FARRH MEDY. BEST mBOOt ND. Manon In W 1 fans}. Ham 1: flats had by all ACH‘ mm o! m 21:6 -w est. -.\Ir. Fee of th? Victoria House has placed a. bus on to aid him in securing com- mercial trade to his enlarged and well equip- +pell hotel. â€"Missos Steer of Milton, Wis., and Manvers were visiting at Mr. Samuel Hunter's last week and made the RE- Pomn a can. \Vlmt’t the matter with our seven o’clock I)?“ .’ Does it ring any way? Get. up a. little earlier Jas. â€"â€")liss Sophie F 09, who has been the guest of Mrs. Geo. Campbell spent Sunday in town with her aunt, Mrs. J. W. \Valsh. --George E. Bumham left on Tuesday for Toronto to look for a. situation. Success 10 you George. «â€"Solne great. lmrgains in village pmperties call and see list of same. Geo. Somuamx. 4-! ~';' m;- a. number took in the cheap excurs‘on :0 Toronto on Tuesday it being'uhe Hockey turnout from Peter- } 25: to-nbe city. Dr. H. A. Tux- nrry Kendall, Geo. Leach were 0 those whom we noticed absent «€th- â€"Mr. J. C. Kells entertained the band boys to a sumptuous spread of Oysters etc. at his residence on Tues- day evening of last. seek and the boys arelou'l in their praises of the gener- m hospitahyyi â€"â€"Ed. Chambers has gone to visit his brother, Albert. who is going to the School of Pharmacy in Toronto. «Ash Wednesday yesterday and now Lent is upon us. How many good rcsolws “in be made only to be broken. â€"The band had their photos taken last Tuesday afternoon by, {be new photographer, Mr. F. Unless. â€"prward of 100 caoxce farms from 50 acres up to 300 acres, for sale at prices and upon terms to suit» the times. (320. Soomzms, Millbrook. 44 rd in these gbiumns L 6 week to ap- par 4r; the churches on Sunday did BM. 2410'»; up, having gone by on ac couzz: wz' some delay in making ï¬nal armngcmonts. ~---$IO0,000.00 of private funds to ban at 5 per cent. GEO. Sooulamx, )Iillbrook. ~14 -Miss A. Carveth. of Millbrook, is visiting friends in townâ€"Oshawa R»- jbrmer. â€"~.\Ir. '1’. G. Kells has been conï¬ned L0 his rooms for a few days but is main able to be out. -The Rev. Mr. Brown of Gavan occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sun- day mt. having exchanged with the Tim. \lr McCamus whoa was preach- in: m: tial sermons on his circuit. ~Mrs. )Ianville left, on \Vednesv day, for 1191’ home in Llizszeth, \ew Jersey, accompanied by her sister, Mr. J. C. Re: Is and Mrs. H. McCart nay, for a few weeks visit. ~A V: 1.2 mrm in Port Hope who may bu caved John J. Joncgam'xwred Sement of .L \c\\' Yo 1†ï¬rm would send the name of 9 wife on receipt of 10 . .:0 may sent the money cu his answer bv return Irs. John J. Jones. â€")Ies.srs. A. A. Smith andS K“ Clark were in Bethany on Munday. «Mr. Kyleyaml sister. who have been visiting their aunt. Mrs. Jnhnston, left on Tuesdayjor the}; home may T931311“); â€"â€")liss Mamie Cullins left on Tues day for a. few days in Toronto. «Miss Mmuipt uf Pv'mhm : \i\i[ ed Mrs. \V. 0 Blieu la»: \\ eck. «Mrs. Jno. Steele» has been visizing in Port Hope. ~Mr. R. “7. Clark went. up to To route on Tuesday. -.\lrs. C, Gilchrist spent last. week 3.: her brothex‘s C. H. Winslow. an]: -â€".\Ixs. \Vhyt? was at im: in the city this week \‘NNNMNWW‘VWVW‘MMM VWWW‘W‘W W And School of Shorthand, PETERBOKOUGH. ONTARIO. OURSES I.\' BO0K~KEEP1XG. SHORT- hzmd. Arithmetic. Writing. and ï¬â€˜ypc. wrilipg. Trv A three monthi‘ CORKVL‘ ths Full or Wmtcr. For terms write @etepbopo’ Bu§i1<ge§§ @ollege Agents C. P. R. Telegraph Co. (the miilbrook “Reporter. â€"â€"§moke the King Bruce, 10c. cigar. --Ja.mcs Lowery was in Toronto on Tues Try Our Liver Tonic. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY '28. 1895. The Tamer Drug Go. ~b'umke the Blackstone, 5c. cigar Take Our -Th-, ’l'emmmnce singers advertisâ€" TO REGULATE THE BOWELS AND ASSIST DIGESTION. School Snpples, Etc. COLDS Elliott‘s Syrup of Harehaund, Bur Syrup of Turpentine. TO‘YN TALK GDUGH SYRUP, A. BLANCHAR D, CHA , FOR , U G H e mil‘inery open Prinéipul The troubles of the digestive system which property are classed under the above head, seem to be becoming almost universal. In fact there are- many suï¬â€˜erers from troubles of this nature who rehlly do not know what is the matter with them. The use 07 a. few boxes of Escljny’s Liver Lozeu- gesa speciï¬c remedy for these compiaints would make life very much more worth liv- ing to many a