nary 19. 1959 i gt? Tim Milllmnn Ronni-far- l l “c in nmuivvnu .5. .s-vr Va.-- l J. H. Bat-ringer, Publisher. m MOB-REPORTER Authorized as 23d class mail Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ont. ‘ 99th. Year. . . , Mal-BROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, MARCH 19591959 ' $1.50 a. year in advance; to U.S.A. $2 50 l .................. - - - lSOClAL ' * .- - - - ONAL , ,,-_ : IC R LLY = VOICE 0f MlmlfOOki PERS i THURS.-F‘RI.--SAT. : ‘l\‘ I i l i 'I l I ! . 2 ‘ E EVANGEL'ST A = I" High School Commencement I RIF. and RIPS. LEV. M. Fal-: I: In TeChnIOOIOr : - I A , , ,v _ ' .. ,r ,. ., lis were visitors with their son! ' ' l I A \91‘ l c t \\ l , . ‘ i ‘ Wed March 11th 5 5:52.15: â€"9†F" 5 - , i I l ' D ‘- »l x S S ‘ ,' - i- l ’ x l l 7 ’Mrs. Daud Fallis, at Whitbv 3 l i = I = {and teachers 0f T11“ Mlllbl'OOl‘i. over the weekend. . i The GOdS“ l NEXT MON: T'O WED. * g 1959, AT 8.00 P.M. : gnigh Schoolf'or the commem-e-f- R. . . - ‘= r Adult Entertamment I . line t ‘ 0†. j , (CV6 (190. F. Harringtom With Rock Hudson 3 In Techm'r‘ 1 = . = i Pride p1 Ogilanérn‘e pdi‘es'cnt'ed .on and Mrs, Harrington, attended d . . 3 ll .0 or ii = Town Ha" MlllbeOk = lot- 1:“. igékkdï¬l ‘2"{l'a50‘Lénlliliféfl‘iiize Area Managers Conference; an Cyd Charisse f' In love AHd War" TED - I g .- " '7' ' ' ¢ 9 11 § f the Hydro, held in the' ll 9 ll ' i _ -__ : Lo 1 G 8] Sin in : ,eudent Eh?†a great deal Of‘ rock-Shearton Hotel. Niagara] Badman 5 country ‘ DWIth Robert Wagner, i “ ' I Ive Y 08p g g I (time, efiort and enthustasm ' .117. i ] or 9 ‘. 9" ' l ana Wynter and Cast '."_ 7:, .‘xli'l- - . l lhad in be E‘Cpended in pre ar-i .d s, 011 Fe). m), -6 and .4th. Wlth, Geo, Montgomery : of Young Stars = 18 PIECE orChCStra = line this prooranime and pthe†MI" .and MW' Oliver HOd' I - = = ! mainner in which it was reeeiv-I ges, VVlnona, Ontario, were re- '"" â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" )oaruvirrrs : OUTSTANDING SPEAKER = led wag apparent by the 1mm leent guests with Mrs. G. BIRTHS MIL BRO * f“. I . i ‘ ." ‘ . . ‘fl . ‘igHowsmi, and also Miss Eva _ i L 0K UP"T0‘DATE i :: HPl’ORTL’N- : MR- GRAHAM NOBLE’ Newfoundland = Egret fpiiplehsltlandlg".91-31.“?Howson, 0.1x. D'ownsview Re- JeWISOn-Mr- and MrS~~L1Wd§ ? iiaxvleig}; Bibi: = _..____. = the gtaoirwale 1% than (2.9†111ilfahilitatiOri/"Hrospital, and Mr. Jewison..(nee Betty Smith) Of' The news items re roof‘ be l 451.1.» m Dru-5m, = = and l amy. sure lsifcz:}ilillllt?§é, Gilbert Howson, Peterborough, 83111913010; Ontarilo: are haPPYl ing caved in from the wZioht .‘ . ah:- i:;:'»:-::..; = THIS RALLYISSPONSORED BY = .students will have to look, fold Miss E'taCamp-bell and Mrs.‘ dgtfdhrigilll(geh}h:al)ilrgl 01f theâ€? of Snow and ice in difi'erint :“T'. """ - l“ : Zion Pentecostal Church in Mlllbrook : llarger aodommodation to pre-é Irene M°Kmn°n 0‘ â€"0“?“ reieiboréuo-u Ci ° iiynitaitlpm °fthepr°vmciinduding l~'llr‘llr-ll. .