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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 8 Feb 1894, p. 8

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Itch on humantnd horses and all animals cured at 30 mimités by Woodfotd 3 Sanitary 110501! Thu “fiver fails Sold 1)? A. at Slowly Knitted Far-er Badly Injarul ' " 70-Day. . George Roo'inson, a newly-manied farmer residing in Toronto township, Peel County. was this afwmoon brought to the city and taken to the Gfixeral llospifi-at’where he now lies in a. precariglis condition as the z‘gsult of an ace-meat wfiich befei him this morning. The young man was "feeding his cattle when one of the lcowa ruéhed at. him and gored him in the’ieck, tearing a. hole over four inches in length. His face was bruised and he wasbudly‘ injured internally. d 332. \‘v'. T. Stead, the distingzzishec L01:- lon editor, has been in America 0: son: Weeks, 21' part. of which time- has been spent in (limb. Mr. Stead has long been a warm friend of Lord and Lady Aberdeen, and his recent aniourn at Ottawa as the guest of the Govenor-General has resulted in a. very readable and complete character sketch of Lord Aberdeen and his accomplished wife. which appears in the January number of the Review of Review-e. The article is one which will be interesting in North America on both sides of the boundary lines and interesting also in Great Britain. The article is pro- fuseiy and attractively illustrated. It. is followed by a. summarized report of the address given by Mr. Stead in Toronto upon tlie‘misaion and destiny of Canada, in which ML‘Stead dwells especially upon the position of Canada as a connecting link between the British and American halves of the English. speaking race. '1 4 â€"English Spavin Linimeut removes 31 hard, soft. or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints. Ring Bone. Sweeney. Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one bofitle. Warranted 9y A [BACK 5; 11-1 IEJ'ILIEBORO. --â€"Tl:e annbersaty service of Christ church wa‘s held on Sundav, Jan. Eelst at 3 p.212. These was a. large congregation and the music :md responses were hearty and con- grega‘. 10:131. In the absence of the appoint.- ed preach 1'. who was detained through ill- ness, the sermon was preached by the Rev. W'. (,5. Allen from text, Philippians III, 1%. In the course of his remarks the reverend gentleman referred to the “(1135' which had marked efforts of the congregation hitherto, the continuance of which would lead to the 1 success of their undertakings, The special‘ eoliectiaz‘. amounted to about seventy dollars. ‘ 0;: Friday the 26th an entertai. meat was held in the baseman of the church. Mr. T'iuums McCamus, church warden, occupied the their. The programme was a. varied one, and supplied by local CAL-.1 Millhmok talent. it consistel of mush, recitatious and. the new Wei: known IEZLISE"8:1 and dramatic skgtei‘. f‘Our Toys," which was , ‘>- ,4! . . verv ahr' : 955‘ gee; by fine following; drama.- Danie: Riv, Proprietoz a1 :1 Publisher of the Ha:::.e erg, 0111., Imic p91: (18le 521.3:3 “ I ”as suf’feti mg fzom Dyspeps 1a and Liver Trouble, I took a. few bottle: of Shiloh" Vitalii zer and it cured me. i can heartily recomaend it.So1d by A. LEM“. W ' {h pzre, vigorous blood coursing through the veins and animating every fibxe of the body, cold weather is not only emim able but} leasant and agreeable. No 9131291 blood medicine is so certain in its resu1.s as Avre. a Sarsaparill' . “has it does w; othexs it will do fox 301:. There’s Nothing I! Like .9 REEUSE Gl-l EAP IMITATIONS IT BOILING HARD RU BBING BAOKAGHES SORE HANDS (IOBI’D BY A COW. Sunlight TRYING AWAY WITH Misses Collins, Know. 1 Messrs. Collins, Fenn- af Mill-brook. Mrs. W. :e accompaniment. The the anniversm‘y service the amoral: realized Was .1 people are to be con- ‘4 remit». their Over,2,600 Men’s Yout-h's