(avan (ounzi! Minutes Mill’br-ook, Feb. 4th, 1959â€"- C‘avau Council met in regular session on abuve date at 18.30 :1.111, in v‘he Council Chamber, all memlwrs present, Reeve L. A. 11001011 in the Chair. Minutes of last regular sess- ion road. on motion of Coun- cill‘nrs Stewart and Farrow were adopted as read. Carried. The following correspond- t‘llL‘L‘ readâ€" l Fikm N. and D. Health Uni,‘ December repart. Dr. C.‘- Horne.‘ re By-law governing Nursing Homes in the Town? ellip. ('lerk ol' fnibul Conn-' ties. re liy-lnw .limsnsing and l't‘gl\i'!lii;_' o; doggy UZi‘»;.1‘l) Tl‘lt‘plll’ no Autlnn-ity, announr:-' ill! Feb. 'lzltlr as date set for ., ' l Authority to hear Durham1 Telephone appliea‘ion and for‘ a final derision, Shell Oil 00., quesgtionare form. N. and D. 'l‘uiwrenlosis Association. re donation. Russell C. Honey, re donation to Cancer Society. ()nturio Association of Rural Municipalities, enclosing re- (-elpf for membership .Ontario Municipal Association. enclos- ing receipt ï¬or 1959 member- ship. L.O.l).A. re dinner meeting at Club Aragon on Feb. 19th, at 6 p.m. Dept. of Agrii-ulture, re \Varble Fly Courtrol. ln‘eruational Audit Dept. re arrears assessed on taxes. Durham County Distriet win? Carried. Hn mution of Councillors Burns and Sqn‘war? that we ad- jnm-n to meet at ‘2 p.m. 2.02 P.M.â€" ’ (‘muwil rewumod. all mem- bm-s prvsent. Rvew- L. A. 1101310]! in Th9 Chair. Mr. A. Y. Thorn. ("allevtor nf rates repor‘ml rn outstand- II} ' Boald 1'9 Suppimnentall tax 1-.(11! and if an) monies w ere; 1min}: thm11.\Volfar9 Ad-: 111i11is‘1-ator. I’vtenb'owiwh re: Hrndon Druce and fa111ily I Deputy \Velfarv Commissioner, Hamilton re Mrs. Lorna Dun- lnp. i On motion of? Deputy Reeve lh-zulburn and Councillor Far- x‘nw alx-nvv (c'orrespondenco be l'é‘('('i\"'tl and filed. Clerk an- ~\\'e-rinr: any not already dealt PAGE FOUR Dead Stozk Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-Hour Service PHONE COLLECT: Peterborouh 2-2030 Cobourg 1787 Nick Peconi PROPRIETOR Weddings, the sick room, funerals. Ebrams’ flawer Shop Opposite the Cavpitol Theatre, Port Hope Elbrams’ flower Ebop PHONE TURNER 55796 DAY; TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COL LEGT 21 Queen Streeg “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU" agremnent beto‘een the Corp‘or. \ and T). Health Unit at? n of the Township of Cavan permit. N0. 3703 ______ $ 8_00 and he Consumers Has (V‘ompv-v Registrar of Deeds, any. ltransf’ors to Dec. 31, (in motion by Deputy Reeve 1958 .............~... 7.66 Zi-atllbm'n and Councillor Burns Rplipf account ....... 95_00 that we go intfn committee of Ont. Hospital Services the whole for second I't‘adlllg (‘omm.. deductions... 23.85 with blanks ililled in. Carmed.§7,o]1a M. Bentley. sal- On mo‘ion 0f Councillors ary clerk ; ........... 100.00 Blll'llS and Stewart. committee council fees $.10 spe- rose and (‘ouncil resumed. ]('lalS $38.96. mileage On motion lof Councillors $15.00 .............. 93.95 Farrow and Stewart that this Treasurer ’(if roads. pay Foam-ii request the. Ontario roll and voucher N0, 1 Fuel Board to make an order" (transfer) ........... 