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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 21 Feb 1895, p. 2

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”2%«4Dillbrook Reporter. ;,:_- um») m examples worthy of emu- Mon ":6 may reasonably. yea. thank filly expect. There willf be other Fromm nt ism-q mix-sing mm both m Bmczxtim‘, Baxter and Tait fru“. up gave; ament and Clancy,Wood and ‘ position, all of White flow in 0p vouid Rave Wed weight to the , but. they hue gone mct. Therein. new from the political arena, the ink-m: 1' having ended life’s labor, the ' 3n x ' . enter upon a more congenial and less nrdious occupation on the bench, both legving to their followers the leg? cy of in “tarnished political existence. That- the influence of these two fore v.05? men in their re=ll>ecmfe P’mie‘? ‘m be :2an upon those who have been left behind them and that. their nunu will frequently be referregl to in‘ will be mutual it is not un- reasonable to suppose. The Hon. 0. F. Fraser, late Minister of Public Works, a Demosthenes in debating and incessiveness, yet gentle and loveable as a child in private life and oonrtcoas in all his departmental duties for which he was eminently fitted, both as regards ability and up- rightness, has since the last session lain down his amour and gone to his reward. The Hon. W. R. Meredith, leader of the Opposition, who was per- lnps the only equal of the late minis- ter whose tongue was ever the keen sword that pierced into the unprotected position of his opponents, but whose cut was always accompanied with the sweet oil of readv healing, will not be in his place to lead on the attack of his followers. Both hme withdrawn! The first session of the eighth Legis- lature that opens to-day in Queen’s park is unique in many particulzus. W'hile it is true that the same guiding hand which has directed the (k stinv of the province for tw ent} vcars, \\ 1ll still be in his accustomed place in the Premiers chair and v: hile the ieform party will still, though by 21. small majority direct the legislation of the house, the changes that have come over the scene since the last sitting will be very noticeable to those who satin the old parliament and who have had the good luck to be returned to the present one. Althourrh it is al usual thing to see many st1ange faces in every newly elected assembly, they will be mo define“), scattered through l thehonse en it meets today tlmn. on any previous occasion and on! the other hand there will he the; same ratio of absence of old fumiliarl physiogs whose vacant seats will ham beenappropriated by the new menu». 5 ' Two old veterans, one on either \ide of the house, whose prominence in the l assembly, whose ability 1n debate mul' 1 for whom the greatest respect was en- tertained, acknowledged by friend and £00 alike as masters in legislative alility, will be found absent from the roll call at to-day’s muster and that THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. mmmxwmx WDAY. I'LEBR UAR Y 2| . 1‘95. Groceries, Flour, Feed, Breakfast Bereals, Crockery, Glassware, (Joel on, Battle Food (2)}? JQLJLLI. ]EI$[I\IIL>ES. OUR SPECIALTIES AR r: : Teas, Uofl’ees, Sugars, and eeuera!1 Broooris, Oil-cake and Hrrhaqeem. OUR LEADERS ARE: “(‘1!‘ Own Blend of Black Tea. at :Our Own Importation of J Lp an 2? ’5c. and ()ur O\\n Blend of Cofi‘ee, ‘«\ 4‘- ‘” Lirrs i a. $11688 18 3;; the Bottom. are ** , ltd. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Gave Perfect Health. “Gentlemenâ€"I am glad to say that Hood's Sanapaflllaand Hood's Pun have done me‘ a mdealot good. 1 had a severe attack u! tho trip in the winter, and after getting over the fever 1 did not seem to gather strength and had mambition. Hood‘s Snr‘xupnrifla proved tu be just what I needed. The results Were very satisfactory. and l rec9mmem1 this medicine- to anwhoareamicted wuh rheumut‘mn or other No Strength, No Ambition The knowing letter is from a well-known “chant tailor 01 St. George. N. 8.: “C. 1. Hood Co., Lowell. Mass; b‘aot’s ! We Lead, Mum by poison and poor blood. 