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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 5 Mar 1959, p. 3

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i9 the asphalt >roviding a he tires to tame effect, ingles are handle. There neces- iration lines it t few upon e)! as you __.._ . .â€" a,“ .n...._n.-.....-- ........_. .. .._.. _.-.-_..._...... . M..._..._...._. ......_ . - .0 l III-II ’. YS l Thursday, larch 4, 1959 Durham (o’y Liberai Association “W » W Mr. Arthur J, Brown. speak- peal from the decisions of these liq. Ti) a Libel-a} gathering in' boards and tribunals, he had’ li-i‘d'llliillVllltj last month. advts- particular referent-e to the Oil-l s;;.. meeting that the people tario Municipal Board and the’ 3 g ”min-lo should be able ‘0 Ontario Liquor Board. ..: t l--:ldership from the DE- The election of officers was iii of l-lall: -ati01;. He carried out for the Liberal If“ t.:;-tit.ttl'r‘t1-ly Critical (if 3. .*\S*-"I~t<lati()ii of the Town “f «shim, '.‘.ltl<'ll did not provide liowmanville and the youth in - tulity educa‘ional ‘oppOl‘? the Liberal party was evidenced; . ~ Mr. iiI'UWH referred in the. electiOn to the presidency! 1.. the fact that there are 12410 of Glen Fry, 26 year old Bow-i lit-:NO‘zli now teaching in Ontario manville resident, 1st Vice, on permits from the Depart; president Mayor \Vilfred Car- men: of Education. Permits, ruthers; 2nd Vice-president, L at est “1‘? issued to those who lack, lawyer Lawrence Mason, 3rd ’”' iti'e mimimum standard reqtlire~‘ Vice-president Dr. Howard . . merits of the Department of Rundle; Secretarydreasq Mrslwmte Impenal Jazz Etlura'ion. He said that in Robert Kent was re-elected to. whose Dixie-land rythm spans Ontario there is no Doll-fin. or that position. ‘ lawyer practising who does not: B. R. “Ted” Whodyard,‘ ”we: the requirements of their Liberal candidate for Durham..._.____..,__ particular profession and that in the next Provincial election: our children being our greatest addressed the meetino. Mr. ; , , . asset. it was unfortunate that \Voodyard paid tribut: to the the Emmi? for She bfiokkeepiri the Depar‘ment 'of Education On‘ario leader John Wintexv-if“’ot e Ottfir 91nd; tier tiOOk-i permitted unqualified persons meyer as being a. highly €d11-::]:' a: the e ”:53 ‘i’e 03h- tb teach them in their formative cated man who had great quali-‘i ‘1? pet. ,, en an I aes 9‘ wars. Mr. Brown is now fications to serve as the PremierC igue. . st-rving! his sixth term as school f the Province of Ontarilo. He: , 13‘ Lalng .ad‘ded +hthat 11.6 trus‘ee for \Vard 9 ill the city mentioned that lie was a family cou . not predict. Whe“ er thlg of Toronto and in 1953 was man who was deeply attached latter prtécedure W'Olfld becolfie‘ ('nairmanoi‘ the Toronto Board to his wife and five childreni 2? p’art ‘0 Uh? Torontpéiomml of Education .‘ “Dr. DunlOp is. a man who believed in the lgn.stl Opertfl‘jns- t hls 18! living :30 years in the post” he cause of Liberalism and wh) in}: liv a,?1h°“' 83:: 81,11 td'athlze S'dllli “it is not. sufficient to was prepared. to devote all of 8‘: Iere 3‘ e SS] ’ an W t1 e have a baby sitter in every his time and efforts to the at- we e leye It to e a rumor s ep ivlassdoom. the people of 011-, tainment {of better government firwardiflwebnétend t? Stllq}; “I Tal'lO are entitled to have quali- in Ontario. .. ; (tutu. t '5 froug y 9 ore gomg an ad! tied teachers in everv classo' - W111} bigger. and more compli- w. ., The S eaker said that‘ cated install-anions throughout “*m- P TEE TORONTOâ€"DOMINION the bank.” ,, ‘ t 't' s were ducatlonal ‘01)?” “m ‘9 BANK msrms rv. â€"- '-- lint equal in the Province as , people in larger centres would SYSTEM IN BANK FOR BOYS m GIRLS l â€"‘ All boys and girls up to and: mt. permit teaching on permit; whereas rural areas were being Closed circuit television including 1.2 years of age, are? tm-ced to hire such teachers in made its debut in Canadian, invited .50 join the Young War-3 order to obtain someone tlo fill banking in Toronto on 25th or" shippers. League at St. An- the position in the. rural February. On this day a closed} drew’s United