than 12, I959 itcozze of the in: keep. . .le ) VV ' 4 o... - \ ~- NOTICE l .- _' ‘QLi '0} - ill: 1 zt’. -‘ l} .21. ‘, H-M- 1:123, 1333!), ’ar \anhinr. Poona K 7.34. 2' .ive Poultry. High aid. M. Flett, RR 1 . phone T-l’-l3 L")l< -. â€anagram“ ’ \"I'BD ï¬or Rawleigh Sell to 1300 tamL i'e today Rawleigh's, LCM-SA. 4003 Riche< ntreal. It 03 SALE .. at! 2 Yorkshire Sows, Apply Mr. Mr iirr, 3. Ontario. ll: Red (‘lover Hay in. w Timothy and Al. ed. in bales. Apply whee-n. phone Turner .7 Hope, St Choice Alfalfa and Hay in square bales. rdiner. phone 2|2~r~15 k. ' 2t r'l‘ypewrlters, latfew“ l’nllerwood and R61 Portables and Ofï¬ce also Remingthn and Adding )lan-luim-s_ lSllll your budgx-l or \ $1, down $1. :1 ntavt Ernie- Steal-5r. Hw )lilllm'mk. 3? _.Hâ€"._ HELP WANTED ml Wales and Carla. lllfal‘illl'lng(‘Iunpany l’ield Kept-Men?- vr Cavan and Ham \‘nshipx. l‘ZXeeption‘ l carings. Guaranc eat businesy Auto- t‘xm‘nllal. Agricul- t'arnling bm-kground Dnl'iHlll. Sales train- 1, Reply fo Box 84, Ontario. A. I 01' THANKS DEAL!!! ARAG-K Phone 275 '93 . Irvine, MA. uilders - care of your ating l$â€"â€"! :uld like to budget -:‘ ask for one of day. Heating Hillbrookflfl a a ‘sk‘ï¬wv‘ has; :i“;; V .. ‘t.‘.«n . ‘- - so.» 2 rev . ‘ 2mm ' o m» ‘3 J. n. Barringer, Publisher. TEE monn‘nronmn Authorized asznd class mail V Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ont. ‘ 6 99th. Year. No. 11. MILLEROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1959 1 Statistics Fe Dateisee‘.‘ Oil Kiï¬g 5“ * > ' lDur ' ; colour of butter Bowhng league 1 mg Week . V. t We are pleased to note that. $1.50 a year in advance; to U.S.A., $2.6 soon - err. The flavour and . V I‘ll‘. and lll‘ï¬. Fred Smith of? WILL BE L. VEVVYVVV VVVVVVV ’-. an VVV V High Scores Last Week 3 . .\ “â€Vmeer 0f swinging street l’ortVHope were \‘lsl’Ol‘S in Mill-f 355%QEV l-"E"’K 1:) 1V Eulkl e b one; et.VLVVdVe$ hVVVOVh Qinale_ . V Slg‘lls "191115; Vvith One allOthl' brMOK Oll Satlltlrzl)’ illltl lllal, g g to E4 E uniâ€"on Rape; . V" .......... 29;, to >99 who could “skin the cat". M1" VSmith made such a finel Plan to Take the camera cumin Paoaucms’ - . but none succeeded. ’1‘9"0“’1'.“ afm‘ his recon? Opor-i Family to See MARnsrms» Bonito imam â€â€311 Tripleâ€" ‘ation in St. Joseph‘s Hospital.i rrprrssmme 59,1293 (arm PRODUCERS l i .ena-Marie Haw ........ 692 A pig-(WI strutting on m. m.) Perm-lmroug-h. ill?h L'.‘ h l †“ ’ ' " “ “‘ ‘ l Men’s High Single of a parked car. Cordon Gib- We are pleased to sn‘s' thatl 8 5% t n . â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"---â€"j Bob Gillis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 274‘ *On _WaS feeding it but whean'SV- Alfred Brooks is homei Eli} F ll LOCAL MEN KNOW JAMES DANFORD, CAVAN 3 Men’s High Triple Vile tried to get 1118 hands on the again after undergoing an , e OI‘OSE THEIR CRIBBAG-E lLOSE BARN, BIG- LOSS 5 V _ inVn'd 1: would have none of it fflperation in Peterborough. Story of a WhiteBo ._ V ,. ’Dean (utnlore .......... 