The Good Driver Put alcohol w ith xgasoline, add a pinch of over-c confideï¬cn shake well at speed . . . and sooner or later the mixture Will turn to blood. The change is instantaneous, and irrevocable sy-tems. Other adverse ecu- ditinns can also give rise to these driver-d-eficienciesâ€" e. g. bad weather, toothache, emo- Tiouâ€"but they are not nearly as dangerous of the element of super confidence, induced by alcohol, is absent. \ BUTTER GRANITE 00. Port Hope, Ont. .. Box 622 Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. L;-ague. The gohd drive-r realizes pre~ cisely the danger-effects of alcohol: he knows the measure of the enemy. He knows that excessive confidence is the catalyst in the deadly mixture. Alcohol slows up reactions; impairs sight and hearing; fogs judgment: disorganizes habit. In fact a, driver can adjust his performance, by reducing PAGE F001 7" the Ontario Safct' Exren the smallest quantity of alcohol is potentiay danger- ous. A little may be worse than a lot. The befuddled drunk who assesses his own condition and weaves homeward slowly in econd gear, using back streets, may be less dangerous than the man who has “just had a couple†but expresses his feeling of. exhiliration by doing 70 m p. h. through city streets. Though both equallvl deserve jail! I “I drive better after a drink; it steadies me upâ€, a man may delude himself. ['tter non- sense! He merely thinks he drives better. However hard speed and using- extra care, to compensate fully for any ad- verse driving condition; except the state of mind‘that has lost fear-of-COnsequences, an inevir- able effect of alcohol, and cer- tain drugs. The “CBC Stamp Club†was eight years old in February. At a ceremony to mark the occas- ion, club-president Doug Pat- rick presents the 37,000th mem- bership to Marie Lecourt of To- ronto, While Doug‘s son Robert, who was the first member, looks EIGHTH BIRTHDAY (m. The stamp club radio brt‘adcasts are heard Saturdays - on the Trans-Canada nefwork ‘of the CBC. A 10-0311? mem- :berzthip fee brings a “CBC ; Stamp Club†button, a surprise ‘ packet of 50 stamps and a book, “HOW to Start :1 Stamp Collec- _ii0n†by the clubs president. A glow that, all too often, flares up into the blinding flash of impact, then dims to final darkness for a human beim. the impaired driver tries to keep his brain in control of his performance, success can only be partial;impulse and inclina- tion will begin to take o‘erâ€" demanding more §peed for sensations, less concentration on conditions and possibilities, more unthinking abandonment to the alcohol glow. J. H. Barrlnger. Publisher. Mirror-Reporter TEE MOBâ€"WORM moon, ONTARIO Attend the Church of your}.~ Choice on Sunday. . .1 Membership in this tour is strictly limited, so anyone in- terested in joining it should contact their local Horticul- tural Society or write Mr. Ran- som at the Kemptville Agri- cultural School immediate-1y. The tour will visit some of the world's finest garden cent- ers in Rotterdam. Amsterdam, T110 Hague. Brussels, Paris, London, \Vindsor. Chelsea, and Southampton. ONTARIO HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION TOUR The Ontario Horticultural Association is sponsoring a European Spring Garden Tour under the leadership of Mr. H. S. Ransom. of the Horticultural Division of the Keiï¬ptvillc Agricultural School. 