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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 8 Feb 1894, p. 1

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,Km ' , ‘ V . 6 III rook lSTER atlas. ' " i _ , v ‘ lthers r V°l° XXXVH- MILLBnoox. own. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1894. N o. 5 E221 weakness and ‘- FIFTH LINE, 0.4 my. .-.-- l894 ~ - l8“ 1 who give little Mr. Thomas Rowe left on Wednesday . ‘ SPBIN G . l: to babies,shou1d last for his new field of labor being employ- ~~ l” ' ‘ - 1,. ed by Mr. Armstrong one of Orono’s pro- ~ATâ€" l V...” have; ~ ' minent store keeper’s. Mr. Edward Fallis and mother spent Sunday with friends in Monaghan. Miss Maud Mullen has returned after a vist of about six week with friends in var- ious towns. " Mr. Lew Woods has returned home after a four weeks visit with friends in Trenton. Mr. John Brown has returned from Souris Man., he speaks highly of the country and has a slight idea of returning in the spring. What we would like to know. 2 How Sam enjoyed the woods? How H. enjoyed his walk to the sixth Line ‘3 When the Doctor’s are going to experiment on their patients again? When W. is going backto the long swamp? What horse Mr, E. is going to take next Sunday? How Will enjoyed his drive to Orono ? What happened John last Sund y? \Vhen Mr. G. 18 coming up again? e “ t’s . . KIUKAPilB ision INDIAN W , REMEDIES! osphites. I t Will. Barrels. I invrte an inspection of my stock and prices. Peerless Salt in bar- ength and make : rels. -Last, but not leastâ€"COAL AND WOOD. .~ rat. Physicians: 1;; fee sale of flame filedzkines is 0m“ and Yard!“ Railwaflsn‘tmn- W. HEXTON. v r n it? p â€"â€" e ’ e dorse . not (ohy’ined to any one dealer ‘ bl SW3.“ :3 : in any plate. A 72)! person can DAVANVILLE { ' . summon...- pnreaase t/zem an»), Quantity . w/zolesale Whiz], at Home In MLEACWS Ill-I. L'G STORE, M ILLBROOK. _ Having lately purchased a large quantity ofi§ine Logs, I am now in a posi- tion to furnish complete bills of demension mber on short notice. In Shingles and Lime I down all in prices. Laud Plaster in Sacks, Bags or Tneflrst szgn ofgn'ing, 1894, at annlnlls. is tée arrival of a large s/zipment of E moroia’er- ies direct from Switzerland, eonzprzszng very fine Edgings wild insertions to mate/z. Col- oured Enzérozderzes are very nine/z s/Zown for spring. ,We are s/zowing a nice range in Cardinal, Pin/E and Blue, work- ed on w/zite grounds. A variety of new patterns never oefore s/zown. See t/ze immense range Relief in Six Ham‘s.â€"-Distressiug Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved in six hours by the “Great South American Kidney are.” The new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves re- tention of water and pain passing it almost A few reasons why farmers should patronize my mill. lst. You can get just as good Flour Groceries ! . ‘ , immediately. If you want quick relief and we 5/3022) (ll . 627le 66 a ’ . ; hers as can be produced b), any null cure this is your remedy. Sold by A. LEACH. [fj’ou deli/(3 720i lzgzal a) ZZZ; Qf 1n 11 one. I , . . OYS, ‘ 2nd. Thetmiller is a staunch Patron CENTilErH‘LE' ourflfle Wat/”(y Gray calla” "a obaccos '7 O V of Industry, and therefore the farmers , M“ Rolland 0f Queen’s College Kings‘ion 30 yard ends, ”losing“ from 6 ovisi ’o‘ns right hand man. “ N0 combination Have you visited the POPULAR preached two good practical sermons in the â€"â€"â€"_â€"-â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"-_ , _ .