SUPPER MARCH 17th Arrangements are being made by Grace Presbyterian Church Ladies’ Aid to serve ,an Irish Supper in the Church Hall on March 17th. More details at later date. On motion of Gerald Ander- son 5 ennded by George Dean the meeting adjourned to meet again on March 7th, 1958, at 1.00 p.m. . (x'eol'gre Dean. Third and final r-‘ading was given on motion of Herb Syer seconded by Robâ€" ert Fisher, and accordingly the ly-law passid. , The Road Superintendent was present and introduced the. itiymized road expendiinre in detail for 1958. After careful scrutiny and some deliberation the Council reduced the esti- mates in the amount of $3,150. On motion of George Dean seconded by Herb Syer the Clerk accordingly introduced By-law No. 637 in accordance with the Highway Act. Second reading was 'given on montion of (Jerald Anedrson seconded by Robert Fisher. Third and final reading was given on mo- tion of Robert Fisher secOnded by George Dean and according- ly By-law No. 637 was passed, tHereby setting;r up an estimated expenditure of‘ $17,000. for 1958 on Townhip roads. ‘1 0n motinn of Gerald Ander- sou seconded by (horg‘e Dean the Clerk introduced and gave first reading to By-law No. ($36 to appoint valuatm's in accord- ance With th') Dox Tax Avti The Cattle. Sheep and Poultry Protvction Act. Second reall- ing was givcn on motion of, RM ort Fisher seconded byi Second reading was given on mv'vtiou of Herb Syer seconded by Robert Fisher. Third and final reading was given on m0â€" tiun of George Dean seconded by {ohm-t Fisher and accord- ingly the. By-law passed. i On motion of Gerald Ander- son seconded by George Dean the Clerk introduced and gave Tirst reading 0 By-law No. 635 to appoint Fence Viewers and Pound Keepers for the ensuing vear. On motion of Robert Fisher seconded by H'. Syer, the Clerk introduced By-law No. 634 to appoint an inspector under the Trench Excavators Protection Act. Second reading was given on motion of George Dean sec- onded by Gerald Anderson. Third and final reading was given on motion of Robert Fisher seconded“ by Herb Syor, and accordingly Mr. M. H. Thompson was appointed in-} spector, under this act. 1 p.Ill., the Clerk to notify the ratepayers by mail. The uttstihn of an increase in the contract price for print- ing’ was the first iem on the agenda and on motion of Geo Dean seconded by Herb Srer, Reeve Ray lgiothwell anal Robert .Fisher Were appointed a com- mitee to interview Mr. Barr- lugt-r in this respect. Messrs J. E. Lewis and Aur- old Barnard interviewed the (‘ount-il in regards to fire pro- tectinn for the Township, and suggested that a special meet- ing of the ratepayers be called to discuss the matter fully. ‘ After due consideration a mo- tinn by Herb Syer seconded by Ge rge Dean, carried; that at special meeting of the rate- payers be called for this pin:- pose on Februarv 19th. at 8.00 Special Meeting South M. Council At th? call of the Reeve Ray Bothwell, a special meeting of the council of the Township of South Monaghan was held on February 7, 1958, at 8.30 p.m. in the Township of‘ ice, all mem- LLL) 53‘: xllt. PAGE POUR J. E. Robmson, Clerk- The Ladies‘ Aid of Grace Presbyterian Church met for the February meeting at the home of Mrs. W1 Patter-son. A pot luck lunehon was served and enjoyed by all ladies pre- isent. Meeting was opened in iprayer by the President, Mrs. ,l.t'»rne Farrow. Hymn “Pass ‘Me Not†was sung. Scripture reading Psalm 126 was read by Mrs. C. Larmer,. Roll (-all was {answered by 19 ladies. , A recitation was given by MrS. Lord, and business discus- sed. Meeting closed with Mizpah benediction. Minutes of last meeting were road and the Treasurer’s report was given. Thank you notes from Mrs. J. Thompson and Mrs. Farrow Sr. were read. Several Lions will attend the annual Past-Presidents nirht to be held at The Aragon, Mon- flay, Fvbruary 17th. Hmvm-nr our mid~ruonth meeting will he hold as usual at the waiting mom on the same evening†Please turn out. The Club was honoured by the presence of a number of lgltests. Two of them made themselves heard. Yes they (lid! Sgt. Nav and R. R. Wallace of the eostodial staff of the reformatory in bold and eont’ideut tones. challenged the Lions Club to a game of; broom-ball to be held on a date‘i To be arranged at the Arena. The Lions Club with courage mul- daring accepted the chal- ‘wnge. Special attire for the eontest has been agreed upon \Vateh for the date. The big news at the moment Entered Into .Rest is that the Millbrook Lions Club , is celebrating its 10th anniver- WOOdS’ Mrs. Isaacâ€"At “3* I ‘ ‘ ‘ . A sary. The annual Ladles’ 'loronto (.eneral Hospltal, 0:. H ‘ n , unï¬t. . ' . --, night will be held Friday, Mar. 11‘3““ ' " ‘ â€1‘"? 