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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 13 Feb 1958, p. 2

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Housewives, businessmen, teachers, and students all over the world read and enjoy this international newspaper, .puba lished daily in' Boston. World- Pfamous for censtructive new: stories and penetrating editorials. Special features for the whole » family. -*’ The Christian Scieh'ce Monitor One Norway St, Boston IS, Mosh. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. St. Jay's, Ida 3.00 p.m._â€"Evening Prayer. Christ Church, Bailieboro 7 .30 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. Ash Wednesday Service 8.00 p.m. 19th Februaryin St. Th-omas’ Church, Millbrook The Sunday Before Lent. 81:. Thomas’ Church. Millbrook 11 .00 a .m.â€"Morning Prayer. Rev. Walter Patterson, 11. A” Mmjsmr Emeritus. Grace Church. “brook 10. 45 a. m. -â€"C’imrch School. 7. 30 p. m. â€"Divine Worship. W church - 3am Monagllan 10.00 a.m.â€"Chm-ch School 1 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine Worshipq lyeor $16 [I 6 months $8 D 3 months $4 I] 9.45 a.m.â€"Church Parade of Cavan Cubs and Scouts. This man can give you ‘ dependable delivery of Anglican Church o! Cumin PARISH OF GAVAN m. n. c._an,.B.A.', Lth. 10.00 a.m.-â€"Sunday School 11.15 a.m,â€"Ppb1ic Worship “Going Do'wn to Jericho”. Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir dzirector. “O Come, Let Us Worship’. Maxim Rev. W. H. HenstimB.A., Millbrook Pastoral Charge Rev. Fgancis Chisholm, M.A., WEDGE Sunday Services 10 a.m.-â€"Sunday School 11.60 a.m.â€"â€"W‘orship Service; 7 . 30 p . In .-â€"Great Evangelistic Service. Zion Pentecostal Church 5 iitvlifiie The Chur ches SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 He received his early educa- tion in' the Windsor Public Schools and Patterson Collegi- ate Institute. It was at this time that he embarked on his Senator David Arnold Croll,‘ the son of? Hillel 01-011 and Min- nie Cherniak, was born in Mos- cow, Russia, on March 12th, 1900. In the year 1905 he came} to Canada with his parents,l settling in Windsor, Ontario. I Blocmnxog » V 'g {:3 THE HONOURABLE DAVID ARNOLD anon, Q.c. ' TEEUNITBD 05513393 Pentecostal Assemblies of a _ THE ’/ CHRISTIAN 9’ SCIENCE {x MONITOR Name Pastor, M . Case . Merriam: REID ’s GARAGE, Phone 275 . Ladies: m‘BROGK, ONTARIO M McDowell Pontypool â€"â€"- Ontario Licensed Auctioneer. Durham County, is now available to con- duct sales anywhere in County. Your patronage respectfully solicited "Followiyéf the outbreak of World War II in September, 1939, he enlisted as a pm ate in the Essex Scottish Regiment oI an overwhelming majority. This term of office lasted until 1944. While a member of the Prfovincial House, he was once more elected to the office of Mayor of the City of \Vindsor, a position which he held until 1941. In the General Election of 1937, he ran agam as a Liberal candidate and was returmd to the Provincial Legislature With gaining in the automobile plants in Oshawa. His statement at the time \\ as, “‘I would rather march with the workers than ride with General Motors. ” In 1937 he iesig‘ned from the Hepburn Cabinet on the issue of permitting colllectb'e bar- In May, 1935, he was made Minister of Labour, in addition to his portfolios of Welfare and Municipal Affairs. As Minister of- Labour, Senator Croll was responsible for many pieces of legislation; best known is the Minimum Wage Act, which he authored andj piloted through the legislature. He put into operation the In- dustrial Standards Act and in 1936 introduced the Labour and Industry Act, which set up an administratixe