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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 28 Mar 1895, p. 1

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gorge St. F-T'b: KOX/ bltAlN E- L how or SPIRITS .118 Strain 1 or Phyo pa. l -. lWfl int l’niilc and l 6"! :z: 3317:... L‘riu win: :lic TU)” of LUCIDA ion has both 11 for Pile! of “no exhaustion. bk fro 'irliiuc A enormru Pemzivc agent files. improv “Rationâ€"aid, l“ to the fir-{4| 'GGlsTs. ‘-. bowrlsor 1.1.: . daftcrmany he Professor. ”ponies, arid 0 prepared li hilxn‘, V. H Butte ' lo: Ore be Ions Ll fe- * Ir Countl- H‘cr lici’urc ‘K‘ZIIPVl it) no stamp . . postals Toronto. m3. tution Gold .L. ,‘ won; four Ls the vada. 1: 8c in its 00 cl out. If; (\ ,Q \ WING to re ucst fr; it lax-"e number :8 lens of Mill rook to again éiilcr in thrilling? er- busrness. we have pul‘ljllflrttl the bu . Sincss OIIheo'dsgn l .. , W position than‘ I i d and “c an no in a better I .. our to sustain our old repaint: hive us a call and be convin ( that Me can on. l 0“ with the ch cc l . owest curs io so imi in mus-upon,- iLANCASHIRE SCOTT ‘ “ram... x... ~~k._. $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. OCIETIES. “lgâ€"Lagoon cameras HOME CIRCLE . 0. ."I A 1 Meets-tho second 3.1m lay in every month in Home Circle Rooms. Wood 5: Rolls block. at 8 oclock sharp. P MOMAIIOX 1:, E. ST.\.\”l‘0.\ Toronto market is being gluttcd with fresh eggs, and wholesale prices are down to 15 to ib‘c. per dozen. The earnings of the Canadian Pacific ltailway for the first wees of March were $261,000, a di crease of $44,000 as com- pared with the corresponding week of last year. The speculative grain markets are fairly active just now. There is a slight reaction in prices alter the boom of about three cents in Chicago wheat on the small estimated stocks in farmer's hands. 'lhc United States Government report issued on Monday evening, shows a com- paratively small amount or wheat in far- inor‘s hands. The amount is placed at 75,000,000 bushels as compared With 114,- 000,000 a. year ago and 135,000,000 two years ago. Corn is 497,654,000 as against 089,000,000 a year ago and 627,000,000 twu years ago. Chicago markets lor both these cereals are higher in conse- quence. The trade situation at Toronto is with- out decided change. The improvement is slight indeed, but merchants are still hopeful. The failures in bus.ness are numerous and somewhat discouraging. Losses on this account are large, and the quantities of bankrupt goods offering are amenace tomerchants of small means and who buy chiefly on credit. An in- creased movement is expected in dry goods with the advent of spring weather. Both hardware and grocery houses report fair sales. Payments are only model ate. Dressed hogs and their product are rather firmer on limited offerings. B. G. Dun 6t Co.’s weekly review of l - _ : Buildin ? Sale .g COURT IVANHOis. .\‘o. ‘JLT. i.«> r‘ _ Blyth wants a chartered bank. Moors third in rooms "wine. I). FALLIS. CJt. w_ w. LilLLU l‘ 1‘. RS- RM . VA, Jmlav ill . E. in. ullr :ii lllcir UVOT Leuch's (I'l‘llg’ fll' :‘i mixing as wel- \“II -â€" Mi. I’rico. an old resident of dead. North Bay had no-snow block your. 7 his is not an auction sale, nor Yet a sheriff's sale. but. a i ' 0'Cll- zine low priesd CLEARING our SALE in order i°o mm W, mcct the demands of the times. and of the building each month iii .Vle rooms. IiintmL. )llllbrook PUbllC. I QIIOIC 21 (6“. prices‘ that you may hour of meeting. 8 o‘clock. 'l‘nc bt‘llclll. of this Society are Worthy Um Consideration of mo, know how things are gorilg. I offer a good Dotson. Information furnished on application J°"T“°““D“‘“"“' “'“L’itézi... ‘3 Shingle. a good Shingle - - - - for $1.00 per M. N, . I, O, 0, F. lX Shingle, Cellar “ - - - " $1.25 “ M I Lod . . ‘. ”W‘s." ”8 time Pine Lumber - - - - - “ $6.00 “ ORDER OF ODDFBLLOWo : L‘IEIEI‘S EVERY TUESDAY EVENING l.\ ingB opened. 8935011 . been burned. There is considerable sickness Dnlhousio. $74.00 church. been reopened. $5 per month. " lhl'll-‘Z else at the same ratio of profits. I have also sir hull over the new l'ost Olflcs. V1!“- rcthranelcoms. LAND SALT, $5.75 PER TON W. D. LEAL‘II. ll. HAMPTON. .\’. “gnu”, _‘ sfisbyvlll-IATNEDLrNLfééTER' the best on the market without doubt. also GREY AND ‘ Please call lllltl inspect hcforc placing your orders. I am MwAIFIEIAGE LICEXSES. -~ « wound to sell. Dimension stuff cut loordcr, pricc away do“ ll. Material de- ._ livcrcd any wh in Chicago. at Brantford. Aloyos Bauer it. Co. lost 83,000 at Waterloo. en: in town or country when required. trade in the UDILOd. States is as follows: The G'T'R- "$063 at 5"- Thomas A CHIBALD \\ 'IOl). isst'i-gn or ii; .. your, mm. substantially all indication. of the stats b0 remodellod- RIAGE LICENCES. Mlllbrook. Ulit , "“1 Y' _ . , ' ' . __v:‘_~__‘_ “a‘ u I .l( did at Railway Stitlll'n of business are rather more favorable. Farm products are a little higher. rail- road rnrnings a shade better, clearing- house exchanges a. small percentage larger in comparisiin With tWo years ago than in February, and most of tholndus- tries show a somewhat better front, though the gain is not large. The money market continues undisturbed, the opera- tions of the syndicate siill prewnt ox- p.rts or gold, and Withdrawals from the treasury have of late practically ceased. Aflil-‘hs‘SIUNAL- “a“, '.!"llrl‘00lt, March 23, ISQJ. W. Th exton ROBERT RUDDY, l “lubrook. ~ Ontario. l AS Norfolk, is dead. m.