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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 8 Feb 1894, p. 5

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.stock of Pine and mm 'ds,‘ iin, Slill, islin, etc, :ver shown in lg to have: the ods stock ever We believe in c ' good in such rk (30.. Brighton. ved )5 lbs. of Seed with no extra care I can ancient. J. \V. STAPLES. srtations for the rist, who is still LARMEB. me for us, and goods would we are pre- (on; 103101;; {macr- 1 can elei'éfi 33-37%}: little L it may be worth If I don't givc you “in only be too glad ms SMITH, Campbellcroft, Ont stâ€"class horse, a of any descrip- st this stable. sILLOTT er ertake r, E of COFFINS. is or Undertakers’ :16 all other kinds Lt lowest, prices. IFS FOR SALE «15 per thousand 00 do 00 do ready for the ttiest patterns, d the largest young matche 1894. S! '1' and lath. .OOKJ I gOOQS, com- street. to order 611 ’ERY ! l-ly. â€"-Thc Ven. Archdeacon Allen entertained the members of the church choir to an oyster supper at the rectory on Thursday evening last,_ when a very pleasant evening Was spent. â€"-Mr. \Valter' Kerr, who left his native town nearly a year ago, to accept a. position in a store in the town of Owen Sound, has been home for the past two weeks. â€"Nineteen and six-tenths below zero on Monday morning by Leach’s self-registering automatic thermometers, and no mistake about it either, for it felt that way. -â€"Otu: editorial and other matter is crowded out this week, to make room for Counties council proceedings which will be as interesting to most of our readers. â€"Sleigh Bel-ls, in bo’gl and back straps, marked downm'suit the times. John- ston Fair. 1- â€"The fireman have postponed their con- cert untila Later date, probably the first; Week in March. â€"â€"Johnston 'Ta.ir, all steel, and hand made axes are SW anything in the market. 1- â€"â€"Kickapooy1fdian Remediesâ€"4M genu- ineâ€"be sure tow at A. T. ELLIOTT’S. â€"Mr. Herb. Armstrong of Buffalo, is home on a. visit to his parents. â€"-.\liss Edweha. Eakins has returned from a visit with relatives in Toronto. â€"Miss Mina. Bateson spent last week with friends in Garden Hill. Get the gepuine Kickapoo Remedies at . T. Elliott’sWre. 1 -Mr. W. Turner of Toronto is in town. ’ oâ€"Miss Violet Kerr: of Lansdowne is home for a few weeks. make a reduction on all Glasses sold. W “76 guarantee satisfaction with every pair. A Little Daughter performed by Ayer’s SarsaparillaT'o'ne in particular â€"5 eing that of a little daughter of’a Church of England minis- ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex- ceedingly troublesomermhgirom which she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad- minister Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, two bot- tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father’s delight. I am sure,were he here toâ€"day, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Cures others, will cure you Prepared by Dr.J .0. Ayer 8c 00., Lowell,Masa. I have sold Ayer’ 8 Family Medicines for 40 years, and havé heard nothing but good said of tlyem. I know of many For Me mar! 50 days we will Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Mr. RICHARD BIRKS, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: A. T. ELLIOTT, TOWN TALK Wonderful Cures THE DRUGGIST. fitted with the Best Pos- neaFEthtréjqu should get est care tua t yuu can give them, and if you suffer from dimness of vision, either from distance or Should receive the great â€"â€"0ur unpracticed curlers who' were so ‘ successful in Port Hope last week have ad ditional reason to shake over their success in light of the tankard competition. \Vith very little change in the personell of the Port" Hope team in their match with Osh- awa, Port Hope lost by two points the same number as they were beaten by Millbrook’ ergo Millbrook is as good as Oshawa. Then Oshawa beat Whitby ergo Millbrook is bet- ter than Whitby, Oshawa won the Dryden cup ergo Millbrook being equal with Osh- awa without practice would have won the ' cup with practice. â€"The Canadian Home Circle, Millbrook, will hold their annual “ At Home” in their rooms on Monday evening, Feb. 12th. A good programme is provided for the occasion, when some .of the supreme otficers will address the meeting. Rev. W. R. Young of Pet-erboro’ will also be