Groceries, Flour, Feed, Breakfast Bereals, Greekery, Glassware, Goal 0i], Hattie Feed ' OF ALL KINDS. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE: Teas, Gofl’ees, Sugars, and General Emeris, oil-ease and Herbageum. Muimgued during vâ€"J -“Vv “Hutu-er stated w the , , cred i: to carry [him awn . 'mul succeeded better in impI’resuing than by will flights of own 3, 've (lexmnciati<>xx.g Nor was the f the ram without its charm to . Inured to privation and d as familiar with the ï¬eld of e camp as the ordinary man is church, following forlorn he lacis and into the aredoubtz, hi3 sapamhes and {naking his among the entrenchments to the made of bursting shells send the roar of the hat-WM“ A. \ lunar-er Mr. Villiers is admirable. Inked donbtleo with a. strong infusion of the military instinct learnt In nine cam- mm In: nttenncesaredirect sndstraight t. There )8 no unnecessary ver- lingo- or pomwider“. stmnirw after dramatic He told his story throughout in in well-chosen, and Horouslnngua towards the end, tho mane; tioo' of the are-dial scenes of unprovoked helm! witnmed 1m parted a ring " judignation to his tone, he m hteed, washed down with a. Wqudy water); thepesals pedal Will? u 3 man w 0 ap stron â€the herowoubip which 13 alive in 31’; huff-dove] nan, and makes his blood 30-!» reedeof great. dangers dared gram achieved. Henson-mama ampeign from “1â€â€ “he jgined were ably described an Malian pictures thrown on u‘eddutioml interest. irons: bath! Ink of Mr. Villienhimeelf. In,“ “awfully futhful in MMMwhmh illus- tuned representations on the screen the audience were spell-bound, and as the lectur- er bowed his adienx and left, the stage, and the lights blazed out once more, there were my in that large gathering whose hearts were burning with indignation, and who fully aimed the sorrow of theleclurea that. a people who in many respects are so worthy of udlllitlï¬on. and whose exploits in the '0? ' tieserve the, hit-$21“ conxznsndntion em :1 e c MR h‘vgumpem'ued so fouflblot 35°13: Iron Arthur man-acre to dim the brightness ‘ a! chair whievmu. yknycv were they disappointed, The uniority had read of the campaign, and of the horrors or the Port Arthur massacre m the daily press, but. his safe to say that, never til! may listened to the story told by word of mouth from an eye-witness of th. various scenes bad they formed any concep~ ties of the dreadful details of the indiscrimâ€" inate slaughter of inoffensive citizens and the sangery exhibited by the latest adopters of the western civilization. As the lecture drew onward towards the climax. and detail diet detail cf the massacre was unfolded in stem voice of the lecturer, and in the pic- .lr. Mrkk Winters lectures on the Jano- ‘ â€new Warâ€"lune, Ian Filled With a »:o- and Icmnnflve \I‘Ile-ceâ€"â€" A r "mm- scene him .owâ€"Dclullw 0: 2h- r-n' . :9." m". Tom. Jail and Empire. Never ' I 'ecturm- in Toronto faced so 1mga 'v: . II pzcsenlatiw an audience-as thatwhic ~-mbled last night in Massey lull to hem .n". Frederick “hers, the war conupondent, “ho has recently returned from theses: of war in China. People went with the expectation of hearing something "Our Own ï¬lend†of Black Tea at ‘50., “x. Own Importation v: Japan at 25c. and Our Own Blend of Coffee, ï¬lm Prices in all Lines are at A Meet Cure by Hood’s Sax-sa- “n aflords me much pleasure to recommend Hood's Sarsaparma. My son was afflicted win: yea: pain in the joints. accompanied «1:1; swelling» bad that he could not get up stairs to bed without crawling on hands and knees. l was very anxious about him, and having toad Caused so nigh val-Km: Hood's Sampm'illa. I deter- mm to try it, and go: a. hallâ€"dozen bottles. tout-of which entirely cured him." Mas. G. A. Luis. Oshawa. Ontario. , Hood's 9!“; act. easily. yet promptly and aflcicntiy. en the ï¬ver and Bowezs. 