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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 2 Mar 1893, p. 8

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R .Iaken in conjunction with the series of (Q; magnificent new bridges which form part of the schemeâ€"the Tiber embankment now afiproaching completion, is described as do: cidedly the grandest work undertaken in Rome by the Italian Government. The Eonte Margharita, a fine bridge constructed entirely of stone at the upper extremity of the Eternal City, is already completed, 9.5 is the Ponte Cestio, at the Tiberine Isle. This latter is a bridge of three noble arches. A curious fact in relation to it is that the stones of the old Roman bridge which was pulled down were used in constructing the new one,_ and even placed-in the sarne oréer Fourteen business places is Wu. were destroyed by fire Thursday morn- ing. Fire caused £90, 000 damage in b‘tzange- ways, a. suburb of A anachcstez, Eng. , last week. John Bell had half of his leg torn 0‘3 while aijusting a belt in a. furniture faetory at Wingham :zzst week Pierce Stevenson Hamiiton, well known for his literary works died from an overdose of laudanum ab Halifax. Four pfir sons were kilicd and fifteen injured ‘y a. co} iison near South street sta. «ion, \‘vest Philadelp hm ves'ex~<ia ay. At Barnesville, 8.0., Tumsdau‘ night, while a olcred worn-a... was at a frolic her five children at home were burned to death. myra, N. an 18- feet embm seng-ers and one ch": injure d. 31., 3 [1' 0n the West Shore rmimud myra, N. Y., s. mssmger trsz‘: _ . â€"n Thursday afaeruaoz: I'm 0:. : tez mail tram bound waste rum: { on. L ii 3;; :3: who was walking on L‘u ue :ra: ~ Ii: LEZ‘sL ‘reck, N. 3., and he Wu. ShinSEEJA \Liiled De “ceas- ed was ":0 ye Lid, :1 32:. - n3. tewher r. and a brother or tRev Hill at 1‘ newts] tbmust, blergyman. in‘ which they originally stood. The Ponte Umbertoâ€"a bridge of very great importance leading to the centre of the new ugrjer on the right side of the river,where t e'cbnrts of law are being erected, is, moi-cover, approaching completion. To the leit of the Corso Vittorio Emanuele, going 'dcwn, a. new and large road has been made, leading to another fine bridge which is call- ed the Ponte Garibaldi. Finally, the Ponte Emilio, which took the place of the famous old Ponte Rotto, or broken bridge, is elso completed. These great éhfi'nges entjai 3§ome amount of inter‘ i" nee with ilfie hiszgric castle, 0% St",i “’elo, who ‘ r t nets were oun, gétJhétruct itshe ‘fihe of the new embank- Briggsâ€"That was a nice thing young F iddleback fell into, wasn’t it ‘2 The father of the girl he is going to mary wives them a- house and lot, and her mother lurnishes all her clothes, besides criving her an income. Griggsâ€"‘What does i‘iddleback do '3 Briggs â€"I understand that. he is going to buy his own cigarettes. -â€"Puck. The Presents Were Costly and Numerous. Ikey Goldsteinâ€"Papa, I vos ei hdt; e 019113 to-day._ _ g 3’ an Moses Goldstein-â€"-So you vos, mine leedle pay"; so you vox Ikeyâ€"Gif me a. bresent, papa? Mosesâ€"Van until it schnows, Ikey, and your papa. vill make you some nice, beég, rounds. Vite. coldt, schnow-balls ! REFUSE CHEAP. IMITATI'O“ The New Tiler Embankment. for all purposes for cleaning and sweetening, nor AOOiBEflT RECCM. great comfort Women use it preserving the figpg§ from in- for purity, nOr Laundry and and find it a. and saver of Has no equal Great Expectations. jury, nor foi- clothes and Millions of general use. Household all-round Labor rmmnud near Fal- ger tram felldown L. Tuc- adult pas- ‘ ' and 15 Auction Sales. Thursday, March 9th. Thomas Swain, auc- tioneer, will ofi'er for sale by auction for Samuel D. Dewell, on his promises, lot 10, Con. 7, M anvers, all his farm stock and implements, consisting of four valuable horses, a large number of cattle and sheep. The implements are worthy of the attention of intending purchasers, being all in good repair. Nine months’ credit and a dis- count of six per cent for cash. Friday, March 24,â€"James Kerr, Auctioneer, will offer for sale for Mr. J. E. Sanderson, on his premises, Lot 14, Con. 10, Gavan, all his farm stock and implements. The stock consists of six head of fine horses, a large number of well bred cattle, Shrop- shire sheep and Yorkshire pigs. Nine months credit will be given. Look out for this sale. Entitled to the Best. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, every family should have, at once, a. bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 750. bottles by all leading druggists. 9-4:, be generally appreciated, and no family should be without :it in case of accident, or sudden attack of 'Ir'd3senter3, diarrhoea or cholera morbus. Big 25c. Bottle. W ILsoxâ€"JORDAN. â€"In Millbrook on Tuesday, Feb. 28. 1893. bv Ven. Archdeacon Allen. Robert; Reid \Vilson to Miss Minnie Jordan, 931W daughter of Mt. Wm. Jordan, all of ELLIOT’I‘.-â€"1n the townshi of Ho pe, on Friday, Februarv 24, 1893, Ann lliott relict of the late Stewart Dean aged 69 years. \VATERMAN.â€"â€"In South Monaghan on Sunday, February 19, John \Vaterman, aged 73 years. Davis” Pain-Killer.