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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 20 Feb 1958, p. 1

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l-Hlihaw Interested '. Suit, or apply at 3r; Dale 6 Marti: vrook . mse and yin Vim- property Dawson Donald, Lg Chute xeellent eterbor- ’91:; old . pet lb. '1' chain. mi 11:26 anantity ee Auto Gard-en two-man :tra new all Con- Trick’ 3 n, Milk 'lt any of :anders . 2144-22 It perator .,Earle 3t Off Season . ‘ ' f;, a»: , . 'V ' ' ‘ .1 ' 43', .7 ." > I , M ‘7 ‘ ‘5. 5 " ». ;: ‘ ir- ‘ " ' ' , ' " z m} - ~ , ‘ - 4" .- \iL 7’ . , ~ \- , ‘ m. . '. .7 3 1;: J .1 ’>;-.w _ ' ’ ”1:1 « ‘ “ ':2.'-‘-' . -. x . ., r , hm ,- r“ V ‘ A 437 Georte 8t. Pmmonouen'- Pthm 2-0146 Attend the Church of your choice on Sunday. The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Will hold a Euchre Party in the Legion Hall on Tuesday, February 25, commencing at 8 o’clock. Fine prizes. Also a draw. Admiss- ion 35c. All welcome. 2t Scout Sunday was observed at Cavan United Church last Sunday with a service com- memorating the founder of the Boy Scout MoVement, Lord‘ Baden-Powell. The boys of the: lst Cax an Cub Pack and lst; Cav an Scout Troop took part in their first Church Parade. 3 Queens 3 Scout Arnold Allan J read the Lesson. Norman Scott and Ronnie Vlorton repeated the Cub Promise and Law. The , Chaplain of Cax an Scout Group, Rex. Francis Chisholm, preach-' ed the sermon on “Scouting and The Church.’ i1 - ‘ a nu- a anneal Jlbb 9 -..J . - 3 «35-19 I A barn fire with a loss esti- lmated in the neighbourhood of THE GERIRUDE SHOP, PHONE 136 E {$33t‘.v,UUU. bzelmgmg w Ham. iKennedy on the 10th Concess- MILLBROOK, ONTARIO lion of Gavan. occurred early ‘ Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. l Kennledy were successful in re- ‘ leaning 19 dairv cows from the‘ CAVAN SCOUTS ICONGRATULATIONS T0 burning large L-shaned barn,l ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE ‘ CHEX, PETERBOROUGH 120 x 30 feet and 610 x 40 fieet. ] A tractor was also 'saved with Scout Sunday was observed; (‘HEX Radio and Television the help of neighbours and the . . . ‘ll-d of a car for Dower. at Gavan Lnited Church laSl.last month received an Intel'-" However the Kennedvs 10% Sunda.v With 8 service com- national Award for its effortst'in the blaze. five registerele memorating the founder 0f the in promoting Highway Safety. ‘Holst-ein heifers. over 170 tons 303' Scout Movement, Lord‘ The Award was presented by of hay and. straw, 1500 bushels Baden-Powell. The boys of thelthe Allstate Insurémifee C(gnp- 9f 1grain,1a lifinimer-millli milk 7‘ , . . . ‘ ~ ‘any as art of its a et rui- 000 er ant 1111 'mg mac iii-ery. [5t Cax an Cub Pde, and 1ft‘sade in IElanada and the {Tinted It is not known how the fire Gavan Scout Troop tOOk part m‘States. CHEX is the first started, but could. have been ‘ 3h?” firs" Chm-Ch Parade. 'Broadcasting Medium in Can-lspontaneous combustion. l __â€".___â€" _â€"_â€"_~___._ v Queens’s Scout Arnold Allanlij PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE Victoria and Grey _ Trust Company Notice is hereby given that a TAXI SERVICE has beam established in Millbrook. Persons wishing trans- portation to Peterborongh, Port Hope, or any other place, please Phone 98th. Year. No. 8. IIIIllunlfllnmflllllMqufllEIBMW-mummmmflfllfllflfllln: lADlES’DRiSSES $5 3!} Vi In a. n Girl’s Sk‘ifis, Size 3 to 10;: $2.98 ladies’ Winter Coats Baffled to MORTGAGE lOANS J . H. Bax-linger, Publisher. Phone MEHbrook 81r2 MILLBROOK 38 FOR PROMPT SERVICE Get your alterations done now While weather is colder and rates are First Mortgage Loans on Town We 113% Money Available for ENQUIRIES INVITED TAXI and Farm Property. 1‘ The A11 ard 11 as presented by a the Allstate Insurance Comp- ti '21111' as part of its Safety Cru- 1"sade 111 Canada and the United 1'States. CHEX is the first l{Broadcasting Medium in Can- L l"ada to receiVe the Certificate of Commendation from Allstate. L1The award was presented on .‘January 31st 1n a Ceremonv at ' the Radio and Television Centre by District Sales Manager John .J Illingworth and Agent A1: Tingley. On .hand to receive the Certificate 11 ere Radio Sta- tion Manager John Weather- 11'ax, Television Station Man-i iager Keith Packer and Staff; ‘Announeer Del Crary. i 1 The Award has been present-. ed to seven United States :(iovernors, Mayor Robert Wag-1 "11er of New York City and‘ several Universities in the This is the only award made in Canada. (‘HEX Radio and Television last month received an Inter- national Award for its efforts in promoting Highway Safety. $259.95 Leqaire Péfiméfiéfig arm? Efiéeatmg 24 HOUR mmr. Ann gmmm n71- nm: "mm, â€"\Vill be held under auspices of Carmel L.O.L. No. 421 on Thursday. February 20th, at 8 p.111. in the Orange Hall at Carmel. Prizes and Lunch. ‘Admission 350. All welcome. Costume Carnix a] Saturday March lst 1n the Millbrook and Gavan Memorial Arena. l The World Day of Prayer; will be held in the Presbyterian Church Hall on Friday, 21st of February, at 3 p.111. All ladies welcome. , " A LITTLE ERROR The Lions Club 10th anniver. sary celebration and Ladies“ night is being held at the Kawartha Club on Friday, March 21st. not the 315’: a: mentionml in the LiOns News Lait week. The three men fifere taken to (‘ivir Hospita‘, and all are in satisfactory condition. Damage- tn the truck is in the noig-hbom-hood of $500.00. MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2!), 1958 a truck driven by" Mr. Fallis “as in collision with a CNR freight train at Perry and Ay 1- mer Streets about 5. 