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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 16 Mar 1893, p. 5

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f COFFINS, of Undertakers’ an other kinds lowest. prices. Sew York Cit}. ifi'erent styles ndle every de- merican iron DE hanks. a PATENTS. 'IGHTS. etc: a. pump ged so as 10 izeavy stream see it. before rtaker, Poo: Ann-3n, not write to r; NEW YORK- m in Amena. i brought Detox-o 0168838831112“ 9 f Pumps and yle and price. the now well um ’UMPS ! A PIMP. him, l-ly. EEN scraper in the No intelligent. ekh. - .00 a MEN); 5 700.. LOTT, h its Latest wanderful mm on the } Km An- troubled with 2mm! Ontario Limited. for T .l twill dently éxpected. â€"-A case of diphtheria at Cedar Valley terminated fatally on Sunday last, when a daughter of Mr. N. Wyatt, eleven years of age died of the dread- ful disease. There are two or three other children of the same family ill, but they are progressing quite satis- {actqrily and their recovery is confi- -â€"â€"A meeting of the directors of the Cavan'Agricultural society was held last Friday afternoon, when arrange- ments were perfected for the annual spring show to be held here on the first Monday in May. â€"â€"Don’t- fail to hear Sara, Lord Bailey on Wednesday evening next. Admission 25 cents; reserved seats 35 cents ; children 15 cents. Plan of hall now open at. A. T. Elliott’s. â€"-Itch on humans, horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. VVarranted by A. LEACH. 11-13t --The restoration of the Queen’s hotel building has been commenced, the bricklayers and carpenters being busily engaged in the work. -â€"An adjourned meeting of the board of health will be held in Dr. Turner’s ofice on Friday evening next. â€"-Have you seen our city tablets. Every sheet of tablets has “ Millbrook, Ontario ” lithograped on it. For sale only at Turner’s. â€"â€"-The Smith family gave a musical entertainment in the town hall on Monday evening under the auspices of the Methodist church. -â€"The Gavan Council will hold a meeting toâ€"morrow afternoon when pathmasters and other ofiicers:wi11 be appointed â€"â€"Messrs J. L. Patterson and Mark 1 Raper attended the horse show at Toronto last week. -â€"-We have known the roads to be in better condition than they are. now. ~«Rev. Dr. Armstrong of Ottawa is in town, visiting his parents. â€"â€"F0t chapped hancls and an imperfections of theskin use Turner’s Frostilene. 9- â€"Mrs Webster spent Sanday in Petelboro, with her daughter, Mrs. Smyth. ‘, ~Aldemmn R. J. Stewart of IVor- wood was in town on Friday and call- ed upon THE REPORTER. -â€"Mis Edith McKee of Peterboro has been visiting at Mr. Wm. O’Brien’s. â€"Mrs. C. Wilmot of N ewcastle spent Monday with her friend, ,Miss. Burton. -â€"Court Ivanhoe, I. O. R, will meet next Tuesday evening. Compound Syrup of Horehound â€"â€"Sara Lord Bailey. â€"Town hall next Monday. -â€"-Under the auspice of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church. â€"Miss Howden returned home the first of the week. â€"For coughs and cold take Turner’s "Cough Syrup of WVhite Pine and Tar. 9- â€"-Dr. C. H. Brereton of Bethany was here last Saturday. Hundreds of Bottles have been Sold of this now well known remedy. A thorough qu‘gness and Shortth trainin school. Com tmgn yearly for Gold and S' - ver Medals. e 10%: Illustrated circular mailed tree. Geo. S, , B. A., L. L. B.. and A. Blanchard, Chartered Accountant of Ontario rare the Pnncrpals. Prepared only by â€"â€"i , WW ‘ 7-. raw-”mm ~w- wr;.-mx WV" DON’T BE WITHOUT IT. A. T. ELLIOTT, TOWN TALK PETERBDBO BUSINESS COLLEGE THE DRUGGIST. GURES DOUGHS, UflLDS,e. Mrs. Scofit Siddons in her palmy days, which speaks volumes for her ability. See the litl‘iographs and programmes hanging in the stores. ,And be sure and secure yOL‘I’ tickets early to RVOid confusion. â€"Rebecca Wilkl‘nson, of Brownsvalley, Ind., savs: “ I had b een in a distressed con- dition for three years' fnom Nervousness, Weakness of the Stoma Vb; DySpepsm and Indigestion until my beam!“ was gone, I; bought one bottle of South . American Ner- vine, which done me more goon.1 than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in" my life. I would advise every weakly perso 0 to use this valuable and lovely remedy. I con- sider it the grandest medicine in the \ vorld.” A trial bottle will convince you. Wax ‘rant- ed by A. LEACII 11-133 â€"The Gait Recorder says of Sarl‘lv Lord Bailey, who appears here under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church on Monday even- ing next, March 20th:â€"â€"“Since the visit of Benford several years ago, no elocutionist has so pleased the fancy of a G: 1t audience as did Sara Lord Bailey on Wednesday. This talented lady has a magnificcznt presence, and lher every movement is grace itself. ‘Her first number, “Life for a Life.” was especially strong and fully dis- played her excellent histrionic powers, while her second selection gave ample scope for her splendid voice and show- ed the perfect control she has of it. Her last piece was irresistable, and proved her to be equally at home in the humorous as in the tragic selec- tions. AHOH-â€" m.n-... i. ‘ .