4009.59 ing- taxes, on motion of Depulyl (lispi’xnsing with The vote of ’he {ewe Bradburn and Council- L'iL‘t‘LUiS of the Township of lor Burns that report be re‘cGiV-E Cavan in reference Wilh the ed. and CollectOr asked to} {Ky-law between ih'e Township carry on. Carried. E-E' (‘a‘can and the Consumers Mr. Wrigh’: ‘of the Consum-i Gas 01’ Toronto, pursuant to H's Gas Company being pre- subsection 4: of section 9 of Hm sent, addressed the meeting 1‘9. Municipal Act as amended. the gas pipe being laid on OOH-1 Carried unanimously. cessinn between 11 and 12 andi A discussion arose re a good in front of lots 11 and 12 The; used furnace which could be (‘ompanv had trench dug the purchased f’or thle municipal usual depth and a lettei stat-I garage (m motion inf Cmmcillors Farrow and Stewart that. this (‘1:1m1il request the Ontari’o 111101 Bomd to make an order" Mr. Wrigh’: 'of the Consunp' ers Gas Company being pre- sent, addressed the meeting re the gas pipe being laid on Chm: eessinn between 11 and 12 and in front of lots 11 and 12. The Company had trench dug the usual depth, and a letter stat- in:_r it' at any time Township did any work on the bill, they wnuld change the pipes at 110 east to the Municipality, The Reeve pointed out to tliem that The-y were not. to dig same until the Council met and discussed same, and instead they went ahead and dug trench. The Clerk intrï¬nduved a By- law to auth‘orizv 2| franchise agrvonmm betxveeu the C-Ul‘p‘or- mi: 1: of the 'l‘ownship of Gavan and ’hc ('uusumers Gas Comp-- any. | Reeve pointed out to tliem that On motion of Councillors Wtev were not to dig same until! Stewatlt and Partlow that the the Council met and discussedE Reeve and Deputy Reeve be a. same, and instead they 11 ent committee to can act the (mm- ahead and dug trench. l oil of the Village of Millbrook. On motion of Deputy Reeve. re fire agreement. Carried. lh-adburn and Councillor JJ On motion of Couneillor Bunrs that pipe be removed: Stewart. and Deputy Reeve and ditch deepened to a milnl Bradburn that the Clerk rui- 11111111 depth of 10 feet and grade: vet-tise in the Commercial News established 011 hill on Crone-e58 f re, tender for maintainer. ten- ion line between 11 and 12 in dors he be in Clerk’s office at front of Lots 1'] and 12, re 12 p.111. March lltli', Carried. (futisumers Gas Company and 011 1111:13io11 of Councillors ’l‘ownship of Gavan. l'nani- Farrow and Burns that we 1111111st carried. tender for a sprayer and same, Mr. Lowe of the Consumers 1);.) inehtded in tender add for (:as Unnpany, midi-eased the maintainer. Carried. (1 :utieil re the franchise agree? On motion of Councilor Far- 111e11t between the Corporation titw and Deputy Reeve Brat?- of the Township of Cavan and burn that the Clerk insert ten« the Consutners Gas (7(1111pa11y. der ad in The Mirror-Reporter (m mutinn of Councillors S‘cwart and Farrow that the ('502' < mtrnduce- [iv-law. REMEMBER, You NEED MORE ROOM! Leave lots of room between your car and the one ahead â€" you’ll need extra stopping space under winter conditions. Wintertime is the time when road courtesy is most essentiaEâ€"give the other drivers a break! Snowbanks or drifting snow may conceal stalled vehicles, hidden driveways, intersections and pedes- trians. (7)11 nmï¬on of Councillwrs Farrow and Burns that we tender for a sprayer and same We inclndod in tender add for