board for labour problems. ’ As Minister of Welfare he raised and equalized relief rates, turned over more control of relief to municipalities and assisted the municipalities with administration problems. His medical relief plan, worked- out‘ with the Ontario Medical AS-‘i sociation, became a model on this continent. As Cabinet Minister, Senator Croll organized the first De- ‘partment of Municipal Affairs and after its establishment not one Ontario municipality went into default. He brought about the amalgamation of the Border Cities into the Greater City of Windsor. ,Viflvâ€" vâ€" U‘I-“U Jhul, :he was appointed Minister of‘ \Velfare and Minister of Munii cipal Affairs in the Hepburn Cabinet. At 3-1 years of age, he was the youngest cabinet ministr in the British Empire. With the birth of the depress- ion and he set up a relief ad- minktration that became a. ‘pro- vincial model. In 1934 he entered the. Pro- vincial Field as Liberal candi- date i’or the constituency of Wind’sor-Walkerville. Elected to the Provincial House in the General Election of that year, On June 25th, 1925, he mar. ri‘ed Sarah Levin, daughter of ‘JosephLevin of London, On- ltario. They have three daugh- ‘ters, Eunice, Constance and Sandra Ruth, all married. ! Senatpr Croll‘s political ear- eer began in 19301-when he was elected Mayor of the City of Windsor, an office in which he served for 8 years. His election . as Mayor coincided Following his graduation from Collegiate, he attended the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall Law School. In 1925 he entered the practice of law in Windsor and at the age of 28 established his own law firm. ‘ first commercial venture, the operation of a news-ctand, which greatly faciliat-e'd his secondary education . JOHN PAYNE .w-‘lurtm Bill Boyles 333 Men’s High Triple Alvin Trew ........ M... 708 Ladies’ High Single Dorothy I-lutc-hinsbn. ; . . . . 324. ~ Lgdies’ High» Triple 10 11 He was appointed to the Senate 01? July 29, 1955; He was: a delegate to the United Nations, 1956-7, during the Suez crisis, and an Observer at the United Nations on other occasions. He was Chairman of the Spe- cial Committee on Defence Ex- penditures and Banking and Commerce. He was a member of the' Standing Committees of the House of Commons on External1 Affairs, Labour Public Ae-' counts, Veterans Affairs, an-i‘ the Special Committees on Im- migration, Defence Expendi- tures, Bill 0 IRights and Hous- ing. I "M ° “N “1”” “‘9 rank of Correspondence was received 00101191. _ ’i from the following: letter Of In June, 1940, he returned t0;thanks from the Hospital for, Canada to participate in thel‘Sick Children for donation re-' Fed-’eral election. He was €190?‘:ceived. Northumberland and‘ ed to the House of Commons ‘ . , , Durham Health Unit report. for With a large maJority as mem- , _ . _ December. Dewart Milling Co. ‘Toronto. ‘ In June, 1949, Senator Croll stood for re-election in Spadinagof amendment to Warble Fly ' and was returned , with the l Act and a school for the inspec- fourth largest maJority 111 C da tors, accordingly a motion was 1 ana. . , made b Gleo. Dean seconded 1 In August. 1953. he was again y I . . :by G. . Anderson that Robert re-e ected With a very large‘F‘isher interview Mr. Harry magority. =Larnrer with reoards to him He was a member of the' ° . . acting as. iHSpector under the Standino Co=mm1ttees of the , .b -. - House 0; Commons on External ' Wdlble Ac-t for this year '- Chm- Affairs Labour Public Ac 'ma“ Chesmlcal %°' and 1:113?” c ’ , ’ . ‘nBrand pray o. wit iter- i mm - . ‘ ‘ .’ Fly powder. V ro ectrlc migration, Defence Expendl- .' ' ‘ . tures, Bill ofl Rights and Hous- “:1th one new cgntract Whlcg‘ inc. [was approved. epartrnent o EHe was Chairman of the Spe- ' PUbhc Welfare , advismg 70f 3ia1 Committee on Defence Exflsupplementary allogvilnce: .hdl' oenditures and Banking and itional Institute 0 Vumcipa Commer c e ° ,Clerks adwsmg of conference; JHe “,3; appointed to the'no action was taken in this Senate 071’.va 90 1oz: . matter. In' June, 1949, Senator Croll stood for re-election in Spadina and was returned with the fourth largest majority in Canada. In June, 1945, he returned to: Canada to participate in the‘ Fed-’eral election. He was elecv,l ed to the House of Commons with a large majority as mem- her for the Spadina Riding in Toronto. ' ,- .. --- »-.-‘.wvn of tlie Allied Military Govern- ment. He was returned at, War’s end with the rank‘ of Colonel. He subsequently served on the Continent With the Second British Army, the First Calla-- dian Army and the U.S. 12th Army. He became a member Windsor and immediately pro- 'eeded overseas with a unit. After serving for one year in th ranks, he received his com- mission as a Lieutenant. In 1942 he returned to Canada to newly mobilized Oxfnrd Rifles Regiment. While serving with this unit he rose to the rank of hiajor. “v“ H wuu’ “ The Boon Companions: ’ i brings a half hour Show of pop, music by a five4piece instruÂ¥ mental group under Harry ‘ Boon, wizh songs by Kip Wallis, ’ Broadcast over the CBC Trans- Canada network each week. Men’s High Single Bowling .......¢04 Transâ€" 21 fo1mer star of radio, British week, television and night clubs. ni0113”|L to R Gordon Schmitt (vibes), of pop Jim Newby (drums), Harry instru~ Boon (piano) H'.oward Guloien Harry (sgx), Ian McCulloch (bass), at O‘South Monaghan TWp. i“iCouncil Minutes Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers Association notice I The minutes of the previous I meeting w‘ere read by the Clerk _and adOpted on motion of Gorge Dean seconded by Herb“ Syer. ‘ l The regular meeting of Coun- cil of the Township of South' Monaghan was held on Febr- uary 3rd, 1958 at ] p.111. with all members present and was} called to order by Reeve Ray Bothwell. Weddings, the sick room, funerals. rehearsal. Elbrams’ flower Shop T "5113 .- ____ Opposite the Ca'pitol Theatre,rl"ort Hope Elbrams’ flower Shop TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COLPHONE TURNER 55796 fiAY-LEC’; : ] p.111. with Recently the Women’ Insti- esent and was tu'te have improved the Town- )y Reeve Ray ship ball by having a new hard- wood floor laid and the Council the previous were sincerely appreciative at" l by the Clerk this and asked the Clerk to l motion of commend the ladiesfor accom-l lded by Herb. ‘plirsh'ment of this project, in a letter to the secretary, on mo- was received tion of G. Anderson seconned 1g: letter of by R. Fisher. Hospital for, The road Superintendent was ' ‘2. ~..:."‘ '1’ 1' 13! i 21 Queen Street “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU” I General accounts presented ‘by the Treasurer were as fol- lows: Beaver Lumber Co. . .$ 25.70 Attwooll ' Sheppard, lumber ............. 12.45 South Monaghan Tele- phone System long dis- tance 1957 ..... ‘ ..... 21.15 present and handed _in voucher No; ] in the amount of $630.97. was ordered to be tabled. Oth-er corfespondence was ordered to be received and filed. G. Anderson seconded by R. Fisher this 11 as ordered tabled. Mirrcr- Reporter, requesting an increase in the price of the printing contract, and 011 mo- tion of G. Anderson seconded iby -.Geo Dean, the Clerk was asked to write Mr. Barringer requesting him to attend the next regular meeting of the Council and explain the print- ing contract in detail and all that it covers. A request signed by sixteen