St. John’s, Ida. 9.45 a .m .â€"Holy Communion. 81:. Thomas’ Church, Millbrook 11.15 a .m .â€"-Holy Communion. Christ Church, Bailieboro 7 .30 p.m.-â€"Evening Prayer. Please Note Change of Times. PARISH OF CAVAN Rev. E. 0. Quinn, B.A., Lth. Séut-h Monaghan Mrs. G. Muspratt, Organist. 10.00 a‘.m.â€"C‘hurch School 11.00 a. m. â€"Divin-e Worship Grace Church, mnbrook 10. 45 a. m. â€"â€"Ghurch School. 7 30 p. m. â€"Divine Worship. Rev. E. S. Sinclair, Ontario Temperance Federation will will speak . Don’ i take that crossing â€India/led Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A., Minister Emeritus. ‘ Centrevflle Church B-Du Minister. feelebrating the centenary of “O Come, Let Us Worship’. the birth of Lord Baden Powell, ‘ St. Andrew-’3 :founder of the scout movement, . Lord Baden Pow ell had learned Temperance Sunday the skills of self-preserv ation: 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday 8011001 ‘01] outings and during the 11.15 a.m.â€"PUb1iC Worship South African War he wrote al Guest Preacher: Mr Royal text book for armvseouts. This; Moulton Toronto 59901311 Of' became populai not only in the; fering for Ontario Temperance army but “ith bo3s on his' Federation. ,, A: 5; ' return: to England he organized! Gavan boys’ camps. This \1 as the be-3 9.45 a.m.â€"Public Worship r ginning of the Scout mm ement; and Sunda‘ School. [which has as its motto “On my 3 } honour I promise that I will do, 1 Anglican Church of Millbrpok Pastoral Charge Rev. Francis Ghisholzm, M.A., Zion Pentecostal Church MILLBROOK 10.00 a.m.â€"Su.nday School 11.00 a.m.â€"-Wo:rsthip Service- 7.00 p. m .â€"â€"Evange1istic Meet- TEE CHURCHES SUNDAY, MARCH 3rd. 1957 , . In his talk to'the children the 1 Rev. Francis Chisholm told of; stamps having a scout theme.‘. In 1955 the'Canadian 5c stamp,i had such a theme commemorat-f ing the holding of the “orld‘ scout jamboree in Niagara that year. This year the jamboree is to be held in Great Britain gm: m ‘ > Sunday Nothing At St. Andrew’s PRESBYTERIH Bonneville and Millbrook THE UNITED CHURCH Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Everybody Welcome! Pastor, M. Case. " OAKLEY, STANDISH, CLARKE , CABLEY, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc No. 8 Bank of Commerce Block PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO Telephones 2-0424 and 25 R. 0. Standish, B.A. T. E. Clarke, B..A. R. H. Carley, 3.00m. T. J. Carley, Q.C. BUTTER GRANITE 00. Port Hope, Ont. Box 622 Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inmiptions. IIIiIIEISDIIh'I-IIIIIIII' Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-Hour Service Many thousands of Canada ’9 youngsters sde. Clarabell ‘the clown every weekday on CBC television. Hundreds are able to see him, and the others on “Howdy Doody†in person, as members of the Peanut Gallery" Nick Peconi CLARABELL MEETS YOUNG FANS PHONE GOLIEGT: Peterborouh 2-2086 Gobourg 1787 PROPRIETOR greet? ' viuli'nist ' ‘ felt'that 'his abilitywas "the gift of God" 9.21:1 he wanted to use it, he said, for the glory of the Creat- or. Our talents must be used I, but Christ liveth in me.†Christ wins us to Himself. God’s love expresses itself in action. Some lives are out of proportion with too much time given to unimportant things. We all must shoulder the re- sponsibility of the use of our time. we should budget it. We should do kindnesses, give leadership to the young, spend time in Bible study and prayer. God has given us talents which 1 must mused.“ Kreisler. the The Divine ownership was re- asserted by Paul bv Jesus’ death on the cross for man’s salvation. There is no self-. made man. He belongs to God, who dw ells 1n the bodv making it the temple of God. Christ died to save the whole man, ‘ both body and soul. He gave His life for the redeemed' soul in a clean body, We must. p1 e-i sent ourselves as a living sacri- fice. Paul said “I am crucified with Christ, yet I live. yet not ~‘ ‘ Your painting I ’ ’. Whistler replied, “Just because you paid for it, it is not yoursâ€. God is the real owner because He is the creator. .Man is. the stew- ard. The psalmist savs “The earth is the Lord’s and the full- ness thereof, the cattle on the thousand hills.†“The sea is His and He made it.†The psalmist claims all for God and we must be faithful stewards. Man cannot. give to God, he can only return What God has given to him. l t l For the subject of his selmon .Vlr. Chisholm chose “Life VV V'ithin the Fa111il3 of the' t(‘ ‘huzeh ’ What are the maiksi‘ )of the true churc?h If th:' 1 thu1 ch 1s a family are we doing! all we should fo1 young people? [Is our worship 1eal? Are the Ihonds of fellowship 1eal? Where is the church now and VVhere is it going? What with2 God’ s guidance will the churchl the like? VVe must search the {Scriptures to find the vital ‘ things of faith. There must he actiVe partnership with God. Our serVice is owed to God f01 divine love, first for His great act of creation. Whistler, the great painter once visited in a home Where his hostess had ‘ hung one of his earlv Daintings. ' He was appalled at the mistakes ‘ in his early work, procured . paints and proceeded to correct - them His hostess said‘ How dare you spoil my painting?’ ‘ ‘ ‘7n-~ __ __ - . w--. l f l 'my best". Today every coun- ‘try around the world where {freedom is‘ enjoyed has its scout organizations for boys and 'guides for girls. Last Friday, :February 22nd. scouts. cubs, guides and brownies wore their ' uniforms in honour of the L00th {anniversary of Lord Baden {Powell’s birth. and a few lucky youngsters even get to meet hini per-son- ally. It is .a pretty one-sided conversation though because Clarabell, as you know, doesn't talk, but manages to make him~ self understood with the help of a Seltzer bottle and a horn. m mm 5 31m" ohms" ,MILLB riboi om K310." JOHN PAYNE Pontypool â€" Ontario Licensed Auctioneer. Durham County, is now available to con. duct sales anywhere in County. Your patronage respectfully solicited ‘ Chickenpox: iBrighton Township. .3 'Cobourg ............ 7 !Cramahe Township. .2 'Darlington Township. 27 German Measles: Brighton Township. 1 iCobourg ............ 1 iRed Measles: ‘7 5"“ * [Cobourg ............ 1 j,H‘amiIton Tow-11ship..2 Mun-ay Township. .5 Mumps: Bowmanville ........ 2 Cobourg ........... 2 Haldimand Township. 1 Hamilton Township. 1 Port Hope .......... 1 Scarlet Fever Seymour Township .. 1 Whooping Cugh: Murray Township. 6 Cobourg, Ontario Feb. 25th, 195 7-â€"Communicable disease reported to the Health Unit week ending February 23, 1957. l‘b NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM HEALTH UNIT i A sixteen year old boy was going along a tow path carry- ling his possessions in a 1ed handkerchief 011 his way to New York City when he met a captain who asked him where he was going. The boy answer- ’ed that he knew something about soap and making candles and that he was going to the city. The captain pray ed and ’asked God’s blessing on the boy. He told the boy to give his- heart to God to give God his tenth, and to give a full‘ pound. If he did this he said he would prosper The boyl was William Colgate who later gave millions to help others. Christian stewardship calls for faith 1n God, and gifts used for the benefit of others. i Lord, And of Thine Own have given Thee_ †] Mrs.'Lawrence Winslow took the solo part in the anthem. “All things come of Thee, O for God and for others. We must have a sense of steward- ship and realize talents are not commodities to be bought and sold, but an extension of person..- ‘zity. Money is a sacramental thing torbe given cheerfully and with a willing heart unto God. B. A. ,.M D. ,.D P. H. Medical Officer of Health. Charlotte BI. Horner, Total ........ Wedding’s“, the sick room, funerals EREWE 1? 1mm 5 b can Opposite the Capitol Theatre,wls'ort Hope Elbrams’ flower Shop TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COLPHONE TURNER 55796 I 052111 n'siaigai ship. . ,__._J -†I‘U'J I No Cases Total 21 Queen 39 H While out viewing her gar-i den to see how it fared during the Winter, which is still with. us according to the almanac, \Iiss Marjorie Skitch was sur-i prised to see that a root of lastl year’ 5 Swiss Chard had started} J to sprout giving assurance that’ spring is just. around the‘ " equator and will land here a. ‘ round March 2lst. c111 Phone Bailieboro 30‘ Phone Millbrook 87-j : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SIGN OF SPRING IN FEBRUARY NOTED Hammng' Healing . Pump Repihts Trenching and Digging sn'd Gil-Burners Eavgstroughjng hind i€LOWER$ SPEAK FOR YOU†' Thirsiliy, Feiwary 28, 1957 Attend the Church of choice on Sammy. Mi’PrOr-Reporter V E No one too mung; - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIB! If Monday ’8 temperature is forerunner of what We are get soon, we will have to hu: in a hurry for our trouser without 'the patches on as will be no longer phx‘sibh ‘ hide our callithumnian ouzf 3:"th an overcoat. ~ " Howerer, nigh? brought very heavy rain which lama: throughout. and Tuesdav brom with a heavy fog. lifting Iatej in the day with cloudy dari weather which lasred um? e a r l y Wednesday morning when a change for colder con ditions arrived, producing f0: .Wednesdav a clear bright sun- shine day with temperature ‘just a bit above the 30 degree mark. The snow has‘ all hm disappeared. but had The rain we had been snow instead 01 rain we would still be shovel} ing the beautiful. Inspector (‘. A. Holmes - dressed the teachers on D Books, Social Studies nrogra me for Grades 7 and 8, a Report Cards. He stated t there was a tendanev in 13.2. schools to swing back to p centages from the letter stai ing. Teachers should be gui ed by the reaction of the p“ eats. The Report Card sho be designed to give the Dar» 3 clear picture of his chil‘ progress. . The next meeting will I held in Millbrook Public Scho on Friday. March 2221d. The teachers discussed possibility of the schools prov ing entertainment at the M brook Spring Fair with L‘horDJ es and Spellino Contests to the fact that the :‘ai r is (DuJ quivering a fun-scale midxxa the teachers \oted drmu t] entertainment since the no‘ from the midway would ma such exhibitions impractical) It was agreed that the Sch Work Exhibit should he (- tinned. Sadr,mwfaflntm W.memychecka The February meeting of '0‘ Gavan Teachers was held 8.8. No. 2. Cavan on Frid- February 22nd. 'CAVAN TEACHERS’ NEE-TIN G DISCUSS FAIR for constructive new: stories and penetrating editorials. 'Wï¬aflv’h Boston. World- This man can give you " dependable . ‘ delivery of ImSIGD amuseo gunman March 2:16, a Church S CHRIST (HUM! THE WEATHER Housewives, businessman ', February 28, 1957 and students at! avg: Boys! CHRISTIAN SClENCE ~ MONITOR STARTING SA ALL WE?