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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 14 Feb 1895, p. 3

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DANA-NE 1h aid Emery mi Fun breasts. Xowis the time ‘CW?W§9“!°¢ f’FURS 3ashion Books STRAIN. BINDING. TRA IA' 5 r__. J-.. m befoxe purchasing eke- ; are away down. Gm: :r the month of December. rs, Blankets “'oolen and uh are being sold cheaper shop wt of Tomato for '5 BROS. 09153 Cottonfloot physician. may mud mat” by W U mam. Is the only my . 'e and magnum» r “principled m who mes in place or this. nth :3 Compound. tak- nos-Blu- u! 6 cents in postage In lunar ;ed. by mm”. W n envelope, to Mac only. 2 The Cook Comm, Windsor. 0mm ’2‘ :m:,1evcr_\'whcre by all .re milled with the mes" blcthatistobehadin » ma Mans Furs, [alias an) shortest notice. oh tobc bound send them ok-bindcry. Patel-borough- m the neatest Mm 'edoew Tyszyleoflflnding Idem-39:30:: Blank .LR. Sill-11103 KSTORE. wilt bi um: anixScEi-fii‘ét LADO little bells,” is a phrase “Md, but you have not ,5 bells. It w_ill pay you COMPOUND. Amen: daoovery by mold SBL'RY’S eagqod_slock ot Mela 7 Noveishnd the or Call at U Labâ€"u on am am Go. Bad Anbou Shogun? .3 mo” due {.mnunnu 413 .n and _Mne{s~wovqn Eltm QNNA PuSTsm'“ _.. LS! REQUIRE :cdic we for“! tennis .quS remarhuo . :- “memes and :14 bu'u m constant rnuicm 101- my 'c~S. 315 ”If“: so womb. leuconwea \aeL'L profnsoorims- «ion and inflamma- ‘m-r uterine troubles. I’ “yes. headache. “on. fired tee!- won-en suffer from. \n free on an Bunion arm: .3. Co. urn-onto. - procured from tho or one month's treat- Want 5mm“ REMEDY. ”TAKE THE £8281" YQU A. LEAH}! Peterboro. Peterboro â€"â€"Sir Richard Cartwright was again nominated in South Uxfurd on Tues- day after a. but contest. â€"The local lodge of Foresters will give an entertainment to invited friends in the town hall on the even- ing of Feb. '11. â€"Mr. “7. Lung has been confined to his house for some days, but we are informed he is connderably improved and likely to be out in a day or' two. â€"Some‘ great bargains in village properties call and see list of same. GEO. SOOTHERAN. 44 -â€"\Va.tch for J. Steele's advertise- ment in next issue. He has, removed to the old post ofiice building and it will do you good to call and see his magnificent display of silverware, etc. â€"$100, 000. 00 uf private funds. to loan at 5 per cent. -GI-:o. Soo-mmux, -J. \V. Czar in, inspector of public schools, Peterborough, has been dis- missed. The reasons given for the dis- missal are a. lack of harmony and con- stant friction between the board and the inspector. â€"â€"â€"Mrs. and Miss Campbell of Torcn to were the guests uf Mrs. and Miss Collins last Week. vâ€"Miss Burton, Messrs. H. M. “Food, E. J. Guy and \Valter Collins, attended the Bachelor's Ball in Port Hope last week. Minbmok.‘ â€"Mr. Gladstone attributes the long survival of his powers to his habit of taking a. wall: daily in the open air in all weathers, and to his giving thirty- two bites to every morsel of food which he swallows. â€"Some \\ ho attended the Peterboro’ meetmg on Thursday night last and did not return the next morning had to remain over until Monday, VII: J. J. Fair beingone. Mr. Thos. McCamus walked part way back on Saturday we understand. Doctors recommend Norway Pine Syrup bemuse it is the best cure for coughs and colds. Price 250. and 33¢. at (Iruggists. â€";\cc0rding to the predictions of the Naval Hydrographic ofiice Febru- ary will be a. bad month for Atlantic trips. The forecast is stormy weather north of the 40:]: parallel and along the American coast. â€":Upward of 100 cnoxce farms from 50 acres up to 300 acres, for sale at prices and upon terms to suit the times. GEO. Soo'rumrax, Millbrook. 44 â€"Mr. H. A. 'Ward, Esq., of Port. Hope was in town at. Division Court last. Thursday. wHarry Kendall, the jeweller. has remoxed from his old stand and may now be found In more central quarters, with the Turner Drug 00., two doors East of Post Office. 2-3 â€"-A letter was the other day receiv ed at the Kettleby, 0111;, post office ad- dressed to “ John Shaw, Kettleby, near Credit Valley, Ontario, New foundland, U.S.A.” The letter was â€".\Ir. 1.. \V. Clarke attended the Hope Sunday School Convention on Tuesdav. --Great auction sale of farm stock and implements on lots 8 and 9, broken front, first concession, South Mon- aghan, on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1894. Some fine stock of all kinds. First.