418V'lhepeaoe (have, like some of; Mr, and lllrs. Ed. Haw are Brought Up b Indjamy , . l . High Scores» to date ethe world’s nations was y Last l‘hursday night at the A barn, albng with most of ' for:1 holidaying in the sunny South. . . . . . . . .- l Ladies’ High Single WW but at safe distance. I __.-.... MON"TUES"WED- Legron Hall where a CrlbbageV in content». belonging to Mrâ€l\lari C‘ th . . . - i _ V Or the Canadi Wild party was held. Mr. Geo. C. i James Danford. RR 1, Cavan,Vi “ OE 1.11 VrloV ' ' ’ 340: Fo-ur or five men perched on’ MOORE FARM ON THE E Litre Featzlde - Ellsworth and Mr. John L.E wl;2.h- included among its L VVluatiVles ngh Tnple {top the. building that is beingEMILLBROOK-ROAD SOLD ll . . Coulter Sr.. teamed up, andivictims four registered Holsteini L215?- IglehHaAw """""" 692.1221: diodwï¬ at 319 corner Of Tl' f . i ' White WIldEI'fleSS" ' . " 0' ' -â€"- t " ‘- , n .7 ,1 .- - « ~ ’ were winners of the contestjheifers, team of horses num-f . es 1" terage ) f . r; anon treths. LaSt‘- .. 19 aVrm Of the. lateVLethe ï¬lmedinth Ar t" r 1' h a d b . frb . f - . . . ’ :Eneen Powell ........... 189 .“Pf‘lt “’9 leported thls wreck-t Mmersmmd mar this mu. ‘3 ° 1" w not ad a g o num er 0 VVVeVVl Oh Pigs; some young cattle’;l\1en.’s High Singleâ€" 3111f! JlDl) at the corner of King; 8'39, on the. Millbrook road, THURS.-FRI.~S'AT. . . ' aon .' ' . v r. ‘, , , """" ' ou -o.-t. , .. . r , . . g? nth men had a perfed nighth 60 dairy cattle were savgd whenl Men S High Tripleâ€" .- lif it milllirt1 bgacaliir? rigging]: llVIeiltlonl‘goanfzo‘ili rt “700d 0f dld “0t lose One game. thus: it’d out bV M Danford hinPat Kent ............ 7631‘ - a I 3 i [k I -e new owner. .- - 0 0 . . . P- : ~, , . . g 0111‘ sky-scrapers looated there Mr. Woodis havmo- ne‘ 8 r “mum, the prize. 8011 and a hired man {Men sHigh Averageâ€" luamely Th I 0 O F H ll, h d he ces an .. , _ r. -.v . .- .'â€"~ e . . . . a .0 anoes ma eatt efarm and - - r . . . . 'K _ . _ :.. a V halt“, l’ll‘: :hVChVVV: hill“ ed to; en Blair . . . .. ..... ... ..... 198V 'Vl‘he Tï¬mntO-D‘mnlnlon Bank! is expected to move here in the . 'v sV-‘ar e in 0 av mow; lav. ' . Fallis’ Block or Thelneal‘ future. was discovered by Mr. DaVn-V' TEAM STANDRI'GS CFOWIBY Red and White StoreV A Toronto man, formerly ofi , - tor-d Varound o o clock whilerveSt Enders .. ........... 106r Wen-p, mighty glad'this W95 an Peterborough was in Th'e‘Re-icm' TAKES A SPIN the hired man was busy milk-l Rink-It-Dinks V 103? error and not the fact, as we porter Office on TuesdaV.V.0N‘MIIAI-BRDOK ROAD l mg 111 VVthe stable. .. ,Downttowners V ....... 103Vwould sure hate to see any of seeking information as to‘ai V! VVVV'VIV‘Vlle VVlVEZIIbViV-chchVllV ViVIVIV'Ve \viiiiiiiié’ 300m? .. . . .. . . . . . .. 100V. :Vhe tVoVurV iViVnVentViV’oned removed houth‘VrVor farnVIV tb purchase. We While coming in on the Mill- r ’ L z . .Unm liners ........... . : "Mn leir .oun ations. put 1m ont e rail f ‘ . .v - 3 help of friends and neighbours Bankers __________ gis'i TPiCk t 0 Gordon brOOk mad I“ Enday eYen‘ng’. ngV which a 333%: 11“]an ('rew (‘uts . . . V VVVVV Frag Lowery out With a - - Va (Vear (VdVr-u-enV by VBev Reld tool; ga lei-e. suceeVe e in warm: liar-keteers VVVVVVVVVVVV 86 race orse» and sulky, gettino . a â€1“)" “'19" It went out. 0 other farm bmldmgs and the-Hillbillies 851th" animal in Spring training MI-LLBROOK m FINfL t“°““‘°1 and “med 0"â€, right‘ house- ,The 1035 ‘0 the Dan-lCUIIltE’I‘S ................ 