CK MIND [ROAD ! Service on . at 2 o’clock, ad will offici- in Pontypool porter 5, 1953 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.00 a.m.‘â€"Divine Worship; Renew; Your Subscription. CAVAN 9.45 a.m.â€"Worship Service PRESBYTERIAN Centrevflle and Millbroqk Rev. Walter Patterson, ALA. Minisw-t Emeritus. Grace Church, Miflbrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.m. 9.45 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. Centreville Church MILLBROOK 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School 11 . 15 a .m .â€"â€"â€"Worship Service Supervised Nursery during Mun-ch service. \ ' The United Church of Canada . Millbrook â€"â€" Gavan Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. Dr. J. Arthur Steed in charge “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. Sunday School children with. . draw during second Hymn of church serviee. NOTICEâ€"Change of Time . Commencing Sunday, Jan- uary 4th, 1959 until April 5th, 19 )9 all serui es at St. John s ChllI’(‘,‘h Ida, will be held at '.2 .130 p. 111. instead of 9. 45 a. 111. And morning services at St. Thomas’ Church VIill- brook. and Christ. Church, Bailieboro, will be held at 11.00 a.m. alternately. Wednesday, Feb. 11th, Ash Wednesday, Holy Communion 10.00 a.m., 315‘» Service of Connnination at 8.00 p.m. in St. Thomas’ Church}. These services are for the thle parish. ‘ PARISH 01‘ CAVAN Anglican church of Canada Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrey Rector Quinquagesima Sunday St. Thomas’ Church, Millbrook 11.00 a .111 .â€"Holy Communion St. John's, Ida 2 . :m p.111.â€"â€"Evensong. Christ Church, Bailieboro 7.:m p.111.â€"â€"Evensong. Zion Pentecostal Church MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Past-or. Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11 . 00 a . m .â€"Worship Service . 7 . 3U p.121.â€"Evening Service 8 . :70 p . m . â€"Wed-nesday, Pray- er and Bible Study. 9 00 p.m.â€"Friday, Young Peo- ~1- ples Meeting . Address By Mr. Honey l H 7v v- x-AJHLLQ’LIJE. VV t aft, 11’ Port Hope lawyer RUSS?“ fact creating, by brick a firm ~H’oney, two Weeks ago, told a £01111 . , dation . . . .. a far sighted Toronto audience That the leï¬ policy and platJorm . . . . to eral Party in Ontario 18 DOW? ffer measures and changes g 0 developing a philosophy anlthat will not he implemen‘ed pmgranime under John \Vrn- overnight; that won't-simply be: Wrmpyor thbt will go to tne adding:r his and pieces to an root of things. “A prOgram‘lexisting welfare structuremhat me rooted firmly and unalterf’lwon‘t be offering juS‘: more hblv on the principles Ollinmiey,†Mr. Honey said. Lilieralism which would serve». Referring to the frequent 77 , as a charter for yearsfo dune. : changes 111 personnel of the Mr. H0119}? the Liberal cam: Frost cabinet Mr. Honey told didate for Durham in Federal; his audience that the dontinufl election of last March SPOke to‘ ous appointment and retirement 3. meeting held in supportpf of cabinet ministers gave one ROnald Pickering, Provincial; the inmressiun that. half of Thai Liberal candidate for Toronto-l Conservative members of the; Beaches. _ flegislature are ,jus" waiting a-; "(;ur leader is not offering round to be discovered by FrOSt Aand the other half are afraid ;they will be. ml I’ll . -.____.____ -_ _ 2 i Thursday, Febmary 5, 1959 THE SALVATION ARMY Captain D. McNeilly $.00 p.221.â€"-â€"Sunda.y School in Legion Hall. “A Welcome Await-s You. †The Churches SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8. Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada t 6'} Unmselling his audience that ice 1 ., ‘ 7 . . ’ray-l L was the duty of all Liberals ito make construetEW criticism . where it was warranted he said, Peo- . ,tliat Mr. Frost. has a unique {system of bookkeeping which. -â€"â€"l is not. used by other govern- iments. “In the last 8 years 9.63 i there has not been a surplus in ;()ntario, although the Frost e . y ib'ookkeepmg system suggest: I otherwise â€he said. “As a. re- 7 - ‘ ‘sult of its system of keepingl rookg' the books the Frost government, . 'was able to show what theyl [11011 1 . i called a surplus last year of i$800’000' The truth is that last. 1 year the amount of money spent 0 i by the Province was $50,000,000 -mv»re than collected†he said. l“()ne set of books is for ordin-l Ash! ary account and lone set is 1301-! . l . 01011! eapital account. The revenue 9 “fl of Ontario is sufficient to pay in the ordinary expenditures but these , not. for ordinary expenditures hble 1 along‘with capital expenditures,- l When the government says they ghad a surplus of. $800,000 last, ‘ vear thev did nbt mention the me. 1†i . . ~ set. of books used for capital â€" 'expeuditures which, if taken 0th,. .7 W . hn's mto aeeount, slum ed the detmt . , “of $0,000,000." , i Jan- | Playing Russian rmlzsze, 1“St to get a. trill, is a desirable lsovial habit ln' mnmarismn'w-1h bumper (basing an express- way. just to get the (1] WM érhlo'ml to move 011 of the pass- ingr lane Russian roulette ié .(lxzmgomus unlv tho the sill)“- luilf who plans i‘. But. points '(mt Tl)? tl‘lt‘ Ontario Fizlft‘fy lmagun. le drivm- wlm speeds only a few fee from the var ‘allvml muld kill half a (llnzvn :pooplo at the much of a buake Epml'al. l-l‘ Tlm failure of a lire. i “We canot expeet our pe’ople' 1‘10 gb on carrying The stagger- ’ ing interest payment 011 our 1provincial debt,†he said. ' “What. is needed, and no doubt; 1“ hat will be done by a Liberal administration is the creation 01‘ a deb? 1etirement plan whereâ€" gby the present provincial debt ! 1s frozen and paid lover a peliOd of 20 or 30 years.†All future c'apital Spending would be. amontvized in equal insiallment payments. It is time we eon~ "lsideled a. pay as you go basis of fi11a111i11g . . . debt is too expensive. ~‘ V THE GOOD DRIVER SAYSâ€"- 1 In eri icizinn the 1111111111111 ’ [blicy of the Frost gox e1 nment 1th.’e speaker went back to Mr. 1Ft'osfs budget address to the legislature that the Provincial debt was then $500.000.000 1111 which {He people of the Pro- vince were paying $20 00-11-000 interest? 111nuallv. Mr. Honey said that since that time unde1 the. Conserx ative adminis ra- tion the Proxincial debt had doubled and we were mow pay- 1 ing from taxes the annual 1111111- 1 est charges totalling $44 800,1 He charged that On ario was1 now going in to debt at the1 1a 9 of $15 000 every hour 0f1 ex ery day of the year under the Frost government. 1 Referring to the frequent cehang es in personnel of the [FIOSt cabinet \Ir. Honey told ï¬his audience that the dontinu- ous appointmen‘ and I etirement of cabinet ministers gaxe one Ithe impression that half of The term expedient, We are not. VESTRY MEETING going to hold out vo‘e~gettingl â€"-â€" glmmicks gmd we are mat go: Mr. David R, Fm mg I'L- CTIIIJJZ“ MHIpl)‘ for the appointed Rector‘s W sake of criticizing. “’9 are, in Mr Ronald Pahne] fact creating, by brlck a firm i’d'; 16$ Warden at t, foundation. . . . afar sighted ‘p ‘ . . N ' 11-. , _ 1 1. ‘ V _ , vestry mee-tmg of M. pOQ “m pdt‘dlm ' ' ' ' to Antrlicau Church on otter 219331127025 and changes 5. - ,â€" zr -- , 1 - ., +=\'e111ng., Januam ‘41 Mat “:11 not .w 11111319111911 ed Parish [Hall Other overnight; thatwon‘t‘simplyb5.