- class implements. Don’t forget the date and the place, J. H. Gardiner, Auctioneer. â€"A couple of new exchanges reach ed our sanctum on Friday morning, the )IiLLunooK Rxpon’rm and Lindsay Watchman. Both these papers are newsy and well gotten up, being a credit to the towns in which they are publishedâ€"Advertiser. â€"The Rev. Mr. McCamus has been confined to his house for over a. week with an attack of rheumatism, from which we trust he will soon fully re- cover. Rev. Mr. Brown of Gavan, took his work on Sunday morning and the Rev. Mr. Johnston in the evening. â€"St. Valentine's Day. â€"b‘carlet Chapter, district of Gavan, meets to night, (Thursday 14th). .. ..... ‘11“. um“, uA-v b '.hana:".~\l_'1:thmetic. \Vrizing. and ‘1‘; writing. '1‘ a three momhs‘ course this . or Winter. ‘or terms wntc AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO. OL'HSES IX BOOK-KEEPING. SHORT- hand. Arithmetic. \Vritinc. am] 'l‘vrm @etepbepo’ 7 Baéine§§ Agents C. P. R. Telegraph Co. Ebc millbrook Reporter. .‘WWWW THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1895. Try Our Liv<31 I 01110, Take Our The Tamar Drug C0. TO REGULATE THE BOWELS AND ASSIST DIGESTION. " DOUGH SYRUP, Elliott’s Syrup of Homhound, our Syrup of Turpentine. School Supples, Etta. COLDS a. firin of lawyers in Hull, Eng- TO‘VN TALK A. BLANCHARD, 9.4x, x» FOR6 ,‘U GB allege Prinéipnl‘ 4 4 'ypc. Full Prepare for spring by using Burdock Blood Bitters to cleanse the mstem and tone the body to \igorous nealth Its tonic puriivimrreuulutin" won: makes 1‘. B. 1;. the ureutcst remedy for all disc. sea -of the stomach, liwr, ho“ els and blood. a 2mm, handed in $1.050. Mrs. 'illium Templeton headed the list, having made one uf her dollar during the year $120: Mrs. A. Aloxnnder was a. good second with 8102. Mrs. Ogden Hiuch returned $67. Sumo of the means devised for nuiug money were‘ origin- a]. â€"â€"I'ifty two ladies , ..\sociuted \xich the P: esm tex 1M} Church,\ A apanee, 1'9- ccixed .41 ouch :1 your agu tn imest and give their accumulatiuus to the church. On Monday night a. meeting was held and the ladies, amid enthusi â€"â€"The entertainment in the town hall on Tuesday night by Sarah Lord Bailey was attended by, perhaps the largest audience that has yet turn out this season, the low price of ad- mission having brought it within reach of every one. Although this‘ was the second visit of the excellent reciter, it certainly spoke well for her ability to please. Each selection was interesting the Bumper Degree, from Peck’s Bad Boy, and the Chariot Race being perhaps the most heartily ap- plauded although the later has become somewhat of a “ chestnut.” The band was on hand and enlivened the pro- ceedings, giving between each recita- tion a very suitable selection. â€"B_v an error in our local mention of the Peterborough Conservative meet- ing last week we made the date F riduy evening instead of Thursday, which we might have known was an error, conâ€" sidering the great storm that was approachin". whose chilling blasts never strike the Conservatives. 'We hope no one was induced to be taken in on Friday night at the. McCarthy meet, thinking it was a genuine old time raliy by our mistake. and presented to- m-ost W’or'slnpful brother, Sir Mackenzie Bowen, K. C. M. G., congratulating him upon the honor of his receiving Knighthood at Captain Sweedv U. S. A» San Diego Cal., says: “ Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by A. meu â€"Quite a number of our citizens went in to Peterborough on Thursday evening last to hear the cabinet high muck‘a-mucks spread themselves and in saying that they were well pleased with the addresses we are only feebly expressing the satisfaction of each and everyone. The th rue speakers, Messrs. Haggart, Daly and Montague were in good form and presented their case for the government in a. most convincing manner. Our delegation had the honor of being represented by Finance Minister Foster 1n the person of his most august majesty, Postmaster Vance, who was taken for the mani- pulator of finances and it was no dis- credit to the blue-nose from the lower province either, and he seems quite as much a. temperance man away from home too, â€"Cousiclering the excessive cold day quite a large number of Orange- men of the county attended the county meeting of East Durham L. O. L., in the rooms of No. 75, Millbrook, on Tuesday last. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year :â€" R. H. Holland, County Master ; J. J. Preston, Deputy County Master ; Roht. Vance, County Chaplain; NV. S. Pick- up, County Rec. See; Robt. Shaw, County Tres.: W'. Armstrong, County Fin-See; Richard Gillis, County Director of Ceremonies ; James \Vilson, County Lecturer; Simpson Shaw and D. McMillan, Deputy County Lectuers. A committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs Collins, Preston and Vance, to have an address prepared, engrossgd â€"On accoum ut' the storm the services of St. Thonms' church were held in the school mom on Sunday last. In the evening the Ven. Arch- dez‘ won Allt‘n preached :1 most thouv'ht ful and earnest S( men from the text . “So run that \e Imu' obtain." His discourse brought back to the minds of his hoareis his former \igor and vixacit}, inspiring a hope in every breast of his Ion” continued healthfui- ne. Y â€"“It will surprise you’ to know that ALEX. ELLIOTT, the Grocer in Petcrboro’, is selling (iranulthed Sugar @S’fc. and finest (4‘ to. per 1b., and Light Brown Sugar Q2 31c. per 1b., bar rel lots. This knock»- out any Bank» rupt stock and are Redpath’s best sugars. â€"General Booth. :he leader of the Salvation Army, clmed his address at \Vindsor by saying . “ 1 don’t want to be a. bird of evil muen. but it strikes me that the end of we present century is going to be a horror, and we should, for our own sakes. try to hold these evils in check.” He gave an account of the slum of England and drew com parison between them those of Canada. and the United States. â€"-â€"-On account of the sewn: Norm on Friday night the carniva? was post- poned until a later date of which due notice will he given. The entertain- ment in St. John’s church, Bethany, in which some of our peuple were to have taken part was also nwessarily off, but will doubtless be pup on some time soon although we hm e not heard the date. -â€"-Postmwater Vance has had placed in position the wire erg-sting over the registered letter and money order counter in the post office as also has J . Arthur around his office in the :rooery, both offices being much impruved by the fixings. The wire work is very nicely painted in green and gold and ornamented to the gighext degree l â€"A new bank check something like 1 the Chinese laundry check 15 being dis cussed 1n bank circles, the object being to do away with identification. The check Is in two parts and one_is to be sent to the bunk upon which it is to be drawn. If on presentation they correspond youa fl'et, your dollars, if not you get six months. â€"I. E. Needham is prepared to take charge of auction sales of all kinds at shortest notice and loweSL terms‘ satis- faction guaranteed. He is now in a. better position than ever to rupply you with a. piano or 01mm. â€"-Mr. R. Ruddy has had a. most artistic new sign executed by Mr. L S. Clnrry and placed at: the street entrance of his office. The sign is in- deed finished in mechanical exactness and when it. moves up to his new apartments in the post office building will be not. a. whit behind‘its surround. ings. All the departments are unusually well tilled and in our opinion is the finest issue of this popular magazine that has yet been pub- lished. All the departments are unusually \vell filled, and the fashions have an increas- ed vulue through being the first authorita- tive pronouncement of the .Spring modes. The chief feature of the literary matter is a comprehensive chapter on Cards, their Uses and Etiquette, by Mrs. Roger A. Prior, this being the first of a series entitled the Social Code. There is also a very interesting first article on the Experiences of Life at a Train- ing School for Nurses, with an introduction by Mrs. Raine-lander Jones. Woman us a Musician is the subject of a. “ Conversation" between Edith M. Thomas and Dr, S R. Elliott. to which is appended 2-. delightful bit of verse by Miss Thomas. Mrs. Curie M. Dearborn, «ax-Principal of the Boston Cooking School, writes of the Teaching of Cookery as an Employment for Women, and Josephine Adams Rathbone of a Girl's Life and Work at the University of Michigan. Mrs. Lonzstreet has an instructise paper on the Care of the Hands and Feet, Mrs. Maud C Murray contributes another chapter to her interesting series on the Relations of Mother and Son, and Mrs. \\'ithorspoon con tinues her entertaining osstp in Around the Tea-Table. Pleasureab e and Profitable em- ployment is found in Burnt \Vorkâ€"H. K. Forbes, Venetian Iron Worksâ€"J. Harry Adams and Crepe and Tissue Papersâ€"Tillie Roome Littcll. The housewife will find much of value in the care of Silver, Cookery for the month and hints on serving Lemons, and the fancy worker will appreciste the'new designs in Knitting, Netting, _Tat_tin_g, Etc. Humlley in goal for the home team made some clever stops while the quick rushes of Wilgar and Leach up the ice were loudly applauded. 