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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 6 Feb 1958, p. 2

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v Second Sunday before Lent Christ Church, Bailieboro 11.00.. a .m .â€"Holy Communion St. J ohn‘s, Ida 3.00 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. 81:. Thomas’ Church, Miflbrook 7 .00 p . m .â€"-Evening Prayer . TEE UNITED CHURGH . Millbrook Pastoral Charge Rev. Francis Chisholm, M.A., B.D., Minister. Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. ”0 Come, Let Us Worship’. . St. Andrew’s 10 . 00 a . 111 .â€"Sunday School 11.15 a.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship “In Jericho” 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"~Church School 11 . 00 a. m . --Divine Worship . rmsn or GAVAN Rev. B. c.777Quinn, B.A.; 1.5;; Zion Pentecostal Church MIDI-BROOK Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11 . 00 a . m .â€"\Vorship Service . I . ‘3!) p . In .â€"Great Evangelistic Sen-Luce. 9.45 a.m.â€"Public Worship 7 and Snnda "School. Minister. Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A., Minister Emeritus. Grace Church. Mifibrook 10.45 a.m.â€"Church School. 7 . 30 p. m .â€"â€"Divine Worship . Genueville Church Another of theSe games will be held on February 11th to which all are invited. The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston 15, Moss. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. lyeor $26 1:] 6 months $8 0 3 months $4 I] Hall was well attended and those present report a very pleasant eveninb. Eight tables were in use and at end of the games the cards showed the fol- lowing winners: Gents first went to Vincent Crough and consolation to Bill Hendricks. For the ladies first was Mrs. Hugh Abbott and consolation to Mrs. Andy Littie. The lucky chair prize was won by Mrs. George Howden. The recent pro'gréssiv e euchre held by the Iiadies’ Auxiliary ttf Canadian Legion m the Legion] Housewives, businessmen, teachers, and students all over the world read and enjoy this international newspaper, pub- lished daily in Boston. World- famOus for constructive news stories and penetrating editorials. Special features for the whole family. LADIES’ AUXILIARY. 3170333 WINNERS Anglican Church of Canada . PRESBYTERIAN Cuneville and Millbrook Rev. W. H. Hens-tin, B.A., This man can give you ‘ dependable delivery of The Churches SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9‘ Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. {AGE TWO. a . THE ’7 CHRISTIAN ’2’ SCIENCE ‘ MONITOR Gavan Pastor, M. . Case . dam Added to the Session were Mr. Wm. O'Brian os honor- ary member and Rev. Mr. Neil, as active member: _ELH Total receifits for 1957 7186.90 Budget for 1958, ...... 7779.00 This means an increase of about 8 percent. Challenge for 1958â€"“Spar3 not, length-en thy cord; strengthen thy stakes. " Is‘aia‘u A film “Split Level Family‘ ’ was shown and prox el xerv interesting. |Balance ............. 66 . 7-1 8.8. Anniversary 56.25 Rally Day...~. ........ 19.75 M. and M. fund 32.37 J. J. Powell, Tre-as. The Mission Circle reprtrt was given. Mrs: Laverne Gibson, treasurer. Total membership “ ...... 154 Balance on hand . . . . 8.09 Mrs. H. R. Edmunds, Treas. Sunday School N 0. teachers and officers .. 13 No. pupils enrolled ....... 100 No. on nursery r011 ...... 41 Income ..... Expenditures ooooooo , , 238.09 Sent to Pr-esbyterial .. 230.00 3a]. in Bank Dec.'31 45.75 Indebitness to Bank 1500. plus interest to be added until debt is paid off? $1500 plus. . .The Women’s Association re- port by Mrs. A. R. Payne. Bank balance plus cash! on hand ............ 73.13 Women’s Missionary Society Annual mem. ‘fees. . . .$ 9.50 1 Life Membership. . . . 25.00 Easter Autumn rthank offerings ..... \Ionthly coll-actions Donations ..... ~. . . Mission Band . . . . . Mite boxes ....... Total receipts .. Expengitures 3794 25 Le ss cost of organ ..... 3748. 50 group ............. Receipts credited north .group ............. Receipts credited south group ............. Receipts in 1957 ...... Loan from Toronto-Do- minion Bank ........ Less: interest deducted by Bank ............ Net balance, Dec. 3lst 1529.58 Mr. Moore reporting for Elec- tronic Organ Fund purchased as a three-yéar project, cost ................ $3748 .50 Treasurer Bank balance Dec. 31.. 7.86 Showed receipts credited to general account ‘ Receipts credited town Mr. A. R. Payne, church treasurer gave a detailed ae- count ,showing total receipts for 1957 $842230 total expenditures 6892.72 ,â€" [ The happy fellowship of the] supper hour provided a valw] The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the able approach to the worship1Canadian Legion Branch 402 and “Ln Memoriam Service”iheld its regular meeting Tues- for twelve members Who were day night, February 4th, in the deceasd during 1957: and pre'lL Legion Hall ared us for close attention .. t1; the report. of our esteemed After roll call of otflcers the clerk of session, Mr B E minutes were read and it was 111" gham, showmg total Chum“ moved by Comrad’e June Blai1, membership Dec 31 1957 Of seconded by Comrade Alice 368; active families 175 non- 1‘ . 1eside11t members 61;Ba1,)tis111s “a“ that they be accepted as gread. 24, maniages 5. ANNUAL mama or ST. mmws qnum snows 6001) m Financial Report $99 07 .itures ........ 362i . 33 000000 ...... 250 . 00 3834.85 2334 . 8: vl 1500. GO 243.09 5.00 256.95 719.17 .93 COO‘ GOI~IHOI QYOCJCJIOI o: H loo: 0; 40 . 