maintainer. Carried. On motion of Councilor Far- ii:\\' and Deputy Reeve Brafl- burn that ,thv Clerk insert Tow der ad in The Mirmr-Rvpï¬rter r.» Warble Fly Inspector. Ten- dors to be in by 1.00 p.111. Max:011 2nd. Carried. On motion of: Councillors Farrow and Burns that the Council as a wok bela com- mittee to see. furnace. Carried. The following amounts were prosvll10d;â€"- m Enormous; MILLBBOOKr ammo l yea r of fellowship, and we trust' The combined February meet-i ff": 1 r -. _ the] real progress in 1959. , ling of Grace Presbyterian Ch-u -' ll 0: SAIL-â€'5‘ “ estlnghouse Re- . w Sim? “A good name†has a deeperi Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. was held glgora‘tlï¬); 1n g? (1.735 Wild“ ' . . r . . â€" 11:1,;Iaiicl more valuable meaning 2 at the home of Mrs. John Thomp-1 run; “if“? 311 lbr 001‘- . th'élthfan just a good reputation. l‘son, on Wednesday Feb. 4th, i pm- Saleâ€"4040 or 500 Bales of [be al It is won through the develop. W.M 8. taking devotions. Mrs 200d mixed hay (square). Tournl ment of Christian character. , M. Larmer was in charge and Appbv “rap†Widdis, phone 1 '2 â€30h person is the artist ofa opened meeting with a thought 223-r-22 Mill'brook 9+, FOOKu . . , l , _ “ ». ...-.. 7 7 > . -L 9.1 i'his own soul. but many faeors for meditation. Hymn Lords of F q ï¬ll 7-. -. _ . ._ i i - "m'hl a" environment, hereditgithe lands†was sung‘ and John 10 01' ._ §19ellasse}'-Harr1s l\o. lsoeial position. edueatflon, tail-i verses 1-16 was read by M3,: 11 Llectric Seperator m A-1 'ents. skills. proper standards: Eakins and Psalm 67 by Mrs. G l (*Olldition. Gerald Hubbeard rillor {-eeve fluff in eommuni‘y life. and espeei-j Armstrong. WS- Patterson led.†phone 10%;? Mlll'br‘ook. 3t ‘52:]? allylaniily life. exert .a pmvefll in prayer, fOHOW‘ed by hymn ‘F‘ni F'OI‘ SiaIPâ€"A~H_'9~‘;WY Duty 4‘ :e ati :lnl influence on a ehlld s lif<~.:peopule that on earth do.dwell . Burner Electric Range, in riedj‘ and the ‘('ll101('(’S he null make“ M-rs. M. Larmer was m charge finstclags condition. Lloyd mursiand the Ideals he wrll seek to. of study book, this chapter con-g Sutton. phone 1014“? Mill- . reaeh. as :he comes to years of. cerm-n-g Indian Canadians and the- hrobk 1L t “C? eonsei'ous resflmsihility for the part they take in Canadian life! ' .___ “.â€" same, best- service he may render in A discussion and: questionaire For Saleâ€"Large quantity 05 l forl his day and generation. I'foillowed. [ 01.0“?" and Timothy Hay: in l Heredity is reeoned to exert. Mrs. John Thompson gave the large square bales. C311 d“- )Far- a 10% influence. Environ-highlights of Presbyterial held in! liver. Melbourne IMorton. n‘ao- ment. e‘hiltlren herome largelyiJanuary at St. Paul’s Church‘ Peâ€"l phone 1014ҠMillhrO-‘ok, ten< what they see in their parents,‘ terborough- The syn°di°al is tol “libâ€"TIT“ orter teaeh'ers ete. but this is nOt 815 be held March 30th, April 1515i ~-â€"â€"â€"-â€" 7 €- Ten-l together final. “Thou are thxz' and 2nd. Mrs. G. Armstrong."t Lostâ€" 10-50-16 Truck Tire 3'111'i self. in spite of all that seienee; read a letter of good wishes from: Chain somewhere in Mill- “rm-ef mil-Y We)" . g _ 1 Mrs Hues“?