try. High Hen. RR 1 7-1' 153 I 3'1- Alay «l- TUNITIKS i' Rawleigh 1 11 fanti- IS ff)! hus- Rawleigh'; P5 Richelieu :ander, or ose. Phone 1t , Alfalfa ll Pigs 14 town. Ida. 1t .II'AII'; â€II-Ila l uare bales. one 212-r45 2t uantity or‘ hy Hay: in Can deâ€" I’I I“ ’3 [‘1 0n , Ilillbrook. 0m .Houise, 'enienres. 1’» Millbrook. Peterbor- 3?. Harris" No. 'atIIr in .\-l l llillilww X‘Il llbrIIok, lit Vet's. laIes'“ ml and RIL \‘dlld Ut’.‘ iI' . I'1ington and .‘IaI-hines. 1' budget or “'11 $1. a 1119 Sieaey. flook. 31 v_..â€"_. â€"â€".- ‘ANTED s and (Jana. ng Company Represent- and Man-- Exeeprionv Guaran- 11985. Auto- Agricul- baekground Sales train. 5' to Box 84, , M.A. -,___. Is your .4 “nu-A.» zunuw ‘1 I F ldav’ LIarCh 10th,1959 Reporter J. E. Baa-ringer, Publisher. THEE MIRROR- REPORTER Authorized as 23d class mail Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ont. I 99th. Year. No. 10. MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1959 $1.50 a. year in advance; to U.S.A. $2 55'. IAN APPRECIATION 1'. IEDITH AMELIA SHEPPARDl'SlX Applicants ' Nomin t d F 9 a e or I l l Mm,NCWdMLM ;ng_ lFGi’ {lEI’k’S 105 l Academy Awards land in 1904-, Edith Sheppaid - . 1“ ram 21. member of the houseâ€"f Mil lbI'I ok Man .I -, 1959. â€"l Includmg' BBS?! Pietures ' and Best Musical Scone 'lIIld ()1. Mr and Mrs_ Isaac 'lhe Annual Carnival Enjoyed}! All LIN Thursday night the an- 111ml IIII'ss ".‘Il.'.l\<'ll :IIIII. l‘it""\' at th- ‘Ii'ih ""Iâ€""Uh" monthly meetino' ,, . . 'i:\ and tum-.1 ' .\I" -. . . ,, _. -‘ , Mommy-ml A1»; a 42.“..- a 1111' ‘dham, (Jul has IonIIIIIII'Il: 0f the )Iund-ip 11 C'IunIil Of the.’ i ' ' b .I I I .. 1 - ,, I .1 0o V - . u. (I '1')‘ J ‘1 . . _. it: I {IllilillII-Ih Iï¬\'2ll-|-1;:£I\' I," Ciiil- H‘Hikjliti)? hillld 1611111511141 (‘Hi'b' \ 1“;le of 11111111} 10k W as held; - . .c I I1. I L II )01' or 2 .I I , - 'litu. no \'I'lill.s‘l?IllIlllJ(r t h 0 XL . \.. :1I ., I. . . ‘115‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘ â€WWI I‘IIIII “i111 all mem ‘ 1 1 t i I C: . ' "“D,‘ L“ 11am “H ““1' 1111105“ hers 01’ the Conn il present,l ‘I’I ' (I mm there owing Door 3 (In Sept'enlber 2:3I'Il. 19718. I'II- Reeve (1. 1a . Harr 11131011 )1' I I . , ' . . . . L- , Illlllt‘d hospltal (‘Ell'lf In CIVIC “thug. I l ' ‘ I "A ) 1 y i ilospli liltll lItIIb li'KHIL'll “here “we minutes of the last l'(>"ll- l 1‘ III' I IIII 1 ()L‘(' III'I'III on MlInIlIn' ‘ lar meeti ' 11;: (If February ) 1! - ‘ 3,120, ) ~11C .‘.-nulls CARON' Lc‘ 1 -,nd 19: )9 also special meetino' of We" “1' MAURI ' A [15> Sili'p1)(lr(1y “1 he]: 't’afllt‘l' \l' (I 1,. 