\l»:x- I I sent next year’s commencement} spent the weekend Wlth MISS Th db va vosplha ’i Pe‘terborough, proves that \ l: = Everyone Welcome! D. L. Johns, Pastor. : exercises. We often hear them:Iay Needham, and went Withiggw V urs ay, ebruary 26Th’l Millbrook is up-to-date in this -___._ = E I cry that there is nothing forI 1141161;th see Ml'is Ednh Slhepperd i .. .l respect, asOth'e back end Of the “III-IIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I The young people to do in MilLl me Hospital, Peterbondugni "K local b’OVVllllg' alley covering ill-fl 4. H ,____________________-__- brook. I think that with thel where she has been a. patient-.3! ennedyâ€" Mr. and Mrs. the part where the pins stand, .5 “l. fâ€- .3957: SNEAK THIEVES u FORMER MILLBROOK ‘BOYiadvient oii a new High school,£for nearlrsxx months. and who‘ “Ste“ Keenedï¬' are happy ‘3", gave way a couple of weeks â€1‘! lilt‘llt, ' S. -. ‘ . . ’ “V9 regret to sav asse . awlav announce the bll‘th Of} a daugh- a d t t . . 5r- mom was: In mttsaoox mos IN KELOWNA 3-0. â€he “SW “es 1“ “C" W; - in“ d . n‘ ’ p d‘ ‘ m (Patricia L ' > s I g° “8 0 9mm we’git ‘ M _ wab‘y. _._.. 5 grammes as these. The talent; on on a}. arch 2nd. . d . F b . 331:9 ,90511 1111-: caused by snow and me. This l 5. gt ,, W rd h b ‘ ‘ d of‘ is there, in these young people,l ‘.Mr. and Mrs. Alan Jomtti ay, e ruary ~11 , 1 9. ,was immediately repaired and 1 7 . We understand the garage] h 0. h ‘agï¬ oer;I receivsv d. a. was shown in their program-i of Pickering, W1“? their son â€- . . [the alleys put back in working 1 hair of huh-key at the corner of King and Trip. t e 98'“ , 0 r. Orace 0° me, and so what about a drama! {georgm Miss Nancy Wood M Renew Your Subscription. l order. 1‘ , of helowna, B.C. Dr. Wood club and a school orchestra for‘ Kingston, and Mr. Bryar Fos- _â€"_7--_- â€".._ ,â€" -, -â€" lpair of 5 f; 1. .. ‘ d3 , . . , - er streets former 3, occuple ‘ . d -o. . «h .0 n .! . . ruess. and l B _ - , b’l . ‘1 Reid non rented )5 . 5 . org , . , mm. by e i 5 b1001‘ a number 0t years av lseh‘ool is built. Once again tOi Weekend guests at the borne 0f 5km- an.“ with 5 7 , :_ ,. - - . 5 ' A m... mm Earle Ted 'SC‘O’IT, was enteregtm e2 lg? 213116111 0:1 gld‘dllaélo? irXc’Tmn?o£iilti:i: these students and teachers wei M’" and Mrs. Herbert Patton . . ' ill'bmok. 1. “mid and a 01'1“†° . '0 m0†. ° a “We“ Done MEI-s." i M and M“ Cl‘iimdflud‘l ~ umlnlum In 0W5 g___ stolen, {Where he practiced, and tom Rea ‘H‘opkins mm M Toronto. called to visit. - ,r 5(qu Rules of About a week ago the lock. Where he- retired about 5 years; “f. ' gthe lat‘ter‘s mother. Mrs. Dave: ' “a." ‘N’lllï¬W‘w on Reid‘s Garage, THPPBI‘ Stu: 35%"? to move to Kelowna. He: ' iPatton. on Sound-a . ' D d A W Wl‘l'lis lew- had been tampered with, and} wasabrother of the late Arthur5 SURE SIGN OF RETURN ‘, y i oars an “'n s rook. 2* - had to have a new one put on. 3 Wood. a former Reeve of Cavan‘: - l SERVICE OF DEDICATI l ' ‘ 7- I. l..- . . ‘ . 0N1 S ulP- fM hO' "\'â€"Harri.