___ ‘W Susi R $14,000,000. “" annrsrsn. souci‘ioa. corner I'L'll- "*- " WI».-. lic. hiLc Money to Loan. N-c.figfifififfl-‘gicm-iTile CANADA l llllCB Cl]. is making progress. died last wet k at Galt. Edwardsl Hotel, “'oudville, has burned to the ground. ,c. 5-3 ... ridge at St. Liatharines. Hammock. - . on‘amo ‘ E S'TA [1L1 .x'll E l) v .'~ VI‘UIIUA'I’U and Victoria L'iily crslzlcs. _ Li ‘ 1‘ 4’ ‘ cellulite lloyul College EUI‘DL'Ulla. lzdlll‘ n burgh. member College rhysiciniis .iiid :ui- LEADS ALL 6 NAB'AN 00 PANlFfi icons. Ulilurlo. Omen at. A. Lcacli -\ drug >LOI‘U. on w l osmotic-u Annie ali'ccl. I Home to 100 gucsts. Tho latest industry in Camlachic axe handle factory. 'llio building-1 of the \\':llluccl’iurg works are completed. situation, however, oceausc the gain is slow, and business is yet along a ay ri'om what w..s once considered a prosperous condition. Further, the gain is in some Gases duo t UuV‘lOllbly temporary causes, and to causes which do not make ior pros- peiiiy. .llie higher price of Cotton, which “L. fAPPTBA, M.D.C.M. GSL‘L'Chba’UK TO UK. PHILLIl'bJ , l l l . UM IIIâ€".‘aar.m.i WHY IT LEADS ! to jail for thirty days. . has risen to 6.06 cents, results from the l’ostiiliistur Duly, U; r lifiord. died sud “n,"“w‘” _ ‘ . 0“. “um 1. Because it is the oldest, largest, most popular and economical "ehellmf‘l‘dth‘l “wage at“: year “"11 1’” dimly the “the? dc)“ __ l and gives. the best. results for the least money. 3:33;, lingfitvemiiin 1,22,33; 013:)! ’l‘horold young ladies are talking of or r "ISRLVII‘Y L‘.\i\'l.‘l'sii‘i’. MEMBER or“ 2, , ' ctr - - . - ,_ . ~ :)~ ~ - -_~ ~,- , _ anizin “mum,“ 01,1}, we Com“ m msumwu and alumni. Ber. lose in It“; it increased its assets by rl,-3b,ol3 a sum lO,UUr),UUU bushels m jarmersv hands 8 8 Ontario. I exceeding the increase of any other tw- l more than double of any ono company. . . ‘V 3. Because it has a. larger surplus above all liabilities than all the “'3‘ ”W". ' ”‘ “In“ other Canadian Companies together. ARRIS’I‘EK. Attorney at Law. solicitor. 4. Because the net Profits paid on its Life policies during the arc. Money to mini on the security or m“ “we. um.“ um, um, t'rvpertl' M- um, last 20 years are not equalled by any other Company in America. Unicorn Ontario Block. w anon street. m. J. L. IRWIN, A. A. SMITH, R. J. DOAK, illuuroou. - - . 051:;on 0 Canadian Companies, and March lst, though practically nobody in .he trade think the estimate correct, and the accepted estimates are about o‘u.000,- 000 bushels higher. Western receipts have again iis. 11 above, and exports con- tinue below, last years. Sales of Wool ware 4,663,200 pounds, against 5,351,700 last year, and markets are quiet, Without change, though it is easier to sell at quoâ€" tion has been organized. has just been dedicated. House, Dundas, is dead. House, London, is dead. Port Hope, cations because prices have advanced , A- F- Hagamanh Bonevmei prominent A - l abroad. Failures for the week have been “1 secret societies, 15 dead. ‘ ' ARM uh . “T- '\. I P b“ w . gent, Mil brook. 256. against 254 last year. The Clarendon Hotel at Winnipeg l .-oar u c.o. frivzte und°tolingiinyjuulis lot can at GEO: A and E W. COX, ‘* the lowest. rates. unicu in it cod 5; Len.‘ block. be converted into a theatre. At Bethany on End 'II'J i'li Mondays 0): every More and There. _ selfishness is a glass prison ; we do not month. know we are in it till we try to get out of it. Managers Eastern Ontario, Toronto l-JN'l‘ls'l‘. Special attention 81“” l” we ife‘ Assurance CO. feeding horse- flesh to his hogs. i l ' . x x x 3,000,201 feet of logs on hand .1" ride is increased by ignorance; those who assume the most are usually those who know least. has been found guilty of perjury. preschatloii oi the natural 'lccth. .\i- A few days ago a large wildcat shot on Fairbanks‘ farm, Brooke. I'uus Once bus lo." the painless cxu‘aciloli or Item. hood work guarantceu. H ill be at Bethany inc :nd and nil Mondays or each month. Omciiicc is; Monday and cm H educa- XXX “There is but the difference of a. letter Noah Cross has 501d ’his 130381 in 3"“ , ESTABLISHED 1825. between the beginning and the end 0 ton t0 A~ 13- Robson. 