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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 20 Feb 1958, p. 4

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F O W L E R ’ S MILLBROOK - PHONE 150 Arrow Fine Shirts and Ties All Men’s Ties Half Price! I Agents for Fannings launderers and Cleaners- THREE DAY SERVICE! Dominion British Rubbers. Biitmore Hats. Men‘s “BIG B” Brand Overalls with a bibâ€"Blue or. . Black .............. Boys Flannellette Pyjamasâ€"Ages 8 to 16 ........... Men's Heavy 10 oz Work J cansâ€"Full Sizedâ€" ....... .................. Sandfcrizerâ€"Sizes 30 to 44. . . .' . . Penman ’5 Preferred, Shirts and Drawersâ€"Men’sâ€" . . . All Sizes ............. Stanfields Underwearâ€"Short Sleeves and Ankle Length, in a Fine Rib .............................. Boy’s Work Socksâ€"Wool andNylonâ€"to clear at. . .. Men’s Heavy Doeskin Work Shirtsâ€"Sizes 15 to 18 Men’s and Boy’s Winter Gapsâ€"Ski Capsâ€"Mark- .................. inaw Caps. All to clear for. . . . . 20 Only pair Misses Loafers in Size 12 and 13â€"Women’s Ballerinasâ€"Size 5 and 6, Sale Price ................ SATURQA'Z, MARCH ist. mar.n$552,555.«qgrrrrgrrrgégg _ m gig-.32 .253 $33 v 3- 453 =2“ ,7; .,. ;. w Ci; $313.. 33 fl FREAK ; $§R§JA§Y 2% $3 PAGE POUR D i’SC cunt Walker’s Overalls and Pants. We have a complete Stock of Stanfield’s Underwear azd Socks “Big B” Overalls and Pants Penman’s and .Watson’s Underwear and Socks ’ (Both Dates Inclusive) Afinuaé to 980 The following accounts were presented: A V Thorn. rental hall at Mt. Pleasant ...... $ 2.00 Lavergne Gibson, grates for office stove ....... 2.00 Ont. Municipal Assoei- ation. 1958 membership 10:.00: Northumberland Dur- ham Health Unit permit No. 6-14 .............. 8.00 Relief ............... 20.00 Geo ‘Vm Clapper. relief City of" Peterborough.. 40.00 Zella M Bentley, salary clerk ................ 100.00 Council fee-s. $25. spe- cials $10 ............. 35.00 United Counties N D hospitalization ........ 76. 88 Registrar of Deeds, list of transfers .......... 3.03 Roy Studio, negative of iCouneil group ........ 20.30 Ont. School Trustees ‘On motion of Councillors Howell and Thorn that Mr. E'rson be appointed to attend the Asfiessors meeting: in Peter- borough, and expenses paid. Carried. On motion of Councillor How- den and Deputy Reeve Brad- burn that the Clerk insrrt adds in The Mirror-Reporter alsn The Peterborough Examiner calling foi' Tendms £01 ‘Inspm- tor far the Warble F1) Control Carried. Mr. H. Morton also address- ed the Council re some brushing being done on their road thrâ€" ough the swamp, also if the Council could see their way clear to straighten Wilkinsons Hill. ' :“i‘u \11'11'1112'1 ill‘-il\.il‘ UT 91:11.:- 3-11 Hark->1 1w (111111-1- i""“ l -lc" .iJ ti" ()ili c‘l‘l'.‘ UC- 131-31111111111: 1‘\~5L‘t:1tilk'll 1c Join- 1i112: .,\>~ociuti ~11 for 131715. Har- Hill R. Stark Ltd. re plumbing permit. (Intario School Trus- :t’ ‘>'. and latepax' ers Association re 111e111bership for 19:38 also dates for convention. April 1- Dept. of Mnicipal Affairs, en- tclosing cheque in. lieu of taxes. Village of Bewdley, notifying 'us that after February 28 their :Fire Department would not {answer any calls in the Town- ship of Cavan. Canadian Men- tal Health Association, solicit- int: “rant. 1? yrunnei, Mond Can- ada. Sales htd. enclosing price li:-t re Calcium Chloride. N. and D.. Health Unit, re Pro- vincial regulations re slaughter houses and meat processing plants. W. E. Bonneville, re tax certificate re Kornelis Heeringa. Peterborough Civic Hospital, re indigents. A. R. Willmott, Q.C., re letter from J. Preston. Durham County District H‘. S. ’oard, re equal- ized asses 111eut and percentage of each municipalitv. ‘ (avan Ceundl’ Minutes ‘Millbrook, Feb. 5th, 1958... Gavan Council met in regular sesvion on ‘abOVe date at 1 p.111. ' in the Cmmcil Chamber. Town' Han Millbrook. all members: I prehem, Recva. A. Hooton in the chair. The following or rresqzr'nj- enco road: . From; Niagara Brand Spray to. re warble grub ‘spray. .