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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 14 Feb 1895, p. 1

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3311 on him and law their Jug Peeds ’S LIVERY! W) from the mill: . Peal-hard rs to climb I Foam-.3 an Oil More. (uni; Ink. ma haw no super- Continent. Ail halide. D d) rm 0! winesotofllo non: win: us. onwrito a firstrchps horse, u wont of my dmcrip an" at this smirk. lGBAPHS H E B HST ER’S I f 7:0: I): wand/5. W'atcées Refat'rzhg in '1]! work 5714(3): P001, the last four- “PE”? is the NEIDER, and Jeweller I young Suit 'ALLIS, inst. Overcoming”) on Tapper street W. LARMER. 's manna. {MBEB 503903 0113111; r'tml, ctmol' George St? ideotbofi caool of Cutting, Wonerycny ROOK, flustxc OXTA RIO Man: 0' Mack Hound Drlflfl issued Mu; trni'lcrli-‘vzs made at points on moo: fm‘orable terms. Dope-it! received and interest ‘ hizheu! current. rates. Mlllbrook. ARMERS' AND OTHER GOOD NOTES dwccnnbed. [grafts leaned on all points in Canada and the Umted States at lowest rates. The Collection of Sale and other notes a special- ty. Imaqmde on Real Estate. No commis- OFFICEâ€"North side of King-st. “at Referenceâ€"Canadian Bank of Commerce. Millbrook. PONTXPOOL. - ONTARIO AUCTIONEER. Styles of all kinds promptly attended Do. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms and dates arranged at. the Rayon-rm: once or on application to myself. Wood Kells, BANKERS, ONE}? .to loan at. 5 :- cent, on gilt, edge 1 secunty and at. and 5! per cent. on looser security. Terms tolsuit borrowers. RANNEY 8r. INNES, PETERBORO'. - - ONTARIO. lvu. ENGIN Emaâ€"0k TA mo LA ND scu- vm‘ons. mam LL DOMESTICATED ANIMALS TREAT- ed according to latest. scwntiflc methods Particular atmnuon ‘ven to Equine Dentistry. Charges modmte. ans by telegragh prompt I: attended to. RADUATE OF THE ONTARIO VETER- W College. .mseases of Doulesucatul Animals tmted‘ on scxcmitgc princfipleu. uino Dentistry as malty. chxstered m acoo cc with the elenmu'y. Act. Dameâ€"opposite Dominion Hotel. Resxdence King-st. CHISHOLM 6: CHISHOLM PERRYTOWN. - . ONTARIO. AUCTIOXEER EDITH}; COUATY OF Durham. Sales of all kinds promptly at~ tended. Dag: and terms arranged at the "I" HOPE. LL DOMESTICATED ANIMALS TREAT- ed. according to lamest scientific methods. Meals: “Lennon given to Equine Dentistry. modqnte: esxdence and oflice King It» opposxto on! “ estorn Bank. Veterinary Surgeon. BETKANY. DENTIST. Special attention iven to the preservation of the namra Teeth. M- trouanxdo Gas tor the punless extraction of tooth. Good work guaranteed. wm be at Bethany the 2nd an 11h Mondays of each month. Omemee lat Monday and 3rd Wednes- day of each month. IONS I' PLEASANT. - 05118“) WILL flout Cavanvme Monday, Wednesday and Frida of each week from 1 to 3p.m 08100 at Mr. C. . agill’s. CBSMVILLE. - 0311310. QUEEN’S Universlt . Kingston. Member 0! the College of? :sicians and Surgeons. nu IOPIZ. - ONTARIO. ARRISTER. Attorney at Law. Solicitor. etc. Money to lend on the security of real saute. Town and Farm Property (or 3310. Moo in Ontario Block. Walton street. BARBISTER. Solicitor. Notary Public. etc. anm and Comp-an hmds wl can at the leest rates. Oflico in \'00d 8: Kenn“ block. A: Bantu)- on 2nd and m: Mondays of every _.-_. (succxsson To an. mums); "mun. . - 051 ROSTO and Victoria Universities. Li oentlate Royal College Surgeons. Edilr burgh. Member College hysicians and Sur- ns. Ontario. Office at. A. Loach‘a drug “on. elidenoo Annie Street. _ ____ -_ ----.......- .. ... ‘ IEE‘I‘S EVERY TUESDAY EVENING L\‘ :1. their hallover the new Post Office. Visit- in; Brethren welcome. _-- ~ "yawnâ€"van Aula.‘ U!" u DER OF ODDFl-ILLOWS. meets the third TuesQay eVening 0! each month In tho Home Cn-clo rooms. Kin '-st... Millbrookr hon}- of meeting. 8 o'clock. Tte benefits of tins lety are worthy the consideration of every person. Intomnuon furnished on application. W Lbhllmn \‘ .. 7 J AS. SEAGER. M.D., C.M. 'lem third um.“ 700m over Leach 's d mm- ’. B. COLLINS 6: CO. MILLBROOK CAVADIAA HOME CIRCLE Meet: the second \Ionda in every month in gamokCircleR ooms Wooj Kell ls block. at 8 W ARCHER. G. W. H. Axmtnanv w COURT IVANHOWYU. 3:7 Vol. XXXVIIl 3313'; Eofiééiing 8nd disc‘sunung Fair- mcr’a Note. for any time during twelve months. ‘. c. McKINNON, M.D., (iii. JAS. D. DEYELL, V.S. RCHIBALD “’OOD. ISSUER 0F MAR . RIAGE LICENSES. Millbrook. 0m '. ARCHER. N. G. owned by Mr. Ira. Vanna. I bonny-0- licit a share 0! \ our manage. in return for whit n I will guarantee to allvrlym 3011'!“ the choicest mean: a: the lowest. 1i hove, secnred ‘he services of Mr.W Scott. V will mean is well known in Millhrook. on Gelâ€"ive mil: promptly to any part. of town. HAVING purchased the Ratchet mm RINITY UNIVERSITY. MEMBER 01-“ 91° College of Physicians and Surgeons. S. W. CLARK. L.D.S. DR. H. C. LESLIE. J. H. GARDINER. meu. LAPP, B.A., M.D.C.M. (successor: 1'0 03. momma mantis ucmsm. FRESH A. A. SMITH, BARRISTERS, DR. MARK. H. A. WARD, H. BTl-‘ECH, BANKERS. ER. G. W. H. ANDERSON. etude:- Seem: J. R. YOUNG. Fin.