and boys Overcoats. Overcoats $18, $16 and $15, going for $9. Ask to see our overcoat-s, Men’s size, $3.90. . Elegant Ca Overcoabs for Boyg $2, $3 and $3.50, worth double. Over $15,000 pairs Men's, Ladies, Boys and Children’s Boots and Shoes When you come to Peterboro be sure you yisit We found a manufacturer in .a hole, \ dangled before his eyes the hat of cash. Ho bit, and we secured the {Rest and best bargain lot of goodsigver got ' hOld Off , The Jeweller, Great Bonanza to the And if you’want anything in the Watch, Clock or Jewellery line AWAY ' you wilt strike it rich by calling on us now. Our stock is large I and we must make room for our Christmas goods, which will 0011‘ DO“ N . sis: of the handsomest, nobbiest and mast unique designs for Christnms presents ever brought into Millbrock. When you are in town give us a call, we wi‘d he pleased to showfou our stock and we are certain our present Igw prices will surprise you, in s’peetacles we are in a. positmn to sum you. 33 WZMEMBERâ€"we are'b'mmd to clearout our present stock and if you need any- thino‘ my»): line ygulzai'e a chance to get a bargain now. Everything Marked Down ! At the BAILIEBORO MARKET SEE [SUB WATTBASS, ELGIN AND ROCKFORD WATCHES. The Won’derful Cheap Men. Lindsay and Peterbonoush. For the next, 30 days we will give from 10 to 25 percent. discount on all goocjé for cash sale-a during stQQk-takiu". Don’t lmss tlus Chance asfthe offer is genuine. As aPreventive and Cure of an Throat and Lung Diseases. - GOUGH’S GOUGH BROS. A FIBST~CLASS ' NEW GLADSTONE CUTTER FOR SALEWWW Walsh0larke STUCK-TAKING SALE. J. STEELE, M. PARKER. King-Sn, Millbrook WAITING .THOUSANDS I wish to compliment the above Company and thank Mr.'~ enry Argue, then' agent, for the grompt an , tlement or my lose b fire. be are occure on . «We» been handed to-day b Mr. Argue. a cheoqe In full or the claim and would recommend the company to those who require insurance. PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF LOSS BY THE NORTHERN INSURACE C0. Peterboro,’ : Ontario. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. N. B. â€"The highest price paid for butter and And M. L. HEMY8¢ 00., Teas, Geffees, Spices, Wipes, .‘ 0 A; I-quqrs. Fm1 hash value in Desires to inform the public that he has one of the Finest and Best Selected Stocks " I In Town, consisting of Dri‘G‘oedguClothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and (gaps, Ffésixfiroceries, 0. Cheap for cask; Ell kin'ls of produce want- ed and the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. PARLOR~King -s*. Millbrook opposite \\ cod 8: Kcll‘s bank. cd t5. Shaving} {air-cutting, Shampooing a nd every thipg 0150 m the tonsomul lmc carefully attend) CITY BARBER SHOP. T. H. BRYANS The Harness Maker, is offering bargains in his line during the present dull season that will surprise you. If you need anything in his line it will pay you to call on him before going elsewhere. Being a practical man and Inning all work under his own super- vision he guarantees satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Hope. Jan. 18th, 1801. Hannass. Bargain Prices for Sleigh Beils, Sleigh Robes, Horse Blankets Felt Boots and Overshoes. ‘Have you Canal-tn ? This remedy is gum-an; teed to cure you. Price, 50 eta. Injector tree. THIS GREAT Conan CURE prompfiy owns where all others if Coughs. Group Sore Throat, Hourseness, hoopin Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it as no riva ' has cuyed thousands. and will CURE YOU takenmgime. gold by quggiats 9}; alguar- W. LANG Undertaker and Practical Embalmer. I But of Testimoiii‘firm liven. 1.3 Tobabcpsffii ~~-§~~«~ProÂ¥.!$'°"s "~« I a Genéral Groceries, QQHN GILLOTT, 341 George Street, Tonsoria! Artist. W. STRAIN, RHEUMATISM A CLEARANCE MUST BE flIADE FOR SPRING GOODS. BRING ALONG YOUR CASH A/VD SE- CURE BARGAINS. “smammfis MMSF ©© .