4:11 am Tfie subscription price of'the Defineator is $1 a.) ear. Sin! ecopies 150.. Address allordem to Tm: anmm'ron PUB. Co- or TUROXTO, (Lt’d), 33 R1chmond-st., Wen, Toronto, Ont. TRAYED to the remises of the undersigned Lot ‘22. Con. l. ‘au'aln. on or about. the first of J une, 189l. a. young bull rising two years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take the animal away. 3 JOHN GREER. lst. :an. 3 ['11. The second hockey match of the season here took place on Saturday evening. Feb. 2nd, when the home seven defeated Keene by a. score of 5 to 0. As this was the first match the visitors ever played and only the second for the home team the spectators could hardly expect to sue on exhibition of first claSs hockey. Both sides worked hard however and there is material in both clubs for a. strong seven. The following were the teams :~-- .\1 ILLBROUK. REESE. Handlcy. . . . ..... goal. . . . ........ Soneie Deyei .......... .point ...... . . . .McCarty Wilgur ........ cover point. . . . . . McIntyre Pickup ........ 1 ‘ ......... Miller Leach ......... f ._ .1“.........Wslch J. Naltrass. . .. ‘ oman 3‘ ........ . .Quinn C. Leach... i .. Dickson 'zm Homrigh. . . .umpire. . . .. .. ....Moow Referee ...................... H. S. Chlrry Toilet Sets Not a Bankrupt or a Stock- takinq Sale, but it is a straight Cash Sale, A Sale ! 13 piece Toilet, Sets (Slop Bowl and Spit- toon) $8, for $6.50. 12 piece Tollet Set (Slop Bowl) $7.50, $01-35. ‘ \\'e have them up to 3'20 a? the 83mg rate of reduction. Our Fancy Chinawaug and Sets of Dinner and Tea. babes are also re- duced. We are making a. specialty of Ten and selling it cheap. We take the lead in fresh family groceries" The committee reported to amend by-law with blanks filled in at $10 each license. Report adopted and by-law read a third tinle. signed 31nd sealed. TM 1'.‘ DELLVL‘A TOR FOR MA RC" [3| THE G [HEAT SPRING NUMBER. During the Month of February at the 'Moved by Batcson? seconded by Clark, that. by-Inw to amend livery license be now read a. second time and that we go into committee of the whole. Carried. \loved by CounEillor Buteson, seconded 1)) Councillor Clark, that. the collector’ s time be extended to the first Monday' m March. Carried. Moved by Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Bubeson, that. the clerk be instructed to invite tenders for printing required during the year by this council and repgrt a}. uemeeeting, ..I r“ u China Hall The committee reported progress and asked leeve toflsit aggjn. snow .......... . ............ V. 11 67 Thos. Gillott, fence posts. . . .. . . . . 3 12 “ coffin ........... . . . 12 ‘25 Moved by Councillor Bateaon, seconded by Councillor Clark that by-law to regulate tax on dogs be now read a second time and that. the council go into committee of the whole on said by-law, the Reeve m the chair. Carried. H. MGCARTN E“! ham. .............. t ...... l 2" A. Leach, amount, of school levy. . . 1554 00 R. H. Hunter, poll clerk .......... 3 00 W. Turner, returning officer ...... 8 00 Jus. Handley, to parties shovelling time. Carried. Both by-laws were read a first. time. The following accounts were presented and ordered to be paid : â€" Hm Ridden], municipal blanks. .3 l 45 Isaac Harper, drawing engineer. . . ‘2 00 Wm. Burns, digging grave ..... 2 50 R0119. Powell, bread for Mary Burn- on motion ado ted. Councillor teson in accordance with notice brooch: in by-luw to regulate the collecting of (1011 tax and by-law to I\mmd license to liver stables and moved, seconded by Councillor ‘lnrk that they be read a first Council met, at 7.30. Members all present. The Reeve having filed his declaration of qualification and office with the clerk, took the chair and called the council to order. Minutes of previous meeting were read. and on motion adopted. NOTE SOME OF OUR PRICES : Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hamberg, Ont... Independent. says: “ was snfl'ering from Dyspepsia and Liver Trouble, I took a few bottles of Shiloh’a Vitalizer and it. cured me. I can heartily recommend it.” Sold bv A. Luca. the hand of Her Majesty and also upon his elevation to the exalted and important position of Premier of Cun- ada. QofinEiI adjourned to Monday next at IOOD QUALITY. Carefulncss and Right Pnces are our Mottoea. 389 George-st. 3 (10 PIECES.) nine R. DEYELL’S OLD STAND. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. J. NUGENT. ESTRAY BULL. HOCKEY. scout-z. 4 minutes .ofor for for for for 51(31943-99 Ul 0V L19“ 001an O PETEBBORO. ..Quiun Dickson .Moow In. S. Clnrrv . . . .Soncic . .McCarLy . McIntyre . . . . Miller .Wil gar .Nuttmss . \‘aumss . . Wilgar .Nattmss OJ (.1) [o \l IOU! UIUIO ll 67 Interesting Geogruphlcal Comparisons. Asia is more than inur times as lur 1e as Europe, and considerably larger than horth anthoruh America together. The United States End Europe are almost equal m area: Hartv :\ an: iII ' he Imcllcr MiIIbro«.