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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 12 Feb 1959, p. 1

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ired to soy. “tahlished ac- $9 c’c-ntaining Apply at Walk: St. manrity [hv Hay; 3 man as 111 County. ?0 step inn inoss when. lk‘ts haVe 3. Big pm- :rnished on nghouse Re- «lass cloudiâ€" Millbrook. L'y Duty 4- Range. in *RTUNITIES at wabbits‘ iawle-igh ’s. 005 Riehe.’ I t .bl-w-2 Min- (-essa ..._. Wit} Lloyd It 01' All boys and girls up to and; including .12 years- of age. are? invited 1.10 join the Young \V on! shippers League at St. Am: ' "umws lnited Church. Plan to attend Church Senice on' Sunday and be enrolled by,I Mrs. Neal or Miss Sharonf Ball. after the service i >z<ano .53.... ., >wa0 .23 5:05.051; Entertainment AT THE ODD FELLOWS "Alli Sat. Night Feb. 14 EUCHRE PARTY g Boneless Smoked Picnic Ham ............... 450 1b 3 Smoked Side Bacon ........................ 55c 1b : g Side Pork ................................. 450 1b a Pork Chops .............................. 590 1b 5 Ham Roasts ............................ 490 1b. a. :; Sausage and Wieners ...................... 39c 1b ' :; § BUTTER .................................. 66c 1b SE .- ' 3 ' Phone 225r12 - Gummer s§tore,(avan Millbrook 4 FREE delivery to Millbrook Friday afternoon! El: .' WWM'W-flflflfim ' ‘ W :1 WeekendSpecials f" , 5! at Gummer s Store, Cavan _: g 5 Boneless Smoked Picnic Ham ............... 45c 1b 3: ,1 .: Smoked Side Bacon ........................ 550 1b -' 5L Side Pork ................................. 45c 1b g g; Pork Chops .............................. 59c 1b ; ’1‘; :,' Ham Roasts ............................ 4901b, a. i:- 5 Sausage and Wieners ...................... 390 1b ‘ a: L 5 BUTTER .................................. 6601b 2; I .' G Mm 3 ‘3- ( Phone 225r12 5: 5A ummer Satore, avan Miubmok 5; I FREE delivery to Millbrook Friday afternoon! 5: gm _______________________________ .1 . |.0.0.F. HALL 99th. Year. No. 6. 437 GEORGE STREET February 13th. AT 8.00 P.M. GOOD PRIZES Admission 35: FREE LUNCH When you Deposit them in a Guaranteed Investment Certificate for five yeu's. Amounts of $100.00 and up may be left on Deposit. Interest is payable half-yearly. YOUR SAVINGS EARN BING-O! c O M E 13an Ypuérself at the FOR BOYS AND GIRLS MR. AND FEES. McCLUNG AT 8.30 O’clock 'SNOWBALL GAME 60 Numbers $15.90 1. n. Baninger, Pubfisheiv‘“. Friday Evening This Week's CASH Auflnrized by Investment of 5% forgot . â€"Ever remembered by Hus- band and Family. mom, Your hove remains with us yet. You were the kind of a mother Your loved ones would never Reidâ€"In loving memory )f Florence V. Reid who passed;( away February 11th, 1952. Your presence is ever near 11s,? Trick. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Eric McLean, District President. R011 Callâ€"Baking for Auction.. “a.” u uxunv VJ- uuurvx, ILVL 110’ ‘xvest Fllderfi says this IS onew'alentlne he ' i . , Zion Liners . . . got in 1894 that He hasn t. been; Downtbwners ‘ able to get rid of. l - '-" .ITooters Those who celebrate their . _ ‘ . :- . . . _ rlex-lu-Dmks .)0th wedding anniversary make. Crew Cuts ' quite an affair of it, and those: (‘toultera """ their 60th, or diamond, still a. Wine Dino's“ greater fuss. but when you can' R'unii‘amb‘s‘a. . ~ .r ( ' I o u . u, A l boast of hvmg together for bu Racketeerg years you certainly have some t ' ' ‘ ' " O . thing to brag about. for not: Eggitiiues “ ‘ very many are spared to reach; Hillbillies """" this wedding anniversary. iMurphiea """" _._.. i'Bee Aze.......‘ W.I. NIEETING {Boat Builders . Bailiebom ...... The February meeting of the J , 7 \Vomen’s Institute will be held ludustrrals ‘ Friday. February 13th, at 2 :00 §,an%1‘lr%‘ ' ' ' - ‘ p.m. at the Home of Mrs, Herb' I‘d-i" (i? 1“ 'l‘riek. Guest speaker will be' ‘0”? ‘ “Inflow"- Mrs. Erie McLean, Districthumbe118 ----- .