--Sara. Lord Bailey, reader and eiocutionis-t will appear before a Mill- bl‘ooik audience on March the 20th in the :bown hall. She is perhaps the olefin-Est artist in her line now before the C(madian public, and wherever she has ap} weared her audiences have been chat-meat. She is said to be equal to â€"Just arrived at R. J. Doak’s, the largest prettiest and cheapest stock of wall paper ever shown in Millbrook. see this stock before buying. Remnants of last year’s stock sold at great sacrifice. Buy early and secure the plums. 10- â€"â€"The M illbrook Home Circle is making rapid progress under the leader- ship of Mr. Wm. Archer. On Tuesday evening last seventeen candidates were initiated making an increase of twenty- one members during the quarter. â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Armstrong of this town will celebrate to-day the 50th anniversary of their wedding. They have the heart-y congratulations of THE REPORTER and their hosts of other friends in this vicinity. â€"Rheumatism0ured in a. Dayâ€"South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and\ mysterious. It removes at once the â€"-Deputy Reeve Barnicutt of Man vers was in town Saturday. â€"-Miss Garbutt and Miss Davidson of Peterboro paid a visit to Mrs. Henry Johnston on Saturday. cause and the disease immediately dis- appears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warrant-ed by A. LEACH. 11-13t â€"â€"â€"The Ontario Government has issued instructions to municipal clerks throughout the province to prosecute all persons who fail or neglect to to comply with the law for the regis- tration of births, marriages and deaths. The penalty for each offence is $20 and costs. “ â€"Mr. and Mrs. Luke Berry of Hastings are in town to-day attending the golden wedding of_Mr. aqd Mrs: â€"011 Saturday afternoon last a horse:belonging to Mr. Geo. Page of Manvers died in a. rather peculiar way. It seems Mr. Page was driving west from .Millbrook on the 5th line, and, when .near Mr. Kinsman’s place, the animal .got down in some way into a pitch-hole in the road, which at that point runs beside a fence. The horse made sexeral plunges in its efforts to get upon its feet, and in doing so threw itself across the fence, rupturing a. .blood vessel. It died shortly .afterâ€" J. D. Armstrong. We understand Mr. Berry is an intimate and warm supporter of our old friend, Mr. E. Cochrane, M. P. of East Northumberâ€" land. -â€"-English Spavin Liniment- removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. VVarranted by A. LEACH. 11-13t -â€"-Prof. Pemberton has engaged Mr. J as Fax to sing at his pupils’ concert which will be held in the town hall on the evening of April 4th. Mr. Faxis reputation in this vicinity would be sufficient to fill the house, and when it is considered that the programme will :contain other excellent features there is every reason to beli :‘e that theeoncert will be a. great success. â€"Try Turner’s antibilious pills. gm? gave 315 hams as Fred D. Davis of 301601”; and said he firived u; the c 3111': before. H931 ad a r'etbi‘h 11;} in bi; pocket, and so it is lik éy hob to gilhé tmt AVerdant Youth of Eighteen Tried a ‘Clumsy Fraud. Tonovro,Ma1-ch 13.--About 5.30 Satur- day evening a. green- docking country youth with a. wbi te down on his lip stroll- ed into J. B. Johnston’s store at 182 Queen- sngeeb east and Said he wanted to buy a. pair of lLoots. A pair of legged cow- hide b00£s finally 120515 his fancy and he asked the merchant to chain e a. “fifty, ” the same time producing a 5 bill badly de- faced w; the. lead pencil mark? He ad tried to change “if words five to 0 an figures five to 50. he work was most clumsily ‘ done and easily detected. He was detained till a policeman was efimxfioned and then lockeg up in Station 0 2 The youth gave is ‘name as FredU. Davis of Bolton Arrived This Week PRINTS, CARPETS, LACE GURTAINS, TABLE LINELLS, TABLE NAPKIILS, White Grey GOTTONS new spmm: uoons Lace Kid Gloves in Colors and Black. Call and Examine Stock Priees. â€"Rev. Mr. Burgess of Bethany preached at the week-night service of St. Thomas’ church on Wednesday of last week. Last evening the preacher was Rev. Mr. Symons of Ashburnham. KELLSiOWLER co. â€"-The Canadian Order of Foresters is al fraternal benevolent society, incorporated } in 1879 and registered under the insurance corporations act, 1892, of Ontario. The ob- jects of the society are to furnish its members with sick and funeral benefits and an insur- ance of one or two thousand dollars. The payments for these benefits range from about one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per month, according to the age of the member, and the amount of insurance carried. The membership is composed of men only, and when admitted they must be between the ages of eighteen and forty-five. The present number of members is over 16,000, and the society has a cash surplus on hand for the payment of the insurance of over $215,000, $50,000 of which is in the Domin- ion of Canada bonds, and the balance is in- vested in the best monetary institution of the Dominion, In addition to this, courts have about half a million dollars in their treasuries for the payments of the sick and funeral benefits. The high secretary of the Order is Mr. Thos. White of Brantford, and it is expected that a court of this popular and purely Canadian society will shortly organized here. ‘ 50-4m 'Mrs. Lowe, who had_ been adjudged insane by‘h .United States court-,xehurned to Toronw in 1891 withoyt nptifying' her husband.