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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 7 Mar 1895, p. 1

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Monet! call on him and leave their w and fresh from the its Enlarged Portraits u: 0“ pr Wster Colors, [nah Ink, :xaml - nor Book store- :3 in Sultlngs, OvercoatingS. Ven'. Etc. Repain’ug in nudes. All work guar- - 416 George 5"- epic or Crayons have no unper- n- on this Continent. All 'ork imperishable. L'hurlot : e-st. , Peterboro’. Ground xdio. X0 stairs to climb. ohhy Suit LE T HE BEST TRUEST, dMost Artistic issued and collection made at. All ointa on most hvonhlo toms. DNTYPDDL, TEDâ€"Good you: ste of the Cievohnd School of Cutting, unnzve satisfaction. We Defy City m1 want. a first-class horse, a. ,or turn-out of anv descrip )n’r. fail to call at this stable. ranâ€"Goo! vounz team of black Pail or Tub ‘ :t a enelal Banking business. inâ€" {g c3 ectillg and dioqonmipa Far- ’. S. SCHNEIDER, :hmaker and Jeweller REMEMBER NEUDER’S lV/zen in br Diamonds. [Vatcfies G. H. WALLIS, PONTYPOOL. and ofiico on Tapper street I‘A'I'ER sarcasm out-eighty: 'HflTDGBAPHS MEfi’s LIVERY! uule’s drop 03. received and interest. unowed u highest current nun. of Fibreware will out- Besidas, they are much lighter and ha 1' no 110006“ to: rust NT four to one. ILBROOK. H. WALLIS, ‘ F' \SHXL‘SABLE TAXLDK. ROUGH. 391 George Street. >d Kells,”'- BANKERS, :COATS. lndumted Flu-aware. I twelve ’. W. LARMER. mills UNTAKIO ”a; FFIOEâ€"Nor’th side of King-8t- (31 ”per.” Referenceâ€"Canadian Bank of Commem. antl finned Ind collection made It. All point- on most. fumble toms. Deposits received and interest allowed et highs! current ates. nillbrook. - Ontario, Tunnel: 3 general Banking business, in. cluding co ecting and discounting Fu- mer’s Note: for my time during twelve months. ARMERS' AND OTHER GOOD NOTES discounted. Drafts Issued on all points 111 Canada and_ the Unxted States at. lowest. rates. The Collectxor. of Sale and other notes a special- ty. Loans made on Real Estate. No commis- A, ‘- .L-â€"_.‘.I Wood Kells, T. B. COLLINS 6: CO. RANNEY‘ETW‘EST“ PETEBBORO'. - - ONTARIO. ONEY to Inn at. 5per cent. on gilt. edge security and at. 5; angi 51 per cent. on lesser necurny. Terms ro_su:t borrowers. CHISHOLM CHISHOLM I.“ HOPE. 145 Hunter-St. - Peter-borough. WRADUATE OF THE ONTARIO VETER- inary College. Diseases of Domesticated Animals floatation scientific principles. liq nine Dentistry aspecinlty. Registered in acoomnnoe with the Veterinary Act. (mice â€" opposite Dominion Hotel. Residence Kings!" llllbmk. LL DOMESTICATED ANIMALS TREAT- _ed accordmg to latest. scxentxnc methods ruucuhu' uuouuou mum to Mums Dena-'u'y. Charges modmte. calls by telemh prompt. I: attended to. BETHAN Y. WINK. - - - ONTARMI. LL DOMES’I‘ICATEU AN 13131.5 THEAT- od according to latest. scieunnc methods. rumcular aucnuon gn‘eu to hqulue Dentistry. charges moderate. “cadence and omce 51113 It. apposite on n annex-u Bank. IDES I' rms‘u'l'. - 1i )TARIO WILL vicu‘t Cavanvme )londay..\\'ednesday and Friday or each week Iron] 1 to 3pm: umce at. Mr. C. .uagiu's. IIVIL ENGINEERS. O. 'TARIO LA ND SUR- r VEYORS. mam DENTIST. Special attention given to the preservation of the numm Teeth. M- Irons oxide Gas for tho painless oxlmcuon of teeth. Good work guaranteed. \\ 111 be at. nanny the 2nd. am: in: Mondays of each month. Umemeo 15:. Monday and 3rd Wednev day 0: each month. maximum. BARRISTER. Solicitor, Nomi-y Public. etc. anazo and Company Funds tot can a: the loam-1r. rates. 0mm in Wood 5.: Relief block. A; Bicnmy on 2nd and uh Mondays of every mom. . J. oeutiate Royal College Surgeons. mm- hurxh. Member College rhymcmua and a‘ux- gcuua, Ontario. Ulnce at. A. Leach's drug atom. zcwuencu Annie amen. «succnssox To me. mxmri "ITIMI. - ‘ osruno. ' R1811"; 'LNIV‘EKSITY. MEMBER 01" the College m Physicians and Surgeons. ran norm. ’ «sunny BARRISTER. Attorney at Law. Solicitor, etc. Money to land on the security or real equate. Town and Farm Property tor nus. omeo no Ontario Block. Walton street. 7 ORONI‘O And Victoria Universities. oeutiate Royal College Sum-cum. N. C. McKINNON, M.D., C.M. J. the College 0. L’hysicmna and gal-goons, Ontario. JAS. SEAGER, M.D., C.M. ‘mprupgr TAILOR. IssL' ER or MAR- , SETS EVERY TUESDAY Evmfix' G 1‘: + than- hallover the new Post Ufl'lce. Visit- mg Brethren welcome. W. D. LEAQH. ‘ D. HAMPTON. N. G. OVAL (fAVAX LODGEâ€"CAXADIAN 0R- _ DER 0F ODDFELLOWS. meets the thu‘d Tuasday evening of each month 111 the Home Circle rooms. Kin -st.. Millbrookf hon}- of meeting. 8 o'clock. T a benefits of this Society are worthy the coyaidex-ation of every person. lnformauon furnished on application. .103. THORNDYE. X12. 6. DUNCAN JAS. D. DEYELL, V.S. CBS'I'KEVILIJI. - ONTARIO. UEEX’S University. Kingston. Member r or the College or Pnysicnans and Surgeons. â€"Meaa third Munday in each month in their :29.” over Leach'. r 5 atom. Stralm'rs wel- D. PALMS. (LR. \V. \V. GILLOTT. XLS. 410°“ thé second Monda in every month in Home Circle Rooms. W K0113 block. nt 8 o'clock sharp. RCHIBALD “FOOD. ISSUER UF MAR , RIAGE LICENSES. Miubrook, Out R. McMAHQX. ARRISTER. SOLICITOR ROTARY PUB- * lie. Etc Money to Loan. $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. DR. H. C. LESLIE. 