45p .111. Fallis has forehead and i'Paiial lacerations: William Kinsman a lacerated forehead and fractur- ed .hip, and Wes Morton head cuts. l' Neighbours rallied to the aid ,of Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy in f the way of Work and dohatious | of feed for the surviving cattl“, lfor which Mr. and Mrs. Ken- ,‘nedy wish‘ to express their ; sincere thanks. The above three well known Mill'brook men were injured in Peterbooqgh 0n Menday when WORLD DAY OF PRAYER HURT IN PETERBOROUGH W. KINSMAN, W. MORTON AND BYRON FALLIS PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE The wind was blowing from the Northwest and fortunatelv away from the hous? otherwicr‘ it too would likely have been ruined. . fiarry Kei‘améy 55131111. 1312113011111 Eases 33m - I» III II mm. mm i l - ' V \w' kend “1th his dcg'llu um a111; {ass fieavy 111 11111“ Mr. and 3115'. Mel-; THE ERROR-REPORTER Authorized 24 HOUR FUEL AND SfiVE OIL DELIVERY lower. Inside Plumbing and Heating of Attend the Church of your jChoince on Sunday. .. - g in They represent-ad :1 guard and two convicts at the Reformatory. Carol and D011- na were also judged the best couple and wan first prize for this Event. Another Millbrook trim. Misses Mary Ridge, Carol Ridge and Denna NIBI‘IIGY won a special l Among the nine girls whose {pictures appeared in Friday’s i Examiner, Who had entered the leontest for the Mardi Gras 'Queen. crowned at Bewdley‘s [three days of sports held last Qweekend', wlere Misses Barbara Hutchison, Gail Lawson and (Susan Paterson. of the local [High School, who didn’t look _ .I.-v- »A. v vuLb \JluLL Elalf . The winner receiwd a purse containing $100. 00 in cash and \ouchers, mine lingerie and a boquet. Congratulations tr: Miss Paterson. The winner was Miss Susan Paterson of the Millbrook trio, daughter of Col. Hartley Pat- erson, superintendent of the Millxbrook Reformatory, and Mrs. PatersOn. The runners- up were Misses Vickie H'ibbard of Port Hope and Joan Anne Taylor of Cobourg.r Collegiate. a bit out of place among the other teen age beauties, three from Port Hope and three from Cobouro'. Local Gierins Bewdley Contest Grade 2«â€"Barry Heas‘lip, hon- ours (Bailieboro) . Grade 5â€"- Barbara Young, honours. Grade 5â€"Judy Reid, honours, Grade 5â€"Sharon Ball, pass. Grade 4â€" Sharon Cannon, pass. ' Cngratulations to you. Grade 6â€" Bradford Medd, pass. Grade 7â€"Bernard Ingham, honours. Congratulations to the fol- lowing: piano pupils of Mrs. Louis H. Winslow, n ho recent- 1v pasmd the ROyal Consera- foxy Musi: Examinations: Mr. Chas. H. Barringer and Son Larryo" flPeterboroug h, \isi- ted with the former’ s brother, J. H. Barringbr on Monday evening. Mr. 311'. l\.Irs J. T. Crowley Eng ggn Peter and daughtex Elinore “more visitors in Toron- to on Sunday. linaninger and \lrs. W. GraV of Toronto, \V ho lS staying with with her sister Mrs. Barringer, tor the time being Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Crowva Mr. and Mrs. Basil Steph- ens of Toronto, and son Terry of Guelph ().A.C., spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Falli< line. suffered a >t1'fli‘ 32m: week and is now confined t.) Lifi hr'n‘e. - I 35’1‘. Lay. M. Fallis spent the weekend with his daughter and sun-ill-IHW Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville McMahon, Cobourg‘. We are sorry to repnrt that Mr. \V. Fred FalliS. 0f- 'iiim 2ndchssmai all description which if done NOW will save L‘1THURSDAY ,,.. a; | - ,w/ //"':'§;l I 1FRIDAY AND é; ~» 1 1 SATURDAY a $33.2... \_‘ ‘16.45and8.20 \i: 1 All-Technicolor Show ‘Kiss Them for Me’ “The Casing Of Black Beauty” Mrs. A". D. Vaisey 6194 McK'eHat Street, Peterborough, Ont. EIIIIEEIIIIHEEHE BEBIHIEIIEIIIIIIIEIIIIEIEEIIIIII (LOSING ENTRY DATE MARCH 1,1958 Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival With Cary Grant and Susy Parker A New Version of the Famous Horse Story For information, syllabus and entry forms write: Post Office Phone Bailieboro 30 i “DESIGNING Department, Ottawa, Ont. "Under Fire” With Rex Reason and you money. With Gregory Peck and Lauren Bacall WOMAW’ '~ MQHDAY 5 TUESDAY 65 ‘5 WEDNESDAY E630 and 8.00 In Technicolor ; to U.S.A., $2.59

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