-Sec. JOSEPH CRAIG PROFESSION AL. umbrook Lodge No. 808. ' INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDPBLLOWS. SOCIETIES. »! Bgnlfjng butsinesg, in- GEO. Dux'c'Ax. Soc. w. s. mvzx. x: G Ontario. ONTARIO. 05113"), 051A 310 0311310. ONTARIO. ”STAB"! 051A BIO Onurlo. a"! BELOW ARE SOME OF Ills LEADERS : IN WOOD COOK. "The Dixon Steel Cook.” (the beat on the market, every stove gumn teed to be perfect baker). " The Souvenir Cook," “The St. James Cook.’ " The Origmal Cook." “The Maple Cook," “ The Oxford Cook.” IN COAL RANGES. “The Souvenir Rance.” the best Coal Range in the country). “ The Stewart Coal Range.‘ “ 6 Oxford Coal Range." IN COAL BASE BURNERS. “The Stewart Art Sultana," “The Oxford Art Countess. be: h powerful double heaters and perfect. bakers-â€" AND A FULL LINE OF H0USEFURNIS§I§I€P§ IN TABLE CUTLERY AND GRANITE Coal and Wood Cook Stoves ALSO COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES The Jeweller, And if '01: want anything in the Watch, Clock or Jewellery line AWAY ' you wili strike it rich by calling on us now. Our stock is large and we must. make room for a. fresh and new stock, which will con- DOWN . eiet of the handsomeet, nobbiesb and meat. unique designs for Wedding presents ever brought. into Millbrook. When you are in town give use. call. we will be pleased to show you our seock and we are cermin our present. low prices will surprise you. In spectacles we are m a. position to suit, you. g: REMEMBERâ€"we are bound to clear out. our present stock and if you need any- thing in our line you have a chance to get. a bargain now. Loans granted on policies at low interest. No extra charge for' insuring lives of women and children. W. M. RAMSAY, ACCUMULATED FUNDS - $39,000,000 INVESTMENTS IN CANADA $10,000,000 ISSUES FREE POLICIES. Immediate payment on receipt of proof of death. W. s. GIVEN, CHARLES HUNTER. R. J. DQAK, The GAMMA LIP E Assurance Co. ASSETS 0VER$14,0I0,000. “ STANDARD ” Everything Marked Down HENRY ARGUE, Assurance ((3. Of Canada. A flood Shingle X for $1.00 Per M. â€"â€" A Good Shingle XX $1.50 per M. Clear Shlqgle XXX for $2.50 per M. Please call and inspect and be convinced for yourselves. G‘GREY LIME KEPT IN STOCK. Anthracite Coal all sizc~ and vi the lost qualih , Binssiilu‘g Foal \n l. Sash and Donfi and Out ide Blind-. Hard and Quit \\ ( ( d Cluup. SEE OUR WATTBASS, ELGIN AND ROCKFORD WATCHES. KEEP ABREAST WITH THE TIMES ! first Brands of .\ ltlâ€"IRK‘AN and CANA'I‘IA .‘I COAL OIL 12“ the. (hIITr‘n 0r ”urn-1 “ There is no iuvidioumcss involved in the assertion that no other Canadian company in existence can point to such a record of rapid, substantial and unin- terrupted progress and prosperity as that oxhitited in the successful annual reports of the Sun Life. . . .Mos' assuredly are its directors, shareholders aml policy holders to be congratulated upon the very flourishing condition of the Company. and especially upon the result of the business of a. year which was marked by the prevalence of conditionsâ€"the influonzn epidemic, for instanceâ€"which proved dis- nst rous for so many life companies. And with no loss certainty can it he sai-l that the very great progress made by the institution has been mainly due to the able and energetic efforts, guided hv the sugucity and prudence which practical ex- perience alone can bring, of the President and Managing-Director, who has been efficiently assisted by the Secretary. From the contemplation of so successful a. past the management may reasonably draw most sanguine tuiticipations, as to the prosperity of the futule. lncome...................... .......$1,240,483,12 Reserve.............................$3,533,264,67 Net Assets...........................$4,001,776,90 Life Assurance Force.............. ....$27,799,756,5l 2.- Because in 1893 it increased its asseté by $1,236,5l3vâ€"a sum exceeding the increase of any other two Canadian Companies, and mo_re than doubhpf any one compgmy. ‘ 3. Because it has a'larger surfilus' above all liabilities than all the other C_a.na.dian Compariies pogethey. 1. Because it is the oldest, largest, most popular and economical am} gites the brestrzjersults for the least money. 4. Because the nét Profitsv paid on its Life policies during the last ‘20 years are not, equalled by any other Company in America. From Lho CANADIAN TRADE REVIEW LEADS ALL GANADIAN GDMPANIES. )lillbrook, June 1], ISSN. 1895« Chief Agent, Ontario. Life Assurance Co. Agent, Millerok. Agent; Millbpook. GEO. A. and 15;._w. 003:, 4-07 George Street, Peterbovough. HAS NOW 0): HAND HIS FALL AND “’INTER STOCK 0F SUN LIFE ADAM HALL OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ‘W. H. HILL, J. STEELE, Agent, Millbrook. WHY IT LEADS ! ESTABLISHED 1825. W. H. McCARTNEY, Manager for Central Ontario, FALL AN D WINTER ESTABLISHED 1847. THE GREAT Shingle Emporium IS AT MILLBROOK! . 