'OL'RT IVANHOE. D W. J. GREEN, WING to noun-om a. lax-gent: mhero! citi- zens of M1 rook to again enter in the Butch- er business. we have purchased the business of the old stand and we are no“ in a better . man than ever to sustain our old reputation“ 3b1ve us a can and beconvincod that wecan supply you w ith the choicest cuts to he had 1n town. .u “I nu. LANCASHiRE'az SCOTT BANKERS, LAPP, B.A., M.D.c.M. ROBERT RUDDY. BARRISTERS, (SUCCESSOR TO DR. NIDDRIE) BANKERS. WING ‘9 r: MARRIAGE LICEN SE8. Veterinary surgeon. Vol. XXXVIII. A. A. SMITH, DR. MARK, H. A. WARD, [BOOK CANADIAA ROM E CIRCLE PROFESSION AL. HON. R. E. STANTON. loader. Secretary. J. R. YOUNG. Fin.-Sec. Mlllbrook Lodge No. 308. ' INDEPENDENT 91mm or ODDI'ELLOWS, SOCIETIES. I, L.D.S. Ontario. 0311310 ONTARIO. 05TH“). ouurlo. onnuo ”STAR“! Ontario. Sécreuu-y. BELOW All SOME OF ms INDIE“ : 1N WOOD COOK. “The Dixon Steel Cook." (the best on the market. every stove guaran teed to be perfect baker). “ The Souvenir Cook." “The St. James Cook.‘ “ The Origxnal Cook," “The Maple Cook," “The Oxford Cook." IN COAL RANGES. " The Souvenir Rance." the best Coal Range in the country). “ The Stewart Coal Range,‘ “ e Oxford Coal Range." IN COAL BASE BURNERS. “ The Stewart Art Sultana," “The Oxford Art Countess, bolh powerful double heaters and perfect bakersâ€" AND A FULL LINE OF HDUSEFURNISfiI‘Sng? IN TABLE CUTLERY AND GRANITE But Brands’of AMERICAN and CANADIAN COAL OIL‘bf/bnnon or Barrel. 407 George Street. Petepboriough. Coal and Wood Cook Stoves ALSO COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES Great reduction in B. Laurence Spectacles. Best quality. REPAIRING PROMPTLY AMENDED TO Having removed to the above commodious stand and put in a fresh stock I am now better prepared than ever to accommodate my old customers and all new ones, who will favor me with a call. Special value in Stem-Wind Watches from $2.99 up. Complete line of Silverware at hard time prices. Old .Eqs’c foige ABuilding. W. s. GIVEN, CHARLES HUNTER. v " 'A“ '_ l"'"_ death. Loans granted on policies at low interest. No extra charge for insuring lives of women and children. W. M. RAMSAY, IN" A “Y “A vv'v‘vmhâ€" â€"_ Imrg‘xediate payment on receipt of proof of 7,4,! ESTABLISHED 1825. stmzwwa ACCUMULATED FUNDS - $39,000,000 INVESTMENTS IN CANADA $10,000,000 ISSUES FREE POLICIES. “ STANDARD ” ASSETS OVER S14,ooo;ooo. HENRY ARGUE, Agent, Millbnok. Th} UANADA LIFE Assurante Go. PROFITS are emned mainlx from the interest element. The SUN Life not only in the magnitude of its new Canadian Business, but in its interest earning power, LEADS THEM ALL. The moral isâ€"-â€"Insure in the SUN â€" the Company pre- eminently first. 1 “K H. HILL, approached by any other Canadian Company. $10.284.ooo.oo was the amount received and this attests the popularity of the Company. an Stands 5" the Proud Position of having received in applications f°' the year ElGHTEEN-NlNETY-FOUR an amount never before A Good Shingle X for $1.00 Per M. â€" A flood Shingle XX $1.50 per M. Clear Shlqgle XXX for $2.50 per M. Please call and inspect and be convinced for yourselves. WORRY LIME KEPT 1N STOCK. Allthmdte C081, all sizes, and of the best quality; Blossburg Coal No. 1. 89.311 and DU‘JI‘S and ()ut~idu Blindu. Hard and Soft. “'4 4 A (‘Jmnn KEEP ABREAST VWTH THE 11MES! 1. Because it is the oldest, largest, most popular and economical and gives the best results for the ledst money. 2. Because in 1893 it increased its assets by $1,236,513â€"a sum exceeding the increase of any other two Canadian Companies, and more than double of any one company. 3. Because it has a larger suriflus' above all liabilities than all the other Canadian Companies together. 4. Because the net Profits paid on its Life policies during the last 20 years are not equalled by any other Company in America. J. DOAK, Agent, Millbpook. GEO. A. and E‘LW 003$, 1895‘ LEADS ALL Ekfiifiiflf'mMPAmfis. The following figure; sl}â€"o_w the iu'tcres. Millbrook, June 11, 1894‘ The SUN Life Chief Agent, Ontario. REMOVED Life Assurance Co. HAS NO W ON HAND HIS FALL AN D WINTER STOCK OF THE SUN LIFE H (K ADAM HALL Ontario Mutual - Canada Life - North American ‘ - Manutacturer’s - - Temperance and General Confederation Life 11 sizes, and of the best quality; Blossburg Coal No. (as and Outaide Blindu. Hard and Soft V“ l (1 Cheap. Agent, Millbrook. J. STEELE, FALL AND WINTER WHY IT LEADS I W. H. MeCARTNEY, Manager for Central Ontario, show the interes. rate earned bv vaxious Life Companies doing business in Canada. for 1893 2 . z13‘TABLISHED 1847. THE GREAT Sfiingle Empofiium IS AT MILLBROOK! l DOWN THEM ALL FOR QUANTITY, QUAL- ITY AND PRICE. J. J. HAN RATTY, Managers Eaétern Ontario, Toronto Agent, Bethany W. TH EXTON. DISTRICT INSPECTOR. PETERBORO J. L. IRWIN, Old Post Office Stand. Manager 3788345 BNBQJBW 5555544 Port Hope. 1895 Petepbopo. __ ,-_u_, "v..- .- sore, cht, bruise or sprain, relieve lum- bago, rheumatism, neuralgia, excoriated nipples or inflsmed breast. Money saved and pain relieved by the leading household remedy, Dr. Thomas’ Eclectrie 011, a. small quantity of which usually suificeg to cure_a. cough, heal a ._~vâ€"â€".