At the last meeting on. Feb. 26th. the meeting was opened anu inbpeetion heid. The en~ rollinent of two new Brownivs took place. The two Tweenijes Donna Breck and Linda MOore are now two full pledged Brownies. A game was played Being Baden Pow‘ell's bii‘thday on Friday, Brown 0va explain- ed “Thinking Day†and Tony Owl brought tiny assorted cup‘ rakes with a candle on each. The meeting then closed with taps. J .O. 1 liruwnics were paved on tests by Mrs. T. Campbell. Janet Hard and linda Nelson receiv- ui Unidm 132:1. le 1"1‘8 Buck- imm and Ju-Anne Agne“ Icâ€" vivvd their first year star. Cami Abbott, )Ierilea Buck- ham. Mary Liesvmer, Victoria. Maid, Janice Edwards and Nam-y Trick passed on the «‘1‘ tits and shy-cs test. Linda Snt‘lgrm‘c and Lenore Buck- ham passed carrying a message. Xzaiu'y Trick and Pam Dury passed on saying the National Anthe m. Jo-Anue Agnew pas- smi on shoe“, stamps, and re- cvivcd hcr thrifty badge. Dis- cussi-vu was. held in pow-wz,)w ring. Meeting closed vith taps. Mirror-Reporter At the meeting on February 19:11 the meeting was opened and impaction was held. The On February 12 the Brownies held their regular meeting at 4.30. The meeting was opened and inspection was held. There were 17 present. Brownies working on their Golden Bar “'91.? taught cleanness. Brown- ies working on Golden Hand did semephore, for sending a; message. Tweenies were passJ ed on more tests. They dis- cussed in the pow wow circle of a skating party thh was held on the next. Thursday. The meeting then closed with taps. WIï¬S‘ï¬â€˜ï¬W-W ï¬ï¬WN-"fl-‘u‘h‘hfl'u‘: PAGE FOUR With Brownies Mr. Fallis “as “idel5 known Th10l1"h the Peterborough Pres- b5'ter5 and B215 of Quinte Con- fereme for his \xork on behalf of Sunday SchoOI and Temper- ance Education. For many years he served as My repre- sentativ to Peterborough Pres-1 bytery and lav delegate to Bay of Quinte Conference. ‘ He had been- Slmday School Superintendent at. St. Andrew ’3 for twenty-five years. From W. Fuederick Fallis. A well-known and highly; rerpechd resident. 0‘21 Cavau! Township, \\ ilbur Frederick 19,211115 passed away at his home 011 the sixth concession of Cav.i an 1111 “11111611215: February 26,I 1in hi< 8151 year. after an 111n€S§ 111' 311111 duration. | He leaves to 1helish his mem- ’111‘X 1W1) sum Arnold 111' Mill- :bmok. and Manhall on the farm: and 1111* daughter Mrs. -\11‘.\:. .-\1111 (17111111111111 11)f()shz'1- gwa. 1‘ ighr grand1hi1dren audi â€"' m3“ great-grandvhild arse sur- vive. His wife the former Ethel Ball. predeceasd him many years ago. The funeral, under the direc- tion of the J. \V. H 1“ 131111013. Home. was held on \\ eduesdav iafterumn, Februarv 26111, at 2 0 ’clock from St, Andrew’s Church with the Pastor Elev. Francis P. Chisholm. a<sisted 111' a forum-r Pastor Rm A. [1. $151.0, of \\ axkxxorh, conduct- ing the serviees. Interment was i11(’¥é1rdiuer’s C5emeter 1' man Township Wit'l the ful- i »\Vi11g acting pallbearers: Eric Fallis, Fred Lewers Merton TU-xton Charles Stapleton James Ferguson and Jack Arm- 1 stronO. 3 Mr. Arm trong was a regu- lar attendant of St. Andrew’s United Church where he served On the Board of Stewards. He leaves to mourn his pasm ing his wife, the former Evelyn L. Fallis; two sons, Murray and Edwin at home; and one daughter Mrs. aert Gardiner (Andll‘Y) of Gavan Township: and one grandchild Linda, Gardiner; two brothers, Ernest L. Armstrong. ('avan Townfl ship, and Ai-‘ert Armstrong ofi I’vn’rbol' ugh; HIS.) f“.‘-.‘0 sisters; Christina. and Eva Armstrong, bot-‘5 of U<,>bwurg, Ontario. The lat]: Mr. Armstrong was born and educated in Cavan Township and was a son of Robert John ArmstrOng and his wife Martha Mahaffey, both dec|.-ased, and spent most of his life farming in Cavan. Edwin J . Armstrong. After an illness of three months duration, Edward J. Armstrong of R.R. No. 3, passed away in Pettrborough Civic Hospital on Sunday, Feb- ruary 23rd, in his 67th year. Obituary I: All the bulls being G‘fered for sale have been approv- : ed for the financial assistance under the Bull Premium ' a Policy giving a maximum grant of $60.00 to the pur- : chaser. All females are vaccinated, and all of the : animals in the sale are T.B. tested and blood tested. 