____._ ._-â€"vâ€"_._W_~__ to 106. per yard, yon snonld try socznrrns. one, t/zey are easily Meat/zed and extra good value. Oar W/zite C ottons are haxrdfq team”--. , just received,"- 2 cases foo ' Flannelettes, good Quality, same prices as lower grades. New GROCERY since it changed hands ‘3 If not you should do so at once as we are offering SUGARSaway down. and we would like you to try “Our Own Blend ” af Tea. Flour, Feed, Meals and General Groceries. here.” Presbyterian church last Sunday. We are pleased to note that Miss Maggie Deyell, Messrs John Hall and Robt. Brown, who have been quite ill are on the way of recovery. ' Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Baltimore spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. John Byers. l Groceries, :3rd. Farmers are always welcome here and treated like men. “ [monsoon CANADIAN HOMECIRCLE A No. '. Meet-z the second Monday in every month in Home (.‘ircle Rooms. Wood 8: Kclls block, at S Y B 0 o'clock sharp. ~ I, XV. ARCHER. 0. Vi. H. ANDERSON. fl Leader. Secretary. urge . l‘ecl, . J. R. YOUNG. F'in.-Scc. 4th. You can buy Flour here for less money than elsewhere. as? Stock never more complete. J. A. Vance. 5th. You can get any kind of coarse grain ground for 60. per bag. We regret to note that Miss Jennie Rob- ' '. _ : Ontario. ‘ , , inson, teacher of Fairview school is ill, but Prints lit neat Pager?“ fOV ) E and RETAIL 6th. Customers who Welgh their hope that she will soon recover. Caz/drens wear and Aprons. 1“”? by 1 ”my?“ 1 Gram at home all say that they are 1 DIS/[Begum of Elizabethville, was here f3“! received afnll “ware of "“" "‘ " ‘ l“ . ., , honest-l dealt with. as” 0“ aY- - - ° - ,_ 0y”, CAaN LODGF CA AD] AV OR y B (fiurd popular lhotel-keeped, lM'r. James S/zzrtzngs, C0ll07tdtl’6’5 and Tick- , . - â€"â€"-_.. a, , . 4â€" , L f. - '~ ' . . . u ic W10 purc 18.885 cattle in t llS locality ' , - LEME‘NT 0F Loss _. mm.“ Bung. you; mm]. 3nd ehop- g» qfiiqloquq, qqu qq-q q q..- .. Mm. new“ gr I» resâ€"Zr, are . g '- -~‘ H . _ . - , e v. f ’ m: ; qHC‘ q'zmkrtss..£sl‘.bzmq. mg ° my ' ' P “5" .0. .. w. W 0” "’5’" “fl”- “’6“ lNSURACE C0 ' Society are worthy the consideration of every person. Information furnished on application. range of Towels and Towel- J. CALDWELL, \V. ARCHER, N. G. GEO. DUNCAN, Sec. .3, l'liller Nov}: set =5 “Sit-light” Picture lings, imported direetfroin Glas- nz the .l'xhoye Company ‘1’.“1 it . W ' Send 2'9, Sunkght’ SOaP‘XVIlarpperS(Wrap gow, tée 5651 771(27’1é6l 1.75 [/36 mo, q... 11 «gem. for lg . MARRIAGE LICENSES pers bearing the words W by Does a "Ht-'11,“ ”Ill't 30-“ I‘p‘fiirv- ’1‘ ,- GO TO THE lVoman Look Old Sooner Than a Man”) to world for 1/2656 goods [/V}; Tomocr '3 s . Ltnr . nx‘ ~ > .4 ~ - fin. Sagas. .q t‘het'ql' 23 o Ancnnum 905.15%;fo or MAR- Lever Bros, Ltd» 43 30°“ Stu T°r°nt°: l would recommend the i RIAGE L1 \SED- Mid-£003. 