01 lornnto- ' d” 0‘ we“ “'Wm‘ lire," said the cynic, "creation and creme The circulation of Dominion notes in- “ .. V __ ._ i7 _ Vfilfiyflfi Lion." JAS. SEAGER, M.D., (1M. creased $100,000 during February. cumulus. ~ ox'unio. ACCUMULATED FUNDS " $39,000,000 Ill-.35 University. Kingston. lecliibci- QUUX l"-- \IUINSL umk’n‘. srciaus and bur-goons. INVESTMELQTQ IN a A NADA $10,000’000 XXX If we have been having some of the severest weather for u. generation, it is partly tompensatcd by the present Sleigh- ing, which is the best of the century. XXX , g . It seems to the Baltimore American Immediate payment on receipt of proof of that in view or the fact that summone- death. men in this country are earning inde- pendent incomes, the coming woman has Loans granted on policies at low interest. arrived. N 0 extra charge for insuring lives of women and children. 313,000 dwelling house this spring. DR. mix, 7" ' lISSUESXFREE POLICIES. nuts I' PLEASANT. - OSI'AKI‘I A cross-petition has been filed at liin ton against Dr. Smyth in the recent el tion. ‘ 'lLL visit. Cuvanvillc Monday. Wednesday Ind. r rluby OI each week irom I to spam Umco at Mr. L. Jingrn's. ' JAS. D. DEYELL, v.s. III-LBKWK. 03113"). LL DUMES'IICA l nu ANIMALS THEAT- ud. according to ldLCSL solarium: urctuoub. rnuouim‘ attention 5n cu Lo Lquiuc Dentistry. Charges iiioucrutc. i.csmencc and onion lung at... opposite our H onlci'u bank. factory at Lindsay has been destroyed lire. x x x The latest bigamist who has been dis- covered has bern married forty times. l‘his man will have to work very hard in mrdcrto lcavc his family a. competency after his death. UUU. Lylas Haincs, aged ton, was binned lire. Incipient tuberculosis -. as receni DR. n. C. LESLIE. Velerlnan‘ surgeon. BE‘I‘IIAN Y. - ONTARIO. XXX The Duke of Fife, son-in~law of the Prince of Wales, is learning bicycle rid ing, and goes out practising in Brighton with a footulon on one side of the wheel and a page in buttons on the other. CHARLES HUNTER. Manaéep Chief Agent, Ontario. J. J. HAN RATTY. W. S. GIVEN, ”'STR'" '"sfiifilggooo Agent, Millbrook. REMOVED «TOâ€" ld Post Office Building. Having removed ‘0 the allm‘é l'ninmodious stand and put. in a fresh stock I am now better prepared than over to accommodate my old cusloniers and all new ones, who will favor me with It cull. Special value in SlemJVind “’atches from $2.09 up. (.‘oliiplctv line of Silverware at hard time prices. Great reduction in B. Laurance Spectacles. Best quality REPAIRING PROMPI'LY ATTENDED TO J. STEELE, ' Old Post Office Stand. market. Eight young men of Dresden each pa LI. DOMESTIL’ATEU ANIMAL: THEAT- A ed according to latest sciciiiinc methods Particular attention giwu to Louise vellum-try. Charges miners-w. calls by toicgl‘agn prompt ly attended to. Sunday. The J apanese are now getting used to glass. At first the glass in the railway car windo We had to be smeared with streaks of white paint to keep passr ngers lrom poking their heads through it. XXX Pastor Kneipp, to whom a professorship was recently oncred at the University of Freiburg, said in Borne the other day ‘ that he has the annual number of 10,000 Iatients who try his water and bars~foot cure. elections. _E'§."fi3§sihoi is: .Ilubmk. - - Onlarlo. “ RADL'ATE OF THE ONTARIO VETER- inai'y College. llnwascs or Domesticated Animals treated on scientific principles. Lquine Dentistry aspccirilty. Registered in accordance With the Veterinary Act. Office â€" opposite Dominion Hotel. Residence knight». their home. murder trials. w. J. GREEN, I45 Hunter-St. - Ifetorborough. ‘1 ERCHAX'I‘ TAILOR. I55 L' l-Ilt OI“ .‘olAlt rhino Licenses. boon arrested. M A Skirmish to Please :1 Woman. B.fore beginning to prepare for tho Corsican expedition, the army made a final demonstration to secure its lines. It was during its preparatory days of this short campaign that a dreadful incident occurred. Bonaparte had long since known the pow or of women, and had been ardently attentive in turn to both Char- lotte Robespierre and to Mme. Ricords “It was a great advantage to please thin,” he said, “for in a lawless time a representative of the people is a roar] power.” Mme. Turreau, wife of on; of the new commissioners, was now the ‘_as- cendant star in his attentions. One day, while walking arm-in-arm with her near the top of Tends. pass, Bonaparte look a sudden freak to show her what war was like, and ordered the advance guard to caarge the Austrian pickets. The attack was not only useless, but it endangered nadian horses. énisnoim a cn‘isuouu BA RR is'i‘ Ii [(5. your non-z. . and no accident Friday. Negotiations are in progress to amal on Lake W innipcg. , OXEY to loan at 5pot‘ cent. on gilt edge M security and at a, and 91 per cent. on candidate for the Commons. lea-tor security . i cruis Losuit borrowers. 