sufferer who may not realize the seriousness of his trouble:\ Eseljny's Liver Lozenges are sold at. 25rcents ELI); or 5 boxes for a dollar at; ajll'drug stores. ' “7" â€"What were called horse buyers. but they might more rightly be termed horse-gatherers, (for a. fair horse is now only worth as mur'h as a. load of old bones) were upon our streets on Fri- day last. They bought three or four good animals at from thirty to forty dollars each. In Paris an old plug is worth more than that for the butcher’s stall, but we are not sure that it would be a good thing for Harry Nattrass to try a. joint or two at his meat market. â€"â€"\Ve had the pleasure, on Tuesday, of meeting Councillor Mclndoo, the latest addition to the municipal board of Manvers and it being the ï¬rst; op portunity we have had of meeting the new man from the west we can readily see how he polled so hrge a vote in the township. In Mr. McIndoo the ratepayers have secured a man who knows what is required in a councillor and has that good level head which knows how to go about it. â€"â€"Mr. Kerr, Q. C., has been nomin- ated by the Reformers of \Vest Nor- Lhumberland, to contest the riding in the interests of that party at the ap- proaching elections and while the RE} PORTER Would be hardly sincere were it to wish him success, it "may readily say that no more worthy or suitable standard bearm' could be selected in the Reform interests and if that riding is destined to be represented in the next. parliament by a Reformer, no one will ï¬ll the bill with more dignity and ability than Mr. Kerr. â€"-â€"Reeve Ferguson was honored last week by being made an honorary mem- ber of the Independent. Order of For- esters and will hereafter be in a posi- tion along with Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieut. Gov. Kirkpatrick, Hugh Wad’ del and many others to wear the three cnrnered plumed hat of the order, if they have one, and the REPORTER begs to join with its readers in offering con- gratuiations to the new Forester. The Rev. A. MacGillixray performed the ceremon} on Friday last at the For- esters’ supper. -A story is told of at Hastings young man, that might have bee x seri- ous instead of ludicrous. He paid :2. visit to his best girl and while in the way both suspender buttons of the rear section ofhistrou sersgave way. To pre- vent embarrassment a couple matches weresubstituted for the treacherous but tons. All went well until, by friction against. the back of the chair, thematches became ignited. A conï¬ngration was narrowly averted and the young man is not over his fright yet. â€"Thv (lulmuz' " « tillers played a. friendlv mud: Max \! illbmxk at the cm ered «ink on Tm 51 u. Three “ink~ from Cuban ; glass \ «1‘ the Toronto on \Vednesdny. The resm'v in well case was a defeated for the I ma! men. When Cobourg wins a game ‘ re will be glad to publish the score. It's {iresome work giving rheutber fellows me glory all along.â€"â€"-Sm!ineI-S(ar. Rev. 620- H. Long. Boissevain, Mam, :-- For years I have been a \‘iuxim of dyspepsia. Bccmne so bad I was put upon a. milk diet. Have taken four packagus uf K. D. C. and enjoy betth health since I began its use than for years hefure. I can heartily recom- mend K. I). C. To save life from (he ravages of disease. is noble! than to win a kingdmn. Burdock Blood Bitters cures all blood diseases, scro- fula, Mon-hes, pimplcs, akin fliseases, etc†In; its 1101mm" pmwr ML the eniile system â€The assessors have started upon their annual ‘rounds. and therefore there will be marvellous shrinkages in values of houses, lands, incomes and pmsonal property, and also m the number of dogs. Young men of IS 61' 19 will, however, becmne n21? you or two older in attmnpts tn get their name 011 the roll as M. F. Voters. To save. life from the ravages of disease. Consumption follows-neglected colds, Nor- way l’ine Syrup cures coughs, asthma, sore throat, bronchitis and lung troubles The c; hav ’ rtefl K. D. 0, uncut; e, ',~-‘ 1 Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hamberg, 0nt., Independent says : “ was suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Trouble, I took a. few bottles of Shiloh‘s Vitalizer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it." Sold bv A. Linen. â€"â€".