5% contrims werc being sought, thov hoped for 100% attendance 3» Mr. Quinn said that St. Thomas’ had had a. good year financially, that there had been increases. However he warned that this alone should not be used as a yardstick to measure progress. A church should be measured in terms of spiritual vitality. He announced that during Lent and vafler, an “every membeaï¬ e a. n v as 5 would be , V “5'"; out with its theme the. .4,“in ' of ,Christian stewardshin~ -,- â€"11, Believe: Contribute 'ï¬areselit aim was to ban mbers‘ c011- This summer it is planned to tear down the buttress at the northwest corner of the Church and to rebuild it. Among the projects for the year is the refurnishing oi the Vestry and Church office. A new floor is to be laid, new cup- boards built, and a new desk for the Rector. This is being done in memory of the late T. A. Campbell. who died last year and who was a staunch supporter of St. Thomas’ Church for many years. His wife is having this done as a memorial. The desk and cup- boards \\'ill be built by his bro- ther Arthur Campbell of Bow-l mam'ille. . . n . , - - 9 . The Advisory Council (.Qn-iéfatlth: agohbeggrgn gfcyilgédrgffgg V' ' - . I 1" a g . 515‘s 0f the Rector Rex ' H' 0' Health Unit. at which time Mr. Quinn, the two Wardens; Fred H E W lke was a o‘nted Lowery, Ivan L. H. Gray, Mrs. Chairrhan a TDhe Boarlglp theets r .. . r .7 . VS 111mm - Hlltf'n‘ “y 'A' pre-Sl~-'at least once a month and more dent; Miss Ellen Rent, Guila f~‘ .2. t1' “f n cessar At president: RE. Hamilton, Sun-l iequtn 3 1 e ' .y. i ' day School Superintendent, -â€"--â€"-~--~' - Mrs. William; Hutchinson, from WANTED 3313 â€iii: fiillalaï¬airdgiif 132’! To Purchaseâ€"1V2 to {acres of Chancel Guild. l land fOr building .according Among the projects for the to D‘.V’.A’ regulations. MPSt year is the refurnishing of; the be Wlfhyl 01‘ adJacent' to "111' Vestry and Church office. A 3'39 hunts. Phone 2‘33 after new floor is to be laid, new cup-l 6 P‘m- 3t Fowler People ’s Wardenâ€" Ronald Pal. mer Siclesmeiiâ€"â€"H. V. Kent, Fred Lowery, (convener) P. E. Hamilton, G. A. Svpicor, Gordon Trick, Col. Hartley Paterson, George Ellsworth, T. Kellett, Ivan L. H. Gray, Russell Smith, Lavergne Fal- lis, Reginald Fallis, Hugh Ab- bott, A. V. Thorn and (J. F. 3 Harrington. I Lay Delegates to Syno-dâ€"Reg-‘ inald Fallis, G. A. Spicer, with Louis H. \Vinslow lion-1 orary delegate. Alternate‘ delegates, Wallace Haw and Fred Lowery. Two teams of auditor-5,.0ne toi do the church book~‘, airl-‘lei others the books of Clllll'Cll' Organizations, are G. F. Har-l l I l rington, and Reginald Fallis, and Gordon Trick and G. A. Spicor. ‘ At the Annual Vestry Meet- ing of St; Thomas’ Anglican Church held in the Parish Hall, the " following officers ‘ were chosen: , Rector’s Wardenâ€"David R. St. Thomas’Church 1] Vestry Meeting , For Salkâ€"Electrit“ Seperator. 5 DeLaxal. Appl} R. K. Earle, “Ida Ontario. 3t 101 Saleâ€"Mixed sqw baled Ha). Appl) Georg «re Martin, phone 212-r- -1‘2‘_1\Iillbrook. 3 F01 Sale â€"â€"‘800â€" SW (:00 Hay, mostlv 2 â€fr (1 to sell. Ap'ply ‘Howden, phone 215- r- L'blookfl: WHAT HAVE For Saleâ€"1000 Bales of mixed Clmer and Timothx Ha). Apply Wlmot Strongflhono 21‘2-1-11 Millbrook... Accommodation Available for bed or up patients, rates $22, $25 weekly. South Haven Rest Home, Mill Street, N ew- castle, phone 2426. 41: ATTRACTIVE WAY to MAKE MONEY! Always your own boss. Sell Canada ’s largest ' and finest line includng cos- metics, household nervessities,‘ farm specialtiw, ete. . There“ is a customer in every 11-31110. ‘ ()ur successful salesmen earn: more than $75.00 a wee (.3 Free catalogue and details 011; request. M. A. Clark, Dept-3 107, 160%) Delorinï¬er, Station' C, Montreal. 1t. The first meeting of the new year was held on January 25th in the Cobourg office of the Health Unit. at which time Mr. H. E. Walkey was appointed Chairman. The Board meets at least once a month and more fr'eque ntlv if necessary. At ,no u l I The members of the Board of I I r jHealth f‘0r th: Northumber- (£3333: land and Durham Health Unit. egpecie were appointed by Countiesvtion’ a ('ouncil at the January session. fto be 1 They are Mr. H. 1;}. Walkey,',c105ure Newtonvillc; Mr. Ray Both- ducing well, Fraserville, Warden; Mr. an ans; D. C. J‘ohnstrxn, Grafton; Mr.