â€"'_ â€"--vv--' “a“ \II UVI, street east, Toronto, proprietors Mr. J. Martin, notary public, King street east, Toronto, writes and says : “I was suffering Iron; dyspepsia, sour stomach and torpid liver for years. I was advised totry Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, which I did, and a. few bottles have completely cured me." 50 cents per bottle. For sale by dmggistsâ€"there isnone as good; the only Dr. Carson’s Stomach Bitters. Allen 85 00., 53 Front “Oh, George,” she cried, as he handed it toher, “I am so sorry for you. It is so hard to be poor.” "Yes, dearie," he replied cheerily, “but it’s a. great deal harder to get rich.” He had struggled manfully to make both ends meet together, but he did not always succeed, and there were painful gaps in the continuity much oftenerthan was pleasant. Still, he was not quite dis- oonra d, and kept at it. His wife as- sisted im all she could, but she was not strong, and there were moments when she almost gave up the struggle. It was at such a time when he came in one night with a dollar, all the money they had had That an ounce of alum dissolved in the last water in which clothes are rinsed will render them almost inflammable. One trial of Mother Graves’ Worm Ex- terminator will convince you that it has no equal as a porn: medicine. Buy a. bottle and see if 1t does not please you. Mr. H. B. Mclfinnun, painter, writes : "Last summer my system got impreg- nated with the lead and turpentine used in painting; my body Was covered with scarlet spots as large as a. 25-wnt piece, and I was in such a. state that I could scarcely w'alk. I got a. bottle of Northrop Lyman’s Discovery. and at once com- menced taking it in large doses, and be- fore one-half the bottle was used there was not a spot to be seen, and I never felt better in my hie.” In China, there is a. Heavenly Foot so- ciety made up of young men who are un- der a. vow never to marry a. woman whose feet are smaller than nature in- tended. Southern newsfidfiéfs say that while the strawberry blossoms were largely de- stroyed‘b}: the. heayy frosts and snow of ,_V-V_ ___ 9...." v- late; yet {here is pleizty of time for new buds to form. It. is suggested that sounds too hiih for our ears could be recorded by the p ono- graph, and might be made audible by re- producing at a. lower speed of the instru- ment. Some of the ranches in the west eon- beins millions of acres of land, and are enclosed by fences that extend for miles. It. takes an express train four hours and fifteen minutes to pass through one pes- ture in Texas. A gold-weighmg machine in the Bank of England is so sensitive that a. pos stamp dropped on the scale will turn the index on the dial a. distance of six inch cs MILLBROOK. ONTARIO, THURSDAY The most cautious man we ever knew was the one who was alraid to buy a lead pencil for fear the lead wouldn‘t reach clean through it. “Architecture is frozen music, you know." “Indeed; then what. fine archi- tects the street. musicians must. make at this season of the year.” Berlin is the most cosmopolitan of large Europeaqcitiieg. ‘ iny thirgy~aeven get --_A -r , V__ -d -v . -_ rvâ€" cent. of its inhabitants are Germans by birth. There are about 100,000 islands. large and small, scattered over tho oceans. America alone has 5,50050atrtered around its coasts. A reputation onrceriarbken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was. Steamship compartments do not seem to do the work they are supposed to do. Ocean travelers would like to know why. ,, 77V -VU-.â€"q vvuuv AVA VMAJ VLUU,VUU,' 000. The imports of wool were 180,000,(X)U pounds moze last. year than they were In 1884, but they cost $6,600,000 less. Great Bricain received $25,000,000 less for the cotton fabrics she shipped last year than the did for those exported in 1874, but. she nevertheless sent out. 1,700,000,000 yards more. For less than 2,500,000 tons of iron and steel manufactures exported in 1874 the price was $155,000; for consider- ably more than 2,500,000 tons exported last year the prie: was about 893,000,000. __-_ __... vâ€"V nu 1884, and 14,000,000 hundredweights of refined sugar can be imported tor the price paid in 1884, for little more than hen. In ten years the quantity of dead meat imported into the United Kin dom has nearly doubled, while its dec ared value has increased barely 50 per cent. In 1874 14,000,000 hundredweights of raw cotton are valued among Britxsh imports at $255,000,000, while last year 16,000,000 hundredweights count for only $165,000,- 3 luhl "\L.,_‘ Some interisting facts relating to the oheapening of the prices of the necessities of life were lately given in the Boston Herald. The exports and imports of ‘Great Britain are taken, as the calcula- tions there are not disturbed by tariff chen es or experiments in currency. In 1874 nglend paid $155,000,0001'or 47,- 000,000 hundredweights of foreign wheat and flour; last year 89,000,000 hundred- weiante cost her only $183,0W,000. The sum of 850,000,000 buys 25,000,000 pounds 1 0: tea. more than it would have done in‘ lm‘ \ Dr. Canon's Stomach Bitters. V_- _v~ uvnual wanna uuvu, “Lu”: save eral meetings, concluded to reduce their deposit rate to 1 per cent. as from lst February. On the other hand, they have lowered their rates of discount on ordin- ary mercantile bills by t per cent., the rate now ranging from ‘2 to 3; according to the currency of the bills. An oflicial announcement has been made that owing to long-continued ease in the money market. of London, and the low return on the funds kept by them there, theSoottish banks have, after sevâ€" The gross receipts of the Grand Trunk Railway for six months ended December ,31. are £1,945,082, and the total expendi- ture £1,399,101. The balance carried for- ward was £554,981 as compared with £600,237 for the corresponding period of 1895. Operating expenses were greatly reduced, and prospects, according to the general manager, are on the mend. The new United States 4 per cent. loan is now offered to the public at 112 . The Belmont-Rothschild syndicate m e a. con- ‘ tract with the Government at 104i for zhis issue. The receipts of grain are small and in consequence prices are firmer. Oats are