- President. Roll Callâ€"Bakingill‘uckzv SW“ ' 9 fm- Ammm [H1 F1 S ......... Those who celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary make quite an affair of it, and those their 60m, or diamond, still a. greater fuss. but when you can boast of living together for 65 years you certainly have some thing to brag about. for not very many are spared to reach this wedding anniversary. (jougratulations to NIr' andEI‘lileen POW'eU. .......... Mrs. Thomas McClung, Garden! Men’s High Singleâ€" Hill, the former Maude Elliottf Art Stewart . . . . . . of Gavan, who will celebrafeEMen’s High Tripleâ€" .-. their 65th wedding anniver-iPat Kent .............. sary on Saturday, February 14. [Men's Hioh Averageâ€" ”.U'u Rfflfll.--~ _--:n L- n1 2.4 I -- r b Mr. McClung will be 91 in. May and Mrs. McClung 81 in October. Mr. MeGlung still has a sense of humor, for he says this is onevalentine he got in 1894 that He hasn’t. been able to get rid of. GA RDEN HILL COUPLE MARRIED 65 YERAS for PETERBOROUGH IN MEMORIAM mBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1959 [yamngsters can play, 7 i Take Notice that the annual l ,__ gmeeting of the producer mem- ibers of Durham County (lroup 5' IN MEMORIAL! lof the Ontario Hog Producers’ ; Woodâ€"In loving memory 01', Marketing Board be convened lo‘Mrs. Issac Wood who passed at 1:30 p.m. E.S.T. on Tues- : 3W3." suddenly February 'llth; day, February 17, at the Town ‘ 1958, in TOI'lonto General Hos-:Ilall in the Village of Orono‘ Null. 2, 5: j '2: filt‘lffor the purpose of the eonductll 30 one Heard the foot stepsiof "the proper business of the} of the angels drawing- near, {annual meeting and the elecq Who took fl‘olll enrt h to heaven. “011 0f representatives ( (1918-; :‘Th'e one we IOVed so dear. {lg-ates) to the District Hog 13110-: The pearly gates were. bpé.ll,’d11('ers Committee. . g A gentle voice. said “eome”,i, Erlc Fallis, ChaIrman I And with farewell unSPOkell, Howard Malcolm, SONY» Slhe calmly entered h‘ome. “â€"‘_""“ l â€"â€".Sadly missed by sister Marj-‘ Take Notice that the annual, orie and family, William, David, meeting of the producer mem-j Dome and Barbara, and bronbers of the ()n’ario Hog- Pro-ll therâ€"‘in-law Herbert Ground. idueers (Jo-operative in the: ‘ _' __ 1 Durham Co’y Group be convenfi led at. 1:30 .111, E.Sl.T., Tues-l TOWNSHIP OF CAVAN :day, F‘ebrugry 17, at the Town: Tenders will be received at Hall in the Village of (homo; the Township Clerk’s Office,'for the, purpose of the conduct? Millbrook until 1 p.m. March; of the proper business of the' 2nd. for the Hosition 0f III-j annual meeting and the eleml SPPCtOI‘ f0!“ the Warble Fly tion of delegates and alternate! 0011”“. l delegates. l l l l l I g A Minor Hockey League iTournament will be Held 111 the. é‘Iillbro'ok and Cavan Memorial [Arno-d 1111 Samrday afternonn lFebruaI'y 21st, staring." at mac ’0’11rlock. Entered in this are Newcastle. (homo and MilL brook. Winner of this series will go on t0 the next round . Parents and others would be i doing a splendid service ’10-; \1 (mix th‘e tnuinament bv at-y 1111111114.: and see 110“ their? HOCKEY TOURNAMENT HERE FEBRUARY 2151;. Men ’5 High Single Austin \Voi‘r Men’s High Triple -histiu \Vurr .......... 6:38 High Scores to date Ladies’ High Single Marion Gut‘hric ........ 301 Ladies’ High Triple Mtg Almstrong ....... 684 Ladies High Averageâ€"J Eileen Pow ell ......... '. 190 Men 5 High Singleâ€" Art Stewa1t . . . . . . 340 iiien E High Triple-â€" Ken Blai} ......... .. . 199 {Statistics To Date {Bowling Leagug Ladies high singleâ€" liileen Powell ...... Ladies High Triple; Eileen Powell ...... High Scores Last Week TEAM STANDINGS. Zella, M. Bentley, Clerk-Treasurer. 005: Gail Lawson running doun the street full blast. (mail you Ewill remember, won the High 301 Qkhonl ('hl'ampionship a vear or ‘ so avo as all-round girl athletc . ~She is probably keeping in 684E zraining for future' dontqest. EH'owever, we’ll admit it was a. 190 mightv cold day. 763 29 24. 