1.01“] L-Wl 8101‘s Th0r11.l CE CHEVALER 2 “IQ-ULâ€- ï¬ttumbl " I011 and Ridge \\ ere app10ved. ' LOUIS JOURDAN Idl. st. AIIIIm-(I chm,1 for many The follouing communica.l _-- *’ p . lIinks Mission Circle, add “as Fromâ€"The Consumers’ Gas! iCI' I'éil‘llI'L' 111 1111' IlitV. due to wildness. but tor il'ils I‘\t‘1llll'_"' things tiglItI-IIIIl up enough for the show to 2-0 “I 11. 311'. 1’. 1'}. Hamilton made the ll!‘l'1‘.\\‘?ll'_\' anII-ouneements In'IIr lllt‘ 111iI1'o} bone and Coun- I-illm' Vinemit (‘rough “as the, offieial in I'harm' (If starting 03) the Composers 0: “My Fair LadV’-‘ l l I lyeai's was a. In Technicolor STILL RUNNING, IN ITS SPEAKING OF MUSIC“ Caught rII-IniniinnIr mm the III “ ‘ .i:I “I Iqu 111'. Ileslie Hell u 110 liis radio \V ork and can be heard I nited Ohur 11.. i do artment The de artm nt “1; 1011mm!†1" *1" â€m“ ihaw bot-11 been assmiated \\ 1th IIth Saturday evening in his 6 l p p e. No Advance in Pines “f â€H. mm“ 'ECBC l Hm funeral senvigle Thurs- of planning and develtopment, musical rogrammes forl 11 gr mm 1 1 r L, p l .0 a 9 0f mus ca aPP e0 lay, March 53h fmm the. home indust. development. Ontario Costume P " Winner , ' - . l.‘ . S . I '7'" I. III...“ Iress or I i ten I '1" ' Iatteuded with‘ Rm 1 Arnhurl Northumberland and Durham her telIIVision Iareer as singei \V 011 l a l ‘ iSteed, PetelflbOIOUO'Ll 11;1inist.'.'r.Healt Lnit. reporting for the I --â€"--â€"-~ Wâ€" l'wpio -tem, of St. Andrew‘s month January. Northumber- l BOVsl4tOlbâ€"~l (1,.,m];a,..le 'SOCIAL- PmseNAlut‘hureh assisted by the. Rev. lland, and Durham Fireman’s ,m Roger Armst10ng23 \\ aan: I Fdo'ar Palfrey of St- Thomas IAssoe,iation membership fees NEXT MON. TO wan. Shows at? 6.45 and 9.00 Fancy under 111-â€" 1 Linda Nelson 2 Margaret ~'I'inney i3 Janice Gibson, Comic Costume under 11)â€" mâ€"fl ’___ 1 Debbie Fa Vcett iHOgg 1Anglican Churelh, eondUeting-iDepartment10f Highways, Port . . \' . . . , ' . l Pie-school owlsâ€"Sh lvia Hop-l ' _ . 1111 [all was in the Needham; Hope, encloSing rates (harge- â€"’ T911191? Neldon l kins. Mr. ( rm and son MH'H’" t’a mily plot. [I] Gardiner s. Genie-I able for maehine rental. Lab-k I 3 Naney Reid. Fancy dress 11 to 14 year 1 Joan Armstrong I ‘2 Craig Palfrey ! 3 Barbara Reid. 1, l l I GirlsGand. 7â€"1 Bonnie Todd 'giui-zd'ia'i'b'wo were in attend ltzry, Axtn'e pallbearers were: 301118.110 Telephone Authority cillors Gibson and Thornton the Ontario General; lhnest Powell Gordon Might ann'ouming that an inIrease of were ordered paid: Mary -Ellen Hogg; :3, '.\I1n(y I. .. .- I ‘- 1'“ IIIIIIItors Association Con' Lloyd Ryan, 2;,% had been granted' 111 Tele Ar'thiu T1i0k,0il for -) Reid I . I ‘ ‘ l'lmald Spin er; ' (.irls 8 to 10â€"1 Ruth Manlex; 'H "m“ a l‘all an HOtd‘ ll avid R. 10“ ler and Robert phone rentals to Durham Tele- “311ng room ..