selling at 30c to 81c on the Northern and, are quoted in Toronto at 83k to 34¢. White wheat is quoted at 58c west, end at 590 on the Northern. Dressed hogs ; firm at 85.20 and $5.25 at Toronto. The State of the Case. Week’s _Cqm!nerclal Summary. Here and There. XXX XXX XXX A thirteen-year-old girl named Lulu Lacey was charged on Saturday at St. Catharines with having poisoned a. fifteen-months’-old baby the son of Mr. Pierson, of South Grimsby. The girl says the child secured possession of a. at. The City Council of Chatham has de- clared against awarding contracts to United States contractors, and against alien labor. It Is a. retaliatory measure and prevents the Northwestern Stone and Marbple Company, of Detroit from doing business there. Mr. Theodore E. Davie, Premier of Brit- ish Columbia, has been appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. as successor to the late Chief Justice Sir Matthew Begbie. On account of the trial of Welter and Hendershott at the Spring Aesizes at St. Thomas for the murder of W. H. Hender- shott, a. panel of seventy-five petit jurors has been selected, The Laughlin Hough Manufacturing Company, with a. paid-up capital stock of $55,000, has been organized at Guelph for the manufacture of architects’ and school supplies. Mr. Davis, of St. Thomas, fence build- er on the M. C. R. has been notified by his son, a lawyer in England, that he has fal- len heir to $250, 000 by the death of an uncle. R. G. Hays, Goderich, has an almond tree in bloom, grown from an ordinary almond nut, over four feet high, with blossoms of considerable beauty and frag- 131108. As a. result of the recent revival ser- vices in Chatham. conducted by Mr. Hammond, it is estimated that 800 people have joined the different churches. Under a. new r1136 adopted by the Ham- ilton Street Railway Company, the em- ployee are forbidden to enter saloons either when they are on or off duty. W indsur‘ 5 population Is now 11,468, an increase of 468 over 1898. There are 8 ,736 Roman Cathohcs, while the other nominations num ber 7,722. A quantity (of new machinery for a. cartridge factory to be established in Que- bec will shortly be shipped from England to Canada. The Port Hope Council will grant. $1,000 towards erecting a temporary buildingbo be used. by Trinity College School. Rev. R. A. Howie, Cotton, near Essex. died from gangrene in the foot, resulting from having a. woman toe amputated. Caned 1311 Pacific conductors, engineers, firemen and brakemen are havmg then eyes examined by an expert oculzst. A French-Canadian woman of Atha- basca, Quebec, seventy-two years old, has just given birth to a fine baby boy. “\Yazds,” on the Rouges River, an area of 550 square miles, has been sold to a New York gentleman for $100,000. There are 118 pl pile on the roll of the Listowel High School, and the average attendance 1a 109. Mary Lovatt, an old lady living at the Industrial Home, Aurora, was burned to death last week. Big hteen fine horses “are shipped the other day_ from Bradford toMontreal but. at low prices. George Miner Campbell, of London, old my veteran. dxed last. week. a; eighty-five. Guelp h‘s Knights of Py thins have leased the handsome hall 0! ythe new 0pâ€" era. house. A Gananoque minister is crusading against the progresswe euchre parues m that town. The blacksmichs of the Midland region are arranging a. cash system for their work. Barrie ladies last. week flayed a. game of hockey with the gentlemen. but lost it. Only fifteen votem’ lists appeals have been made to the City Clerk of Hamilton. Willie Burnett, Dresden, was elected county master 01 the Orangemen of Kent. The Pembroke fire department will have a two days' celebration in June. The Dominion Governnient is ofl‘ering the emigrant. sheds, Sarnia, for sale. Prisoners in the Woodstock jail refused. t-‘o shovel snow, and were punished. It. is proposed to run an electric mil- way from Aylmer to Port Burwell. The town of Blenheim has decided to separate from the County of Kent. J arratt’s Camera, by a. majority of one. refuses to build a. new schoolhouse. A sawmill is to be built at Windsor with $100,000 capital back of it. A Primrose girl boasts of having had twenty-four ofi'ers of marriage. An attempt wan recently made to burn the C.P.R. shops at Winnipeg. Ottawa City Council has refused to re- duce the number of licenses. A North Hastings Farmers’ Institute has been organized at Madoc. Largequantities of fish are boil g caught. through the ice at Barrie. The Sarnia, tunnel pays 4 1-8 per cent on the amount invested. Four hundred liquor licenses have just. been issued at Montreal. The Guelph F at Stock Club held its an- nual meeting‘last week. Some Parisian wan! the licenses re duced from eight to :ix. A new mill building company has been formed in Stratford. Hunter and Crossley will be at Carlton Plao: next. month. Carnivals are the rage in the towns and villages of Ontario. There is an organized gang of robe thieves in Orillia. \Vaalmgo has 500 cords of shingle tim- ber 11: its yards. Wolves are playing havoc with the deer in Cardwell. The Guelph Central Exhibition will be held Sept. 17th. There are still rumors of smuggling at Quebec. Last year Mattawa. spent $105,000 in building. The burned stores of Midland are to be rebuilt. London has a great spook sensation on hand. Omngeville has organized a. new fire brigade. 