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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Feb 1893, p. 8

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Because 8 U N L I G H T SOAP is perfectly pure. and contains no injuri- ous Chemicals to injure either your clothes or your hands. Greatest care is exercised in itl manuiacture, and its quality is so ap reciated by the public t at it has the Largest Sale of any Soap in the World. How Can on test this? I! you ave never tried SUNLIGHT SOAP, ask those who use it what they think of it, then try it for yourself. The re- sult will please you, and your c othes W111 be washed in far less time, with Less Labour. Greater Comfort, and will be whiter than they have ever been before. when you used ordinary soap. Is That not the best way to de- cide the matter ? First by enquiring what the experience is of those who already use it. Secondly, by a fair trial yourself. Xou are not committed in any way to use the soa : all we ask is: Don‘t elay, try it the next washing day. .1". A TERRIBLE (HY'I'RR ENFIVI. say. i Ll 11d 5;: 3' P05 L . when three lives were lost buii hug, ‘ " C. it simnvr , alarm was at once tion. Notwithstanding that the in the dining room. blackening in the fiery furnace. seventeen ‘ store of M r. M. J. Carter. n of his fears. mains were speedily uncovered. had been So intense. his employer, M r. pect i vel y. DISTRICT NE "'5. eha nges. -. A. hall last week. as rabbits. ance. Lindsay. .- ' ‘ successiul candidate. not hold the seat. V. i» ’ ‘ *z‘ Lei/V‘fi‘fi .- Anctlxer Lindsay I‘irc. Lindsay is in it. chimney. DEAFNESS AND NOISES IN T testimonials post free. .197 '3. Wilson and Kennedy Again Trying Their Why, I A Young: Dian Burned to Death in Lind- l’ollowing close upon the the deplorable fatality in Fenclon township last week, in a burning we have this wee»: to report a ‘ia'zlliy in our very midst, and it is n-SCUiL‘ss‘ to state that the whole community has been shocked and saddened by the sad event. Tuesday morning about 4.31) o‘clock fire broke out in the upper portion of Mr, Wm. \‘x'alters‘ residence, east ward, being discovered by a member of the family. The given and the fire- men were speedily on the spot, but the house, being a frame structure, burned with incredible fiereencss, and though the water service was excellent it was soon evident that the building could not be saved. In the meantime the neighbors who had gath- ered, busicd themselves in getting out the effects on the ground floor, most of which were saved in a somewhat damaged condi- upper storey and part of the lower was all ablaze \Vm. and Thos. \Valtcrs essayed another trip through the smoke to save some pictures As they were about to retrace their steps by the way they had entered they heard a crash, being crushed by the falling chimney and part of the ceiling. Soon the building was reduced to a heap of ruins, and the people dispersed to their homes little dreaming that ahuman form lay Among those present at the tire were Mr. John Martin and his son Joshua, a young man years of age, employed in the Young Martin I had been very active in carrying out effects, \ " and when his father reached home and found . that his son had not arrived a horrible fear ‘3 seized him as he recalled that Mr. Walters ' men‘ioncd that someone was in the room when he entered, but supposed whoever it was in the room went through the hall. He at once went back and informed the firemen No one had seen the boy, and a. search amid the ruins was at once institu- ted, with the result that the charricd re The head, hands and feet were burned off, the heat The poor fellow was a general favorite, and was greatly liked by Carter, who sent a beautiful wreath to be placed on the coffin. The funeral took place on F1 iduy to River- side cemetery. Mr. “'alters’ loss on the building is about $750, and on the furniture $1,000; the insurance is $500 and 53700 res Items 0! Interest- Gleam-d from Our Ex- â€"The Port Hope Poultry Association held a four days’ exhibition in the Y. M. C. The show included many handsome birds and pet stock, such Large crowds were in attend- â€"A number of dogs have been poisoned in â€"â€"Deputy Reeve Worth of Bowmanville was unseated last week, having illegally taken the seat on the resignation of the The court held that ‘ ” not having a majority of the votes he could The fifth fire within a. week occured Friday morning at 8.30 when , A the roof of the residence of John Hardwick, WISheS to announce to hi” Russel street, caught fire from a “defective customers and the public It was extinguished With pails, after the firemen found that the hydrant at a neighbouring corner was frozen tight. HE opened his barber shop in HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutely genuine system. The most extraor dinary cases have been successfully treated. Full particulars, with copies of splendid ‘ Herbert Clifton, 51, Upper Kensington Lane, London, S. E. 6-ly THE ELECTION IN MANVERS. Strength. A meeting of the electors of Manvers for the nomination of candidates for the vacant office of Reeve was held in Beth- any last Friday. There was a pretty fair attendance and a good deal of interest was CHHBLAINS manifested in the proceedings. The follow- ing gentlemen were nominated:â€" James H. Wilson. and John Kennedy. ' % Richard Staples. 