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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 2 Mar 1893, p. 7

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mre engaged in the bord- rse detached hich is believ- icontinent of ism-ions vol- we: the vast king feature. tidal-able dis- far from the :0 a. height of irfacenmdas ma eight feet {teat antartic Iy. Wherev- Mz, as in the 1 0f 3 fjord. ad precipice, as sup have 'great. south- eight of sev- wenty and the deck. pt must, like ye gradually rbergs break md becoming ce, with the I in fjords-â€" ' Humboldt lely different which cover Lrger islands Dr. Carpen- rnger expedi- the track the grey- t. “ the ugh to would :3 but It! only steam for suc- return ‘ ought ‘ when n which the numbezs as, poded navi. w Zealand. :3 of them, feet high, zatlmm Isl- ahe wt: in Mains abouh the South goes of icon orth as 49 ° chad wee: It long. b another 'the most here have and there :, ihe accum‘ rs of the tie conti- btable an examining sea xce, as his theory stances in may have I current. {h the year l 01. e-half no ground ed its axis the arctic have been the 3014’ plunder are con. 'cnmstance the suppo- of earth or had trick- sides, or 1 usually .bahly h In the New ‘xe arctic ‘ city to net La. Are liner at}?! :oment. which is as rope I’v e York But we f0 Another remirkable niountain railway is that up Pike’s Peak in Colorado, which was 0116de in the summer of 1891. This line, nels, the bridging of several streamlets, and the building _of h_eavy stone dams. It is purely a. rack and pinion line throughout, and is further remarkable for the short time in which it was constructed having been begun in October, 189‘). Thus in little over ayes: this was finished, though the work necessitated the boring of 10_tun- The highest mountain railway in Europe is the Brienzer Rothhombahn railway,which was opened in November, 1891 and ascends to a. height of 5,606 feet at the summit level. The journey is performed in 1); hours, and the steepest gradient: is one in. four. There is, however, another proposal to cross the Simplon pass (6, 500 feet high) by a. railway, the steepest section of which would be built on the cog- -wheel system,with a. tunnel five miles long, costing in all 30,- 000,000 francs. This tunnel, which is estimated to cost 100,000,000 frames, will present a. novel fea- ture, being single with double railway track in its northern half, while the south- ern half will consist of two parallel tunnels, each with a single track, this arrangement being adopted with a. view to improving the ventilation. The'Alpg have bEen tunuelled through so frequently that the proposal to bore them once more, this time below the famed Simp- lon pass, causes no surprise, though this tunnel will be the longest of the lotâ€"12L miles in all, about three miles longer than the St. Gotdard tunnel. Near this village a tunnel, 2,847 feet long, is being bored through the summit of the mountain, 600 feet above the line of per- petual snow. This certainly may ‘take rank as one of the most extraordinary of railway engineering enterpripeg. _ The workmen, even though accustomed to living at greet elevations, have to be ac~ climatized to the rarified air, and this dif- ficulty is forcibly exemplified in the case of the loftiest railway tunnel in the world, that being bored through the Peruvian Andes near Galleria. This is the highest village in the v orld, 15,635 feet above the sea, or only 100 feet lower than the summit of Mont Blanc. IL ma§ well be imagined that drivinga. tunnel in the heights of the Andes is quite adifi’erent matter from as s ame work performed at ordinary levels in settled countries. Of this altitude 2,000 feet are cut ofl' by a. three mile tunnel, and altogether among the mountains there are five tunnels, with a total length of over ten miles, while in the mountain section the locomotives,for 65 miles have toothed wheels to work on the rack system when necessary to surmount the hegvier gradients. Of this railway, begun '20 years ago, and reaching from Buenos Ayres, on the Atlan- tic to Valparaiso on the Pacificâ€"9. stretch of 870 milesâ€"only the completing section in the heart of the Andes is unfinished. The Andes are crossed by theCumbre Pass, 13, 045 feet. above sea level. On the opposxte side of the globe the ‘I‘rans-Andine railway in South America. deserves mention, owing to the tremendous engineering problems to be solved in cross- ing the mountain chain forming the back~ bone of the continent. This very low cost is due to the fsvorable nature of the ground for engineering opera- tions, and the absence of huge parliament- ary expenses and compulsory