5c. P‘actS ! We Lead, the miubrook importer. Hood’ssm Cures THURSD-XY. FEBRUARY '28. I??? 313.91% sure to get Hood's Sarsawilla. A man may hacan honest heart, Though poortithe hourly stare him: A man my task “Icebox-“spa: Yet has as. cash to spare him. J. A. VANCE. OUR LEADERS ARE: .1 1'38!“le RECITJL. We Never Follow. OUR LIKES ARE in the Minis by Inflammatory Swelling (whats, Gut. continually on and a slice of The success of Norway Pine ngp as a curefor coughs. colds uthma, rouchitis, And all throat and lung troubles is due to the fact that it. is the best. and plmtest remedy aver discovered, and because its action is prompt. and certain. W. Simpson, H. M. Woou, J. M. Knowlson, 7 > W. T. W996, R. Fee, Two rinks from Pcterborhngh Game out on Friday last. and played a friendly game with llillbrook with the following result :â€" mLLnRonx. rmmnxo. H. B. Allen. J. Kmpman, ('. n. \Vinslow. C. Brown. Geo. Henherington, D. Benegham, l‘hns. Needlor. skip 16 B. H. Kenn. .......... ‘11. R. H. Hunter. Mr. Meredith. Jno. Allen. J. McLennan. H. H. Wood. .1. B. Pennant}. J . A. Vance. skip... 18 W. Sailsburg, skip“ ..16. Total...........34 Tom] ...... . ....... 37 um vs. 51mm LlSDsA'Y. MIILBROOK. M. Siam“, D. F. McLennan, Dr. Simpson. W. W. Needler, ï¬nonal charge against Reid, but against. herb Cowan, an agent, and the result does not effect. the majority y. The party kidnapped was John Yarrow, of Neyvcastle, aged 73. He was taken away in a rig and kept. in a house until she polls men of Ember, who, fearing ill-trentment from the snvsneing end victorious Jspenese, and preferring death, had thin themselves and their children down n we , and whose bodies were subsequently recovered. The.1 corpses were laid. out one by one as they‘ were taken nut, and there was one ï¬gure of i a woman, tell for a Chinese, and with long‘ black hair 1 ‘ing in a tangle about her well~ she. hears, which was terribly pathetic. e most f van-sting part of the lecture, and at the some time the most host-trending, was that dealing with the Port Arthur mas- sacre end the cruelties inflicted on the un- ‘ happy: citizens. There: were sictures in lplenty, but here, happily, the etsils were 1 less clearly deï¬ned. Huddled heaps of iclothes were portrayed scattered along the l sheets in mm of the houses, each '11ch re- presenting one or more mmdered Uhinsmeu, and in the distance were seen the siiootiu parties engaged in the hideous bottle, wit the smoke still curling from the muzzles of their rifles. There- was small renown for wonder that one m w Eml stood by and seen the hatchery should 3m z 1: in strong condem- nation of the work of slaughter, or that the audience should wcnd their way home with the conviction that they had heard that of the sufferings of their fellow-creatures which appealed in the strongest terms to their feelings of humanity. The court found that. the charge of kid- napping had been established. but that. it did not nullify the election. It was not a. [louse all light. \V. H. Reid, M.P.P., for West Durham, has succeeded in retaining his seat. J udge- ment was given to-day by Justice Rose and Ferguson on the kidnapping case which had been reserved from trial. The Member lor West Durham In the local Moved by Mr. Stanton, seconded by Mr. Vance, that. this council aéjourn until Saturday, 16!); March next, at the hour of one o‘clock, p.m. Carried. Moved by Mr. Stanton, seconded by Mr. Mclndoo,_that. the auditors’ statement of receipts and expenditures for the Township of Manvers 1»: tin endingï¬lst. Deg, i894, Vbe received : 1 ....e ted as ï¬nally audited and that. 1:: « r; be inatmstcd to have 100 copies p:..ccd for distribution. Carried. 7 0n mgotion the following orders on the treasurer were 3mm“! by the Reeve. Roper: Hm jamming )_m9ntb's board to 10__ Feb. L- 6 J. In.“ .1, man: out .......... ..5. Robert, .‘nM' unough. 1 month‘s board to 10 Watch. 