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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 13 Feb 1958, p. 3

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$279.30. e passed for n' of Geo. H. Syer. d on motion nded by G. et again on 1th, at 8.30 ,ural aber- 'ship sson, Clerk . (1896-1956) ‘1. .q 0. nee 05t- porter 115.00 1Q.00 ‘9‘ 'x'.‘.‘*fi.%‘h‘5‘gflfl‘MVfMfiM’NKMKMMKMfiWA‘WVf.‘.‘R‘3.‘x Inserted by Durham Countyzliibefal As$ociéti3n imarcn am. 1906 . ’ The Reeve read a letter re- T. W. Belch, Clerk. eeived from Mr. A. R. Willmotti regarding the limits and owner- ship of lots 4 and 5 situated on 31m 3 ”1’33 the south side of King Street, FUNERAL SERVICES between George and Huston LIMTED Streets, suggesting that acc‘ord- A E mm PRESIDENT ing to a survey made by ML! ' .QUEEN ST W SF’IWS’IPI', land surveyor, the l Lunn property be transferred! (At Stmchan Avenue) bat-k to lot 5 as‘ formally. TELEPHONE EMpire 3-0681 M0Ti0n bY Councillors Trick; TORQNTO- ONT- ORONO HALL THURS., FEB. 13th,1958 Wu”iii!"HWIWWWWUWWJWWWMWWW Mr. George Totten, United Counties roads engineer, was present showing plans of a rigid concrete bridge which he would recommend to replace the wooden structure Crossing the creek on Distrillery Street, ‘ at an estimated cost of $11, 000., including engineering fees. Motion by Councillors North' and Gibson that Mr. Totten: be given permission to proceed with the building of this bridge, acting as engineer of construc-’ tion at a fee of 5% the egtl price. Carried. W. J. Henderson, M. P. John M. James, and others Motion by Councillors Crow- [ex and North that communica- tions be received and filed, and, that the Clerk be instructed to order eight tons of Calcium Chloride for he Municipalit: the same to be picked up at the point of delivery, Ami-erstbm'g, Ontario, by Buckh‘am’s Trans- port. Carried. I Airunner Mond Canada Sales, r9 Calcium Chloride. ‘ Ontario Educational Assoeiaq IR ti.;,,n announcing convention, IO i‘ April :-,9 King Edward Hotel: {M Tmonto. {tit Northumberland and Durham le Health Unit, reporting for December . ' if Durham County liberal Association Nominating Convention The Salvation Army, Toron. to. seacon-al appeal for funds. From The Canadian Mental Health Ass0eiation, solieiting donations in the interest of. the ASsociation. The following communica- tiom read: .. Millbrook, February 3, 1958 'a â€"â€"The regular monthly meeting i of the \Imncipal Council of the 1‘ Village of Millbrook was held‘ :- -n the above date with the £01.! lowing members of the Council IJ present: Reeve, Geo. ‘H. Bar-‘1; rington, Councillors. Laverng'p Gibson, Frank North; J , T. lb (‘rmvley and Gordon Trick. lg] The minutes of the last regu-{it lax- meeting of the Council were IW wall by the Clerk, also special m meeting of January 25th, 1958,; and on motion of Councillors a] nibxon and Crowley were con- p; firmed. H}, Millbmok Reeve Casts Deciding Vote At Council Meeting ‘r:“kv‘r\f\]! po1\‘n1annvv Thursday, hbmary 13, 1958 at 8:30 pm. SPEAKERS: SENATOR DAVID (ROLL , -_- ”m ‘fi‘fig‘z. . 4;. . Q-I. «m‘wh "%__\‘.-.~q4_ _\ __ ~.-.'~~:‘%‘ ‘eae‘._‘ \ ~. -‘ ~. .‘ “\h'w» W_:R-e,<,,ristrar of deeds.. . 2.34 'a.N and D. Health Unit ' Euplumbing permits 13.50 a; Clarence James, truck- ming and sand .......... 25.00 mReg Woodward, sawing .. wood ................ 9.00 1e ,Arthur Trick, fuel oil.. 50.88 g, Welfare and relief... 89.14 S’plillbmok Garage, fire ‘ ddepartment .......... 15 . 65 ; d,Chas. Manley, sawing ls .wood ................ 10. 00 a e.Talbert Kellett, labour 129. 76 :Clifford Scott ........ 200.00 8Returning Officer, ex- gipenses Liquor Licence 9 vote ................ 302. 84 ’ Council fees ..... 20. 00 ITreasurer; salary. post- h age andUnemp. Ins. 104. 23 “i Fire Chief Douglas Sheppard 1 reported fire practice, six fire- , , men responded to call. Equip- ,ment in good order. : r! Council adjourned to meet fMarch 3rd.1958. / "oil .................. fMillbro-ok Public Utili- ‘ties ................. {United Counties, grader ,rental ............... iUnited Counties, Hos- pitalization .......... ’Registrar of deeds. . . . The followings bills were I presented and on motion of Councillors Trick and Crowley were ordered paid. ! iReid’s Garage, gas and The result of the;ete 2 against. The Reeve negative vote. Motion (1 ‘lost. Motion by Councillors Trick and Gibson that the Munici~ pal‘itv continue membership in the said organization. and Crowley that the Clerk be instructed to have our .Qolicitor rMr. Willmott, make this cor- ;rection as suggested. Carried. i A delegation consisting of J. McMaster, G. E. ,Liesemer, H. Ouellette and‘H. Moore, re- presenting the Millbrook Cham- ber of Commerce, were present; suggesting that the Municipal- ity continue its membership with the Lake Ontario Develop-- ment Association. 1e Reeve east 3 Motion declared ..... 118.17 34. 5O 15.00 â€"North.§ and Durham Health Unitrenclosing the new Pro. 