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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 2 Mar 1893, p. 4

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Arrived This Week [IEW SPRING GOODS mums, CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, TABLE UNENS, TABLE NAPKINS, White Grey SOTTBNS Lace Kid Gloves in Colors and Gall and Examine Steak Prices. KELLS, FOWLERGO. \Ventworth ...................... emuuu “'aterloo ........................ 38 Welland ........................ 201333 18,000 ‘IlinCOIB ......................... Yet- it is sometimes said that the English market is comparatively unimportantâ€"a. market. which last year $90]: $11,000,000 of Canadian cheese alone. AND the Toronto tories after all. Tn}; different, Canadian life insurance companies have in force $148,747,864 of in- finance. A DIVISION on an amendment to Glad- stone’s home rule bill was defeated on Mon- day by a straight party majority of 4‘2. the millbrook 1keporter. SIR OLIVER-Mow,“ ran the Toronto elec- tion‘on.__his record on Tuesday, and his can- didate, Di: Ogden, ran on his pedigree. Botyfwere sadly lacking in the essential elements and both were discarded. So it seems a. tory member of parliament has been unseated in Vaudreuil on account dbribery by agents. They ought to take that tory member to some museum and ex- hibit- him, for he is indeed a. rarity. THERE is a. great wave} of pity passing over a certain ‘portion of the Republican ' party just now for Governor McKinley of 0 Ohio, because he endorsed notes to the amount of $70,000 for a friend. His wor-i shipers are pointing to his great sense of ‘ honor and honesty in giving up his own pro- perty, worth $25,000, and his wife’s, worth $75,000, to meet the loss, thus “impoverishâ€" ing himself at a swoop.” But these fellogs fion’t- tell us that Bill McKinley, who was the author of thexMcKinley Bill, holds gilt- edged security to the amount of $60,000 to aid him in meeting his loss. They are sadlv in need of an iconclast in Ohio. Now, if the directors of the Empire could just get hold of the Cobourg Sentinel-Star man, they would have a. editor as isa-editor. Then we should have some snap to the dizzy old thing. » WHO says Toronto’s grit}? ‘Wz have nothing to say of the annexation movement this week. There is nothing to say. The annexation party got on a bender in Toronto last week, and he hasn’t got straightened up yet. Therefore there is nothing to say. Joux CHARLTON, M. P., the great patriot from South Norfolk, doesn’t, want the ex- port duty on logs to be reâ€"imposed. Guess not. It would render John and Thomas Charlton’s lumber mill at Tonawanda, N. Y., less profitable. THE Globe printed the photographs of the Connolly Bros. of Langevin scandal fame, on Monday, and published with them a. column eulogy and biography of the gentlemen. Emily, the Globe is a great paperâ€"for money. THE British-Canadian, of Simcoe, recently gave an interesting table regarding the cheese industry and the value of the cheese manufactured in Norfolk and neighboring counties, which is worthy of_1'eproduction:â€"â€" Oxford .......................... 715,000 Middlesex. . . . n ................... 418,000 Perth ........................... 357,000 Elgin ............................ 229,000 Norfolk .......................... 152,000 W'ellington ...................... 127,000 Haldimand ............ . .......... 55,000 :1 mm Uxt’ord................ ..........â€".,.W,WV Middlesex . . . . 0 ................... 418,000 Perth ........................... 357,000 Elgin ............................ 229,000 Norfolk .......................... 152,000 W'ellington ...................... 127,000 Haldimand ............ . .......... 55,000 Brant ................. ‘ ......... 51,000 \Ventworth ...................... 46,000 “Tater-loo ........................ 38,000 AA AAA THURSDAY. MARCH 2, 1893. ELLIOT. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOB Ryerson’s majority is 592. did get together The Jaws The budget debate occupied the atten- tion of Parliament during the early part of lest week until Wednesday afternoon, it dragged very much. On Wednesday Mr. Smith (Ontario), spoke for about half an hour, but crowded more good matter into 2. A 2 “ML”. n... nour, Uuu Ubvnuuu ..--_- a. , less space than any one who had spoken on the budget previously. He claimed that slices for farm produce to-day are better in anada than in either New York or Lon- don and quoted the ,prices of a number of agricultural implements, which are cheaper in Canada. to-day than they were during the Mackenzie regime, to shew that the farmers were not out to extra. expense by u h;v--â€"â€"-._ in Canada bo-day than they the Mackenzie regime, to s} farmers were not put to ext: the National Policy. DIAS -‘uvavuu. .. v.--“ - Mr. Charlton followed at considerable length, speaking up to 6 o‘clock and for an hour after recess. He went over most of the usual objections to the National Policy, and attacked the Government generally. He strongly opposed a re-imposition of the ‘ export duty on logs, and accused the Gov- ‘ ernment of bad faith in the matter of reci- procity treaty With the United States, be- cause when an appeal was made to the peo- ple it was stated that negotiations were going on for a reciprocity treaty, but after the elections were over the Government made no eifort to secure a treaty. THE RECIPROCITY TREATY. Mr. Charlton having stated in effect that the Canadian Government had announced that it was certain of getting a. reciprocity treaty, Hon. Mr. Foster said: “I would like to have mv hon. friend understand what he is saying and the result of such an assertion. I would like to ask him for proof of that assertion. He just now made the assertion in so many words that we were certatn of getting a reciprocity treaty. Will he show the proof '3” A sharp fusilade took place between Mr. Charlton and Mr. Foster. The letter took a the s ealrer to task for saying that the E donservatives went before the country on vvuuv- v “v- . V._ , a mgrepxesegtaticn and asked for p ofs. Mr. Charlton read from the . create 1 Empire a. quotation which came originally ‘ from the Canada Gazette: “It is under- stood that the Dominion Government have through Her Majesty’s Government. made certain proposals to the United States for negotiations looking to the extension of our commerce to that country. And the Cann- dian Government is of the opinion that, if the negotiations are to result in a treaty which must be ratified by the Parliament Canada, it is expedient that the Govern- ment shall be able to deal with a parliament fresh from the people rather than a mori- bund house.” rm... flnnaorvntivpn would not accept this at Guawu are napping Yet at. e Jaws tâ€"‘l‘he Business of Last the Same Old Ga: Week. uuu n-vâ€"_v- The Conservatives would not accept this as a proof. Mr. Charlton proceeded to say that what the Government stated was that they were at that moment negotiating and expected to successfully consummate a treaty. That was the plea upon which they went to the 1 people, and they deceived the people. All ‘ Mr. Blaine had said was that there was nothing in the law to prevent the people of Canada from sending a commission to Washington if they chose, and if they come he should not, without discourtesy, refuse to see them. Yet we had this game play- ed in connection with a political struggle in this country. Hon. Mr. Foster: What assertion? Mr. Charlton persisted in calling it an “assertion,” and Hon. Mr. Foster defied him to show that there was any assertion about it whatever. Mr. Charlton said that Sir Julian Paunce- fete, when the pretended revelations were i made, went to Mr. Blaine and apologized 1 in the most abject manner for a seeming breach of faith on his part. “nu v. nunâ€"u vâ€" â€"__- K' ,, Mr. Charlton went on to say that. by a shameless administration this country had made the United States Government, 