k of eight different in the ï¬nest. goods e from 4-50. to $250 nd Tweeds ; Heavy .lity Melton 31.75 D ; one lot of ï¬ne dif- TS BOYS’ thing. EST» d Silver 9 give away Boys my Owen-oat, :31. 50 . diï¬'erent styles of very Boy’s d for LCTAGLES xnager. \D Good 1116!: German Snap, only 253 Per Dozen . Everything Else Accordingly at s. BATESON’S] A Rawâ€"Hide Whip, from butt to tip, for $1 Don’t miss this opportunity to buy TEAS cheap, as we have the best values in Teas to be had anywhere, No puffâ€"but solid facts. Call and get sam- ples and judge for yourself. For TWA 30 Days Great Bargains in Teas mark 9!. They Wis: be Sold at the est Possibie Prices. 25‘ Also.:\gen1v for the Bra-nt“or<1 and the Rain waggon. The host T. TEAS, T‘TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT'ITTTITTTTT ,1. TEA$£ TEAS, 101' LII-SE luscmon, $1. per month. ""I v-v'y Localsâ€"All notices, excepting that of enter- tainments fer which the printing is done by this ofï¬ce. a cen_ts per line__each insertion. Black lmc locals 20 cents per hne. 32'? No charge will be made for locals less than 2:} cents. Advertisements of two to Lost. Hquse rq Let. Servant for ï¬rst mscmon. $1. per m( . Legal Noticesï¬ cents per lin iosï¬â€™sonts p01; lme each aubsct - Professional} Cards. 5 lines am year, 33 for 51:: months. ' Advertisements of Farms for $1. each subsequent month, 750. Advgrtisements of Stray A] three msentmns. . QE?ELL’S. Column THURSDAY MORNING Beautiful Finish BATESON’Q HASH/~24 Warm OOJWIWRKMPH Vol. XXXVI. R. DEYELL h}. R. ELLIOT AgvsaTist‘m . Mex. Ferguson, 3} Cards 512' ncs and under, «31‘- »..A_u_ _ IS PUBLISHED EVERY s ofo two to three lines, such \0- ’ ‘ "' I 7 Sold gt the Low. TTTTTTTTTTTTT Ms per line ï¬rst-insertion ach subsequent. 125"“‘103. ULL Millbrook. irantford buggies The best in thc TTTTTT I tray Animals, $1 for rec uneS, such as Vanted, c., 500. r Saleâ€"1 month r. per inch. Ware-rooms on TUPPER STREET“ ..... ., «no: .L'mluULB, 11. W11} pay yor me before placmg any orders thzs season Flows, Cultivators, Hat-rows. Straw Cutters, Horse Power Threshing Machines, Plow Points. ‘ and, in fact, everything in the implement and machinery line. Farmers, it will pay you to see 1110 before h'nn;v\n- a-.. -_.x -__A u, u BENBEBS, BEAPEBS, MOWEBS, I. I. How to get a “Sunlight†Picture. [ Ah 1L1†LT L Send 25 “Sunlight†Soap wrappers : ‘ (wrappers bearing the words “ Why Does a. Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Manâ€) to IM LE E T Lever Bros., Ltd. , 43 ScottSt., Toronto, and 0 you wlll receive by post a pretty picture free from advertising, and well worth fram- and all kinds of machinery kept in stock at the mg. Thls 15 an eesy way to decorate your . home. The soap is the best in the market Millbrook Branch of the Peter Hamilton and it will only cost 10- postage to send Manufacturin 00 . in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. g mpany Write your address carefully. ,\N T B. COLLINS 8: CO., BANKERS, MILL- . BROOK. Farmers’ and other good notes discounted. Drafts issued on all points of Can States at; lowest rates. The nd other notes a. specialty. ansmade on real estate N . 0 commission h arged. Office, north side of King Street. Reference-Can ‘an kot Co 7 , -____----... u.u.u,, um“ 1151' SEE Do attention given to the preservation < natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas for the less extraction of teeth. Good work 'uarax Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th ,4 londa each month. Pontypool lst and 3rd Mon W. FISHER, YETE {INABY SURGEON, J. Ofï¬ce and resxdence, Ballheboro, Ont. ‘Will be at Queen‘s Hotel, Millbrook. every Saturday. ____ _--a....v v' . L». uluueu, A V . . . A. J. Armsmzong, B. A. W. H. N eébitfl: £11? First-classloans. laced. Money loaned and. invested. Mel-cant; e collections made and general law buslness. . L Barristers, iééiicitors, ‘ 5:0ng anfl yrgghton. \V. R. 1:1 1:5 11;“? . mum I W', boi ‘ ‘ ‘ In“, Block, Walton £32216 ‘1?