291319 Regina Exhibition will open July t . Stratford’s rate of taxation is twenty mills. t' Bayfield wants a, meteorological stay xon. Arranged and Condensed For Our Busy Readers. EachProvinoe Furnishing Its Quota of Interesting Items. LATEST CANADIAN NEWS. Goldwater wants a. fire engine. Collingwood has a. French society. Scarlet fever prevails at Atherley. Collingwood’s band has reorganized. Stratford will build a. $4,000 fire hall. Chatham has estLblishod a soup kitchen THE WEEK’S HAPPENINGS. ‘, MARCH 7, 1895. Russian petroleum exporters are cen- eidering measures for promoting the ex- port of the oil from Russia. The Atlantic stamens, which must make the voyage in seven days or under, burn from 200 to 300 tons of coal daily, mnk‘ this item of expense over 81,500 eve-.1334 hours. The Umbria. burns 12 tens of coal per hour, and on every vessel of her size the journals and bearing of the machinery require 130 gallons of In- bricating oil per dav. Presently the bridal couple retired. Their appeiites appeared to be not of the most robust. “It doesn’t seem,” he suddenly exclaim- ed, very audibly (the look of incredulity n his face a fair simulation of the real thing), “as if we had been married four years, does it ‘3” “Nâ€"no, George."' The baldcd individual near the door got choked with his soup, but, with that ex- ception, there was not a soul in the room that did not smile. “'I think,” extremely pianissimo, ‘ every bogy is looking at u_sf’_ _ He was uneaEy and his hands were much in his y'ayz But inggiratiqn came up last. H. assumed a. feeble imitation of lofty indifference. She seemed akout ready tn sink through the floor. “George,” very softly. He trxed to scowl prodigiously, with only indifferent success. ,“Erâ€"lovely morning,“ he suddenly observed aloud, with a. sickly attempt at ncnchalance. “Ye-yes, my 1â€"” “Sh! Don’t call me any pet. names. Why, you’d give ys_a_wa_y _in q minute.” “Bring us some mock-turtle,” he com- manded, attempting a. grow], but realiz- ing only a. tremolo gasp. “Don’t call me any pet. names here,” he whispered from the side of his mouth. She tried to look unconcerned. but be- came redder in the face every moment. He assayed to look savage, but made a. distinct failure of it. The youngfgirl blushed and looked very much confused. ~ “Hum,” coughed he, ostentatiously eyeing the menu. “Don’t stire at me so loanglij’he fiercely hissed, “or you‘ll give it all away” The hand of fate, operating thrpugh the head-waiter, seated them at the most conspicuous place. in the din_ing~r09m_._ » You cannot be happy while you hava cums. Then do no» delay iu getting a. bottle of Holloway’a Corn Cure. 1!: re- moves all kmds or cums without pain. Failure thh it, is unknown. Phosphorous is one of the most potent like giving principles. and it is tound 1 abundantly 1n the Norwegmn cod liver. Combined with hypophosphites ox lune and soda, it terms the most wonderlul blood creator known to science. Miller’s Emulsion ot Cod Liver Oil produced Item the Norwegian fish is the finest prepara- tion 01 thlsoil in the world. Its nesh a...d b10od producmg qualities enables the sufl'erer to gam the mr stery owr con- sumption and commence a new me under higher physmal condltlous. Miller’s bmulsion 15 the great nerve strengthener and blood maker, and cures coughs. colds, bronchitis, scrolulu and all lung ari’cc- tious. In blg bottles 50 cones and $1, at 1111 drug stores. , W -W ._._ - .. JV... lungs, nnd you “ill soon be carried to an unmmely grave. In this country we have sudden changes and must. expect to have coughs and colds. \\ e Caunun avoid than, but, we can efl'ecb a cure by using Bickle’s Anti-Consumpmive Syrup. the medicine that has nevu‘ been known to fail in curing coughs, colds, bnvnchi» tis and a1. affections of the thmat. lungs and chasm. It may only be a trifling cold. but. neg~ wet it and it will fasten ils Iangg ip your I.._.... __j 7”, 7* V- 5.. v... u. ku 4-v. umucaa, uuuomé and jumping classes. The Hunt Ulub and the Agricultural and Arts Associa' tion have Joint committees at work. The date for the opening of the Cana diam Horse Show has been changed tn Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 18th, 19th and ‘ZUth. The show wi 1 in all probability be held in the new Armory building on Univereily avenue. Every effortis being made to make the show rival in importance and brilliancy the National Horse Show which is held an- nually in Madison Square Garden, New York. In the breeding classes. 82000 will be given in prizes. 1116 same amount will be given in saddle. herneee, hunting av”! ......._._.. 4---,n l The Canadian Hardware and Metal ‘Merchant says: "Binding twine manu- facturers have decided upon a consider- able reduction in the prices owing t) the reduction in the raw material, but they refuse to make any anouncement yet as towhat the new figures will be. They claim that no business has been done yet on the new basis and will not be for a month. Efforts are being made to induce the Govelnment to olosa the factory at Kingston Penitentiary. and probably they \\ ill succerd, as the works were established by the late Sir John Thomp- son for special reasons and were not popu- lar with all other members of the Gov- ernment. They have not been a. profit- able investment.” The Toronto Trades and Labor Council sneer at Gen. Booth’s criminal colony scheme, and think its primary idea. is the warfare of the Boothe, in land and money, for no reformed criminal, they say. would be conttnt to settle down on Alberta acres and give the winnings above his clothes and food to the Salva- tion cause. The General is also criticized for stating that trades unionism operated against the elmmtinn of the submerged classes. ‘ The Best