558‘ G211 073 far. was a. pelitician and were " ,Irymg to egg 1t out of town ‘llit‘ I’ve seen street-wrner (544 medicine men get the treat- gn‘Jcnt when I7 was a boyâ€"0f 253 course this was a Bang, long ‘3 time ago. ' 62; What’s this, h'e quit before a 62iwoek was up. 011, he likes 62; Whitfield sch‘ool better. How Ulin-bullf it G.H.? 61; a: :2: a: _56; A new member of our schofl 4’ {seems to be the Victim of 3. ’3 number of BIDâ€"crying girls. 1“";W'ho will it be B.L.? 65 80‘ 7'8 wr- l l p.111. E.S.T. on Tuesday, February 17th, at the Town Hall in the Village of OI‘OHO for the purpose of 1110 conduct of the proper business of the annual meeting, the election of officers and rhhe eleeflion of Gating delegates, and alternate delegates. ' Guest Speakers: C‘has. Mc- Tnnis and Jas. Boyn’ron. ; Eric Fallvis, President i Howard Mal’colm, Sec ’32“ Take Notice that the annual meeting of the producer mem- bers of Durh'am County Hog Ploducers’ Association \\ 111 be (rommed at the hour of 1.30 Notice to Hog Producers R e hear that. I. N. bad start- od $11911 1101 for typing I won- der if that s the only mason. What’ 5 H119 h'e quit before a \109k was up. 011, he likes Whitfield sch‘ool better. How about it G.H.‘? A member of'our Hi~sehdeol couldn’t go to scxhobol last Wed« simply because he Had? no skin on his feet. Now we thear that he- has quit sch’ooli How a- bout. D=.R.? .t D3; ‘11 Sn vou fihink Cr. 13“. goes into Pcterboropgh to see~ oth-er girls ’Jrnken (-315. Evidentlg pvrson or ‘ncrsons ‘thaug Seen On King During Week St. Onl’y one week l‘eft J .O. Eric. Fallis, Chairman Howard Malcolm, Seci ‘t believe it NIP, TEEN -AGE GOSSIP floral car decorated Evidently some A V I t, T d B k iayxup‘amy qua-mg‘me mness and 2.1. 911 me 9a an_ ,a lng' recent loss of then-r dear mother. Sale w111 be held on Saturday . February 14th, at 3 p.m., in, the Millflbrook Waiting Room} WANTED m * under thie auspices of Ladies1 f Wamtedâ€"Wgashffi; to (10 .at Auxiliary to the Canadian; hbme. Plione 226-r-2I M111- Legion. J brook. 3t “Bill” Buchham. Come out and seete lxoys in teir new out- fiis and what will likely be the best game of the season so far. This Friday night we- play Warsaw who defeated us in the last game. At this game, the team will be wearing the new hockey pants which have been donated by our sponsor “13:11,, nu 1 1 The brand of hockey will be much‘ better from now on and through the playoffls. We hope #0 have you with? us and bring your friens for the best enter- tainment at ,.the price in the 0 0mm unity . Come And See The New Pants The managememt of the Buckham Transporters of the h.P.L, wish to thank the peo~A pl’e. of this community for their support in coming to (our games through the cold wea- ther. . VALENTINE TEA Filmed in the Amazing New “Dynamation” THURSDAY, FRIDAY " " ‘ ‘ ‘ AND SATURDAY AND SATURDAY Shows 6.40 and 8.20 New supply of Counter (heck books just arriv- ed at the Old Price at- COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Reporter Office BIG FAMILY SHOW 03-? THE ‘ You‘ve Never Seen Anything Like It! $1.50 a. year in advance; to U.S.A., $2.60 ONTARIO CRIAQ PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTIN; 50,009 CREAM PRODUCERS Ofl’ioe The flavour and is Nature’s secret. iE. Powers wish to extend heart- 5' felt thanks and gratitude to :Doctor Wright and Doctor Hobbs, all attending nurses from the Pnb- lic Health' Unit, The Rev. G. Meades of, trinity Church, The Haw Funeral Home, and all re- latives, friends, and neighbours for their floral tribwtes, cards and many expressions of kindness and sympathy during the illness and, 1 recent loss of their dear mother. A film on the disease will in all likelihood be sh‘own. This meeting is under the auspices of the O-.F.U. and everyone is‘invited; to attend.; unch will be served. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. 4 Citizens, would you like to hear all about the dreded dis- ease of RABIES? Then come to Cavan Hall on Thursday, February 19th, at 8.30 when. Warden Garnet Rickard and 8‘ competent voterniary will be presem T90 speak and. answer colour of butter Rabies! :, Ottawa, Ont. ‘

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