\Ir. Farewell, M. P. R, for East Algo- ma, was visiting with his brother-in-Iuw, Capt. “'inslow over Sunday. If he will only drop down often during the session the Capt. may make n. good Conservative out of him before he goes back to the Sault in the spring. Mr. Farexvcll is one of the prornin~ cut barristers of the New Canada along the north shore and seems in awry way aworthy rep. «Mr. A. T. Eiliott of Beaverton, our late townsman, was calling upon old friends on Monday, having taken a run out: on Saturday evening. A. T. looks as fresh as a spring robin and we were just wondering if what Tennyson says about that little bird might not holdgood in his case. He returned on Tuesday morning. â€"-Saturday‘s Mail and Empire gave the physiogs of the members of the new Legis- lature and theynre not a bad lookinq lot of representathus, only we were unabfe to pick out the smiling features 9f W. A. among the lot. It would have added to the general merit of the group had the worthv rep of East, Durham been placed along std-e of (1:. F. Matter. â€"I. E. Needham is prepared to take charge of auction sales of all kinds at shortest notice and lowest terms, satis, faction guaranteed. He is now in a. better position than ever to supply you with a piano or organ. â€"â€"John T. Lane, of the Mirror, has gone to his home in Brighton Lo recup- erate for a. few weeks. He is still under the Doctor’s care, but we hope he will regain his usual health shortly. __ â€irrm'. “I? hope SO :00, Brier Lane. Captain Sweeqlv U. S. A†San Diego ‘31.. says: “Shlloh’s Camrrh Remedy is the ï¬rst medicine I have ever fond that, would dome any good.†Frice 50 cents. Sold by A‘ LEAP.“ â€"-The following young men: W. David- run, W. Rakins, Gerald Deyell, F. Pendrie, J. Bradley and Thos, Nauru: attended 8!! oyster supper at. Carmel on Tuesday nivht. -â€"The West Durham trial i. ended and M r. Reid holds his seat. and henceforth and for forty years the riding Is to be Conserva- Live. ~.\Ir. W. '1‘. Wood was in Port, Hap‘e last week and was detained longer than was his wish by the train blockade. -â€"Smoke the King Brucemd Black- stone cigars, ï¬nest on the Market INDIGESTIQI) ,vé We do not think it any trouble t-o show you geods, Your parcels delivered for you. Protests have been entered against. Livery Boy and Strideawuy for being over age. And bhoscwho are all tired out and have that tired feeling or sick headache cm be relieved of all these symptoms by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which ives nerve, mental and bodily stren £11 an thoroughly puriï¬es the blood. It aso creates a good appetite, cures indigestion, heartburn and dyspepsia. 4‘ Hood’s Pills are easv action and sure in effect. ()ur Teas are the best to- be had. High in quality and low in price. tJOm' 2 Do Japan Tea is something extra Call and get :1 sample, weare sure it will please )ou. [he G and Mo- gul Tea is considered to be the strongest black tea in the marâ€" ket. You can get it from us. Carr. . . . . . l .................. R. G. Hewett’s (Brighton) Lulu B J. Qqughlin’s (Otonabee) Laï¬dist \Vt: have reduced the price of Dishes and Toilet Sets so that‘they are in reach of those that require them. “78 are making a specialty of Fresh Groceries. We have fregh Prunes this week- 3 lbs. for 2 5c. The ice races opened at. Peterboro’ Wed- nesday, and proved to be a success, the at- tendance being large and the races good. Chief ........................ S. Lake 3 (Brighton) Black Jess. Curry (Belleville) Last. Chance†(wilmour s (Gavan) Canadian (told- dust. ......................... Colt raceâ€" R. Croft’s (Cobourg) Livery Boy. . Hogg’s (Otonabee) Strideaway . . . . Nactrass’ (Millbrook) Ellie Sumn- ton .......................... S. Fer nson’s (Gavan) Canadian Gold usc ..................... This Iis the only store where you can buy fancy Chmaware. \Ve have everything you want in that line. Having learned of your approaching depur‘ tux‘e for the Queen City of the \Vest. we. your associates inthe Citizens" 33.41 of Millbrook. desire to express their sense of the 10:19 they are about to sustain in your removal from their midst. During the years you have been with us. your efforts have ever been untiring to promote the success and harmony of the Band. and we have learned to esteem you most highly. and to appreciate in you to a high degree those qualities which go to make up the true man. We wish you success in your pew ï¬eld. and ask that you will accept thxs Combination Emblem. not am the measure of our respect, for ‘ou. but as a. slight reminder to you in the uture of the Jtillbrook Band Boys. Signed on behalf of the Band. (mo. DUNCAN. Leader. WM. STRAIN, Secretary GEO. .