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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 2 Mar 1893, p. 5

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â€"-L i=‘=*!55~3i5385513.50ur 534mm HE m aazzml‘fi ’a Hitches Upri h z pea-Son who can fimgfind u to'flxe seco a person = on at a 00 ercia! Wen tch for each _ Brooch (Solid tc’ross with a lead-pend} , _- â€" v-“.* D a Solid Silver red with correct answers “dill! prizes in 121nm“ St. Toronto, s and we are almost From 20c up. 13; present stock re ofa bargain. RY LINE. hgpdzea. Address aary to see the goods are sure to buy. RKET. Rm Ly teceivé’zi â€"â€"()n Saturday afternoon fire broke out, in a woodshcxl in the rear of the brick dwell- ing ocmpied by Mr. Geo. Sanderson, near the station} In some way the fire was allowed to communicate with the roof of the dwelling, andfin a. short time it. was in flames. The building Was injured to the extent of about $250 or $300, and was uninsured. Mr. W'. A- Fallis, the owner of the building, is I already having it repaired. â€"-Rev. C. 0. Johnson of Kingston: de. Iivered a iecture in the Methodist church on Thursda" evening last that was most highly appreciated by all who heard it Unfortunately tne weather 4 as very stormy and the awdience was not as large as it would otherwise“ ..:n‘e been. We understand Mr. Johnson will return about the 28th inst, when it is hoped he will meet with more favombie wezzthex and conseque tlyz‘. full house. -â€"$15.00 per week straight salary, to re sponsible person “ male or female ” to re_ present us in your locality. â€"Address B Canadian Music Folio 00., 77 Victoria 31:. Toronto, Ontario. 7-23 1'1‘)‘ one. V 48-tf -In the Educational Journal prize competi- tion, (open to the Province) we are pleased to not-e in the “ Honorable Mention ” list, the name of T. \Valter McLean of Cavan- ville school in connection with the subject of Gramamr. â€"\'ext Sabbath special sermons will be preached in the Presbyterian church at 11 a. 111. Rev. John Hay, B. D., of Cobourg, will conduct both services. -â€"R. J , Doak has secured the control / ’ of the Premier razor steel cross-cut 334T: y/hich is a. world beater. Every one Try one. â€"W. Thexton has just received one carload of barrel salt, one car of fresh barrel plaster and one car of fresh lime to arrive this week. The price of salt is right. Call and see. â€"-Mr. N agent, one of our popular black- smiths, has nearly completed a display of horseshoes intended fOX' exhibition at the ‘World’s fair. â€"Mr. H. T. Skitch has purchased the eating hcense taken out by Mr \V. H. Russell â€"For bargains in wall paper, go to W. J. Gardiners. See adv’t. / â€"For coughs and .colil take Turng'r’s Cough Syrup of \Vhite Pine and Tar. \15- â€"A court of Independent 01 char of Foresters will likely be organized at Manvers Station â€"Mrs. and Miss Ainley have returned from a six weeks’ visit mthe country. â€"-:(}avan council will meet 0 rMarch 17. â€"Try Turner’s antihilfilygills. 9- â€"â€"L. 0. L. No. 79 will meet this evening. â€"Major .Bounsall, of Bowmaaville, was in town last week. -â€"Mr. Thos. Eakius paid a. short visit to our town last week. â€"Mr. E. Williamson, photographer, Lincl~ say, was in town last week. â€"Miss Howden of Port Hope is visiting with Miss Burton. /‘ â€"F or chapped hands and all im eriections oi the skin use Turner’s Frostilene. 