11’ _1,9“"" 313t at the Kawartha Golf Club. All†“a 0â€, beloved “Hie 9‘ Plans are well under way to lfaac Moods, R-R- 1’ Fraser- make this 10th anniversary'uue; dear â€10th†“f Mrs. 1“ (-elobration a gala owning ofn‘wuc (Joye?) .Toronto, and good .‘ood. friendship and fun. Mrs. C' ‘ Williams?“ (Jerry; More about this later. lPeterborough. Restmg at the The Club was honoured byil'lmeral Home Of J' W Haw, the presence of a number “flung: Street East, MlllbrOOk‘ guests. Two of them made Servlce on Frlday afternoon at 4 .' , . .- rlwmselves heard. Yrs tho)‘ 210.01001" The.R.ev.. Flanns P' lid! Sgt. Nav and R. R. (hlsholm offIcl-atmg. Inter.- Wallave of the custodial Rtnfl’iment “1 Gardlners Cemetorï¬â€˜. Rev. Mr. Campbell of Bailie- boro was guest speaker and gave a very intleresting talk on the importance and advantages of unity, particularly among our churches. Lion Secqretary Perc Hamil- ton was back in his usual place after being on the sicklist since bef ore Christmas. l l The regular monthly dinner of the Lions Club was held in the waiting room Monday, Feb. 3rd. The main course on the dinner menu was delicious meat-pie served by the Lady Lions and how those hungry Lions went for seconds and thirds. Grace Ladies’ Aid NEW CHILDREN’S PROGRAMME ‘0. Wood's, Mrs. Isaacâ€"At the. Toronto General Hospital, on Tues-hr: ""e’omry 11, 1935;, Alice M Orr, beiovc-d wife 01' leaac Woods, RR. 1, Fraser- ville; dear mother of Mrs. A. Leduc (Joyce) Toronto, and ! Tickets may be purchased at; any of our local stores or from} ’members of E.P.L. team. We 'appreciate your co-operation mJ Ithe. past and hope you will» {stand by us now, as our ex- penses have been high. The World Day of Pray'cr will be held in the Presbyterian Church Hall on Friday, 21'st of February, at 3 p.m. All ladies welcome. Owing to bad ice conditions early in the hockey season, due to ~ mild weather, we did not have our lucky draw. We plan to have this draw the last week of February or first week in March, when we play Hiawatha. This game was to have been played in January. and \Yinnipeg- and consists of sturis, songs an". lmwicai acti- vity which the chi-(arm will be encouraged, to hike pal‘:i11.~ InNrmtillg gumts Win be m- n‘udmred to the children. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Mrs. A. D. Vaisey 644 McKellar Street, Peterborough, Ont. CLOSING ENTRY DATE MARCH 1, 1958 Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival Appreciate Support For information, syllabus and entry forms write: THE MIRROR-REPORTER. [Lawrence River and Seaway Project lead by Mrs. Gerald :Larmm, and a s( rambled ma- [torial contest “hich wa as W011 . by Mrs . Blakely. ' The programme was a read- ‘ing entitled “Send Her a Valen- ‘tine†by Mrs. Wm. H. Arm- istrong. A paper on The St. Lunch was served by Mrs. Thos. H'arkness and Mrs. Allie Fallis. g The Women’s Institute met )at home of Mrs. Thos. Hark- nese on Saturday, Feb. 3th at 2 p.m. Nine members and we .visitor were present. The roll leall was “An afticle fore the ilayettes" and many love 3' (i0- Inations were receivd. A Girls Hommakiug Club was discussed and a leader and assistant have been chosen. The project will be “Being well dressed and well groomed. †The meeting closed with the Benediction. Mrs. Don Stevens‘rinvited the group to meet at her home on March 5th. Fees were collected from members who were absent from the January meeting. Some money was turned in for cook books and more books were dis« tributed by Mrs. Agnew. I The South (Trout) held their 1meeting at the home 03:. Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Fred XVin- slow The gathering opened iwith a call to worship: by Mrs. Johnston Rowland. The de 10- ltional period was taken by ers. Gerald H'ubbeard assisted ,‘by Mrs. Clayton Thexton with '.Mrs Herbert Patton presiding ,at the piano. 