‘ICCARTNEY. Three Minnie c1533â€" H.‘LeBr11u’s (Peterborough) Harry HUTCHXNSOXâ€"IB Comm, on \Vednesduy, February 27th, 1895, Thomas Hutchinson, aged 76 years. China Hall The members of )lillln'ook Band presented to George Burnlimn, who is about to leave town shortly, the following address, printed upon white silk, and we have no doubt it will be retained among his treasures as a. bright connecting; link, reminding him of his many friends and early days in Mill- brook. ' AUDI: .v ‘ DEAR FRIEND .31) Common EmBrown‘s (Petcrborough) Elsie â€"-A writ has been issued in the High Court, of Justice against; Dr. Mallory, registrar of East Northum- jl'mrland, for $20,000 for alleged mal- ‘ practice. The plaintiff. Charles Roney cf the township of Crmnahe, had his lingers caught in n. threshing machine, in October 1504 and eunsulted Dr. Mallory for medical advice. The doc- tor amputated the hand which opera- tion the plaintifl' chums was: not nec- esxary, and claims that several ï¬ngers and the hand could have been saved if proper medical treatment had been given. Thenction will come up for trial at the Spring Amizes next month. Mr. \V. l). Payne, of Cutburnc is act-i ing for the plaintiï¬': McCarthy, Uslcr it (‘30.. of Toronto, for defendant. TIIKEN â€I" ESTER." Tl) (u'lil). Bl'RN- 11.1.71. C. R. of Toronto, was present, and in his own quaint and entertaininy way added to the pleasure of the evening. Some of the responses to the toast of the ladies are said to have been parti- cularly good. ~~The Foresters lodge held an oyster supper in their lodge room on Friday evening last, at which a number of in- vited guests sat down with the mem- bers for a good evenings entertainment, and judging from the quantity of those little crustaceans w rigglers that were dispatched (which the mnthamatician of the lodge puts at a. quart each) there must have been some prize eating. The Rev. Alex. MacGillivray, P. H. n-u\ -. -â€"-Did you ever gather eggs and when there was only one place it into your pocket until you got» into the house. You made up your mind when you let it slip in that )ou would be sure to take it out. Well perhaps you did remember the little harmless arti cle of commerce, but ye Editor forgot all about one the other day andâ€"well he sat on itâ€"then got up quickly and you know the rest. ~We have come to the conclusion however, that eggs to be carried about the person with safety should be farther in than the coat-tail pocket. 3 ~Help for the farmers. The Rev. Robert and Mrs. \V allace expect to arrive from England about the ï¬rst week 1n April, with a. large party of boys of various ages, suitable to assist farmers, or to be adopted by those who have 1.0 little ones of their own to brighten their home. They are healthy and bright boys and soon learn to make themselves useful. Some will be accompanied by their sisters, hoping to (vet homes in the same fainily. Ap- plications are now being receiwd atl the Marchmont Home, Bellet 1lle -â€"The meanest man on recOrd is said to live in Port Hope. He sold his sister-in-law one half interest in a. cow, and then refused to divide the milk, maintaining that, he sold only the front half. The buyer was also reâ€" quired to provide the feed the cow consumed, and was compelled to carry Water to her three times a. day. Re‘ cently the cow hooked the old man,‘ and he is suing the son inlaw for damages. I'ETERBORUUG II ICE RACES. McCARTN E‘ Timeâ€"344. 3.10. 3.10. 3.15. Time 253. 2.48. 2.48. 2.454 ‘1)EYELL’S OLD STAND. NERVOUS PEoI’LI'I. THE T0318. t3 take, easy in [.03 “â€"04 .043 543 767d: 331 34 ‘ , i doubt, be greatly missed among the mm 1 ('3‘ people here, especially by the young ï¬ndieg and for he seems to be a great pet among them; will but. we hope the time is not far distant when . . we wili be able t9:w_'inh_§lim much joy. _~ ‘jbiqn. “\Iiss Minnie Clark ofï¬ciated in the Pres- b} 'tcrian church last Sunday m the absence of Miss Brown. Bnlhd 211“ 15 the place to come for musicmns. Thochr-E; “as zeatly improved hath Sundav with J J 3. 