1 ”sheep Hood's Sarsamrina in my house and use it when I need a. tonic. We also keeg nood’ s Pills on hand and think high!) of them.’ J.W .Dvxmmx. St George \‘ew Brunswick. Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, and do mt purge. pain or gripe. Sold by an dmggists. Hood’ssgfrfi“ Cures A man my bat: an honest heart, Though poortithe hourly stare him : A m may ml: 3 neebor‘s part, Yet hae no cash to spare him. After the Grip , 7.51.. VANCE. We Never Fellow. Mr. J. W. Dykemau St. George. New Brunswick. 0!: R ARE Call and see the Newest styles in Photo.- graphs. We keeip 11an line of the laws. t and best styles 0 cards, all our ice: are reasonable. All work gum-ant Satis- fac'ion our specialty. E.J.0é§i.£88, of Péologmp/bx Has 301 ght out the Pho- ograghic Business of G. G. Green, Mfllbrook, and will be for; nd at the old stand prepared to make. any style of a. Photo. Of Bowmanville, I/Véo won Me Diploma of Me PVest Duréam Agn'cultuml Sociely for [In Best Collection] Business Change. F. J. cKnLEss â€"\\'e had a call this week from 9. pair of our worthy grey-headed townsmen, who marched into the sanctum and took posses- ‘ sion of our own revolving chair and the ‘ three-legged one which we keep for irate customers, who may be too excited to sit ‘ still, leaving us thankful to get a corner of the window-sill to deposit our anxious bones ‘ upon. Having opened out a. couple of flutj ] books we thought it was some Atlas fiend! who had doubled up in order to the more impressively seduce us, and our fingers-were in our mouth to whistle loudly for the devil; l hut, beholdâ€"that long sixteenth-sheet double-royal was brought to view, and then Your age '.‘ How many months to feed 1‘ (not counting the office mice, the cat or the dog). There, we had given it away about that pup when we her! iztcnded to keep mum ; but :th0? all. perhaps liutcson’s tag-catcher i would have got on to the little chap anyway. 5 Liow then, your religion ’ Same as last [yeast Nothing extra. for that (except you 2 have none, when vou have to help pay the 3 taxes of the man who has whether you want I to or null. Cows? Yes, noâ€"only McIvor’s {Jersey heifer, and she’s just as good as her 3 mother, mind ye, byes, (stock not assessable, ; you know). Number in the family? Same f too 2 Age? Same ! You see we knew T what was the last hitch, so we thought by keeping up a running line of ditto’a we would end up all 0. K. But, behold! both lifted their hoary heads and adjusted their spa- tacles. Now, father Kerr, to Grandpa Bateson, “ What’s the advance 1‘” Here we simply wilted; only one hand was in a. sling it would have gone hard with those heart- less fellows. We’ve been often wondering how easily some people grow rich, but we ' never saw it done so quickly as these two men did it. They just got up and said “ You’re so many dollars better ofl‘ this year than last.” ‘ GENTLEMES,â€"I was cové‘ned with Liver Spots over my back and chest. I Look three bottles of your Bordock Blood Bitters and am now perfectly cured of Liver Com Iaint. Jean tzv‘fly say that I think B. B. lg. the best medicine ever discovered. x a 3.1713» 7‘ “raster, ...... .. . . f8 Minnie Hainezs, ram pool ..... 9 Robt. Glllies. “ . . . . 10 W. Mulligan, Janetville ....... ll Ida Staples, Fanklin ...... X2 Samuel Sims, ”‘42:! Horeb. . .. 13 John Oswald. ‘. ............ l4 Lizzie Watson, .' I ;: :ers Station 15 { Robt. Clark, Bethany ....... lLucinia \Vatson, ............. 