9~ â€"‘\Iill‘orook council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday evening. â€"Miss Hicks of Perth was in town for a few days, the guests of Mrs. John Dawson. - -_-- ---...v.. ,9 a“: 101: um and 511' ver Medals. The 70 uBmgeB illustrated circular mailed free. Geo. ean B. A., L. L. B.. and A. Blanchard Chartered Accountantof Ontario arefihe Princinals. A'zhorough Business and Shorthand training :ho:}.a(3‘omp§t1tlon yearly for Gold and 81'; m- A n a L- '"‘ “' TOWN TALK HBKEHUUND PETEBBURO BUSINESS COLLEGE ELLIOTT’s _OIâ€" ted. . t t 1 I ..... .. uvuuc mt: .LOI'ODL’O , , . secle x e “ ' ‘ ' â€"The Canadian Order of Foresters 18 a y 0 e 1) union account or his p 01:“- cal views. fraternal benevolent society, incorporated Societies are Charitable and ‘ in 1879 and registered under the insurance their. end. ' :' corporations act, 1892, of Ontario. The ob- scathing cr1t101sms on hls P01 . . . . . in Toronto. Jects of the sometyare to furnish 1is“"‘P1')€I‘S l‘A'd a ‘ with sick and funeral benefits and an insur. " ‘ ' 1 1 ' 't“ \lembra "< Ki be 7 WI L' C ' ‘ ‘ “ ance of one or two tuonsam. (lOllcllo. ine ‘ 3 ~ ‘ . 3 t .c “H 1-19 nu! payments fortlxese benefits range from about been dispensed b? a prominent chemist and one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per druggist for F9333, and illmfh‘CdS of his ' ' .4. ‘ A'v _ 4.» ," _. “2‘4 month. accordin" to the am“ or' . CHSLOLleI‘h am new) testxncn l 4 fl‘ A \, i p- a- _,- .. L‘.‘ member. . . I 41' b 1 . ‘ to ”.“(’,.Im" " . ‘ , . ' lICIa- enemas, aznl wom.erml cure or l‘lnlnev anl “1 "Y‘O‘l'l‘ 0‘ 11§L"‘H1u3(“ll“""l T‘ e V i. “.8 2d \ r 1 1' A l” 31:" ' .1 1:94 . fl uxnl Liver conmlaints. A$k your (lz'uggist for membership is composed of men only, aml it. For sale l‘j,’ 4‘ 7' 3 V -i. “PL".C”: Millimook. when admit-ted they must he between t Lac N‘ """“‘" ‘ '"”‘"“‘*““ ~ . » . I V ' > - 1 "(vi 9 ewes of eighteen am! forty-11w. The 1": (’J’ R1,: 9' (O‘T'M' . % fl ‘ 1 , 1. ‘ . " . . ‘.-- ,wr , \n’hl you haul the w. mung. The Signal present unmoez- (:t memoem u. mei zoning: perhaps of Ll: sure approach of that most and the society has 2; cash surplus on hand terrible diam . . “use consumption. Ask your- for the Pavment of the insurance of over “M If you can anon: f"? the (sake 0f saving 1 --, . :. , . . . 50c. to run the risl‘ "ml do “ol-hir ’or it. £2 , OJ 5;) ma 0 ‘f T‘l‘il‘ll :8 1'1 the ) 1 12- . ’ . ‘ i“ ' “ .2, . ‘g ‘ " I” 00’ " t" )' 0 ‘ L 1’ 3 0 n1 “ u know tron} experience that bziiloh'sGure will clue-Your cough. 1: never fails. 33-2!“ vested in the best monetary institution of the Dominion, In addition to this, courts 5 . ._ [have about half a million dollars in their ”gbfififlflfitfl:may”,7‘ hwy” w'fl 7- ‘treasuries for the payments of the sick and l" JOH N GI LLQTT f x1lb ‘itq Th hih<'cxtz:1" ft'" ’ un-ra ene. r. e g te e 3 o ..e Under-t k dP _ I Order is An Thos. ‘pite of Brantford, :gg:#nerracflca . ' ‘ ‘ + ‘ ~ t . ' «- . . . and 1t 18 expected-Jame. 'coar; of this popular Best of Testimonials can be given. and purely Canadian moiety Will shortly be organized here. 50-4m ‘s â€"The Cavan township Sunday school con- vention was held in the Methodist church s at Cavanville on Tuesday of last week, when 1 there was a good representation from each of the schools in the townships. Devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. Messrs. Cooke and Bloodsworth. Rev. Mr. Cooke welcomed the delegates cordially to Gavan- ville, after which the president, .lr. R. \V. Clarke, took the chair and appointed a com- mittee consisting of Rev. Messrs. Cooke and Young and Messrs. John Clarke, J ohn Hicks and John Pritchard to nominate officers for the ensuing year. Reports from the various schools were presented and discussed. The nominating committee reported the following oflicers :â€"â€" Presidentâ€"John Hicks Secretaryâ€"S. W. Clarke Treasurerâ€"“7m. Archer Executive Committeeâ€"All the ministers and superintendents in the township. The papers promised in the programme were lthen read and fully