'RANNEY si’lNN’E's,” ' PETERBORO'. - - ONTARIO. VIVIL ENGIN El-IlthT‘A RIO LANI)SUR~ (I VEYORS. «Him FALL AND WINTERâ€"â€"â€"â€"- 1895 HAS NOW ON HAND Ills FALL AND “'INTER STOCK OF Coal and Wood Cook Stoves . «ALSO COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES ‘M‘e‘ymb" “my; m o m... according to command, and human blood naum' Alli: soul: or Ills LEADERS : was shed. The story was told by Na- IN WOOD COOK. "'I‘Lllio Dkixon :lf‘t‘l Cook." like best on the market. every slovc guaran P018011 himself at the 01088 01 his life in tee to spot so i link ‘1‘), "The souvenir Cook." “The St. James Cook,’ a tone of re entance but with evident “ The UrlglIHl Cockyg-The Miiplc Cook." “The Oxford Cook." relish. p ' IN 6031‘ RANGES i'ThC 5°““l="ir Range." (the best Coal Range in the country). “The Stewart Coal liangc,‘ “The Oxford Coal Range.” IN COAL BASE BURNERS. “The Stewart Art Sultana," "The Oxford Art Countess, l’°' ‘1 Downrful double heaters and perfect bakersâ€" AND A FULL LINE OI“ HOUSEFUICNISHINGS IN TABLE CU’I‘LERY AND GRANITE 1895»- Friday in the suburbs of Windsor. BANKS. T. B. COLLINS 6: C0. BANKERS. Millbrook, - Ontario. MERS‘ AND OTHER GOOD XO’I‘ES A(Illisccuntcd. Drafts issued on allpornts in Canada and the United States at lowest rates. Woodstock, will be held at Peterboro’. C. \V. Ashford, of_1’ort Hope, who was under arrest in Honolulu and recently banished, has arrived at San Francisco. Police Sergt. Redmond, of Quebec, was fined $100 and given one month’s im~ prisonmentr for being the owner of an illicit still. Thomas Wilson. 'of Toronto, an expert diamond. cutter, committed suicided in . ., . . . - Tips That Are Good To Follow. Egligagzign briday evening by taking car ofgggiigfigwe othersladvrco take some The British Government has appointed \ Love nev r complains th ' th . ‘t ‘Herbert Murryen to distribute the lllelief . . . .7 V ARE 9 a. 0 price l 'b ‘ s f r the sufferers in ew- ghe Collegtgghgfomu {3333;935:0533 “Gama: Best Brands of AM ERICAX and CANADIAN COAL OIL by the Gallon or Barrel. has to pay is too much. :ggfiflllallltdl?n 0 so. charged. 407 George Street, Peterboroug‘h. No matter how much religionvu pm John '1‘ Stock county mum, Ham- OFFICEâ€"North side of King-st. ‘ fess, all that counts is what we live. ' ' ’ ' Referenceâ€"Canadian Bank of Commerce. Wood Kells, é .. KERS, mama. - Onta'“: Transact a. coral Banking business, in- cluding co lecting and discounting. I‘ar- tner’s Notes for any time during twelve months. . ilton, is short in his accounts $9,000. He :1“) matter Wh° has the floor self-con- will be retained, his sureties making the cart Will always find a way to speak. Th h t k h' 0d h amount good. emantamaesrsowng as ,, - - .~ - - The officers of the militia in MOI. treal one that drives him “1th an iron Whlp' have determined to show their apprecia- All truth ‘3 “0113,9359 to the man “10 tion of the Minister of Militia’s eilor'ts in has let a he make its home in his heart behalf of the fame by tendering him it There is no land flowing with milk and complimentary banquet, which will be honey that does not have giants in it. held at the iVVindsor hotel on the 28th Our neighbor sees our faults, but he 1115‘- hasn’t ”en the bitter “a“ they have Mr. Cornelius White, a preacher in the made ‘13 weep. Society of Friends, fell dead Sunday while We hate our own sins most When 'we preacuiog in the Friends’ meeting-house ‘ see them walking around in the Silt‘es of at Bloomfield, Ont. Bran New Shades, Styles and Patterns in Suitinga, Overcoatings, somebody else. i I} . Trowserings. _ _ , ,v Fire on Saturday afternoon comp] .tely , (30138 out ‘2“ 3 “'9‘ “.181“ to hear 9190' destroyed a Presbyterian church, ' '30“ returns .130“? thmgl 5nd 891.08 to of Victoria avenue and Chatham s prayer sneetmg 1n the‘aame kwd of Windsor. Ont The damage isesti weather is another. v. » at $20,000, ' The old scriptural sob 4- James :- .-al doing; ascetic u, Mantra. " orders for their FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Come and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ~15...“ received and interest allowed at highest current rates. \ NO 01.15 s'rocx. Everything bran new and freshlfrom the mills. ! . Don’t forget the place-4 i l PETE SIMONS a. co. - d llections modl It 811 , . . . . . ': magnuwfavonblc terms. l Something nice in Gent's Furnishings always In u. 'red. Kara-1' o. -. . j ' - - , MARCH 28, 1895. i s ' l Week’s Commercial Summary. LATEST CANADIAN NEWS. by false pretenses, EIGHTH LEGISLATUll '1‘le WEEK’S HAPPENINGS. Arranged and Condensed For- Our Busy Readers. EuchPr-ovlnco Furnishing Its Quota of' Interesting Items. La. grippe is prevalent in London. Stoull‘ville’s debenture debt is $3,100. Knox chu: ch. Palmerston, has been re- Parkhill's flax mill has closed for the A large fruit factory at Meaford has Blenheim Presbyterians will build a The C.P.R. statii n at Kemptville has Hamilton firemen want an increase of George Rose, of Freelton, died recently Registrar Shenstonc, of Brant, is dead, Thomas W. Walsh, county treasurer of The Masonic temple project. Winnipeg. John McDougall. sr., aged ninety-five, There is good rabbit shooting on the , . Urillia bachelors recently gave an Al. Lhere is not much enthusiasm about the The “Orangeville Ghost" has been sent The List-owol Horse Breeders' Assoois- The new Presbyterian church at Anton Jamel Doary, proprietir of tho Dear) J oscph Dunn proprietor of the Gosling; A Thorold farmer has ‘0. on reported for The Cashmere sawmill has more than G.’l‘.R. Detective Flynn, at Montreal. Hugh licnt, of Halt, intends erecting i. It is probable that ihc I’ort Daihousic rubber works will be moved to Hamilton. Sylvester