3 cats- paw to pull Tory chestnuts out of the fire in the election cont_esn_s in panada. ,l‘ All vuv vbvvuovu vvâ€""w~â€" 77‘ r. ~Wilson spoke briefly in support of the Government, and was followed by Mr. Calvin (Cons) of Frontenac, who created a. little surprise amongst Conservatives, and enthusiastic cheering on the Opposition side of the House by announcing that he intend- ed to vote for Sir Richard Cartwright’s tariff reform amendment. run. DAVIES’ SPEECH. On Thursday after routine the first read- ing of a. bill to the effect that in future all moneys in connection with private bills should be deposited to the credit of the Receiver-General and payments made out of consolidated fund from a, vote which would be taken. '-I 1,1,AL- THE HOUSE I)? asp-nun. Hon. Mr. Davies resumed the debate on the Budget, dealing with the subject from a Maritime Province standpoint. He ciaimed that the Maritime Provinces were suffering from the effects of the National Policy but said the members from that sec- tion of the Dominion were to blame for continuihg to support the Government. He drew a very doleful picture of the Maritime Provinces, and especially Prince Edward Island, and depicted the people as fleeing from the provinces as from a pestilence. He characterized the National Policy as a cause and claimed that over 400,000 people had been driven out of Canada in the last ten years. Mr. Cockburn (Toronto Center) replied with statistics to showing the weakness of Mr. Davies’ position. hon motionbf Sir John Thompson it was agreed that the budget debate be made the first order after 8 o’clock on Monday. THE TORONTO TUBERCULOSIS CASE. Hon. Foster, replying to Mr. Mulock, said the attention of the Govern- ment had not been called to a. statement which appeared in a. portion of the press to the effect that certain cattle alleged to be suffering from tuberculosis were on or about Feb. 17 slaughtered at Toronto by order of the health otficer of that city, and consequently no inquiry into the matter ‘had been made. He added that the pm- } visions of the Animals Contagious Diseases l Act did not extend to tuberculosis. ‘ nUL LL\l IIUU \aflvvuu '\l --q.,.,_ ‘<__ , ,,,, When the House adjourned Thursday 1_ night it Was expected that Friday would be devoted to considering the supplementar estimates for the current year, but the greater part of the afternoon was taken up with a discussion of t e winter port and fast Atlantic mail questions, and the venti- i lation oi P. nersonal grievance by Mr. Prior of View . md it was nearly 5o’clock before 1..- House got into Committee of Supply. The Ho“:n went into supply and passed a. number :ems. After recess along dis- cn ssion toms place on the item of $150 to reimburse Judge Williams for expense in- . ‘eurred in coppeetqui with the voters: list, COMMONS. ”Iâ€"theing 6 o’clock the Speaker left the :hair. The usual adjournment until Mon- day then took place. the Opposition holding that, as the Judge had made the mistake, he ought to ay the penalty himself. Finally a count com- mittee was taken, and the item passed on a vote of 42 to 15. Shingles, Shingles, Shingles, CHOP, CHOP, Having purchased the mill property of Mr. Matthew Staples in the village of. Bethany. I am prepared to chop all kinds of grain on the shortest notice and at the small sum of So. per U . (Tsar!) also prc ared to do ,’custom work in the shingle line an will always have qn hand a stock of the different grades which W111 be sold at_t_he lqwest‘ possjblepricesa g___ 1:--- A- A_nnnnA an UL“: IV “I can pun-51v“; ya.vvu. The hi hest cash price paid for live or‘dresged hogs. I ave choice Improved Yorkshxre Plgs for sale, Registered Pedigrees furmshedj VVANTEDâ€"Any quantity of Cedar Timber. JOHN S. RICHARDSON. JUDIQJEREWSM Gabine’cmaker Farm Prcperty Kee s on hand a lar e stock of COFFINS, CA KETS and a 1 kinds of Undertakers’ Goods. .Bcdroom, Parlor and all other kinds of Furmture, hand-made, at lowest prices. PURSUANT