purchase of land, which have in our country made rail- ways so costly. The first sod of the huge undertaking was cut by the Czar at Vladi- vostock, May :24, 1891. On the easier-xi section as many as 12,000 men are employed, and part of the line has begn akeady opened Vfgr trgfic, When the great Siberian railway chainâ€" nt present being constructedâ€"is finished, Russm can boast of possessing the greatest railway in the world. This tremendous system will stretch right across the im- mense territory of Siberia, no less than 4,785 miles, or twice the length of the Canadian Pacific railway ; and the total cost, inclusive of rolling stock, etc., is given at £36,765,000 or £7,680 per mile. Engineering Ventures Which Were Oom- pletecl Under Difficulties- sxrsm‘s ACCOnPLlSIl GREAT WORK. A writer in an English paper gives brief notes on a. few of the greater engineering works which have been quite recently com- pleted, or which are actually in progress, with every prospect of their being successâ€" fully completed in due course. lifts within the towers. 'These immense [ piers in the bed of the river are and to be 1113 }argest_ip the world. ' va-‘AUVI To begin. at home, the great tower, which owes its origin to the energies of Sir E. W. Watkin, M. P., deserves first plate, as a. worthy rival to the great Eifl'el tower, the engineering boast of France. This tower, which is being erech at VVembly park, where a special station has been already opened, fourteen minutes from Baker street station, is being actively pushed forward. The foundation work has been completed, and the laying out of the grounds is so far advanced that it is expect- ed the park, which covers 180 acres, will be opened in the spring. The foundations are composed of huge concrete blocks, which vary in depth from twenty-eight feetto sixty feet, according to the level of the 'l A- 1 When opened for passage of vessels, foot passengers may cross by a. lofty footpath, to yPich §chas is obtained by_§ta.irca§ses and The total length of bridge and approaches is 2,640 feet. About 31,000,000 bricks, 19,- 500 tons of cement, 70,500 cubic yards of concrete and 15,000 tons of iron and steel will be utilized in the structure. Ian-'1'. The tower bridge is another great London engineering venture which is rapidly ap- proaching completion, although the final date of opening for traffic has had to be shifted forward several times. This hrlflge, which is bzilt on the “ bascule ” pnncxple, presents a. novel feature in the centre span, which is 200 feet wide and cut in halves, which are to he raised and brought flush with the towers by machinery concealed within them. The tower itself will measure 960 feet in circumference at the base, and 1100 feet in height, or 150 feet higher-than the Eiffel, while it will be larger than its prototype in every way. The material destined for its erection is polished steel. The summit will be 1450 feet above sea. level. The tower it- self is expected to take eighteen months to build. ARE HEMARKABLE FEMS.’ All the courting is done by the women in the Ukraine, Russia. When a WOman dis- covers a man she would like to marry, she visits him at his house, and cues to charm him. If he does not like her,he leaves hers and lives elsewhere till she deserts hi, home. The United States contain 300 universi- ties and colleges, with 4,240 professors, and 69,400 students ; Germany has ‘21 uni- versities, with 1,020 professors, and 25,- 084 students ;Great Britain has 71 universi- ties and colleges, with 1,127 professors, and 54,234 students. The horseshoe superstition has been con. siderably modified in the mind of a. St. Louis man. He found a. horseshoe, and nailed it. over the door. A week after, as he was entering the house, lightning passed through the horseshoe and knocked him senseless. A train stopped near Gibson, 111., to take water. The fluid overflowed the locomotive tender, and froze the mgme fast to the track. It was four home before the train could be budged. A new locomotive was sent for, and is bumped the train free. A Parkersburg, Va., musician has just perfected and patented a. novel ‘musical instrument, which he calls a. " key zither.” It is simply a. zither played with keys, but it is said to be a revelation in the way of a musical instrument. Dr. Carver relates the story of a. paving- stone weighing eighty-three pounds, which was raised from its bed (when joined on all four sides by other stones) by such a soft substance as a. common “pnfilball” mush- It is not an easy matter to freeze out trichime. After subjection to a. temperature of '25 degrees below zero for two hours they again become active when exposed