$ 19.07. Ir 5 I 9" '. ...Claudia SIotI; 3.. l'udy Vi ll .\'ia ma Fan '0" rebrur‘ ' liarmt'r with. MessrsW. H.1P0nes Limited Du‘flhamTelephones 8-00 Comic costume, ll t10 14â€" “ml “â€1 ( oombI- 40'. Millbrook and T. 1 Motion 1,}, (lgulHiuorg Irough MuniIipal Vi orld, office 1' Dianne. Olan Girls age 11â€"] lane FallisdMViexw‘lHe' hear 112:†H. Stinson, Q. C. of Lindsay, l and Gibson that communica. supplies ------------ . 19.27: 2 Man LIPSE’mer l‘II'dI‘llyn Fal'I‘OVVi 3 llllle I. . 1 Ti 1111' ‘00 it “'35 t“ â€11"“ lionoram bel‘aeTS trons not otherwiSe dealt with Dept. Of Hf’alth, insulin .63 3 [Imam-e Dunn â€Armstrong ’ ito Civic Hospital last Friday, 1 11 ~ 1),. “I. Ii\ed and filed. ‘IHighland Creek Sand Pane," dress 15 and overmE ‘ C 1‘ o 12 and â€#1 (‘lOria and hope to see him about.‘ ‘Fim‘mmy’ Shall awaken . \‘III 1011 bV CounIillorsl Gibson and “'1‘an 25.99 Mrs. Ted McDowell, 'Sm'illlli‘l a. eBrI-Inda Davidsldn 3 Iag dill. soon. 1 A“ I'EIIIIil'iutiiii:lidhdi'ltleilflfiii an and RidgethatNoithumberland .Xr.11 A1 Inst Hung, truck 3. Results E ~' Mr. and Mrs. hlIIVd .-IX\b1ams'. ‘ ‘ 2., " ) 1 _ Ihaius ..'. ........... 10. ' B 'I ' aide" 13'11 Ho k' s-' I“ nda Hogg. ' land thiee lit. le (lalWlllPlS III“ Shall shine a‘ (“"1 “'9 day, 1:111:11} hidiiililerigiieinilleies3:911; Fred Gardiner printing 00 ) Hillb S61I't0 '_ 1 p m' 7‘ (â€Hi 14 to lbw-Sharon Bige- :Port Hope were Sunday Visit. The†mid our king and P09: year 1939 be pai 11111 the amount signs 2 00 1-- 1 I. 'WP- ‘10“. . ’ , H-l ti'o11,. ‘ , C ....... " ' ""' 1305?“ 8 to_ 10â€"1 Douglas Adult . Rave-fl. Mfg Ted as “1th Mr. and Mrs J.H . 111 2.11â€]ng M, his grave. lot. $10 (10 (arIIed (-'.XllbI11{'tm Jones labour 54% Hopkins: '2. Richard Farrow: â€p.130“, n. 2 MN. Reginaldi ariinger 1“ VP then shall SW hr “WP 1. \Iotion bx (ounIillors Crough Pl IIPHSUI‘PI‘ ...... 109.40 3 Dale (â€'halliIe. l Hopkins ' “‘“â€"‘ J 11d worshi) We to l' we. . IIIIIl (Iibsoii that the Milllnook (:litl' SIolt . . . . . . . . 2234.11 ROM: ll 10 134-1 Roger Clldl- â€"-â€"--'-~--â€"- is O K' I ( l‘l H I. Fix-(J Department b0 givpn a lallwl'f hello“ ...... 138.08 live: 2. Brian Hoggi )VVilson 86“ n lng St. l â€"â€"---â€"â€"-.â€"â€"â€"--._--A t lgx';1111.5?1111II as last veai to ll. l’mmner. gas and . lIarmer. Renew your subscription. ‘A, {meet prInses in promotinu' 0‘11.tr11I-.k 81.05 772 74â€"-2_w i.-.___-._--_A- ,_._-, 2__‘ :During_â€"â€" eek lLANDMAEK TO mutual aid within the area. Scull“ l1 2 ------------ 26.00 â€"â€"~â€" __. - , DISAPPEAR FROM KING 5T9 \mount $4,110, Carried, , lillbwok 1’ I'llJliI Hi“- mmm' ._“55“%“m%mxuamw i .