19 Union 18, Gavan ............... '20 Ettie Washington, New Park. . PHOTOGRAPHER 19 Wilhemiua Robinson, Millbrook ‘20 Union ll, Manvers ........... element however in the present house. with whom the government. can scarcely fail to treat, who will perhaps be as difiicult to please as the straight Opposition and that is the Patron party. For the first time in the existence of Ontario politicsa third party or faction have come forward with a consider- ‘ able following and with certain planks of their plattorm the government will scarcely ‘ be able to agree, yet so small is their major- ity without their support, considerable anxiety may be expected on Sir Oliver’s part until the rubicon is crossed. The absence of three or four supporters might at any time leave the government in the minority so that it will require all the ingenuity of whips, together with that persuasive influ- ence of the old man to keep above the waves. The leader of the Opposition, Mr. G. F. Marter has yet to be proven as Conservative leader and whether he will evince the same generalship as his noted forerunner, and again whether he will be able to readily discern the weaknesses of his opponents and profit thereby, remains yet to be seen. l3 Marg’t “'hitfield, “ ....... I4 Jenme Robinson. S. Monaghan. 15 Ma gie Lucas, Millbrook. . . . . 18 N. i‘. Coomye, “ ..... l2 Emmg Ward, 1 Fred Tho...; ‘ n. felverton.. 2 Jowph Gillezby. Ballydufl’u 3 Faith Aiken, Bethany ...... 4 David Somerville. Bethany . . 5 J. F. Johnston. Lifl'ord ..... 6 Ed. Mitchell, Fleetwood. . . . 7 lThos. Birchard. Janetville l Lena. Finlay, Mount. Pleasant... S 9 75 '2. Wm. Stacey, . . . 35 ‘25 3 Wm. Vance, Springville ........ 2‘2 30 4 Ethel Sharpe Ida. ...... . . .. 16 85 5 Emma Griabach, Ida .......... 41 80 7 Victoria Sharpe ,Cavnn ......... IS 80 8 Ida. Preston, Millbrook ......... 26 00 9 Thos. Mills, Frazerville ........ . 19 85 10 Lucy Staples, Millbrook ....... . 13 40 11 David Hampton, “ ........ ‘23 00 Their I’m! omre Adan-um and Government Grant. The following is :1. list of the Public School Teachers in the incorporate village of Millv l: 00k, and the rural schools of East Durham Inspectorate, for the year 1895 :â€"- ' MILLxmooK. David Hampton, Principal. Sara. Dean, iEuni‘ lsabc Robinson. “'esleyville. . . . \Vinn‘xed McCallum, Port. Hope. l-‘lnrella. Pearce, Welcome ....... Wm. Hartman, “ ....... Eliza Sexamith, Charlecote ...... Sara. Robinson, Rossmount. . . . . . Jas. W. Kelly, Canton ........ . 9 Gertrude Hawkins, Port Hope. 10 Jennie Gist, Osaca ............. 1] Eleanor Goudy, Campbellcroft. . 1:2 J can Dodds, Perrytown ......... l3 Sophia Trull, Elizabethville ..... H Lila Wright, Bailieboro ........ [5 Edgar Inch, Garden Hill ....... . 16 Louis Flemin , Campbellcroft. . . 17 Amelia. Deye , Garden Hill. . . . . IS Jennie McAllister, Elmbethville «*ltzUIJ-Oélx'a Annie Pendrie. HOPE. 1 \da. Shaw! Port. Hope. . . ..... $ 31 10 COVERED “'lTll IIVER srors. I'JJST DL'RIIAJI TEACIIERS. 7. Myth Mongghan" . . . D13. W. E. CEILLEY, "AXVERS. Inspector, Bowmanville. CA VA S. Eunice Hetherinvton ........ l‘ . Monaghan. . [brook . ..... K6 ...... ’1: NJ ~â€" .â€" Jâ€" «I 3.. 66 15 19 00 52 75 )3 40 7 70 1-1- 00 23 85 1‘2 40 52 10 24 85 16 00 18 30 12 ‘50 These Pills are a. positive cure for all troublom arising from a. vitiated con- ‘dition of the blood, or n. shattered ner- ‘vous system. Sold by all dealers or by mail, from Dr Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockvilie, Ont, or Schenec» tady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. There are numerous imitations and subtitutions against which the public is cautioned. ter, and on Dec. 12th, 1893, went into the Royal Hospital, where the physi- cians who diagnosed my case pronounc- ed it transverse myelitis, or chronic spinal disease. After being in the hospital for five months I grew worse, until my legs became paralyzed from the hips down. Dr. N ewby, the house surgeon, showed me every attention and became quite friendly and regret- fully informed me that I would be an invalid all my life. For a change I was sent to Barnes Convalescent Hos- pital, Cheadle, having to be carried from the hospital