3e native voice. ’ Twn of our youths were seen beating their way westward last Sunday eqening, look sharp boys there are rizes there. ‘ Mr. .105. B. Gillis y, who has charge ,of 94m- s‘chool‘this year is giving good satisfy:- During the severe winter we have had, your correspondent has been unable to fur- nish you with any items of interest, and it will probably not; be out, of place to send you a few items for next issue to let, you know that, this little burg is still in exis- tencc. We are laid to hear that Mrs. R. Mc- Donald w 0 has been laboring under a. severe attack of inflammation on the lungs is~slowly recovery under the skilful treat- ment of Dr. Brereton. Mr. Andrew Lathangue has gone to Peter- borough to take up house. Andy will no doubt,“ be greatly missed among tyhe young night the ur use holdin an oyster 811 err. {est Sayhhlacigmoming Eur junior paggor. Mr. Gregg, preached a most eloquent, ser- mon to both old and young. his text being “Put on the Whole Armour.†By this he plainly brought. before the minds of the young people the temptations to which they were exposed, the danger of these tempts.- tions and the effect of their influence upon others and concluded by explaining to them how they were to put, on the Whole Armour as recorded in ' the text and become true soldiers of Chrfst. Mr.3nd Miss Brown, who for the past week, h¢ve been vimting friends. in Peter- boro, returned home Saturday last. 3.11111!) 30!! 0. On Monday, Feb. lSth, the Marine Min- strels of Pctcrboro’, gave an entertainment in the town hall, Bailieboro, under the sus- pieces of the Sons of England. The evenin was very stormy which no doubt prevents». a irent many from being present, who would ot erwise have availed themselves of enjoy- ing a. couple of hours real fun. Messrs. Butcher and Reynolds, who were advertised as the inimitable end mcn, certainly ï¬lled the bill, their jokes were Witt.) and reï¬ned. 0. De LaPlunte as a. rope walker, perrormed some wonderful feats and is as he claimed to be the funniest man out. The solos and choruses were well rendered. The farce en- titled, “The man about town,†was exceed- ingly well performed and reflected great credit on those who took part in it. Al- though not a success ï¬nancially the Sons are to be congratulated on placing before the public one of the best entertainments ever given in the neighborhood and should the minstrels revisit these parts they will be sure of a. good audience. GENTLEMEN,â€"I was covered with Liver Spots over my back and chest. I took three boctles of your Bordock Blood Bitters and am now perfectly cured of Liver Complaint. I can truly say that, I think B. B. B. the best medicine ever discovered. Mr. James Morrow, who, for the past month, has been so seriously ill, is, we are pleased to state, able to be around again, looking as well 3:: usual. Last, week Mr. Parker of Bailieboro and Mr. Herbert. of Reaboro, came to our village for the purpose of organizing a court, of Foresters and met with much success secur- ing_ abput 25 menrbe‘r‘s: 0n the opening Mnjames Steam-t of Franklin held his sale Friday last, and although the roads were in such a bad condition, it. is reported that most of his ï¬ne stock sold for their full value. M 1'. John Eliiotl of Cavanville visited our vi1_ll_age.la.st “'3:ng Mr? James Mark of Oshawa is at present vigiging friends ixLFleetwoogi. Mr. Francis Porter has pure cutter, he must. mean basin \\ e would like to know whe going back to J auctwlle. , 1 wntes from Montreal: “ I was suï¬â€˜erin from skin disease, and after all drugs faile uied Burdock Blood Bitters, of which three bottles restated me to gund health I la- mnmmnded it also fur \lfspepsia. Aconcrt' \. , ELL" 3:; anxiiaxuys School house Friv. _.' :ï¬x‘AL-ig, 22nd Feb, and proved .2 snovL-Ss. Among those who' took part in the programme ware Mr. J. White, Mr. S. Fallis, Miss L. White and Misses Thorudykq. _P_rocecds in aid of Lhe S. school. We \vv'ould like to know how the party came off in the while hall Tuesday night"! What the penalty is for school breaking? Miss-s F. M. Aikin, who Ins charge of our school here this year is giving good satis- fan-non. §urprise parties are all the rage now. A few at" our young people went to Gavan line last \\'ci1nesdu.y evening and on their return it was noticed there was one missing. The next. time you go so far Tom take a shovel with you. JIJXVMRS STJTION. Eusincss in this locality is very dull owing to the very cold weather