0052 4.1M!â€" Drr 10w OC>2.-..._-<. 0:)..- _.__.< >20 $1.0m. â€"ON THE» J. J. HAN RATTY. Managers Ea'stern Ontario, Toronto W. THEXTON. Agent, Bethany DISTRICT INSPECTOR PETERBbRo J. L. IRWIN. King-st”, Milibrook, Manager Port Hope. Petepbopo. AND EAST DURHAM ADVOCATE. 1895 MILLBROOK. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14., 1895. Thirty thousand tons of “stall" mater- ial were y'used 1n the walls of the World a Fair buildings. (izvnergl Lew Wallace says of the World’s Fair, “Never in the history of the world has there been anything like it, in my judgment. and I doubt. it ever again. lot a. hundmd years at. least, will there be." “Come again when you can’t eta. so long,” remarked an obtuse host. to a. fnend who was lamenting his inability to pay long visits. They Never Fail.â€"Mr. S. M. Boughner, Langton, writes : “For about two years I was troubled with inward piles, but b y using Pairamelee’s Pills I was completely cure , and althouih four years have elapsed since than t 0y have not return- ed.” Paramelee’s Pills are anti-bilious, ands. specific for the cure of liver and kidney cemplaints, dyspepsia, coativc- ness, headache, piles, etc., and will m- gulate the secretions and remove all ilious matter. “That, is Uncle George, and the fright in red is my sister.” "An." murmured the crushed and m;- happy youth, who had now completely lost. his head, “I might have seen the family resemblance.” “If you over come within a. mile of my house stop there,” said a hospitable man who was unfortunate in choosing his words. - “Your beautiful clock was received," wrote a, bride in a letter of thanks, “and is now on the mantelpiece in the drawing- room, where we hope to see you often." .. “Who," he asked, leve ' his near- sighters at a. gentleman o enormous girth, ”who is the Falstaff on this occas- ion ?” i “That is papa,” said the girl in a. hurt tone. “No, no, you mistake; not that one, but the pondertus individual talking to the fight i13_reti?’: thtle Tricks of Speech Performed by That Unruly Member To be always able to say the right. thing in the right place is an accomplishment. of which few people can boast. The un- happy y ouch w ho. 11 ishing to make a. 00).- versation and interest the young lady to whom he had just. been introduced, to- alized the difficulties attendant upm such an occasion before he had well be- The healthy glow disappearing from the cheek and moaning and restlessness ht night. are sure symptoms of worms in chi l- dren. Do not. fail to get a. bottle of Motht‘r Graves’ Worm Exterminator; it is an efi'ectual medicine. l-‘RAUDULENT DISPOSITION. A less satisfactory exhi it is made by records of failures due to fraudulent dis- position of property, there having been 1,022 last year, against 1.142 the year be- fore, 1,063 the year before that and 875 in 1891. From 7 per cent. of the total num- ber of failures in 1891, those due to fraud‘ ulent disposition, the total jumped to 10.3 per cent. in 1892, fell off to 7.4 per cent. in 1893, the year of panic, and advanced to 8 per cent. last year. The proportion of concerning failing last year due pri- marily to a granting of unwise credits was somewhat larger than in the year before, and almost exactly the same pro- portion reported in 1893. It is of interest to note the proportion of business failurts last year due to speculation outside of regular business fell off sharply, amount- ing to only 8 to 1 per cent. of the total, compared with 1.2 per cent. in 1893, 1.9 per cent. in 1892 and 2.7 per cent. the year before that. GOODSHOVVING FOR CAN ADA. In Canada and Newfoundland the total number of individuals. firms and corpora- tions failing in 1894 because of lack of capital was 68.5 per cent., whereas the year before it was 69.4 per cent. The proportion of those failing from incom- petence and from inexperience in business last year, as compared with the yea; be- fore. did not vary much. nor did the pro- ertion of those whose embarrassment is attributed to neglect of business. In making reports of business failures, care has been taken to record causes of embarrassments, and as these data have been collected now for a series of years, they acquire added value. it should be borne in mind that causes of business failure assigned are thoeeto which fail- ures are primarily due. AMERICAN LACK OF CAPITAL. As heretofore pointed out, failures in the United States due to lack of capital cont.nue prominent from the point of view of numbers, the total for 1894 being 4,385, against 5,194 in 1891, compared with 3,343 in 1892 and with 4,869 in 1891. This maintains the proportion reported in preceding y ears, in round numbers about one-third the total number failing due to that cause. In years prior to 1893 the year of panic, failures due to disaster or commercial crisis have not been as prominent as since 1892, ranging in 1891 and in 1892 tumor. 