, were at his tongue’s end. He studied the cata- logues of all the famous libraries, both public and private, and so familarizcd him- self with collections of books and valuable manuscripts that he had never seen. At one period he was librarian to the Grand Duke, and being one day inquired of by his royal patron concerning a certain very rare book, which was needed in some 1' G b and loud various districts where it was enjoyed. The reason assi bility of convicting Hindoos guilty of scri- sible “to gett welve honest men shipwrecked men every kindness, and landed them all at Saigon. W After an experience of thirty years the English Government has withdrawn the ight of jury trial from its Indian subjects, protests are made throughout the gned for this step is the impossi- us offences. In other words, it is impos- iu the jury- ox,†a problem in which, according to a ' ' tion re lied :â€" celebrated English statesman the real , . . . . where and how to use them and had b ex- invpstiga . ‘ P . . . ’ . erable dock- last week the mercury hovered between 63 disinfectants t; to pir th‘izm iiispitet of the p eri en ce obtained a knowledge of the habits th‘ Elgar: ghebllibsli-e cofpyhinéhe gogld, and 380:2: iqfngngpugqntAiogzi-ssta The .jury ..... ... ... 0° ... .. W .... .. “w- rapâ€- “fi -°’ 3.†’i’ a." r“:- m.-. .. ... ..... .. .0.-. r 3' °. .5 1...... ma... . .3 .. is". so“ ereaiter run came suffered severely. . sarily pure a". ' t? ms?“ b Ii ofatâ€" 2'03Ҡvarious temperatures in the different locali- 2‘ s e “aha“ m? be 1;“ d e lam}: you ï¬re character; and a"; on e “'1 e g (1" gum.“ bur. lThre lge gzrge m the Peavgr riverdat Rock food lggg tioieelmilien auttzrs 8and3 gate}:- ties on this coast.†slelven on the {evenglinshbllf or: thlemrrl if. become so, deeply rooadoeaheerrilï¬ilfei: '11:th p, {m g, giggleutawhsï¬zdihlle23iib ollthle’ifttegfg 1331;; cleared aslivell asgpossible, in order FISH AND TEMPERATURE- hand ’sids as one entersz†g prudence or affections. The fact that 53.10:: ort. . , and Lake Erie railroad, carried away tele- to carry off the slash and ï¬lth that are In support of this opinion Mr. Nielsen Magliabecchi died in Florence in 1714, in not operate successfully in India is a reflec- his eighty-ï¬rst year. graph lines and compelled all the factories “011 on the Hindoos and “9‘3 0†the â€rate“ sure to come upon the heels of a thaw. cites his own experience on Labrador. After