\ N. - This IS evrdence enough. thati Dmnship. and uncle; of Mrs? We were pleased. r0 see WIN CHRIST CHUORH 1 PeCIa [Ices or a“ n y! - J- » ' - dt H - O 11 tte- lVIlllbI'OOk.w - - - - . - t5 . - \ l Sonn P915011 01' persons “19 0.. 0111“ me e. -, 2. Monday the sun shlnlng In our , i , , ~ Per-a u m - - vain entrance to the newand Mrs. Keith Larmer f . h , ‘ . ._ .. :BAI‘LIEBORO ‘ If interested please contact raid Hubbeard '- -- _ - . 1 v- . :11 ,n01t "V9“ Wlndow 1"†the lll’St‘ _ 5 ‘ - , ., premises Without success. Maseru e. . : . $ . . 5 I M‘Hbr‘lf‘h;~: --.__... ._. ___,_ it‘lme' ‘hls year, a sure Sign 01d; In Christ: Church, Bailieboro,j Opal FBII'OW Tapper St. Mfllbfook E“! “I 5““ï¬mfll-I III-I man-war [ by] 15 OH l’llS “Ya-Y bark CO “39‘ Parish 0f C'dV‘dll. Sundayj I I ‘ lxllbrook. self- 49th ANNUAL SALE l Spring IS JUST around March 21. {off Holv Communion and the: WM - ' ‘1 SIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII“ r‘ment with CTO‘VS have made Tht'll' ap- dedieation of two flags, the} am wiring. ’ Victoria County Shorthorn Association ivn. reawmlble w it. Tuesday, March 10th. AT 1.30 P.M., 1959 at the Exhibition Grounds, ( , . - v . . . , i pearanee and lllOll‘ (-aw sounds I 111011 Jack and the Anglican, ilike a canary's song after thz-i Church flag. Th‘ev were gifts} tough old winter we, are .justu.†the Church and presentedl ending. 1to the glory 'of God by Miss? â€-“"â€"‘â€"- lli‘ram-es Hall of Bailieboro. COSTUME CARNIVAL Thursday, March 5 AT' l ., . 5 . , leach \Varden. Mr. Lloyd J'aek-l 5 .Mrs. H. (5‘. Argue and fannly l E \VlSll to express sincere thanks aml Tax m. 5 Lindsay, Ontario I i 1 1 I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I son and Mr. Robert. Hazeldeni E , . . . . 5who took them up to the Altar: I " ’ to Dr. J. Vi. Vi 1 lght, IVIlllbI‘Ole, rail where the Reel 01. the Rev. : MlllbrOOk and (avan l I l I I I I I I I I I '01' aml Tax . ' i ‘ v Mnnh-ipality ‘ 12 males and 10_ females 0f top quallty w111 be offered l Rev. Francis Chisholm, Port: Edgar Palfre the dedicatedl . H b. mnivm A11 bulls are eligible for the Govermnent premium 8r. i Dallmusie. Dr. H. B. Neal, H 5' 1 tirh ‘m'n. 50h gid5! Memonal Alena i. 1959. emu. most of them are Performance Tested. gonadal Board of St. Andrew “ï¬fe 31125.95“; .fï¬ees‘mgoe ’.= .lziailit'iearions, All females are vaccinated. f I‘vrth Group W.A. of St. later thev will b: mounted [oil l Andrew's. Miss Mabel Clarrv W“ï¬%%Â¥w â€ï¬x-â€HH- '.\npli«-atiun,†. . _..,__._.__._... ‘ ' ’» -’ ‘ LAO ‘1 FOWIQI‘, LeRoy G- Brown, .l .0- -. r . ‘ .3 either Side oi3 the Chancel. 1" “ ' all '1: ? Prezident Secretary-Manager, l hlillllilxihhl. 15%;.) “II-laukhhl :0: Several visitors attended thei EVENTS up -. . . ’ - ie . v. ' - - ' 11 1‘3 . ' ' . ‘ï¬Es ‘ ‘ E Woodvflle, Ont. Lmdsay, Ont. } Director. those responsible for Servme. ‘_ l SKATING’ COSTUME JUDCING’ RA 1‘ CAVAN l l sn(“V-Plowing â€1'9 lane, relatives l The Programme will start at 7.30 pm. with open skat- l l ~â€"â€"-â€"-~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~- â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"~ , neighbours and friends who'HMONSTROS'ITY†SUFFERSE ing‘ till 8.00 p.m. There will be FUN’for all! ,‘ sent floral tributes, messages of. SEVERE BLO { l I I I I = : SEASON TICKETS WILL NOT BE HONOURED : THIS EVENING = . I I I ! I he reveived at .