present. Visitors will be admitted by card. â€"Mr. David Armstrong, one of Cavan’s old settlers passed away on Saturday last. Deceased had been afflicted with that slow but sure malignant disease, cancer, and although an operation was undergone over a year ago, it only acted as fuel to the flame that ultimately overcame him,‘ A large gathering of friends from township and village paid their last respects by attending the funeral on Monday last. --The latest fad is a. poverty social. Every woman must wear a calico, and every man his old clothes. In addition each one is fined twenty five cents if he or she does not have a. patch on his or her clothing and a. prize is given to the one wearing the poorest clothing. A good chance for newspaper men to shine. I â€"For some years Pe‘erboro’ has had more ‘hotels in proportion to population, than ’probably any other Canadian town. On {and after the first of May next, 18 hotels nd 4 shops will be the limit. The saloons 5 '11 probably go now. There will be some 2tall wire pulling done during the next three months. â€"The Rev. \V. C. Allen was again able to take charge of the service in his church on Sunday morning last and very feelingly referred to the interested solicitation of his friends for his recovery. Dr. H. Turner relieved the Rev. gentlcman of part of the service. In our mention last week of the accident, we inadvertently got the initials of the Ven. Archdeacon affixed to the junior, but trust no serious consequences will result. â€"The date is fixed for the minstrel enter- tainment, Friday, Feb. 16, and now all that remains for you in do is to fix it in your mind, for if vou miss this evening of planta- tion scenery and song and joke you Will be sorry indeed, and might as welHaQse a. year of your life. -â€"It has been wedded to use the proceeds of the minstrel concert to secure a. piano fox the town hall. This is something that e\ ery church and society are interested in and they should not onlv attend. but aid in every way to make it a. success. Feb. 1611]. See large bills, await programmes. â€"Mr. R. B. Small of Cheboyagan, Michi- gan, is on a. visit to his brother, Mr. G. H. Small, of THE REPORTER staff, whom he has not seen for seventeen years. â€"â€"\1rs. John Sutcliffe of Mount Pleasant and Mrs. David Mawhinney of Holland, Mam, mother and sister of the late Mrs. Green, are visiting at, G. Walter Green’s. â€"VVm. Thexton has just received the followmg seasonable goods: One carload of the celebrated mberland ‘ ing Coal, the best mo ey can , one carload of Land Plaster, the and cheapest, also one car- lood of No.1 Timothy Hay in bales. Prices are right. 4tf â€"Rev. Mr. Hunter of Toronto is on a visit to friends in this neighborhood and attended the funeral of the late Dav-id Arm? strong on Monday. â€" Mr. H. McCartney who has purchased the Armstrong residence, has (so rumour says) sold his own fine villa. to one of our enterprising benedicts who has been aken to change his unsettled ways. Slowâ€"an sure all the samey. â€"J0hnston Fair, hardware dealers, are offering the Toronto Blade" Invincible and Prem 1er cross W5, all of whlch are warranted, at greatly reduced prices. 1- is averted, o 00 late to avert it it 3 often cured and always reli ad by the Cream of Codâ€"liver Oil. Cures Coughs, Colds and Weak “Lungs. Physicians, the world oveg,fé‘ndorse it” y soon .1: Bone. Bonovino. ”Drum-(60¢. a .1. BONSUMPTWN ; Emulsion Don’t be ‘ decelvid by Substitptes: ott’L Coughs and Golds,â€"-At this season when coughs are so prevalent, an effectual remedy, and one easily obtained, is Perry Davis’ Vegetable “Pain Killer.” It is no new nostrum, vended by unknown agents, but has stood the test of over fifty years} and those who use the article, internally or ex- ternally, will connect with it. grateful re- collections of its worthy inventor. â€"The council meeting on Monday evening was very interesting and if it were not our court of appeal foi‘ local matters it would not be out of place to say it- was highly amusing sometimes. The public should, attend these sittings. They‘are a. good educative medium although the talking is all done by one or two, but Lackey has to pay his taxes for land he got no use of, being: occupied by the new street. The minutes are in another column. not, are welcome. Tea will be provided for the members after the