‘ She entered the Church Home, where she died in August, 1892,.1eaving a will dated November, 1890, in Which Ule bequests were $100 to J ane Haughtofi; $150 per year to her hgeband during his lifefi' e and a}. the time dt‘his death the remain 5‘ to be Hivided equnlly among the Girls’ Home,,B<§s’ Home and Church Home. In J uly, 189;,4119 Sn reme Courbrreversed the decision wiih re erenee“ to Mrs. LoWe’s inequity, and the defence urged as evidenée the affidavits sworn to at this time by the plaintiff, which stated thafi his wife was ‘ possessed of property and money. The Iaiutifi' cbnfended that his wife had no nancial reSDurées, and asked judgment; dissolving the Fquests and.1 declaring the mogey_his_abso fitely. \ Hi5 Lordship gav'e decision inr ffWQI' 0f the plaiubifi“. John Lowe, the plaintiff, is an old man of 70 years, and raided with his wife until 1890, when they removed to a small town near Syracuse, N. Y. The earnings of his labor as a machinist, first in the' Northern Railway shops and after in the T. , G. 8: B. shops, he handed over regularly to his wife, who did the banking business in her own name, depositing the money inlthe Canada Permanent Loan Savings Company. In 1889 the plaintifi‘ owned two houses on Niagara - street and had had ,the snug sum of $5000 in the bank. Whem the couple remoVed to the other side the annoy was transferred to banks in 811320 u ”L A Wife’s Charity Was Hard On Her Old Husband TORONTO, March l3.--That; his wife wrongfully willed away his accunihlated earnings, is what John Lowe substantially said in the Assize Court yesterday. The defendants in the case are the Church Home, the Boy’s Home and the Girl’s Home, the legatees, and the Toronto General Trusts‘ Company the trfistees for the estate. THOUGHT TO DO TORONTO UP. WILLED HIS EARNINGS AWAY. Dreamers . 1 Quart flippers 2 Quart Dippers Best Broad Hoop Iron-613d Milk Gan, 25 gallons Do Do 30 gallons x V T/ze People of Me Village of Bailieooro wz’llgive a gmfid erzz‘ertaimzzefll in Me Town Hall, Baz'lz'eooro, 0;: Friday evening, Mare/z 17, in aia’ of Me Circulating Liorary, w/zen a good 19(0- gramme will be firovidea’. T/ze liorary is now provided wzlk 250 looks, ana’ l/ze object of t/ze eizz‘erz‘aimzzeizt is lo raise funds ‘to add lo t/ze memoer aiza’ increase l/ze cyfieiemy of Me library. fl only costs 506 lo join if. Admission lo eizz‘erlaimueizt. 105. GRAND ENTERTAINMENT AT BAILIEBEBE. WALL In Great Variety and of the Latest Patterns. Come and Examine Them. They Can’t be Beaten. I have 500,000 in stock. All grades. Prices are low to suit the timesâ€"running from one dollar upwards. The dollar shingles are excellent valueâ€"quite good enough for any or- dinary outbuilding, LIME, LIME AND CEMENT. I will sell lime the coming season much cheaper than it has ever been offered before in this section. All those intending to build should call and be convinced of this fact. I have a good stock of building material on hand and will cut out Dimension Stuff on short notice at very low prices. Sash, Doors, Mould- ings, Door and Window Frames made to order on short notice. The correct thing at this season of the year is GOOD WOOD AND COAL. I have a good supply of both these commodities. BOOTS AND SHOES. SHINGLES fora SONG .P. S.â€"I want a quantity of_ Green Wood. hard ond soft, two and four feet; long“ Also a quan buy of Oats and Hay, for whlch I will pay cash. Office and yard at Railway Stauon. me genuine. Prepared by Scott 3 Bowne, Beneville. Sold by all Druggists; 50 cents and $1.00. Bowne, J Everybody knows that most preparations of Cod Liver Oil are disagreeable to the sense of smell and taste. Almost everybody knows that Scolt’s Emulsion (of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda) is not like the rest. .It is a wonderful curative agent. Cures”? chrOnir‘ “35mg uv I 1.. ‘ -I '- 1 fl”, cough, heals and strengthens the 1 Mars/checks- any . . " ' u ¢ W\a§t1ng dlsease ~and nt‘nr‘lnnoo “AAL J. O \L That is well worth your attention. They are made by the best makers and are sold at rock-bottom prices by 1 no MARKET. . flippers . .' 56.110 Quart Pails . Dippers . . 106114 Quart Pails . AND ALL OTHER TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A VERY LARGE STOCK OI WE HAVE ALSO A VERY FINE LINE OF CHEAPER THAN EVER AT . PARKER. 5------» ~11» .u (and. Produces flesh PAPERS ALMOST. W. TH EXTON. $3.50 $3.75 15c

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