<. million to notify his friends and customers in this district that he has moved his quarter's and may now be found two doors east of the Post Of- fice, with the Turner Drug Co. Good work at fair prices. British India is more than half as large as the United States. Ireland and India. xii-e about. the same size. You could take enough land from Texas to make En land Ireland, ScoLlund, Belgium, the Nether ands, Switzerland and Denmark, and still have enough left to make Massa- chusetts, Rhnde Island. Connecticut», New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware, New Jer- Bey:2 M grylmyl, Pgdlndiana. Mr. John Richardson has hauled in a. lot of fine logs. He will make things buzz after awhile. Canada is nearly equal in area to the Ugitqd S_Lates_, it‘lclgdiug Algsku. Business in this locality is very dull owing to the very cold weather and the bud roads. The storm of last Friday and Saturday has completely blocked up the roads. Most of the roadwork this year will be taken up shoveling snow. A verf enjoyable time was spent at, the residence of Mr. 1). Bradley lust. Thursday night. , , “i'l‘vhveiléfand (31' Cuba; Varird Tennessee, are eqyal jp grea. If all the people of the United States and Canada were placed in Texas, the number of persons to the square mile would be fewer thanrat piresrent in China._ It wbuld take ten ata'tes Ks large as Massa- chusetts to make a. state as large as Kansas. Cot-ea is about the size of Minnesota. Mr. Isaac Hammond spent Sunday in Cavan. Colorado is as large as New York, Pennsyl- vaynia, ap_d N_'ew Jersey together. Harry Kendall, the Jeweller, Millbrook, wishes to notify his friends and customers in this district that he has moved his quarters and may now be found two doors east of the Post Of- fice with the Turner Drug C0. Good work at fair prices. An entertaihmént will be given" in the Fallis school house on Friday night next. A ggod 199g progyaqupe Ill-fly _be egp‘ectgd. A S'Iiss Miififie ‘l'ecl is visiting fEiends in Pcterboro. Of Hood’s Snrsaparilla wins friends wher- ever it .is fairly and honestly tried. To have perfect health, you must have pure blood, and the best. Way to have pure blood is to take Hood’s Sarsaparillu, the best blood purifier and strength builder. It ex- pels all taint, of scrofula, salt rheum and all other humors, and at, the same time builds up the whole system. Don t fora, rel the Bethany Carnival on the 1.701111. Great preparation; are being mnd_e. Harry Kendall, the Jeweller, Millbrook, wishes to notify his friends and customers in this district that he has moved his quarters and may now be found two doors cast of the Post Of- fiCc, with the Turner Drug Co. Good work at fair prices. SCHOQA TOPICS FROM THE EDUCA- TIONAL JOURNAL. CENTRE VILLE. Court Centreville, I. O. F., entertainment here last Thursday was a. rmnd success, pro- ceeds amounting to 332. he Chief Ranger, Mr. Geo. L. Fair, ably occupied the chair and the following good talent was on the pro ramme. Rev. Alex. McGilvmy, P. C. H. ., Toronto, gave an excellent address. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Manvcrs and Mr. Henry Johnston, Millbrook, enlivened the audience with their beautiful singing. Mr. Mitchell of Hamilton, and Miss Soden took part in the way of reading and recitation. Mr. Gilcreasc added to the pleasure of the night with his banjo. Miss Ida. Brown, Millbrook and Miss Jessie Shae, ably pre- sided atthc organ. A M 1‘. Fred Armsfiong, Toronto, spent a few days with his parents, havin to walk over the drifts to the train 1qu onday the road being impassable for a. rig. “ I haven’t any method, really,” said the young woman modestly. “ It is only that I tr to make the boys like me, and I sa. ‘ (fon’t’ just as seldom as I possibly can in my work with them. They had learned to lie, steal, and fight, but truth, honesty, and courtesy were unknown terms. So I began by telling them a. story every morning about some boy who had done a. brave, honest, or kind thing, and held him up for their ad- miration. And after a. while I asked them to ‘ save up ’ good things they had seen or done to tell at these morning talks. Their eagerness about it and their pride when I was picased with their little incidents. showed me they were being heiped. 7‘ ‘ Well, Jim, what is it youjuve for us, I asked cncouragingly. Mrs. wnghE, Millbrook, was visiting last war}: withfie; daughter, _I_\Irs. Jas. Porfier. A young teacher who has had great suc- cess with a. class of “ mgamuflins” in the worst quarter of a large city, was asked at a. school teachers’ meeting to tell something of the method by which she had Lmnsforme the lawless street urchins into respectable little; citizens in so muny_cascs.