03 1x quire insurance. JOHN J. DEAN. T: PROFESSIONAL N C. MCKINN r ._M. D.. C. M.. (SUCCES o sor to Dr. NJ drie) ‘ onto and Victoria. Universities. Licentiat oyal College Sur- geons, Edinburgh.ng r College Ph sicians and Surgeons, On tario. Office at A. T. ‘lliott‘s dru store. After office. hours at Mr. Wm. Rio n's residence, King a , Millbrook. . f . and you will receive by post a pretty picture, “-‘Tiknfl ‘3 TH}. READ ~ free from advertising. and well worth fram- Is undoubtedly a. disease of the blood, and ing- This is an easy way to decorate your as such only a reliable blood purifier can home. The soap IS the best in the market effect a perfect and permanent; cure. and it Will only cost 1c. postage to send in Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier, thewrappers, If you leave the end open. and it has cured many very severe cases of Write your address carefully. catarrh. Catarrh oftentimes leads to con- sumption. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla before THE INDEPENDENT ORDER 0,,- FOR- it is too late. pride ourselves on éaving t/ze lest makes- at t/ze lowest prizes. J. C. TURNBULL, Georgeand Simcoe Streets, PETERBOROUGH. Gentleflle _ lain .. ,,: 3.; a My‘wm-aras‘w. ' ;- _, ESTERS. .Custor‘ners with horses can drive to our ; MITH 8c PRESTON xélSLCCESSORS. . O r .» . . . . Simcoe Street entrance Without danger of i, somi‘ieszbm-Pfitgn “firfig‘ffi'bfic’g‘gfi? .- I Hood’s Pllls (loluot purge, paén iii 31.131)?" A prosperous Fraternal Sofie”, them scaring at the Street Cars. ’1; {Egfigsfini‘a :35 Bmogxt’li op! ddgyfio 3113!] 4:1; I I c 2);: act prompt 3, e51 .Y an e cien ~" Among the many Societies that are com- § lowest rates. 36 ,3’ , peting for public favor there is probably not ' A. WARD. BA STER, ATTORNEY- JJNETFILLE. One that enjoys the confidence of the public at Law. Solicitor etc. Office in Ontario There were two funerals here lately, one to a greater degree than the INDEPENDENT that of a boy, Joseph McGill, son of William ORDER OF FORESTERS. From information McGill of Chipmonk Corners, who died at that we have received from Mr. Smith, the the early age of nine years. The other was Court Deputy for the local Court, we learn that of an aged woman, Mrs. Peel, mother that the membership of the whole Order is of Mrs. William Coulter. Mrs. Peel was 54,000, the net increase for the year that Satiristtlia‘: :si:s..is‘.;tka:i closed .. pm... or ' the large membership 22,000 are in Ontario. community _ Last week an enjoyable parfly as held at The friends of the Order claim that it leads all other Orders in our great Province. The the home of Mr. Fisher. It~ " whispered number of Subordinate Courts, in Ontario, is Block. \Valton Stre Port HOpe. Money to lend on the security‘of real estate. Town and farm preperty for sale. RIDDELL. ARMSTRONG 85 NESBI'IT. I, Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. etc, Co ' hour and Brighton. /W. R. itiddell, is. A., - " LL. . A. J. Armstrong. B. A. W. H. hesbitt. [fyon want a [V oooy Snit. Gen reville GENERAL STORE Reelpened ! aaémvwe . A large assortment of T weeds B. A. First-class loans laced. Money loaned and invested. Mercan ’ e collections made and general law business. r /' and U’ors/eds to selert from. J W. FISHER, N’ ERINARY SURGEON be. Office and reel ence,Baillieboro, Ont. Will at Queen's Hotel, Millbrook. every Saturday. that those who left very early did not enjoy it. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. . . 550. 61 of these were instituted during the /f,. . ' ' seamstress .s..... ' .qAssam?:8:1‘:‘.::::“3§£.“£::§.°°s was... D......§.lq..1...,q.. . «w ' . .. uc e . ere 0 1 operations it has paid to wi ows an orp ians JAMESJA [AN 6 ?l' cont. (liswunt P‘m‘ér'i‘lfqtigh o?