17 per cent. of the to- tal number, from which they jumped to 2‘3 per cent. in 1893 and to nearly 26 per cent. in 1894, or from an average of about 2,000 each in the years 1891 and 1892 to 3,463 in 1893 and 5,295 last year. Third in importance among primary causes of business failures is incompetence, the1 proportion so failing in the years 1891 l and 1893, inclusive, ranging above 16 perl cent., but falling off last year to about 11 per cent., due undoubtedly to results of n. weeding out process which had marked that and the preceding year. , LACK OF CAPITAL IN THE UNITED STATES A PROMINENT FACTOR. The annual examination of the Brad- street company’ 3 records of business fail‘ urea is an interesting statement. As a. number of these report» have b.0n made, the general public we now enabled to compare H‘Slllts over a‘serieg of ypogs. In the Dominion last week there were 54 failures. as compared with 59 the week before, and 52 for the same week in 1894. Of the 13 failures in Ontario the total liabilities of five exceeded $300,000, only one of which was rated as high as’8‘20,000, the other four had a blank rating. Of the remaining 28 one was rated up to $5,000, two had a rating of $2,000 and the bal- ancv had our lowest credit or blank rating. Quebec had 11 failures. One was rated at $2,000, two under 81,000, and the others had our lowest credit or blank rating. In N ova Sootia there were 4, Manitoba 2, British Columbia 1, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island returned none. 000,0LK) due them by agencies in the United States, and a portion of this will likely be withdrawn unless some action is taken immediately b Congress that will tend to restore cunfi ence on the part of foreign lendm. Gilt-edged securities show a. tendency to decline, the move- ment being accelerated by the rumor of pug-Used Issue of new bonds by the United States. British Console are of? fully 1 per cent. as compared with the price of a. week ago. Week’s Commercial Summary. Uncertainty with regard to the finan- cial outlook in the States is causing some distrust here on the part of Canadmn in- vestors. Several of our banks are offer- ing New York drafts at a diacountof une- eighth, which will result in gold impor- tgtionp. ‘Caua‘dian trunks haste over 825,- SLIPS OF THE TONGUE. CAUSES OF FAILURES. The Exhibitor. The returns of the 114 American rail- ways show that. the total earnings of the same were 11 per cent, less in niuety-five than them-e. e uil gyeuyr. Among (=th urn included the Canadian I‘m'ifiu and the Grand Trunk. Sergt.-Major Smith has been appointed chief constable of Hamilton, to succeed Mr. McKinnon. Mayor Stewart, who was one of the applicants, concurred in the selection of the other commissioners. The Rev. Father Paradis has prevailed on nearly 500 heads of families living near Caluymet Mich” toemi rateto Can- ada. They willlccate near ernor, north of Lake Nipissing. . The London Humane Soclety accuses the Street RaiMy Company of using horses that are unfit to work. The com- pany are preparinga. reply to the soci~ ety’s allegations. About 200,000 barrels of a. plea have been shipped this season from t e Annap- olis Valley, N .S., for the old country. The proceeds amount. to about $500,000. Rev. E. P. Hammond, evangehst; has been holding meetings in Chatham. Crowds attend the seryices. Seven hun- dred and over have professed conversion. A post mortem examination on the body of a. Stoufiville cow last week show- ed_ that he: stomach was a. receptacle for wire nails, glass, scraps of tin and bones. Leamington Council has decided to ask every municipality in Ontario to unite with Leamington in protesting against the exportation of natural gas. Application will be made at the next session of the Ontario Legislature for an act to incorporate the Kingston and Gau- enoquo Electric Raila ay Company. Nova. Scotia. 5 output of 0531 durin 1894 was 2 ,055, 114 tons, an increase 0 86, 500 t 113 over 1893. Of this total, 1,170,000 tons were from the Cape Breton Mary Shrewsbury died in C obourg,0nt-., on Saturday. aged 110 years. She came from England, and settled in Cobourg over 75 years ago. Thomas J. Waters. Acting Commis- sioner of Customs at. Ottawa, has been arrested on a charge of embezzlement of Government money. According to the assessors' returns, fihe population in antford iv.- 15,677. The total amount of real property assessed fur 1893 is $5,839,945. In London the other evening a. gentle- man. aged eighty -three, called3 for a lady aged mnety- six, and tuck her sleighy- ruling. Lord Aberdeen has received fr 111 the Marquis of Ripon a, feeling despatch in connection with the death of Sir John Thompson. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange has up ran dwith the railway company to carry we grain to farmers at half the usual Within the past twelve months Mr. G. W. Hin -kley, of Chatham, has shipped over 1,300 horses to the old country. The Ontario Bee Kecpers’ Association will ask the Dominion Government for the reconsideration of the pure honey bill. The trustsces of Wolfe Island school dismissed their teacher because she wouldn’t board in the house provided fnr her. The Church of the Angel‘s Guardian, Oxillia, was nearly set on fire recent-1y by a flame from an altar candle. A. H. Canning, Toronto, makes an in- teresting announcement in our advertis- ing columns to-day. Read it. J. P. Boynton, teacher at. the Young:- ville school, is charged with beating a In- tle girl with a. map roller. Mrs. Logan was fined $10 by the Hamil- ton Police Magistrate for gytriking her husband with a. broom handle. The village of Brechin has an oxpext telegraph”, in the eight-vear-old son of the station agent there. The appointment of Geo. Stewart as sub-collector of customs at Port Rowan is gazetted. Kingston Knights of Labor refused to ive any money towards the further do- gmas of Eugene Debs. John M. Lord, ex-tax collector of Lon- don Wost, has pleaded guilty to embaz- zlement. The Gravenhurst Banner was threat- ened with a miniature boycott. but beat it badly. The annual meeting of the Canadian Wheelmen's Associatnm will be held April 12th. .- , A Warwick man sold a. dressed turkey the other day weighing nearly thirty-one pounds. David Gibson, of Galt, has paid his 50tif yearly subscription to the Galt Ru- former. Queen‘s Avvnue Methodist Chvrch in London was deser;,-yed by fire on Saturday night. The mercury dropped to thirty-four bu- low zero at Port Art-nur on Thursday night. ’lhe discharged C. P. R. men in VViani- peg talk of organizing a colony for farm- ing. Three rolling mills have combined, and put up the price of cut nails 50 cents per keg. N0 reductions will be made in the cleri- cal and working force of the (WEB. Some sneak stole the contribution box of the Collingwood hoapital,containing 87. A planin mill will be erected on the site of that, urned in Beeton. Windsor has the greatest depth of snow seen there {or thirty years. The taxes collected in Paris last year amounted in all to $18,871.89. Huntsville is to have an electric rail- way spanning a. difiicult portage. Mr. \Vm. Collum, pioneer settler of New Hamburg, is dead. The Manitoba. Legislature has been call- ed to meet on February 14. Some thieves stole two tone of coal from tho Princeton school-house. Canadian wood pulp is gaining a foob- huld in England. Fredericton, N.B., ha“! 838 police comt convictions last year. The G.T.R. will rebuild the swing bridge at Burlington Beach. Orillia’s ramble property amounts to $1,263,844. Barrie expects a great, revwal of busi- ness this summer. An Orange lodge will be organized at Baysville. A Dexter man has trained a. calf to haul a sleigh. A fine bicycle track is to be built at St. Thomas. ‘ A new central school will be buit. in Chatham. An Orange lodge in Ottawa. is named “Bowoll.” 1:!th Chatham Banner is thirty years 0 . Diphtheria is still prevalent at, Chat.- ham. Arranged and Condon-od For Our Busy Renders. anhProvince Furnishing It» Quota of Intel-eating ltenu. LATEST CANADIAN NEWS. ”Jack the Hugger" is in Aylmer. THE WEEK’S HAPPENINGS. V W Nothing God wants us to 'do is an un- reasonable service. Hell as as near to thrpalaco as heaven is tv I}. t death bed. It 18 danueruus to follow any man who does not follow Christ. What we truly pray for we are mfling' to live and die for. Are you pleasing God in the company you keep ? J ust as surely u we follow J est: Christ we will lead men.‘ Paragraphs From Ram’s Horn. External poseewons cannot ennoh. People who look down never lift up. When God says, “Come,” he always means it. Severe colds are eaeily cured b2 the use of Bickle’ s AntiCohsumptive byrup a medicine of extraordinary penetrating and healing properties. It is acknowl- edby those who have used it as being the best medicine sold for coughs, colds, inflammation of the lungs, and afi’ections of the throat and chest. Its agreeable- ness to the taste makes it a favorite with ladies and children A Winnipe lady, who lived for some time in Hudgersfield, drew a. reporter‘s attention to the above. She said she had often seen the bird toddlin after its master in the streets. As to t e temper- ance tastes of the goose she could not speak, bus supposed it was natural for all geese to be prejudiced in that direction, made. as they were. for the water. In Huddersfield, England. a milkman has a gcose which