to light and heat. The settlers on the Quillayute prairies, in Washington, are afforded fine sport in thousands of wild geese that come there in the fall and make the region their winter home. The largest; sheep ranch in the world is in the counties of Dimmet and Webb, Texas. It contains upward of 400,000 acres and yearly pastures from 1,000,000 to 1,600,000 sheep. German dentists now make false teeth of paper. They are said to be a very natural imitation of the real article and last; for years. Experiment has shown that a. “ Yankee pumpkin” will lift two and one half-tons, provided the weight be so placed as to interfere with the growth of the vegetable. Mrs. Yates, of Springfield, Ohio, is the mother of twenty-four children. Among them are five sets twins. She was married at the age of fourteen ; her youngest child is onlya few weeks old, and her eldest. is in his twenty-seventh year. Several months ago, John Wilson, of Pittsburgh, Pa., dislocated his hip, and several doctors failed to relieve him. While alighting fromssbreet-car the other day, he slipped and fell on the ice, and the sud- den jar cured his lameness. The chimney of a. glass-house in Liverpool is 105 feet high, formed entirely of glass bricks. The floors and roof are of glass ; and even the journal boxes, in which the machinery revolves, are of the same tran. sparent material. a. block of wood. and on thisléi‘ggine rack. He permits anybody to crack the rock with a sledge hammer, while inrests on his skull. “The man with the iron skuil ” is the latest London freak: Ox} pig head, he pu_ts A dog with a. dangerous appetite. is re- ferred to in the following advertisement, from an English paper : “ For saleâ€"A bull terrier, two years old. Will eat anything ; very fond of children.” Three dozen of Chinese pheasants were caught by three boys in Eastern Oregon, during a. snow-storm, and sold for $10 a. pair. The snow settled on the birds’ bails, preventing them from flying. The digestiVe organs of a. hackman in Bath, Me., must be as strong as a quartz- crusher. He eats eggs with the shells on, and occasionally chews up and eats lamp chimneys and crockery. Rosewood is so called becausdwhen first cut it inhales a perfume like that of a. rose. Roses never grow upon the tree which pro- duces it. nine miles long, climbs to a. height of 14,147 feet above the sea. level, with a. maximum gradient; of one in four. -' This is also a rack rail line '; there also djficulty was experienc- ed in the higher portions from the rarity of the air. The best kid gloves are not made of kid, but of the skins of young colts. The cheap- est: kid gloves are made of lamb and rat skins. Dwarfs are the inhabitants of the Anda. man Islands. It is seldom that a. full-grown man is seen over forty~two inches in height]. The prices of medicines are fixed by law In Prussia, and a-new price list is annually Issued. Thete is a mountain railway in the Cats- kill mountains, New York state, 7,000 feet long, which is worked by cable driven by a. drum at the summit, where the steam engines are placed. The W( rks in progress for the utilization of the immense power continually running to waste at Niagara. are rapidly approach- ing completion, and these hove been de- scribed as but the beginning of perhaps the moat stupendous engineering feat ever undertaken. The great tunnel has just been finished. A very fine Stradivarius violin will fetch $10, 000. This, which is 6700 feet long, 28 feet high and 18 feet wide, runs from the bottom of a great shaft 140 feet deep, to which the water is brought from above the falls by a. large canal, and running parellel with the river empties itself below the clifi's under the suspension bridge, after having set in motion the series of great turbines which Only 150,000 horse poweruof the 17,000,- 000 which it is calculated the falls can supply will be absorbed by‘ the Cataract Construction Company’s works. It is in- tended to sell power at the rate of $20 per horse power per annum up to 3,000 horse- power ; for powers beyond the charge will be$10 per horse-power. are intended to work the dyn amos to trans- mit power electrically to any y“desired point. 