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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 14 Mar 1957, p. 2

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vâ€"vV ' , From Green Cross Products, re Warble Fly Powder Spray- Chipmans Pest Control, re War- ble Fly Powder Mixture. The Hydro Electric Power Com. ap- plication for power, Dept. of Public Works houses No. 1, 2 and 3. Dept. of Labour. re Trench Excavators Protection Act. Dept. of Labour, re date and number of By-law appoint- ing inspector. Salvation Army. acknowledging donation . Dept.‘ of Agriculture, re Warble Fly control. Peterborough‘ Civic Hospital, re account of indigent, deceased, hospital Sept. 19th, 1955 to Feb. 24th 1956. United Counties of N. D., re hos- pitalization above account} Allan Brown, re equalized as-‘ sessment for Peterborough HS.‘ Area in Cavan Township. Dur? ham County District H.S., re; levy for school monies for 1957. l Geo. Totten, DistrictEngineer,j enclosing copy of letter senti to Thos. Shortt, re Township‘ garage. Ontario School Trusw tees Association, receipt for; I III‘IIEIIDIIHIIIIIIIIII Also minutes of special coun~ mittee set up were read. The following correspo'ncL ence read:â€" Minutes of special meeting of Gavan Council held on Feb. 12th. read. A discussion fol- lowed re above meeting. Coun- cillors Howden and Cathcart did not understand it was a special meeting of Council. The Reeve had asked the Clerk to call the special Council meet- ing, which she had done. On motion of Councillors Bpadburanepu-ty Reeve Mc- Knight that minutes be adopt- ed as read. Carried. Minutes of last regular meetâ€" ing read, on motion of Deputy Reeve McKnight and Council- lor Bradbum minutes be adoptâ€" ed as read. Carried 2A6: TWO Millbrook, March 6th, 1957. â€"â€"Cavan Council met in regular session in the Council Chamber Town Hall, Millbrook, on above date at 10.30 a.m., all members present, Reeve L. A. 1100th in the chair . (avan Council Has A lengthy Meeting The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston 15, Moss. Send you: newspaper .for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or Dead Statk Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-Hour Service famous for constructive news stories and penetrating editbflols. Special features for the whole family. ( Hoasewives, businessmen, teachets. and students on over the world read and enjoy this intemotiono! newspaper, pub. lished daily in Boston. World- This man can give you: dependable g delivety of Nick Peconi lyeor $16 [J 6 months $8 [:1 3 monfhs $4 [:1 PHONE COLLECT: Peterborouh 2-2080 Gobourg 1787 PROPRIETOR CHRISTIAN SCIENCE > MONITOR Stat. 88-” ~_./ _---__ Nil], L. Pritchard Waited on the Council, re. the duties of the Clerk. Mr. Cathcart told the Council he had visited the Clerk’.a office, and had examin- ed the minutes [of' several meet- T ings, and made mention that the Clerk refused to show him payroll and vouchers N0. 1 and 12'of the roads, also that this delegation were not in favour of motion passed at Council meeting: of Feb. 12th. ' The Reeve pointed out to the delegation that the payroll and rouehers of the roads were all read out with the Township ac- counts at the Council meetings and passed. then they were' transferred to the road files and the books set up by the Department of Highways. He On motion of Councillors ‘Howden‘ and Cathmrt that we adjourn to 1.30 p.111. 1.30 Council Resumed All members‘ present. A delegation consisting of R. Catheart, R. Earle, C. Seymour, W. Seymour, W. Bow‘les, D. membership. Canadian Na-galso informed delegation in a tional Railways, re domolition good many Municipalities the of station at Fraserville and road superintendent was the cancellation 'of taxes of same one who kept the road books. at court of revision in the fall. [The Reeve also informed the. Canadian Pacific. Railway, re.delegation the Council were widening of road approaches at‘ quite in order in motion passed crossing Concession 8, Lots 6- 7 at the February meeting. Dept. of Municipal Affairs, re Mr. R. Earle thanked the change in PrOVincial Grants ReeV,e Council and Clerk for Ganaraska River Conservation the time given the delegation. , Authority, minutes of meeting' On motion of Deputy ReeVe of Feb. 6th, 195 57 also financial McKnight and Councillor t ath 1 statement for 1956. Frank cart that this Council has fnl.