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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 7 Mar 1957, p. 4

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free. Telephone collect Keene S3w1, if no answer :1 : Peterborough Ri-2-4330. : I Barrett Fur Farm .I. V, E. Or: Saturday evening Feb. 2.;rd. the members ofi Fallis Line Fife and Drum Band met a? the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Fallis to honour two of their members, recentlv mar- rir'd Mr. and Mrs. Herbret Fallis. Natalie Belch read the YOUNG COUPLE HONOURED BY FRIENDS n: w THE 0N5 HAG 0N - WHIBH All AGREE Phone 96-w, King Street, Millbrook Remember THE RED CROSS A symbol of all that is best in human nature . ; ; to give a helping hand when needed . . . to show kindness of heart . . . to gate for the sick ; ; .' to comfort the distressed. léep ill/£9 flag flying in [70/7002]! lfyovmnddhomvhonlhommqql, yu-qundyowcofluflandMM removed The Rev. H. C. Quinn visit- ed and gave a short talk. The meeting closed with taps. WITH THE BROWNIES On Wednesday, February 27, Brownies had their regular meeting with 21 present. In- spection was taken bv Brown Owl. The Tweenies were shown how to fold a brownie tie, and the ones working on their Golden Bar had their second lesson on darning. Most of the Brownies learning sema- phore have covered the alpha- be-t . address and Ruth Fallis and Bonna . Todd presented the young couple with an electric kettle and- a lovely container of wax flowers. On Friday evening, March 1, the young people of Trinity Church the Marsh, held a miscellaneous shower for them in the Parsh Hall. This "Bingo was out on with a View of raising funds to add to the Bethany Community Fund established for Donald Smelt who is 16 years of age, land “hose parents have had considerable hospital expense due to long hospital treatment; of their son. An Auction Sale of good Durham and Hereford Cows, about 1000 bushel good mixed Grain; also some machinery, will be held on Saturday, March 9th, at 1.30 o ’clock at South Nestleton Cavtwrioht township, property of Allan B. Beacock. ST. PATRICK’S BARTY St. Andrew ’9 United Church Young Adult Group are invited to a St. Patrick’s Party at George Street United Church, Peterb-orough, on Wednesday, March 13th. Anyone interested call Helen Kennedv telephone 2-23-r-3 Millbrook: or Velma Fallis phone 207-r-11 Millbrook. Transportation provided. A tidv sum of monev was xaised from a Bin-2n snonsorcdi bv the Millbrook Legion No.1 402 in tho Bethanv town hall: on \Vednesday evening of last:I week. P( The overall average for ;_ bull.» was $412.84 (compared with $386.00 in 1956.) Bulls sold as far mart-h as Algoma, east to Renfrow, west to. Kent County, and south to Mexico. BETHANY BINGO PRODUCES RESULTS The only bulls to outsell them. new the champion and ieserve champion of the show. The champion, Scotsdale Keep- sake, shown by S. (l. Bennett, Georgetown, brought $810.00 am? the reserve champion Ben Nevis \Vhite Emblem, consign- ed by hL-H. Farms. Milliken, sold at $1010.00. Both went to ('entral Ontario Cattle Breed- ers Associaion, Maple. Third top selling Shorthom bull at the Ontario Bull Sale, was purchased at $030.00 by John Hmvden. Columbus. This was Sandoo-n Keynote, by the imported Philorth Ben More, and consigned by A. C. Mc- Dermott, (loodwood. Fourth top price. $600.00. was receiv- ed by John Rickard. Nexxcastle for his Polled son of Biuning- ham Dauntless. The purchaser‘ was J. Douglas Clarke. New-l market. LOCAL SHORTHORN BREEDERS PROMINENT AT BULL SALE 5 The annual church service of flhe Home and School Associa; tion will be held on Sunday, March 10’ch to St. Thomas’ Anglican Church at 7 p.m., marking the close of Education Week. Special'seats will be‘ reserved for the members who are asked to sit in a body for this service. L The annual open. house of the f Public