{ALII .32, Phone 275 SO 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.00 a.m.-â€"Divine Worship‘ PRESBYTERIAN Centreville and Mfllbrook Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A., Mmisfer: Emeritus. Grace Church, Millbrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.m. 9 .45 a . m . â€"Divine Worship . Sunday School children with-{ draw during second Hymn of church serviec. l u ¢ CAVAN 9 . 45 a . m.â€"Worship Service Supervised Nursery during vimrch service. munoox 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School 11.15 a.m.â€"Worship Servige Millbrook â€" Gavan Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. The United Church of Canada. Dr. J. Arthur Steed in charge “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. NOTESâ€"Change of Time. Commencing Sunday, J an- uary 4th,1959 until April 5th, 1959 all servi( es at St. John 5 Church, Ida, will be held at. 2 .30 p. m. instead of 9. 45 a. m. And morning services at St. Thomas’ Church, Mill- breok, and Christ. Church, Bailieboro, will be _ held at 11.00 a.m. alternately. On Wednesday evenings[ throughout Lent, a teaching miï¬sion will be -held in St} Thomas’ ParishHali at 8:01)! p..m., conducted by the. rectani Friday, February 13th. St. John’s Church, Ida, 2 St. Thomas’ Parish Hall, Mill- brook at 3 p.m. ab. «wag-u a, m i On motion of Malcolm, and 2-30 p.n1.â€"Evensong. J’Brown the Clerk is to place 81:. Thomas’ Church, Millbrmkinotices in prominent places Evensong 7.00 p.m. within the Township calling for , [applications for 2 Warble Fly WOIEOES warp Day of Prayeré IpSpectmts. Duties to consist Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"â€"Su1day School 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service. 7 . IA) p . m .-â€"-Evemin.g Service $.00 p.m.â€"â€"Wednesday,'Prayâ€" er and Bible Study. 1-, .00 p.m.â€"â€"Friday, Young Peo- ples Meeting. Zibn Pentecostal (hurch MEI-BROOK D. L. Johns, Pastor. Mr. Harry Tully and his helper had to walk home four mfla on Tuesday when the snow plow they were operating went off into the ditch. The visibility was so poor the road could not be followed with the result the plow went onstrike. CAVAN ROAD SUPT. TAKES TO WALKING PARISH 01' CAVAN Anglican Church of Canada "A Welcome Awaits You. The Churches SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15. First Sunday in Lent. Christ Church, Bailieboro Mat‘tins 11.00 ~a.m. St. J ohn‘s, Ida THE SALVATION ARMY Captain D. McNeilly CU n.m.â€"Sunday School in GU p . m .â€"â€"b‘ Legion Hall. Mirror-Reporter ___â€".â€"â€"â€"I ~â€" ~'r "Aq’ Pentecostal Assemblies of ', February 12, 1959. ‘.20 CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Telephone collect Keene S3w1, if no answer Peterborough Iii-2.4330. Barrett Fur Farm 1 The lrownies held their lweekly meetings a? St, Tomas" 'l’arish Hall for the mlonth of January. Five new Tweenies joined The Pack; Annemiche iLoelmizen, Danna Triek, Nan-537 Fallis, Susan ‘Villiamson and Temple Nelson. Golden Bar tesï¬s were paï¬-i Securities Phone Til-54588 Albert Waxer 31 Walton St. Sole owner Port Hope DIRECT WIRE TO TORONTO Member Brokerâ€"Dealers’ Associ- ation of Ontario IIIIIIIIIIIIIIGIIIIIIII! Northumberland Durham OAKLEY, SIANmsn, CLARKE CARLEY LEcn Barristers and Solicitors. 425 Water street ' PETERBORGUGH, ONTARIO '1‘. J. Carley QC. (1896-1956) B. o. Standish 5.0. '1‘. E. Clarke. BA; 3. H. Carley 3. 00m. W. C. Lech B.A. of operating Township Sprayer, inspecting cattle, collecting fees and keeping necessary re- cords. One In-specttor to pro. vide vehicle to transport the Township spnayer-trailer unit_ Oné Inspector to be able to provide his own transportation when making inspection if re- duired. Applications to be in Clerk’s offï¬ce on or before, March 2nd, 1959. Carried. Moved by McGil‘I, seconded by Jakem‘an that the Munici- I _ Bethany, Ontario, Feb. 3rd, $1959. â€" The regular Council imeeting was Held on the aboxe ld‘ate, xx th all members present iand the Rees-e presided. Moved by-Ma1e»01m, secbnded by Brown th‘at an account re- ceived from Becker equipment be returned to the Dominion Road Machinery Co. on the basis that the grader is under guarantee at the present time. Carried. C ..P R., re railway crossings on the Bobeayg eon Subdivision Township of Pelham, re relief case. The Victoria High School Area, re. new debentures and two Hydno transfer of. owner~ ships. Moved by Jakeman, second- ed by McGill‘ thht the fire equipment recommended by the Pontypool Fire Chief for pur- chase from the King Seagrave Co.