- ‘ ‘ . 7.1 'd d- adding bi‘s and pieces to an glicyltllmmhog Shame ..~ . :‘11-1'21 L‘ emstmg welfare xtructure; that flow W k ‘ > . - . . (1' won t be offer-mg 3115‘: more aneloaé Secretaryâ€" m-nney,†Mr. Honey said. 3 ‘ h .1 ' the people, pf Ontario- a short ST- THOMAS, CHURCH Fowler Treasurerâ€"Miss Muriel Smith Lay Delegatesâ€"~Re-ginald Fal- lis, G. A. Spicer; alternates, \Vallace Haw, Fred Lowery Great Capterâ€"F. Lowery, \V. Haw, P. E. Hamlton, Gordon Trick, and G-eb. F. Harring- 1 Hamilton ,, . _ _. _ . ‘ . Auditorsâ€"(group 1), Geo. F. Mt. Dd\1d RIFo'xxle-I “as Harrington, and Reginald appomted Rector sWardenandl ‘Fallis. (group 2), Gordon Mr. Ronald Palmer elected Trick, and G. A. Spicer Pchple‘s Warden at the annual Rector‘s Sidesmenâ€"H. V. Kent, Vestry meeting of St. Thom-as" F. Lowery, P. E. Hamilton, Anglican Church on Tuesdayf G. A. Spicer, Gordon Trick, evening†January 27th, in the Col. H. Paterson, George C. I’arish- Hall. Other officerSjI Ellsworth, Geo. F. Harring- clectcd included: 1 ton Chairman of Sï¬desmenâ€" Fred Vestry Sid-esmenâ€"T. Kellett, :33 menamnm. max, -.-¢.-~ or- - dependable, worry-free! Clean . . . just see how bright your kitchen walls and curtains stay when you cook electrically . . . no blackened pots and pans, either! Alodern . . . electricity brings the modern convenience of automatic controls to lighten your work, brighten your day. Safe . . . clean . . . modern . . . three little words become three big reasons why today, more than ever before, you get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. You know electricity is safe, clean, modern! Safe . . . What a marvellous feeling to know electricity is Reason‘teilsynu... electricity is for you! NATIONAL ELECTRICAL WEEKâ€"FEB. 8th - FEB. 14th live holler. . . ElEGIHIBAllY I. L. H. Gray, Russell J.‘ Smith. Lavergne Fallis, Reg. ! FalliS, Hugh AbeT‘r, A. V'i Thm-n and A. Neave. . The Rev. J. Edgar Pa.lfrey,! rector, presided. He. thanked' the church organizations for their good stewardship and the! Wardens for t‘hbir fine support! He made an appeal for better] ‘ ton ELOJ ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH . . . COSTS so LITTLE the safe, clean, modem way Superintendentrâ€"P . E CARLEY, STANDISH, CLARKE OAKLEY LECH Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETE RBOROUGH, ONTARIO T. J. Carley Q.C. (1896-1956) B. o. Standish QC. '1‘. E. Clarke B.A. R. H. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech EA. In reporting fm the building 101nn1itee,D. R. Fowler told that oii heating had been inâ€" stalled in the Pa1ish Hall, and cxtensixe 1opai1 “ork done to the exteiiOI (of the church building. and that both had been fully paid for. 'Diie mentng was pruucdvd by a. (7-(1112‘11‘92‘211imm] dinner. church attendancié; Keep paper towels handy for wiping spills off a hot range. A cold wet cloth may start cracks in the porcelain. SIIIIIIlI-fliiliilllllï¬lll BUTTER GRANITE 00 . Port Hope, 011:. Box 622 Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Telephone collect Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborough 3124330. Barrett Fur Farm Renew Your Subscription. Dead Stock: r 25GB THREE .é