Manufacturing Company, of Hamilton, 0., makers oi agricultural implements, wantr‘to locate in Canada. Leamington, in South Essex, is after manufacturies since gas has been struck there, and the Best Company has otl'ered to locate them if the Town Council will grant them free gas, :ree Water, lree site, iree building, exemption from taxation‘ and a bonus. In the Toronto House of Industry re- ports, it appears that of 1,806 orders is- sued for wood cutting to applicants for relief, only 746 had been used, the rest apparently preferring to beg on the streets. A recommendation is made that the municipal act be amended so that each municipality be compelled to pro- vide for their own poor, in Justice to the larger cities. Georgiana Lanthier, and Ottawa girl aged five years, was convalescent from diphtheria. The health inspector burned sulphur in the house to fumigate it, or- dering the mother not to open the doors or windows. The child died. At the in- quest doctors testified that the girl died from inhaling the sulphur and the jury condemed the system as dangerous. Why ‘ not condemn the health oficer. In one of those families which it is pro- posed to bring from Michigan to Ontario there are no less than twenty-six chil- dren all told, included in the lot being six pairs of twins. The prairies of the West are the p‘ace for this family. The boundaries of Ontario are altogether too narrowtogive scope to such marvelous activity. tle containing strychine. 3 contents with a. fatal result All About Phosphorous. How Time Will Fly. me of Industry re- Of 1,306 orders is- ' ‘90 apphcnnts for Ben ugad, the rest. .‘md drank the Mr. Marten who was received with loud Opposition applause, regretted that the Government had not afforded the Op- position members moxe time in which to examine the public accaunts and the estimates, when the; wo have been in a much better position criticize the statement of the Provincial Treasurer than they now were. They all desired to congratulate the Treasurer on the state- ment he had just made, and the manner in which it had been delivered. It was for the Oppoeition to take u the other side of the gum. and to s ow that the Mr. Harcourt, in opening his speech on the budget, expressmi his desire that it should prove both clear and ade ,uate. and be, as on for-me: occasions, absolute 1y faithful to essential facts. He then referred to the fact that the actual re- ceipts of the province during 1894 had exceeded the estimated receipts by $306,- 290, amounting as they did to 33,- 453,162, which sum did not include moneys paid by municipalities on ac- count of sums borrowed. The receipts from the Lands Department has been $1,057,532, and exceeded the estimate by $141,532. Of the revenues from this de- partment $980,497 had come from woods and forests. The second item in import ance was the revenue from licenses, though this source of revenue had been gradually declining during recent years. the cause being the decrease in the num- ber of licenses, which was reduced from 8,523 in 1890 to3,276 in 1893. There had been a great reduction in the number or licenses during the last two decade, the number issued in 1873 having been 6,185, equal to four for every 262 01 the popula- tion, as against one Ior every 645 now. The province spent last year on charit- able institutions $182,692, as against $167,000 in the previous year. The amount received from succession duties was applied on this account, and he hoped that before long the two accounts would equalize one another. On mining devel~ opment $15,266 had been spent, from which they hoped to reach a rich harvest wLen the time so improved as to enc .Lr- age the investment of capital in these valuable fields. There was now in the province excellent accommodation lor 4,586 insane, and at the end of 189-! there were 4,441 inmates in the seven arylums of the province. The estimated receipts for the present year were aim-19.372, and the expenditures S3,410,Ek}5.43. which would be $13,757.66 less than last year, and they had every reason to believe that the year’s operations would prove satisfac- tory bothto the House and to the country. tion 0: justice, $766.17; education, 8?.- 18728 ; public institutions, maintenance. $15,387 ; immigration. 82w; agriculture. $561; hospitals and charities. e7,357.5u; refund account, $1,668.96. L'ecreases .n the amounts asked lor appear under these heads: Maintenance and repairs Govurn- ment and departmental buildings. 51,- 124.51 ; pubic buildings. £49,714: public works, $9,984; miscellaneous, Slum-198.40; colonization roads, 5,45%; Urn an lands, $17,500. In miscellaneous expenditure ‘the reduction is largely in the item 0: election expenses, the sum of slU,U'JU only being ask , compared with $86,000 last year. The sum of $1.15) is asked as a3 gratuity to the widow an-i family of the late J. S, Monaghan, court ieporter. There is a reduction of 87,1125 in the csti~ mated amount of gratuities, and of $6,600 in the sum required for the School of Mining. Kingston. A sum of $4,000 is asked 101‘ u. pionetr dairy farm inAl- goma. . , . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ~- \M/Vs 416.57 ; maintenance and repairs at Gov- ernment aid (ll partmeuml buildings, £78390 ; mpausw public buildings, .3151,- IUU; repairs w public works, 512mm; charges on Cruxsu lands. $107,8u9; mis- cellaneous expenditure, 8111410110; un- foreseen and. unprowded. $50,110). 