The. simple Gospelâ€s state- ment, as recorded in John, chapter 14 and 15 states: “Dove one another: ye are my friends when ye do whatsoever I re- quire of 31011.†Love is uni- versalâ€"Chmtian love includes forgiveness, service, and a way of life, response to which is the greatest thins.y to whieh boys Stanley Miller LICENSEE-D AUCTIONEER Farm Stock, Furniture 'Real Estate; Sales conducted at reasonable rates by experienced austioneer. ls there anything that will fit us for life in this new world"? When Jesus spoke, it was main- ly to peasant-farmers, fisher- men. and as recbrded in the 14th chapter of St. John’s Gospel His word was “I am the way, the Truth, an the Life. †Now science claims tha‘ human relationship. human values, and relationship be- twee man and God, constitute religion. We have the only answer. seientfie power is more. likely to mean the ability to Wipe out all humanity, than the operation of some Greater Hmer in the life and mind of mankind. Licensed Auctioneer. Durham County, is now available to con. duct sales anywhere in County. Your patronage respectfully PAGE TWO ' In his L"vllt‘<l("5 with gradualâ€" ates of McGill University", Montreal hie finds the emphasis on S;.:ientific Editeation, and concern on the part of the senior students, with regard 70 the amazing development of electric power, etc., the splitt- ing of the atom, travel into space, the piossibility of a trip to the moon. Biology claim that within 10 or 15 years it. may be possible for science to (-I'eate life, and to pï¬oduce life, and th‘at belief in God and re- ligion may no longer be neces- say. To w hat extent thesel new trends may determine the kind of World students, now! graduating from our universi- ties will have to face, I Sunday Morning At St. Andrew’s Dr. Steed c':_»nd.ucted the won ship perod and Rev. Mr. Con- nmlly of Ottawa. secretary 0f Christian Education, and Yaoufh ‘Nwrk. in the Bay of Quinte and Montreal Conference-s, gi\'~ ing tlhr? mhrninu' message. PHONE COLLECT " Peterborough, Ri 2-3091 Good, Reading for the Whole Family Send your newspaper for :he time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. I year 518 E! 6 months $9 D 3 months $4.50 D The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston 15, Mass. - News . Facts - Family Features AUGTIONEERS JOHN PAYNE Address, o W3 ley . Treasurerâ€"H. A. Kerr 1 Convener of Women’s War Work Committeeâ€"Mrs. T.‘ A. ("211111311911[ 1 Campaign Managerâ€"\V. L.1 111-9021 1 Blmod Donors Managerâ€"â€" A. R. Payne. Thirty-three persons took. achantage of he Red Chess. 1 loan u1pb0a1d amino 11w V9211.‘ 1 It was 1H9p0119t1 by’ 111*. i rCamphell that 41 haud- knit ml' 1pulm 01's and 4 paim of sm ks. “we sent to 111eadqaltors.A‘ the present time 8 1'111113m'e1's wore ready tn ship and a «[1111? â€11111111041 by the \VA of (‘avau 3 171111911 (,‘111111'11". 1 ‘ 'l‘lw Trv-asurer Mr. Keï¬, maid there was a bank 1121121111» 01' $551.04. and that (11111111111211 rm-vipts were $857.45, 111111111"- nationr: $7.00 111a1<11131 21 101.11 "r1£"'$1.-113.-19. ' 11x1w1r<os a~' mountinw 1.6 $691.64- 11111111111111 I “2701 (20 sent to tim dividnu,’ Tshe Senirm‘ choir contribmed 0119801? their best antems “Praise? ye the Father†and Mrs. N0r-‘ Throp a solo “Walking wim} Hod. †Recessional thymn 386-â€" "‘0 Lord of: life, and love, and power, HIOW joyful life might be, If in Thy service every hour \Ve livel and moved with Theo. If youth in all its bloom and migat By Tliee were sanctiï¬ed, And manhood found it‘s ("11in Edmunds 2nd Vice PreS.