'vincial regulations regarding slaughter-houses and meat pro- cessing plants and the monthly 3] Health Unit report. Zimmer- man, Maywood Turville re the By-Law, granting permiss- ion to the Consumers Gas Co. to operate in the Township of Manvers. From the Township of Darlington a c0py of their itemporary zoning By-Law l ['1' Chipman Chemicals Ltd. en- closing price list of Warble Fly powder for 1958. Tenders were. I ;received from Alf Johnson,' gBernard Neal’s and Roblin ' Equipment for the supplying! [of a sprayer as per call of ten- ] der. Mirror-Reporter re re- quest for an increase in the rate of remunaration for Township Printing. H.E.P.C. several [applications for Rural Hydro ,Service and flat rate water [heater service. Brunner, .‘Mond Canada re new price list jfor Calcium Chloride. Dept.‘ { of Municipal Affairs re cheque {for the 1957 grant in lieu of staxes and Dept. of Highways, irequesting the transfer of cer- ltain funds, in connection with ithe 1957 road account. ! Moved by McGill, seconded by Jakeman that $1200.00 be transferred from road mainten- ance to roads construction. That $300.00 he transferred from road maintenance to bridges eonstruetion and $400. he transferred from bridge. 11121i11te11a11ve "to br11Lge:g-911-._ strnetinn in eonnecimn with the 1937 road account. Carried. Mr. Roblin of Roblill Equip- The minutes of the January meeting were read and approv- ed on motion of Jakeman and McGill. Carried”. The following éommunica- tions were received and read Bethany, Ont. ,.Feb 4,1958 The regular monthly meeting of the Manvers Municipal Coun- cil was held on the above date with all members present, ex- cept Councillor Malcolm and Brown Who were absent, due to the blocked condition of the roads. Manvers TWp. Council Minutes _ BO”) have a bank account- and a Purpose for saving CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR l Moved by Jakeman. seconded {by MeGill that the Reeve and Treasurer-Joe authorized to Sigl‘ icheques for the following ac. lcounts: iR R Edmunds, oi] for 3 office .............. $ 22 . 00 l Garnet Porter, relief ' j rent ................. 95 nn {on the acceptance of any tender gfor V~a sprayer and the matter [was l-éft' over for the next meet- ing. ' Moved by McGill, seconded by Jakeman that‘t’he road By- Law.be given the Ehree neces- sary readings, signed, sealed and numbered 1346. Being a By-Law setting the road appro- priation flor 1958 at $32,000.00. "C -â€"v- haul”: . Moved by J akemanl, secofided by 11ch that the same remun- eration be given the print-er for the balance of.1958, as in 1957. Carried. ment and a representative of the Hudson Manufacturing Co. interviewed the Council and explained the features of the spray machine they were offer- ing for sale. ,1,,WQ!SITAR;I0 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS mg 216-] The safe of the Colonial! ‘Coach Lines, stolen in Peter-5 zborough last week, was found! 22_0() in the ditch near Highway 7A! ' [by a Millbrook man, Roberti 25.00 . Toms who was gathering brush , STOLEN SAFE FOUND 0N HIGHWAY 7A ’Registrar of Deeds, list Iof transfers ......... 5.03 iUnited Counties hos- Ipi’caliza’cion ....V;’;... 104.16 Cliff'Fallis, relief. . .. ’65 73 Twp Treats, for trans- fer to road account. .. 730.64 Treas SS No 3, school money .............. 300.00 Treas SS No 5, school money .............. 300.001 Ed Beer, sheep claim. 23.00‘ ‘R Davidson, vital sta- tistics 1957 .......... 2. 25 R Davidson, on salary account ....... 150. 0ng Moved by McGill, seconded] by Jakeman, that the meeting! adjourn until March 4a'th,1958! at 1. 30 p. m. The difl‘erence between reaching a goal and missing it can be the savings you put by, now, in a bank account. Such savings don’t just happen. They involve some sacrifice, definite planning. But as your dollars mount up you feel a sense Of accomplishment, of getting somewhere, that makes the effort more than worth while. ,rYour bank account provides ready cash that ’can help take care of any emergency that may arise, or open the way to bargains or other opportunities. Whatever objective you may have in mind, and whatever use your savings (may ultimately serve, you’ll always be glad you saved. Save at a bank â€"â€" millions do! Ross ngidsbn, Clerk. COMMUNITY ,, "-3 ‘z »' - ' W‘da-‘p‘fig Mr. J. W. Moore, manager of‘ Coach Lines was contacted and taken to the spot where he opened the safe and found the contents untouched, These, of course, were taken to Peterbor- ough. Mr. Toms notified PC A. R. Edwards of Millbrook OPP de- tachment Who then informed the _Peterborough Police . 1/2 mile east-50f the junction of 7A and 115, on Thursday last. The safe was hidden under cedar bows and was unopen- ed; the contents $1,233.90 was still intact. Dead 1 Sgodt Re’movéil HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-Hour Service Nick Peconi Renew Your Subscription moms: COLLECT: Peterboronh 2-2080 Cobourg 1787 PROPRIETOR PAGE mm

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