- . [ brook: lander please phone Thou ar; the eaptaln of. It was decrded to carry on With} 11 Mlllbrook. It Fâ€"â€"~ lthy soul. and the Will is a fae-; talent table as a means of raising} ~ ‘ :fln' 'of great importanee in'allotment for the complimentary LOStâ€"‘A Prayer and Hymn 5'00. determining- what the outeome: dinner for Synod‘ical delegates. 3’00k- near the former Mat:- ;‘in personal aeeomplishfmentj Meeting closed in prayer. l l‘erson furniture 81'01‘9, 011 ‘shall he". Mrs. Haw lst vice president inl Sunday, February 8th a? 10 - 15/5 ‘I’rayorw “Lord. what a ,changn. one sihort. h'our in thy E presmwv (-an makeâ€. “Joy, strength. and enurage ‘art with Thee. †C'hristuph'or Columbus~ Mar- iï¬n Luther, and David Living- stmne were given as examples .Df the kind of Christian («ham :acter. we can be building: M'ory day, for the eye of God 10 see, . and approve. SHAREHOLDERS OF STOCK TOTAL 10,631 The “70111011 ’3 Wlorl‘d Day of Prayer. for all \Vomnn’s Missionary Spoieties, in the neighbourhood meets on Fri- dav Feb.13th at 3 p.m. in St. Thomas Anglican Parish Hall. 0f ’rh‘e 400,000 shares 'offered,' said Mr. Lambert, only 2.262; remained unsubscribed for' when the offer closed on Jan. i 15th'. The shareholders were; offered one additional share‘ for every five shares held. 1 More than 99.4% of the â€" â€"~â€"-â€"~m-â€"“--mm shareholders of The,- T|op011‘t()-l IIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllIll-Illlllllllalllllllm Dominion Bank took advant-J I . Attention Home Builders age of the Bank’s recent O‘Tfep We now have a. plan that shall take care of your to purchase additional stuck,“ awarding: to Allen T. Lambert; Vice-Pm sidmrï¬ and gen-2m}. manager. ' IIIIIIIII‘III IIIIIIIII The stock oï¬fer resulted in‘ 1,016 new shareholders being placed on We Bank’s Boloks‘| and the total number of share-l holders now stands at 10,631. 3 The senior (-h'oir sang anthem “Lord, I believe.†The re- wessiona] hymn was 483. “He leadv-th mo. 0 blessed fh'ough‘t†City of Peterborough, re Gordon Druce ...... Ont. Hospital Services, indigents registered Mrs. Lorna Dunlop, re- lief city of Hamilton... “A g'u’od name" has a deeper and more valuable meaning than just a gowd ruputatinn. It is won h‘hrougvh tho develop- ment of Christian character. lief city of Hamiltgou.. 60.00 On motion of Deputy Reeve Bradburn and Councillor Far- row th~at the Reeve be author- ized to sign cheques for above accounts. Carried. On motion of Gounclilors Farrow-Burns that. we adjourn to meet March 4th, at 10 p.111. Sunday Morning At 55: Aaérew’s 30.94 16.80 . Mrs. John Thompson gave the' highlights of Presbyterial held in! gJanuary at St. Paul’s Church‘ Peâ€"! 'terborough.'1‘¢he Synodical is to! be held March 30th April 15%? and 2nd. Mrs G Armstrong: read a letter of good wishes froml 1 Mrs Huestin. i I Lumber Rough or Dressed, also Hard and Soft Waod Slabs PHONE 70-w MILLBROOK, ONTARIO It was decided to carry on with} talent table as a means of raising} allotment for the complimentary dinner for Synod‘ical delegates. Meeting closed in prayer. | Mrs. Haw lst vice president in; carge of Ladies’ Aid meeting: , of study book, this chapter con-} cerning Indian Canadians and the’ part they take in Canadian life! A discussion' and: questionai-re followed . I “"Friends of Mr. Fred J. Smith Port' Hope, formerly of