‘ v ,V_° v__r-â€"V “ There was just one boy who seemed to me bopless. He was apparently indifferent to everything; sat for weeks, during the morning talks, with a. stolid expression on his face, and never contributed nnythmg to the conversation. “I had begun to feel really discoum ed about, him, when one morning he raised is hand as soon as it. was time for the talk to Items or interest. forwarded by Tm: REPORT 28'! own Correspondents. The right place for you to get everything you require for your household, and nothing but first-class goods kept in stock. Prices the lowest. Gentreville Hood’s Pills are prompt and efficient. 25c. Your patronage solicited. CORRESPONDENCE. GENERAL STORE. JAS. T. G. LANG. ’I‘llE GENUINE MERIT. You will find it to your ad- vantage to deal atCentreville. BE TIIA N Y. Ilcr Method. Pon'r Hone, Feb. 11,â€"The east-bound train on which “‘0‘" Si; Meekenzie Bowvll and his colleagues, was side-tracked for about twelve hours on Saturday night owing to an accident east of Tren‘ on. I! apron.) the snow plough special sent west-ward from Delleville in change of Driver Ormond went off the track near Murry Hill, having encountered a. very heavy snow bank. Or mend had his coller bone broken and was badly hurt internallf', the engine was coin pletelystrippcd am the line blocked. A wreck train was sent out from Belleville as soon as news of the accident was received, but the truck was not cleared until 4 p. in. yesterday. The train from Montreal due in Toronto Sunday morning was fifteen hours late on account of the accident and the ex- tmordinary depth of snow in the cuttings. Touov'ro, Feb, ll.â€"The body of F. .J. Joseph, who was missing after the wreck near Weston, was found on Saturday morn- Joseph, who was missing after- the wreck near West on, was found on Saturday morn- ing after a. long search among the ruins 'l‘hc charred remains were fouznl under the marble slabs which were ull that was loft of the lavatory of the Pullman car. All that was left of the unfortunate man could have been placed in a. small basket. The re- mains were taken to Weston. The unfoi'ILunnLe train that. figured in Friday night‘s disaster makes up a: Port Hope, and runs to Toronio by way of Peter- l)orough and Lindsay, arriving in Toronto at. 12.15. Two mail trains run daily on the division. Pom Horn, Feb. ll.â€"â€"~It is reported here that a. serious accident occurred on Sutur- daynight on the Grand Trunk at Murry Hill, a. short distance west of Bellevillc, on which the engine driver and fireman of the down passenger train, due to pass here at 3.50 p. m., were badly injured and the engine wrecked. Charles Matmnering, the driver on the mail train, was not taken home to Stanford as at first reported, as his condi- tion was found to be too serious. He was brought down to Toronto at, 12 o'cloek and taken to the General Hospital. He is ter- rible injured about the head and body, and it is extremely doubtful if he will ever rc- covor, as he_ _is over 69 ycaus old. Firbmnn Hess was brought to the city at the same tame, but his injuries were not so serious and he was taken home to Stratford. Harry Kendal], the Jeweller, Millbrook, wishes to notify his friends and customers in this district that he has moved his quarters and may now be found two doors east of the Post Of- fice, with the Turner Drug Co. Good work at fair prices. The accident 0cm rrv: en ..hrtt was for- merly the old Nipissing rullwuy. It was then narrow gauge and perhaps the crank edest railway in Canada. \‘~'llmc\'cr cuts occur, and the deepest of them are just where the occldent happened, they are narrower than on the ordinary railway. The result is that notwithstanding the cll'ort to keep the line open by means of storm gates and other appliances, there is sure to be trouble whenever there is a. heavy fall of snow or a high wind in the winter. DEA]: Sms,â€"I have been troubled with Headache for a. number of years. I started to take B. B. B. and now I am perfectl" cured. It, is an excellcm remedy for Hemi- ache and Dizziness. MRS. MATTHEW MARTIN, Becton, Ont. NATTRASS.â€"In Millbrook, on Friday. Feb. 8th 1895. John Clarence. infant son of Ira. and. slice Nattmss, aged one month and three aye. Thexc were about twenty-rive passengers on the Yuri ane train, but, saving one person who hf: 3~ brow scratccd, all es- caped with a. she ‘ ,. "4'"? 