Bros’. agricultural implement The Queen’s avenue Methodist Church, London, will be rebuilt at a cast of $65,- dcatn at London Friday while lighting 1. discchrcd in some cattle on the LODGUL Tho worshippers at St. 825 fine recently for buying drinks on The Minnesota Norwegians who settled in British Columbia are relighted with A syndicate has been formed at Brus- Sir Henry Ponsinby. private secrc sols, Belgium, for the importation of Ca- to the Queen, is dying at Osborne. gamate the big fish companies operating A. Hudson has, been endorsed by the Trades Council at Ottawa as the labrr The frozen lifeless body of Thomas on bail. o imposing and orderly one. Mr. William Hunt. a laborer, e in removing the debris at the Simpson’s block, Toronto, met wi Galt, is . . _ the investigation of the charge “de ““3 Willie Wells was continued. elevator weight which it is alle e rope. Both Harry and Dallas have been committed for trial. I-Iis Lordship Judge McDougall at Port 1' or 31,326 and costs paid into court within thirty days. by mail or wire. by fire Henry Charles Varin, of Bonfield, sheriff of Nipissing. Richard areto Bruce; John Alexander Beaten, If Court of Bruch ; William James Lit been 'l'welth Division Court of Bruce ‘ Er Parent, of Cu~solman, to be a bail and Russell. _____~_ UN TED STATES AEWS. is all , . . There were 226 business failures 1 3135.: Uni-‘cd States last week. covcred as to be able to sit up. Catholic churches in that city. Thomas Smith, who is said to murdered twenty men and acknowlc Louisvillo. Ky. on Lake Ontario. the concurrent ”Solution submitted woman‘s suffrage. I! to members of Congress." near Mount Pleasant, I’m, Friday. '1' had been robbed and murdered. WES Three man lost their livv. 5, two being fatally. 'l he General Term of the Supreme Co of New Turk has reversed the judgm convicting Erastus \‘. imun ol forgery g8 {20‘ new trial. bl State As:embly is expected to be report porters are confidtnt that the bill w u, pass that body. Its fate in the Senate 13 come law. BOBEIGN. Thomas Lee, baker, of St. Catharines, a Silesian coal mine on Saturday by was probably fatally injured in arunaway which fifty lives have been lost. extending. and today there are twr hundred thousand idle operators. ish warship Reina Regents on the will. London Friday. Next year’s meeting of the Sons of Eng- Slatin Bey has arrived 3" Aswuan’ land Grand Lodge, now in session at having recaped from the Mahdi’s camp at Omdurman, Khartoum. alter eleven years of captivity. Lord Rosebery has recovered from his attack of influenza, but he is still suffer- ing from insomnia, which may force him toresign the Premiership. Prof. John Stewart Blackie, who died on the 2nd inst... left twenty thousand dollars to ills wife, and his Greek library to the Edinburgh University. The Spanish cruiser Alphonso XII. has returned to Codiz, and reports having found the niiSsing cruiser Items. Rogenta sunk ncar Bajo Acntanos, not far from the Straits of Gibraltar, with only thnty inches of her masts above water. She carried a crow of four hundrul and twenty officers and men, and all hands are be- lieved to have perishcd. It would seem that there is to be acou- tinuation of London club sensations. About a couple of weeks ago we had the refusal of the Marlborough Club, tho favorite club of the Prince of Wales, to elect to membership Mr. Belt, the South African millionaire and a partner of Mr. Cecil Rhodes, the Premier of Cape Colony, in the De Beers diamond mines. Follow- ing that clubdoni was startled by tho blackballing of the Hon. Cecil Rhodes at the Traveller's (Hill-\which'fias followed by the resignation of t . ’ ' - cecf Wal a. the Duke of Fife and Ea '9 oy, th - the most prominent members c‘ -"~tution,;‘who were disgusted In of Mr. Rhodes. Last another club sensat‘ . rlton Club refused ~ train, the Joha- . a \ i_, and, on 51160 ‘lub elected u grains, trival has been allowed out St. Patrick’s day was quietly celebrated in Toronto and other cities on the 17th by FIRST SESSIOK. large processions of Irish Catholic soci - ties. In Toronto the procession was an In the Toronto Police Court Tucsfay Mr. J. J. Kings Wells could not have slipped from the The following appointments by the On- tario Government have been gazetted : Murphy, of Elgin, to be a notary public. James somervillo, of Lucknow, to b‘ reading of abillto amend the Municipal ‘19P)“ “'39 misinf PM. ' of » 5' clerk of the Eleventh Division Court of Act. The object of the hi1}, he said, was think 311? 33'00133'103 0‘ thehnd ‘3 the T Ches- t.“ enabli‘ incorporated villages. set apart provrnne. had done .m. ° 3°°d m the 103', l” he clerk in 71!“ Twelfth Division from the municipality undermCtion 17d Creameries Association, thou-8h he Lucknow. Ill) be builifi IJl film .El't‘Vllhtill l magnrg UI‘ ruprl C'imlllificlnno'i‘a tllcstutute come when the assocution m be Uivlsir 11 Court of Bruce; James Elihu -l ' ‘ , :ibor as ""ii'lm‘u'li'il l-y rho municipalit . amalgama 9d With the other dairy "' (.