0;: capital account we natal amovnt asked is $328,650. made up 01 the lulluwmg items : Public buildings, $2U9,926; public works, $21,790; colonization roads. $96.92U Uzi refund account a Vote of $24,383.81 ls re- quired. Increases areshuwn under the following heads: Civil government, $2.; 272.51); legislation. $4,500; admini‘tra-l The total amount of the estimates is 83,4U1,9ub.31. For current expenditure there 13 aied 83.U46,2b‘5.b’1. divided up as follows: Civil government, $246,492.59; legi=lamun. $128,600; aduniumcratiun oz jusuw, $417,317 ; education. $692,373.44; public mstitutious‘ maintenance, $767,- 450; immigratiuu, $8,425; agriculture, $185,486; hospitals and chains. $190,- (11: :‘7 . . wrmmamun. and allow a proper interval to elapsg. to enable thum- gentlemen whom duty It. was w prepare tuemselves tor the task of criticising the financial statement Mr. O. A. Howland craved the privi- lege. as a. new member, oi adding a. word to the discussion. lie auppose-J, in comp mun “ith other new members, that th‘ y were elected to the Home to perlorm sex 1 (ms business, and the most nerioun bus.- ness they had always imagined to he that of audltiug the public acwunts of the country. (Hear, hear.) He would like the Government to cite the vasoof any financial Institution having to perlonn the audit o: millions where the auditor was asked to discharge this duty in tWo days or a. week. He submitted that the Government should rea-usider their de- termination. and allow a proper interval Mr. liarcuurt. flaked. the hon. gentleman to name one Legislature or L'arliamem. which in any one year placed the public accuu-ts in the hands 01 members at an earlier period than ha; the Ontario Gov- e nmenc during the last four years. , _V__J VJ .mv vrhms Halo it seemed as though the Government. were Very anxious to stifle criticism in order that the session might, be shortened. That was not m the interest. either of the people or 01 the House. and he agreed with preceding speakers that longer time should be 8.110ch in which to emu in- the public accounts. Mr. Ryere‘on thoughtif the Government Wen: very anxious to reduce the length 01 the session they would have had the pub- lic accomts ready by the waning day. It “mum”: _- ‘ , Mr. Hardy said the Guvernmont desir- ed to extend to members as much court,- esy as was oombatable with the progress of public business, but he had already heard complaints regarding the short. sit,- tings of the House. _-v‘ ._ ....~ ~uuu v1 mcmWLB. Sir Oliver Mowat did not see the neces- sity of postponing the delivery oi the budget speech, as the estimates and pub he accounts were expected to be in mem bers’ hands that night. Mr. Whitney remarked that last year, when the Opposition \\ ere not labor-mg under circumstances as uniavorable as‘ those of to-day, the request for an ad- journment was granted immediately. The force of the contention of the leader at the Opposition must be clear to every member of the House; that ii the esti- metes and public accounts, which pie- sumably formed the basis of any criticism which was to be made, were brought down within tWenty-four hours of the time in which members of the Opposition were expected to criticise the nnancial statement, the practical efi‘ect of such a course was to tell them that their criti- cisms must not take in the estimates and public accounts. Mr. Matter said it would prove very in- convenient for the Opposnion, in fact, they would be taken at. a. disadvantage, if the budget speech was delivered on Thuxsday, owing to copies of the pubhc accounts and estimates not yet having been tweed i_n the hands 01' members. ““hâ€" ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. 'grg'srtfizeremwm m ammo- (”UR LOCAL LAW BUREBS. THE BUDGET 5PM. .25 IF NOT PAID 11c ADVANCE(\‘ ‘ ‘ - ~ Don’t shut out the sunlight [ram our nursery. Like plants, children n sit and sunshine to make them healthy end strong. Let the room he dwayedesn and sweet, as bright and dainty a your own room m. V Don't expect too much of your little ones. They can’t be expected to have on the forethought of theirelden. Heidi. can they alwuye remember mating they am told. You won t chad yourself once: reed! your own 'ttle mic-ad make ellowanoe for y ' hfldm. " mg this, he urges frequent airing o! reams constantly occupied, bu‘ also in~ sists that the ventilation be done on principles of common sense. “Swamâ€" heated rooms,” pursues this carping critic, “particularly in aparmwenle. usually reach a temperature of" right? degrees. This 1 may say is a mild stauv ment. Any persUns living in such plaice-I end are this or greater heat until it be comes intolerable, and then throw windows open recklessly. The tempera.â€" ture is lowered mo suddenly. a chillis sure to follow: and often serious mis- chief. Why not take the pains with our own lives that. a florist does with his plants ? The air in a nhouae ismgu- lataed by a. thermometfrfe and kept. even and pure without a sudden chill or over- heating. It is the high temperature and bad air of our houses that has made Dr 0. race of catarrhal wheeaem, and no: a all. I believe, climatic conditions.” The season of colds, at least the season accepted as such, being upon us, it is well to remind ourselves that the best authorities ascribe the prevalence of ‘ these dxstempers to bad indoor air rather than to‘severe outdoor air. “Cold air.“ Siys a. w: iter in a, recent magazine. “does nutcause thhmt and lung disease. hu' uuiy lmd air." The fact that there IS a mmkoxl macaw in these diseases during mid weather he tits w the theory by de clnriug that such dimrdem are produced. hath) the cold air. but by the indvv" He that accompanies the season. "An I pen file in every living room 1:: “wry house," says another enthusiast on the $1 a- subject of ventilation. “would do mare to 11m er the dentli rate from respiratory diseases than cur medicatir n or other cxist' remedial agency._' ' Earr- 4'... 