gontained font pent, close to Oil heat, con- ter. nrivate en- rediate acct» ' I. Hatherley. llbrook. 3t ‘ly; popular .31: approved. ck Hatchery .R. 2. Phone ' Pet-erbor- 6: FOR Chicks. Syrup. Apply edy, telephone tok . ‘2: nan Upright 155-w Mill- eulars . 2t 't ered Young Phone 5.1224 ity of Baled {fstede phone ,ty of Timothy thy Hay. Clif- Jhone 207-156 Rent, Freder- ’hone 18 Mill- »nthly meeting Tonday, March r of Mrs. W. 31001:. South of entertain- Mrs. G. H. Mrs. G. E. We are of the opinion that as nice and all as it is. they are all satisï¬ed with the-r own place of abode Barnett and Reiderr the archi- tects, entertained the guests to a luncheon served buffet style, held in the administration sec- tion of the institution. 0.11. Wednesday of last week the Reeves, Deputy-Reeves and their wives, of Durham and Northumberland Counties, were taken on an inspet‘ion tour of the new Millbrook reformatory. Between 75 and 100 «attended. Tickets may be secured at Legion- Hall or from Weldon Coulter, Dave Fowler, Ron Pal- mer. Admission $1.25. Din- ner 7 p.m. sharp. Geo. Howdem, Pres. Canadian Legion Branch 402} extend to you a' cordial invita-‘ ti-on‘ to a Memorial Dinner to be held at Legion Hall, Mill- brook, on April 9th, at7 p. m. s in memory of those of our. Comrades who fought and died at hmyApml9, 1917. Pleasa! plan to attend. I NOTICE TO ALL VETERANS LAST EUGERE 0F SEASON LEST WE FORGET :AT LEGION HALL 437 GEORGE mam- When you deposit them in a Guaranteed Investment Certificate for 3, 4 or 5 years. J. H. Barrhger, Pubh'dler. ALSO REPAIRING DONE. Geo. C. Ellsworth, Millbrook HELP NATURE KEEP YOUR FEET HEALTHY! . Year. No. 13. VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY Your Savings Earn 4/) Me ib/m ire" Am0unts of $100.00 and up may be left on deposit. 434% Jhoro-bilt Shoes 1. Plan NOW to attend the ‘Progressive Euchre Party to be held 1n the Orange Hall on Tuesdav, April 2, at 8 o ’.clock Prizes and Dumb Admission 350. A good time for all. A Work Shoe made for youâ€"to give absoluté comfort and long wearâ€"solid construction . . . made of quality leather . . . specially treated to resist iarmyard aci'ds. Visitourstonahduobowcomlottablo apaix-OISWaThuo-bilumbo. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE IN ORANGE ,HALL APRIL 2 Bremner. V Ladies’ Secondâ€"Mrs. L. Arm~ strong (nee Marmaret Guth- rie). Men’ s firstâ€"Mr. Fred Challice Men’s secondâ€"Mr. M 1 1 ’t o n Challice. . The basket of groceries do- nated by Marshall’s Grocery was won by Mrs. Geo. Raper. Interest is payable half-yearly by cheque or may be left to accumulate at compound interest. At the previous entertain- ment ‘Of this sort the ï¬ollowing were the prize Winners»- Ladies’ firstâ€"Mrs. Herbert These parties have been quite a success, and a larger than usual number is expected to attend this last game. The last progressive euchre for this season will be held at the Legion Hall, sponsored by the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, on‘ Thursday, April 4th, at 8.30 pm. PB'I'ERBOROUGE MILLEROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, VMARGH 28, 1957 Miss Williams who came to Millbrook about two years ago from Timmons', Ontario, has made many friends While in Millbrook. 11L C-.pe:13.:g the many daintily wrapped parcels received, the bride-elect. was assisted by Mrs. Kenneth Monerief of Millbrook, and Mrs. Clifford Peterson, of Toronto. Hostesses for the surprise s‘hnwer were Mrs. Lyle Nat- ress and Miss Margaret Rob- bins. Refreshments W e r e served. ’ him Over sixty guests were pre- Sent from Toronto, Co-bourg, Campbe-llilord, Bethany, Bow~ man'ville, and Millbrook and district, to honour Miss Ida Williams R.N., of the North- umberland and Durham Health Unit, whose marriage to Mr. Douglas Carveth of Rochester, N .Y.. formerly of Millbrook, tal \ 4 pl u o in \piii. The show- e1 ..z a h: N. Fildfl» evening in Grate C-hurth sabbath school MISS WILLIAMS, R.N. GIVEN SURPRISE SHOWER Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGuire and family of Toronto Visited with Mr. and Mus. Clifford Larmer on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Fallis of Detroit, Michigan, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. I. Fal‘lis. R. 0. Thomas and family at Port Colborne: one week with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Farr, Toronto; four weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. Walling, Peter: borough. Mrs. E. C. Richards has re- turned home after spending three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allin Jr. of Concord, spent the‘week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford All‘in and Mr. Thomas Allin SI‘. Miss Joyce Staplet-on of Brighten, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. E. 0. Rich- ards. Mr. and Mrs. \Valter Hark- n~ess accompanied by their aunt Mrs. Annie