and profitably discussed. Votes of thank were presented to the authors of the papers and to the retiring president, Mr. Clarke, who acknowledged the vote in a. short address. The next annual meeting well he held at Mount Pleasant next Febru- \v tion will probably be taken at an early date by the town council with a View to taking the preliminary steps in the matter. â€"A meeting of the reeves and deputy- reeves was held at Bowmanville on Tuesday to consider the question of separating from N orthumberland and erecting a new corpora- tion for ourselves. The result of the meet- t-ing was the adoption of a separation resolution on a. vote of 13 to 2, so that all that will be necessary to complete the dissolution of these united counties will be the passage of a similar resolution next February. In that event, and there can be no doubt now that it will be done, Millbrook will have to wake up and :make a. fight for the county seat. The two Mon- aghans, we are credibly informed, will join the new county, and that will place us al- most exactly in the centre, and give us an immense advantage, for Millbrook is the most easily reached from all quarters. Ac- DEAR TEACHER,â€"\Ve, the members of Zion Sabbath school bible class, desire to tender you our thanks for your kind services ‘to us in the past. For a. number of years you have been faithful in your work and ever watchful for an opportunity of work- incr for the Master. Therefore, as a, slight to 'en of our gratitude, our respect and our love, we ask you to accept this picture. Hoping that you may yet live to spend many days in your Master’s vineyard, we remain your sincere friends. Signed on behalf of the bible class, ALBERTA C. BROOK. ALBERT BROWN. â€"â€"On \Vednesday evening of last week Mr. John Hicks’s class in the Zion Sunday echool presented him with a. group picture of themselves and Lhe following address:â€" mo Mr. J. Hicks, ‘ â€"â€"An address on missionary life in Tor- rence-Will be given by Mrs. Jamieson next Tuesday evening, March 7th, in the Presby- terian church, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Jamie- ‘ son is the widow of the late Rev. John J am- i-eson, who assisted Dr. McKay in his mis~ sionary work for a. number of years An interesting address may be expected. â€"On Tuesday morning, about half-pasj six, fire was discovered in the Queen’s hotel; and an alarm was quickly responded to by tihe fire companies. Before they could get ifairly to work, however, the flames had 3 gained such headway that the building was badly gutted, together with the greater part of its contents. The building was damaged to the extent of about $1,300 and contents to the extentcxf $1,500, but both losses are nearly covered by insurance. â€"Have you seen our city tablegsn sheet. of tablets has “Millbrfi. ()1 lithegraped on it. For It is understood that Rev. Mr‘ Drummand has sent in his resignation of the pastorale of the @ntreville Presbyterian church. -Mr. Tho-s. Reynar of Prince Edward County, spent Sunday at the Methodist parsonage. “ Millbr x, Ontario” 3 sale; a y at Turner’s. . - '- """ "'_L""V~ aw: 1f you can anon: for the : 50c., to run the risk and do I Wu: know from experience- that been dispensed by a prominent chemist and druggisc for years, and hundreds of his customers have freely testified to the heme- ficial e Heats, and wonderful cure of Kidney and Liver complain-ts. Ask your druggist for it. Fm‘ sale by A. LEMH: Millbrook. Every Prof. Goldwin Smith, in the course of an address to the St. George’s Society in Washington on Saturday evening, made re- ference to the motion before the Toronto seciety to expel him on account, of his politi- cal views. He claimed that. St. George’s