§§§°,§§’2m° ofimgfn ' H B M cFE E Evangelist Rogers and Rev. Mn. Fusee. and to distressed brethren about two million ' I ) ‘ ’ ~ ' '. $51 “533631181117 th' and 4th guide» Of I l ’ Mr. Rogers goes next Lindsay to 3331“ Rev. one hundred thousand dollars, and has. at 0'” “”5“ “‘15 non month. Pontvnool lst and 3rd Mon an. Mr. Hill in special services. Merchant Tailor, - South Monaghan. TO THE PUBLIC ! â€"_ present, a cash surplus, for the benefit of policy holders, of $858,857.89. A gain in the surplus for one year of $278,000. The death rate has only reached the remarkably low average of 5.29 in the 1000. The Order has encountered a good deal of adverse crit- icism, its rates have been pointed out as bein too low, but its friends have demonstrate again and again their ability to pay all claims at the same time to accumulate a handsome reserve. They claim that the teaching of experience proves that their rates are ample, and certamly the record the Order has made would seem to bear out this contention. In the press, and on the platform, the ad- vantages of the Order have been set forth with marked ability and moderation by the Supreme Chief Ranger, Dr. Oronohyatekha, the High Chief Ranger of Ontario, the Rev. Having bought the Bankrupt Stock of JOHN BYERS, at a low rate on the dollar, will sell for cash, at less than V cost price, the whole stock of Dry Goods, Boots; Shoes, Groceries, Etc. 'ruuuom-J‘RN INVALID. Has tastes medioinally, in keeping with other luxuries. A remedy must be pleas- antly acceptable in form, purely wholesome in composition, truly beneficial in effect and entirely free from every objectionable quality. If really ill he consults a physi- cian; if caustipated he uses the gentle family laxative, Syrup of Figs. . KER. _‘ BETH:R}.§Q..{:E§LIE' . Y. - ONTARIO. LL DOMESTICAT ANINIALS TREAT- cd according test scientific methods. Dctlilstry a specialty. Calls by telegraph promptlv responded to. 5:" r. warren». ACCOUNTANT AND Owing to the general depression assisnee. Books opened losed. Ac- counts collected. A men roe throughout the country, on account of gadllodtiotgizlimhevsg' w ere services of the failure of the crops and low prices $£h§$l€£é£§°§k neigfitfirifi? twirl-g: of produce, R. Deyell has been unable cexve 91'0th attention and services in such to dispose of his large stock of Gro- ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Silver- ware and Fancy Goods as advertised, FRANKLIN. Business has become lively here again. Wood and telegraph poles are the order of business with the farmers. Our merchants have shipped several car loads to Port Hope. There was an oyster supper at which a very enjoyable and pleasant time was spent Having been connected with the business of .Mr. J, C. Turnbull, at Peterboro, for the last six years, I will be pleased to meet friends in this vicin- ity an d luycrsgenerally. Fr (eh utkof groceries just receiv- :79 water street. Address. Post Echoes armed moderatetly and satisfac- ry. ce: ofiloe box 125. Peterooro, Out. 7 '6‘” , " . , . . A. Macgillivray and by many .other promi- , , .. . J g. Bmxpévl‘mlplfimAde) sgngiltfiggé therefore under the circumstances he at the resilienceongv 1:11;. 31:12:: £11116. £31113); mnt oflicers and'meprfirsgfdthe Order. {Tile :16“ C ‘ (me a“ call. Goodmxalue my V ‘ “m” - ' a?