follows him in the daily rounds. The bird will enter his dwellings or stand at the door. as the case may be, faithfully waiting until its master has transacted his business. then “toddle” after him as patiently as any dog. But there is one establishment the 0063 cannot be induced to enter, and t at is a hotel. It appears that some time a the goose went in with its mas- ter on usiness, when some person gave the bird some ale. Evidently the case} did not like the efi'ects of havm im ilved it, and ever since that time it as stead- fastly refused to go inside the doors of any public house, but calmly waits out- side until its master returns. How much more sensible is the goose than many men . “'hy Oontemplate Suicide! It is like tempting Providence for con- sumptives to ignore the remarkable remedy known as Miller‘s Emulsion of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. For any per- son to die of Consumption without trying this remarkable flesh and blood maker, after knowing of its existence. is suicide pure and simple. All that the consump- tive patient needs is new blood with which to butt e ainst the destructive forces of disease. l iller‘s Emulsion pro- vides new blood in abundance. It is a combination of Norwegian Oil and hypo- phosphites of lime an sodava. triumph of science. Miller‘s emulsion is the great nerve strengthener and blood maker. and cures coughs. colds, bronchitis, scrolula and all lung affections. In big bottles. 50c and 81, at all d1 ug stores. The Aylmer branch of the C. P. R. will pass into the possession of the Pontiac 5'. Pacific Railway Company within the next few weeks, thereby giving the latter road practically an entrance Into the City of Ottawa. It is stated that the purchase price was $84,000. The line was built in 1877, and is seven miles in length. Hull is the real terminus. but the company will pay the C.P.R. a rental for crossing the river The “Oshawa Railway Company will seek an extension of time. The St. Lawrence Adirondack Rail- way Company will apply to Parliament for authority to increase the issue of bonds on their railway to a sum not ex- cecd_ing $30,000 p3r_mile. RAILWA Y MATTERS. The St. Catharines 8:, Niagara Central Railway Company will ask power to ex- tend its line from Hamilton to Brantford and thence to Woodstock, also a branch to Port Dover or to Port Burwell. J uhn Neveu, of Getineau Point, died' in the Basilica shortly before noon on Fri- day. He went to kneel in the aisle be- side the firsf. pew, and fell forward on his side. Some of those present in the church noticed Neveu breathing heavily y. and ht assistance of Father Groulx. of the ishops palace who arrived in time to administer the last- rites of the church. It is supposed that apoplexy was the cause of death. ‘ A London cable says : The splendid wheats of Manitoba have attracted a great deal of attention. both from their ardnese, wei ht and general appearance and there is httle doubt that almost any quantity could find a market in the Unit- ed Kingdom. One large importing house stated recently that the Manitoba wheat of last year’s crop, handled by them, is the finest quality that has ever been rc- ceived on the market, and that the mill- ers appreciate it more generally and are using it more freely than they have ever before done. Another merchant writes that the Manitoba. wheats are of finer quality than they have had for a number of years. The order in council appointing Mr. Douglas Stewart as inspector of peniten- tiaries, in succession to Mr. Moylan, eu- perannuamd, has been passed. Before be coming private secretary to the late Sir John 'lhompson, Mr. Stewart was assist- ant accountantin the Department of Rail- ways and Canals. He has had a thor- ough training in the public service, and those who know something of his capa- bilities admit that, in selecting Mr. Stew- art for this responsible post, the Govern- ment have acted wisely. Mr. Stewart has hundr ds of friends all over the coun- try who will be glad to learn of his new appointment. A provisional organization having for its object the protection of the Sabbath, have placed in the London Ma 01": hands the following : “Resolved, t at we ro- spectfully request the Mayor and Council to make it a condition of any permission to electrify the street railway system of London that there shall be no Sunday tramo permitted.” Fify-two Presbyterian Women of Napa- nee, were given 81 each one year ago, which they invested for the church and accumulated in the twelve months the snug sum of $1,350. The husbands of women with their advice, should make Napance the chief commercial city of Canada. in a. few years. “The French-Canadian papers all con- tain long editorials on the Manitoba school uestion, and ofi'er their opinions and ma. 9 their demands in a ver decid. ed manner,” says the Toronto Mai . 