and bad roads, the storm of last \\'edncsday ni rhc and Thurs- day blocked the roads comp etcly. All the romlwork this your will be taken up shovelâ€" Iing snow. SIK<,â€"â€"I had such a severe cough than my throat felt as if scraped with a map. 0n taking Norway Pine Syrup I found the ï¬rst, clnae rave relief, and the second bottle com- plete y cured me. Mr. Henry Ewing spent Sunday at the parsonage. Rev. Fraser. of Montreal, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sun- day 17th inst. Mr. David Best, who has been visiting friends here, left for his home in North Dakota»: Tuggdqy of last, wegekn M r. W. H.'Broad shipped ï¬fty one fruit clear-net‘s W North Dakota on the 13th inst. Mr. D. R. Gardiner was in the Queen City last week. ‘ Mr. G. McIvor of Mxllbrook, spent a. few days here lass week. C. R. Courtney and W. F. Shield attend- ed the organization of a. new court of the Canadian Order of Foresters at Reaboro on Mggdav Feb’y 18th: _ Items of interest forwarded by Tax REPORT 23's own Correspondents. The right place for you to get everything you require for your household, and nothing but ï¬rstâ€"class goods kept in stock. Prices the lowest. Gentreville Jl' LIES II'I'IS'I'I “ANVI ELI-1 (‘LI‘IVI EST Your patronage solicited. COVERED “'l’l‘fl LIVER SPOTS. CORRESPONDENCE. NIISS A. A. DOWNEY, Manotic, Ont. GENERAL STORE. Sl‘IIAI’I'ID “T"! A RASP. JAS. 'l‘. U. LANG. 1110 UN 1' PLEASANT. You will ï¬nd it to your ad: vantage to deal at Centreville. FLEE T â€'0 0D. BALL I'D UFI". a new Idsire to return thanks to my many customers for the liber- al patronage I have enjoyed for the past year, and hope by strict attention to business, keeping a ï¬rst-elass stock of "goods and doing A1 work to merit a eon- tinnanee of the some. This property compnsca 0. frame house and a frame barn ;scvent-y-flvc acres or thermboms are cleared andaunder cultivation. and about c‘gcnt -flvc norm in byh. 1|..-‘n, . -_.. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. by Mr, H. Birch. Auctioneer. that, valuable farm in the Township at Manvcrs. composed of the East, half of Lot numlgcr Fourteen. in the Fifth Concession of mo smd Township, containing onghnndred acres more or loss. It will be otfcrcd subject to a reserved bid. a. deposit 01' Len per cent. of the purchase to be paid at the time of sale to the Vendcrs. or their Sqlicxtors 01; agqntsfu Terms o_f Sale liberal. and will be made known at txme of sale. For further puniculurs and condition of sale apply to the auctioneer or to 0 100 acres. Northeast part, of Gavan pre- ferred. Also ï¬rst class 360 acres in N. W. 'l‘.. close to Manitoba. boundary. with raxlway station and town on corner. for a. good. 100 acre farm in Gavan. 4 GEO. SOOTHERAN. The undersigned has for service on his farm. Lot 7. Can. 3, Gavan, his Short Horn Bull, “Aberdcvzx m' Millbrook." registered in Vol. 11. Dominion Hum Rook. also Rod Jame ' Boar. Terms for 1895‘ aâ€. n’ time of service. nyonc bringmg only one (‘r ‘ at and and taking the rest elsewhere, \' L hm‘ 'ed 35. 2-4 .105 UA JONES. Give me a call before going else- where. Thursday, let day of Marehi~1895 Strayed from the premises of the under- signed, Lot 17. Can, 5, Gavan, on or about the 20m February, 1895, a two-year old heifer, dark red, one straight, sharp horn. Information of her whereabouts will be thankfully received. _ TRAYED (o the rcmiscs of the undersigned 1:01:22. Con. 1. inmn. on or about the ï¬rst of June. 1894. a young bull rising two years old. The owner is reqncswd to prove propcfly, pay charges and take the animal away. _ ‘ 3 J 011) G BEER. 00 ACRE ‘ARM IN CAVAN FOR ONE OF‘ 100 acres. Northeast, mm of Gavan nre- TNDER AND BY TIR'I‘UE OF THE POW- cr of sale contained in a certain Indcnturu of Mortgage which will be produced at the Lima of salv. more will be offered for sale by pnbhc auction, in one parcel, at, A Word ! AUCTION SALE -- 431$... 0f VALUABLE FABM‘PBUPEHTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MANVERS. W e are pleased to hear that the celebrat- ed Marine Minstrels are coming to give 11.11 entertainment 111 the Agricultural 1'21â€, Centrcville, on the 7th 01' 51.11 of March, which will receive due notice by bills further ox1.