trance >r old horses. Elli-IQBUIEI ity before ’ithont auto reek of Prayer meld in January. mounted to $27. $20 was sent to mda Bible So~ to the Canadian uehes, and $5.00, Subscription . ltO the Un- C-1358C Stock! id or crippl- . 'u-I-d'l-n' 'u'u‘d'u'j .TION 6, 1958 51""qu UGI IIUG rooms are rented from the pub-l Clarence Eagleson, secretary, PHONE COLLECT: lie school which occupies the‘presented the report of the Peterborouh 2-2080 other half 0f the building. i church Sunday School which Cobouro 1737 F351? Increase shad a strong average attend- , b Reginald Fallis said that iniance of 45 children of the Nick Peconi the past two or three years'church and the Explorers are .Millbrook hiOh school’s enrol- two new children’s o'rou s In a a D PROPRIETOR iment has increased at a higher. th~ congregation. -'--*‘~++â€"* 1 percentage than at any other. Mrs. James A. Gaynor, lead- ,“ ‘school in the dlStl‘lct. Mr. er of the former group, present- ‘ â€"m‘ fFallis is on the snec1al commlt- ed reports. Mrs. Roy Bracken- £35 ‘3 i tee which is choosing- a site for ‘ ridge is chief counsellor for the. nun.“ 4' I a new school to be built as Explorers. “ !soon as possible. I The WMS report given by REID’S GARAGE, Phone 275 In spite of the addition in the Treasurer. Mrs. J. Eâ€. Rob- MI-LLBROOK, ONTARIO‘ izâ€"iBoW'manville and‘th‘e new high inson, showed a total of $490 C. G. Allin. counties repre- sentative on the board, told council ‘there is a real problem in Millbrook, and that there are only four teachers in the high school here. He recom- mended a new school in the vil- lage. Millbrook’s Reeve Geo.‘ F. Harrington said the village population was rising, parti- (ularly with the arrival of: staff at the new reformatory, and the resulting pressure was hitt ing both the high and public schools. I Use All Space Principal Goheen said this “The overcrowding situation at Millbrook high school, des- cribed as desperate m Countie54 Council a week aoo has been detailed by school principal Raymond Goheen and Reginald Fallis, Cavan Township repre- sentative on the Durham Coun- ty district high school board.g Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID The following interesfing story taken from the Peterbor- ough Examiner is very en- couraging, 'and we reproduce it here for ‘our readers- Interesting Story To Us All 24-Hour Service Thursday, February 6, 1958 5968A I As “.911 as the library amillchoir director for Centreville science room there are two reg.‘;Presbyterian 0111er11 in South ular classrooms. The library-Monaghan, it :was reported at and Grade 9 room have folding the annual meeting January doors between them which mm, 1958. open out to make an audi-g Deep appreciation of Mrs. torium for assembly and for Muspratt’s services was record- Hom-e and School association ed. She served for many years meetings. Shop work is taught before being forced to resign in a basement room. All these because of illness at home. rooms are rented from the pub-I Clarence Eagleson, secretary, lic school which occupies the presented the report of the ' The former principal 2]_ 9‘ years ago resigned when the ipublc school took back fromi the high school one of the class-I rooms it was renting. Ati that time the enrolment was smaller than it is now. The, public school, even with this! additional room, has had to rent accommodation in the Legion hall for the primary grade. week that enrolment in Mill- ,brook high school was now 78 Eand that every bit of space was ‘being utilized. The science mom is equipped wth stools and counters, rather than desks for use as a regular classroom 'And the library, which serves as a typing room, is also used for classes. ~ If necessary, he said, the school could accommodate an- other 15 to 20 pupils, but that would be the limit. I Miss Mary Eagleson has been appointed successor to Mrs. Grace Muspratt as organist and choir director for Centreville {Presbyterian Church in South 1 ‘ . .Monaghan, It :was reported at the annual meeting January CENTREVILLE CHURCH, SOUTH MON AGHAN ANNUAL MEETIN G , .At the thne the neu'school in Port Hope and the addition in Bowmanville were built, there was understanding that, if llfllbrook supported these projects, \vhen \lfllbrook need-, ed a new school those munici-‘ palities would give their sup- port.’ school in Port Hope, each com-f menced three years ago, both: schools are again overcrowded. ; The site committee voted two' to 1 in favor of placing the new school to be built immediately; in Orono rather than Newcasle. At the same time Mr. Fallis said :the board was seriously considering the situation in Millbrook. I TEE MOLREPORTEB, MI] National Eieci'rical Week- flew Re-elected to the board for three years were Gerald Ander- son, Norman Bfowle’s, William Harold Tate, treasurer Bf the board of managers, read the financial statement for the. year. . Mrs. Gaynor, Treasurer, pre- sented the financial report of the Ladies’ Aid Society. A total of $917 had been contri- buted for renovation and im- prox‘ enient in the church hall, including kitchen cupbOards, rewiring and donations to the cost of a new oil furnace instal- led by the board of managers. } sent to the PIC sbyterial of Pe- terborough . Ladies’ Aid Mi<'s Warne of Peterborogh will be at the new organ in Grace Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. The minister thanked the e1de1s, board members and all leaders of the congregation for ~their loyalty, co- -operation and prayeis. ~ At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Muspratt played selec- tions on an organ which has been in the church 'on demon- Ftration. . It was decided to purchase a new organ. An organ com- mittee will be headed by Fred \Vood. Morrison and Roy Sanderson. BATES DODDS FUNERAL SERVICES LIMITED A. E. RAPER, PRESIDENT QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE EMpire 3-0681 TORONTO, ONT. The February meeting of St. Andrew ’5 W.M .S. will be held Wednesday, February 12th at 3 p. m. at the home of Mrs. George Raymes. A good at- tendance is requested and visi- tors are Welcome. W.M.S. NOTICE PA‘ SE TERI]