â€"â€"Mrs. H. A. Kerr 3rd Vice Pl‘fԤ.â€"i\'[i88 Josie Sutton. Skcretmyâ€" Mrs. P. 1. Bent- The Millbrmk Branch of tue Red Cross Sovietyelected Mrs. \V. L. Elson as president for a second term at their annual meeting held in the Township Clerk’s offiee in the Town Hall’ on Friday evening of last week. The 40the officers. elected were: lst Vice Pres.â€"Mrs. H. R "T7113? wagï¬of Jesus, is 1110 path we should follow, if we are to do great things in 0111' day and generation. "’ As part of its’ prOg-rannne to develop and expand the pro- duction of ceremonies, the Gov- crnmentof Indonesia is build- ing pilot plants, and. at the Ceramic Institute in Bandung, fore-111011 and operators are bu- ing- trained to staff them. A course ï¬or domestic Science school teachb-rs were arrang- Pd so thlat children might be 01' girls can dedicate mm- life. $112.00 ï¬u- health work, and delight In working at Thy side! Meeting 'of The .--.. and 10",9 and hour Ioute ahead ofl you man not vet haxe warmed up. If 197 Dr. Charles H. Malik (Leb-l 2111011), President. 111' the 13111!" Session of the United Nations; General Ami-1111bâ€. D1". Malik! 21’1011111'11 the 1'.N.C011feienx:0’ lon International Organizationqg at San Francisvo in 1945 and, since 111e11,has been 131959111 :11 uery sessifon of the Geneial Assmbly. He has also repre-i sented hï¬s country on the E001»! 011111: and Sacial Council and 111 1951 and 1952 was Chairman' Of 1111:: CODHTUSSIOD on Human! Mrs. Khan was appointed Idelegaw t0 the Convention j'with Mrs. Bentley as alter. nate. Rights. THE- GOOD DRIVER SAYSâ€"â€" enemn-a ged to take» up the trade and the public, through the Nt'hfl'OlS, might become aware mf the industry \ inmoi'tance to the ecanomy of the country. This photograph shon‘s a Unit- I‘d Nations technical assistance expert from the United King'- doni, who is attached tothn Institute, examining “biscuit†ware made by tone, of the trainees. $149.10 to Evan cupboard. before you drink Thk car that joins the rush, m mannnronm manner, tam-mg A. paswnger van tell the speed of a 'CNR train by count- ing the number of socronds it takes 10 travel from one mile post to another. A train travel- ling: 50 m.p.h’. will take 72 seaonds to eover the distance between the 1M0 posts. so, it will take far longer to pick up speed than you might expect. )“Pgrelssuving’? the driver front behind \vbu’t help at all. Thb Ontario Safety League reoonnnends-extra vare and extra potience in zero weather. Every duty which we mnit obscures some truth which w« should have known. All soda] lile, stability, pro- g‘l‘ess, depend upon each man ’s mmfidonve in his noighlmur, a l'f‘lialH'P 1111911 him to dm hi9 duty.~â€"~A. Lawrence Lowell Duty Duty is the sublimest word in the. language; you can never do more than your duty; you' Jhuld never wish to do leSS.‘ â€"-Roberx E. â€Lee“ GEMS FROM LIFE ’8 SCRAPBOOK ‘1‘ \Yliatevel it is vour duty â€(0' (1'0 vou can (10, \\ 11110111; haun ; 1n yourself. Maxy aker W Simple duty hath no Place for fratâ€"John G. \Vhittior. A dmy dOdged is like a dvbt unpaid; it is only defor- TH], and we must come back and settle the account at lasf. Joseph Fort Newton E d d y do so before March lst, 1959! ï¬ere'ed to raise the subsaiption price of The Mirror-Reporter 1st the price of this paper will be $1.75 per annum. Due ft) a rise in paper which took effect this month, we are In other worés .2150 per year. Therefore l‘begienning March If you wish to renew your Reporter at the 01d price. of $1.50 331M333 DON’T HAVE A SINGLE TRACK MIND a3 h R â€M ON A DOUBLE TRACK RAILROAD! 