\\e hop 0 that the “eather will bv: fmourable so that; those who cannot visit Toronto may have an opportunity of seeing one of the best entertainments outside the city. “'e are pleased m note that Sir. Henry Hall has sold $1000 worth of brick for a church in Cobourg where he has a brick yard. A me‘morial service for the late Mrs. John Robertson will be held in the Presby'erian church here next. Sabbath morning. recovery. Miss Annie Hall of Pcterboro’, is visiting: 'hey father, who Look qluhe in last. week, bub 1t l8 to be hoped that )e is on the way to We regret to note the death of Mrs. John Robertson last Wednesday and on the follow- ing Friday her remains were followed to their last resting place, Ccntrcville Presby- terian cenwtury by n. lar e number of rela- tive and fl‘lutll-h The eeeased leaves he- hmd her u. he; ixzunl. mm son and two dam hters ~10 mm“. the us of a loving mot ier and afl‘ectionnte wife and they have the sympathy of the surrounding community in the bereavement of their loved one who was highly respected by her many ,friends. She was a. consistent member of the Fresh *- terian church, which she attended regularly during her health, always taking a deep interest in spiritual things and by her dili- gence and frugality helped her husband and children to provide for themselves a comfortv able home, whose sorrowing inmates no doubt will keenly feel for a length of time the great loss which they have late sustained. “ For what is home without a. mother.†and two alphabéts, one a. large foract-me-not pattern. With this outï¬t the publishers send The Home. a. lG-page uper containing Stories, Fashions, Fancy \ ork, cm, for 3 months, and only ask for 10 cents to cover cost, of postage on patterns and paper. Our illustrated Premium List. sent free to any address. COULTER’S HOTEL, PONTYPOOL, ‘ UNA our readers should send to the Publishers of The Home, 141 Milk Sm, Boston, Mass, and get a set of their beautiful Stamping Pat- terns. They can be used for embroidery outlining or painting. All desirable and cod size; some 8x10, ofhers 5x8 inches. here are‘ninety (91) one_diï¬â€˜er_ent patterns “ Say Jim,†have you got: recruited after your walk from J anetville. What about the hen doctor. 6-3 HORT HORN BULLi “ABERDEE ' OF MILLBROOK." An entertainmént is be given in the Methodist church at this place on the even- ing of March 8th inst, consisting of readings, recitations, instrument; and vocal music. Proceeds in aid of fence improvement around the church. Admission 15c. Mrs. Geo. Sission sprained her ankle on Tuesday, the 19th inst. It appears that. Mr. C. Fletcher, accompanied by Mrs. Sission were driving to Millbrook when the horse became unmanageable and ran away down Dawson’s hill at, a Nancy Hanks gait, when Mrs. S. jumped from_ the guttczj. - Ml. Carpehtér and sister also Miss Jennie Swain of Valentin, are visting at; M r. Howard Kgggan’g. N1 iss Beatrice Suï¬: ‘df'béétiifr‘i hi‘is visit- ing with her cousin, Miss J enme wmu, the pagp twp weeks. A sleigh load of young peogle from this locality attended the carnival m Bethany on Wednesday night, last, the 20th inst, and carried off three of the prizes. Miss Car- penter received the prize for Lhe ladies fancy costume and Mr. H. Jeï¬'ery the prize for gentleman’s fancy costume. also the prize for comic costume was carried off by Mr. Richard Sanderson. All were well pleased with the carnival, but it was very stormy coming home, and tumor says one young lady had to sit: on the sidaof the sleigh. ‘ _ AIL... b--._:-. n.___:_ ,1- l WANTED TO EXCHANGE. STAMPING PATTERNS FREE. â€"â€"A11 KINGSTOVE WOOD : SIMONS. 18 (““120 King- SL W cm Toronto. \ cndors‘ Solicitors. ESTRAY BULL. CENTRE VI LL13. STRAYED. ‘i MCFEE: CA VANVILLE. EXTRA. HARRY H_ALL, Centreville. Brickmaker. We have a ï¬ne line of Din- ner and Tea Sets combined that we have been selling for $15, which we now offer for $10. Tea Sets from $2.75 up to $7. Also a well-assorted stock of Tinware, Hardware, Paints, Oils and Varqish. Boots and Shoes from 2 5c. up to $4. ,Fresh Groceries always in stock. Give us a call, 'it will be your advantage. In order to make room for our winter stock of Goods, which will soon be coming in, have _ decided to sell off the balance of the old stock regard- less of cost. f you want a copy or WOMAN- thc sixteen page weekly for Cana~ dinn women, send your name and address on a. post card at once g9 Woman Publishing‘Qo. 29. 31. 33 Melindasg. WHITE FELL Remember this we cannot and will not be undersold, our Prices are made $0 suit. the times and suit you. 