'I hey are not. given to backwardneas 111 com- menting on Dominion politics. A $1 bill was received at the eneml ofioes of the G.T.R. at Montreal t. e oth- er day with a. note explaining that the writer had urchased a. ascend-class ticket and had ri den first-class on it, and asked that the amount. bu piaced in the com pany’s funds. The Newfoundland Provisional Cabi- net, headed by D. J. Green, Premier, have resigned, after being in office but little more than a, month. It is the third Ceb- inet the colony has had within a. year. Sir “'illiam W'hitewey will form 8. Min- iatry. MR. STEWART‘S AFPOIN’I'MEN’I‘. DIED “'HILE AT PRAYER. A Wise Goose. Berlin, with and without. jury. Tues. d‘X', 133th ‘59":1: day, 23rd April. Port A'rthur, with and without. jury, Mgndgy, ‘17th lung. Sauli Ste. Marie, with and without jury, Monday, 24th June. mom, 0. J. Toronto, without jury, first week,'l‘nes- day, 12th March. Kingston, without jury, Tuesday, 19th March. Stratford, with jury, Tuesday, 26th March. ~ East Portage, with and Without jury, l'limsdgy._18th J 3196. Torohto. criminal. first week, Tuesday. 30311 4mm Spring Sitting- o! the High Com-n of Ontario. 1895. BOYD,0. __Bel_levil!o. wmh jury. Tuesday. 5th VTorontu, without jury. fifth week. Mon- da_5:,_ btl} Apfil. Guelih. “ithuu! jury. 'l‘umday, 7th 3153'. Orangevilln. with and without jury, Tuesday. £91.]: March. Simcoe. without jury. Tuesday. 2nd April. . us: “ForEfteen years I Have suffered with indigestion and during that time I could get nothing to give me relief. :11- though I tried a. good many different kinds of medicine recom1 ended for that complaint. Inow feel like a. new man. and this wonderful changv has been ac- comp fishedby the use 01D four bottles oi Northrop Ly man’ s V egetable Discoverx. To me it has been a valuable medicine. " “’oodstoék. without, jury. Tuesday. 163}; April. Prof. Stagg said: “The new rule will cripple our efi'orts on the athletic field to some extent. but lthink on the whole. it “ill be a good thing {or us. A number of our athletes “ est: a good deal of time. The new rule “in stimulate systematic work and is certain to have a salutary efiect in time." It is said the burden of the resolution falls on the glee and man- dolin clubs. The faculty of the University of Chi- cago now insist that business shall come first and pleasure afterwardi. and have declared that any student to whose Work is attached a condition shall be prohibit- ed from taking part in any university en- tertainment. athletic or otherwise. A member of the university faculty said: “There has been considerable ‘flunking' of late among university students. and especially in the glee and mandolin clubs, and some of the football men have fallen behind in their work. Hereafter, any student who is conditioned in his work; will be prohibited from participating in} any public event held under the auspices of the university; The New York nat.e at Albany passed a. bill imposing a tax of one-eighth of 1 per cent. on the capital stock of foreign corporations doing business in this State, except fire, marine and life insurance companies, cooperative and fraternal in- surance companies. endowment ord».rs and budding and loan associations. Pr sident Hill, of Rochester University, a Baptist institution, in his address at the annual alumni dinner in Rochester on Tuesday came out {or cutting the ins itu- tion entirely loose from any denomina- tional ties, although retaining its reli- gious character, and also declared him- self in favor of establishing a women‘s college in‘ connection With the Univer- sity. 1‘ he case of the Postal Cable Telegraph Company against the city of Philadel- phia,h involving the taxation of the tele- graph company’ 5 lines and poles for mu- nicipal purposes. has been decided in fa- vor of the city by the Supreme Court. of the United. States. The New York State institutions of a. reformatory character and for the care of the insane and other dependent persons have cost the State during the year 38,- 877.709. The total appropria ion for these institutions was $4,033,103. Five coal barges broke loose 11: Long Island Sound, during a gale on January 25th, and sank before aid could reach them. Four women and eight men were drowned. Dr. Horace Eliot Pope was murdered in Detroit on Saturday morning, his brains being hacked out with a. hatchet in the hands of Wm. Bruneau, an alleged para- mour of his wife. The anthracite coal sales agents recom- mended a production for February of 40 per cent. of the June (1894) output. This make about 2,000,000 tons for February. No changes were made in prices. David Hampton. negro, was put to death in the electric chair at S' Sing, last week. He was convicted of t e mur- der of Mrs. Anetta Ahrens, in New York, on December 29th, 1892. The proposed issue of s100.0w,«m