aï¬eporter LBGT lope Millbrook 87-j Churcn of your erals Thui‘sday, February 2], 1957 Sunday Morning At St. Andrew’s In his series of talks to the children on the different parts of the church the Rev. Francis Chisholm told of the commun- ion table. The communion table was, he said, the worship: centre. It took us back to the’ l'pper Room where Jesus first broke the bread and gave it and the communion wine to hisg disciples saying -“Do this in? remembrance of meâ€. The; Bible. the centre of worship, was on this table, except when the table was being used 'for communion. The offerings re- ceivvd for the extension of God’s work were placed upon this table which was the symbol of our faith. For the text of his sermon Mr. Chisholm took the sixth ver; of Psalm 95 “0 come let us- worship and bow dOWn, let us: kneel before the Lord our makerâ€. It was necessary he said In re-discover the meaning of worship. He quoted the vex-so “Some go to church just for a walk, some go to church just for a talk, some go to sit and nod. and very few to worâ€" ship Godâ€. There were no people no matv‘ ter how primitive without some! religion. Some worshipped the; sun. the streams, the wind or the totem pole. Whatever the object of his worship man was incurably and instinctively re-; ligious. For the christian. God? was fully revealed in Jesus; Christ. The church is not the only place in. which Christ can' reveal himsself, but it is the= house set apart for worship. Some may say “I worship God under the blue dome of heavenâ€. The church is still the place where we can gatherl for fellowship as a family to' worship together. In smalli country church or the great; cathedral worshippers meet as a great w orldiwide family. We remember the promise "where two or three are gathered to- gether (in prayer) there am I in the midstâ€. It is possible to come Sunday after Sunday, seeing the same faces and becoming so ac- cuszomed to the form of wor- ship that the inward meaning is forgotten; We must re-discover the meaning of worship. Public worship is a power; house. The first part of the~ service is a preparation to the! approach and mood of the attitude of worship. In the! first prayer we come with awe. to worship and to praise God. . We ask for forgiveness for ouri Sins. and receive The assuraneej “Thy sins are forgiven theeâ€. ; We thank God for What he has given. the fellowship of the} church and the scripture. We Mud daily In Boston. World, femous f9: mm?“ um Miss and 90014th eduoriols. Special features for the who†mond’mdennonovoo «Mandy-5mm: the The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St. Boston 15. Mass. Send your newspaper to: tho time checked. Enciosed find my check at This man can give you dependable delivuy of A). lyeo: $16 [3 6mm $80 3 months $4 D City Zone State " PE-l’ Nome ask His blessing on the 2-par-t ministry of the word, one por- tion from the Old Testament, :and one from the New. A 1 Psalm is read responsively and {then comes the great prayer of intercession when we ask God !to bless others. to bless the .church and all its members: = We pray for the peace of world. .We believe that God is ever ready to answer our prayer for our dear ones. the sick, those who are troubled. 1 Then- comes the preaching of the word. His word is ex- @pounded and we ask “Lord ï¬vhat wilt Thou have me do? Speak Lord, Thy servant. hear- Iethâ€. We receive grace, en- ilighztenment, re-inforcement of faith, and instruction. 1 Mr. C. A. Holmes, Port ? Hope, Inspector of Public 3 Schools met with the Board for ‘ the first time since his appoint- ; ment to this Inspectorate. Mr. jHolmes expressed his pleasure 2’ at meeting the members of the g Board, and while he said he felt !that. he was still just getting ! acquainted in the various school f district‘s he was very willing to Ehelp where he could. Mr. P. ‘Hamilton, Principal was also :present, and problems relating 'to enrollment and accommoda- tion were discussed with Mr. Holmes. In 1951 the enroll- _‘ ment was 92 which was increas- ed to 153 in 1956. This is followed by the wor- ship of giving in the offering. The offering is placed on the holy table as a symbol of our- selves offered to Christ. Then after the saying of the Lord ’3 prayer the minister blesses the, people and there is a pause, a silence for personal dedication. “Lord, now lettest thy servant depart in peaceâ€. \Vhat about the otlher six days of the week? The christian faith is not for Sunday alone, but for every day and for every man. How many open the Bible and really pray in a week day? How many take Christ out of. the church with them and into their home? When this is done worship becomes a vital thing, a force that changes lives and helps to change the world. “0 come let us wor- ship and bow downâ€. ~D.i. INSPECTOR MEETS WITH SCHOOL BOARDS “The marked increase dur- ing the past three years calls for serious consideration of future accommodation. This is the trend throughout Ontario. Millbrook now has to consider the additional effect. 