1\ 1 ...A r-.. Most sheep die before they are a. year old ITEMS OF INTBEEST. “In New York Dr. McDonald said my disease was Locomotor Ataxia. He treated me by striking me on the knees without giving me pain ; by having me try to walk with my eyes closed ; by trying to stand first on one foot and then on the other, but I couldn’t do it, and so after a. while he said I had Locomotor Ataxia and was incurable, and that I had better go into the country among my friends who would make the few remaining days of my life as comfortable as possible and give me kind attendance. Well, I came, or rather was brought from New York into the country, but instead of dying, I am a. well m, nearly as well as ever before in my life. Pink Pills did it. If I were able I would, at my own expense, me. But their treatment did me no good, and after a while the old trouble returned and I was getting bad again. Then Ibegan again to take Pink Pills ; have taken in all nearly 20 boxes, at an entire cost of less than $10.00. (My other treatment cost me a. pile of money) and again I am well and able to work. begin to pan-poo at me for baking Pink Pills and finally persuaded me to stop taking them and to let him treat me. V'v’hon he returned to the West he left a. prescription with Dr. Hyde, of Auburn, ybo also treated “Then Dr. Potohin, of Wisconsin, uncle 9f my wife, and who was hgrg agar visit, “ The latter part- of last June 1 read of a case similar to mine cured by the use of Dr. VVillisms' Pink Pills for Pale People. I had never heard of those blessed Pills before,but I thought if they could cure another case of the same disease with which I was afflicted, perhaps they would also cure me. So I sent and got three boxes of the Pink Pills and began taking them at once, following. all the directions closely. In a few weeks time I was so 1mproved that from being helpless, I was able to help myself and to get up and go to work and to walk every day from No. 74 Walnut St., Where I then lived, to Os- borne’s New Twine Factory, Seymour and Cottage Streetsâ€"~(more than a mile) where I was then employed, but all the while I was taking Pink Pills. “ When the disease first came upon me the numbness began in my heels and pretty soon the whole of both my feet: became affected. There was a cold feeling across the small of my back and downwards and a sense of soreness and a. tight pressure on the chest. The numbness gradually extended up both legs and into the lower part of my body. I felt that death was creeping up to my Vitals and I must say I longed for the hour when it should relieve me of my pain and misery. I was still taking the medicine (“It was Iodide of Potassium,” said his wife) and was being rubbed and having plasters put all over my body, but with no benefit. “ You see when I saved the boy I was in the water so long that I was taken with a deathly chill and soon became so stiffened up and weak that 1 could neither work nor walk. For some time I was ”under treat- ment of Dr. George McDonald. He finally said he could do nothing more for me and that I had better go into the country. On the lst of last June (1892) my wife and I came up to Auburn. I was then in great ptin, almost helpless, the disease was grow- ing upon me and I felt that I had come to the home of my wife and of her sitter to die. “I was born 1n Albany y, N. Y., and am 42 years old. The greatest portion of my life, I have lived in New York City. I was general foreman there of the F. A. yMulgrew Saw Mills, foot of Eighth Street, on the East river. It was on the 29th of April, 1889, that the boy fell into the river and I rescued him from drowning, but in saving his life I contracted a. disease, which nearly cost me my own. Why, six 1 am sure I should have died long ag o if Pink Pills had nut saved my life, and I wouldn’t have cared then for my sufferings were so great that- death would have been a. blessed relief; but now, thank God, I am a well man again and free from pain and able to be happy. “ Why, yes,” said Mr. Donnelly, “come into the house. I will tell you all about my case and how Pink Pills cured me, and will be glad to do it and to have it printed for the benefit of others, for I am sure I owe my restoration to health and happiness wholly to those simple but wonderful Pills. ” And then in the presence of his wife and Mrs. Corry and Mrs. Taylor, who all con- firmed his statement, he told your corre- spondent the story of his sickness and of his restoration to health by the use of Dr.:VVill- iams’ Pink Pills for I’ale People. _ AUBURN, N.Y., Oct. '25, ’92. I am taking Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. They have cured me of that terrible disease. Locomotor Ataxia. When I commenced taking them, I was wholly unable to work and nearly helpless. I am now improved so much that; I have been picking apples and wheeling them to the barn on a wheelbar- row. Yours truly, EDWARD DoxxELLY, 71 Moravia. 