‘ ‘ .. ...... swam- » .. c , . , . ,. . â€"~.... .. y... , . . - . . ' ‘ " ,- ' - -:. » .,., .. -. . -. c ~ . . .. a. ' erw'mmxn » M " Millions of Laundry and K Household \ and ï¬nd it a R that comfort W“ and aver of The Largest and most Complete Stock between Montreal and Toronto of GBOGEBIES, Uroekery, Glassware, Silverware And FANCY GOODS EORCHRISTMAS. THE WHOLE OF R. DEYELL’S Has no equal a tor purity, nor ~ for cleaning and N Neetening, nor m _. preserving the % clothes hands from lu- “ jury, nor for . El-round general use. “ REFUSE OH EAP IMITATIONS WM MOUNT PLEASA NT. The township of Gavan S. school conven: tion met- in the Presbyterian chuch on Tues- .. as. day last. Deputations were present from T 1 ~ Millbrook, Cavanville, Matchetts, Ebenezer. Fairinotnt, and Zion. At 2.30 p, m. with As he is bound to get out of business by the first day of February next. tion to effect a. speedy clearanceâ€"and has decided to make a tre whole stock. It would be to the advantage of every intendin how much they can save at this BIG SLAUGHTER SALE. A REDUCTION OF 20 to 40 PER GENT. will be made in almost every line. This is the greatest offer that the public for the purchase of first-class goods at such marv It is his inten- has ever been made to elously low prices. R. DEYELL. ’ goingr elsewhere. Being a practical man IMMENSE STEGK WILL BE SOLD BEGABDLESS 0F COST, mendous sacriï¬ce on the g purchaser to call and see President Hicks in the chair, the meeting was opened and throughout both sessions the orders of business were carried through with a cheerful lite-lines; that. added much pleasure to their very instructive and entertaining cliaraclcz. After the election of ofï¬cers for the. new year, Mr. H. Staples of Cavan, the president {‘lct'i, filled the capacity of chair- man in a very creditable manner. A short talk on tize s. 5. teacher of the past com- pared with the present, led by Mr. James McLean braught forth a lively discussion. The lit-T. \l'. (l. ('larkc’s paper on “The Sabbath School Teacher between habhaths," was, a thoroughly practical and meritorious essay ad". was listened to very attentively and will: marked appreciation. .lr. R. \Y. {,Tiaz‘iae showed an unlimited and superior kncvlczlge about Sunday School manage ment in his answers of the questions sent in throng?- tlze lllcdlllill of the “ question draw- er." the hiiieting conunittcc gate compli- rm»:.:;~.rirs in about 5’ delegates for tea. The absenceof the lives. J. liilg‘our and J. A. lilwsiswoith whose names were down opp-site important subjects, was a. matter of :cgrct, but fortune who favors the brave and the willing, fvl'll‘ul an able substitute for the tumor in Elev. W. H. Cool; and for the latter in Dr. Mark. Roy. l). N. McCamus of Bliiibroolr concluded the evening session with an address on “ Home inilnences their relation to the 8. school.†The Rev gentle- mangzrve it in such a pleasingly eloquent. style and brought out. such an amount of simple. practical truths that the whole as- Seiztblagc “'48 loud in commendation of his etlbrte: Secretary S. W. Clarke in his affable manner, gave the ministers a. joke and announced that a good Collection of eight dollars haul been taken up. Mrs. Dr. Mark and Miss Jennie Graham sang a solo each which met with great appreciation. After the usual votes of thanks and Singing, the meeting was closed by prayer oï¬'cred by Rev. Clarke. Mr J. l). Denny is conï¬ned to his room by La. Gl'ippe. The Rev. Mr, Thompson of Hastings preached a very impressive and practical sermor in the Presbyterian church last Sun- day evening. The congregation may extend a call to him. The beautiful has arrived in such quanti- ties that we fear our skating is spoiled, however