5 JOHN SIMS, LeROY G. BROWN, - President, Cameron, Ont. Secretary-Manager, 5 Cameron, Ont. Lindsay, Ont. ï¬ll-IIII-Il-lnnm- A sheep belrnging to Mr J iing at all times; helpfulness to E. Robinson clerk of South, other road users, and misâ€" -users; 'complete control 1n every exist- + Monaghan Township, gave b1r h ing, or potential situation. to four lambs on February 15 , Maturity' 1s mainly a state at Two have since died but the mind. The mature driver can two xurviving me doing well. be 0f any age from 16 up. Mr. RobinSOn also had a sheep: give birth to 3 lambs recently, Attend the Church of your and these are all doing fine. ,Choice on Sunday. Since 1904 he had been a member of Millbrook 1005' Lodge No. 308 and had'reéeiv- ed his 50-year jewel. The Odd- fellows held a service at the Haw Funeral Home on Friday evening. 1925 to the time oï¬ his déa-th’ he served as an elder In th loca1 church. SHEEP GAVE BIRTH T0 FOUR LAMBS IN SOUTH M. The pallbearers were six of his nephews: Kenneth Fallis of Toronto, Eric Fallis. Millbrook, Russell Fallis, Rochester, N.Y., Lloyd Fallis, Rallyduff, ‘lif- ford Fallis, Pointypool, and Clarence Ball, Millbrook. St. Auderw’s Church was crowded to the doors for his funeral serxiie on Saturday, which was conducted bV the Rev Francis P. Chisholm, the Pastor, assisted bV Dr. Harold Neale chaplain of the MillbrOOk Reformatory. Interment was in Gardiner's Cemetery, Gavan Township. Forming a guard of honour at the casket were members of Seï¬sion? Hedbert Patton and Bruce Ingham, and Wilfred El- son and J. T. Crowley. Here’s great news for all young hockey fans! A once-in-a- lifetime opportunity to own a sweater that’s exactly like the ones worn by the Whitby-Dunlops, the Allan Cup team that’s representing Canada at the World Hockey Championships in Norway. Each sweater bears a genuine Whitby-Dunlop crest. You’ll be proud to wear the same sweater as Canada’s national team in its bid to bring home the_World Hockey title. These sweaters are only available through your local Dunlop The Dealer ‘- so ask Dad to take you down to get your Whitby-Dunlap sweater. 3 Reid’s Garage 13 males and 11 femafes of top quality will be offered. Exhibition Grounds, Lindsay 48th Annual Sale VICTORIA c'oum SHORTHORN ASSOCIATION Tuesday, March 11, 1958 THE WHETBY-DUNLOPS 1g: man-REFORM mm 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE - PHONE 375, :MILLBROOK AT 1.30 P.M., AT THE now you can 1 have a SWEATER ‘just like mine!†3; Driver says 510' SMITH, Playing-Coach for “look fellas! Skill is the, one essential 01’ good driving that. the new driv- er thinks all-important. He concentrates jealously â€" and .elf-uonsciouslyâ€"on the acqui- stiion‘ and demonstration of skills. He seldom puts any «on- scious effort into the develop- ment of the other good-points outjhe Ontario Safety League. The mature driver shows his'SOCIA Skill in quiet, inconspicuous ef- â€"Wil1 ficiency. In smooth, unhurried‘13th i operating; exact roa.d-position-' brook, ing at all times: helpfulness to: and other road users, and mis-users; , Associ; complete control in every exist Lunch mg, or potential situation. FREE The Good Obvious-1y, Skill is important in correct driving. But unless it is accompanied and balanced by the other three elements it can be a handicap rather than an asset. It takes skill, of a kind, to drive at 60 m.p.h. only a 'few feet behind another car in the. passing lane; to take 'corners at near- roll- over speeds; to cut, in and out of traffic with only imhes to spare. The abilit; to do these things is desirable; the performance of them, ex- eept possibly in an emergency, is criminal. ' E *Q .J‘ ,4 11" ATTRACTIVE WAY to MAKE MONEY! Always your own boss. Sell Canada’s largest and finest line includng "cos- metics, household neeessities, farm speeialtiee, etc. . There i a customer in every home. Our successful salesmen earn: more than $75.00 a week} Free catalogue and details on} request. M. A. Clark, Dew-l 107, 1600 Delorimier, Station; C. Montreal. ltl 1'13th in the Town Hall, Mill- -' ;br00k, under auspices of Cavan 3 and VIilUbrdOk [Conisertvqtive Â¥Association. Good speakers. ,Lunch provided. Admission Wantedâ€"To rent, a farm soon as p0. siblv Apply to Basil Clements RR 1. Fraservilie, Phone Peterboro Ri 2-1059 \N’alltede-Bla3' 1st till Oct. ls‘r. housekeeper for 2 thildren at summer lodge. Thirty or over. Write Keneden Lodge. To Purchaseâ€"1V “(02 acres of land for buildinv according 10D. \'..