‘Jurthumberland aufl. Durham Health Unit, report 101' Lh‘rtill- ivr. Neruiw‘aaul mmnm cf Minutes of last regular met-"r- ing read, uu motion 01 COHIIL‘iL [or Burns~Thorn were adoptn] 21:: read. xsp TEE ERROR-REPORTER I It was agreed theit purchase .of new or used equipment was of vital importance. Proposals were madefrom the floor for [the installation of 2,000â€"gallon lwa’oem tanks in Bailieboro, (South Monaghan and 'Fraser- iville. GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE Millbrook 2141'32 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII E Work .7. In outlining steps for fire- sorvice organization, Mr. Alex- andter said the onus of author- ization lay with the Councils of the Municipalities and quoted Keene. Douro and Norwood a< , Rev. H. Quimi was chairman for the meeting. BUTTER GRANITE 00. Port Hope, Ont. Box 622 Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. membership .......... 15 . 00 Ont. Hydro Power Com ' re arrears collected. . . . 60.39 Treas. of Roads, pay- roll and vouchers No. 1 (transfer) ...... ~ . . . . 4091.97 Advised to Buy Fire Equipment Interment was in the vault in tho Presbytrian Cmnetory. On motion of Czruucillors Howden and. Burns that we ad- ourn to W *dnesdav March 5, at 1 p.111“ Thie pallbearers were Archie Matchett, Louis Pudsey, \Vil- frod Reynrilds, Emory Smith, Ray Staples and RObert Ross. Mrs. Isaac Woods. Hath vamp ti» Mrs; Paar \\ owl‘- PM ”luvs In): 1993:)1'11112'3' lli'u. i9 75 after a year's illness; at 1119 Toronto Gonemi limpi- lal. Mrs. \Y‘W‘x‘hfi, tho ."ornwr Alice Orr of Illillln'ooli. passed away follmvian a major opera- tion. She leaves to mourn her passing her husband and two daughtcrs, Mr'. A. 16de (Jove?) of Toronto and Mrs. C. Williamson (J3rrv) of Peterâ€" borough; fixe grantchildren and four great-grandcllildrelI. She also leaves a sister Mrs. (.‘round (Marjory) of Toronto. The funeral took place from the J. W. Haw Funeral Home, King Street East, Millbrook, on Friday, Fleabruary 14th at 2.00 o'clock with the Rev. Francis P. Chisholm of St. Andrew’s l'nited Church conducting the sorvicos. On motion of Deputy Reéve Bradburn and Councillor HOW- den that the Reeve be authoriz- ed to sign cheques for above accounts. Carried. PHONE F red Gardner Cavan, Ont. FOR Brick Block Zeila M. Bentley, Clerk. @333tuary ONTARIO EquTHAVEQInouE? For Saleâ€"Electric Seperator. DeL’aval. Apply R. K. Earle, Ida, Ontario. 31: 200 ACRES, choice clay loam on paved highway, bus ser- \'i(‘o< and milk route. Hydro and hot water bath. Never failing water supply. Hard wood bush. With or withouf stock and equipment. \Vould consider. term-s. All enquiries should be ad- dressed .to: Mr. Donald E. Fisher, RR. No.1, Janet- ville, Ontario. This advertimment published free in the: interests of better farming by: THE ALLIED Altatta and tied Glover, and { To be considered each tender some Timothy. Phone 1\Iill-;must be accompanied by a brook 215-r-23, George How-fsecurity in the form of a certi- den. 3t3fied cheque or bonds as speci- -,._ . '“" ’fied in the forms of minder and For Saleâ€"Muted square baled 1 made on the printed forms Sup: Haw. Applv George Martin," . , ~ ~ . - ,. phed by the Department and £fl3¥fl£§lin accordance with the condi- For Saleâ€"Electric Seperator. i