Marshall, all of Toronto, werg visitors with Mrs. Thos. Harkness and son Mr. George Harkness, during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lar- mer attended the Sportsmen Show in the Colesium, Toronto, last Thursday. '- Mr. and Mrs. J. T Crowley were visitors with Toronto friends last Thursday. Mr. and Mns. Clifford Lar- mer, Marie and Brenda, and Mrs. S. E. Eakins were'Sunu day guests of Mrs. H. D. Armstrong, Toronto. The Rev. and Mrs. Herman McConnell have been spend- ing a few days with her nephew, Roy Wamica, and Mrs. Wamica of Barrie. Mr. Connie Stimson of Co- bourg was a ,VisitOr in Mill- brook on Saturday night. THE MIRROR-REPORTER Althorized as 2nd class mail - PERSONA' During 1955 marriages re is- tered in Canada were 125,, 5), for a marriage rate per 1,000 population of 8.2.. ' Mr. and Mrs. George- Lusted, (nee Leatha Rowland), 18 Bal- liol Street, Toronto, are happy to announce the birth of a baby daughter, March 16th:, 1957, in Grace Hospital, Toronto. Hearty thanks were extend- ed to the. ladies of: the Dawn branch of the \Vomenâ€s Illasti- tute who catered for the ban- quet .â€"Examiner. Mrs. Lloyd Hooton thanked the assembly. Harold Brad- burnt read an. address of con- gratulations and good wishes to Warden Hooton and Donald Catll’cart presented [him with a leather club bag. The Warden expressed his thanks. The] presentation of a bouun of roses each to Mrs. Hooton Sr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hooton was made by Mrs. Donald C-athcart and Mrs. Harold Bradburn . Mrs.’ Alex Miller of Peter- borough gave. two readings A. Matcvhett, F. Carr, Ray Stewart and R. White con- tributed several quartette sel- ection-s and Mns'. Lawrence Winslow sang two solos. ; Mr. Olan Welcomed the guests. A toast to the Domin- ion of Canada was proposed by Garnet Rickard and responded to by John James, M.P. Vic: tor Wilson proposed a toast to the Province of'Ontario which was responded to by Major Foote. Charles Johnston, Co.- bourg, proposed a toast to the United Counties which was re- sponded to by Warden Hooton. Mr. F. Bedford proposed a. toast to the ladies and Mrs. Bentley responded. He. is the son of the late Mark Hooton and Mrs. Hooton pf Cavan Township. The Hoo- tons are one of the first pioneer families of the Township. 3:..Deputy-Reeve J. H. Mc- ' night was chairman for the yenin'g'. Guests at-the head tig'ilble included the Hon. Major Johny Foo-te, V.C.,M.P‘.P. and Mrs. Footer John James, M.P.; Delbert O'Ian, former Reeve of Gavan and Mrs. ‘Olant; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston, Co- bourg: Mrs. Mark Hooton. VV-arden Hooton’s mother and _ rs. Lloyd Hooton: Deputy- ‘eeve J. H. McKnight and â€51:45. "ML-Knight; The Rev. A. E. Larke and Mrs. Larke; Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Rickard and Mrs. Zella M. Bentley. ‘ ‘1 Lloyd A. Hoot (.111 appointeol W arden of the. United Com- ties: of. Durham and hoirth- Pinberl 211ml in Januarv. had a banquet given in his 110110111 Friday evening. March 221111 in the 0111:1111 (ommunity Hall, which was attended bv Ex- V1 aidens. Reeves and Council members of the. various muni- Lizpalities throughout the Unit- ed Counties. Mr. Hooton who follows; his uncle, George Hooton who was made Warden in 1931 is the second warden to be appointed 1rom Cavan Township in 26 years. Mr. Hooton has filled vari- ous offices in the Council of Cavan since 1946 when he be- came a member. He was deputy reveve in 1951'and reeve vim-1954. large Number At ï¬nquet, Honoaar arden Heamn Pf-Wï¬ï¬'IWW-Vï¬ï¬'ï¬â€˜m-ï¬ï¬ï¬ {1' THIS FRI. AND SAT. g’EThe gesï¬ Waging: 3? n Life Am Free“ Enough of the Winter’s ac- cumulation of dirt to make another continent. But just wait aw‘hile, When the sweecpers get through With it and the streets flushed by the firemen, you won’t be able to find enough to fill a flower pot. Seen on King Street During'l'he Week Don’t know if they are going to pipe Western natural gas into Millbrook or not, but we did see a large. truck load of pipe. go by our shop. Hec White, Window shOpping early Wednesday morning. "Satellite in The Sky" °" ' C BC 5 Radio Renew Your Subscription. every Monday Night starting next week With Kieron Moore With Dan Dailey amid Sheree North $1.50 a. year in advance; to U.S.A Post Office Department, Otta. 2-12,, Ont. CBC RADIO AT 8:15 P.M. Admission: 15c and 35: . CAVAN HALL A Friday, April 561 Choir Concert Prizes â€"- Lunch. Everyone welcome. Admissioin 350. Make this a big one! LAST EUCHRE 0F SEASON AT LEGION HALL â€"Will be held 021 Thursday, April 4th at 8.30 p.m., under auspices of Ladies’ Auxiliary to Canadian Legion Branch No. 4-02 Millbrook. J ‘th Opposite Sex' EIEXT WED. AND THUR! Adult Entertainment “HILDA CRANE†With Jean Simmons “EDGE OF THE CITY†With John Cassavettes Adult Entertainment In Color-CinemaScope With June Allyson and J can Collins