“ 01m lead on the security of r oft Hem farm property for sale. ea csmte‘ MITH 8:. PRESTON (SUCCESSO ‘ T J: A. V. Preston) Barristers, Soï¬gtc'rg botames, c.0£ï¬ccs, W'ood 8:. Kells’ block Milli Rfoog, 0n;., and Bethalgg’ on the 2d an’d 4th . on ays m eve mon . lowest rates. 1'? 36 Money to loan at Rici'mrdson‘ s residence, V C. MCIIINNQX._1\L D,, C. M†(SUCCES l o sor to Dr. humps) Toronto and Victoria Umversitics. Liccnuate Royal Collage Sur- geons, .Edinbuwh, Member‘Collcge Physicians and Surgeons, (311130.110. 011106 at A. T. Elliott’s drug store._ Afpgr ofligg hours at Mr- w“, Keeps consumtly on hand alarge stock 01 Fur- niture of all kinds. Three lat No trouble to show goods. go meufacmrer of the Exee’fs! .. Machine. The best in thn mung-1.: Washing . ___'v-r Machine. The bést in the market. WLCLKXRKE. L.D.S‘ IQDEL‘L. ABMSTRON G ALD WOOD, ISSUER 0F in; .IiinIéBE LICENSES. Mfllorook, On: p ,. WARD BARRISTEBE ATTORNEY. tTmu: thnifnn n4". ., JOHN MULLIGAN. MARRIAGE maï¬aâ€"sâ€" CABINET MAKER, PROFESSIONAL 3, DE NTIST SPECIAL nI‘n---.‘ L! , --'1 -u. 1.1. UI‘yLVn; Â¥ - OIï¬ce 1n Ontarlo 3°!â€- Noney t9 - â€"v., vv a Town and ‘5, net’cn Co erssmm MILLBROOK. 0NT.’. The Tomb. LACKEY-In Millbrook on Monday, March 13, 1893 Mary Ann Lackey, beloved wife of Rob- ert LackeY. AREA 49 Vanna Membray"s Kidney and Liver Cure is a. preparation of Herbs and Roots, the Medi- cal properties of which are Universally known. Try it for Purifying the Blood. For sale by A. LEACH: Millbrook 11-4t of 7H1; 5 paig- Peterboro, March Il.~Peterboro, is now E tolerably sure of hav railway this summer. days of ing an electric street After two or three activity in .municipal circles the Council met last night and granted the franchise to the Canadian General Electric Company. Messrs. Ahearn Soper, of Ot- tawa, who were the cause of the question assuming a pressing importance, disappeared from the scene at the committee meeting on Thursday night. Mr. A. Elliott, of this town, then put in an application, but as he also failed to put up the $5,000 forfeit, the question narrowed down last night to the Canadian General Electric Company and the Peter-boro‘and Ashburham Street Rail- way Company, with the result that the former was given the franchise. They are bound to have over a mile of the road built by August 1 next, an additional mile com- pleted in 1894-95 and another addi- tional half mile in 1896. They must do this and carry out the other provisions of the agreement or forfeit the $5,000 cheque they have deposited with the town as a guarantee of good faith. The franchise is for 20 years. 1 ___-__ “sway; , UGLI :ke'y. Aged 49 years. Franchise Granted W. VANCE I’ETERBORO NE "3‘3 bed for an Electric Street Railway. '. VANCE. e..- nil-V iown laét nigh}, t5 the Mr. James Porter returned to Electric Company and homestead on Monday last after an shbl‘lrham Street Rail- Off?“ y ears. THURSDAY. MARCH 16‘ Entitled to the Best. All are entitled to the best that their money, Will buy, every family should have, at once‘, a'bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 750. bottles by all leading druggists. 9-4: a i a corner of the d had left her the p eat-1y good health. heart trouble. Mr. Yates, night-watchman of the Brid and Tool Works Company, Hamilton 0 5e 1 ‘3 returned home to ï¬nd his wi .~ a corner of Hm m...- _____ 3615’.in Clea. In Th'e body of Mr. John Tynan, of the township of Chafl‘ey, Ontâ€. Was found mangled on Saturday morning on the railway track two miles north of Hunts. ville. V..