8b., Auburn, N. Y. Immediately on returning to Auburn our reporter called at the above address and found Mr. Donnelly out. in a barn where he was grinding apples and making cider with a, hand press and he seemed well and cheer- f ml and happy. Moravia étreet is one of the pleasantest suburban streets of Auburn, and No. 71 is about the last house on it before reaching the open country, and nearly two miles from the busmess centre of the city. An Act of Heroism Followed BY Dire Results. It is on record that upon a chilly April day, a. few years ago, an eight year old boy fell into the East River at the foot of East Eighth street, New York, and when all efforts to rescue him had failed, Edward Donnelly, at risk of his own life, plunged into the water and, when himself nearly exhausted, saved the boy from drowning. It was a humane and self-sacrificing deed and received deserved commendation in all the many newspapers that made/ mention of it. Edward Donneliy was then a resi- dent of New York City, but his wife was Amanda Grantman, of Auburn, and sister, Mrs. Samuel D. Corry,of No. 71 Moravia St., which gave local interest to the incident. All this was some time ago, and both it and Mr. Donnelly passed out of the mind of the writer until a. few days ago, while in Sara.- toga, he was shown a letter to a. friend from which he was permitted to make the follow- ing extract : Edward lionnelly Saves a Life .Umost at the Cost of llis ownâ€"After Years of Sulfa-lug he is Restored to Healthâ€"A Story of Interest to Canadians. Auburn, N. Y., Bulletin. AN AUBURN MIRACLE. The emigration to Canada. was larger last year than usual, and the area of land settled on is greatly in excess of that of previous years. A remarkable feature of last year’s immigration was the settlement in Manitoba and the N orth-W’est of a large number of farmers from the W'estern States of Amer- ica, who had been attracted by the fertility of the soil, and the excellent crops the farm- ers have secured during the last two years. The Canadian Government offer very liberal attractions in the shape of free grants of land in Manitoba, the N orth-West Terri. tories. and British Columbia, and they also give money bonuses to families or individ. uals taking up land in those provinces within eighteen months of their arrival. Allover the Dominion, however, land can be obtained on very favorable terms. The classes in demand are those with capital, farmers, farm labourers, and female domes- tic servants, while skilled mechanics and others who have friends in the country, or who are assured of work on their arrival, may go with safety. Persons who are con- templating emigration cannot do better than consult the Government pamphlets, issued from the Emigration Bureau, Broadway, Westminster, and the Canadian Govern- ment agents. â€"[Spare Moments. That there are excessive pain and suffer- ing among some sections of the population is perhaps understood vaguely by many observers. There has not yet, however, been any audible remonstrance from the workers themselves. They submit to their toil quietly and uncomplainingly. We hear of hand silk-reelers in J oshu, who be- gin their day at 4 p.m, and end it at 1 21.211. For them the toil of one day is carried into the next. But that is an exceptional effort, made for a season only, and does not" continue all the year round, as is the casein the factory. Comparable with it is the toil of the tea-house waiting girl. The story ot her daily life is almost incred- ible. Rising with the first streak of day- light, she cannot rest until the last quest has ceased from his carousals. Three or four hours of sleep representing her entire respite from toil. It is stated, on authority commanding trust, that children in match factories in Kobe work from 3 A.M. to 7 P. M., with only two recesses of thirty minutes each. The thought of such hardship is terrible, in- volving as it does results that must be felt by the next generation as well as this. We do not know how it fared with the artisan in Old Japan. Probably he had to suffer hardships enough after the fashion of the time. But there were no factories in those days, neither was there any tyranny of com- petition, such as has been inaugurated by contact with the West. The new civiliza- tion brings with it new problems, and they have to be faced. \Ve have as little faith as any in official interference. Besides,this labor question has not yet come before the Japanese public in a definite form. The Japanese Women Labor Many Hours on Delicate Embroideries. More than once during the last few years allusion has been made to the severe labor performed by young people in J span It may probably be said with truth that toil of this unremitting character is a fea- ture of Japan’s new civilization. In one branch, at any rate, such is the case. We allude to the embroidery and hemming of handkerchiefs. Young girls may be seen occupied in this manner from early dawn to late evening. They sit crowded together, generally under very unsanitary conditions, and always with inadequate provisions of light. Match-making is another trade which furnishes similar examples. ' These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y}, and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm’s trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cts. a box or six boxes for $2.50. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. The public are also cautioned against all other so-called blood builders and nerve tonicn. no matter what name may be given them. They are all imitations whose makers wish to reap a pecuniary advantage from the wonderful reputation achieved by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company from either address. The price at which these pills are sold makesacourse of treatment; compara- tively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medica1 treatment. Oiir reporter then -called upon Chas. H. Sager 00., druzgists, at their request. They were much interested in the case and cure by the use of Dr. VVilliama’ Pink Pills and told of several other instances, which had come to the knowledge, where the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills had proved eifi- cacious in making most wonderful cures. These pills contain, in a. condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shat- tered nerves ; they are an unfailing specific for such disesases as locomotor ataxia, par- tial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la. grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexion, and the tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration ; all diseases depending upon vitiated humors of the blood, such as scrof- ula, chronic ervsipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions. irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to the pale and sallow cheeks. In the case of men they efl'ect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of what- ever nature. “Another thing,” said Mr. Donnelly, “I am sure that the Pink Pills for Pale People (and they are well named) are the best remedy for impure blood and the best blood maker in the world. Why whenI was sick and before I took them, it I out myself the very little blood that came from the wound was thin and pale and watery. A few days ago I accidentally cut my hand slightly and I bled like a. pig and the blood was abright red. J uet look at the blood in the veins of my hands.” So indeed they were, and his cheeks also Wore the ruddy flush of health with which only good blood and plenty of it can paint the hurlian fags. publish the virtues of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills to the whole world and especially in New York Cit-y, where I am much better known than I am here. WORK WEARISOMB AND FIN E. Bmizratzon’to Canad; During the recent severe weather in Scotland 9. very extraordinary shot was made by Sir Charles Boss’s puntsman. A large number of birds were seen sitting on the ice, and the puntsman succeeded in get- ting within about sixty yards of them. Some of the birds rose as the gun was fired, but the total number killed by the discharge was 149.: they included several species, but the majority were lover. The gun was 15 inches in bore, and the charge 4 ounces of powder and 14 ounces of No. 3 shot. The shot was doubtless rendered much more de- structive than it would otherwise have been, owing to the pellets skidding along on the flat surface of the ice. The latest English idea in insuring the lives of customers is embodied in an “in‘ snrence ” corset. With each corset sold is presented a. coupon, insuring according to the value of the article, the purchaser {or £25, £50, or £100, against death by 303!- ent. Collectors in England Who Admire the Designs. The President of the Leeds Philatelic Society at a recent meeting described th‘3 stamps of Canada, which, he said, like those of the other British North American colon- ies, are all very handsome in design and er:- quisite in workmanship. The first issue of three values, was in April, 1851. The dc- signs were at Beaver for the 3d. value, .u portrait of Prince Albert for the 6d, and one of the Queen for a stamp which wx » given as of the value of “twelve pencc ‘ which is probably a. unique instance of h shilling being so denominated. The second issue consisted of the same three stamps on difierent paper. In 1855 a 10d. stamp was brought into use, bearing the portrait of Jaques Cartier, who first explored the St. Lawrence, so naming that splendid river from