to the carriage and then on to the train. After a week there, a patient told me of a cure ‘ efi'ected on himself by the use of Dr. _ Williams’Pink Pills. Being thorough- ). ly discouraged, I asked for' my dis- charge and I was sent back to Man- chester, where I began taking Pink Pills. After the use of a few boxes I , recovered the use of my legs sufficiently E to walk several blocks. I then con- cluded to start for Canada and join my friends here. I continued taking the Pills, constantly getting stronger. I have taken no other medicine since I began the use of the Pink Pills, and I have no doubt as to what cured me. I now feel as well as ever and I am able to take up the trade of barbering, at which I worked during the summer months. When I remember that the doctors told me I would be helpless all my life, I cannot help looking upon my cure as a miracle.” As Mr. Cousby told of the wonderful cute, his good- natured' countenance fairly shone with gratitude. He is so well known here as a straightforward respectable citi- zen that the Times need say nothing in his behalf. His plain, unvarnished statement would go for a fact with everyone who knows him. amoronsmn-‘n “pH-..” (21' “ Well, let us start at the beginning of my troubles,” said Mr. Cousby, when the Times began probing for par- ticulars. “Twenty-one years ago I left school here and joined a minstrel company. Since that time I have had parts in many of the leading minstrel companies as comedian and dancer. In the spring,' of 1887 I thought I would try a summer engagement and took a position with Hall Bingley’s circus, then playing in the W'estern States. One morning during the rush to put up the big three-pole tent, I was giving the men a hand, when the centre pole slipped out and falling struck me across the small of the back. While I felt sore for a time, I did not pay much attention to it. After work- ing a week I began to feel a pain similar to that of sciatic rheumatism. For a year I gradually grew worse and finally was laid up. This was at Mil- . waukee. After some time I went to St. Paul and underwent an electric treatment, and thought I was cured. I then took an engagement with Lew Johnston's Minstrels and went as far west as Seattle. About three years ago I made an engagement with Bowcs and Farquharson to go on a tour through Europe in the great American Minstrels. Before sailing from New York I suffered from pains between the shoulders, but paid very little attention to it at the time, but when I reached Glascow I was scarcely able to walk. I remained in this condition until we reached Manchester, where I lobtained temporary relief from a doc tor’s prescription. For two years the only relief I had was by taking this medicine. In May of 1893 while at Birmingham I was taken very bad and gradually got worse all summer. An engagement was offered me as stage manager for Onsley’s Minstrels and - I went out with them, but in three months’ time I was so bad that I had to quit. All this time I was consult- ing a physician who had been recom- mended as a. specialist, but without any relief. Hydropathic baths and other similar treatments were resorted to without avail. Finally there was no help for it and I went to M anches- Ol OOUIUIOUIOC’UIUIOOC . v vvv‘vva'V'V‘VUVU'UUIU' "tn on.-â€"n - Hâ€". STRANGE TALE TOLD BY .4 WELL KNO "'5' MINSTREL. The Pnlnl'nl Results of an Injury Received Many Years Agoâ€"Was healed In the Bat llospllals of Two Continents, but Pronounced lneluble-A Fellow Paul-n! Pointed 0n! the Bond lo Recovery. From the Owen Sound Times. The marvellous efficacy of Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills has again been demon- strated in this towu. The Times re- ferred to the astonishing cure of Mr. Wm. Belrose, a well kuowu citizen. This was followed a few weeks ago by the remarkable cure of Mrs. Monnell, of Peel street, whose life had been de- spaired of by