'foiéï¬Ã©STIâ€"néntiaflixiï¬ma‘ï¬dï¬Ã©i BAILIEBORO General Store SHI LOH’S CURE m sold on a guarantee. It. cures Incipient Consumption. It Is the, best Cough Cure. Only one cents dose; 25' 213., 50 cc: and $100 per bottle. Sold by A‘meu‘ . _ , . .5 HORSE BLANKETS, New Styles and Cheap. ROBES, the Greatest Variety and Best Value yet. Sole Agents for Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes. CARRIAGE and STYLISH RUGS, better and Larger Stock than ever. OUR HORSE COLLARS beat them all. H0585 BOOTS of Every Descrip- ion. Great Stock of Trunks, Valises and Satchels, Gloves, Buck- skin Mitts Robe Linings and Trimmings. and still advancing. Everything in full swing for the Fall. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD Is that it 15 always UP TO DATn. 230 {.13. or ancient, stockâ€"never merstocked, never understocked. People who are posted xx 111 tell you that our Hur- ness and Turf Goods are Another Strong Point ABOUT OUR BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED gSHEETING, PILLOW ‘ COTTONS, TOWELINGS, DRAWING LINEN, PRINTS, CURTAIN POLES, WINDOW SHADES. Kells, Fowler Co. HARNESS All Sizes and Prices. TABLE NAPKINS, TABLE LINENS, In All Qualities. Fresh Arrivals This Week. ThiséWuu; we Draw your Anaertior To a Few Good Bargains. A DIAMOND RING. splendid \' A BeaUFY inIURQHQIS $g-s< A beauty m 1 uxguum at:b2.5o. A Gent's “ ALL GOLD †Collar Button. :51. Our reputation for Wedding Rings in thirLy years cannot be béaten. All Letter Orders ï¬lled promptly. An indellible mark of public approval has been the outcome thus far of our Great and Uncqualled Half Price Sale which has been in progress for the past few days. If we have not shown that Lhig ( 2mm. Sale wau a. HUVVLI Nu SUCCESS, we’ll oï¬'er upwards Lf 3,000 well scrx’t‘d, satisï¬ed and delighted patrons to stand behind us. That’s the pay to du it. The sale is still going on, and money saving is yours when you buy at this Biggcs‘, of all Big Giant, Sales. W'e have put more Clothing on the imcks of men and buys the pasi, six days than the combined clonhing shops of the two counties. T his proves that the public have an abiding faith and conï¬dence in our annuuncements, Men’s All Wool Ulsters, wool lined Eeguhr price 39, at this Great. Men’s Irish Frieze Ulsters, fancy wool lined, storm, half velvet. col- lar. worth $14, at. this sale ...... $9 90 One lot of Men’s Overcoat; in Me!- FOR 1 Boys’ Knee Pants, All Woo.,l ........ 38 l n Spot Cash and One Price, Small Pro- ï¬ts and Quick Returns Hall, Gilchristssé C0. Our 5c Grey Cotton is as Good as you pay 7c for elsewhere. At Less Than Whoiiie 32.} Prices ton. Beaver and Nap Cloth, good value at $8, $10 and $12, for. . . . goygFriozg lebem, Hem-y wool linEdNne of these 360m protect- on, well worth $6; we are sell- ing Lhemmt ..... no": ........ . Every Housewife is wanting Cottons this time of year in order to have them made up ready to wear when the warm 3 er weather comes. we have made special purchases of BUTTON IS KING ! McCLELLAND The Jeweller, GREY AND WHITE COTTON S Cheap Buying Means Cheap Selling. Study These Items Carefully For Two Weeks More. FOR MEN 130, 132 AND 134 SIMSflE-ST., PETEBBUBGUGH‘ PUBLIC APPEAL ! Good WALSH 8.: CLARKE. 388 George Street, Pctcrborough. ï¬ew for Sale Gladstone Men 5 All Wool Pants. suitable far your business or to go to (butch ........................ 68c. mdS'Ic BOYS. Cor. George Simcce Sts. Peterboro and other Capos. We are showing a select lot of in Mink and Grey Squirrel and are ma. p051- ‘iun to make the same to order on the short- est notice. Invite special attention to their stock of MESSRS FAIBWEATHER 00. Men’s Beaver Overcoats, long cut, full back, selling everywhere at, $12, our price at this sale ........ Boys’ Beaver Overcoats, worth 85, you can buy these splendid garments at thisflle ion... ............ ......1 Men’s All Wool Tweed Suns, splen- did trade for 810, all sizes and up- to-date in pattern, style and workmansh‘p ; you can have your chow: at this Sale for.......... ‘Boyn’ Irish Tweed Ulstcxs, long wool lined,n bar '11 for Soils~ yours at this sale or the mtg-,3:- Fairweather (30., PETERBOROUGH, uluc. at $4. 50.. FUR-LINED GABMENTS M .\ .\‘ FFACTL'RINH FCRRI E35, vmmmiz [Esâ€"w. ommngzu rm»... mm><nw ALASKA SABLE. MINK. Cutter -_â€".~oiusnll :3 ~19 c't'M