â€"Its valuable proper- ties as a speedy cure for pain cannot fail to use it, for it will Zure you. If your child has :he Croup, cr Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious iisease CONSUMPTION, don’tfaz'l to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price IO cts., o cts. and $1.00. Ifyour Lungs are sore or ack lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. 25 cts. his GREAT COUGH CURE, this succm ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par. fllel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. [f you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, 11' _____A_ -‘L11J I--- 600000000060®¢600000090 9» N q 0 . A ¢ ma fim mmmfimw v D V ’D”--’x”}””’}}’>’ 9 av Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts iently yet pro-m tly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowe s, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy 0 its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, rompt in its action and truly bene cial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it rvyu-v-- _â€"__- Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure it promptly for any one wno Wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the ”04504 HH!§LX'1LU'U. ZSHH “HA HA I.'.'lu|ll-J£A u xxxxxxxx Answm‘ to-day and endow ten cents and )‘nll may “in onr- of the leading prizes. Address. (A\ 013R YOUNG PEOPLE. King St. “2. Toronto. Canada. 6 0096 Alll‘o" DI... n , Lvnu.u.v. Uuuuuu O XOOOOOOOOOOOOMGWMGOO to ail and havé made it the :sost pogular repgiy known. °A 1‘-.. ..-1- 2.... ”KA CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP m. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY: NEW YORK. W. I. Hope. SHINE-5’3 CONSUEWTEON CURE. ONE ENJOYS The Tomb. The A] tar. W. LANG Which can be mrclmséd cheaper than at any other how 0 in town. for cash. iii: RY GOODS! Wines 8: Any person requiring a thoroughly reliable article in the above line can procure the very best, from H. McCartney New Store at Deyell’s corner. residents of Mill rook and vicinity that he has opened a Photograph Gallery in the vilL f6 apd W111 be pleased to receive orders for al kmds of PHOToGRAPlIS. CARTES DE VISITE, CABINET, etc., in the best style of the art and at rock bottom prices. EH13: subscriber he s to announce to the For information and free Handbook write to MUNN as 00.. m1 BRQADWAY. an YORK. Oldest bureau for securmg patents m America. Every patent taken out by us is brought hefore the pubhc by a. nomce men free of charge m the Lmest. circulation of any scientific paper In the wor’l‘d. Splendxdly musmted. No mtemgent man should be thhout. it. Weeklfi s .00 a ear: $1.50 six mgnths. Address M 1m 00.. UBLISHERS. 301 Broadway. New York 'ty. ficimtifit gmerim Boots 8: Shoes, Grocemes, c_. $36 PHOTOGRAPH 9% GALLERY. SELECT STOCK, In. caszs of F. W. PEACY, Has :11“ ays on hand a. <.c.uul).00 a. year in mm; made by John I‘ Goodwin.’1‘roy.2\'.Â¥..ut work for us. Re: you may not make as much, but we a reach you quickly how to mm (mm “to $10 a any at the start, and more as you go on. Both men. all ages. in any part at iAmerica. you can commence at home, giv- ing all your “no.0! spare moments anlyto the work. All is now. Great pay SURE for every worker. We start you, furnishing everything. EASILY, SPEEDILY learned. PARTICULARS FREE. Address at once, "US$05 é: 00.. FUR-“MAD. .‘EML‘u'E. Bo'fn-Ez Liquors. ARTIST, V CAVEATS ‘ TRADE MAR'Ks, DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, etc.| Ontario. 7w, W ', “3% “Wu.“ Fiqe a3? Tailor-Made ‘ %% Clotfiing CLEARING SALE OF BOYS’ SUITS BOYS’ OVERGOATS. ht-g'f‘ :25-‘.- ~- Handsome “ Daisy ” Sleigh Free with everyZBoy’s EgSuit or Overcoat. During the next teW days. Room wanted for new stock. Particular value in Gilts. ROBES Q 74% BLANKETS ! 7 ‘\\\V/z/, Buy your Robes and Blankets where you can have the largest stock and best assortment to select from: Our large Stock must be cleared out. Prices catch you every time. Watches and Jewellery. :33”G‘éorge Street, Peterboro’.] w. E. couwAv, Opposite McKee Davidson. f Ma Best Make 0f Watches in Gold And Silver REPAIRING AZSPEGIALTY. Sell direct to their Suuumw GRAFTON . GO. A Fine Line of Platedwape at Lowest Prices. GARDINER Big Reduction in all Boys’ Clothing. 'We are determined to make a clean sweep of every Boys Suit and Overcoat. \Ve made up a very heavy stock of BOys‘ Clothing for this winter. From now out we give away Boys Overcoats at the following prices : New Heavy Overcoat, $1.50 3 Heavy Tweed Overcoat, $1.7 5 to $2.50; '23 different styles of Boys’ Caped Overcoats, in Meltons, Etoffe and Tweeds ; Heavy Navy Caped Overcoats, $1.50 ; better quality Melton $1.75 Heavy Tweeds, $2 ; Etofi‘e, Melton 653., $2.50 ; one lot of fine difg ferent cloths to clear, only $3.50 3 another lot of eight different styles to clear, only $3.95 ; a few better lines in the finest goods, beautifully made, $4.50. The above prices are from 7 5c. to $2,50 off each Overcoat. WALL PAPER JOHN STEELE d . . . xi. It... 5).. ..\.. :GRAFTON co. BOYS’ SUITS FROM $1.25, $1.50, % $1.75, K...“ 7 $2.00, $2.50, $2.59, $3.00, EAND UPâ€"SEE THEM. :spacIAL-rv. LARGE STOCK OF SPECTAOLES OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, MILLBROOK. â€"-â€"MAN UFACTURERS OFâ€" customers at Close Wholesale prices, thus saving them twenty-five per cent. 1 FOR BARGAINS IN HAS ON HAND A FINE LINE OF T. B. J ENKINSo \’//’ \\ Manager.

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