‘lerk's Office. 1 p.m. Mat-eh YOUR SAVINGS EARN I sympathy and baking, and all ] ““‘â€"" xvii, helped in any way at the‘ The building at the corner tyne .1 the passing of our dear“ of King and Union, Streets} Adults 35: - - Children 15: ":sband and father, Hallard: opposite the 'Bm'n Hall, receiv-; Argue. jed a death blow on Tuesday! - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I i = . l e s I --__.__ gaxlterno'on about 3.30 when a? l M_ Bentley. C erk-Treasure r . THQNKS lbig portion of the roof («aved' ______.._______..._______,_._____________. CARD 0! 1‘ Whether this W'ï¬'WW Durham Co. Shorthorn Club E l r r , -~ . , . l \\ .A. northe beautiful flowers; a {Vear agO. took it upon itself‘ ,t-o all friends for their cards,‘ to commit suicide. When you Deposit them in a Mteed 1317631713811; i and exmessions of sympathy. The corner is blocked Off Mme-aw . I wish to extend heartfelt ' ' l w ‘ ~ snow .or Just old age is not. 0 lgianlxs To St. Andrew’s Church: known, nevertheless the “Mom; _ ;. . 011' and the South Group strosity†that was so named; i i "III-Ill... . - . , 2 , . . 5 Certificate for five years. 1 :lgown “:11" thffmmt passing 5 "Vlth a snow fence and 1t is; ' my ‘ â€l" S“ â€'- , ghighly recommended that thng THURSDAY MARCH 12th JET“ WInSIOW‘ l frail protection to the public‘ I â€"_ Amounts of $100.00 and up may be left on Deposit. lbe respected by an, I l 1959, at 1.30 p.m. l l Interest is payable half-yearly. CARD 0F THANKS l â€â€" We wish to express our heart} NOTICE : AT BLACKSTOC K gfelt. hShanks to friends and; A Social Evening will be Authorized by Law for the ‘nelg Durst fOI‘ floral. tributes; held in Legion Hall at 8 p.m.§ , Investment of Trust F is guards, and many thoughts ofion Friday, March 13th, 1959,; 8 .ulls' 32 Bred and open FemalOS- an ' ,klndnesses, shown us in ourii'ior Legion and Auxiliary mem-l Government Bonus to apply on Bulls. . recent bereavement in the loss} bers and friends. Admissioni 5 .of a dear mother. [25 cents each’. AGGREITED -- VACCINATED -- INNOOULATED Jack and Kay Crowley. VICTORIA and GREY I '_‘___ NOTICE l Lunch available at sale. TRUST COMPANY ' NOTICE I, Donald J. Thompson willg For Catalogues write Secretary The regular meeting of St. 2'not be held responsible for any; Andrew’s W.M.S. will he‘debts incurred by my wife; . . . . held at the home of Mrs. J. iCarole Thompson on or after? Roy Phlhp Fremont. 301m Rlckard, seem†Ridge at 3 p.m. 0n Taesday,l March 2nd, 1959. i Port Hove, Ontario Newcastle, Ontario . ‘ ' l 437 GEORGE SWEET ~ PETEBDOROUGB March 10th. Donald J‘. Thompson. I iï¬lï¬iwï¬a‘ifl‘ ‘ arm 5 5. 5- 7, A. 7’ w‘ - ‘4‘.» .~v4~a=â€"c_mâ€"»-wn w...“ I“... _.., 5. err.m-â€" Amfl.uw"w -V.