84 and ready for any “snap†.M‘ubr‘mk defe‘ited‘ I‘eene‘iinï¬tself avain but in the ri h - . 0 , H . . r . O D g t V fmds ““11 run closVe to $00,000. i Whing Ding-s VVVVVVVVVVVV 8.}. horse races that may bob up Vlawatha Combines Monday: about-face position. JOhn Blair {There was some insurance on. : Murp-hies VVVVVVVVVVVVVV 8'3 bftween now and Fall Fair will? atVthe local arena beforeV was soming inat the-time and â€1“ property. Substitbutes ...... ....... SSVI‘me- ' 'r’ a can}; crode, 8 fm 2’ .thPS talk-1 the car driven by Rev went to .___..-,___ i Ree. Aze VVVVVVV V VVVVVVVVVV 81V _.M--_.__. rill.â€" , 9 59““ a tafhlosï¬f “19V past. him but made aerobatic EUCHRE PATY tRalnlambs .............. 75 1V GOSSIP AMONG THE , '. . aligzlforglihe ‘1‘;ng capers When it skidded on the l Thursday. March l9th,there.I Boat Bl}‘ld'9l'5 ----------- :3 {LOCAL TEENâ€"AGES (-hampionship- 7 Ll maï¬' JOhn 533's the-car just ,' will be a Proaressive Euchre: RIdl‘lSlI‘lalS ...... .. ...... all . Veame to a stop a. few-fleet from . . v . 7v-Dee-M’s ....... 69‘ . “is W- 39" was 11Ԡh t ’ Pa 't ' at Carmel l .O.l_l. Hall d:. B teen-a e1“ . . - . . I... . ur dont be tholldayVhazard _l coxiuilemino- VVV 8 pim. Prizes: . liallleOI'U VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 64V You sin-Z VVVVV :BVVVflVVV VTo acluexe Stu-fess. one mustV but eonSIderable. damage wad â€"-|l YOU drink-don’t drive 1 i lunch a (Flood Time for All. Vanguards ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 63V wood aet 'aren’lt‘ VVIIVlVV VlVl1_H(,)Vn almako an attempt. ldo'np the cart V ' : Admission 350. Everyone we}. Vl‘om‘ Rangers ----- . ....... 3,0 ‘E’ ’ " *1 e ' VV ' " ' ‘ ‘ . m _,___~__ 0 V _Jl â€"'. »,â€"r...â€"___ l tome. l (ROWLEY’S RED WHITE l i i v Q n u l I You re a pretty good nnnrn-k-l l m“““mw:m“wmï¬rwl Legion Notes _ :- 5W.“'u'n'n'ul‘.W'n'n'u'n'n'u'u‘uï¬'u'fu'u'n'.'u'uï¬'flu'u'u'n'n‘n'u'u'u'u'l . s_ l Hey (LE. who ’5 this \voV,son O ' Th . . M . _ â€0m 33""19 We and t t% {H $2.1; Pen urs. arch 26th * ' ' D.F‘. ‘2 Afternoon Tea 1 As previously mentioned,‘ It * * * . g . 3 Hot Cross Buns 39c duel: g Orders Taken For Easter lillies ‘Mums -c Phone. 22 Happy Easter to All WWWamv-mpï¬x â€"â€"â€"__._...___._n W. ___.--__._ l liven a tombstone will sari llllOl‘Pi‘lt‘d 111 community effort. good things about a. guy when In the Millbrook Waiting Room Saturday, March Ztst, 1959 Commencing at 2.30 p.m. Sponsored by the Local Association in aid of . BROWNIES AND GUIDES ________ Millbrook along- with the rest. WWMEï¬ï¬'f-ï¬ï¬‚mï¬wm-W » g , 7 . f the province about 4.30 on' ' ,________ Uur March meeting was well? . B 8 G l 1 attended despite the rough qunddy attlrnotm and L'On'l oys Ir 5 ver! Il. weather. President Arthur :Vlnueduntil'ngormng. tï¬o‘gf’ï¬'l? i: If‘ . . . . l‘lntlit was absent duo to ill- amabe was one 111 