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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 19 Mar 1959, p. 4

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_ _-__m...{. uuu- rnwuo "Hf“ d 01'3““ SALE REGISTER (In-(is by parking .011 main gathers to see him helped out flmroughfaros at rush hours; of an automobile wreck. , Hfu'mg ‘80“ his house, a; pumping the horn in a traffié Everything the man~at-“:he- A‘uctlfm Sale Of Household jam; stallink and bumping wheelfibes that attracts undue ‘Ifiutrmtrgref Etc." the property 0f whm trying to park. {attentlon is bad driving. “A i 1' V‘ 311mm HadFWOOd’ Ifonty- A drii'er is conspicuous when good driver is inconspicuous a?' p 0013 ml! be held 111 that wllage his name is called our in policg all fimPS". ' fin Sgurday, March 28th’ 1959’ Pom-t: when he has to admit to‘ M_ {at 1.30 p.111. Terms Cash. N0 . .‘ , , fl Reserve. Te 8- e 2 l - ' fliends that hls hgepee has been It takes 10 mche of snow to ,- R J. Pavnn‘ film-fiolgezrlgyrtkj ““1”?“de and h“ 1* very. "91‘3", meal an inch of rain. ‘ pé-o! Oritario “ I f n 6i K“. ”M ~~~ a” Iimcx‘. Remember Thaf~AiIK a sure way ‘ (315' at 1:1) 1T- ng'uEzzx‘rnnsintvm good drlvulg. And if it isn't consis’vnr, i; v is” ‘T "1-411. ’â€" .\ppl_v that definition and )‘ml will wot-light bad driving f every degree: frOm racing at 90 m.p. h'. wifh a blaring horn, Radio and tn cluttering up windows with Vita hinder dive and baby boots. 111g fit from ‘ollowing too closely, cutt- training exp ingwin, lane straddling, passing An authorit; on curves are all ('mlSpic-uousâ€" val gives p1 and all bad driving. So is‘ lnafiug along a busv hiohmo‘V‘ -â€"â€" when 0 A desire fur recognition is one of the basic. human needn Thv young. and the immature (who may nut be 51:; yuung) oftvn seek the recuguition they (‘I’RYV by nxgl-;n.- +Ln-u _,,1, often seek the recognition the raw by makinv thmnsclve -0nspi uuux. Th2: is para; ularh' Inn on the roads. {710733th the but sh“rt defi WHERE IN CONSPICUOUS REALLY COUNTS PAGE FOUR H ”any the but shf'rt defi 0.? good dzhing is “A r’nux ix I.\(‘(>\Sl’1(‘i'- It all imes. Remember it s a. sure way Ii; 19 0 "consistent good drhing if it 1st t consis (M ii. *msol \‘PS 2 parai- with 'ita hinder, gets tips 111g fir from Toronto television actress PROFE Q” N 'D ION AL ADVICE V1 actress Iiun each week t on kwp- \n)1.1,ld-be~aihletos ,-_-._.- w 121111111121 1)\ 1115‘ 2-â€" 1~v~w 1111111111 he 11111111 months 1111311211 1115 11111111112111‘1111111 Collegc his Saturdav 1111111111152 Iresul‘rcd in a donease 111 111 11211111\ sunk in \1 111111 the 1111131111111 1111 the Trans Canada ! 111111111111 of cases reported, 1111 111111111111 commanv 111m notu'm‘l' 0f CTBC I‘dle though it is expected that there 11111» "3%. 11211111" up 1111 2 c- as 0-11 the Hy1110. \Vhe _~ with the coming of. ' c. (0111panv raise rates "0'3- SALE REGISTER Tuber” ‘5 11.5 11111 501-1111111111 third 1 Two cases of tuberwlms.’”1‘1“" 111111 they (101” Haxing sold his house, anjwu 1'. vcro 111a011<1511d in 141'111111111' as 111912111“ 1100513 Henm: *1 Auction Sale of Househoid Wu.“ Week to athletes and lletvs on. Sports Saturday morning.» the Trans-Canada ,5 The small gifts donated ’thé members to be encbosed 1“he VV.A. bale, sent to W. IHouSe in Toronto in April, : distribution to the Missio includod~tbwelsg soap, 'Wa ; cloths, sweaters, babies knitt I gdods and other items a i were 70D display on a tab] qu ,"Alsb. a large finished Emade by the members of t i quflting commiftee. N ext meeting will be of Mrs, H. A. Turner Herb Trick and Mi Kent were supper han l A letter was read from Rev. Robert Green St. A11drew":. l Rec-torv Lac! La Biche Alberta, telling of the interesting work,i in thnir Mission -‘ J « from the Ca r03 " _ Mrs. Leslie Graham chapter, “Healing the A " ‘ A letter was Toronto Dim-e nounciup their I 'I more was a good attel , at 11 nor rogular mouthlv n {11' Hm \\ nmon s Au\ilia1 f 'I homas Anglican chum-h J (lax m wing at home of M A Lampbell. The Sari [lesson II. Cs‘or . 