18% J. Leach. indigent ........... .wa. H. W illiamson. auditor .............. Edward Mitchell, audito ................... , A7 lay-law to ï¬x the amounts payable for tavern licenses in the Township of Manvers was then introduced, read 13:, 2nd and 3rd wees signed wad sselsda Moved by Mr. Vance, aeconded by Mr McIndoo, that the aid heretofore granted to Adam Wilson, James Nelson and John Leach, indi gents, be discontinued and that the clerk be instructed to writed Messrs. Rooert Fowler, William McMuflen and Robert. McCulloug h to the effect this council will not be responsible for the maintenance of said indigents after the current month hangxpirgl. garried. \1- .- 7 Mbv‘ed by Mr. Stanton, seconded by Mr. Vance, that. the Reeve is hereby authorized to have the seats in the town hall repaired. Carri: -‘. Move- air. Stanton, seconded by Mr. Mclndoo, 14.1! a. sum not. to exceed $500 be voted by this councii for the puxpose of roads and bridges, not more than SIOO to be ex- pended by Mhh commissioner and that. the commissionexa '«o: z: ‘ follows:â€"leliam Mc- Indoo, :Iivision No. 1. Lotus; Thomas Stanton, division No. '2, Ballydufl'; J. J. Preston, division. No. 3, Bethany; J ohn Vance, division, No. 4, Fleetwood; Henry Benders, glivision, No. :j), Janewille. The council met in Bethany. on Saturday, 23rd February, l895, pursuant to adjourn- ment. Members all present. The Reeve in chair. The minutes of the last meeting were then read, approved and signed by the Reeve. . ‘ w The aï¬ditors reborn of ’Lhe accounts of this corporation for the year ending "3:2†Dec†1894 was then prmnted and cm. nxne‘l‘ PorstomschtmublesmeED. 0- Communications were then received and read from Wm. Brown. complainin that. the road over which he is overseer is h ocked with snow and that some fences were on the road allowance. from S. L. McCabe, Esq., re the same. From Thou. Fan-ow, overseer, claiming the sum of $3 for shovelling snow on road figlring‘late storm. Moved by Mr. Stanton, seconded by Mr. Mclndoo that as the tender of the MILL- snoox Rmnm for the priming required by this punicipgligy is the lowest; it shall be Moved by Mr. Stanton, seconded by M r. Mclndoo, that the communication of Mr. W. Brown be laid over for further consider- ation, and that. {he clerk write Mr. S. L. McCabe acknowledging communication and state that the matter referred to win receive due considerationâ€"Carried. Sir? Alex. McCabe. and had allowed '1»: E. McCabe to cut a portion of the brush oppo- site that portion of Mr. McCabe’a Lot where northeast part of his lot is cropped. On motion re rt received and adopted. Tenders for t e for the printing required by this municipality for the present year were then presented and read, from the Peterborough Timex, Lindsay Pant, Lindsay 'arder, and )1 114.3300}: Enron-ray Total ...... 25 Total ....... 29 Majority for Millhrook, 4 shots. Moved by Mr. Stanton, seconded by Mr. Headers that the application of Mr. Thomas Farrow for the sum of $3 be not entertained, as this council insist upon roads bein opened in the winter season by statute 125nm as directed by statute.:â€".(3ar::ied.‘ ‘ 1v 1 "Mix R‘ YE: Bieis verbally applied for some aid to be given towards Mrs. R. Sisson, imï¬gent: _ .. n. . ,_,,,,3,,11d it ~ Moved by \lr. Stanton, seconded by Mr. V au'e that. the application of Mr. R. E Byers re \Irs. R. Sisson be not entemuned. L uried. ‘ Viriépr-nrty-Reeve Headers verbally reported that, he had examined the cedar brush ap- plied fn- torbre cup down, a; lgstjneeting by Mr. Staxilton stated that Mr. John Kennedy had informed him than the assessor for 1894 without his authority had assessed him for 100 acres he did not own, that the said land was now occupied by one Wm. Porter and wished the council to exempt him from pay- ing the taxes thereon, also that. he had been requested to apply to this council for aid tmmnl support of Mr. Corbett, who is in indigent circumstances. It i- .- v «i MGR-ï¬Ã©iidri the application of John Kennedy be not entertained as this council hagno ri_g_ht, Eqinggrier in the matter. 