\ smallI lakle near L119 [(111le ...._._.,7 1 Mo ion in C_01111Iil10rs 'I‘horn- 'li‘El- - - 101' - --- - 11-1-30 'Street briI 2e ast uee eallsetll 11-I1 R lIrI 11 I II I -half of 1e 1 lowintIr ap lications I \\011I111I'n l “III 111' la k 0 11 am “ i M l“ . . . ". p G’ace (hind, Ladies Aid Will held 3 "ii the Min and “H'h'nԠ\m'“ 'Mondm of t'I'Iai'i'I'Io :iou'S til1 The membership fees for this it‘l'lllt‘ 11*)‘1l1011013L7191‘k Treas- l"1he \-\"a\ some of the Iars flew; 11 10 near 19.39 in the Association of urer and Tax ColleItor of the ltlnougli the liquid a peisoni bml‘lmg at 1h" “0â€â€œâ€˜1 “f 1\1“‘.’ Aswscing ()1le I.†Uf Ontario Municipality were read in tha itOlllLl. time had a. shower bathi‘l1nd "lupper 8119"", Rumour; in I-,'oniunItion with the To“ 11- ReeVe: J- 11. Noble. )1. iuitlh their Ilothes 011 had theyl 'a‘ ‘t that it “ 1H 0“ -‘ h‘l‘“ 1h" ship of Oman, be assumed. Payne, \V. .|.. lilson. (t. Dawe, been 111 the \lt‘lllliV at the. Iime. â€01) S 0†IemoVed and that by MuniIipalitv of Millbi.ook J. E. Robinson. and B. 01101- -â€"-â€"â€" 1,1110 â€WUlld “001' “i“ be re- Amount $5 ()0 (Jarried ' lette. As the hour was very From the looks 01 the number lmodelled and made 0101' for} Motion in Llouncilors Ridge. lat“ â€N‘- RI‘GW ('alli’d a SPPC‘lal white and blaIk liI-II-nIeif'h" Liquor Control O‘Ud t0 and Thorn on that the Clerk 1110011113: (If the Uoum'il £01- pla es still plying up and 1m n “1110†1â€) their Millbrook ““11†be. authorized to order 110 100 Mal“ ll 'IY‘fl 81 1'11? 110111‘ 0f 4 30 lt)l1e street there is going to hit.†'1'" l‘ 5†it ““1 greatl} im- 11) bags 01' Calcium Chloride p.111. \IhIn this matte! would II great old scramble to Secure plow that pottion 0f K111i?" St" 110111 AlliId Chemicals (anada be gium consideration the blank and white plates ass“h"h, ha“ been an 93"" "01") for Ltd. Same to be piIIkeIl up at Moe lug adjou-med to meet lMath 18th approIaoheS. thewmnetlm‘i‘ ‘, point If delivery Amhlustburg Math 1rd 19:39. lIlate I t' the dead 1110 for re- [HOW long “3‘“ “Wk ha†()11ta1io by l3uI1IhI1ms Trans- T \V Belch Clerk. - ,"\II1smgI Vulll IIuto plateIolours. â€EOE“: 116115;; infld Jultat “’lhfp 0:“.11Irt. Carried. -â€"'â€"â€"-â€"~ (lflLl I orui' 1 (Iss. \ _ p Moti 111 b\ ( oqu' ï¬lms '1 horn -mWMEMORIAM \\0ul(l be kind Of interesting 10 ton and ( rough Ihdt the RI -e\-; I know. Maybe some of our old and Clerk be . flu horiaed 10' 1 re(‘l0\ eâ€"In 1min" memmy ,1'11119FS_C'I0111d tell 118 this. (oinplete a 13,} -13“ to prmid: of our mother who passed an ay 1101 the 1959 expenditures 'on Mal“! 11111-1957 roads or streets in the Village. St. Patrick’s Day Supper In the Grace Church Sunday School Hall Commencing at 5.30 till all are served on Tuesday, March 11th, 1959 3,; ADMISSION: l l l Adults $1500 Public School age dhildren 400 l GOSSIP AMONG- THE LOCAL TEENAGERS (By teenagers») . .