m or Hereford eers preferred, 50 to 700 lbs. 035. Fraserville hone Millbrook lication‘s will be the undersigned March 4th. 195‘? '.M. for an As. widso‘n, Clerk, r of the estate of rmstronsr. 1 having claims estate of Ada. trong late of teased, who died he Ninth day of 57. are hereby end in to _ the rsonal represent- mid deceased on 8 dav of March, tic-ulars of their diately after the said personal re- rill distribute the lid deceased hav- Ll? to claims of shall then have a Township of ulicants to apply Writing. stating The Council "at to accept any applications so .lbrook. Ontario, February. 1957. :rong and E. J. CREDITORS undersigned 97th . Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Reid were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Olenick. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Cox of Toronto were visitors with Miss Mae Needham last Wednesday. Rev. Dr. "W. E. \Vl'ight, Mrs. Wright and Miss Helen Wright of Peterborough were visitors at the Manse last. Sab- bath. Rev. F. J. Burn. Mrs. Burnlstanding. and daughter Eleanor, Gloria| Mr and \Irs me nee Smith and Bonnie Higgonson of Petty Lunn have moved into Sharbot Lake MiSSC Hender- the nenv renoxated apaltment son and Doiwlas Hendren ofImer the Peebles Hardxmre Peterborough M“ and “SS“ iStox9. ML. Osxen “ill be em- Low Barker of Toronto, \\ ere Iploved at the Olan Sawmill. Visitors with Mr. and \Irs. Russ9ll Smith over the week: end. :_ IN MEMORIAM We are sorry to see that Mr. George Loohuizen- has to go about on crutches. He fell on the ice while at work in Guelph W'hi(h caused a bone sliVer to get into the muscle of his knee causing him considerable pain and trouble and an overation. We. hope he will make a quick Mrs. J. Bryatt of Peterbor- ough spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. ‘Thos. Hark- ne'ss . When you depo‘sit them in a Guaranteed Investment Certificate for 3, 4 or 5 years. 437 GEORGE STREET 3 Pmmmuen >Z<n3200 PWDMP >wm0 024 <.¢OFO_> No. 10. Your Savings Earn 434% - PERSONA' Amounts of $100.00 and up may be left on deposit. Sweetest rest that follmxs pain “9 who loved hm sadl) miss her, But trust in (.0d to meet again. 'â€"Mary, Colleen Herb and 1 granddaughters. i Irish Supper Coming Up j Page this date, Saturday, .VIarch 16th, St. Patrick’s Day :Supper. Further particulars i next week . Interest is payable half-yearly by cheque or may be left to accumulate at compound Miss Karen Lunn was the recipient of a year’s subscrip- tion to the Reader’s Digest. This was a gift by the Reader’s Digest to the High School valedictorian for the school year 1955-6. The valedictorian each year is the senior student with the highest academic standing. recovery and be back at work again in the near future. In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother An- netta Blair, who passed away March 3rd. 1956. ‘alm and peaceful she is sleep- MEI-LEROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1957 LED BY LT. JIM. FAWCETT MILLBROOK PLATOON .TOO SMART FOR GITY SLIOKERS A wooden Indian. Little Chief}: mascot of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, is reported AWOL (absent with-l out leave) from the unit’s head- quarters in Belleville. MascBâ€"t. of this famous- infantry unit. since 1939, Little Chief disap- peared “Tuesday of last week, 1while c‘ompaiiies of the regi- tment attended a drill eo-mp-eti- 'tion in Belleville. ‘ It is believed Little (‘11in has been held by headquarters in Belleville for many years, and "Th’é’wiocar' 15'55'53' fro ‘to be 0011‘- gratulatml 011 not only acquir- in‘g Little Chief, but his son also, a four-foot wooden image. It seems that. it is thesole ambition of each platoon to kidnap the “Indians†which they are permitted to do, pro- viding t’hev re smart enoug oh, and carry them off home where they are kept close guard over to prevent any other platoon from acquiring them. The local boys, no doubt, pulled a smart trick in outsmarting,r their city brothers in eapturng these two prizes. However, with men like Tommy Pint-k among their ranks who had more'than ordinary experience in this re.- gard, having taken part in the Dieppe raid during: the war. it is no wonder thev took their city rivals for “a ride†as it were, and walked off. or should we say, ran off with the two prizes. The Indians will re- main securely loeked up in the local armouries and amr platoon smart enough to wisk the'n‘i’ away from the local platoon will surely have to be up before .the bugle sounds in the morn- ing. Meanwhile back in Canada. the 2nd battalion’replaced the original with the present 9 foot wooden ‘meascot. and [sent it overseas to the lst Battalion. Little Chief was born in Pic- ton in 7939, 12 feet tall, wade of steel, paint and creative hands, appropriated 1mm the roof of a. canning factoyy being used as a barracks in 1939. Little Chief went overseas with the “Hasty Fees†in 1,940, but was lost in France during the early hectic war days. Little Chief survived the Second \Vorld War with but a few scratches, returned home with the unit. and has since been posted to the regiment’s “(“U‘KItartm‘s in 1Selleville. H attends all regimental functions. and it is the practice nt' unit eempanies to: “acquire" y. \«PSS‘X‘W of Little {thief every epnnrtunity they have. C and D companies of the “Hasty Pees†succeeded in ap- propriating the mascot recently, but clever field tactics b_v No. 7 platoon of the companies land- ed Little Chief in; Millbro-ok too. Little Chief has a four-foot wooden son. w‘ho went to Ger- many on occupational duties with a company of the unit in 1951. A replica of the mascot was sent to the Royal Sussex regiment in England in 1954 Commanding Officer of the “Plough Jocke3s’ ’ is Lt. -Col. J Fairman, ED from Belle- ville, and Officer Commanding of C and D companies is Major H. Sowden of Millbrook. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FRIDAY, MARCH 8th Please do not forget the World Day of Praver to be held in St. Andrew’s United Church Hall on Friday. March 8th (tomorrow) at 3.00 p.m. THE MERGE-REPORTER Autzzorized as 2nd class Seen on King Street DuringIhe Week Three small boys coming into! the Reporter Office with an 1875 Queen’s head 250 piece; two Prince Edward Island one cent pieces 1871 with trees on reverse; an 1865 Newfoundland 20c piece a King George and the dragon half penny 1857, all in fair condition to find out what they were worth. Thanks boyls, for the compliment, it thrills us to find that someone in Millbrook thinks we know something. l The Bantams. with Larry lGibbs in goal, who also played for the Pee VVees. starred in all the Millbrook games and won .the shield for being: the best goalie in ‘the Bantam divisom [In this series Millbronk won from Newcastle 3 to 1. amd met lBow‘manville in the finals, llosing 3 to 0. A little youngster nearly get hit by a car, in fact we’re told so close that the bumper prae- tically flouched the child. Had the driver not been slowing up for the red light and been g0- ,ing like some who ignore ‘* AL, there may have been a serious result. Local firemen rushing to a fire on King Street East Mon- day morninor. At the time we hadntt heard where or what the fire was, but it "s a_ safe wager it. wasn’t a roast in anyones Oven as no one in Millbrook could afford to burn a roast in these days of inflation. Of course we’re judging: others by ourselves. Two or three small boys silt- ing on the sidewalk playing marbles This is reallv one of the first signs of spring, all we need now to show the second Sign is girls with skipping ropes. But they grow up so fast now days that the space between skippingr rope ago and young womanhood has all but vanished. Millhrok Bantams and Pee Wees were in Port Hope last. week where they took part in a hockey tournament. The Pee Wees- won their first game from Orono 11 to 2, but in the second round lost out to Cohourg by a 5 to 1 score. The little fellows gave a good account of them- selves, aind were in charge at Vince Crough, their coach, who deserves much credit for the time he has given to the Pee \Vee Club this winter. Wins Shield GIBBS STARS IN GOAL. WINS SHIELD AWARD Tlhe Bantams were coached by Elmer Hogg‘, who did a fine job when you consider the larger towns have a bigger crop of players to choose from. The Bantam players are: Goal, Lar- ry Gibbs, alternate R. Long? defence, Dion Heise. Alan Fowl- er, Randy Kemp, Brad Medd, Roy Westla'ke; forwards, lst line, Grant hammer. Ralph Gordery, Bart Medd: 2nd line, Roger Armstrong, Russell Jewi- son: Tom Kennedy: 3rd line, Wayne Hogg, Barry Woods and Bruce Wright. Watch the N.H.L. ten years from now, you may see some of these names among the stars a decade hence. A11 ladies of the village are invited to join in the circle of prayer and make it cOmplete around the whole World. ' The beautiful techniColour film, “Mr. Texas†will be shown at‘ the Grace Presby- terian (‘hurch Sunday night, March 10th at 8:30 13.111. This Billy Graham Gospel film, starr- ing‘ Dale Vvans and Roy Rogers, co-ntalns a moving story, plenty of. excitement. and a good climax. Admission free but. anyone wishing: to assist with the ex- pense of presentation will find a plate at the door. It is being sponsored bv the C.Y.IT.C. and the Millbrook High School. - L ~ .â€" .’. IIIIIIIIIIIII Elvis Presley PM“mWWn'ï¬W-'ï¬%“m :m‘. '.'.%%va.v.-.mw.av.“'ï¬mmvmwg Everyone invited. NEXT MON. TO WED. â€"â€"- SHOWS AT 6.45 9.00 The Singing Idol of Millions Our Agricultural Future ‘ Community Hall, Blackstock Thursday, March 1, at 8 p.m. " LOVE ME TENDER" FROM 7 P.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT Price per couple $5. Dancing on'y $3. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE Ri 2-6350 Rockhaven Restaurant Peterborough Symposium Subjects: Equalized Assessment Agricultural Trends Agricultural Education Proposed Health Plan This will be a. combined meeting of the Federation of Agriculture and the Farmer’s Union sponsoredbythe Federation. “MR. TEXAS†LADIES BRING LUNCH Blackstock Farm Forum will prgvidg tbs: coffee. DINE . DANCE To the Sevenair-es, a 7-piece Band every SATURDAY NIGHT Adults 600, Students 40c, Children 20c Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ont. $1.50 a year in advance; to U.S.A., In His First Motion Picture With . DORIS DAY The Canadian Red Cross So- ciety will celebrate its 50th an- niversary in 1959. "Julie" "MDIIaWk" and RITA GA!