“ ' - eg‘ - “ ' evemng. num 0 I} 18 , , . Fraternal features 0 t e r or are care 11 ' . n W)»;- ‘aaugde ergo (33:11:63 My 033m v mpg-3k 531%- 18 forced to continue the. busmess. on met tnere together to give mm and 1113 Wife cultivated, and many acknowledge “new; ¢ {ghegt Mounted isollge. My“? Agfillded for another year, and whats a. conu- 31 socé‘al; hipnorc'1 léeforleyliazipgl frgfiieayengh :1: the kindnesses received at the ban 30f their JAS. To U. L ANG. ..; 'nical Lectures, {to eterinary e, - ' 1 atrona r. 1 c_ an amt _ r y . brethren. c #éggzi (1313i 35m? “pd specigg. tdlhtegt. tlnuance of the same libera P go and damn that time have made many We have pleasure in giving these facts, _ AN D BEST g scientific methods.s 63cc on King-sf. opposite that has been Swen hlm for the last warm frien 3- knowing that they will be rea with interest . 1 ’ . Quite a number from here took in the Omemee races, all go: home safe and say they were good. ' '; Dominion hotel. M'llbrook. - HORSE ' x l . .n. COLLINS a .. ANKERS. MILL T BROOK. Farmecrg ango or good not“ 26 years. In the meantime he will con- tinue to 'give great bargains in every . WE ' ' ~ ‘ not only by our readers, who are members of D mild 1th? “I‘ll? Ugllijc Luigi‘s) AecdeEa: 901i: . . the Order, but by others who will be pleased ’ ‘ sale a good20 “farm within t eVillagcof to learn of the continued prosperity and Minbl‘OOko bein Part Lot 13.‘ Con. 5. Cat-an. . g ' â€" . - Mr. Ben. McGill, Miss Francis J. Cairns th' F t l S ~ t . There 18 a ,d orchard of about, three acres mtg; Umsissumed mugs-1%: '9“)? hne Of goods in stock. and Miss Mary M. Magill spent a few days growth 0f 1. ra erua 00” y :figlggoxfgfiiffig‘f carggalfdweumg “903 3 . collects-:10: ale 1:01“ 0 or notes a specialty. You can buy goods from R. 'Deyell last week visit' there uncle and aunt, Mr. SHILOH’S CURE is sold on a guarantee. ’ *4-8t g“; . W_ R. B ALL.- ,_ l FOB GASH tilted. Moo. £3;de Streot. 10 to 25 per cent cheaper than else- and Mrs. W‘ J' “1118' It cures Ilillci ient (,‘gnlsumption. ‘ It isd the ' Mlnmek‘ ' ': Whatorcomm b st C u ure. 11 one cent; a ose; KM . ‘ ,.. - where. Call andofide us. f $1 00 Rheumatism Cured in a, Dayâ€"South 2; eta? fillets. and $1.0’0 per bottle. Sold WATCH...AND CLOCK REPAIRlNG. ' '* Ii 1‘1 ' 2 unds of tea or . . AmericanRheumatic Cure for Rheumatism by A. LEACH. ‘ ‘ H ' ‘7‘ 1 [056206272 Bnflalo f I OH N G11: 0 3 1 PO . g ‘ and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 da 3. _ , . doidgnndgionpegfl pgfbsgzplfggt lie‘plggpobge 1: 81a! k and Grey ‘I f ‘ Thankmg you for past favors, Its action upon the a; stem is remarks. le A sleighmg party went ‘1an ‘0 Millbrook form “19 D“ c that I am prepared to do bust. ? ~ CABINEMEB. ‘ and mysterious. It removes at once the 011 the cars 188‘ "99mg Thu was 111 reality “35 0“ g ° “huh“ “0‘1“ at the 0W0§t prices. V and S66 16“ MW Gall-ado” stock!!! A cause. and the disease immodiatly disap a Paradox, and rcmin one of the old son “'0’ nteeldeémd 1‘ “0t sat tor: # ll! m of the man who took the cars and walk . . 0R ~ ‘ ~ ' across the meanâ€"Exmncr. . 311015.3an door e OBEPT BUPbS. ‘ _ ant. act of Young‘s Restauraâ€" ‘lS- ‘ mfiézn R. DEYELL as sarcasm“ '5 otun; 4 were“ - .1 . r 'L. vzrfim'p tinâ€"3.. 3% I .o . -. x..." ~L. ,- . .x l. l, ‘.

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