QantAL2-‘ A 7 , A great many others were more or less hurt. Mrs. Paxton, who, with her husband, was on the ground floor at. the time of the collapse, was crushed by the falling tim- bers, and was injured more severely than any of the others. She will recover, how- ever. Mr. Robercs,’bf 'ii ed. Mrs. Fryer, wife of the propri‘ Central Hotel, collarbone badly an‘d_ot§erwise bruised. Kev. dolm Locke, head badly cut and Severe out abon‘a- '33.: heel. Henry Pearsmi, wuvn councellor, both bones of the left 1:; broken below the knee and right leg bully bruised. Albert Pritchm-d, station agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway,leg broken in two places. Miss Linton, daughter of the Division Court clerk at. Toronto Junction, leg broken. The catastrophe occurred at the conclu- sion of the entertainment on the upper floor, and just as the guests were about to betake themselves to the refreshment rooms below. While this was in regress the flooring gave way in the midd e, making a huge funnel, down which slid people and furniture. Two stoves in full blast at the time were promptly extinguished by per- sons present, auda huge piano near the platform providentielly remained in posi- tion, otherwise the fatalities might have been more numerous. A fuller list of those injured is as fol- lows: Mr. Forsyth, lea: fractured. Rev. John Locke, head badly cut and severe cut abon- ;'. heel. Serious Accident at Weston and a Num- ber of Persons Injured. WESTON, Feb. 27.â€"â€"The members oi Humber Mssouic Lodge, Weston, to the number of 100, held an at home last Wednes- day evening in the Oddfellows’ Hall. The eptertainment took place in the second sto of the building. T e lodge room was formerly a Methodist Episcopal meeting house. Four wooden pillars originally supporting the upper floor of the church were removed, and two iron trusses substituted. One of these trusses became loosened, allowing the i walls to spread. He added thabd his sister took the train for Meaford on Friday morning and said she would be back on Satur- day. He did not know where she was, nor couid he tell the names of parties whom she wnuid be likely to go to. Dr. A. R. Stephen, coroner, will hold an inquest here to-morrow in the towu hail at 2 o’clock. There is a great deal of popu- lar feeling over the crime, and crowds of people viewed the bodies of the dead to- day. ,_ _ v- u- P‘S u “USU when I was in town. Jennie got papers and tried to burn the bodies. “Mother’s toes and feet are all peeled. like frozen. We buried her in the snow near the track in a hole. We put. the baby under the floor.” John became a little mixed and said afterwards his mother was dead when he at home, and that it was Friday the mur- der occurred; but be corrected himself on this point and volunteered the information that he had seen the reporter in Foremanls store on Thursday: 5610 were was a young fellcw named Jim said he would marry her if she got rid of her mother and the baby. “Jim’s father used to run amill. Jennie made me help to bury mother and the baby, and said she would do me if I said anything. I um: «Rudd T ~AA Jessie Wench or Collingwood Charged with Matricfide. Conuxewoonflnm, Feb. 26.-â€"This rn- ing Chief of Police Lewis brought to wn the dead bodies of an aged woman and a child, both supposed to‘ha‘uc been murder- ed by Jeanie Vv’onch. daughter of the former and mother of the latter. The alleged crime was committed on Thursday night at a. place :near Craigleith. Both tlw victims were beaten to death, and then an attempt was made by the ac- cused to been their bodies and so destroy all traces of the crime. John KVonch, brother «i the accused, tells this story of we crime: "I went on Thuisday night and saw my sister strike my mother on the head with the ex handle. I saw my sister kill the baby with the ax handle. She had no reasen for it. She said there was a young fellcw named Jim said he would marry her if she got rid of her mother and the baby. “Ii-“L. 3-5L-_ ____.1 -- -._ ._ ?