herself and family and friends. A few days ago the Tinws reporter was passing along Division street, when it was noticed that a new barber shop had been opened by Mr. Dick Cousby, a member of a family who have lived in Owen Sound for nearly half a century. Knowing that Mr. Cousby had been seriously ailing when he came from England, a few months previous, and at that time had little hope of recovering his health. The Times man dropped in to have a chat, and before the conversation pro- ceeded very far it was evident that there had been another miracle per formed by the wonder-workiug Pink Pills. mm MANY mas. S HEREBY_ GIVEN. THAT THE MUNICL pal Councgl of the Townshippt Gavan. at their first sittmg, after the expu-ation of one month from the ate hereof. intend to pass a by- law to 9:0 up the present travelled road run- ning lengt ways over Lot Number Maggi the Eleventh Concession of the said Tow p of run-.. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 15th February, 1895. "The lowest or any tender not necessarily ao- cepbed. By order, D si ed. and endorsed “ Tenders for Trent Cane ." will be received at this Office until noon on Saturday, 23rd March, 1895, for the construction, of about six and a halt miles of Cunulon the Peterooro' and Lakeflld Division. Plans and slgeciflcations of the work can be seen at theo cc of the Chief En ineer of the Department of Railways and Can 3, at Ottawa. or at the Superintending En neer‘s Office. Petetboro'. where forms 0 ten or can be ob. tagged on and after. Monday, 18th February, 1 . ' In the case or firms there must be attached the actual signatures ot the full name. the nature of the occupation and place of residence of each member o the same. and, further. an accepted bank ch no for the sum, of 87.500 must accom any t e tender; this acce ted cheque must e endorsed over to the Min ter of Railways and Canals, and will beforteited it the party tenderin declines entering into contract for work at t 9 rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The accepted cheque thus sent in Will he returned to the re- spective parties whose tenders are not accept- , GEO. SOOTHLRAN Township Clerk. Gavan. 15th February. 1895. For'ffiitfléi information appi} to the A 'u- tfimt General of Militia, Ottawa, before Lh A ay. ”3651-6156 ifihfffiti'Jd-fiw ior each term. con- sigglng‘af gen mopths' rqsidcnce. The Obligatory Course of Surveyin includes what is In! down as ncccmuu'y for t. c rofoa- sion of Dominion Laud Surveyor. The olun- tary Course comprises the higher subjects re- quired for the degree of Dominion Topographi- cal Sitingveyor. Hydromphic Surveying is also mug . Length 0! Course four yam Four Commissions in the Imperial Regular Aamy ore ayardodgnnunlly. ‘ The Civil Engineering Course in complete and thorough in u‘ bram'hca. Architecture forms a se: uni-ate sub cct. The Course 0 Phyxics nndlChcmist. is suchns to lead to Electricul Engineering. cremlogi- en} Service, and other departments of applied acienco. In addition t9 thcfncilities the College affords for an education in Military Subjects. mo coume of instruction is such as to afford a. chor- oughly practical. scientific and sound trainin In all dedm‘tryents which are essential to n. Mg un_(_l_ gegprgyl‘jnodcrn gduqatmn. HE ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS for Cadet- ships in the Royal Military College! wul take place at. the Head unrlers of the 'sevcml Milimry Districtsin wh on Candidates reside. in Jgne qqgh ycnr._ ,, 7 7 \‘OTICE is hereby given under. R.S.0.. ('hnp. A 110, and amending acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of James Hunter. late of the Village of Millbrook. Gentle- man, decemed. are required to deliver their claimaand the nature of the securities held (if any) to A. A. Smith. Millbrook. 0nt., on or before the first day of March. 1895. After said date the Executorfi will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 22nd day of January. 