Miliibroo'k, will be sorry to hear that. 1110 is confined to St. Joseph’s- 'Hospital. Peterbor~ ough. where he undemwm an qmva‘ ion . Mr. and Mrs. A. Spiccr are holidaying: in. the South. Mrs. \Vilf lilson left last wm-k for a ï¬sh Vit‘sl relatives in the Sou‘h’ern States. SOCIAL - PERSGE‘QAL GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SOCIETIES MEET Elm, Maple, Basswood, Oak, Timber Wanted STAN OLAN South Monaghan, Ontario PHONE 22 BAILIEBORO Ash and Pine Timber. STANDING PREFERRED Phone Bailieboro 30 . Roy Willmott, Q.0. James A. Irvine, MA. PROBLEMS $ ! $â€"â€"I$â€"â€"! If you have steady employment and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application to-day. Hoy Lumber Lequire Plumbing Heating Plumbing and Heating Barristers, Solicitors, Nata Telephone 9, Millbrook WILLMOTT IRVINE 5 .vmwmï¬wmwamxwx- ‘ " 3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOr Rentâ€"In. MiHhmOk, $91?- contained \apartment with bath, heavy duty Wiring, lawn and garden. reasonable rent. Apply Fred Hard, phone 127-w Millbro'ok. 2t Applications for the prisil'ion of Clerk Treasurer and Tax Collee~tni for the Municipalitx if Milll )rook will be received up to March 2nd, 1959. State experience and qualifications. Mark envelope “Application.†'1‘. W. Belch. Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collect 0r. Lostâ€"A Prayer and Hynm Book, near the former Mac- Porson furniture st-Ore, on Sunday. February 8th at 10 a.m. Finder please louvo- at The Reporter Office. It For Saleâ€"Large quan it5 of 01’0er and Timoth5 Ha5: in large square bales Can do- lix el. Melbourne Morton, phone 101~w-]2 Millehrcmk. Lostâ€" 10-50-16 Truck Tire Chain somewh‘ere in Mill- brook. Finder please phone 11 Millbrook. 1t MEN with (ears. Outside work. No experience necessary. Average $2. 00 per hour. \Viru Rawleigh’s,Dep1.Po 283-56, 4005 Richelieu, Mon- treal. .. . 4 1t .nintues read, 16 ladies answered roll call, treas:"'rer gave he: re- port: Business was discussed enc' meeting closed with Mizpah benediction“ A luncheon was served by Mrs . John Thompson, Mrs. Haw and Mrs. Bremner. p- Honoured members were Mrs. Lord and Mrs. C. Larmer with birthdays in February. 9r Saleâ€"A Heavy Duty 4- Burner Electric Range, in finst-class condiriron. Lloyd Sutton. phone 1'01-w-2 Miil- broiok, 1!; Phone Mfllbrook 87r2 FOR RENT FOR SALE ‘0 Clerk . no '3‘. 99th. Year. N0. 7. FIN-'9.“- :éGummer’ 55 FREE deliv erv Elmer who passed away 17111. 1950. God gave us a wonderful I Her memory will never gm He fashioned her smile sunshine He moulded her heart out 1 :f-‘u‘u'n'u‘uï¬ï¬'u‘u‘c'u‘a'n‘u‘ He needed a new star in H A beautiful light to shine Elmerâ€"4111 loving mew mu- dear mother Mrs. V ArmStron-gâ€"ln loving (my of Edwin J. Arm who passed away Febrw 1958. Calm and peaceful he is 5] Sweetest rest that follows We who loved him sadly m But trust in God to meet 3 â€"-Ever remebered by W] family. so out of this world of s< He chose that dear mother â€"Sadly missed by sons V Norman, John, and d3 “'th Everything- Els‘ Try doing wflot the. Bo gested. ‘IIIIIIIIIICIIIIII , VVeeke Sides of Pork C: Beef Roasts ....... When you Deposit 437 GEORGE A Special Treat for YOUR S Vi’sLu Amounts of $100. IN MEMORIAL! VICTOI TRUS‘ MEMO 31AM Tur ICE Saturd Also