tions set forth therein. ~â€" For Saleâ€"500 Bales good Hay, Alfalfa and Red Glover, and some Timothy. Phone Mill- brook 215-r-23, George How- FARM SERVICES OF CAN- ADA, 1629 DTTNDASVST. F... LONDON ONT. 1t Self contained heated apart- ment: private entrance, on King Street west. Apply to Irwin Hatherley, phone 71-55 Millbro-Ok. 1t r Make 1n: 2" 11mm \’ than you ill’ J‘lgllt l)U>Sll)il'. Skull to _‘.'U‘;lr ifllt’lltil and others. in a pro- tected territory. our guaran- teed necessities including cialties, large assortment of toilet preparations, farm spe- cialties, large assortment of gift boxes cosmetbics. Sell- ing Experience unnecessary. Big commission and the. chance oil establishing a busi- of your own. Write for free details and catalogue to: M. T. Gardner, Dept. 106, 1600 Delorimier, Station 70, Montreal. ' 1t He said that by obtaining mutuaI-aid equipment, it was necesmry to comply with stand- ul‘ds 0‘ the Mutual Aid Associa~ tion, a group' 0'; 1:3 Munici- paii‘ie; .undwnthe Onturm In": marshal ”.9 surnélr‘cié‘ion. Accommodation Ax ailable for bed or up patients, rates $22, $25 weekly. South Hax en Best Home, Mill Street, New- castle, phone 2426. 4t Wf-rking \examples Where sec- ond-hand equipment was used. u‘afiWJu‘fMfi-Wfi'flfiflmflfifiafu‘fff u'r' 1".le .1. Roy Willmott, (M). James A. Irvine. MA NURSING HOME FOR SALE FOR RENT WAN TED Barristers, Solicitors, Nata 'I'élephone 9, Millbrook WILLMOTT 85 IRVINE ROBERT FORTIER Chief AdministratiVe Services: and Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa. February 12, 1958. The lowést or any tender not necessarily accepted. on or before the, thirty-first day of December, 1952, or shall havie been built entirely 111 Can- ada subsequent to that date. 'The dredges and other plant which are intended to be em- ployed on this work shall have been duly registered in Canada Tenders must include thc tow mg of the plant to and from the “ork. Combined specificatiOns; and ' form of tender can be seen and ’iobtainred at the office of the 'Chief Engineer (H. R.), lDepartment of Public \Vorks, 10ttawa, Ontario, also at the f office of the District Engineer, Department of Public \Vorks, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto 1, Ontario. Renew Your Subscription. Carpentry and General Repairs â€"Don’t put off? till Spring What can be done now as I Tt“l1d8’1$ “1H ‘bl‘ 1'1‘Ct‘lVCU dt 11‘“ Cl’erk .5 Office. 3111111111011 until Saturdav, March 151 1931‘, for the positinn of I11<m~ 101‘ for the Township of‘ Lax 411 Par- ticulars 1‘0 11111-1111 be seat 11111 at tho Township L 11131 ,x, Ufi-icc, Millbrook. Tenders For Dredging. Sealed Tenders, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “TE\'DER FOR- DREDGDG, PORTH HOPE, ONT \RIO will I): received in the office of the Secretary until 3 p.111. (EST) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19th, 1958. EMPLOYMENT WANTED am temporarily unemployed. Special rates. Phone Laur- ence Coulter at 89-w Mill- brook. 3t TENDERS WANTFD €83 Zella 1 r--« la M. B Huh-3 Clerk-Treasur Considerable rumour al the more pesimists of the age is that “Millhrook is 1 back”. Is it? Well, if following figures are an dieation this is not so, a: population in 1957 was 1 as 750, while at the pr time it is 810, an increase 0: If this is going back we we what going forward would like. Also our schools am coming overcrowded. am IS MILLBROOK GOING BACK?; 98th. Year. No. 9. Canada’s Young DANCING 1 Admission MILLBRO This ladies’ Win LADIES’ DRESSI Girl’s Skirts, THE GERTRUI Phone Millbroo Neil Taft a Jaml BOOK 8 Rus vl 1-year- Billy Get your album

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