‘asa, of Cbesloy. to be bailiff of tho' the Eleventh Division Court of Prescott Bison oil‘ci-s ii. big reward for the do tection of tho person who set fire to l’illlel‘ 'l'hi- New York State Fish Commission is cngaged in transporting 10,0W.000 fr} from the Clayton fish hatchery to point 'lho New York Assembly Friday passe": vote of the people on the question 01 A fire, attcnu‘cd by loss of life, : CCU“ 7 In 5 maintaining tlii- establishment. the second degree. on which he was :cn- .‘ tenccd to five yours and six months in state prison. Judge Vanbrunt wrote tin: 3 opinion reversing judgment, which Judgc 1 would regard such an arrangement O’Brien concurred in, Judge Follett dis- senting from it. Mr. Wilson will have n WedneSdOY- Sir Cliver M wat r oved the second brisrness he was com] ed to accept fi reading of a bill respecting dowcr in nan-ly explained that he had made his before a committee of the New York ““33ng and 0th” property. H‘ ex- monov in his own busrness and only planned that cases had frequently occur- ' ~ ' . ed .. lost it by endorsrng paper to back a to the House next Thursday, a. d its sup- red "' here a “1’0 executed a deed ora ' mortgage - hich contained lllz- stipulation - ' ' - i . . . . . ii: burr-in.- driwcr. “ !” rose the 0; 3- m ”If her during the memoir, informed the commit- u. maticr of doubt, though fronds of tho 2”““PE 1” the deem “:5“. 101, a“: Pull“? oill express their bills! that it iiill be £113“;ng d0“? Third] $5“: In mom a. II] Sllc 0.11508 :6 W1 ES 1 over “'35 ' ._ , . ~ barred. Another clause provided for the Plum“ ssto the means followed by them . . .7 in purchasing supplii s for institutions in Case of there bring a mart age in which :heir rm levuve munici alities The . . . , the “'ifel‘ad joined W l 9 Purpose 0‘ he with o submittipthe committee” id liorrinod during tho Lenten sel‘VlL‘L‘SJlst barring herd ,“UI. '11:, property was . afti rwar s at Ll by the riiortgagec. and llbeI‘ tlin lattoi‘s interest and costs hail . . . . . clerk: u d t u h - been paid a balai cc w..s hilt. Litigation ~00 I be ‘1'” g t before the com The bill permitting racing that is now Joseph’s Roman Catholic church, llobokcn, i\'.J., acrc Monday night when a mldde-agcd wo- man, “Eating wrdow’s weeds, staggered . . . ‘ down t e aisle swinging a :‘gloulcl‘ in Hill-£01233"; (3)1313; :tilili: ilZXtStszei: one hand and a dollar bill in the other. had frequently taken P ace 5,, (rpm mine she had almost rcachtd the altar when Detective Fonton, who was timing the worshippers, seized hci‘. “Gi’ me a pint, ‘ the Woman muttered, as she extended can and money to the detective. The The Ontario Government has perma- woman was locked up. liar husban nently retained Mr. Oslcr to prosecute all died two “'UL‘ks ago, and since his funeral she has been constantly drunk until the Err-Manager Cook, of the defunct Com- NOON" has “le4 her mind. mercial Bank of St. John's. Nfid., has ports that she sighted the miseing Span- . A man was blown to 3’me while carry- any change in their views. 'ihe Opposi- ing a cylinder of compressed or.) gcn for Smith, an aged colored man, was found use at a magic luhtcl'll entertainiilcnt in “6’ 3 '6 2 Mondav. The commission who will investigate If. 3 mp by ed University College and or we th a b.. d amine into complaints as to its manage- 9 accident on Saturday. A. lots of bricks gégibnznda iifigrgngggaifieihgsénii 3am) from one of the walls fell and struck him h 1, y d 5. * b in the side, inflicting a very. severe in- Igsggggmfglgffi ‘1’): HintherGopemment. 5"” and breakmg ”m“ 0‘ h” “5' Chief Justice of Manitoba. (chairman); . _ mill, of Toronto, formerly against county judge; Judge Senkler, the Hyams brothers for the murder of Catharini-s; Mr. B. M. Britton, B.A., Q. ' Expert 0., of Kingston, and Prof. John Camp- evrdence was offered to show that the bell. M.A., Ll..D.. of the Presbyterian g d killed College, Montreal Mr. Crawford asked whether munici- Hyams palities in this province bad the power to regulate the hours for the sale of liquors has de- therein, and. if not. what body had the livcred jud ment in the case of S mes v. power. . . City of Wiidsor in favor of the glaimiif Mr : liarcourt replied lb” according to ’ and condemned the adi‘c‘lsdonff Chief Justice Harrison the VBk’St‘l tobe sold unless the amount is mUDICIPalItIOS had ”0" power tore late This the hours with regard to taverns: t ough m a very important question of law, the they had With regard to the retail Sole in judgment being that the master's dis- bursements and liabilities incurred in a home port constituted a maritime lien taverns. against the vessel, the owner being domi- ciled in Ontario. but not easily accessible ruins (.f the afi';.irs of of the Government to introduce registrar of East Toronto? '30 b0 Sir Oliver Mowat answered in the employed being 319° ensue Giles no ative. “(guilt-ho not, ti» (:hlloct [lll‘aii'gll the lgl'nc ,l Tue-(lav. Ill. i. ll shops. The license commissioners had With ”5"“! tothe him, the power with regard to both shops and the V0” for experimental! ' ‘ Mr. Howland askedâ€"Is it the intention the number 0‘ stations “1“ Y9” l during the present session amending the M" Marts:- asked for an “P Re istry Act by reuniting the Toronto the amountof.82,000 for Cre .I' is in registry office and abolishing the office of soc.atlons, “hmh he had bee V x r . i .Ir. Wood (Brant) moved the second Mr. Dryden replied ”h“ ’ W. l- m A di Meacha‘ Iowa: 1 The lab . a inst c Patrons. Tl as usual. wit The main mo ame division, g Committee of 8 Mr. Dryden e1 estimates for the ture, commenci‘ the allowance :' Institutes of 8‘; he explained cl crease in the we which would to eat: . Taylor, of St . by) out of the Central Form a 5' he said that it was proposed Q. an act to about ten. was practically thrown awa ; business. mgr thought the time would perhaps coon 5“: soz‘iations. . . The agricultural estimates. amounting Dr. Mcacham mcvc-l an amendment to *0 3183386: were Passed'after a further ‘ a motion to go into rr Committee of S . p “"1"" explanatory discussion. , , -= ply to the effect. tho‘ the appointment of Ml” “ hltney moved, "That in the an» certain provincial officials should be 3’3”an 0‘ the people of “115 provmco, "3d - node by County Councils instead of by ”1 order that the producers mlym tho Government. The amrndmcnt was the {all benefit 0‘ the sums annually”- th . rojectod by a vote of 53 to 26'. the Patron 1’9“de 5“ aid the dairy interests thereof. n o havi witha view tr- unifzi-niim tool i flices which ciimn under tho 5.335.393]: To daIv‘s Proceedings of the Housewore .\ - . : 9' fibril-”(3n 0’ “1 unimportant character, consist' \’ against tlle elective system, such as is in almost (‘ntirely of second read' :fig force in the Fluted States; an cndurse- “Mk in C: mmittee of Supply “85 l’wnl' "f the [Imam] "l apporntmentxby The Speaker informed the House that a the Gov I‘II'I out: and the consolidation return had Man received of the result of .n .- 44 . ,. , . . ” i ! LLT'mID offices out-me of the County of the late election in Haldimand. York, undvr a gi'adcd scale, in estabii :l.-I 1),.- Baxter was then introduced by sh- ling which the basis of pi pulption is any; It is said that there is in Washington 'gt‘:}t‘«“~ . . the followrng notice posted: “Credit given . lbc Selecf 'Tj'mmlglfl‘ WP’WM ‘0 uec} applause from members on both sides to gentlemen, but cash expected from Limo the question 0.. Government House of 12m 1'! use. mainfpniiiiccinl-t this morning, Sir Oliver The 8“5:lon of the Public Accounts The bodies of a mother and daughter lit-wait in tho chair Sil- Oliver Mowat, ‘ were found concealed in a brush heap made“ suggflm‘ml‘mb‘i ~01mnltweba58d look members siding with the Government. “1“ butter trade deserves W be 3300“!” 4 The report of the Foes Commission was 9-3931” , lix-l'ri-sidont Harrison has So for r... ,laid bnfore the House. The decisi ns ar- 15” 91W“ MOW“ stated there “'3'!” ‘i. ,rived at by the commission are as l‘ol- “l'Jl’CtIOn to the present resolution being / lows: An endorsement of tho present adopted and suggestedtbatthe hon. 293' syston: of payment officials as to all ad» ”91138951101114 13100de move the mom! , ministra‘ivo . 53...“; : the PM mom “f resolution which stood on the order paw , . .S;.l;‘.]‘l(‘< to fill Judicial or quasi-officials, ln'llle name‘ . M 7 ' - Ni. dize'l such as local masters, county attorneys, will? fuggestwl: “76 cfinfir’r’ed in. eight, has been sentenced to be llangm‘lnv l and clerks 0f. l‘l’Tl'V‘lm : the systomatrz- 0 ”so.“ ion wag adopted. ing of the expi‘iisos in connection With 5310 Thursday. Oliver Mowat and Mr. Gibson (Enron), and took his seat amid long and contin- Oommitwe this morning was more lively . . . lthan any so iar this session. Mr. Coo hev , on the lil'lllUi-‘Itlun which has loen form-' in- . . . .. ‘ g -. .. ‘ or up to $150J '00, should be invested in a stantly klllcd. hinc othtrswcre more or ‘ new building. with smaller Grounds: less injured, one of them it is thought P l balance of the int ney received from 'iscle, “'llll'll Would amount to between dirctu: to favor any person on account '. he rho ght might u-‘cd in It ran.- dClelt'll thattlm Attorney General should _ . _ out of it worth 8100000. His rose t {coir >1J'ilid with the Dominion Govcrn- ’ p n Illi‘lll’. with a view in finding out how they ur {$15 will all! Sill-LOW ”J5! llf' furidcil. tlir- inn-rust to bi- vision fr r the wife having this right. 'l'h motion “as agreed to. d Supply. . . . ilr . ’ ‘ ' ' l why should this amendment be forced 3:13:41: i; ligflrl-i-liiiitdeablifnm 021$; upon the House prevrous to thereception differbnty co npa'mw The Patron bill re- The steamer Mayfair, at Barcelona. 