1 I‘,.It Moved" by Mr. Stanton seconded by Mr \unce that. the verbal application of Mt. Stanton in behalf of Mr. Corbett be not mrcrtained. Carried. Peal-borough u. almhrook. IWSS m SUCCESS. skip..:.l skip MAX VERS COUNCIL. REID IS SJFE. CURLING. J. A. Vanda, C. Needler. G. Hetherjxggton, ..l4 424 George-st, - Peterborough, I take this means of expressing my sin- cere thanks to my man customers and the public generally, for t a liberal patronage extended to me in the vast and to inform them that I am still on the old premises, in rear of former building, where I will be pleased to meet them and attend to their wants as heretofore. I have on hand at present a number of cutters that I wish to dispose of at once and will sell them at a genuine bargain price. In buggies I have reduced the price 15 per cent. as I will be crowded for room until a new building is erected, which will be as soon as possible. No matter what class of vehicle that is re- quired (not in stock) can be procured in ten days’ time from the Brockville Carriage Co. the largest. and best in Canada. Special attention paid to repainting of carriages. All work guaranteed. L. S. OLARRY. Sour stomaches sweetened by the use I. D. 0. PHYSICIANS ARE ASTOUNDED BY A PECULIAR CASE. 1 These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Out, and are sold only in boxes bearing the ï¬rm’s trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a. box or six boxcs for $2.50. They may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company. A Yam-z Canadian stricken wm: I’ll-l!!!“ Wine In Sew York-Returned to In lone at London, om" :3 lie Believed, to Dieâ€"The Mean: 01' Renewed Health Point on by Clergyman who "sued Striken with Landry’s Paralysis and yet. cured. That means but little to the average layman, but it means a. miracle to a. physician. Such is the experience of O. E. Dnllimore, at present a resident of Madison, N. J ., and a. rare experience it is. “ Yes it is true that I had Landry’s paralysis,†said Mr.Da.11imore to the reporter, “ or else the most celebrated physicians of London were mistaken. That I have been cured is clearly apparel: .†With this he straightened up as sturdy and promising a son of Britian as ever trod on American soil. To conï¬rm his story beyond all doubt, Mr. Dallimore made the follow- ing aflidav it. Srnu or NE“ JERSEY ,1 Mourns COLNI‘\, } Olave Dallimore being duly sworn on his oath said that the foregomg statement is just and true. ULANE E. DALLIMORE. Sw em and subscribe before me De- cember 3, 1894, Amos C. Ramses, [SEAL] Notary Public. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are an unfailing sï¬eciï¬c for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grive, palpitation of the heart, that tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipâ€" elas, etc. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale sallow cheeks. (In men they effect a. radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. There are no ill effects following the use of this wonder- ful medicine, and it can be given to children with perfeccsafety. £8 “ It was on the 15th of March last he continued, “when I was in New York city, that I ï¬rst felt symptoms of my trouble. I experienced difï¬culty in going up stairs, my legs failing to support me I consulted a physician who informed me that I had every symptom of locomotor ataxia, but as the case developed he pronounced it a case of Landry’s paralysis and knowing the nature of the disease advised me to‘ start for my home and friends. I gave1 up my work and on April 1st started for London, Ont. A well known phyo sician was consulted but I grew rapidly ‘ worse and and on Saturday, April 7th, iseveral physicians held a consultation on my case and informed me that I was at death’s door, having but three to six days to live, still lingering on, by this time completely paralyzed, my hands and feed being dead, I could hardly whisper my wants and could only swallow liquids. Oh, the misery of those moments are beyond all de- scription and death would really have been a welcome visitor. began to move my feet. and hands. The improvement continued until May 28, when I was taken out of bed for a drive and drove the horse myself. By Slowly but. surely I gained by strength leaving London for New York on October 11 and beginning my work again on October 26, 1894. Cured of Landry’s Paralysis in eight months.