1895. s \MUEL HUNTER. 'l‘i'IOMAS BELCH. }Execut°rs- By A. A. SMITH. their Solicitor. 1 IN THE ESTATE 01' JAMES HUNTER. GBNTLBMAN. DECEASED. ‘EALE‘D TE‘NDERS agldygssegl to the under- 424 George-st, - Peterborough, Peta-bore 6r. Lakofleld Division. The undersigned has for service on his farm. Lot 7. Con. 3. Canm. his Short, Horn Bull, ”Aberdeen of Millbrook." re ignored in Vol. II. Dominion Herd Book. also {ed Jcrac ' Boar. ’l‘crmn muses. $1M Limo of service. nyonc bringmg only one cow out of herd and taking the rest elsewhere. will be chn ed 85. 2-4 .108 UA JONES. J. ROBINSON YOUNG. Watch We have in stock Mouth Organs, Accord- ians, Violins and Autoharps. INFORMATION OI‘ CANDIDATES- Fancy goods department still very attrac- tive. Oysters 40¢. a quart, Oranges 20c. a dozen. Fancy cakes in great variety and cheaper than the cheapest. For the million, in bulk and served in any way at Young’s Resturant. FINEST, FRESHEST and CHEAPEST This Department of Militia and Defence. Space Notice. Important Executors Notiee to Ureditnrs. For [3’ Stamping done to order. MISS MELV ILLE. HORT IIORNâ€" BULL. "ABERDEEN OF MI] LBROOK. NOTIOE T0 CONTRACTORS- Christi:s Sodas always fresh and crisp. Opposite John Gillott Son’s Cabinet Wurcrooms, Millbrook. TRENT CANAL. Royal Mllmu-y College of Canada. ls giving special reductions this week in stamped Linen Goods, such as Pillow Shams, Tray Cloths, Splashers, c. Also all the latest patterns in Honibon work are now on exhibition. CONFECTIONERY MISS MELVILLE YSTERS YSTERS YSTERS NOTICE. J. H. BALDEBSON. §e'c}étkry. Has now in Stock alarge supply of Coal and Wood Stoves of every kind, which will be sold very cheap. Call and examine. Also all kinds of Tinware and Lamp Goods. . Best American and Canadian Coal Oils. Eavetroughing Repairing promptly attended to. 344 Water Street, W. S. PICKUP WHTERPROOF HORSE AND WAGON COVERS, FLAGSBUNTING, FTC. If you want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES. BOOKS orSTATIONERY, write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest; ’ A. H. STRATTON CO- 417 and 419 George Street, Peterborough. Our Books are Manufactured specially by the Ex- aminer Printing Co. Lt’d., tor the PeterboroivBookv store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the Binding is guaranteed to last With ordinary care until the book is used. BUY YOUR Blank Iooksgflffice Supplies See our Job fancy Plushes and VeIVets at. 25 and 50 cents a yard also a. lot of Millinery, Ribbons at 10 cents an end. We have secured a. special bargain for the ladies it the way of a figured Pongee Silk for Blouses to be had in all the leading colours and costing only 200. a. yard. We hme purchased a. large lot of Flannelette J ob which we will sell at 750.11 yard. This line was sold at: 12.10. last season and IS the best make for wear in the market. We also have 1n stock a job line of Fast colomed 1ed and black Flannelette at 7c. a yard. IVe lzave slz‘ll a few lines of Mantle: Mal must be cleared out during Me (old weat/zer and we are delermz'ned to do so by (firing Men: at prz'ees t/mt will slarlle even/body, As we find ‘ t/zat w/zerz styles are e/zangz'ng, made-up goods flaw to be cleared regardless ofeosl. Below we enumerate a few lines of w/zal we are oflering .' TURNBULL’S. J. C. TURNBULL, AWNINGS, TENTS, Sails, camping Goods. Peterboro Bookstore REMNANTS IN PLUSHES, VELVETS AND RIBBONS ALF. KINGSCOTE, $3.50 Children’s Reefers, for $1.00. $5.00 Ladies’ Ulsters, $1.00. $4.00 Ottoman Cord Mantles, for $1.50. $6.00 Black Beaver Mantles, for $2.00 $6.00 Fawn Mantles, for $2.00. $5.00 Blue Pilot Mantles, $2.00. $7.00 Fur Trimmed Ca. e for $2.00. 3 $7.50 Fur Trimmed D0 man, for $2.00. $7.00 Mantles, for $2.75. $6.00 Ulsters, for $3.00. $12.00 Fur Trimmed Mantles, for $3.00. 