00 66 . (7‘3 {A' TINNEY SON, (avan, Phone 21533723. Millbrook A letter of appreciation from the Chamber of Commerce, for the dinner served January 23 was read by Secretary Comrade L. Challice. The. following committees read their reports: ‘ Card partyâ€"Comrade W. Richards. Flower fundâ€"Comrade F. \Vhite. ' The flower fund draws were won by Comrades Linda Scott, Doris Ingham ‘and Phyllis The financial report was read by treasurer Comrade, Joyce Trick, and accented as read. It was moved by Comrade E. Howden seconded by Comrade Flo White that the accounts be accepted and paid. Three new members were in- stalled: Mrs. Linda Scott, Mrs. Doris Ingham and Mrs. 001- leen Bremner. After roll call of o‘a'ficers the minutes were read and it was moved by Comrade June Blair, seconded by Comrade Alice Hair that they be accepted as read. legion ladies 10 Buy Cards, Tables TEE MIRROR-WORM; W Two new Brookwoodsâ€"At-door 6-passenger and 4â€"day 9-passenger models. Luxuriousiy appointed. Lixtcn to the Chevy‘Slzow . . . an hour of musical variety every Wednesday evening. Check your Wonderful’s the word for Chevrolet's new wagons! Beautiful, with new length and low- ne‘ss, new sculptured grace. Engineered with new ideas that make loading easier, riding smoother, driving happier, And they’re almost too new to be true. All five of ’em! N o wagon built ever carried loads with more ease or passengers with more comfort! Chev- rolet‘s new standard Full Coil suspension STATION WAGONS '! S! The Rev. James Campbell leonducted the devotions and introduced his subect “The Christian Re-union Movement 1Qin Canada”. By way of illus-v itration ,a tape-recording of an e address on f‘Christian Unity” 1', by Bishop Stephen Neill, was 8 used. At the local level, we The regular monthly meeting of the Millbrook and District Ministerial Association was held at the United Church Manse, Bailieboro, on Monday afternoon. MILLBROOK MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION MEETING Meeting was adjourned by Comr ‘ade F. White Lunch was served by the SOCi‘dl Com- mittee Moved by Comrade L. Blair secondedby Comrade \V. Rich- ards that. We purchase five card fables- Moved by Comrade W. Rich- ; ards seconded by Comradei Joyce Trick that We purchase; new cards for card parties. ; Moved by Comrade W. Rich- ards and seconded by Comrade W. Fawcett that we cater to a dinner for the Hastings, Prince Edward Regiment on Feb. 28. It was moved and seconded 7th‘e that secretary purchase a past act? presidents pin."~ ‘ . gre , The Ladi-es’ Auxiliary receiv- '1 ed an invitation to attend a 8181 mass initiation of Legion MemePre bers on February 17th. 3 Challice . 5913 a new style in cradles you on deep coil springs at every wheel . . . Or, optional new Level Air suspen- sion keeps your wagon on an even keel no matter how many your passengers or how big your load. Choose from twoâ€" or four-door, six- or nine- passenger models with livelier V8 or 6 engines. See your Chevrolet dealer and look over the smartest, smoothest-going wagons of them all. The following officers were elected: JPresidentâ€"Rev. H‘. 0. Quinn Rector of St. Thomas’ Angli- I can Church, Millbrook. -S'ecretary+-Rev. Francis Chis- holm, Minister of St. An- drew ’5 United Church‘, Mill- brook. : The secretary reported that CARLEY, STANDISH, CLARKE CARLEY LECH Barristeré and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO T. J. Carley Q.C. (1896-1956) R. O. Standish 62.0. T. E. Clarke B.A. R. H. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech B.A.~ iâ€" look for continuing advance in' Interâ€"church week of Prayer Vf'h‘n firanh‘ng‘l I1n§+17 n; nyfifna Luann-Inn... m-_‘ 1‘1: :M T__4__A th‘e fpractical ,unityv of united action by Churches and con- gregations. .WWW-'flh'a'mfi’fIW-SVMI-Wfi'fij Two new Yeoman wagonsâ€" 4-door 6-pcssengel; Sman‘, d local TV listing for. times. The new Nomadâ€"the last word in siafion wagon szIe and distindion . . . 4~door 6~pcssengen Telephone collect Keene S3w1, if no answer Peterborough Ri-2-4330. Burrett Fur Farm services wereheld in January. The offerings mounted to $27 . A donation of $20 was sent to the Upper Canada- Bible So- ciety, $2.00 to the Canadian Council of Chruches, and $5.00 expenses. - Thursday, ljebmary 6, 1953 jit- â€"2-door 6-passenger and ‘, durable cfl-vinyl interiors. Renew Your Subscription. A General Motors Value CASH for dead or crippl- - ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Dead Stock! C-1358C REID’S GARAGE, Phone 5 MILLBROOK, ONTARIO C. G. Allin. counties rep sentatixfe on the board, t council ‘there is a real nrobl in Millbrook, and that the are only four teachers in t high school here. He reco mended a new 5011001 in the v lage. Millbrook’s Reeve Ge F. Harrington said the villa population was rising, par cularly with the arrival of st at the new reformatorv, a the resulting.Ir pressure was hi ing both the high and pub schools. Use All Space “The overcrowding situati at Millbrook high school, dc cribed as desnerate in Counti Council a week ago. has be detailed by school princip Raymond Goheen and Regina Fallis, Cavan Township rep: sentative on the Durham (Sou ty district high school boar‘ The following interesfi story taken from the Peterb‘ ough Examiner is very 1 couraging, ‘and we renroduce here for 'our readers. ELEC Interesting Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-Hour Service Nick Peconi PROPRIETOR Principal Goheen said PHONE COLLECT: Peterborouh 2-2080 Cobourg 1787 5962A Offilfa

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