-\. rlgulations. Must. be within 01 adjacent to vill- age limits. Phone 253 after 6 p.111. 31; u uucu FREE . Accommodation Available for bed or up patients, rates $22, $25 weekly. South Haven Rest Home, Mill‘ Street, N ew- castle, phone 2426. 4t Your Avon representative ’5 phon e N o . is 245-W Mill- brook . 3t )arpcnter wants “ork; special- izing in cupboard and cabinet making. Also does general repairs and alterations. For further partiulars phone 1(I'TW4 Millbrook. 21‘. SOCIAL EVENING, DAN GE SALE REGISTER 1 A11 Auction Sale of Modern: Farm Implements including :1 Case Tractor, Ford Tractor L aders, Forziage Ham ester, Threshing Machine and com- plete line of farm equipment, the propertV of VV11113 Wood, 11111 be 1191111111 The pr1mi53s Lot 8, Con. H0111 Township I 2 miles 1\ 651 :1nd 1 mile south of Baili1'b111'1),011 Tuesday; Marc\h‘_’:)th,1958,at 1. 30p. n1. Shaip. Terms Cash. Ted Jack- '-,on Port Perry, a111tinneer.l . __ v __ ---»\-\.s; szubv , R. R. 4 Omemee. Consider one (hild. 1t â€"Wi}_1 be ‘held Thursday, Mar A. Roy Willmott, Q.G. James A. Irvine, NURSING HOME provided. Aamission WANTED NOTICE Barristers, Solicitors, Nata ‘93 Telephone 9, Millbrook WILLMOTT 85 IRVINE BUTTER (sump. 00. Port Hope, Ont. , Box 621 _â€"_- Carpentry and General Repairs â€"Don’t put oï¬ï¬‚ till Spring what can be done now as I am temporarily unempIOyed. - Special rates. Phone Laur- ence Coulter at 89-w Mill- brook. 3t F0 r For For Saleâ€"Set of used Car Chains. Apply T. W. Mc- CamuS, Phone (SB-j Millbrook, Renew Your Subscription. For For Saleâ€"Electric Seperator. DeLaval. Apply R. K. Earle, Ida, Ontapio. 3t R For Saleâ€"Miked square baled , Hay. Apply George'Martiu, phone 212-r-12 Millbrook. 3 or Saleâ€"1000 Bales of mixed Glover and Timothy Hay. Apply Wlmot Strong, phone 2]2-r-11 MillbrOOk. For Sal Musical numbers. Refresh" ments . The Home and School Associ. ation will meet in the assembly room at 9 n.m. to view Dicturss taken in Europe by Mrs. J. W. Wright and Mrs. W. W. Ken- ledy. 3r Saleâ€"9 Young Pigs two 1110111h.v~(nld. Apply Joseph Thorn, phone 223-r-12 Mill- brook." 1t or Sale by Tenderâ€"Frame Building 15x30 feet, at. the United Church Parsonage. Bids will be received up to March 28., 1958. Mail bids to Box 32 Millbrook. Ont. 3t Annual Open House will be held in the Public School Mon- day, March 10th. Classrooms will be open from 8.00 o’clock unti19.00 p.111. ‘ or Saleâ€"Piano, White enamel kitchen cabinet, cream en- amel kitchen range for wood and coal with high shelf and waterfront, and single bed, spring and mattress. Apply 1v 7* - YT W H. Heustin Millbrook 41w ,~ telepflsne or Saleâ€"800 Square Bales of good Hay, mostly Alfalfa. Priced to sell. Apply to Wm. Howden, phone 215-r-3 Mill- brook. 3t 'yHarch6,1958 HOME AND SCHOOL FOR SALE â€"~â€" 1â€".â€" - This is the title of a bi full-colour Moody Scieq to be shown at Grace 1 terian Church next 1 night (March 16) at 8. -£ “The Prior Claim†deai the latest scientfic ime particularly in the f electronics and shows many of God’s creature used these “inventions’ creation. This is a. sisb of “Hidden Treasures‘ everyone enjoyed so mu‘ yeawr This film service axcrpt' for an aï¬qï¬ng. 98th. Year. No. 11. Adults $1.00 ladies’ Aid of THE PRIOR C‘ THE GERTR old and new has customers and is see the manager more from the p qf the business c not true . . . our needs of all of 01 under and over i this period the n incrmsc than th: no signiï¬cant ch “The charge ha‘ This Manda SUPPE Iris ‘EAS