414.. L- Mrs. Henderson. 32 Cameron street. Toronto, writes: "I was sufiering fmm plegrisy and bad cough. I was wasted and very weak. having to be propped up in bed. I was told to try Dr. Carson’s Cough Drops. Six bottles resumed me to per-mot. health.” Price 50 cents. For :ale by druggists everywhere. Aflsnfi ($0., proprietors, 53 Front street east, To- roam. ‘ wasted in the future as they had beenin ‘ the past. \\ ith regard to the succession duties, the hon. member thought it would be well it small estates could be released irom the operation of the Act. Mr. Conmee said the hon. gentleman could not find maladminismtion in the acts oi this Government. It was an easy thing to use in one’e place in this House and make empty charges, as the hon. member had done. The hon. member had criticised the Government for its es- tabllshment of a dairy tax-n; in Algoma. une of the (31‘in planks of the Oppositio: in Algoma was that the Government was not doing enough lor the Algoma district. l‘hey said [bat nothing was being done to settle that countr , while the fact was that thousands were going into the coun- try. In iact it had even been that it was being settled too fast. Con- tinuing. the hon. member defended in Vigorous terms the appropriations made It! mining last year. suy‘ tint a de- Velopment oi the mining in unity was in the highest interests of the province. and that it was a pity that any hon. member could be found who would criticize u: expenditure so manilestly beneficial. Mr. Uonmee then dealt with the comparative records of the Dominion and Ontario Governments, especially in their timber policies, by which he claimed the Local uovernuient had saved many thousands of dollars. He concluded by rallying the Opposition upon the lutility 0! their attacks upon the record of the Govern- ment. i MEDICAL’DIRECTORY. FEW good reliable ' should be kept in every Mammal: u fined Cong: Syrup or Elliot/CI Syrup of Hot-abound (or ughs.Coldc, etc. Tumem'Wfld Su-ur- b¢rry tor Dun-hen, Dyscntcry. Me. Turners Quinipo And Iron Tonic for General Debiht and lmpurod Nun-mon- For Cha med Hm a and L1 Immune. For the Teeth 'Myrrh Dentil'rice. I mum Toot Powder. THE TUIQJER 0000 cc. Mr. Iiayoock expressed his pleasure at th“ grand effort. n! the hon. Treasurer. He was glad to see that half the total amount. 01 the increase In the estim-MI was to. be devoted to agriculture. In , igâ€" ~vâ€"ww- “w: were refluxed; but the opposition did not wish them to be made the only disiden. bum in the educational system of the Province. The public schools were being rendered mcfiicxent because of the ever- lasting practice_ of looking no the high schools. *~â€" â€"v- ml. www- ‘ mica', and hadnot always studied the in- !terests of the Province, as the Treasurer would have them when. They had been told that the nâ€"ceipte of the-rm vince for lhe past year amounted tea.- 45310‘2, but in what manner, he ashes. had the Treasurer contributed to this amount? The Dominma paid to the l'rovince $1,559,685, which was received in the form of a cheque evezysix months. whilst from the Crown Lands ment was derived the sum 01 $1,038,262. These were the two great sources from which the money was obtained tor can-y- ing on the alfaits of ihe l‘rVVince. The amounts derived lrom othersources reach- ed the sun: 01 SSJZAZZ. it would be seen therefore that the duties of the flue-Laure:- did not involVe any great uuount 0! el- fort. lie had not to rack his brunsi: ' elfort to find where the money was to come irom, and it was the misstfln'ng in the horld zor him to finance With such sources at revenue as L8 had at his com- . mend. Whenever a denciency Occurred all the Treasurer had to do was to consult the Commissioner 01 Crown Lands and to dispose of some of the “titans ofthe Province. The greatest expenditure had probably t-ken place in connection with the Crown lands Department. In that department no loss a sum of the assets 01 the Brovmce than 81,UUU,Uw a year had been consumed. Although treated as rem-nus the assets in question were not such ; because when the timber of the l’rtvmce was sold and the proceeds used for current expenditure they were really nvmg upon Ontario’s capital. He thought the Government were to be censured for not taking greener steps to secure 9' tiers. he would like to see the ado; of a policy that would give to the whatever timber there was upon the alter he had perlormed his settlement duties. Mr. Msner then dealt with the management ol education in the Pminee. Under a political bend the cost of mange- mcnt had increased 5w per cent. between um and 1894. The Minister hm afad 1 in regard to high s heels, and everyother educational interest was made to oonlorm to it. He did not wish to be understood as being Oppowil to high schools. __'l‘hey were rmnnâ€"nfl - 1.... .i.,. '1‘ Dr. Fresh Air is Important. Don’t: For lowers. Carson's Cough Drona. them believe. They had ; the 1203in of the-rm past year amounted tea.- u what manner, he ukeo. leu‘el‘ contributed to this e Duminbn pad to the 39,685, which was received a cheque everyaix months. he Crown Lands Depart- ...2 ‘LA -. < H ,, crease 1n the «stuns-.6; Md to agriculture. In deal} bngfly with the In y'éuld igevififil} NO 7.

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