Church. Plan WWOIS- lcircuit industrial T.V. systemi to attend Church Service (ml The Sptakf’l‘: W150 was a can-b went into regular operation in didate for the mayvoralty in the the Current Accounts Depart- City Of TODOntO in 1953, at- memt at the King and Bay Yafi'kpd the Frost government Streets office of the Toronto- 1'01‘ a system WhiCh would‘ Dominion Bank in Toronto. It allow, as is the case in Ontario,t is me first installation of its! 85 administrative Boards and kind in a Canadian bank. Tribunals to be set up. This This latest electronic in- situation became so bad that the movation will enable a teller on Premier has now set up thcf the main banking floor to view a 010011 commission t") invest»; on a television monitor a ledger gate the commissions. H9 9“]. sheet. which is kept in the Book- that the elected representatives: keeping Department in a re- ShOUld be TeSPODSible t0 the. mote corner of the building on people and it was not sufficient i allbtlher floor_ When the for tem to slirug off criticism customer presents a cheque 0f their TESPOHSi’bilifieS by 535" g drawn on a certain account, the ing that a particular board or teller simply calls the Book- commission was responsible for. keeping Department on a tv ., The GGCiSiOD- PR 3150 said. that way communications system1 the-re should be a right 0f 313': and requests that uhe ledger; __________ ,sheet for this account be put} on th'e screen. The same pro-‘ BUTTER GRANITE CO 5 cedure can be hollowed to vali-l P0115 Hope, 0“- 393 632. date the signature on a cheque. Monuments, Harkers, Corner 3 The girl in the BOOkkeeping‘ Inscri - 'Department then places the Posts and phone. iledger in front of the camera l i and it is shown on the teller’: CARI-BY. STANDISH, CLARKE 5 monitor. Monitors are also CARLEY LECH l located in the \office of the nan-men “a Solicitors l manager and assist-aim man- agers. of the branch, so that 425 Water Street l they can immediately rev1ew' PETERBOROUGB, ONTARIO lth’e status of any account by 'r. J. Carley 9.0. (1896-1956) 5' calling through to the Book- B. 0. Standish QC. ; keeping Department. ’1'. E. Clarke BA. ' Although in this case instal- R. n. Carley B. Com. ; lation is completely located W. C. Lech BA. {under one roof, in practice the; ' Bookkeeping Department. could} ”miâ€"T ‘â€"W> be situated in another building ' ' {several miles from the branch. E CI‘ wantEd lAccording to John. Lalillg’h tale: '1 7 aasw Oak Tomnfo-iDom-lnlons 'et 0‘s 1‘ h :33}; Tlgliiér ’ Superintendent, the day is not REFERRHH lfar off when this system, known STANDING P as “centralized posting” will. H 0y Lumber be in widespread use with Cana-l dian banks. This means that South monaghan! Ontario one Bookkeeping Department,I PHONE 22 EAILIEBORO centrally located, will maintain; ‘ the ledge-rs for a group of; branches in the same general? “is... 3% . “â€"4-.- m a.’ â€"- ,-â€"â€".._â€"â€"â€" Dead Stork Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 1 24-Hour Service PHONE COLLECT: . . . . l Although the closed cunt-1112‘ televisitn installation is a new; trend in Canadian banking. Mr. ; A lain: stated that cs“.- elizl bunks.’ in the l'nited States and Europe, Paterborouh 2-2080 have been llSlllg the device Tori some time, t Cobourg 1787 ‘ - - “ In these cases the applicatiom N 'ck Peconl is somewhatdifferent”, he said." PROPRIETOR “The canneragis at the teller’s m “MR-MITRE, MEL-1.33093, 011nm "’5: jazz gn'oup 0n the-on CBC’s Dominion network. l Canadian scene is the Mike 171111"(*‘éir<i of two years ago, this, lecttor badge by Mrs. T- A- She has given so faithfullv to Band $9};th now has a nightly stand} Campbell. They will receivelthe Brownies. Mrs. Noble is m a downtown hotel in Toron-. the badges 011 a lat-er date. taking Mrs. Campbell ’s place ’5 Basin Street, and guests on! For Valentine day Brownies as tester. ,to {the country eaCh WEdDQSdaYl television jazz shlows such as'made a puppet. from a balloon. .. SERVING CANADA 0 'AN D THE WORLD WILF'RED L. ELSON Phone *183-12-2 Millbrook K 13mm Mirror-Remrte" With Bow nies Brovmies held their weekly imeetings during the month of tFebruary. Tweenics passed i l i l tests for their enrollment which will be. on \Vedlleday, March 11,11. J. H. Barringer, Publisher. â€"_._â€"â€".