- ___‘_â€" v. vnnv MIHLEBQ Carey’s condition is unchanged 20-day, and as he has not recoi‘rered his spéech it has been impossible to get. all the star? of the burglary frbï¬ blip, Some of 1:116 ï¬'g‘igly bors Scuba that $5000 $653 stolen fr'éiï¬ the old man, but they think a large amoï¬lt was taken. ‘ ""O â€"v wJ VHIVU’I Yesterday Dr. Bigger did not have hopes that Carey would recover. He terribly beaten, his bed? being bleck blue frogn the kicks of the brutes. The money was in coin and bills. After securinÂ¥ the plunder the robbers gave the poor 0 d fellow a couple 9f parting ~kicks ‘and made their escape, Mailing him bound and gagged and in a dyingb' éoï¬ditlon. The house was left in a terri 16 state of dis- order, everything being top‘s'y-turvey. ~~ Vania-“L... T\.. D:....-__ A - ._--- “nu uucu L-lUU. HIS hindshnd feet and gagged him. Then they coolly went through the house in search of money. Every room was ransacked and some boards on the kitchen floor were re- moved. The search was unsuccessful, and the burglars returned to the bedroom and renewed their brutal attack on the helpless old man, kicking him into a state of insen- sibility. It is not known if they compelled him to tell where the money was hidden, as he is still speechless, but a my rate the thugs got about $5000 ch was stowed away in a bundle of cotton batting in the bedroom. umuuuuu uurgxars and did not care whether they alarmed the old man or not, knowing that he was alone in the house. Going to Carey’s bedroom they dragged him out of bed, kicked him as he lay upon the floor and then tied his Inna- --AJ .L .A of a mile from Carey. The a. lonely spot, and as he ha 0 ethe burglars could not her victim. HUD] An Old Farmer of Troy, Ont. is Dying .M After Losing 5oo. frlen HAMILTON, March l3.-â€"Residents of A 1 Troy are greatly exmted over a. daring 1615f,- burglarly and murderous assault which was Shiel committed about a mile and a half south of boys the village early Thursday morning. The W‘ victim, Martin Carey, was terribly beaten, Mills and lies at the point of death. The burglars Me stole 85000, which was hidden in the heuse, ford and so far they have evaded arrest. M r. \ Carey is a bachelor about 60 years old, stock and has lived alone for many years. He TIN owns a farm of 50 acres, which is ï¬eldl worked on shares by Andrew Ammcr- man, a married man who lives a quarter of a. mile from Carpv 'r'sm Am m-.. 1:4,, - Mrs. .Wdï¬ger of \Velcome, Was v; daughter, Mrs. Geo. Fair. lam. um , "w.“ ,umwx occupied. the] pit in the Millbrook Methodist church Sunday evening: last, and the Rev. Mr. E nebt of Springville, preached here, Mr. Jas. Peel returned home last Fri< from Bexley, where he has been for a con of weeks disposing of the produce of his fa in that township, ' Mr. Jas‘ uncle, Mr. ent. M 1'. A. Killenbeck of a, house belonging to M week. Messrs. A. Christ living on M r. J as. P four years, moved Eakins’ place, whic Mr, J as. Batemau cutting wood for M] sawing machine. Crowded outlast week ’ ‘ ‘ "L' l A violin artist andu consented to appear delight, their hearels. enough newness EU cents to hear. Re devoted to school 'llie annual school concert will be held on March 24th, commit-tees have been organized and the preparation of an interesting and instructive programme is going on very successfully. While some of the old-time in'orites will be on the programme again, there will be 1161' mlem, hour “1..