5- 1-.4 was {In MN. -I. Edwm- Damn ’* (my evening at home of Mrs. T. A. Campbell. The Scripture [lesson H. Cm. 5:14 was read by Mm. J. Edgar Palfrey, I The W.A. Prayers and Litâ€" any were conducted by the' president, Mrs. J. W. Hilton." Mrs. Reginald Fallis, secre-f tary, gave. 1110. report of the; last meeting, and the roll 0311.; Mrs. Leslie Bristow, treas . ,, reflorted a balance in the bank. 9‘ A ‘l A 1 .A. BAKE SALE TO BE HELD APRIL 4th IuLVuIUCl'S pres At the 49 immunization cliu-- were new m iL‘S held a? m:hob1<, Health Unit “P91111191? Shir ")fficfl‘fl and other centrengar-V Larmer. throughout the Counties, 1642 It Wt“ move ’ persons completed the series orfo-emner be 1311 I received reinforcing doses for committee to S‘ ' protection against~ (one or nmre the sick, 970- ‘ 0f the (-ommnnicable diseasesâ€"«f BE‘U' Kent 4 {diphtheria whooping cough,'Kiflsman were i tetunas, poliomelitis or smallq i2? their ‘0an g pox. at Cavan. Maternity, Infant, Preschool ; ‘ n W“ 5‘0“ During Februam' public RI'OXYIIIE’S wlouk hmlth nurses made 511 visits Sale 111 :he near to hbnms, mostly for health 'V‘Vere also. comc supvx-vision of maternity pa’i- [Pa and “31"“ outs. infants and children! ’Saturday. Marc 1d other items, and ‘ display on a table. large finish-ed quilt the members of theT {measles 42 gen. ‘59 chickenpox nmses made 37 i behalf bf D‘ersc LurlL‘ were :4) reports- .01 rabid animals-44â€" fmm N'rth. ‘armborlaml and 12 from Dur- ham. The animals were .12 vines, T L'v‘viues, Ifi‘slu‘vp, :2 l1"1‘.Ԥ(‘.\‘. 1 skunk and 1 (log. .13 rabies iln‘ostigations were car- rml out by the sanilary inspec- tors. The stahling of sleek during The winter months has resulted in a don-ease in 111-? number of cases reported, though it is expected that there will be a rise in incidence again with The coming of .snrino- ' k and I‘VIissLu Elieni Supper hostedses . behalf bf persons with a 1111111icable disease, esu f0: scarlx‘ fox er and “-1“ There were 26' rabid animals-14 1-‘mbol‘land and 1 . . I Commumcable D1saase ; . . g C-mnmumcable Dlseases raw pox-1H] during the month iotaL; led 145. and included 47 red" :OIIQ'h N. D. HEALTH REPORT FOR MON TH OF FEBRUARY --\- I.“ hue; Lllt St 11d \ Buzok was read from $119} )itocesan Board 2111:" their 73rd annual} Toronto May 4-6. F Immunization The Mlxslons soap,- wash abies knitted; completh for ’ ‘ 71.7” good attendance AW" "m“- “mouthlv nleetino s Auxilian’ Sr, ‘ AUG _-D m ,Satur in Coultor’s donated 11v? embosed in} It to W. L? IApriI for e Mlvlonx oap, washf )ies knitted; terns, andi m a table , ;hed quilt ers of the er. Mrs. i VIiss Ellen I )stedses l IIIIIIIFII H I“ made 511 visits >stly for health maternity pa‘i- [(1 children. ; unease, exueciallv fox er and Whoopiwy erman measles, and 0;, Public health 37 hnme visits {~11 read a Sick, ‘ ’ c ‘ Who i Lumber Rough or Dressed, ’ also Hard and Soft Wood Slabs ,r PHONE 70 w : MILLBROOK, ONTARIO "1" r 2".” w.‘ i m- ux't-muel‘ we put on a card com-' 313;; aa d CO?“ ragsentmg for oommittee to send out cards tol ~._ _n 0 ' 2 'OI‘B the Sick, ei‘c. For Sakiâ€"40 Pigs‘.“ Apply 60 3...; Be‘tv Kent and Mrs. M. Earl Armstrong, phone Mill- g to organ- . brook 181.123. 3t at (‘avan I” For Sale~l§¢led (llâ€"over Hay. 01 i ll was (leoided that the {1,0571 Sun. 11, Phone 10Lw-2 lic‘ Brownies wlould hold a cookie; M‘llb1'00k~' 3t its sale in the near future. Plansl ‘ th were also completed for the' ‘ y ‘ ‘ qual‘e). ‘i- lva and bake Sale to 129 heldl APPLY Walter Widdis. phone (Saturday, MiaI‘L‘h 21$t 1n the, 223_r-22 Millbrook. ' It i‘VRitiug‘ Room. --.