0:5 the opening of the Reformatory and the possible influx of sever- al families of guards and ad- ministrative staff. Perhaps families of new Canadians from Hungary and ' other countries will come to this area. The temporary classroom in the Legion Hall will need a perman- em location. ’ ’ “The class rooms are nicely decorated, of good size, well lighted, and well heated. The floor in Mr. Hamilton’s room appears: to need its supports checked and possibly re-inforc- ed Consideration might be given to playground equipment for the junior pupils. The com- mon washrooms for pupils from Grade 2 to Grade 8 presents some problems. \Yhether any othm arrangenni-nt is possible ‘11“ likely" been (â€ll<i(l‘“'1'(l '11.‘ the Board and it is a 111(17111' 1:11'l1ii1111111d l11 k 11,11 111 mind '71111 111-1111111114111111(111111111111111011 1111 111111 futm e. All members of the Millbrook Public School Board, Messrs. Fowler, Lowery, Nattress, Snel- grove, Larme-r and Farrow were present at the regular February business meeting of the Board. 0911921095 The Board i< wry fortunate in having a finc' stafff of 0x- From the written repom of Mr. Holnie's’ official visits to the Public School previously received, the following has been taken : tio'us tea-ch- Following the adjournment of this meeting, the members of the South Cavan School Board came in to meet Mr. Holmes and to discuss various problems which concerned both Boards. The discussion of these prob- lems was both helpful and stimulating. The members of the South Cavan Board were Messrs. M. Fallis, Elson, ers. I trust you will be able to retain their services. This is a well-organized school. †Young, W’ood, Lang, and Grillis Mr. Holmes said “I am looking forward to meeting With these Boards again and discusslng matters helpful 'in providing best possible educational oppor- tunitnes for our childrenâ€. Bermuda Pictures Mrs. R. I. Falli's, president, was in the chair and opened the meeting with prayers. Mrs. Campbell gave the Scripture reading. The minutes of the last meeting as read by the Secretary, Mrs. D. Sheppard were approved. The Women ’3 Auxiliary of St. Thomas’ Anglican Church met at. the home of Mrs. T. A. Campbell, Monday evening, with a good attendance. were approved. '2 JOHN PAYNE Miss Muriel Smith, .treasurer,I Pontypool â€" Ontario reported a balance on hand. AiLicen‘sedA Auctioneer. Durham Miss Ellen Kent, convemer of quilting reported one quilt fhï¬shed. Mrs. J. W. Hi1ton,convener 6â€"5102 THE MIRROR-REPORTER, HILLBROOK, ONTARIO Arrange for regular visits now A NEIGHBOURLY GAll. . . When you call your B-A Distributor for any of the ï¬ne quality oils, greases or gasolines he carries . . . or for advice on any of the lubrication problems that come up around the farm . . . you can be sure of getting more than just a busi- DEF-Eâ€"J >Z<EEOQ Jug zqouzmg< :mrP-EH murmur ness call. Your B-A Distributor is your neighbour and he feels the same interest in your problems that any neighbour would. His years of experience in dealing it pays to do business with your local B-A Distributor i Announcement was made of ithe World Day of Prayer to be held in the United Church at ;three o’clock March 8th. ‘ There will be a travelogue aznd Bermuda pictures given by (Mr. G. A. Spieer 1n the Parish Hall Friday evening, February i22nd. Admission 25c. Home made candy will be sold. Mr. iand Mrs. Spicer have returned recently .from Bermuda and interesting beautiful pictures itaken on their visit will be shown. The. proceeds of the evening will be a benefit far the choir. of the Dorcas reported she had written to the Dorcas Secretary in Toronto for information about the pinifores to be made for the bale which goes to the Indian children at the Prince Albert School. Mrs. Shep- pard read interesting items from the \V. A. Bulletin. .v-â€".â€"~-- ~v brow “‘4-va wvv-st‘I-A‘V in Toronto for information. Frlday night Mitlbrook 33d about the pinifores to be made-Omemee clashed m an E'P'“' for the bale which goes to thefgame which resulted in a wlni Indian children at the Prince!for the .locals by a $0036 or ' 10? Albert School. Mrs. Shep-'3- Thls does not Indicate thel pard read interesting itemsplay, as the game was â€3“ch from the W. A. Bulletin. imore even than the score 1nd1-1 Mrs. H. A. Turner conï¬ca‘tes. Some first class hockey tributed with the 's‘tudv bookflis being given the faithful fans; ‘East from Burma’ presenti11gw.“fh° support the team at all} the chapter ‘New Roads il]\t1mes' Burma’. f Meeting closed with prayer. Mrs. E. Brooks and'Mrs. L Bristow supper hostesses, serv- ed refreshments. Mns. H. C. Quinn invited- the members to the Rectory for the March meeting.of the WA. County, is now available to con- duct sales anywhere in County. Your patronage respectfully solicited with farm lubrication makes him a real expert in his ï¬eld. And he gets plenty of technical help and guidance from B-A; Besides that, he knows that his products are the ï¬nest in Canada . . . the only products a real neighbour would recommend. Take his advice and his products . . . they are both aimed at giving your farm machines the kind of protection they deserve. vou CAN $109 EASTER '5'" THAN TH E BIG FELLOW! Hockey contact your local Distributor! ARTHURTJRICK OIL NEEDS. PHONE 278-W MILLBROOK YOUR LOCAL AGENT FOR YOUR PAGE TEE!