1 i Twentv-tu'o members and three xisitor. were weledmed bv Mrs. Rowland. A spe1ia] 11111101111 wa< extended to Mr M. E. Hobbs, president of the W.A. Mrs. Hobbs spoke a few words to the group and ex- pressed her pleasure at being: present. Minutes of the Januarv meet- ing 11131111 read and approved S11111ral letteis of appieeia- 1io11 were received frnm nz-1r sons 11 ho had 1'111-11i1e1l 111111111- f11it and cards from the Group.‘ F111ther plans were made for the Rummage Sale 111111-11 is to be held in the \Vaiting Roonil: March 29th, if possible. 1 l FEBRUARY MEETING or THE SOUTH GROUP or 31'. ANDREW’S W.A. .I. MEETING ONTARIO k‘ Attend the Church of your Choice on Sunday . Large United States and Cana- dian Manuflacturing Comp- any requires Field Repre- sentative in Cavan and Man- v-ers Townships. Exception- ally high earnings. Guaran- teed repeat business. Auto- mobile essential. Agriculturl or farming background most‘ important. Sales training given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ontario. ! First mortgage of $3500 requir- ed on Millbrook property, excellent security. Monthly repayment 7% interest. Con- tact Gordon F. Trick, phone 267 Millbrook, representing Bowes Cox Ltd., Real Estate. 1t Wantedâ€"To buy, a 25 to 100- acre farm with good build- ings. Apply Box 100 care of Reporter, Millbook. 2t Wantedâ€"To buy, maple and elm logs. Highest prices, paid. Phone Lindsay Fair-i View 43019, or write Box 50, Care Reporter, Millbrook. 3t! v_q__u CAN STOP FASTER - THAN THE BIG "~ FE LLOW! Self contained heated apart-4 ment; private entrance, on'I King Street west. Apply to Irwin Hatherley, phone Tl-w Millbrook. 1t Accolnnu'ulatihn Availabl for bed (I up patients 1ates$22, . $25 “wekly. South Hax en Rest Hlnc, 31111 Street, New- castle, phone 2-126. 42 The February meeting of (il'aCc Presbyterian \V . M. S. will be held at the home or Mrs. Clifford Larme '. on Feb. L" ‘H GRACE CHURCH W . M . S. MALE HELP WANTED L‘flm’u'uW-fl'u'I'MW-‘u'fï¬'u'u'flu' " “ ' ' I‘ll 1. Roy Willmott, (2.0. James A NURSING HOME FOR RENT WANTED p.111 Barristers, Solicitors, Nata Telephone 9, Millbrook WILLMOTT IRVINE BUTTER GRANITE 00. Port Hope, Ont. Box 621 Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. For Saleâ€"1V2 storey house and 1% acres with same in Vim- age of Bailieboro, property of late Mrs. Blanche Dawson Apply to Robert MacDonald, R.R. 1, Millbrook. 2t For Sale Stock Loading Chute price $10. 00: in excellent condition. Phone Peterbor- ough Ri 2-5826 after 5 p.111. For For Saleâ€"Electric Seperatcrr.‘ DeLaval. Apply R. K. Earle, Ida, Ontario. 3: For Salgâ€"‘vao young ganders For Saleâ€"7 Pigé S‘Qeeks old. Phone J . Thorn, 223r- 2 Mil- brook. For Sale 50:) B j Alfalfa and R 1‘ some Timothy brook 215-r:23 Thursday, Fehfuary 13, 1958 or Saleâ€"Large quantity of decking chain at 30c per lb. Also quantity of other chain, and one set of 11-24 and 11:26 extra heavy. Large quantity of paint. Apply Lee Auto Wreckers, phone 17r3 Garden Hill. - 2t Anyone wanting cattle dehorn- ed, or logs cut with chain saw phone M. Lacev lUT-W-4 Millbrook. 2t M. Smith, phoné “2144-22 Millbrook. 1c 01‘ or Sale :30) Bales 00rd Hav, Alfalfa and Red C1 Imer. 311:1 some Timothv.1hone Mid- brook 213- -r‘23, (reclge H u- “(1611.312 ,-~___ _..â€"__â€"_.â€"â€"___ _A )r Saleâ€"Mixed squal ‘ baled Hay. ,Appl\'( George Martin, phone 212-r- 12 Millbrook. 3 FOR SALE 783 NOTICE 5.1:... ‘I -W Victori Trust 437 George St . PE Attend the Church of choice on Sunday. The Ladies’ Auxiliary Canadian Legion will I Euchre Party in the I Hall on Tuesday, Februa commencing at 8 o’clock. prizes. Also a draw. A1 ion 350. All welcome. Scout Sunday was 01 at Cavan United Churt Sunday with a, servio memorating the founder Boy Scout Movement, Baden-Powell. The boys lst Cavan Cub Pack a Cavan Scout Troop took 1 their first Church P; Queens’s Scout Arnold read the Lesson. Norman and Ronnie Morton re; the Cub Promise and Lav Chaplain of Cavan Scout t Rev. Francis Chisholm, [3 ed the sermon on “Scouth The Church. †CAVAN SCOUTS ATTEND CHURCH PROGRESSIVE EUCJ Notice is hereby give: been established in l! portation to Peterborc P1308. please Phone 98th. Year. No. 8. Ladies’ Wi LADIES’DRES Girl’s Skis: THE GERTRI Phone Mélibro MILLBROOK 38 Get your alte: We haA're ENQUI