United States bondfi has lowered sterhng exchange and checked the export gold movement from New York. Thomas Davidson, one of the best known shipbuilders and vessel owners on the great lakes and president of the Wis- consin steamship Company. died in Mil- waukee on Saturday, aged 67. \ ‘ Dr. Ida E. Richardson, of Philadelphia, is one of the most successful women phy- sicians of the counery her income being estimated at 810, 000 a year Edwin 0. Quigley, the bond forget, was sentenced by Recorder Gofi, in New York. to fifteen years and six months’ im- prisonment. Congres'smen Breckinridge and Hard came to blows and caused a commotion in phe House of Rspresentativea at Wash- Wheat took an up turn last week, a better feeling prevailing, owing to the imgendmg issue 9! Unity! fSLates bonds. _ Two masked men plundered an express car near McNeil, Ark., and are supposed to have secured about $25,000. “The Deaconess Home in Cleveland was burned Friday and four people perished. Last, week 87 286 490 111 gold, and 8572, - 51:52 in silver wore exported from \‘ew ork. The naval hydrogmphic oflioo at Wash- ington predicts a. stormy February. Lawrence Maxwell. Sulicitor-Genenl of the United States, has resigned. The 27th annual convention of the “'0- men’s Suffrage Association is being held at Atlanta, Ga. Schedule time was kept by Brooklyn cars again after the ten caya’ strike. The But Side Bank in New York has been closed. The Unlmd sum. Fatal-hols Number of Item: that will be Found Inter- esting Bonding. S'bratfurd. withnut jury. Tuesday. Nth '\\'9‘1§ax_1cl..'“‘i_t.h and without jury. Tum!- Mr. Henry Graham, “" 1n ham. writes 1: “F01 fifteen years I ave suffered WHAT UNCLE SAM IS AT. qud reserve now stands at $42,161,966. Wm MoAuism in dead at New York. Judge Rockwood Hoar is dead at Bos- DOINGS ACROSS THE LINE. MORE STUDY, LESS SPORT. NOTE THESE DATES. 1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVLME ‘Hffiini‘ind'fidh'féficifi'aw'“" '"" --â€"-llfl- gmpaired Nuumon- For WW nod Li .1, Frostilone. Formo'rm W I ' ’t t Toot Powder. ‘ THE TURNER DOUG co; ,- Sells goods direct to common and he pyl the freight to your noun-t railway canon. Bond 02.50 fora‘l‘en Pound on of his 300. Tea. It will plane you and he will pay 00 (â€"4.1 1â€"50 Always un Hand.-â€"Mr. Thomas H. Power. Lowrr Island. P.Q.. writes : “My Sun. eighmen months old. had croup so bad that Dubbing gave him relief until a neighbor brought. me some of Dr. Thom-5' Eclectric Oil, which 1 gave him. and in six hours he was cured. It is the best medicine I ever usrd. and I would not. be wnhout a. hmtle of it in my house.” MEDICAL“: St. Catharines. without jury. Tunday. 23r_d April. _ ., A. H. CANNING. Wholesale Grocer Toruizw. civil. nth jury. sixth week. Mond 15’. 13th MAY. tableâ€"relished alike by old and young. l: is the ideal “builder." Lad will restore hula: and color where the system is' run down " To any onedesiring to makeuial ofthe mien we will send Sam I: fru Address Postal Card to The Maldne Manufactunng Com- pany 3 5Wellington5t. East. Toronto Pewrhum . without Jury. Tueaduy. 16th April. Comkall. with jury. Tuesdav. 2nd Agril. _ Pembroke. with and without jury. TuAesday, 20%]: March. Brantford, wibhnut jury. Tuesday. 19th March. day. 5d; March Crampuvn, with and wi‘hout jury.Tues- dag: 1:2bh Marph. Ottavfm. witfiout. jury. Tuesday. 9th Aprilu band“ 1ch without. Jury. Tuesday. 16th April. Manday, 29th April. Toronto, Without jury. sixth week. Mgndag'. létvhépril. _ Toronto. criminal. second week, Mon- day. “th May. Toronto. without :ury. fourth week. quday. lst gyril. Sarnia. without jury. Friday. 19th Ap_ril. Owen Sound. without jury. Tuesday. 2nd April. Barrie. with jury. Tuesday. 43rd April. Napanee, with and without Jury. 'l‘uee- day, 30th April. Torunto. civil, v. m. jury. fifth week. Monday. 6th May. Toronto. criminal. third week. Monday, 16th May. Milton, with» an! “3?, 5311 M Chatham. with jury. 'l'uonday, 9th AgriI. Pertfi,'with and without juryJ‘usadny. 2nd April. _ Bgllevflle, without jury, Tuesday. 16th St. Cathu'ines m jury. Thurdly. '7me Mfg? 5.», N9: ‘ Mskmflw Tueday, 9125 July. _Pu:ry Sound; with and without jury. Toronto, without. jury, second week, Mgndqy, 1§§h M._ Toronto, civil. with jury. {numb ml: 0ttawamth3u13'1humday.7chlluch. Petprboto. with jury. Tuesday. 19th L’O_ri_gz_1§.l. w‘ith and without. jury,'l‘ues- Liquay. with jury .E \NIyitby, without :jury. Tuesday. 2nd Lqu'on. witHout jury. Tuesday. 30th MEREDITH. J . \X'glkeflun, without jury. T uesdny. 5th lAQlAHON. J. Cognwall. without. jury. Tuesday. 5th ’prn Sound, with jury. Tuesday, 5th ‘quckville. without jury. My, 12th Saqdwigh, with jury. Tuesday. 12th '7 Front same East, Toronto. IT COSTS ONE CENT. .21. With jury, Tugadly. 23rd without jury, Tue.- Tuesday. 19%}:

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