‘ F. M. Rutherford, Campbell-5"“ ford. The fifth member is EMP‘ Mrsx Ruby _ Meggsz Gore’s Carpen Landmg, who 1s the Lleutenant â€"Do Governor’s representative and is nmv serxving her tenth year on the Board. on; COUNCIL APPOINTS BOARD OF HEALTH NURSING HOME Roy Willmott, Q.C. James A. Irvine, FOR SALE Barristers, Solicitors, Nota ‘es Telephone 9, Millbrook WILLMOTT IRVINE 'ill- ROBERT FORTIER Chief Administrative Senices and Se( retary. Department of Publir Works, Ottawa. Febluaryl 2, 1958. The dredges and other plant, which are intended to be em- ployed on this work shall have been duly registered in Canada on or before. the thirty-first day of December, 1952, or shall have been built entirely in Can- ada subsequent to that date. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders "must include the towing of the plant to and from the work. To be censidered each tender must. be accompanied by a security in the form of a certi- fied cheque or bonds as speci- fied in the forms of tender 8.114 made on the printed forms sup- plied by the Department and in accordance with the condi- tions set forth therein. I [ Combined specifications and form of tender can be seen and obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer (H. R.), Department of Public W'orks, Ottawa, Ontario, also at the office of the District Engineer, Department of Public \Vorks, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto 1, Ontario . Sealed Tenders, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “TENDER FOR DREDGING, PORTH HOPE, ONTARIO, will “m 01" ed in the office of the Secretary until 3 p m. (EST;| WEDNESDAY MARCH 19th, 1958. ‘ Renew Your Subscription . gh'ese meetings the Boar author zizes expgnditures. reviews the Ework of the Health Unit for thr» preceding month, considers futuro work programmeS, ap- points staff, discusses problem, e pecially in relation to sanita- tion, and sanctions any actions to be taken in court Or in =closure of establislnnents Droâ€" ___...- Carpentry and General Repairs â€"Don’t put of? till Spring what can be done now as I am temporarily unempIOyedv. Special rates. Phone. Laur- erme Coulter at 89-w Mill- brook. 3t Thursday, February 27, 1958 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Tenders For Dredging :ing or serving food. Where unsanitary condition exist'a‘. Th': Girl Guides will hold St. Patrick’s Tea in the “'3 ing Room, Mill.hrook, on San] day, March 15th. at 3 o‘clocl Everybody welmme. - CARD OF THANKS We would likle to thank \Vright, Dr. Magev, Dr. \ chard and Dr. Dovlc, also nurses and staff of St. Iosop Ho~1)ital.w r- u on Tm k to us; The Rev. Francis CI holm. frinede and nvighbo for their visits. flowers. fr and gifts from the Snulh Gr of the W.A., and cards letters that helped so nun-h shorten our stay in hhspital.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Widdi GIRL GUIDES TO HOLD Incidentally the locals tr med the unbeaten Haveh boys on Friday night in Ha lovk by a score of 3 to 2. watch for the next game he: Haveloek feel the sting and 4 out to aflgnge this reverse. The play off hockey m2 between Millbrook and H: lock scheduled for Mon evening had to be called off The Costume Carnival ad tised for Saturday, March 'had to be postponed until Saturday, March Sht, owing mild weather which put a 12 of water on the Arena ice. all goes well the big event ' be held Saturday, March 1 providing the weather tu cold, but at present the weal is too mild for ice sports of : MILD WEATHER CAUSE CARNIVAL POSTPONEME 98th. Year. No. 10. Friday, NOMINATIO Speaker: P to; Head of the (I Trinity Cal and The publ ~ invited THE GERTRUD (04 (ommonw NOW i We have a f' To be fitted AT 8.00 TOW