'v .341. Millbpook, - Ontario. ARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUB- lic, Em Money to Loan. Besides these injured were Conductor Boundy. of the Port, Hope train, who re- ceived a slight scalp wound, and Alfred Kennedy, an Agincourt youngr mun, who had his shoulder dislocated. E. J. Davis, the section man, was hurt about the face and back. Conductor Riley received several serious injuries. He was taken to the General Hospital here. Fireman Cullen was only slightly injured. Brakesman Moore received several bad cuts on the head. He was taken to the Genergl yospital. I dsiee to 1. thanks to my many customers for the liber- al patronage I have enjoyed for the past year, and hope by striet attention to business, keeping a first-elass stoek of goods and doing A1 work to meeit a eon- tinnanee of the same. Give me a. call before going else- where. H. B. McFEE, Aspeciul train with z: snow )lough at- tached had got stuck in it snow ( rift. The Port Hope express from the east came along and plunged into the rear of the special. The scraper and van were behind the engine and both were completely wrecked. The crew of the snow plough consisted of En- gineer Ri gand Fireman Cullen, of Toronto ; Geor e \ . Riley, conductor; Chas. Moore andlimnk Burton, brakesmen, and E. J. Davis, of Stoufl‘ville, a. section man. [Engineer Rigg was buried beneath the ruins and it was not. until Saturday after- noon that the body was recovered The body was terribly mutilated, almost beyond recognition. _ _ A Word 2 Merchant Tailor. - Centreville. TORONTO, Feb. ll.â€"AnoLher fatal railway collision occurred on the Grand Trunk rail- way on Friday evening. This time the ac- cident occurred on the Midland division, a mile and a. half east of Agincourt. A special train with a. snow plough at- The oung teacher ant down as modestly as she ad risen. It was unanimously voted that whatever might be said for other methods, hersâ€"which she did not even call a. methodâ€"had commended itself. “ Some people would say, I know, that I ought to tell them how bad stealing and liing and fighting are ; and yet as long as t ey will listen to me whlleI as. ‘Do be honest, do be truthful, do be kim ,’ I shall not keep the other things before their minds.” - “ I think he had a. but he has told 8. things since that day‘ disheartened. u ‘ And what did you do than? I asked in fear and trembling. “ ‘ Didn’t, do nothin’. but just come along to school,’ said the boy soberly. ‘ I reckon- ed he didn’t, know no better; prob’ly he hadn’t had no such teachin’ as I’ve got,’ and he lapsed into silence with an air of perfecgsafisfacfion. “ ‘ You youfi scamp, y‘au’d haveimade off with that, if I adn’t. kept. my eye on you?’ sai't‘i tulle lgoyjn‘ tple‘same jprky fashign. _ “ ‘ An'd what did the man my 2’ I asked, hoping that a. ‘ thank you,’ had rewarded hlsufixgb attempt in the right, _d_irection _ ~ “ ‘ Man’s hat blew ofi‘ as I was comin’ to school. I ran and picked it up for him,’ he jerked out, in evident embamssment at find- ing all eyes fastepgd 9n him. Sgurfl stomaches sweetened by the use A CHAPTER OI" ACCIDENTS. ROBERT RUDDY, A CIVIlI-I [’0]! HEADACHE Results or line lug Storm. 1’ 0331' Yl’OOL. TUE T0313. pretty severe rebuff, great many pleasant, so you see he was not; and Best Value yet. Sole Agents for Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes. CARRIAGE and STYLISH RUGS. better and Larger Stock than ever. OUR HORSE OOLLARS beat them all. HOE-SE BOOTS of Every Descrip- Ion. Great Stock of Trunks, Valises and Satchels. Gloves, Buck- skin Mitts Robe Linings and Trimmings. Rewombcr this we cannot, and will not be undersold, our Prices are made to suit the times and suit you. HARNESS and still advancing. Everything in full swing for the Fall. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD HORSE BLANKETS, New Styles and Cheap. ROBES, _the Greatest Variety Is that it is always UP TO DATE. No old or ancient stockâ€"never 0\'ersmcked, never uuderstocked. People who are posted will tell you that our Har- ness and Turf Goods are Another Strong Point ABOUT our: ' In order to make room for our winter stock of Goods, which will soon be coming in, have decided to sell off the balance of the old stock regard- less of cost. We have a fine line of Diu- ner and Tea Sets combined that we have been selling for $15, which we now offer for $10. Tea Sets from $2.75 up to $7. Also a well-assorted stock of Tinware, Hardware, Paints, Oils and Varnish. BAiLI EBORO General Store Boots and Shoes from 25c. up to $4. F'resh Groceries always in StOCK. Give us a call, it will be your advantage. WHITE 8: FELL dian women. send your name and address on a post card at. once to Woman Pnblishingflo. 29. 31, 33 Melinda St. If you want. a copy of WOMAN- FBEE the sixteen page weekly for Cana- For Cheap Goods. ii KEEMLL’S SPWEH 95585. Toronba. mentioning this paper. SHI LOH’S CURE is sold on a. guarantee. It cures Incipient. Consumption. It is the best. Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose ; 25 as! 50 cts. and $100 per bottle. Sold by A. Luca. Kells, Fowler Go. W n Dr. B. J. gunman Co. ,1 Dear Ssraâ€"l have used sew-m1 banks of your l bl button} 310., iprl 3, '92. "Kendall‘s Spavtn Cure" with much success. 1 think it the best Unhnent l ave:- w-ed. Hare rc- mawdone Curb. one "load mun-In and killed H two Bane Spin-Inn. “we recommended It m b 5026?] “12w minds wl‘z'g Tye much pleased with an to - Au .v, 'I p I s. a. 11m 13.030233. Go To For Sale by all Drums“. or addrasa Dan} . J. Ii! 11“)-le CO MPAN 1', ENOSSUHGH 'ALLS. VT. t0 w~‘ 388 Ug‘x‘L'EI-x' SLITLK'Z». .‘ x':\'!-;"‘_:.“ Thls W883. x show novelties in Sterling Silva 'I‘OOth Brut”. ‘I‘, Card zmd ‘\S;‘. T111} 5, (:1an Button Fruit Kim'cs, Match Sales. 51:12:11) How». S'ler Thimbles, Bracelets. Bucklvs. iizzzzgws.Snm’cztir Spoons. Hut and l'k'mnuz i i An indellible mark of publiv awn-nus} in: , our Great and Unequallcd Half l’ricl: 5:.11- “in past few days. If we have not, shuwn ”1:21 11‘? SUCCESS, we’ll ofi'er upwards ( 1‘ 3,114,“) v v1} patrons to stand behind us. That’s :hw .q :1 on, and money saving is yours \vln-n 31M hm; Sales. ' “'0 have put. more Clothing nu liw jaw . days than the cumbincd clothing thug]; uf x a: the public have an abiding faith :uui « “mi- In fact, 01.11 111L111; stmk 111‘ \1111 11-11; '1 \V1: cannot afiunl L11\\:111 1111 1- 11!. 1.. 1 21,- '1' -- kept busy at, all 1111115 111 51-11 1.11 .1111! The entire stock has l)c1:1111\-'11:.1'11:111 F1.-;1- low prices 11111111: still low-1'. .\ 111111-11 3 .i 1 :1 1 cost. can be gai111:1li11:11'1;2-. 1111111112: 1'111‘1'. :1: 111'? p reading :1 \zl1-1' 11:1;- 1;.11- Hall, Gilchré at: 1\\ ‘\ /‘ Men’s Irish Frieze Ulstcxs, fancy wool lined, storm. half velvet col- lar, worth $14, at this sale ...... Men’s All Wool Ulswrs, woul lined regular price .51), at this (jrcut One lot of Men’s Overcoat: in Mel- ton, Beaver and Rap Cloth, good value 21:58, 810 and $12, for . . . Boys' KnegPunts, All “'00.,1 ........ 38 Too many of them, They must go at same price. ove1 untxl next season, and are willing to min: a quickly. Here are sozm- grout Our tremendous Mantle sellin" ()ur Dress Goal.» zuul Men's Ordered Clothing Sales are only the beginning of the Iim- of bank. (ix-cm reductions in Heavy All “'05 I ., - , "'cSi Goods, \eri) Tin; Vigerau l‘autz. 7- Ir ‘uwds, worth 7.1;. L0 be French Buad L... . . All! $1, to 1m c'xcarw‘x .n 7! Also two tables 1kumnuts of Dress “Owls. mm: 1 Exbmrdmry and special sale of Boys’ Frieze Ulsters, Heavy wool lined, one of these storm protect- ors, well worth $6 ; we are sell- ingthemat ....... ........ . Our plans for 1895 are formed. We mean to double our sales. We will lead more prominently than over befmx- MEN’S SUITS. Ladies‘ Capes, worth 518.0” . . . ..... Ladies’ Capes. worth 11%,...“ , . . . Ladies’ Capes, worth 9.00. . A e . k ,2 Ladies’ Jackets worth 95.1] t ........... Ladies’ Jackets worih 20.00. _ 4 . . . . Ladies’ Jackets worth 10.00 ........ Ladies’ Jackets worth 7,0” ..... Ladies’ Jackets worth 5.0! L 4 . . . . . Ladies’ Fur-lined Cloaks, woxlh HUM” Ladies’ Fur lined Clouks. won}: S'Jmm, Ladies’ Fur-lined Cloak arm-Li: Him Children’s Coats equal}! as luw .n p» WE LEAD ! 130, 132 AND 134 SlMC-ifiilâ€"S'II. Â¥iiTéiiBéjflUSj(if! These goods make ch; up Ci. Study These Items Careful}; For FOR MEN. The W3nderful Cheap Men, .‘Ei 3/2“ l‘uturbomugh and Lin PUBLIC APPEAL i Good ‘MANTLE AIVD z’llAAI/f (7/,0'1‘12’5 GOUGH ‘ BROTHERS WALSH CLARKE FOR Vlz‘lx’l' lJ 771/5 u’w \V’f} BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS. ME 5 UVJilu'uA’l‘s )1 ENE MEN ‘8 MEN’S )1 EN’S MEN‘S New MCCLELLAN D Wool. (TNI'I'IIH‘IN'IH (.TARJHHAX .I ,H 'l; I‘I'IF‘ LINK-ll) (IU W fix TOP SHIRTS )11'1’]*J.Iil:>‘. for Sale MEN’S S'J'UKM (‘U \‘l‘. MEN' '1'! FOR BOYS. Giadstene $3 95 ‘JS Thu 77‘IVC'\\"\:171c17. Invite :pccial MESSRS FAIBWEATHEH . 00. Cor. George Simcoe Sts. Peterboro Men‘s All W001 ‘l'wwd Suit did tradv for 510, all aim: Lo-datc in pattern, at: workumusbip : you um 1» choice at this Sale fem. Men's 15cm er ( full luck. :2] Men's All \Vuul 1': your busium or Boys’ Beaver UTCX‘COEHB, worth $3, sun can buy these splendid garments at Lhisswlefon................. ..... ‘ Boys ‘ lxisil '1'\\ced Chm: lull" “00151101 3 but vain icing wuxa at 11: is sale for the s Fair weather 8; Co“? ‘PETERBOROUGH. br>mx> m>wrm. 2.2x. .umwmzrz 5.55m. nmmm2rbzo rmpr mm»<mm u l‘ ‘lcu E‘i-LENEU GABMENTS i‘wn Weeks Siam "(i We will not carry them Hunt 1055 to move L‘hI-m Ht U c clout o cleav >0 cleared a Cutter can: It“: M‘C IN ur walnut: (or , to church ....... 68c. at 31c and “4 D\\‘i.l \‘H 12m mm 3.00 18.0" 1.3.0“ (5,011 (MO .ll *3!

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