meeting. â€"A lady in Moosejaw writes as follows regarding the weather there :â€"“ Our house is banked 18 feet thick with snow and ice. We have 16 stoves going and 120 tons of hard coal in the shed. There is enough water in the cellar to do us till spring. We have overcoats on all the cattle and I am busy knitting socks and mitts for the ducks and geese. It is only 60 degrees below zero now but when the cold snap sets in we anticipate a need of more clothing.” â€"Mrs. A. E. Williamson, president of the Toronto Diocesan branch of the Women’s Auxiliary to missions, well address the members of St. Thomas’ branch, Millbrook, on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock, in the Sunday school room. All W. A. members in the Parish, are earnestly invited to at- tend, and all women, whether members or;3 â€"â€"Are our grain buyers aware that farmers are taking their barley and other grains past our village (yes through our very streets) to Cavanville to market, thereby saving as much as four cents a bushel. There’s a screw loose somewhere, and in the interests of buyers and the village as a. whole, it should be looked into, “We have about Twenty Mantles left (this seas on’s importation) and as we make a practice of not carrying over any Mantles, we offer them at ex- W actly half price. PRINTS, SHIRTINGS, TOWELLINGS, GRE AND WHITE COTTONS, LINENS, FLANNELET‘I‘ES, 25 Per Cént. Off. DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, CURTAINS, PLAN-i NELS, TWEEDS, FUR CAPS, COLLARS, ; MUFFS, CAPES, MANTLINGS, READY- MADE CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR AND BLANKETS, i Den’t Miss This Upper-é tunity. It Don’t Cesar Every Week. 10 Per Cent. 0F REY. FATHER SHAW, P. In, New Glasgow : â€"To all who may be suffering from that prevalent and horrible disorder called Dys- pepsia I say with confidence, go at once and procure a package of K. D. C. , and before you consume the Content: of one package you will thank me for directing your at» tention to this wonderful cure. â€"An entertainment and presentation in the interest of Trinity church Sunday school took place in the Marsh school house, on Thursday, Jan. 25th, at 7.30 p.m. The children, under the instruction of Mrs. \V. C. Allen, had learned a number of Christmas carols, which they sang at intervals during the evening and certainly were rewarded for their care and diligence in preparation, by the evident appreciation of their efforts on‘ the part of those present. Songs were sung 1 by Miss 0. Elliott of Millbrook and Mr, Fenning of Toronto, an a reading was given by the Rev, \V. C. Allen, after which, the chairman on behalf of Ven. Archdeacon Allen presented to Miss D. Wood an historical work, in recognition of her ser- vices as missionaiy collector extending over a period of 14 years. The Rev. “7. C. Allen gave illuminated new year’s text cards to the members of his Bible class, after which on behalf of the children of the Sunday school, theshairman explained that instead of the intended book gifts to the members of the Sunday school the children had voluntarily resigned their expectancies so that a. suflabie gift might be presented to ‘Mr, Simpson Shaw, superintendent of the Sunday school, to mark their thankfulness for his long, laborious and self-denying work on their behalf, this had accordingly been done, and the children were to be highly commeded for their unselfishness. A hand- some chair was then presented to Mr. Shaw, after which the recipient thanked the donors in appropriate and feeling terms. The distinguished Millbrook company whose names are now familiar, then presented amid great applause “ Our Toys,” after which a most enjoyable entertainment~ con- cluded with “God save the Queeni’ HaSfltst recezwd auoz‘éer la7ge 607251072»qu of Frey/7, C lam Pure CONFECT101VARY. Yo am always rely 077 gal- tz7zgyo7zrm7z y gs and Mefinest varzety lo Moose from. [77’ strm'ts we sell Cflrz'sz‘ze s Sodas 077157 --A-_ EAzVCY CAKES â€"â€"f70m best mmzufaclurers amt’ all [res/z. Our stock of Canned Goods is very com- plete. Don’t forget. that we are headquar- ters for Oysters. In Fruits we have Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dates and Grapes. J. ROBINSON YOUNG. Opposite J. Giilott’s Cabinet \Vare- Young rooms, Gonfectioner. -â€"THE ;-st West.

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