-“, ~ Our Presbyteria of the dining-r031}; .. .LL, A On Monday night, last weeka. number of our best, citizens spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. John Pritchard. At the close of the amusements, tafl'y was served. in good style and hilarity prevailed till uï¬he clock, 1 with its warning hand indicated that the time had come {vhen courtesy demanded the retirement, of the assemblage, and all on leaving were loud in the praise of Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard in their capacity of host and hostess. M r. John \Vhitfleld is ha His wife prOSented him daughter last, week. ppier than ever. With a youngl BEATEN AND R0833 ED s Byers of \Iontxeal, .John By els, in the â€"-v--vusll KW previBus evénin in appar- :. She was afli cted with me, which they have rented. Bateman was endaged last 1 n .. Christie Sons who have been L'. J as, Porter’s farm for the past moved last week to Mr. S. ,77- v-“ ULlllL ill be on the programme again, be new talent, new plays and Hess added to make it: worth 20 .r. Remember the receipts are school apparatus and supplies. ist and a. Scotch vocalist have to appear in one number and l' hearers. Everybody welcome. an pastor occupied the pui- nnlr l.rT..LA:I‘ A Conn-mine. v elcome, was visiting her ,, Fair, last week. M r. J as. i, 1893. Cavanvule. of Millbrook moved Mr. Jas. L. Fair 1 he old man fiéeévi-x‘x has no near neigh- t have select-ed a --.o Mr. Herb. Shield is home on a visit for a ROBSED. few days. He is a student of Belleville _ Business College. ,y, Ont. 1, Dying Miss Nellie M cLean is at present visiting 5,500. friends In Peterbaro’. l3 nResidents of A party in honor of Terpsichore was held hnfl- nuow .. ,1-..:_ _, IAN; n_:3, . over a daring last Frid ault which was Shield. 3. half south of boys say. morning. The We re erribly beaten, Mills is i: . The burglars Messrs min the house, ford leav m-esb. Mr. VVils b 60 years old, stock. my years. He The Pa as, which is ï¬eld lodg< Irew Ammer- ives a. quarter d man lives in .- ï¬ no near neigh- h C “m we selected a Patten is He {vats gaged last week Porter with his “YB any , is helping his : store at pres. to the old an absence a.st Friday Jr a. couple of his farm K moved to ,. Fair this mmc again, ' Plays and it; worth 20 een successfully treated. Full particulars, with copies of splendid bestimoiï¬als post free. Herbert Clifton, 51, Upper Kensington Lane, London, S. E. 6.13 on 021 '. Ben- be generally ap: should be 'withou‘ sudden attack 0‘ cholera morbus, Davis’ Pain-Kifler.â€"Its "valuable propen ties as a. speedy cure for pain cannot fail to be generally appreqiated, and no family should be 'with v :' - . , sudden attack n; Ann“, .. - -wm wumscs or $11: head of ï¬ne horses, 9. large number of well bred cattle, Shrop- shire sheep and Yorkshire pigs. Nine months credit will be given. Look out for this sale. James Kerr, Auctioneer, will sell by public auction on_Mopda.y, March 20th. the farm a4nn}- _ _. J _ -_.v-sv MUWI‘. ornorses, cattle sheep pigs, implements, e. Ten months’ credit wi There is a thoroughbred bull, a number OE robes and other articles not mentioned on the bill. This 15 the greatest sale of the season and everyone should attend it. Tea will be served in the evening. James Kerr, auctioneer. iVednesday, March 22, James Kerr. 9.qu tioneer, will offer for sale by public auction for Mr. T. W. Harkness. at his place, Lot 13, Con. 10, township of CaVan, at one o’clock p.:n., all his farm stock and imple- ments. Nine months’ credit and a discount oi six per cent. for cash. Friday, March 24.â€"James Kerr, will offer for sale for Mr. J. E. Sanderson, on his premises, Lotl4, Con. 10, Gavan, all is farm stock and implements. The stock consists of six head of ï¬ne horses, 3 linge number of yell bred cattle. Shrou- ll be given. Auctioneer, Davis’ Eight months credit offered mi 511 $10 and a. discount of 6 per cent on amounts over that sum. ms oyet per cash Thursday, March 16, M 1‘. Thomas B of “ Pine Grove,†Lot; 6, Con 11 will held an immense auction sale, will offer without reserve his enti thOI‘SPS. cattle sheep pigs, imp C. 1‘61] momjm’ run-â€1:4. .