to the judgment herein with the approbation of C. A. Weller, Esquire. Local Master of the High Court of Justice at Peter‘corough, there will be offered for sale at, Coulter’s hotel, Pontypool station of the QRR. in the Township of Manvcrs, on Friday, March 17, ’93 32? Do not fail to call and see him, My. at three o’clock in the afternoon, by Richard Falhs. auctioneer. the following valuable prop- ert§)in the Township of Manvers, in the County of urham, namely: Lot number fifteen in the first concession of the said township (except 1; acres on the northeast corner thereof, having a frontage of ten chains on the concession hnc and fourteen chains on the side line), containing 186 acres more or less. About 86 acres are cleared and fit for cultivation. On the premises urethrec dwelling houses and two barns. AA.,..-.‘.I ALA-.. lwnn nut: nun THOMAS GILLQTT, U DILLUV u" VA;Aa-a any u.»â€"~ -~â€".w _ L - , The property is situated about two and one half mgles from Pontvypool stauon and abouit four nulea from Manvers station on the Cumm- an Pacific Bgilway‘ ll 1| u-1 Ten per cent. down at time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter without interest. The Other terms are those of the High Court, of Justice. ~ , -L4-:..-:l fiunus UUuL 0 U1. 0 lLBUJVU. Further informatiop can be obtained from John Burnham, barpster, Pegerbcrough. and Messrs. Hutton 8: Wood, burmstcrs, Peter‘oor- 011 J .L Suva¢1v gum-- .. . here will be a. 'fcserved bid. ‘1‘ h 8 Sufi. the High Court of Justice, Chancery Divisionâ€"Brown v. Lunn. ,u. ‘atcd 13th Febrxxax;y,}$93. In the Township of .‘lanvers FLOUR FEED Undertaker, TERMS. lséaTW' C. A. W ELLER \Iz‘ Sher at Peterborough. . - BETHANY 8-317 Robe$5 BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE. BAILIEBORO MARKET. in fhi 3 line it is cniy necessary to see the goods and get préces and you are sure to buy. V. \'P; KYLE vg'ué 5:} EVA. o I am bcundz to» clear out my present stock Fohes’ and you are sure ofa bargain. ES uugchux r W Emmmagmmmgamfl $33.)... um 02 TC EDQ : flatwo ... . flag 3:24 m 5mm m. y d s. a. \ £25.; w w . 3 icy. . Hmmmlé A on 3:11.; N'f ewhéps of 3.5% kinds and we are almost vin gthem away From £09. up. a». no»? ms was: VF‘LL’ABLE REMEDV Fan PURiF VHKGT *ii.“ BLCDDR galavmss mmqeshun Byspgnsm Saur Smart: HEAaALfiE m MINES“: *icnofflemsaRoots Rreéa ., 31:3 magmas nfwmth re R39 PM? dig are amt/Ersany knnwn wag; ~Major Bauu in town 128*. week. â€"â€"Mr. Thos. Ev. our town last wee -Mr. E. Willia say, was in town 1 â€"-)iiss Howdeu 1‘ with Miss Burton. â€"F0r chapped h oi the skin use Tu: â€"â€"Millbr:30k co: monthly meeting < --For bargains i Gardincrs. See ad â€"â€"For coughs Cough Syrup of W}: -A court of Indelx will likely be organ} Athomugh 1311;} school. Compeu vet Medals. The mailedtree. Geo. A. Blanchard. Ch: â€"â€"Mrs. and Mia from a. six weeks’ \' â€"Miss Hicks of 1 few days. the guest hie the Princioals ~51r. H. '1‘. Ski carting license 1am â€"â€"Mr. N ' 50:11.01; smiths, has cuearly horseshoes inveude: “'orld's fair, «W. Thexton has of barrel salt, one c: and one car of fresh The price of salt is 1' Russell. ~Xext Sabbath preached in the Pres a. m. Rev. John Ha will conduct both sex“ â€"-R. J, Doak has a the Premier razor st â€"In the Educatior - tion, (open to the Pr to note in the “ How the name of T. \‘t aln ville school in connecl Gramamr. livered on 1 2 highly ”-315.00 per week sponsible person “ m- preseut us in your Canadian Music Folk; Toronto, Ontario. ~Re'x'. C. U. .J'oh as livered a icmhrc in 1‘ is a. world beater. Try one. amt t at o! hcrwi J oimsax‘ when it {atom}; house. -Tr_v Turner's --(Javan counc: -â€"JJ21 Sat; uLax m: a. \vo<9;ls..c<1 in the re; ing ocg-pried by Mr. the smaiau.t In som allowed to cozzmmnica dwelling, andfin a sho The building was inju about- $250 or $300, a: W. A- Fania, the ox: dready having it re} Damn T0 W ozn‘cchCd 191? me wt ‘ve been urn CVCIIZH‘,

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