having entered it on St. Lawrence’s Day. In 1857 a couple of new values were addedâ€"Ed. and ridâ€"with Queen’s heads of difl'erent types for the central design. In the same year the id, 3d., and 6d. were issued perforated. On the lat of July, 1859, a radical change occurred in the currency of the Colony, which adopt- ed dollars and cents in lieu of shillings and pence, and the stamps were issued of the same designs as before, with but slight alterations, to conform to the new coinage, the “twelve pence” being discarded alto- ether. A Z-cent value was added in 1864. Â¥n 1868 the whole set was superseded by a new series of handsome stamps of large size and uniform design, intended Ljfor use not merely in one colony as the previous stamps had been, but for the whole Canadian Do- minion, formed by the union of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia in the first instance, and afterwards of British Colum- bia, Manitoba, and Prince Edward l sland. In 1870 these large stamps were replaced by new ones of practically the same design, but smaller and more convenient in size, which are still in use, with one or two ad- ditional valuesâ€"All the members present3 with a single exception, showed their collec- tions of Canadian stamps, Mr. Beckwith’s own series being not far from complete. After eighty years of oft-repeated trials in the tantalizing problem remained unsoivz a. Wood and charcoal still held the fi ’-‘:' in the smelting furnace and all hone oi '.‘-'P,I‘ seeing coal substituted for them" her? Acll nigh died out. In 1686 Sir John Pettu s, in his “Essays on Words Metallick,” con- cluded his observations regarding sea coal and pit coal with the remark : “ These are not useful to metals.” The unpromising prospects, however, soon began to brighten. Immediately after the revival of lead and copper mining, which took place about 1:39: â€"having probably been more or less in abeyance since the interrhptions occae‘onm‘: by the civil wars, when The fisher left his skifl' to rock On Tamar’s glittering waves; The rugged miners rushed to war From Mendip's sunless caves. â€"these ores came to be smelted with coal. The extraction of silver from lead with coal was accomplished by a Mr. Lydal in 1697, and the same individual appears to have been the first to successfully employ coal in the smelting of tin, in 1705. The ores of iron proved more refractory, no sub- stantial and permanent success in smelting them with coal being obtained till near the middle of the eighteenth century, when the manufacture of charcoal iron had dwindled to very small proportionsâ€"in fact, was dy- ing out for want of fuel. It then at length became an accomplished fact at the Coal- brookd ale iron works in Shropshire. The success was at first ascribed to the Shrop- shire coal, but probably the employment of a strong blast had a great deal to do with it. From this the coal became the life of the iron manufacture. The ci-devant droop- ing trade rapidly revived, and the latter part of the eighteenth century saw coal iron furnaces in successful operation throughout the kingdom. near-d or as Fuel as Far Back as 1656~ Preceded by Wood and Charcoal. Though coal had been employed for cen- turies in the manufacture of salt on the shores of the coal fields, wood had hitherto continued to be the fuel at the inland salt works. The use of coal at Nantwich ismen- tioned as a novelty in 1656 ; and ac to the Contenqmrary Review, at Drgm wood fuel and leaden pans were in use up till 1691. In this era the sea salt manufac- ture was in the zenith of it prosperity. But the substitution of coal for wooa in the inland salt trade, aided by the discovery of rock salt, which took place accidentally in boring for coal in Cheshire, 1870, led to the gradual decline and final extinction of the manufac- ture of salt on the coast. The only tree's now remaining of this once flourishi _ industry exist in such names as Howdu - pans on the Tyne, Prestonpans on the Fun '2», Saltcoats in Ayreshire and Saltpans in Aryan and Kintyre, or in the Scotish proverb, “Carry salt to Dysart,” synonymous With the English “ Carry coal to Newcastle.” In no branch of industry was the search} of wood more keenly felt than in the smoking of metalliferous ores. Continued'efions to accomplish this with coal began immediz' iv- ly after the accession of James I. and m- - persevered in throughout the seventeenn. century. But for a long peroxd the new fur-l proved highly intractable, and scheme aim r scheme ended in failure and disappoint- ment. CANADA’S POSTAGE STAMPS. WHEN GOAL WAS FIRST USED. 149 Birds at One Shot.

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