†“ Now comes the part that has astounded the physicians. Rev. Mr. Grundy, a clergyman who visited me in my last hours. as he supposed, told me of the marvellous cures of paralysis that had been performed by Dr Williams’ Pink for Pale People. I started to take the pills about April 28 and a week after that felt an improve- ment in my condition. There was a warm, tingling sensation in the limbs that had been entirely dead and I soon the beginning of July I was able to walk upstairs alone and paid a visit to 3’ Stamping done to order. MISS MELV ILLE. Is giving special reductions this week in stumped Linen Goods, such as Pillow Shams, Tray Cloths, Splashers, ézc. Also all the latest patterns in Honiton work are now on exhibition. MISS MELVILLE COMPLETELY PARALYZED. NOTICE. gmp pha. Weeks 0.qu line of the latest and beat styles 0 cards, and our rices are reasonable. All Work gmxmnt . Satis- facfion our specialty. Callnnd see the Newest styles graphs. We keep a. full line of of P/éotogmpés, Has Bought out the Phoâ€" tograghic Business of G. G. Green, Millbropk, and will be found at the old stand prepared to make any style of a. Photo. F.J.GARI.ESS, Gardiner Mulligan Of Bowmanville, Wï¬o won t/ze Diploma of the West Dar/mm Agricultural Society for Me Best Collection Keep constantly on hand a. large and well-selected stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Call and ex- amine Goods and Prices. Dcpa rtmcnt of Railways and Camus, xâ€Ottawa. 15th February, 1895. In the case of ï¬rms there must be attached the actual signatures of the full name. the nature of the occu ation and place of residence cleach member 0 the same, and, further. an accepted bunk cheque. for the sum of 87.500 must, accompany the tender: this aogented cheque must be endorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Canals. an<_i will be {elicited if the party tenderin dccnnes entermg into contract. for work at t \c rates and on the term: stated in the offer submizt‘ed. The accepted cheque thus sent in will be returned to the re- spective parties whose tenders are not. accept- i‘he lowest. or any tender not necessarily ao- ccptcd. F. J. GABLESS The Obli ntory Lonnie of Surveyin ' includes what. is lai .down as necessary for c e roles- alon of Dommion L_n.‘:d Surveyor. Thq clun- mry Course campuses the higher sumccts ro- quired for the degree of Dominion 'l‘opograrhi- cal Sgrveyor. Hydromwhic Surveying is also mug c. I .cngth of Couyse four yearc. Four Commisslons in the Imperial Regular Agmy qrc nymgled gnnually.‘ AAA“ , ‘ . May The (..n {1 Engineering Coumc it} complete and thorough m a‘ branches. Archxtecmrc forms a separate sub cct. . The Course 0 Physics andwhcmistx‘y us such as tolead to Income“) Engineering. Mercrologi- calServicc.and other depuruucnta of applied Science, _, Board and insirution $200 for each term con sisting of gen months“ residence. , LA .4 AL. ‘42,. ""fEE"f6iâ€"£ï¬Ã©} iniEESxdnibï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬bis' to the Adju- tant, General of Militia. Ottawa, before 15m ‘EALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed. and I-mlorr‘cd “Tenders for Trent Canal.†will be waived at this Ofllcc until noon on Saturday. Laird March. 1895. for the construction, ofubouL six and a half miles of Camel on the Pctngoorp' and_ kacflld Divisiqn. Plans ands: ccmcations of the work can be secnnt thee cc of the Chief En incer of the Department of Railways and Oahu 9. at Ottawa. or at the Superintcnding En inecr's omce. l’cmrboro’. where forms of ten er can be ob. UHF-0‘1 on and after Monday, 18th February, for sm education in Mllimry Subjects, the course of instrucnon is {zuch as to afford a that- nughly practical‘ scientiï¬c and sound training in all dodnrjmcMs which up essential to a big £qu {zéï¬prï¬i hibglérn pdixggmon. 