-. ..â€". Brownies passed teSts work- 111;: f0? their Golden Bar. all intercfling talk (:11 Think- Mr. Noble passed tests for jng Dav. ifl‘O‘VmP’S working .f‘Ol‘ .thelr Birthday cup cakes with a Golden Hand. Janice Gibson, candle on each were lit , JO Ann Agnew glVCh l‘O each' 0119 present. passed thelr skaters badge by Brownies and their Leaders Miss Donna Murney. Brier wish to thank Mrs. T. Camp- and Dianne Foottlt bell for the- cupboard and also passed the Toymaker and 001‘ for her time and work that Mothers and friends are in- night in a live radio broadcast Music Makers ’59. i For Thinking Day Guides were vited 170 Brownies’ Enrollment . g , {Sunday and be enrolled’byl invited to the Brownie meet- and Golden Bar and Badges flJSltlon and the teller screens Mrs. Neal, or Miss Sharon mg. We had an attendance ceremony to be held in St.. Ball, after the service __.-_â€"-â€"_._â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘__._.___ m___________â€" lOf 50. Rev. Mr. Palfrey gave Th‘omas’ Parish Hi?“ (31., Wed- - nesday, March 11th‘, at 4.30 in the afternoon. ' .________.__._..\_..._.._. PETERBBROUGH TEAâ€"CHERS’ BBUEGP ________________.. . IIPIIIAI ONE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR COURSES are ofiered Essa leading to an Interim Elementary-School Teacher’s o H (Al. Certificate, valid in the elementary schools of Ontario. rem opens ssnmasn s, 1959. Descriptive booklet 1‘ Teaching in the Elementary Schools of Ontario,” free on request. “avâ€"1":_ ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT FOR ADMISSION: ONE-YEAR COURSE: Standing in eight Grade 13 papers, one of which shall be English Compomtlon or English Literature. 1w 0 -Y EA R C O U R S E : Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course. INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the Committee of Selection. Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers’ College should apply for interview through the principal of their secondary school. Other applicants should write to: THE PRINCIPAL, PETERBORQUGH'TEACHERS’ COLLEGE Pentecostal Assemblies of mo BENSON AVENUE Canada Zion Pentecostal Church MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Past-or. Sunday Seruoes’ 10 a.m.-â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service. 7.30 p.m.â€"Eveming Service 8 . 00 p.111 . ~Wednesday, Pray- er and Bible Study. 8 .00 p . m.â€"Friday, Young Peo- p1esMeeting._ . . .. . PARISH: OF CAVAN - Anglican Church of Canada. Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrey Rector Fourth Slmday In Lem; St. Thomas’ Church, Millbrook 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion St. John‘s, Ida - 2.30 p.m.â€"Evensong. Christ Church, Bailieboro 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"Evensong. On Wednesday evenings throughout. Lent, a teaching mission will be held in St. Thomas’ Parish Hall at 3:00 p.m., conducted by the rector. â€"â€"_â€"___,_.,.__ F...- SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1959 THE SALVATION ARMY .... Captain D. McNeilly 3.0.0 p.m.â€"Sunday School in Legion Hall. “A Welcome Awaits You.” ~â€" â€".‘-~,.‘ mâ€" ~â€" The United Church of Canada. Millbrook â€" Gavan Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. . Dr. J. Arthur Sleedin'charg‘ e “O Come, Let Us Worship’,. MILLBROOK 10.00 a.m.â€"Slmday School 11.15 a . m.-â€"Wtorship Service Supervised Nursery during church service. CAVAN 9 .45 a. . m . â€"Worship Service Sunday School children with. draw during second Hymn of church service. _ ,4......,â€" .. t __â€"â€"â€"-â€"__._- PRESBYTERIAN Centreville and Millbrook Rev“. Walter Patterson, M.A., Minister Emeritus. Grace Church, Milbrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.m., 9.45 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. Centreville Church 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Church School 11.00 a.m.-â€"Divine Worship, r..- 1909-1959 FRASERVILLE I Renew Your Subscription.

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