â€"-Rev. Dr. Potts preached at the Methofi dist church on Sunday evening in the in- terests of thefeducational work of the Meth- odist body. There was a. large congrega- tion and the sermon was highly interesting and instructive. The rev. gentleman preach- ed at Cavanville in the morning. was afraifi.’ I gdt:; THE FLOOR COLLAPSED: FOR KiLLlNG HER MOTHER. of the proprietor of the Veston, seriously injur- fractured Pig’s hea'd I N 0N E OTHER GENUINE WEEKLY 03.032, balance .89}: FREE. This is a chance for the Young Folk. EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS LIST OF HANDSOME PRIZES, WHICH ARE GIVEN IN MANY CASES BELOW COST . . . uponneeelptmmm with your name and address, we will forward you Agents’ Outfit and UponBeeeipt - HANGING LAMPS for NEW YEAR’ GIFTS, “ H t‘ “ for your PARLOR, for your DINING ROOM .r. uâ€"t want a, q txcy of Oats and H2 IN BRONZE LETTER -...._, vuJJâ€"KJJL‘ .L. I, will sell lime the coming season much cheaper than it has ever been offered before in this section. All those intendmg to build should call and be convinced of this fact. I have a good stock of building material on hand and will cut out iii-iniension Stuff on short notice at very low prices. Sash, Doers, Mould- ings, Door and 1iWindow Frames made to order on short notice. The correct thing at this season of the year is GOO D WOOD AND COAL. l have a good Sllnnlv 'nfhmh 4.0m, ' A,__‘___ _ 1" THE GLOBE,Toronto. â€" vâ€"a-uvi Colds, Consumption, Scrofuia, and a]! Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in childfefi, Almost as palatable as; milk. Get only the gonaizze. Prepared by Scott a: Bow 3-9, 1392102”:- . ‘ ' “ SCI-3. m,- M ’ . .’ A ‘~ - 1:“ Draggzsts, 5.) u 3-,; {14:1 L I have 500,000 in stock. All grades. su1t the timesâ€"running from one dollar upn shingles are excellent valueâ€"quite good er ainary outbuilding, Are you all run down? 5602?": Emu/- 52'0” of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will build you up and put flesh on you and give you a good appetite. EACH PLUG OF THE SHINGLES fora SONG I A“ >4|1m1alfl Scott’s Emulsion WeWant Agents IS MARKED - wan L‘avguanjfity AHA.‘ , LIME, LIME AND CE} u”E\T ;uan.tjty 01: G reen. Wood. hard om! sort, two and t? 2.33 for winch I W111 pay cash. Office and yard at: cures poughs, 15 season of the year is GOOD WOOD a good supply Cf both these commodities. AL) Newest Designs. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS 7 _â€"â€"vâ€" V'- he is prepared to take risks 9n life, accident or children’s endowment. Tins com 3' in one 38' Also Fire Insurance ency. Clients may have their choice of ten! ' gcompaniel.- MILLBROOI. - - ONTARIO. 34-411]. ova: on. mum's mum sums. ALFRED MAYGOGK, Wishes to announce to his customers and the public generally that he nas pe- opened his barber shop in the Mulligan block, <. All grades. Prices are low to 11 one dollar upwards. The dollar â€"quite good enough for any orâ€" CHANGE OF LGQATMN. MOST. 11661186 88 8.8381“ for the SUN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. R. GERMBERS, Proprietor. . S. PECKUP. HENRY ARGUE BAILLIEBORO. ONT. to intimate that havi license as azent for AGEN T FOR THIS DISTRICI' “summon AGENT, LINDSAY, om; c. two and four_ feet. long._ Also a quan md yard at leway Siailon. . TH EXTQN. Lowest Prices. I have a good Out liimension >30 rs Mould- taken out a

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