~ Limited, be ordered at the quoted price. Carried. from No. 35 High‘way 130 Peter- bonoug‘n. Dept. of Travel and Publicity, re building by-laws. Northumberland and Durham Health Unit monthly report. Dept». of Agriculture, re infor- mation in donnection with the Warble Fly Programme. Ont- ario School Trustees’ and Rate- payers’ Association, re soliciting 1959 membership, The United Counties, re dog control by-law {to combat Rabies. Chipmau Chemicals, re price list of‘ Wearble Fly Howder for 19:39 ,1 The ï¬olliowing communica- tions were received and read ;â€" Consumers Gas Co. enclosing a copy of the order from the Ontario Fuel Board granting permission to build the pipeline The minutes of the January meeting were read and approv- ed on morion of Jakeman and Brown. Carried. Manvers TWp. Council Minutes Dead Stockf ] Moved by Malcolm, seconded ‘by Jakeman that the Tfownship of Manvers give approval to the propose development road, r (as sponsored by the Township gofl Cartwright), located on the f common boundry from 7a High- i way to the County Road on the 1 north. Carried. Municipal World, sta- tionary .............. .98 General account ...... 1064.09 Frank Oowan Co. Ltd. Fire B., Compensation (Pontypool) ......... 21 .04 Heal t h Unit, pl‘um'Ibin g fees ................. 7. 50 {Road Voucher No, 2, transferred, road. ace. .1618 . 19 Treas. 9.1.8, No. 3,... Sehool‘ money ........ 800' .00 Ross Davidson. on sal- ary account .......... 150.00 Moved by Brown, seconded by Jakeman, that the. meeting adï¬ouru until Mam-.11" 3rd, 1959, at 1.3-0 p.m. Carried. Moved by MeGill, seconded by Malcolm that the following accounts: be paid. , Town of Lindsay, relief charge-back . . . . . . . . .$ 7.80 Township of Pelham, relief cliiarge-baek . . . . 32.52 R. R. EdmundsAoil... 23.25 Mirrorâ€"Reporter, print- On motion of Malcolm and McGill a By-Law was introdllced appointing Alfred Johnston, building inspecflor for the. Township of Manvers After thb B) -law was giv en the three necessary readings it “as sign- ed, sealed and numbered 1358 Carried. pality of the Township of Man-'sed ,by Brown Owl, Tawny' vers approves Iof the appli'mtiOn Owl and Packie. i for a debenture issue for High' Golden Hand (compass) tesï¬ School purposes by the County ted by Mr. O. Neave, were-1 .L‘ 17‘ A ' _ _-, .-“ â€J .u;;.. v. AVw'urvv, VVGAUâ€"“ bf Victéria. and aZgrees to pay Dianne Foo,ttit, Brier Sander- its proper share thereof. Car- son, Sandra Kén'n'edy, Donna ried. IBnock, Penny Hayton, Linda. Moved by Malcolm, seconded Nels-0n. With Brownies Ross Davidson. Clerk. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY mmmnmnm, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO All sorts of people . . . wage earners, farmâ€" ers, businessmen, housewives . . . do their saving, and other banking, at a chartered bank. Day in and day out, in every one of 4500 branches, bank customers are making de- posits, arranging loans, cashing cheques, 2] .00 54918011 [ Minstrel Badge, tested by For Skaters Badge, tested by Mrs R. Massey-Co'okeâ€"Vicky Helen W rigt wereâ€" Barbara Medd Trick, Linda Nelson, Donnai Brownies made 3. Indian head B1ock Nancy Trick, Cynthia diess to wear when singing Remember that you are morally responsible for the safety of everyone with whom you share our streets and highways. You must also practice safe driving whenever you are behind the wheel of a car. But your obligation in driving is greater than merely knowing how. You, as a driver, are required to know the Rules of the Road to qualify for a Driver’s Licence. are morally responsible for safe driving Toymakers Badge, tested by Mrs. '1‘. Campbell wereâ€"Brier SainderSOn and Vicky Medd. Collectors Badge, tested by Mrs. Campbellâ€"Dianne Foot- it. Reynodls. buying money orders, purchasing foreign exchange, using safety deposit boxes, talk- ing over ï¬nancial problems of a personal or business nature. And the list goes on and on . . . Only a chartered bank offers a full range of banking services under one roof. LL.» 1 Song and games were played at each meeting and closed ‘with Blownie Taps. Be Sure Yflour Brain is Con- nected before you Syet your Tongue in Motion. 1 éHalitosis is better than No Breath At All. thgir Indian song $0