7.50 Trimmed Dolman, for $3.50. $9.00 Astrachan Cloth Mantle $3.50. $10.00 Braided Ca e, for $4.00. $10.00 Astrachan rimmed Montle, $5,00. FLANNELETTES. George and Simcoe Streets, Peterborough Small Profits and Quick Sales We Undersell bnt are never Undersold. â€"-MANUFACTURER 0Fâ€" OUR MOTTO : â€"-AT THE S PICKUP. Peterboro’, Ont. The undezfignéd has for service on his premisesag grade bull. Terms $1 at time of service. SIGN OF THE HORSE SHOE. GEORGE STREET. - PETERBGHOUGH To reduce our Stock of First-class Tweeds and Cloths, we will lower prices equal to a saving of 25 per cent. for all Ordered Suits and Overcoats during the‘ month of January. Our annual Jan’y Mark- down Sale has always been a success. This year we intend to leave no stone unturned to make it a Sweeping Clearance of all our winter stock, including Ready-made Clothing and Overcoats for Men, Youths and Boys; also Gentlemen’s Underwear and Furnish- ings. ‘ I, ‘N e herewith express our sincere acknowledgement for the many marks of fav- or shown the CITY CLO- THING STORE in the past, and for the generous support continued to be bestowed upon this firm by the people of Peterboro’ and surrounding country. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. We extend our hearty congratulations and wellâ€" wishes of the season. We facilitate ourselves for the share that we, as Clothiers, have had in contributing to the enjoyment of hundreds of satisfied patrons during I894 N0. 368 George Straai. GENTLEMEN, New Fallle Silks, New Sable Silks, New India Washing Silk New Henriettas, R.H.Keiisfia New Crayons, Cabinetmakeréjflndertaker For . Evening a- Showrooms . LeBRUNgégco. THUS. GILLOTT, Keeps on hand a large stock 0! 00h FINS. GASKETS. and all kinds of Undermkcm‘ Goods. room. Parlor. Diningx-oom and all other kinds of Furniture. hand-made. at lowest. prices. FOR SERVICE. l 895 ' .’ 'nches wide, n“ shades 450. 24 inches wide, all shades 50¢. 25' inches widP. :Lll shades 70c, PERERBORO. HERE’S TO (ways men) ISAAC HARPER. King-st. Mlllbrook. 44 inches wide, 45c 44 inches wide 45c. 313W 0 r Car -ls and Runnels wort}: \\ arps pied. l zu'ca goodsxock of Flam)? :- Tw°°d5 MM. Rolls and Hnscry from 13a" and Wither. cheap for cash. Now is the mm: m have ur‘Vintcr Clodxingcicnnu} upd dyed. (3(3an Lndics garments a spccmhly. All work nun nwedat Parker‘s Dye Works. Aha t “P3100111 Laundry. Goods scnljl‘uesday ° wack, returned Saturday. Gm: us a. § It You‘havc any Books to be and hem! xi cm to c Lxmnincr Book-bindcry. l’vtcrbomugh' All _work executed in the homes: and 1:03 poumxblemanncr. “'c do every style 01' ”mm”; 3.11:! Rulmgmud evewdcscgimfion B} k" ,u. nugnificem stock of bolls. I: wil! 105' _\ to call and see them befoxv purchasing where. llis prices are away dawn. (in bargains fore-ash for the momhof Dememlu A fine line of Whips, Biankets Woolen :2. Rubber Rugs, which are being sold cheat] than at any other shop east of Tomato 1' the same line of goois. heard 111g} ink-:1; (3f h . Jillrlv.Jing.e, linicbt-Ils," ' is a phmu‘ 31:: :rle‘zflluhme heard hm. _\011 have nut George-at, The Lii: é Novelsfiand the George Street1 gave 0 We have our store filled with the newest and most fashionable that is to be had in Ladies', Children's and Men‘s Furs, Ladim Mantles trimmed on shortest notice. If You Want ‘ WO() D’s FEIOYSPHODINE ‘ The Great Englluh Remedy. 3 Sit Packagts Guaranteed to promptly and permanenfly cure all forms of Nervous u‘caj‘m‘ss, Emissio 723,31)ch a!orri.ca, Impatcncy and all 7 V ejects of Abuse or Excess“. =. \ ‘ " 17,) : 5 Mental Won-y. excessive use ‘ , , o Tubccco, Optumor Stimu- ‘Before "d‘dflel ' hints, which soon. lead to I»- .flmu‘t y, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed ova: 3531415 in thousands of cases; 15 the only Reliable and Honest Mcdichw known. Ask drugfisttor “'ood's Phosphodlne: 1! he offers some worthless medicine 11.: place or this. lncloso price in lctwr. and we will send by return mail. Frlce. one package. 