we hope to make amends by the delightful re-appearance of the sleighs and the merry jingling of the bells. Mr. Wm. Smith, our esteemed vulcan, has battled with in grippe for a. season and looks worst-ed. We are pleased to see him out. again. May his shadow never grow less. Mr. Robert Bloxom, bag and baggage, has removed from our midst. The com- munity loses an old landmark, is devoted compatriot who attached more interest to himSclf than a brother would. LIFFORD. A FIRSTâ€"CLASS NEW GLADSTONE CUTTER FOR SALE. Walsh Glarke Everything Marked Down ! Y And if you want anything in.thc \Vatch, Clock or Jewellery line ' you will strike it rich by calling on us now. Our stock 15 large and we must make room for our Christmas goods, which will con~ DOWN . sist of the handsomest, nobbiest and mest unique (lesmns for Christmas presents ever brought into Millbroek. W hen you are in town give us a call, we will be pleasedto Show you our stock and we are certain our present low prices will surprise you. In spectacles we are 111 a posmon to suit you. £3: REMEEMBERâ€"we are bound to clear out our present stock and if you need any- thing in our inc you have a chance to get a bargain now. SEE our WATTBASS, ELGIN no eeerreen WATCHES. J. STEELE, The J ewellep, King-st., Millbpook, -â€"_ [{peetBeqaqze in the mug"; "Wm-rmlv'f’†~~u .-. m. w“... Ms!" We W clothe the Yeoman of the Coun- e have to do it for almost nothing. Our Winter attack on hard timesâ€"$40,000 worth of Fine CLOTHING, . 1’th C D ‘ lurid: f:§;ee°:ii‘hf iglaifdpgiiTnghï¬owlg a S, aps, rawers, but owing to her advanced years her medical attendant had very little hopes of her re- covery. Mr. John Dundas and Wesley Galloway, toot our young men are cutting wood every we found a maHUfaCtuPeP In a 11018, We day. They have taken the contract from Mr. H. H. Tims. They say they can beat the old pioneers with either axe or saw. It is very pleasant to the musical car to hear I cannot sing the old song, etc, of the old saw. Mr: Stephen Sisson has rented his farm to his brother, William, and intends movintr to . , , ' ' Bethany. where he intends to carrv on this Over 2,600 Mons Youth’s and boys Overcoats. Overcoats $18, $16 and $15, agency for P. Hamilton, l’cterhoro'. \Ve wish him success but it would look as if farming was not a proï¬table business, Mr. H. Tims our popular carpenter has rented the ï¬fty acres belonging to neighbor McKee. I wonder how Harry will succeed in aowin and tea in the olden in. Miss Agnnie Wilgonghas geturnegrz'o Lind- say, where she has been attendin the collegiate for the past six months. an also Mr. Geo. Peters, who is studying for a second. Shirts, Boots 8: Shoes, dangled before his eyes the bait of cash. He bit, and we secured the ï¬nest and v best bargain lot of goods ever got hold of. going for $9. Ask to see our Overcoat-s, M en’s size, $3.90. Elegant Ca Overcoats for Boys $2, $3 and $3.50, worth double. OVPI‘ $15,000 pairs Men’s, Ladies, Boys and Children’s Boots and Shoes When you come to Peterboro be sure you yisit GOUGH BROS. The Wonderful cheap Men. Lindsay and Potorborough. â€GOUGH’S Robes and Blanketsa.,,,,. ~' * WEEKTE THE LARGEST STOCK AND BEST / ASSORTMENT OF ROBES AND HORSE Robe will be our 16mgâ€; again tlzz's year. Black and Grey Goat Rode; as go, (1 as any in Me market. Cal! and see Man i A “n ‘ . ‘ I. ' V V; V ., ' 4 , 3'. 17.: - ' i .