b’.“‘.“'.,-“‘-. each tender nied by a of a certi- s as speci- tender and forms sup- rtment and the (-ondL in. fncludc the to and from rk'icationsr and n be seen and office of the ' (H. 85 1%.), Public: Works, also at the ict Engineer, g'ublic \VOrks, p Toronto 1. addressed to and endorsed '9 Services, . (‘retary ‘i 10 Works, reral Repairs 5:? till Spring ne now as I :uxemphyed, Phone Lanr. DREDGING, \‘TARIO. will office of the 9.111. (EST) other plant to be em- : shall have I in Canada thirty-first 52, or shall 'ely in Can- 1at date. tender not FORTIBR. WANTED rriptioo . 89~w Mill- 'ANTFD CH 19th, IOI‘ Considerable rumour among the more pesimists of the vill- age is that “Millbrook is going backâ€. Is it? Well, if the following figures are any in~ dictation this is not so, as our population in 1957 was given as 750, while at the present time it is 810, an increase of 60. I If this is going back we wonder? what going forward would look like. Also our schools are be-I coming overcrowded, another} IS MILLBROOK GOING BAGK?; III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIEI'IIIII IIIIIIIIII Off Season Rates Are Now in EffeE! 98th. Year. No. 9. Admission, Adults 75c. MILLBROOK TOWN HALL This Friday Night J. E. Barringer, Publisher. Ladies’ Winter Coats Reduced to LADIES‘ DRESSES $5.00 29-95 Gitl’s Skirts, size 8 to 14x $2.93 Phone Millbrook 81 r2 Neil Taft and His Canadian Jamboree Boys ROCK ROLL, OLDTIME AND MODERN DANCING Featuring Guest Star :; .11.year-old Bouncing ‘ Billy Manning An Invitation TO MEET Your Durham Liberal Candidate Russell C. Honey THE GERTRUDE SHOP, PHONE 136 Get your alterations done now while weather is colder and rates are lower. Inside Plumbing and Heating of all description whit Canada’s Ymmgest Boogie Guitar Player! nuance 9.15 TO 1.00 AM. AT 1"! WAITING ROOM Wednesday, March 5th, at 8 _p.m. All voters are cordially invited to attend and bring a, friend. The CHILDREN UNDER 12, 503. EVERYBODY IS GOING TO Mr. Honey Will Address The Meeting AND WISHES TO SPEAK TO YOU PERSONALLY. DHLLBROOK, ONTARIO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII God Save The Queen. TO SEE Durham Liberal Association. I In the Central Ontario Bad- ‘ minton Association Tournament held in Bowmanville last week, Grant Henry of Millbrook and hie partner Ralph Charlton of Peterborough, won the senior men’s title. They defeate an-; other Peterborough‘ team com- posed’ of Don Ayer and Vincent O’Donoghue in the tommament. GRANT HENRY STILL AMONG CHAMPIONS sign of progress. Be a booster, not a knocker! llll SBCIAL I I I I I = Mr. and Mahon of t I day with :‘ father, Mr. 3' Mrs. Lav = Sina Hospi : Toronto, wa = day and Fri I PROGRE: I = = â€"Will be h I of Carmel I : Thursday, A : 8 p.m. in t = Carmel. P1 : Admission 3 I â€"-â€"-_ I I I I I I I I I I if H. and S. Home ant are invited nual Church Presbyterian March 2nd 5 M'ILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1958 Home and School members are invited to attend the Anâ€" nual Church Service in Grace Presbyterian Church, Sunday, March 2nd, at 7.30 p.m. â€"Will be held under auspices of Carmel L.0.L. No. 421 on Thursday, March 6th, 1953'. at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall at Carmel. Prizes and Lunch. Admission 350. All welcome. Mrs. Lav. M. Fallis of Mt. Sina Hospital nursing Staff, Toronto, was home last Thurm- day and Friday. Mr. and Mrs.. Melville Mo- Mahon of Cobourg spent Sun- day with Mrs. McMahon‘s father, Mr. Lav. M. Fallis. The village of Richmond Hill has grown in the past three years fTrOm a population of 2,700 to its preSent town status of over 10,000 residents. Mr. Patterson and his family m0ved from Fenelon Falls on Wednesâ€" day, February 12tha. He was inducted in- the new charge by‘ the York Presbytery on Friday evening and took up his preach- in-g ministry on Sunday, Febru- ary 16th. i The Rm. YV111. I’atteison, for 1he past fou1 Vtms minis’er of Fenelon Falls I nited 01111111, and a former member of St. Andrew ’s United Church, Mill- brook, has accepted a call to St. Matthew’s United Chmch, Richmond Hill. The congre0a~ tion 1s newly formed 1n this fast growing suburb of Toronto, and meets presently in a portable church provided by the Toron- to Home Missions Council Mr. 1 Patterson is a first- resident! minister. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE REv. WM. PATTERSON .' CHAMBER PLANS ACCEPTS CALL T0 = REAR’s PROGRAMME RICHMOND HILL CHURCH i -â€"-- . and S. Chum-h Service THE MIRROR-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class mail 24 HOUR FUEL AND STOVE OIL DELIVERY [rook Reoprter - PERSONAL Costume Carnival, Saturday, March lst 1n the Millbrook and Gavan Memorial Arena. The meeting was adjourned by the President, Mr. G. A. Spicer. Plans were also made for a general meeting September 23, which will be under the spon- sorship of the Retail Section. Another general meeting No- vember 24th under the sponsor- ship of the J Industrial anfl Transportation Committee. The next Board of Directors meeting will be held March 25. 10. A committee consisting of Mr. Gordon Trick. Mr. J. '1‘. Crowley, Mr. Don Spicer was appointed to.maké a sur- vey of all building lots within the municipality with a View to a future housing programme to relieve the existing short- age. Information is being ac i cumulated to be forwarded to} the proper authorities in an 611-! (ieavour to retain our rail; service in Millbrook. i 8. The Canadian Chamber Newsletter and minutes of Directors meetings to be for- ward-ed to members. 7. A meeting is to be held of the President, Past Presi- dents and Secretary to study the constitution with a View of revisions applicable to the work of the Chamber. 6. National Chamber of Com- meree Week will be observed the \xeek of April 13th, durintr which time a membership drix e will be conducted. That films be shown or some other type of entertain.- mont take place at the general meetings. 2. That the Chamber ap- proach the rink board suggest ing that a floor be built .' 1. That all activities of the L hamber of Commerce be made known to the Public by means of the preSQ. 4. Further steps have been taken t) secure a Veterinary Surgeon for the village and surrounding district. A programme outlined for the (‘ivic and Educational Committee, Harold M o o r e, Chairman, Mr. Goheen vice- (-hairmau is as follows: 3 The Annual Agriculture Dinner will be held Tuesday, April 29th, the guest speaker will be Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P. who will speak on the recent Paris Cnference. 2. The Chairman of the Re- tail Committe-e is calling a meeting of the businessmen, Tuesday evening, March 4th, to discuss store hours, parking and items of general interest to the business section. 1. Santa. Claus parade decid- ed for December 13th,1958. Definite plans are getting un- der way with regard to engag- ing bands and prparation of floats. At the regular Directors’ meeting of the Millbrook and District Chamber of Commerce, Feb. 25, in the Council Cham- her, Mr. G. A. Spicer presid- ing. The following plans were approved and accepted as the year’s project. The draw was made by 3-year old Terry Fallis, little son 91' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fallis, and resulted in the following winners: 1st. Stewart Snelgrove $50.00 2nd. Mrs. JOhn Lunn $25.00. WWWW-‘WMWI; “as made between the second and third peliods of the game between Millbrook and tâ€Hia- “atha on Tuesday night. 3 Saturday 8 Sunday, March 1, 2 The draw for a first prize of $50.00 and a second of} $25.00 HOCKEY DRAW MADE TUESDAY NIGHT [ Souls in Conflict, a Billy ‘Graham film in colour, will be shown in Grace Church next Sunday evening at 8.30. These films are some of the best avail-’1 able and we people of: Mill- ‘ brook are being privileged toi have it shown here. Everyone,I is invited to see this beautiful picture. An offering will bef taken. i ‘ SATURDAY 6.30 and 8.30 In Technicolor MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 6.30 and 8.30 In Technicolor COLOURED FILM TO BE SHOWN AT GRACE CHURCH "lure Of The Swamp" "Legend of The lost" With Marshall Thompson and Joan Vohs With John Wayne and Sophia. Loren Come to Vi’s Lunch Tu rkey-Burger DINNER ieh if done NOW will save you money SPECIAL . 'UU' . Council. FOR A Office Department, Gttawa, Ont. “"- O Phone Bailieboro 30 I The members of Gavan Town. Iship Council wish to say a I sincere thank you to the many residents who so patienly wait- , ed to have their roads opened ' up. The many miles of deep snow tunnels now left standing ShOuld be ample proof of the heax y task accomplished by the men who operated the various ‘kinds of road machinery. Ye hope no one suffered too severel; through these unavoid- able c-ircumstames Again may we say thank you. Mr. J. L. Coul'ter Sr., who sold the winning ticket was awarded $10.00, the prize to go to the seller of the winning ticket. Mr. Coulter immedi- ately turned his $10.00 prize over to the Hocky Club, Whose funds in the treasury are quite low due to the poor beginning of the season, due to mild weather. â€BEYOND A DOUBT" With Dana Andrews 341d Joan Fontaine Yours truly, Members of Cavan Township "Silk Stockings†CARD 01' THANKS With Fred Astaire and Gyd Charisse