11E ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS {or Cadet- ships in the Royal Military College wxll Lake place at the Headquarters of the several Military Districts in which Candidates reside, in June 9mm. rem. For the million, in bulk and served in any way at Young’s Besturant. Oysters 40¢. a. quart, Oranges 20¢. a. dozen. J. ROBINSON YOUNG. IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT THE MUNICL pal Council of the Township of Cavan. at their ï¬rst, sittinz. Mmr the expimU-nof one momh from the date hereof. intend to pass a by- mw to no up the present tmvollgd road run- ning lcngt ways over Lot Number Nine in the Eleventh Concession of the said Township of Cnvnn. We have in stock Mouth Organs, Accord- ians, Violins and Autoharps. Fancy cakes in great variety and cheaper than the cheapest. Fancy goods department still Very attrac- tive. FINEST. FRESHEST and CHEAPEST u v a... GEO. SOOTHERAN Township Clerk. Gavan, 15th February. 1895. INFORMATION OI' CANDIDATES- Golden Anvil Christin: Sodas always fresh and crisp. Petepbopo 6c Lakefleld Division. Department. of Militia and Defence. Opposite John Gillott 8: Son’s Cabinet, Warerooms. Millbrook. PHOTOGRAPHER. CONFECTIONERY Royal Mlllmry (‘ullczo of Panama. YSTERS YSTERS YSTERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Business Change. TRENT CANAL. SIGN OF THE By order, NOTICE. J. H. BALDERSON. t sty Ice in Photo- liney of the labefl and our prices are Siéci’éthrr. Has now in Stock alarge supply of Coal and Wood Stoves of every kind, which will be sold yery cheap. Call and examine. '0. jr Also allpkinds of Tinware and Lamp Goods. Best American and Canadian Coal Oils. Eavetroughing Repairing promptly attended to. TURNBULL’S. First Signs of Spring 344 Water Street, W. S. PICKUP WHTERPROOI‘ HORSE AND WAGON COVERS, FLAGS,BUNT[NG, FTC. If you want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS or STATIONERY, write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest. A. H. 8TRATTON GO- Our Books are Manufactured specially by the Ex- aminer Printing Co. Lt’d., for the Peterboro’ Book- store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the Binding is guaranteed to last with ordinary care until the book is used. BUY YOUR BlankBooksgflfï¬ce Supplies Peterboro Bookstore AWNING-S, TENTS, Sails, Damping Goods. Have been coming to us from all quarters, and we are busy opening them up and placing them on exhi- bition. This week we show a window of English .Prints at 7c. a yard, in neat patterns, every piece hqv- mg the stamp of freshness about it. Also quantiï¬es of Prints with turkey red grounds in black spots and flowers, cardinal ground and white flowers, also heavy drillettes with cardinal stripes, flowers and spots. Neat patterns in lilac and the old reliable madder browns in in light and dark shades. Duck SuitingS, a new feature in Dress Goods last year, are this year shown in great variety. Call and see our stock in plain and fancy stripes, spots, etc. We believe, have reached Rock Bottom Prices. JUSt received an immense stock, special value. No old goods in this department. See our 8x4 Grey Sheet- ing at I 5c. New patterns in Crettones and Tickings, are very choice. In our stock will be found all the desirable patterns. ALF. KINGSCOTE, We have received an immense range of Teeds Cotton ades. . G. TURNBULL, Our Tweeds for Boys are exceptionally good value. You will be sur- prised to see the goods we can give you for 35c. and 40c. J not, received a consignment of American Chenille Curtains and Table Covers in all the new colorings. DURING THE LAST FEW WEEKS 417 and 419 George Street, Peterborough. George and Simcoe Streets Peterborough Grey and