- ’ T541. , â€$1 , I " \ w ‘ I 1 O “In * > ' A 4.,» \ o ' , ‘\ q communistscunce CURED EVERY TIME 8ND RHEUMATISM “it? I13.8: L'l MENTHOL “ASTER on... ., suffering with weakness and _ emaciation, who give little .5. " nourishment to babies,shou1d - i . . . f ._i toâ€, ‘ ’l‘he Harnes 5Maker, 1s oï¬'eri «bargains in take shagwgy, “m. as: 1" his line durln dull season that .. . ‘ will surprise you. If you need anything in his line it will pay you to call on him before ' a the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphites. It will give them strength and make' their babies fat. Physicians: the world over, endorse 11;", Don’t be deceived by Substitute}! :3 Scott a Bonn. Beuoviuo. anbnccim. 500. "L; p21 ratasc [liem m... . For best value in “ â€MENTHOL / 01" PLASTER Teas, A. L A [vision he guarantees Satisfaction in every case or money refunded. and having all work under his own super“ Ta, Shop next door to Deyell's grocery. Tie sale of I not (on/fried to in (my place. l Dl PEI. THE PAIN UKE MAGlC. D RUG STORF IT W Ll 5 Geffees, CITY BARBER SHOP. Sp'sesa - - Liquors, 1'. “'5" To baccosï¬ â€™ ’ I;€\§lr:g§;nlï¬ing-st., Millbrook, opposrtc \V ood And \PTO'VISIons 7 thShaiding.Hittlilr-ctuttimg, Slliam pooinfg p1 nd eLyerér' G i G _ 5°C! . mge sem e onsoria me care u ya on , 5““ ed to. enera rocer'es’ ‘ ‘IIIéJlléOOI‘C CANT G0 to ‘Mcc'ffihc'scr‘ond Man Home Circle Rooms. W W. I ,ANG L "E Y 60 O’CIOck sharp. ‘ i I I " WV. A llff'll'zll'. G. V Desires to informrt‘llc public that he has one ‘ 341 ("00136 Street, , mm-.. .l. l". YM'NC _,* of the ‘ Finest and Best Selected Stocks f: In T ‘ , consisting D oods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, c. Cheap for cash. All kinds of produce want- ed and the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. -â€"-â€"â€"â€"____._______________ ,r‘ Peterboro,’ : Ontario. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. N. B.-â€"â€"Thc highest price paid for butter and (arm's co" ‘Z~ OYAl. (‘A VAN LOT} DER 0F ODDFPILI PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF LOSS simuadmm, BY THE the Home Circle rooms. [103: of meeting. 8 o'clocl 5 cl 2v _ - ' t , NORTHERN INSURACE co. sit-.35. â€farté’pi‘llol‘iu‘l \l‘. ARCHER. N. G. g ' - ==â€"-â€"=_‘ HARRIAGE l I wish to compliment ilvcnbovc Companyand thank Mr, Henry Argue, their agcm. for the prompt and full settlement of my loss b ' fire. The ï¬re occurcd on ‘1)ccombcr 21st. and have . JHNZ lLOT, I Undeuimr‘getraeï¬cal been handed {0-day byglr. Argue. a chcc c in RCHIBALD 'EVOOD‘ 33- Best of Testimonials can be given full of the claim and 1 would recommendq the ' A RIAGE LICESS‘ESl .~ . .. - , p ,, p ' company to those who require insurance. 4": I I JOHN J -’ DEAN. PROFESE . Hope, Jan. 18th, 1894. Y C. MCKINNON. M 0 nor to Dr. Mddrie: Universities. Licentiate goons, Edinburghï¬hlcuil‘ and Surgeons, Ontario. 1 ï¬g store. After oflic n's resi‘ denoe. I MITH 8c PRESTON ' J. A. V. Ppestonr Location. are. emcee. W04 brook. One. In Bethal Monday; in ov mom low“: rates. 36 HA. WARD BARR] st Law. Solicitor. ct Blot. “'alwn Sweet. 1" land on the security of re: tum property facade. w . _ RIDDELL. ARMSTI’. .. . Barrister-s. Solicitori bout; and Brighton. Va ' 1 LL. . A.J. Armstrong. B. A, First-class loans 13 end invested. Mercurial general law business. ‘ J “amass. vrzrsr‘ 0 03100 and residence; to at Queen's Hotel, Mimi S moment. noel o attention given to thl natural teeth. 013220? g cm L . ‘ W' bouBethnny the 2!: Inch awash. Pontyoooi ii .. .. DR. H. c. M PARKE R- w ALL DOMES ICATl-Zi ed according to la: Dentzstry a specialty. promptlv responded :o. STUCK-TAKING SALE. For the next 30 days we will give from 10 in 25 per cent. discount ‘ on all goods for cash sales. during steel: taking- Don’t miss this - r. ,. ._nce as the oï¬'er is genuine. It “n Dominion hotel. Ilium. 3.00m asnoox. 155.33" Wuhan (T... :2» , Medic-duh .f . 3: mm 7 .p V 5?". and. m. .. i.’ BLANKETS IN TOWN. ST PES'SIBLE PllhlE FOR CASH. T/ze Celeémtea’ Matag‘ana R066 and Saskatchewan Buflalo e T. B. JENKINS.