0-- a, â€go .- .A-evww." .m -. OW $1.75 -2¢ a week Entered Into ‘t Mrs. James Powers passed away on Tuesday, February 3, $1958, at Her Ihome R.R. 1' lPontypéool, Ontario. Anna E. iRichardson, in her 96th year. I V\ ife- of the late James Pfuwers. i Mothel of Mrs. Laura Homer, IMamerss‘: Mrs. D. J. Bannim ;(Annin Ma3), Toronto; Mrs. rVVil'liam Rusk (Beatrice), Co- ?H'Jurg; Mrs. D. H. Barhbmi (Louise), Napanee; Wilfredi 'Powers, Goldwater; Sidneyl ‘ Powen's, Manwrs . 1 Resting at the Funeral Home of J. W. Haw, King Street PER YEAR Thur-adv, Heisman ,5, 1953 East Millbxonk. SerVice on Friday afternoon at 2 o ’clock The Rev. G. Mead will offici- a e Interment in Pontypool Cemetexy. Mirror-Reporter Centrevil‘ze Church 10.00 a.m.â€"-Chur(-h .Qchool 11.00 a.m.A-Divf-ne Wershi; 9.45 a.m.â€"-â€"Worship Service Rev. Walter Patterson, 31.15 Minis-er Hmm'ifus. Grace Church, Millbrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a .x 9.45 alumâ€"Divine mmnp The United Church of Canad Millbrook - Gavan Mr. Stan Northrep, organi and choir director. Dr. J. Arthur Steed in char “0 Come, Let. Us Worship‘ MILLBROOK 10.00 a.m.â€"-â€"Sunday $41001 11.15 a . m . â€"ership Servic Supervised Nurse'sy aux rixurch service. Sunday School children wi draw during sm-und Hymn church serviec. Comminatiou a? 8.00 p.111. St. Thomas' Churcli. Tln services are for the win parish. Commencing Sunday, J: nary 4th, 19:39 until April .3 1959 all services at St. Joln Chum-'11, Ida, will he held 2.30 p.111. instead of. 9. a.m. And morning sex-vi at St. Thomas’ Chum-.11 ll brook. and Chris: L‘hun Bailieboro, will be held 11.00 a.m. alternately. Christ Church, Bailieboro 7.30 p.111.â€"}-Z\'eusong. \Yednesday, Feb. 11111, A “'ednesday, I‘Iol)~ L'ommuni 10.00 a.m.._ 31w WI'Yin Quinquagesima Sunday | St. Thomas’ Church. Millbrof 11.00 a.m.â€"Holy Communi‘ St. John's,1da ; Zion Pentecostal (hut MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Pasta. Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.06 a.m.â€"Wcrship Servi‘ 7 . 3t) p.1n .â€"â€"E\'ening Servie é . w p.111.â€"â€"Wadnesday, Pr er and Bible Study. 8.00 p.m.â€"Friday, Young F ples Meeting . 3 .00 p . m .â€"Sunda.y School] NOTICEâ€"Change of Ti PARISH O!“ CAYAR Anglican Church of Canm Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrej Rector Legion Hall. “A Welcome Awaits You. a meeting held in suppw Ranald Pickering. Proviu Liberal candidate for Tum Beaches. .30 p.111 .â€"-â€"l-I\'enson PRESBYTERIAN Gentrevflle and Millbrook Port Hope lawyer Rn -Honey, two weeks ago, IV anonm audimxco ‘ha: the era] Party in Ontario i< developing a philosophy pï¬ogramme under John‘ termeyer tlht will {:0 10 root of things. "A prom me rooted firmly and una ably on the principles Liberalism which would as a charter for years to 4:: Mr. Honey, the Liberal didate for Durham in Fe elecTion of last March spo‘ Address By Mr. Honey THE SALVATION ARE Captain D. McNeilly Thursday, Fehrnaxy 5, 11 The Churches SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 3 Pentecostal Assemblies o: ur leader is not tsffe CAVAN