-.__..-_.~_-l ; Meeting was closed afterEFOI‘ Sale-Red.Cl ‘which lunch was served, The!‘ _ ,‘noxr meeting: will be held at fill fa mixed, in bales. “the homo - . Apply of Mrs. Neax'o on; Rorrze GOhEP 11, phone Turner e’Am-H 10th. {lo-25461 Port Hope. 3: ()‘ _â€"â€".--~ , C [For Sale-Typewriters, latesI” AUCTION SALE l models. U Having sold his farm, Mn? ., , , ' ~ '1‘. Herbert Seney, part east Blodels, also .Remmgt‘on. and ; half of L0; 12, Concession 1],, V Ictor Adding Maclnnes. Gavan Township, will hold an} -Te1:ms to smt your budwt or . A11fa+;nn 0;}- , n m . .. _ , 11' U1" aale-'l‘_vpewriters, latesf” ” AUCTION SALE Models. Underwood and Re- . Having sold his farm. MM mingtnn, Portables and Offica '1‘. Herbert Se‘ney, parf east "Bgodels, also.R.e1ni11gtb11. and . half of L01 12, Concession 1],, Vlctor Adflm}: Maehmes. “ Cavan Township, will hold an4 Terms to 81m your budget Or Auction Sale of Catfle, Sheep, as_ low as $1‘ ‘30“? $1' a thltx'y. Hay. Implements and" week. Contact .ere Steacy. some Household Furniture on fhone {34W Mxllbnook. 3t ; Saturday, March 14th, 1959, on MALE HELFWTNEF the above premises, beginning f “who- ;". o _‘ U__ at 1.00 o‘clock. Terms Cash. : Large. Lmted States a Slanley Miller, Auctioneer, Pe1 dlan Manufacturm terborougfla, Ont. z I'Prnliv-ne 13:41 J 11d Cana- g Company ‘ Rfly Willmott, Q,c 3 Be‘ty Kent and Mrs. M. 'Kinsman were going to organ- ize their town group committee at Cavan. 3 It was derided that the; {rownies wlould hold a cookie,! sale in the near future. Plans! were also completed for the' TM: and Bake Sale to be held} Saturday. March 21st in the] \Vaitiug‘ Room. I The meeting of the Locad 1 Association met at the home of Mrs, Kenneth Foottit. on ThurS- day, March 12th, with fifteen? {members presenf, of which 3] IIVAQ-A It was moved that Oolleeniprg‘Plf’fF’ flfor Bremner be put on a card com-‘ 1' t a. («ommittee to send out cards to] ~Powes‘apd the sick. etc_ in A. , ted4S90011d hand Furnb ' ture, China, Glassware ,Books mes. I etc. Plime 266 Millbrook. - It muld be intmestinn to â€" , - know if the 10ml emplo§ees Wantedâ€"Li» ePoultry. Hign also got a 25% pay bomt, but, pmces P aid M I‘lett, RR 1 :0f course «his is a horse of an ‘ I13613118111); phone 7-r-l3 col~ other colour. “’ mex A case of “dag.“ cat dog" was A pulled loff in Millbrook thig Lad yea-1r. The Hydro luwered tlw in t; (lmnestfc and commercial rates 0111 for electricity Wllll'll wag very ing: much appreciated by the mom. sinfi ,7 ‘ .. Attention Home Builders now have a. plan that shall take =.w members, Colleen; Shirley Sanders and! ! Thyme was a time when a fool soon parted. ow it human in UP AND DOWN eating up the sav Hydro. W'hen This announcvnlont had .~: in when the local rates, \fhich third, since 5' don‘ t fool raised their 'I'l'l'umg'g'fifihl MILLBROOK , -,-w\\ -) auu L'allla- dian Manufacturing Company requires Field Represent atives for Gavan and Man-- x'ers 'I‘mvuships. Exception- ally high eariugs. Guaran- teed repeat business. Auto- mobile essential. Agricul- tural or farming background most important. Sales train- mg given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ontariio. had All fiâ€"M SHOW Is Your Opportunity. â€" Good Rd“1€l"h Business 1190:? av'ailable 111 Write for information, Ra.w. Leigh’s Dept. (3383 922 400; Rieheheu, Montreal, Que. h answers to name : 1: wt 13%;} ontypo; )1‘) on 1"1'iday, March 20th. Dane- mg from 9 p.111. until ?Admis- Ladif -Wâ€"n uarK Tan Hm; answers to name “Mike”, If found please phone 98 dayâ€" Iinw, or 85 M'mn'nm DANCE AT PONTYPOOL Welcome . FOR 85.: of your Sale ? uuUCP ausphx ().1£.; . \xilllae age Hal} Pontv Malch 20th I LOST Exception. Guaran- is Auto- Agricul- {1 1. Call Gord

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