ratepayers asking that there be no tiansfer or ex- change of loads with the coun- ties at the present time, this \x as ordered to be tabled. v7 â€"' Fisher seconded by H. Sy°er, membership fee was ordered to be paid and the Clerk was; delegated to attend and anymv i else who could. Mr. Per(y Farr, Clerk of the police village‘ of Bew dley ad\ising that their‘ fire fighting equipment would not be available to answer calls to the township after Feb. 28th, 1958, and on motion of of convention, the Clerk was asked to send this along to the local School Board. Ontario Good Roads Association of Rural Municipalities notice of convention and on motion of R. 2], . 15 CASE for dead: or crippl- ed Em and 6m. Top priee for old horses. . Telephone «fleet : “new, ifuamwer g reterborelgh li-2-4339. g Barrett Fur Farm CARLEY, STANDISH, CLARKE CARLEY LEO]! Barristers and Solicitors Council adjourned on motion of H. Syer seconded by G. Anderson, to meet again on Friday, February 7th, at 8.30 425 water Street pzrnnnonogan, ONTARIO 'r. J. Carley ale. (1896-1956) 3. o. Standish 9.0. 'r. E. Clarke-B.A. R. 11. 031311533. Con. All accounts Were pass-ed for payment on motion of Geo. De_an seconded by H. Syer. '0. B. Johnson, post- age stamps ......... 5.00 Association of Rural Municipalities member»- 'ship fees ............ 1Q.00 J. E. Lewis, premium on liability insurance policy .............. 115.00 Making a total of $279.30. Salary, Clerk Treas.. Ont. Good Roads As- sociation membership Thursday, February 13, 1958 Dead Stock! mirror-Reporter ~ _.a.-.;--".-.. ‘21. W. C. Lech B.A. J. E. Robinson, Clerk. v-11." . 4‘ 15.00 Errflarrrrrrrrrrrfiqrrrrrg Inserted by Durham {o Lunn property be transferre back to lop/5 as formally. Motion by Councillors Cr ley and North that communl tions be received and filed, a that the Clerk be instructed order eight tons of Calcil Chloride for he Municipali the same to be picked up at 1 point of delivery, .miwv-stbu Ontario,‘ by Buckham's Tra} port. Carried. Mr. George Totten, l'nit Counties roads engineer, v: present showing plans of rigid concrete bridge which would recommend to repla the wooden structure crossh the creek on Distrillery Street at an estimated cost of $11, 00‘ including engineering fee Motion by Councillors Nov and Gibson that Mr. Tom be given permission to procee with the building of this bridg acting as engineer of constru tion at a fee of 5% the (-g price. Carried. the south side of King Stree: between George and Husto: Streets, suggesting that accord ing to a survey made by Mr Sylvester, land surveyor. 1h Vfi'fiVfi'ifiVi’t’fi'fi'I'c'c'c'ic'x"-i} The Reeve read a letter n ceived from Mr. A. R. Willmei regarding the limits and GWDQJ ship of lots 4 and 5 situated 0‘ W. J. Henderson, Motion by Councillors Trio} Brunner Mend Canada re Calcium Chloride. Northumberland and Dur Health Unit, reporting December. Ontario Educational A554 tion, announcing com-en: April 7-9, King Edward H Toronto. The Salvation Army, Tc to, seasonal appeal for fun Durham (0 Assoc Nominating From The Canadian 31‘ Health Association, $01k donations in the interest 0: Association. The following comm fions read-z The minutes of 1he last [at meeting of the Council read by the Clerk, also 5} meeting of January 25th, and. on motion of Counc Gibson and Crowley were Millbrook, Februarv 3, -â€"The regular monthly me of the Municipal Council c Village of Millbrook was on the .above date with th lowing members of the C0 present: Reeve, Geo. H. rington, Councillom. La Gibson, Frank North, .] «Crowley and Gordon Tric} Millbmok Ree Deciding Vote M, I'm” 13, at 8:3 SPEA SENATOR DI and ot

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