%§~“D.L’1MEMHOL msrzn «3:. . B. JENKINS. JOHN J; DEAN. {EMEW given. REMEMBER SCHNEIDER’S W/Em in lawn for ‘Dz'amomz’s, Walt/£65, [mud/279', 1:75. Repaz'rg’7g' 2'72 all Mam/ks. All work guar- anteed. 18$, proceed to distribute the a'ssets 137333}; smdpsmte among the parties entitled thereto havmg regard on y to the claims of which hc: shall then have had notxce. ' A. A. SMITH. . . Adminismimr, Solicitor for smd Admmxstrator. 3.43 175031.133 1)]: ('E ASE D. TOTICE IS HE {EBY GIVEN PURSUANT i to the provisions of R. S 0.. 1887. Chap. 110, and amending acts. that all creditors and others having clalms agamst the estate of John Kinsman, late of the Toxgnshlp of Manvers. in the County of Durham. 3 eoman. deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of December. 1893, at the township of Manvcrs. aforesaid. are re- nested to deliver on or before the first day of. arch,1891. to A. A.Smxth, of the Village of Millbrook. in the said. County of Durham, so- licitor for the Admimstraztor of the estate ef the said deceased. full part}culars of their claim, together with them chrxstxam. and surnames and the nature of the secunty (1f any) held by And take notice that the _said Administrator wilt on and after 1.129 :‘itffifllfié 5W 0! Man-ax. them. PETERBOROUGH, Watchmaker and Jewell 391 George Street, I .V T1115 15511-1 TE 0 I" J 011K K I 5'5)! .1 X, ADMINISTRATOR‘S NOTICE t0 UBEDITOHS. (muhzatc of the C201 claud School of (31111111 1-, can anmantee satisfaction. We Defy Cif~ Competition. YOU { WANT CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a Brompt answer and an honest opxnxon. wnze to [Uh N 6: C0.. who have had neat-15 fifty years’ enerience in the patent busmess. ommnnica. mans strictly councientiai. A Handbook of In- formation concernxng Patents and hgw to ob. tam them sent_ free. Also a catalogue oz mechan- 1ca_l and sciexmfic books gem; flee. ‘ Patents taken throxgxh Mann 5: Co. receive snecml notzcexn the ecwnufic Amerxcnn. and thus are brought widely before the puhlic with- out cost to the mventor. Thls solendld paper. issued weekly. elegantly lllustrateo. has by tar the largest circulation of any scxentxfic work 121 the world. $3 ayear. Sample co lea sent free, Buildi Editlon. monthly. 3-503 year. angle copies. 2 cents. Every number contams beauâ€" tiful plates. in colors. and photographs of new houses. with plans. enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN d; (10.. NEW YORK. 361 BROADWAY. Rated at Millbrook this 23rd day of January, dunmsCUREISMORESUDDFJI mmuECHM PONTYPUOL F. s. SCHNEIDER, G. H. WALLIS, G. H. WALLLS FASHIONABLE TAILOR, PONTYPOOL. THOMAS BEI‘NSMAN. ONTARIO KIUKAP m ailj'pfdé‘flj purcéasz 1/35: - 7/. wéoiaa/c or ”of (07: z :61 Tic Mk (1/ Vol. 11501.- Homc ("I o‘ciock ~ \V. A! PCHKBALEQ V5: HLXGE LBJLA DRUG Notaries, $:c.0fii::c. brooig. 0:12.. 33‘ 1 Moa‘ays in every lowes: rates. p.25 0; SF unexfi 4 ED VuCTFHU-fi mt- r. nihfiLL. ‘ - Barrxszcrs. boun; - :2d 13‘ 3,, . dfl. nmrwwwnw H... I Dnnmuugn 33.0.; an u A woman. 7...qu onunwfiau u a V0 wv wax“ 992. :85? weep: 7". 1'- U’t' HI BETHAK \ Dc5:,;",ty ll. ‘3‘“. ”tomb!“ rcszkmel counts ooziccu-L .-\ ~ 3961 :11' d" nib. (mm given 10 book-211% 3 perm-4:2,": in 11" )4 Communicatxrm‘ in eeivc 32:33:31 :11? :1 Ease: pvrf)r21:=v.i . ry. Oflicrrz 37'.) v1 office box 12:3. Pei-rm J‘:W. ELAN“. V1" 1551000540! 1-) '81 and Hon. Gnlua egc Toronto. Lt. “705‘! M01?! tub-i P1! _ . .Mcx 303:3 “good F3419 521.3: «in. C z... 50.. F. p. 3:55...) 19. .1 “mugauwâ€"g! 52:52.. so. .... vi T B. CULLXNS S: a BROOK. Far! dlmunmd. Draz‘zs Ida and 2h: Unit-r; ‘ ccfieceizn m sub: an Loans nude on rm target 033%.. u: MOO-‘CAHAIJM WATC fl ANS) dci;__ ' '9~ “12.024; form- "1 ‘ 2mm: net-6 0:: L as: s'm All work 5:123. mon y win he shop ~83 I’. ‘7 1111333” MARSH-1 L- um! 3-2511! PROF ‘i 1-! (Ti u :: shofin‘ En 3mm; A P. 311 ilk ref

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