White. Cottons. Small Proï¬ts and Quick Sales We Undersell bnt are never Undersold. OUR MOTTO : â€"MANUFACTURER 0Fâ€" W. ’ S. PICKUP. AT THEâ€"â€" Peterboro’, Ont. Sheetings DRIZGG IH’I‘. White Cotton SIGN OF TH HORSE SHOE. GEORGE STREET. - PETERBOROUGH At 8 1-2 and 10 eents, and our Feetery Gotten at 5 eents are guaran- teed better value than is shown by any other house in town. 72 inches Sheetisg, 1-7 ets. New Prints, 'Ginghems, Ete. Our annual Jan’y Mark- down Sale has always been a success. This year we intend to leave no stone unturned to make it a Sweeping Clearance of all our winter stock, including Ready-made Clothing and Overcoats for Men, Youths and Boys; also Gentlemen’s Underwear and Furnish- ings. To reduce our Stock of First - class Tweeds and Cloths, we will lower prices equal to a saving of 25 per cent. for all Ordered Suits and Overcoats during the month of January. THING STORE in the past, and for the generous support continued to be bestowed upon this ï¬rm by the people of Peterboro’ and surrounding country. Nothing Succeeds Like Suscess. We herewith express our sincere acknowledgement for the many marks of fav- or shown the CITY CLO- H. LeBRUNiéECo. We extend our hearty congratulations and well- wishes the season We facilitate urseives :ar the share that Wéya‘B C1 .-i'11ers, have had' 1n contrib uting to the enjoyment of h undreds of satisï¬ed patrons during 1894 1 N0. 389 Gearge Skeet. GENTLEMEN,~ R. H. Kells60 Gabinetmakeraé‘mudertaker (3' Showrooms King-st, Millbroolt. “383. GILLOTT, Kee s on hand a large stock of CO FINS, CASKET». and all kiy‘dï¬ ot Undqgmkcm'ï¬oods. ....... v u‘vLuv-nvl n uvuun â€Bedroom, Parlor. Dining/£00m and an other kinds 0! Furniture. hand-made. at. lowest prices. 189; PERERBORO. HERE’S TO OUR AND 11 You hive any Books to‘bc bound send them to the Examiner Book-bindery. Peter-borough. All ‘work executed in the mates! and bent. possible nmnncr. Wado every style of Binding un‘q Ruling. and every doscglp't‘iog 335mm“. ,. xlmgniï¬cent stock of bells. It to call and see them befoxe pu where. His prices are away bargains for cash for the mom! A ï¬ne line of Whips, Blanket: Rubber Rugs, which are being than at amy other shop east c the same line of goozls. The L4‘ w 1 Novels and the George Street, “ Jingle, Jingle, little b that we all have heard, 11‘ heard the jingle of We have our store ï¬lled with the newest and most fashionable that is to be had in Ladies) Children‘s and Men's Furs, Ladies Mantles (rimmed on themes: notice. George-st, Windsor, out. Cain. Sold m Miilbtouk a xd m on “here by all dzuggists. Ateoent discovery by wold phyaiclan. Smmfufly and monthly by thousand: of Miss. Is the only pedecuy sate and reliable medicine db covered. Bcwuc ot unpdnclpled druggms who one:- intcflor medicines in place or this. Ask to: Cook's Cotton Root Compound. rake mumm- tute. or inclose $1 and 6 cents in postage in letter and we wiusend, sealed. by returnmau. museum particulars 1:: plain envelope. to ladies only. 2 stamps. Audra: The Cook Company, BELLS! If You Want HIS news: :1 v.21 nahlc ..1e<3ic£nc {or all female compl- ‘73 :s d â€Mung xemukni‘le ! cures oz‘ (125%; i: «hid: ah 0:1ch rexucï¬ics had ruled. 'Ilus t -zmcut has inert in cunszam. 3 by an exp: rmtmed physician {or many years with the greatest. success. I: is perfect as u cure for mum; at the Womb. leuccrzhma or \\‘Lircs,1minful. suppressed, profuse or irreg- ular menstruation, congestion and in r - um; of _lhe vomb, N ‘ f' j; ' egoumes, “heâ€. 3â€.†ns' .9 2c- "cous diseases. headache. 9°35“ ‘ _..,n, bat-kmhe. depression. tirud Ice}- ":4. e145“ “mu; m many women suï¬er from. Partial/112:5 and information free on up licaticn w the Droprictcrs, T. Mummy 6: 00.. aroma. Om. The remedy can be procured from the local agvnt. Price, $1.25 for one month's treat- ment, and can be sent. by mail on receipt 0! price. For sale by Tm: GREAT Comm Cram mommy cum where rd; others 1†Cough}, Group. Sore Throat. doarscnesa, 1300333» cough and Asthma. For Couumptzon gt 9.5 no ti - has cured thousandsmnd m1; cram You taken ingime. geld 23y nggxsts 213 331.13:- â€-â€"â€" â€"»__- antes. For 3 â€Laie' Lack or CbesLnse SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLAS'IERZ'JC. w W7 , Have you u:marrur_ This rcmedymm teed to cure you. Pace, 60cm. brawn.