-_:'n 1 “'0 are very glad to heart Patten is recovering: from his Mr. Morrow, a friend of has returned to his_home on 4 The road in the vicinity of man’s premises has been in a for some time. Several accid a, couple of weeks ago that 1: in heavy loss in the horse line V ___ -u. uuv J.‘ UL M r. ‘Vilson will take with him a. car stock. The Patrons of Industry Will visit ï¬eld lodge at an early date. Mount Pleasant. A play will be presented by a Peterboro’ company of artists on Friday evening, 17th inst., in the Good Teznplars hall. Proceeds in aid of the building fund of the hall. We are sorry to state that Miss Flora Sanderson IS at present very ill. _..-“ St. John’s church, on learning of the early departure of Miss Ber- tha. Lewes, their organist, decided to show- their appreciation of her serv Thursday evening last a, commit panied by the pastor, Allen, proceeded to the home of Miss Lewes, and after a highly congratulatory and com.- plimentary address by the pastor, Miss Ida Mills presented Miss L owes with a well-ï¬lled. purse. Miss Lowes made a. very appropriate reply and thanked the me mbers and pastor for the highly honorary gift. Before the company dispersed a short programme was given consistin r of songs, recitations c., and an enjoyable repest served. The members of ices and on ttee, accom- Ven. Archdeacon Mr. T. \V; Evans of Yelverton leaves abouf; the 215t~ inst. with a couple of Ecarloads of registered stallions and mares and shorthom (cattle. Every one of the animals he is tak- ing is registered. He handles nothing but the best class of stock, and these are no i exception to the rule. He is leaving behimi several good stallions, among them be' Starlight, which is a very popular and effecâ€" tive hor‘se, having had great success last; season. Among the horses one hea of talk about is Muckle \Vilkes, owned by Mr. B. MeGill of Yelv erton. This ï¬ne, standard-bred horse is one that everybody speaks highly of. rs a good deal The Manvers council will meet to appoint: ofï¬cers on Saturday, April lst. There is a. good deal of discussion in. this township concerning the proposed bonus to the new railway that is to run from some- where in this township to nowhere up north somewhere. It is very, very doubtful if the by-law can get through. On Saturday last Mr. John Davis’s year old daughter Louise was buried. had been ill with measles, which, bee complicated with a. cold, tenninated f‘c Mr. Geo. McCartney has returned Tweed, where he attended the Grand C Lodge of Ontario East. very glad to hear that M r‘ TI“ ut :ib in case of accident, of dysentery, diarrhoea Big 25c. Bottle. Auction SHIPS ,, .__~vvu-b for cash. -. â€"James Kerr, Auctioneer, [e for Mr. J. E. Sanderson, , Lotl4, Con. 10, Gavan, all k _and iganqments. The {Humor-gem. , March 20611 the far; Bur 1 to hear that Mr. David. L: from his sickness. N OISES repast ’served‘ )t; 6, Con 11, Gavan, auction sale, when he Ll accidents happened that; nearly resulted :uarnuey has returned frog 3 attended the Grand Orang- ,0 East. council will meet to annninfl l of Mr. Blakeley, eon Amherst Island. Thomas BZmeum, ll Bethany. sone hears a good deal ckle \Vilkes, owned by Yelverton. This ï¬ne, is one that everybody of Mr. John Kinsâ€" lg_very bad state 1 mares anH shorthom the animals he is tak- He handles noth' ock, and these are no He is leaving behind , among them being arv hnn..l.... 7 " M er services and on committtee, accom- Ven. Archdeaco LOIHG of Miss Lowes, ) l “IA . â€" , entire stool: les, which, becomï¬g , terminated fatally. visit W'hi t.- load of to appoint No. 11