81; 61:. $5. am: will please. 3L1: will cure. Pamphlets tree to madam The \Vood Company, Windsor. 0112.. Cam Sold in Milibruuk and everywhere by all druggists. “u. v. Luv nu.J4U.uuU. ULucr urcrxne troubles, which give rise to nervous diseases. headache constipation, bacimflm, dcpressian. tired 1:». ing. eLc.. which so many women sulfa: from Particulars and informauon tree on up licatimz to the propriemrs. '1‘. Mums 6: C0,. crouto, 03:. The remedy can be procured from the local agent. Price, $1.25 {or one month's trut- uncut, and can be sent by maul on recuy: of price. For sale by HIS m-wnn-l :9. do mum-inc for all female T cuxvm' :5 is daily making remarkable ' in which all other remedies had famed. Tm; {roamwnc has bum in constant l‘nu by an C‘Iiul'li'ZlCC‘d 1)h*"¢inn for many: years wit the greatest: sum-cs5. It is perfect 3.3.1 I, re for {alliag of the womeeucerrhcm or whims. 1min! ul. suppressed. profuse or irreg- ular mansu‘nuticn, congesxion sud inflamma- zigp pt ghe wombmnd other uterine u-oubles, S AILSBURY’S Newest FashionfBooks BOOK-BINDIN G. ’Ims may: Cocoa Cam; promptly cum whnre ‘l c: hers $51.1. Cough. Group. Bose T1304. Hearscncss, W1_:ocpi :9 Cough gag! A:..hmz.1'or Ce :cumpi. ca 1t nus no ri has cured thausanda.and will cum YOU takenin time. Sold by Draggists on 3 gm: antee. lo: 9. Lame Back or Chest. SHILOH'S BELLADON NA PLASTERZSc. Tare you Cami?“ ': This remcéi’ié «Iain; teed 10 euro you. Price. were. Injectormea. MILLS BR OS. WINTER IS HERE. Hi. SflCATARRH II". STRJ/A'S BOOKSTORE. Write or Call at Fur Sula by A LEACH. DAVID CHAMBERS- MA DAMIN E. sh for the moxilhof [kcemhcn Whips, Biankets Woolen and which are being sold cheap-r Ill-(‘1‘ shop east of Tolonto for '. STRAIN. .LR. SFRAT'IU.\ YfiU REQUIRE FURS RENEE! Peterhoro. Peu-rlroru â€" A report from Momma] galerally believed that the d geneml elections has been Upon. Nominations will b1 April lithcggnd voting on A; â€"-We are phased to know Rev. Mr. BIL-Camus was sc proved as to be able to resu ‘ pit work on Sunday last and complete mvery is assured; LN. m Kendall, me: iea remox ed frmu his old stand now be found m more oemm uith the Turner Drug 00., East of Post Office. Sunday funeral a trip ‘ visiting turning -â€"If \uu just take a ( see if it dun if you an» d\- Toronto, whc for some wee cartoonis1 of -â€"Tho catalogues InstiLute book: are of the librarian and butiun to subscriber â€"1'!m:u'd of 100 g 50 a.-n-~ up to 300 3 prices and upon mum. Geo. SwrmEIL-xx. MEL â€"M!‘ J. B. . known profission tendml ilk" carni night last. â€"Mr. \V. J. (Jaldinc stock 021 Tuesdav n .1)”: the ticket agenb on; .. town. “'hen so man? pc (la-bin" benefit from Why (10.1: Von Irv 3: 5‘ rccommmaded. «Miss Culling went uu‘l' a; \Vednesxlay evening L: A ?n the Sara. Lord Bail], k: They had a bumper formed. --‘ .u u\. Needlers pond and sturcfi citizens for next suxmm-r x â€"Miss Laura Vance. \\ ing at Elden made a $12”! on e’IPrida} evening xctuxm' d83- â€"Judge Ketchum xvii journed court on \Vedn 6th, to finish the 0.155 ‘H ~ “a K3011 propertiw GEO. 5001‘ uuuy Inide the B mam-:3 night Lur ' t â€"-M i» H u loan at Milihx-c gate! dav. â€"I)1. H. Rudm “ere i: day. â€"Mi~:s 5:: ing with Mr â€"Miss Gertir “Ix-d i: Mrs. Lefroy in Port Ho: â€"Mr. \V. Fairmoum. w Hope 0. â€"M 1' day. TOW N TA WNWK’W\N\’VV\‘ ch mm noon 1 ‘smmxxxx-n.x~.w OL'P SES I.\' HOOK K! hand. Arithm- \-: xxx-Mpg. Tn uxhru :. z: orWimcr. i-‘orza 'n' . Wxxmxwvmm -.‘ AND SCHOQL 0F PETERB‘ mu! '. ,; H! T! Che am Mi~s X' Agents C -The Tumefi THURSDAY. Him’. Elliott‘s Syrup 0? Our Syrup of Try Our Li VO 1‘ 'I getepbO’" 861.5117) T9:- ()ur Lon Saturday. Mr. Robt. H. McMu war in town m: '1 TO REGULATE TI AND ASSIST Dl‘ $100,000.00 Selma! Supp, m books are now in avian and heath" subscribers. u want a .L Turn CflUGH S “7 me is being <4 (’1‘ C011 A. BLANCH mu: dav 'cm IS in coniuna mu' h DUI )l‘L pm

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