113- "f the. report “f the commission. The Opposrtion, however, had taken astand upon this qu stion for years, and the re- - poll; of the Commission would not make acceptane and Using Of passes from any the Government Ca uld wield. Sir Oliver Mowat said it was a curious fact that the hon. gentleman and those associated with him in politics found fault with the provincial system of mak- ing appointments. while they altogether ignored the system of filling correspond- ing Dominion offices. The explanation of this was they had no chance of getting the control of provincial offices, whilst their friends did already exercise control in the Dominion. He submitted to the House if any change were required it should not be in the direction of appoint- ment by county councils. but by popular vote. The House should reject tho amend- ment. Mr. McNichol reminded the House of the declaration previously made that the Patrons did not intend to pursue any line that would make or unmake Gov- ments. Some of them who had experi- ence in the matter of app intnient. by county councils did not consider it the success that the Opposition members be- lieve f it to be. - Mr. Biggar w . pposed to the motion because it won disfranc'iiisa a large number of peopleiin the city 0 lleville who were not repr . ntcd in tl county counci‘s. ‘Ir. Hag. v bother the wife had the same interest in iiioiioy as in land. The bill llitde a pro . . . tl .bn . ' ' 0n tho motion to go into Committee of stated ”it he, as bursar 0‘ \Irmico . bnu it i ‘ . Mr. Miacham moved in amendment: Ilaiiiluigogiio 2211:2111: :zrgagaagzliyg; "In tho (-plulun of this House the r-rcscnt him This question natural] arisin mode of appointing registrars of deeds and ' y 5 other county officials is unsatisfactory. ~ and should lc changed; and that the ap- Hamilton firms should have been 561 d' . ' l he said oflicials whose - . - - - tary Wm“ ent “f all t‘ .7 . . . of investi lion wrll robabl befollowed salary or remrnerution 15 provided m up by thfiritics of pthe Gozcrnment in Tl , ., l . ffired . ,wholo or mainly by the locahtres for thee mmittee 18“ was an "31) osron o ' amp 1“ which they are appointed, should not be ' vi shed in the Executive of the province. but in the pcopl . of the locality through given 11 The bootmakeis' strike in England is their municipalities." It mightbo asked ‘ tiuii believed that the commission was appointed to help the Government to stave ofl‘ coming to a conclusion before the elections, and also in the hope that the commission's report might exercise a stronger influence upon the people than , . . coran. burssr at the Mimico Asylum. erly outlined by him. na sly. that the was giving evidence as to the system!!! ,{gffjm‘fff‘I’mvwgnd,affliflffghw puma... .oppi... ion”... outattlgLa ._ i" '- ed in Toledo. 0., Monday morning at M ‘L' C ' e an“ a. e at ’ . . . . the .- l ' :ld .l SB'KLULNJ. he round-house ol the \\ abash Railway. whfcepxiyrscdvflia/tl 1, K;:;;',,f 3M, 0w by a number , institution. He was closely ei'amrned .. 0‘ of Conservative members. 2/ l and acknowledged that in some case- 7‘ \. .1 he had been instructed by the inspector "“ .is to where he Would purchase goods. the but added that in no case had he been of his political views. The witness testifid that he had been forty years in the grccery business. and had come salary. he said. was $1,000 per annum. Mr. Crawford intimated that the wit» position at that salary, but witness indig- iiianui‘acturing concern. Mr. Matter. toe that he had received a number of let- te s from county clerks throughout the pro-Vince in answer to inquiries made by of lint permission was refused, it being de- cided that if Mr. Mar-tor so desired the mittee to give evidence. The Opposition. in the Public Accounts Commit'es this morning. scored a point in the examination of Mr. Corcoran when, in air‘ wor ti Mr. Minter, the witness asylum, had, acting under instructions. from this (-Videnco was why these two instead f buying in Toronto. This line The Patron mirmbers met in caucus this morning, and those who had not already p their railway passes returned 33.: ding railway pass 5 will be introduced almost immediately. It will make the transportation company by a member an offence against the Independence of Par- liament Act. On the item of $96.92 ' for Colonization roads. Mr. Marter asked if there was‘any truth in the report that a (er-tail: lumber firm in the north had for some time syste matically defrauded the Government, and whether an investigation was being made ‘2 Mr. Hardy replied that an investigation into the matter referred to had now been in progress for a month. A first investi- gation had appeared to show a prime facie case. and he had issued a commie s on, who would enquire thoroughly inh- the case. He would not say what the re» sult would bc. The firm in question had made a depi sit of 85.1.“. H with the depart- ment to protect the Government against loss in the meantime. Stub Ends of Thought." A woman talks at her best. when she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Dome-tic felicity is of as many types. as religion is. . .‘ \\'o unconsciously judge all men b_.‘ - ourselves. While a mun IF thinking how a thing ought to be done. a woman Will do it. Cupid always goes. ' -. ut with his ‘ and arrows loaded. _ Awiseman-' . at what a fool :' I No worn * of a u

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