TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1962 AT 1: 30 P M. 30 HEAD, HORNED AND POLLED 6 BULLS â€"â€" SOME ELIGIBLE FOR GOVT. BONUS ' COWS WITH CALVES BRED AND DIP-EN HEIFERS . . FOR CATALOGUES, WRITE THESECRETARY. ROY PHELP, Pres, JOHN RICHARD, Sec.. Port Hope, Ont. , Newcastele, Ont. WW'EE‘RJNW KIND IS PLACED IN LOCATIONS MENTIONED ABOVE. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHORITY OFFICE. 386 BURNHAM STREET PETERBOROUGH RI 5-3802 lllllllllllallI:IinIIlsalull-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GOD SAVE THE QUEEN IIIIIIIIIISIEIBIIIIBBEIIIEEIEUEIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIBIIEEIIIEIIEIflllfllIIIIEIIIEIIIIIIIIII The Otonabee Region Conservation Authority has passed regulations under Section 20 of the Conserv- ation Authorities Act to regulate the dumping of ï¬ll in any river. creek or stream in .the area under the iurisdiction Of the Authority. PERMISSION IN WRITING MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE AUTHORITY BEFORE FILL OF ANY ADULTS 50c ~ CHILDREN 256 IIIIIIIIIIEIHIIIIIIIIll-HIDE!IIEIMEEEIIIHEIIEI .IIII-IlHun-IIBHBï¬lllmflhllflï¬ï¬‚flï¬ï¬‚flï¬ï¬‚fla:luna- III-IIIIIIII; PlflIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ROBERT SISSON PRESIDENT FEATURING VOCAL, CHORAL 6: INSTRUMENTAL SELECTIONS ‘ ‘ PLUS A ONE-ACT COMEDY ’SHE MARRIED WELL’ CONVWITION TGWN HALL 0RON0 WEDNESDAY APRIL 4 8PM. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH. MILLBROOK REGULATIONS T0 CONTROL THE DUMPING 0F FILL DR. R. P. VIVIAN. M.P. ALEX CARRUTHE‘R‘S. M.L.A. AND OTHER PROMINENT SPEAKERS EVERYONE WELCOME SELECTING ,A CANDIDATE DURHAM 'COUNTY ‘SHORTHORN CLUB 41 ST ANNUAL SALE AT BLACKSTUCK - DURHAM PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION AT MILLBROOK TOWN HALL F‘Rl‘D'AY ; S'AITUIREDAY EV‘EN‘IfNPGS FOIR ;G*ELN‘E*RIAIL BUSINESS AND VARIETY PROGRAMME FEDERAL ELECTION CREER EERCERT APRIL 6 7 BY THE OHOIR‘S OF FOR THE THE MILLBROOK REFORM, BEA] AND W. K. LYCETT SECRETARY The next meeting is May 11 at Zion School, where Mrs. Robert La-mner will she Ihostess teacher. Discussion will be Standardized Tests and Tests of Learning Capacity. President Mrs. Irene Fer. guso'n presided. Mrs. Homer Duel-lette was hostess for the social half {houm ‘ Inspector G. A. Holmes dis cussed OISR cards. 'M'l-lJUBsï¬aOOK .. CA’VWN; T‘EFAiUHESR‘S 'GIR:01|J+P The group met Friday aft-er moon in Wbrook Sdhoofl. Sev ‘enteen attended. We regret to report that Miss Mabel Charry suffered an accident on the sidewalk on King Street on Wednesday af- ternOon. She was taken into‘ N o’nthey’s Beauty Parlour. Dr. J. W. Wright attended- her. He; cal-led an ambulance, [and Miss Ollarry was taken [to Civilc Hos- pital in Petenbo-ro, where it was found that ‘her hip was 'faraetured. W‘mflfl‘uï¬ aï¬ï¬â€™n‘uW-ï¬u‘ MILIL'B'RO‘OEK aCO‘U'NICIL Council meets this Monday at 8 pm. ALI citizens are wel- come. Please try to amend. EWIWVnRa‘aï¬â€˜n'nï¬â€˜Jï¬â€˜nW- Fri-day, April 6, 7:30 pm. Durham County Annual Seed Judging Competition, Dept. of Agriculture, Board Room, Bowmanvil'le. Tuesday, April 3, 1:30 pm. B-l-acksto‘ck, Dunham Short- h‘orn Club Annual Sale. Anyone interested in Sw- ine, Sheep, poultry, grain, corn silage, apple clubs are also welcome. Age limit 12. by January 1, 1962 and not be 21 before Dec. 31, 1962. DURHAM COUNTY CALENDAR Friday, March 30, at 8 pm. O-rono Oddfellows’ Hail Organization Meetings for: 4H Potato Club 4- HDairy Calf Club 4â€"H Beef Calf Ciwb 4-H Tractor Mainxbenrance CI. NOW AT THE CLERK‘S OFFICE ‘MILLB:R'0‘OIK ON THE JOB KEEP YOUR DOG TAGS SERVES FOR YOU YOUR RED CROSS Twelve-yearhold Michele F-inney and Howard The Talking Turtle are two new personalities who have made a mark with young TV viewers this season on ‘CBC-TV’s R'azzlev Dazzle. Letters are coming in to the show at the rate of more rhhan 5000 a montlh. Howard loves mail. The only thing ‘he doesn’t like is the mention of turtle soup-swath enough to make any talking turtle withdraw into his shell. MICHELE AND llllllllllllllllflï¬lï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬afl COACHES FOR‘ CHARTER J. G. STOCK, PE’DERBO‘ROUGH, RI 5-9752 G. A. (GERRY) STOCK, BAILIEBORO 10R1 0R 9R5 mwnlmeN 6:1: Mariana-Lu“; n'f'aaz.:r‘“l\°â€" "a-I'uWJ “MEET AND EAT AT SHADY NOOK†III-lllllllllllualagaaummammaawaaa~wnayazrcua Will-gm alnrznnnnnrr inauuréa Iguana». .Inufffpunu. {It 50!)? III-Ilï¬lllIIIIIIIMEBER hQIElfluflIllï¬ï¬‚lmllllllll SHADY NOOK DAIRY WEMBRWK Residence: Bailieboro 30 Ofï¬ce: Miflbrook 87 OIL BURNERS FURNACES PUMPS Plumbing Replacements Heating Changeover TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Millbrook intends to construct watermains on; North-South line through easement running from King Street to Centre Street â€" one-half way be- tween Union Street and Collins Lane. Centre Street from West of Collins Lane to Union- Street. ‘ _. Union Street north of Centre Street. King Street east from Tupper to Gravel Road. Gravel Road south to Victoria. 2. The estimated cost of «the work is $18,400.00 of which $8,017.50 is .to be paid by the Corpora- tion, and the estimated cost per foot frontage is $4.08. 'Dhe special assessment is to be paid in ï¬f- teen annual instalments. 3 Persons desiring to petition against undertak- ing the work must do so before the 16th day of April, 1962. Dated March 22, 1962. (Sgd.) Gertrude C. GENERAL INSURANCE MILLBROOK LEQUIRE PLUMBING HEATING H. OUELLETTE STOCK BROS. BUS LINES HOWARD KEEP YOUNéETERs HAPPY VILLAGE OF MILLBR‘O'OK [FORM 3 Few of us get dizzy from doing good few full-age ClerkEreasurer. Serving I 36 years. puflets. POULTRY thers want collect J. G Toronto, L] Feed at Extending (l to r ), ! and Ameri: 1he radio studies of 4 dios of the spinning ada new RI 2-7971 PUMPIN‘ Teleph HOW: JA¢