‘.“...â€" um; iACCORDIAN FOR. Sweet memories will linger for- Hey W. R. l where has your OLD FOLKS HOME "l‘he estima. ed expenditure to ever' (.00kie duster disappeared to. be $4, 000. 00. Carried Bv- Time cannot change them, it’s * "' * la“ .\0. 818 I true: - 5% When you Deposit them in a. Guaranteed Investment The Lady Lions haw done it: , 1\lr.11111II l aris \V as present Years that may come cannot sever . EaIr'IIin! This time they sent ani I the e\ams are eomin u l and addressed the LounIil on . g p nIaeI'ordian (101111 to the Old Our IOViEg remebrance 0f you' about tuo \Veeks. , I .. §l’II'IIplIIs Home at Cobourg for the use of the. men who are st till IHeV kids, arent we LU CKYl the subjeIt “Edmationâ€. l The ï¬ollow' 111g bills were pre; 'Iâ€"l' \er remembered in Son sented and 011 motion of CYIllll-i Harry and daughter Kay. 1 1 l l l lV'hII's ‘w1itiug this yet? 1 l l I l Certificate for five years. II. I:. 11m II V011 found out . .vloung in spirit and did the} lever enioy it! 111 no time atl "“ Amounts of $100.00 and up may be left on Deposit. ' ' 121.11 Johm BensOn had it s rap I'Vï¬V-H'IWHW Interest is payable half-yearly HOME BAKING SALE lpIIdIonlalï¬l :1‘V13t‘l' he went \Vlritrh M S . I C S I J i Home baking sale and after- an 1‘1†(‘1 0 let's wan III 0 - Inoon tea will be held in the “PP danIe. I “1‘11 9"“? 0"“. eat pecIa s at avan tore- Authorized by Law for the",.I\Ii1|brook XV aiting,I Bloom on “i the Lad) 111e111bersIIould haVI'I. Fresh Pork Shoulders ....... . ........... . 356 lb laII IIIIIII MIMI 1'11: I31}- '1'"? doidj'ealrgnjhjï¬m““2111I Ham Roasts ........ 490 lb Investment of Trust Funds. lineneing at 3 0 ’e 0I 11s (01 e 1 ' J I 'II . l\dll‘ is spImseIed by the. Mill- made. a lot of old men happy. 1 :rlmmeBd 1201* Ch0ps . - - - - - -- - ------------ 53:“ ll: linook [.'III a1 Association in aid ‘â€" l 1.2:: MisceduBid'e'f†"""" ' """"""" 4490 lb , \ S i . ................... . ..... VICTORIA and GREY 10' B'mm'P ail-(1:111:19 ' i EUCKRE :ATY l Samag'e and Wieners ....... . .......... 390 lb T'huisday March 19th, t'heIeI BUTTER 6601b TRUST COMPANY l BIRTH will be a Pr ogressiw l'luehre', ' """"""" ‘ """"""" l \Ianlev-â€"Lorne and Judv,'PI1rtv at Carmel TI 0.11. Hall,l Phone 225112: nee Paeden 0f Orillia are. happc II'0111111e11I'ing at 8 p.111. l’rizes' I Gummer’ sStoro,(avan mama it“) announce. the. birth 01 their Lunch a Good Time Eur All. 'daughter (Wendy Lee.) on Tues- . Admission 350. EV eryone. Wei 9‘, FREE delivery to rook Friday 31' 11 home-.21 huaï¬'MWR-‘NWWHHUWWWWWâ€Huuwwum 437 GEORGE STREET PETERBOROUGH