4" Geo. McCartney. Thomas O’Brian. All withdrew excepting Messrs. Wilson, Kennedy and Staples. Owing to a. misun- derstanding, Mr. Staples did not formally withdraw, and his name will therefore ap- pegr on the ballot, although he is not a. can- (i ate. PAWS valiaved a‘I’ @153. 23 TerLyDaws‘ The Cradle. ELLIOTâ€"Ill Millbrook. on Thursday, Feb. 16, the Wife of R. R. Elliot, publisher of THE RE- PORTER. of a son. The Tomb. CA‘lNâ€"ln Bethany, on Saturday. Feb. 11th, Mr. L. Cam, aged 60 years. ersmtx.â€"In the township of Hope on Mon- day. February ‘20, in the 69th year of his ago, John Kinsman. FOLLASâ€"In Millbrook. on Thursday, Feburary 16, 1893, Margaret S. Follas. wife of Mr. Robert Follas. aged 60 years. FARuowâ€"In Manvers, on \Vednesday, Feb. 22nd, 1893, Mary Farrow, relict of the late John Farrow, aged 78 years. Davis’ Pain-Killer.â€"Its valuable proper- ties as a speedy cure for pain cannot fail to to be generally appreciated, and no family should be without it, in case of accident or sudden attack of dysentery, diarrlnea or cholera morbus. Big 250. Bottle. ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem efi‘ectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, rompt in its action and truly bene cial in its efibcts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the 32081; popular remedy known. . . Syrup of Figs 18 for sale 1n '75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure 1t promptly for any one w 0 w1shes to try it. Manufactured only by the CAIIFDHNIA FIG SYRUP $00., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. I .QTTISVILI-E- KY: NEW YORK. N. Y. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS LINDSAY, ONT. as, BULBS, , BRONCHITIS, ' AND ALL DISEASES 1 OF THE THROAT AND ,, I LUNGS. PREPARED BY [18. H. a. TURNER, MILLBROOK. W. LANG as always on hand a SELECT STOCK, nnveooos, Boots 8: Shoes, Grocerres, c. Which can be ~urchascd cheaper than at any other hon» c in town, for cash. .â€" 3. cameras, proprietor. Newest Designs. Lowest Prices. AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT ALFRED MAYDfiUK, INSURANCE AGENT, BAILLIEBORO. ONT. CHANGE 0F LODA'I‘ION. a. thoroughly corner. - .T. H- BRYANS e PHOTOGRAPH er GALLERY. generally that he has re- residents of Mill orders for al kinds the Mulligan block, our on. TUBNER’s mum STORE. F. w. PEACY, ARTIST, fiQ‘TB ITE Fl Any person requiring reliable article in the above line the large“ St can procure the very best, from H. McCartney New Store at Deyell’s rook and vicinity that he has opened a Photograph Gallery. in @HE subscriber begs to announce to the the village and will be pleased to receive of PHOTOGRAPHS. CARTES DE VISITE, CABINET, etc., in the best style of the art and at rock bottom prices. 46 Ontario. GRAFTON GO. 393 George Street, Peterboro’.} W. E. CONWAY, Opposite McKee Davidson. Buy your Robes and Blankets Where you can have ock and best assortment to select from: Our large Stock must be cleared out. Prices catch REPAIRING ALSPEGIALTY. â€"-â€"â€"MANUFAGTURERS OF..â€" Sell direct to their customers at Close \Vholesale prices, thus saving them twenty- five per cent. CLEARING SALE OF BOYS’ SUITS BOYS’ OVEROOATS. Big Reduction in all Boys’ Clothing. \Ve are determined to make a clean sweep of every Boys Suit and Overcoat. We made up a very heavy stock of Boysl- Clothing for this winter. From now out we give away Boys Overcoats at the followii g prices : New Heavy Overcoat, $1.50; r“. Heavy Tweed Overcoat, $1.75 to $2.50; 23 different styles of Boys’ Caped Overcoats, in Meltons, Etofi‘e and Tweeds ; Heavy Navy Capcd Overcoats, 81.50 ; better quality Melton $1.75 Heavy Tweeds, 2 ; Etofie, Melton Ara, $2.50 3 one lot of fine dif. ferent cloths to clear, only $3.50 ; another lot of eight different styles to clear, only $3.95 5 a few better lines in the finest goodS, beautifully made, $4.50. The above prices are from 750. to 552,50 of? each Overcoat. BOYS’ SUITS FROM $1.25, 1 $1.50, $1.75, “>71 ““9" $2.00, $2.50, $2.59, $3.00, AND UPâ€"SEE THEM. we Handsome “ Daisy” Sleigh Free with every Boy’s Suit or Overcoat. GRAFTON CO. Manager. Lanterns, FaII Supplies For House and Farm. you every time. T. B. J EN KINS. JOHN STEELE HAS 0N HAND A FINE LINE OF Best Make 0f Watches in Gold And Silver A Fine Line of Platedware at Lowest Prices. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, MILLBROOK. Watches and Jewellery. LARGE STOCK 0F SPECTAGLES

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