e 1 J E you are interested in trammg to bepart of our local 3' l Millbrook l'traneh 402 is always l organizations in our area to a' very worthwhile project of l 'The members have voted their he‘s down. i l which more will be heard in? i E support along with other i g HIGH WIND? SUNDAY i‘ w A spasm of March winds hit. i ll 9 n 0 a 1‘ f1 ll u l' C . maammuvmaxasmvhwam iness but our r'dpable V1). John lag? thatwe 11‘â€le Of’ the only Bubl‘e Band see Lieut- J- Fawcett 01‘ M1“. H. V. Kent. il’avne the popular Pontypool thlng Of a.- rumor nature was: ’ ' ‘ the collapse of part of the. lauv'tioum-, was in the chair. 1 Instruments Provided, Training FREE i west wall of the “lnonstrlosity'†. . :that is beinv dismantled anv-r . l Membership continues to; wav †‘ i The band IS: 51301150er by grow but there are still a mun-3 [\number of TV an‘eunaai M-"b , . , . .-_ ,. , l . - I rook Br n . ’gilllnlfgiflilr(:1§?ot irirdrc’ewle; were blown over and a barn on! a (h 402’ (anadlan legl0n ( l . ' ' ‘ S t ‘7‘ "‘ C“ 0 *' " ""1 the farm of Mr. W Larmer‘i wmmvmmwmm Wad-m: ‘ tar): Weld-on Coulter, to make; lost its roof i _ A- _._.“ '-'- , . ~ application. 3 ' _._. _._...._ mmmmxwmawavmmwmm l l l The lmu’lon sponsored buglei WELL DONE! l 5' ' CANTATA When you Deposit them in a Guaranteed Investment . . , . . -, ,- . _ V . .. Congratulations to our ub-i Certlflcate for ï¬ve years. VVlVlchld lh looking for rtcrlllts.§1ic ch 1 the )u ils f' iii-hi ( l ’ ' alt is understood that bloys and; S 00 ’ .‘ " I p ’ .O' W l. 5 rom Ivet to a var llrll'lrl 10 and over will be (.0nV’SCOI‘9d 2 ï¬rsts, 3 seconds and . . h 2- a third in chorus singing at tho‘ Amounts of $100.00 and up may be left on Deposit. . lvou are interested in training . . Inter“; 15 Payable half-yeaflY- isee Lt J Faweett or H V ;lrestiva1 this week, â€"â€"â€"u-â€"_â€" lsidered for membership. l: i. i a i i . Peterborough Kiwanis Musical; 5': will be presented by the choir of " i E St. Andrew’s United Church 3: i under the direction of ' MR. STANLEl Y NORTHRUP GOOD FRIDAY EVENING lKent. Instruments provided iandtraining free. i HOME BAKING SALE V i - 3 Will be held Saturday, Mart-hf Because of various other} 28th, in Coulter Bros. Ltd.l lac-tivities and unpleasant wea-tHardware Store at. 2.00 p.m. i Vlther, the Friday night. open-fAuspices of C.G.l.T. Group‘ Authorized by Law for the Investment of Trust Funds. _.‘.......-. Vi CTORI A and GREY {house was not as well attended; of Bailieboro and Eraserville. l MARCH 27th AT 8‘00 P‘M' l as it othermse would have been.:Pro(-ee(ls towards mIddies. It a SOLOISTS-z TRUST COMPANY V‘Th'ose. present reported a real; â€"â€"‘â€"-' l Mrs. S. Northrup, MTS- G- A.Spicer, Mrs». '11. Win- Vgood evening. BLV LADY LIONS i Q1122; Mid; J.JM;Â¥Iasl'-er, MrnirH. JOugVI‘httiir 4.37 GEORGE smug:- pxrmnonouen , ,__..__. i The regular monthly meet-t : 9- - . ““33““ 3-2. ' ea, - i If You keep your ear to the: ing will beheld at the home of i Gordon Mlght’ MI" D011 â€â€œ9â€? rground yiou can pick up a lot Mrs. H. A. Kerr lop. Monday,' Collection 3‘5er Welcome lot? dirt. VV . . iMar-oh 23rd, at 8 p.111. l