School will be held from ‘8 to 9 p.m. on Monday, March 11th, inmnedfiaitbly before the regular monthly meeting of the Home and School Association. Parents: and friends are invited to visit Mrs. Ouellet‘te’s room in the Legion Hall first and then go on to the school to see the other Public School room displays. The special speaker at the Home and School meet- ing will be Stuart Ryan, Q.C., of the Durham County District High School Board, on the sub- ‘ject of “Guidance”. There} will be musical numbers and refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome. Church Service March 1.0 Open House At Public Schooi THE ERROR-REPORTER. AUCTION SALE Dated at M‘illbrook. Ontario, this: 28th day of February. 1957. J. D. Armstrong and E. J. Powell, Executors. All persons having; claims against the estate of Adai Bertha Armstlong late of FraserVille, deceased who died! on or about the Ninth day of' February, 1957, are hereby notified to send ‘ undersigned personal represent" atives of the said deceased Onf or before the 18 dav of March, 1957, full particulars o£ theirI claims. Immediately after the' said date the said personal re-l presentatives will distribute the assets of the said deceased hav- ing regard onlv to claims of.‘ which they shall then have! notice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHER-S In the matter of the estate of Ada Bertha Armstrong. Fashion is something bar- barous, for it produces innova- tion without reason and imita- tion without benefit. Your Canadian Red Cross needs your financial support. You serve by giving. Be not so bigoted to any cus- tom as to worship it. at the ex- pense of truth. The wav of the world is to make laws, but follow customs. â€"Montai2u»‘. Every generation laughs at the old fashion. but follows religiously the new. Fashion is a word which knavea and fools may use to excuse their knavery and folly. â€"Churc hill . Fashion “Custom, education, and fash- ion fo-rm the transient stand- ards of morals. GEMS FROM LIFE’S SCRAPBOOK Chapman’s Garage, Millbrook, Telephone 78-r- Ford Cars, Monarch and Trucks, Tractors and Equipment MMEAGE 5 gig x MAKER POWER: Ford’s road-proved Mileage Maker Six â€"the most modern Six in the industryâ€"delivers l44â€"Hp. of brilliant performance. It’s the most powerful Six in its field. - RESPONSIVENESS: A touch on the gas pedal and you’re away in a flash! Compression ratio of 8.6-to-l and‘ new carburetor contribute to the Mileage Maker’s eager responsiveness! SMOOTHNESS: The Mileage Maker Six is quality- engz'neered right down to the finest detail, to give you the smoothest, quietest perfomianee of any Six on the Canadian road! ECONOMY: Here’s a powerplant with a midget’s appetite for gas! Because the Mileage Maker Six is the only true short-stroke engine in its class, it YOU’RE INVITED TO 6“ THE FEEL OF THE NEW KIND OF FORD AT YOUR FORD-MONARCH D‘ALER’S . -â€"-Georg'e Santayana. ,,â€"1\Ia ry Baker Eddy. â€"Zimme rman ONTABIG -â€"Tho-reau. By any standard. . . i Separate tenders will be re-l .iceived by the undersigned until' 112 noon Wednesday March 20, 1957, for the sale of the follow- ing two parcels of’land andj ibuildings, the prOperty of the' : Council of the Municipal Cor-i ; poration of the United Counties of N orthumberland and Dur- iham. :(A) That property known as Ithe (‘obourg Registry Office tlocated at 26 King Street. East, .being Block 1, Lot 10, Town- :ship lot 16, Concession A, 14 acre approximately. This valu- 'able lot is situated in the busi-l 'ness section of the Town of lCobourg and is bounded on the! lSouth by King Street (High- tway No. 2) and on- the North by Swayn-e Street. (B) That property known as 'the Northumberland and Dur- a ham Health Unit 10cated at 275 lGeorge Street north. near the ‘centre of the business section of 4 Cobourg. A large brick house .in good repair, with oil heating and easily converted to two or ,more apartments. A11 tenders to be marked on the outside wrapping Tender for parcel A. or B. as the case may be. K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer . Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Inapvection of these proper- ties can be arranged by ap- pointment. Possession may possibly be had by the‘first of April but assured by the lst. of May. NOTICE The regular monthly meeting of the \Vomen’s Institute. will he held at the home of Mrs. Albert Farrow on Mm 331', at 2 p.m. Roll call: “A Cana- dian manufactured article that I use.” 1. Roy Wiho‘u‘t; (3.6. 16:39: A. Irvine, MA. '3 Tender Cobourg, Ontario . Barristgrs, Solicitors, Nata 3'93 ‘ Telephone 9. W001! RELIABILITY: The same kind of engineering advancements that have made Ford V -8 the world’s bestâ€"seller give the Mileage Maker Six its reputa- tion for consistently dependable performance! SIX OR V-Bâ€"THE GOING IS GREAT! Pick your own brand of ginger in the new kind of Ford. You can have the world's best-selling V-8, in any of Ford's 18 styled-for-tomorrow models. Or you can choose the Mileage Maker Six in any Custom or Custom 300 model, in the Ranch 'agon, the Del Rio Ranch Wagon or the Six- Passenger Country Sedan. (Cer'm'n ’carures illustrated or m/ioned are "Standard“ on 391706 models. ptiona.’ a! extra cost on others.) squeezes more miles out of every gallon of regular gas! WILLMOTT IRVINE Thursday, March 7, 1957 -For Saleâ€"Registered Young Birk. Sow. Phone 3-r-24 I Bethany. 2t For Saleâ€"Mixed square baled hay. Apply Vertil Kennedy (phone 223- r-5 Millbrook. 2: For Sa1«e-â€" Day-Old Chicks. Hatched weekly: popular breeds; Canadian approved. McMulle-n Chick Hatchery P-eterborough RR. 2. Phone Riverside 56054 Peterbor. ough. 6t For Saleâ€"4G Bales of Alfalfa, Cloxer and Timothy Hay Apply to George Loohuizen, phone 183-r-4 Millbrook.1t For Saleâ€"Spring- Rye. Apply Leonard Porter, R.R. 1, Pontypool, phone 211-r-21. For Rentâ€"Self-contained four roomed apartment, 01089 to Reformator)’. Oil heat, con- tinuous hot water. private e11- trance. Immediate occu- pancy. Apply I. Hatherley. phone 714v Millbrook. 3t Small House for Rent, Freder- ick Axenue. Phone 18 Mill- brook. tf. For Saleâ€"Threshed W h {a}, Straw. Phone 208-r-121 Mill- brook. 1t well known manufacturer of finest household necessities and toiletries has openings in your surroundings. \Vrite for full details and free catalogue today. 1600 Delori- .mier Dept. 49 Station C. Montreal. 11; 'antedâ€"Durham or Hereford Stockers, steers preferred, averaging 650 to 700 lbs. Apply Robt. Ross, Fraserville R.R-. 1, or phone Millbrook 214-r4-. 2c cusrdu aoa Fuk‘ooa "Sivan FOR FOR RENT WANTED Ladies’ Blouses, regular All Wool regular to 55¢ Crochet Cotton, regular ONE-THIRD OFF New Stock of Sarong Ga New Stock of Bras regu Whisper Nylons regular Nylons, Good Shades re Thread, National and C Prints regular to .65c.. Skirts 8.95 and 12.95 .. Children’s Winter Suits} Ladies’ Satin Dressing G Cordory Slacks, regular J Cor. Coats, regular 19.9! 2 Ladies’ Spring Coats, :1 ‘R’F llllllllllwll‘lllllll llvptlrtru aubn. 97th. Year. No. 11. SALE ST At the music fes Peterborough on Fri ing, Helen Ingham brook, daughter of Mrs. B. E. Ingham,‘ Street, placed first in a nine competitors in S ian Drama for girl, years and under. HeF the part of Lady M31 Macbeth Act 1, Scene 7 menting on her we Esme Crampton, speed at the Stratford festiv‘ “A very promising She met the challeng< play well. Good voi‘ sense of command on She thought the sen venge could have be up a little more. 13 Lady Macbeth was a D3 LOCAL GIRL PLACI AT MUSIC FESTIV‘ Everyone Welt Westlak PROGRE ST. PATR Flowers THE GERI ADMSISION $1 PI Grandmene Sweat Weldrest Hosiery Thursday, Under auspices of ODD FEllO Saturday SPR Under auspi‘ MILLBRO Come

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