“ Newest FashioniBooks S AILSBURY’ BOOK-BINDING. in Le H’sAcA‘rmaa MILLS BROS. . BOOKSTORE. WINTER IS HERE. For 83.}: bv A. LEACH. Write or Call at MADAMEN E. cash for the moxich of December. f Whips, Blankets Woolen and s, which are being sold cheaper othIer shpp east of Toxonto for '. STRAINS DAVI‘D cuAm L STRAIN. :k of bells. It will pay you hem befoxe purchasing cisc- tea are awaydnwn. Great. little balls,†is _a phrase ...__3 s ook’sï¬ottonfloot COMPOUND. YOU ‘BEQUIBE » “v - .. nun-512w J R. SPY. ATTOX Bo FURS "at ~vou have not REMEDY: A. LEACH. Peterboro. PgterLoro r Take Our I? cum -â€"Mr. Fee of die Viciuria Hausa bl phccd a bus on In aid him in securing mu mercul trade to his enlarged and Well equi‘ â€fen: howl. â€"Misses Sheer of Milton. “78., an: Manvers were visixing at Mr. Saum‘ Hunter's last week and made the 11 PORTER a can. “'hatft the waiver with our .\ o’clock b9â€? Does. it ring any “('1 up a little ‘arlim‘ Jib. â€Some great bargains in xii} phperties call and sec lisx uf 5.1 GB . Soonwn.xx. 4 wlliss Sophie Fee, who has be the guest of Mrs. (-00. Camplxll $p< Snuday m to“ u xx ith her aunt Mrs. W \‘311541. â€"â€"Thc band had their phoaos Tuesday afternoon by the new yl Mr. F. k‘arless. ~-Mr. '1‘. G. Kells has been coufu to his rooms for a few days bm again able to be out. â€"-Ash “'edntmiay yesterday now Lent is upon us. How good resolves xvii! be madv unly Broken -â€"Mr. J. C. Keils rmcruzincd lin- Mboys to a sumpxuum spread of 5036(er etc. at his ro~‘i(i(‘n34i‘ on Tues- {day evening of km .vmk and the Inn-x MM‘lin their pmisvs of the gem-r- m heapiml' . .' “A y Hg man in Pun ““99, who â€"â€"-‘~]U“"J0.00 0f p loan at a per ccn: G Millbmok. brother. Albert. who is :6in of 1’1â€â€.ch in Tomato. v-I'puard of 100 Cwuco farms fun 50 acres up to 300 acres, fur sale .1 prices and upon terms to suit the tim. s Gm. 80011121.“. Mi!lbx~.wk 44 Aéeorge B. Bumlnam 1er Toronto to look for u. bil\11'\i‘ you George. â€"-Mrs. Mam i110 iofz. an Wainw- day, for hPr home in Hizaixth. \v \\ Jereev, accompani;d In he;- >i.~zvr. Mr. J. C K913 and _\ix.< ll. )L-Lun hey, for :1 ie“ xx (-01“ \ isit. â€"-.\liss .L Carveth. visiting: friends in {w â€"-â€"The Rev. Mr. Brown uf (mun occupied the Methodist puipit on Sun- dayhst, having oxchangmi with the Rev. Mr. Lia-Camus who was preach mg medal sermons on his circuit V -The â€31m: «Emuco 4:15 "Gl: udwrt odmtbesu wmmns his: week :0 a â€"-â€"Mr\. Jun in Port Hop-a ~aMiss Mm ed Mrs. W. H -â€"â€"Miss Mamie Cullim Ivi (by for a few days in Tom) -Messrs. A. A Clark W?“- L‘; B"?! ed in that: WLumns ms: week :0 9.! in 11:0 churchvs on Sunday notshow up. ‘naviu: gone by on count of some delay in umking n arrangement â€"Quile :1 nunï¬wr bulk in the c3; excursion in 'l'uromo on Tuesday Sning'the Hockey tu want from I)!“ ~ . , ‘ II‘ n ~W~~~v¢m~ And School of Shc l’I-J'l'l-llilmlil'JL'GH. (1X7 COI'R‘H" XN BOOK-KEEP} hum}. .‘Xrixlnnczir. \Vrixixz; writing. Try a three nmmlï¬ cl or “'inict‘. For term! “mu iâ€"Jamcs Lo mum on Tuosd WW. V~‘UVV mxms T0 “TN TAL guy L30 {'3‘ ‘tmu @etepbopd Buéir-pe Agents (1. P. R‘ Ebe miillnook “Kc. ~31 m. C. U mother's C. I! Matt’s Syrup 01 Our Syrup of Try Our Live 1‘ ’J ‘uesdav --Ed. Chambers has: g: THURSDA -â€"â€")th. Why-50 2 in the ch} u ~Smoke the Blackstnn‘ The Tamar!) TO REGULATE Tl AND ASSIST D“ School Suppl 11 t0 11w Harry "1‘ "those \\ I}! ‘43 trip. Mr. R. \V. Clzu'ie moko the K i: A. BLANCHAR If: Tele )iil NECK m Dr. H. A. Tar. Sec. Leach were noticed absent How m: ado onlv to AR} ooninncn'm win ("K mi 1 a Tuesda! York ï¬rm, he mane of the money bv return hr 'inS WW use i W