‘ Cowan Co. Ltd. ., re p e111i11111 confidence in Zella M. Bentley. of Policy No. 5-436152.Russei1 in her trustworthy ability as C. Honey, enclosing cheque forfiClerk-Treasurer of th.1 T1. 1111- taxes Pt. Lot 13, Con. 11. iship of Cavan. Carried unani- Dept. of Public Welfare, fiscal }n1ously. year ending March 31st, 1957. i Mr. A. V. Thorn collector of Ontario Municipal Association,‘ rates being present gaVe 11is r1 re delegation waiting on the port $4196. 92 had been collect- Ontario Cabinet JanuarV 16111;. ed 1n the month of February 111 also date for ConVention at outstanding taxes, and some Bigwin Inn August 26, 27 ‘28 had been collected to date in On motion of Councillors Cath- March. cart and H‘owden that corres i On motion of Deputv ReeVe pondence be 1‘9L91\ ed and filed. McKnight and Councillor Brad- Clerk to anSVVer anv not al- burn 1eport be receiVed and readV dealt VVith. CarIied. 1:01] e\te11ded another month. Mr. R11 sell Earle addressed Cariied. Mr. Justice Jean Martineau of the Quebec Court of Queen’s Bench in Montreal and a member of the Royal Commission in- vestigating the diesel issue, inspects diesel locomotive in the Canadian Pacific Railway’s St. Luc hump rebarder freight yard as a preliminary to the opening of hearings at Ottawa on March 4th. On motion of Councillors Bradburn and Cathear’t that this would be dealt with at the court of revision. and ameba’re would be given Mr. Earle. Carried. Mr. Ru 'sell Earle addressed the Gnu-nail. re being assesspzl for dog, and he had none. (mused 51- per hour. Carried. On motion of (“011111111035 B1ztdbu1n and Hmvden that the 113;: for th? Road Supt. be in- (waged 50 per} 1101112 {‘arried The Cler k asked permfisi n On 'motion Cathcart and EFL-Knight that On motion of Councillors Howden and. Cathoart that the Road Supt. contact the Road Master of the C.P.R. to make an appointment for the Reeve and Council to meet C011. 8: Lots 6-7 r-e approach. CRl'l’iPd. 22 of the Commercial News, for 5000 cub. yds. or more or equivalent in tonage of gravel to be. crushed and delivered on the. Township roads, also price on stock piling gravel at pit, also for 'sand screened out. Tenders to be in Clerk "3 office not later than April lst., 1957 at 12.00 pum. Carried. also informed delegation in a good many Municipalities the road superintendent was the one who kept the road books. The Reeve also informed the delegation the Council were quite in order in motion passed at the February meeting. On motion .of Deputy Reeve McKnight and Councillor Cath cart that this Council has fun confidence in Zella M. Bentley in her trustworthy ability as Clerk-Treasurer of th.1 Town- ship of Gavan. Carried unani- mously. On motion of Councillor Cath- eart and Deputy Reeve Me- Knig‘ht that the Clerk insert an add in issues of March 15 and On motion of Councillors Gathcart» and Howden that we call for tenders for Spraying. for Warble. Fly, also for inspecâ€" tor for same, tenders to close March‘ 25th. at 12. 00 p.111. All tenders to be sent to the Clerk’ s office. Carried. inils 0139mm '0: MIRROR-REPORTER, moon, ammo of C(mnc-illors Deputy Reeve the pay of \V. Of 99-H hv £11- The following accounts were presented: Postmaster, rental of P.O. 130): ...........$ Relief, O.A.A. ...... , Docon Telephones Ltd. rental 4.50, services 1.10 . . .~ ............. Zella M. Bentley, sal- ary Clerk $100. ,. Trees 3 months $125 ....... Council, specials $42, fees $25. ........... United Counties of N. and D. hospitalization ZelLa. M. Bentley, ex- penses at Convention. Payroll and vouchers 5.00 30.00 5.60 225.00 67.00 48.00 22.15 On. motion of Councillors Bradburn and Horwden that the Clerk send out the list of invita- tions as list appears now. Car- ried. The Road Supt. was instruct- ed to try and arrange a demon- stration re chain saws for Sat- urday, March 9th. Council was to meet at Township garage at 2p.m. to close the office 011 March 20 No. and 21 providing she Wished to W. attend annual meeting of the asse Canadian Red Cross zjSocie’cy. I On Permission was granted. lbuzm Weddings, the sick room, funerals Ebrams’ flower Shop - lllfl'll 700 IMP? WM ,, Opposite the Capitol Theatre, Port Hope Elbrams’ 1f [OWCI‘ Sbo’p TURNER 52808 NIGHT, 0012. PHONE mm 55796 DAY;LECT 21 Queen Street “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU” {BERNARD INGRAM 'MILLBROOK SCHOOL BOY lzoma SPELLING CHAMP. They are Kathryn Hamer, 1‘2, a grade 8 student at Colborn Street School, Whitby, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Some 18 rounds and four h‘uours later a boy and a girl emerged as zone spelling championvs. zone spelling bee, held Thurs- day evening at Peterborough Teachers College. ZONESPELLING Chm-K ! Both Kathryn and Bernard icame out as the best girl and Thirty-e ight pupilsâ€"19 boys boy spellers, respectively after and 19 girlsâ€"started in the a tough word battle with their first roun_d of the Peter-borough [hummup â€"-â€"Examiner On motion of Councillor Brad- burn and Deputy Reeve Mc- Knight the Reeve be authorized to sign cheques for above ao- coun’os. Carried. On motion- of Councillors Bradburn and: Howden that this Council adjourn to meet Monday, April lrst, at 10.30 No. 2 ..... ’ .......... 25 39.52 Hamer: and Bernard Ingham W. L. Elson, on salary 312, a grade 8 student at Mill- asséssor ........... . _._ 100.00 prook p1}blic sch_ooi, and son of Zella M. Bentley, Clerk. I As zone finalist they each re- ceived a wrist watch, a. lBlackie’s large type congige English dictionary and a four day all-expense trip to the pro- ‘vincial finlas in Taoronto with an adult of their choice. LThey will have their chance at {the provincial championship on iApril 25th. With the champ- }ion’s trophy go a 10-day trip to ‘the Rockies, $300 and a set of j Encyclcpaedia Britannica. CABLEY, STANDISH, CLARKE OAKLEY, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc No. 8 Bank of Commerce Block PETERBOROUGI-I, ONTARIO .4 Telephones 2-0424 and'2-0425 R. 0. Standish, B.A. T. E. Clarke, B..A. R. H. Carley, B.Com. T. J. Carley, Q.C. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Inghan}. Tupper Street.. Thursday, March 14, 1957 Christ Church, Baiiiebcro 7.30 p.111.-â€"B';s:uing Prayer 9.45 a.m.â€"-â€"â€")[4.:nin;_r Pray-1' St. Thomas’ Church, Millbrm 11. 15 ‘a.m.â€"â€" aning- Pz‘aye Anglican Church of Canad PARISH OF CAVAN Rev. E. C. Quinn B.A., Lt? Rector. St. John‘s. Ida, (Intravflk and Millbrook Rev. W. H. Hens-tin, B.A. Minister. Rev. Walter Patterson, MJ Minister Emeritus. Gentreville Church Séuth Monaghan Mrs. G. Muspratt, Organist 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.00 a.m.â€"Di\'ino W0r<izi1 Grace Church. Millbrook 10.45 a.m.â€"Church Schoo 7.30 p.121.â€"Di\'in«= Womhi] 9.45 a.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship : and Sunda Schoel. 8.00 p.111.â€"- Young Peep} Life" 28â€"“The Way. the Truth 7â€"“The True Vine" l4â€"Palm Sunday .21â€"“The Resurrection and 17-â€"“The Door of the Shae}: 24â€"“Th9 Good Shepherd " 31â€"“le Bread of Life" Theme during Lenzâ€": “ Great Affirmations uf Jes Sunday AM. at St. Andre' Day. Ch'urch Membcrship Clas: gins todav THE UNITED CHURC] Millbrook Pastoral Char: Rev. Francis Chisholm, M ‘ B.D., Minister. “0 Come, Let Us Worshi; St. Andrew’s 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday Scho 11.15 a.m.â€"Public Won SubJect: “Jesue the Duos. .7- I Spec-a Zion Pentecostal (hul MILLBROOK 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday Sehog] 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"Woz~s2;ip Servj 7.00 p.m.â€"â€"Evang~1i=tic 3L Municipal Shed Planned For By Manvers (ounci The following r~0mmuz tions were received and rea Ganaraska River Conserva Authority, re their fina statement for 1956. Dept Lands and Forests, re fire fi QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE EMpire 3- TORONTO, ONT. Bethany, Ont. March 1951â€"le regular mun meeting of the Manvers M cipal Council was held on above date. with all mem present and Reeve Argue sided . The minutes of the prev' meeting were read and ap ed as read, by Malcolm MoGill. Carried. THE CHURCHES SUNDAY, MARCH 17. l the Life . ” man . Pentecosm1 Assemblies BATBS DODDS FUNERAL SERVIC LII-Effl- Everybody Welcome! Pastor, M. C Thursday, March 14, music- for St. Patci ’â€"~â€" fiavan PRESID‘

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